Preventive Veterinary Medicine

Schistosomiasis is a snail-borne trematode infection in man and animals in tropical and subtropic... more Schistosomiasis is a snail-borne trematode infection in man and animals in tropical and subtropical countries. It is an economically important disease caused by several Schistosoma species and results in economic losses through mortality and morbidity from severe infection and from long-term effect of moderate- and long-standing chronic infection. This study was conducted from November 2013 to April 2014 to determine the prevalence and potential host-related risk factors of bovine and ovine schistosomiasis in selected sites of South Achefer district, northwest Ethiopia. About 532 faecal samples were collected from randomly selected cattle and sheep from three purposively selected peasant associations. The samples were processed with sedimentation technique to detect Schistosoma ova using light microscopy. Results indicated that the overall prevalence of schistosome infection was significantly higher (P 0.05) with age or gender in either species. Therefore, well-planned deworming aim...
International Journal of Veterinary Health Science & Research

Schistosomiasis is a snail-borne trematode infection in man and animals in tropical and subtropic... more Schistosomiasis is a snail-borne trematode infection in man and animals in tropical and subtropical countries. It is an economically important disease caused by several Schistosoma species and results in economic losses through mortality and morbidity from severe infection and from long-term effect of moderate-and long-standing chronic infection. This study was conducted from November 2013 to April 2014 to determine the prevalence and potential host-related risk factors of bovine and ovine schistosomiasis in selected sites of South Achefer district, northwest Ethiopia. About 532 faecal samples were collected from randomly selected cattle and sheep from three purposively selected peasant associations. The samples were processed with sedimentation technique to detect Schistosoma ova using light microscopy. Results indicated that the overall prevalence of schistosome infection was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the cattle (24.6%) than in the sheep (2.3%). Only Schistosoma bovis ...

Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal, 2019
The genus Edwardsiella (E.) is a Gram-negative, glucose fermentative, catalase positive, and capa... more The genus Edwardsiella (E.) is a Gram-negative, glucose fermentative, catalase positive, and capable of producing H 2 S and indole (except E. ictaluri). It comprises the three previously isolated E. tarda, E. hoshinae, E. ictaluri and the two recently isolated E. piscicida, E. anguillarum species. Except E. hoshinae, other Edwardsiella spp. are pathogenic to fish, and only E. tarda is known to cause human infection. Pathogenic Edwardsiella spp. uses the virulence factors that include flagellin, adhesin, hemolysin, type III and type VI secretion systems to gain entry into and survive within the host. The status and distribution of edwardsiellosis in fish and its public health significance in Ethiopia is poorly understood, and thus needs further studies as aquaculture is growing in the country. Since differentiation of Edwardsiella spp. based only their phenotypic characteristics is less discriminatory than their genotypic characteristics, thus phenotypic studies should always be followed by genetic analysis of the bacterium. Therefore, the objective of this seminar paper is to review Edwardsiella infections in fish, its zoonotic importance and status in Ethiopia.
Volume 7: Issue 2 by YOSEPH KERIE

SciDoc Publishers, 2019
It is not strange to see animals suffering from diarrhea. But what is really strange and challeng... more It is not strange to see animals suffering from diarrhea. But what is really strange and challenge is identifying the exact cause of that diarrhea with appropriate diagnostic methods and attaching the patient with the corresponding treatment. Wide varieties of etiologies are incriminated as a cause of diarrhea in different animals. Consequently, to identify which causative agent causes this diarrhea, special type of diagnostic methods are required. Veterinarians must give special attention for the cryptosporidial infection since cryptosporidial oocysts are directly infective when shed in the faeces and also caution must be given to avoid accidental infection seeing as it is a zoonotic disease. Cryptosporidiosis is an intracellular protozoal disease that cause diarrhea in neonatal animals. But can infect adult animals which cannot exhibit sings of disease except immunocompromised patient.
Volume 7: Issue 2 by YOSEPH KERIE