Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi dergisi, Aug 4, 2015
Cumhuriyet Donemi Turk siirinin onde gelen isimlerinden Nazim Hikmet, 1940’li yillardan sonra dun... more Cumhuriyet Donemi Turk siirinin onde gelen isimlerinden Nazim Hikmet, 1940’li yillardan sonra dunyadaki siyasi gelismelere paralel olarak Iran’da da dikkat ceken Turk sair ve yazarlardan biridir. Iran Komunist Partisi’nin kuruldugu donem sonrasinda, Şah Muhammed Riza Pehlevi’nin kucuk ve orta sinif esnafi sistem disi birakma girisimleri, karsit gorusleri harekete gecirmistir. Iran’daki bu toplumsal ve siyasi gelisim Turkiye’de Komunist soylemin tek savunucusu olan Nazim Hikmet’e olan ilgiyi anlasilir kilmaktadir. Zira sairin eserlerinin 1967 yilindan itibaren mensur eserleriyle baslayan ceviri faaliyetleri siirleriyle devam etmistir. Gunumuzde de eserleriyle ilgili calismalar yapilan Nazim Hikmet hâlâ Iran’da kabul goren bir sahsiyettir. Nazim Hikmet’in Iran’da ne zamandan beri ilgi uyandirdigi, eserlerine olan ilginin duzeyinin bilinmesi, bu alanda calisan arastirmacilara kaynaklik edecektir. Siyasi, ictimai ve edebi alanda ayni gelismelerin buyuk olcude paralel yasandigi Iran ve Turkiye, tarihi platformda incelenmeye deger iki ulkedir. Bu baglamda, Iran’da dikkat ceken Nazim Hikmet’le ilgili calismalar onemlidir. Zira sairin 1967 yilinda Samin Bagceban tarafindan Farscaya cevrilen Ferhat ve Şirin adli tiyatro eserinin ilgi gormesi onun manzum ve mensur eserlerinin cevirisine ortam hazirlamistir. Ona olan ilgi bazen de siirlerinin farkli mutercimler tarafindan birkac kez cevrilmesine sebep olmustur. Iran’da akademik arastirmalara konu olan Nazim Hikmet, Iran modern sairlerinin dikkatini de cekmistir. Iran modern sairi Ahmed-i Şamlu yabanci sairlerin siirlerinden yaptigi cevirileri iceren “Buyuk Dunya Şairlerinden Secmeler” adli siir kitabinda Nazim Hikmet’in siirlerine de yer vermistir.
state semi-robotical creatures who simply react to stimuli. Behaviorists make a very important mi... more state semi-robotical creatures who simply react to stimuli. Behaviorists make a very important mistake at this point and skip the commentary. However, first, people make an interpretation related to behavior of the collocutor and then react. Although they are exposed to the same stimuli, reactions of individuals can be very different from each other because of their interpretation related to stimuli. In this article, ''Our Fellow Townsman'' story written by Aziz Nesin is evaluated in terms of symbolic interaction theory.
Modernization activities following “Imperial Edict of Gulhane”, corresponds to the Kacarlar Perio... more Modernization activities following “Imperial Edict of Gulhane”, corresponds to the Kacarlar Period in Iran. In this transition period, Turkish and Iranian intellectuals who were in a dilemma choosing between Western and Eastern cultures, were confronted with many new ideas and movement. There were many conflicts among intellectuals, goverment and the public since it was difficult to adopt to the rapidly changing political enviroment around the world and country during that time. It enables us to achieve significant knowledge by researching political, social and literary developments which gained a certain ground within the constitutional movement, through the contemporary poets and authors. In this context, I will try to enlighten the period by focusing on political and literary lives of the key individuals Mehmet Âkif Ersoy who witnessed the second Constitutionalist Period in Turkey and Mirza Muhammed Taki Melikul’s-Suara Bahar who had similar experience in the first Constitutionalist Period in Iran. There are a number of parallels between political and literary lives of Mirza Muhammed Taki Melikül’sSuara Bahar who lived in the years 18861951 and Mehmet Âkif Ersoy who lived in the years 1873-1936 and their poems. Political, social and economic circumstances of the two countries which were in the First World War, led their poets and intellectuals to fight for freedom. Under the foreign invasions and political pressures in their countries, those two poets also aimed to raise their people’s awareness in the values of their own history, culture and civilization. In this study, two national poets which became prominent figures in their literature histories will be analysed comperatively over the characteristics of the period, and also evaluated according to positivist methodology which argues that literary works are closely linked with writer’s life and products of their lives.
International Journal of Languages' Education, 2017
Yaşar Kemal is a world famous writer with his novel İnce Memed I. Novel that has won the Novel Pr... more Yaşar Kemal is a world famous writer with his novel İnce Memed I. Novel that has won the Novel Present of Varlık Publication has been translated into many languages. First translated into Persian in 1974 by Semin Bağçeban, it has attracted an attention in Iran. Works of Yaşar Kemal have been published by different writers and publishers and it necessitates to study extensively the effects of his works to modern Persian novel. Hasan Mir Abidini who draws attention with his studies on novels and stories in modern Persian literature indicates in his work named Sad Sal-i Dastannevese-ye İran that Madiyan Dağı Üzerinde Bir Çerağ of Mansur Yakuti is the simplified version of İnce Memed I. In this study, with reference to views of Mir Abidini, Madiyan Dağı Üzerinde Bir Çerağ and İnce Memed I will be examined within the context of formative structuralist approach comparatively. We will try to appeal the influence of İnce Memed I on Madiyan Dağı Üzerinde Bir Çerağ by putting forward similarities and differences of two works. Appearance of village novel in Persia began in 1950s but its development was in 1960s and 1970s. Because Shah got impressed by western countries and he couldn't manage income properly, the level of welfare diminished and that got the reaction of people. Although Shah included land reform in reform movements named Beyaz Devrim in order to help society, those reforms were non-permanent. Excessive pressure of western countries on Shah led intellectuals to tend to ordinary village life and national values as a reaction to western thinking with the effects of Marxist idea. The role of translations from western literature is highly important here.
AHMED-İ ŞAMLU'NUN ŞİİRİNİN OLUŞMASINDA NAZIM HİKMET'İN ETKİSİ Özet Nazım Hikmet Türk edebiyatına ... more AHMED-İ ŞAMLU'NUN ŞİİRİNİN OLUŞMASINDA NAZIM HİKMET'İN ETKİSİ Özet Nazım Hikmet Türk edebiyatına şekil ve içerik açısından önemli yenilikler getiren Cumhuriyet Dönemi'nin önemli bir şairidir. Onun şiirinde alışılagelmiş uyak düzeni kalkmış, yerini iç uyak denilen bir ses düzeni almıştır. Bu iç uyak düzeninde, benzer sesler veren sözcükler, şiirin içine-belli bir mimari gerekliliğe göre-serpiştirilir. 1967 yılından itibaren İran'da eserleri Farsçaya çevrilmeye başlanan Nazım Hikmet'in şiiri, İran modern şiirinin önde gelen şairi Ahmed-i Şamlu'nun dikkatini çekmiştir. İran modern edebiyatının önde gelen birkaç şairinden biri olan Ahmed-i Şamlu, Nazım Hikmet'in şiirini ilk kez dinlediğinde, Türkçe bilmemesine rağmen, şiirden oldukça etkilenir. Şamlu, Semin Bağçeban'dan Nazım'ın şiiriyle ilgili açıklamaları dinledikten sonra onun şiirinin özelliklerini daha net anlamaya başlar. İranlı şair, Nazım Hikmet'in şiirini tanıdıktan sonra kendi dilinin özelliklerini keşfetmeye başladığını itiraf etmektedir. Çalışmada Nazım Hikmet'in şiirinin Ahmed-i Şamlu'nun şiirini ne şekilde etkilediği ortaya konulmaya çalışılacak ve her iki şairin şiiri şekil açısından karşılaştırılacaktır.
Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi dergisi, Aug 4, 2015
Cumhuriyet Donemi Turk siirinin onde gelen isimlerinden Nazim Hikmet, 1940’li yillardan sonra dun... more Cumhuriyet Donemi Turk siirinin onde gelen isimlerinden Nazim Hikmet, 1940’li yillardan sonra dunyadaki siyasi gelismelere paralel olarak Iran’da da dikkat ceken Turk sair ve yazarlardan biridir. Iran Komunist Partisi’nin kuruldugu donem sonrasinda, Şah Muhammed Riza Pehlevi’nin kucuk ve orta sinif esnafi sistem disi birakma girisimleri, karsit gorusleri harekete gecirmistir. Iran’daki bu toplumsal ve siyasi gelisim Turkiye’de Komunist soylemin tek savunucusu olan Nazim Hikmet’e olan ilgiyi anlasilir kilmaktadir. Zira sairin eserlerinin 1967 yilindan itibaren mensur eserleriyle baslayan ceviri faaliyetleri siirleriyle devam etmistir. Gunumuzde de eserleriyle ilgili calismalar yapilan Nazim Hikmet hâlâ Iran’da kabul goren bir sahsiyettir. Nazim Hikmet’in Iran’da ne zamandan beri ilgi uyandirdigi, eserlerine olan ilginin duzeyinin bilinmesi, bu alanda calisan arastirmacilara kaynaklik edecektir. Siyasi, ictimai ve edebi alanda ayni gelismelerin buyuk olcude paralel yasandigi Iran ve Turkiye, tarihi platformda incelenmeye deger iki ulkedir. Bu baglamda, Iran’da dikkat ceken Nazim Hikmet’le ilgili calismalar onemlidir. Zira sairin 1967 yilinda Samin Bagceban tarafindan Farscaya cevrilen Ferhat ve Şirin adli tiyatro eserinin ilgi gormesi onun manzum ve mensur eserlerinin cevirisine ortam hazirlamistir. Ona olan ilgi bazen de siirlerinin farkli mutercimler tarafindan birkac kez cevrilmesine sebep olmustur. Iran’da akademik arastirmalara konu olan Nazim Hikmet, Iran modern sairlerinin dikkatini de cekmistir. Iran modern sairi Ahmed-i Şamlu yabanci sairlerin siirlerinden yaptigi cevirileri iceren “Buyuk Dunya Şairlerinden Secmeler” adli siir kitabinda Nazim Hikmet’in siirlerine de yer vermistir.
state semi-robotical creatures who simply react to stimuli. Behaviorists make a very important mi... more state semi-robotical creatures who simply react to stimuli. Behaviorists make a very important mistake at this point and skip the commentary. However, first, people make an interpretation related to behavior of the collocutor and then react. Although they are exposed to the same stimuli, reactions of individuals can be very different from each other because of their interpretation related to stimuli. In this article, ''Our Fellow Townsman'' story written by Aziz Nesin is evaluated in terms of symbolic interaction theory.
Modernization activities following “Imperial Edict of Gulhane”, corresponds to the Kacarlar Perio... more Modernization activities following “Imperial Edict of Gulhane”, corresponds to the Kacarlar Period in Iran. In this transition period, Turkish and Iranian intellectuals who were in a dilemma choosing between Western and Eastern cultures, were confronted with many new ideas and movement. There were many conflicts among intellectuals, goverment and the public since it was difficult to adopt to the rapidly changing political enviroment around the world and country during that time. It enables us to achieve significant knowledge by researching political, social and literary developments which gained a certain ground within the constitutional movement, through the contemporary poets and authors. In this context, I will try to enlighten the period by focusing on political and literary lives of the key individuals Mehmet Âkif Ersoy who witnessed the second Constitutionalist Period in Turkey and Mirza Muhammed Taki Melikul’s-Suara Bahar who had similar experience in the first Constitutionalist Period in Iran. There are a number of parallels between political and literary lives of Mirza Muhammed Taki Melikül’sSuara Bahar who lived in the years 18861951 and Mehmet Âkif Ersoy who lived in the years 1873-1936 and their poems. Political, social and economic circumstances of the two countries which were in the First World War, led their poets and intellectuals to fight for freedom. Under the foreign invasions and political pressures in their countries, those two poets also aimed to raise their people’s awareness in the values of their own history, culture and civilization. In this study, two national poets which became prominent figures in their literature histories will be analysed comperatively over the characteristics of the period, and also evaluated according to positivist methodology which argues that literary works are closely linked with writer’s life and products of their lives.
International Journal of Languages' Education, 2017
Yaşar Kemal is a world famous writer with his novel İnce Memed I. Novel that has won the Novel Pr... more Yaşar Kemal is a world famous writer with his novel İnce Memed I. Novel that has won the Novel Present of Varlık Publication has been translated into many languages. First translated into Persian in 1974 by Semin Bağçeban, it has attracted an attention in Iran. Works of Yaşar Kemal have been published by different writers and publishers and it necessitates to study extensively the effects of his works to modern Persian novel. Hasan Mir Abidini who draws attention with his studies on novels and stories in modern Persian literature indicates in his work named Sad Sal-i Dastannevese-ye İran that Madiyan Dağı Üzerinde Bir Çerağ of Mansur Yakuti is the simplified version of İnce Memed I. In this study, with reference to views of Mir Abidini, Madiyan Dağı Üzerinde Bir Çerağ and İnce Memed I will be examined within the context of formative structuralist approach comparatively. We will try to appeal the influence of İnce Memed I on Madiyan Dağı Üzerinde Bir Çerağ by putting forward similarities and differences of two works. Appearance of village novel in Persia began in 1950s but its development was in 1960s and 1970s. Because Shah got impressed by western countries and he couldn't manage income properly, the level of welfare diminished and that got the reaction of people. Although Shah included land reform in reform movements named Beyaz Devrim in order to help society, those reforms were non-permanent. Excessive pressure of western countries on Shah led intellectuals to tend to ordinary village life and national values as a reaction to western thinking with the effects of Marxist idea. The role of translations from western literature is highly important here.
AHMED-İ ŞAMLU'NUN ŞİİRİNİN OLUŞMASINDA NAZIM HİKMET'İN ETKİSİ Özet Nazım Hikmet Türk edebiyatına ... more AHMED-İ ŞAMLU'NUN ŞİİRİNİN OLUŞMASINDA NAZIM HİKMET'İN ETKİSİ Özet Nazım Hikmet Türk edebiyatına şekil ve içerik açısından önemli yenilikler getiren Cumhuriyet Dönemi'nin önemli bir şairidir. Onun şiirinde alışılagelmiş uyak düzeni kalkmış, yerini iç uyak denilen bir ses düzeni almıştır. Bu iç uyak düzeninde, benzer sesler veren sözcükler, şiirin içine-belli bir mimari gerekliliğe göre-serpiştirilir. 1967 yılından itibaren İran'da eserleri Farsçaya çevrilmeye başlanan Nazım Hikmet'in şiiri, İran modern şiirinin önde gelen şairi Ahmed-i Şamlu'nun dikkatini çekmiştir. İran modern edebiyatının önde gelen birkaç şairinden biri olan Ahmed-i Şamlu, Nazım Hikmet'in şiirini ilk kez dinlediğinde, Türkçe bilmemesine rağmen, şiirden oldukça etkilenir. Şamlu, Semin Bağçeban'dan Nazım'ın şiiriyle ilgili açıklamaları dinledikten sonra onun şiirinin özelliklerini daha net anlamaya başlar. İranlı şair, Nazım Hikmet'in şiirini tanıdıktan sonra kendi dilinin özelliklerini keşfetmeye başladığını itiraf etmektedir. Çalışmada Nazım Hikmet'in şiirinin Ahmed-i Şamlu'nun şiirini ne şekilde etkilediği ortaya konulmaya çalışılacak ve her iki şairin şiiri şekil açısından karşılaştırılacaktır.
Papers by Yesim İsik