Papers by Willibald Rosner
NÖ Institut für Landeskunde eBooks, 2021
Das Werk ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Die dadurch begründeten Rechte, insbesondere die der Übe... more Das Werk ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Die dadurch begründeten Rechte, insbesondere die der Übersetzung, des Nachdruckes, der Entnahme von Abbildungen, der Rundfunk-oder Fernsehsendung, der Wiedergabe auf fotomechanischem oder ähnlichem Wege und der Speicherung in Datenverarbeitungsanlagen, bleiben, auch bei nur auszugsweiser Verwendung, vorbehalten. Ein Jahr nach Veröffentlichung des gedruckten Buchs wird dieses Werk als Open-Access-Publikation zur Verfügung stehen. Alle Texte inklusive der Grafiken und Tabellen unterliegen der Creative-Commons-Lizenz BY International 4.0 ("Namensnennung"), die unter einzusehen ist. Jede andere als die durch diese Lizenz gewährte Verwendung bedarf der vorherigen schriftlichen Genehmigung des Verlages. Ausgenommen vom Anwendungsbereich dieser Lizenz sind Abbildungen. Die Inhaber*innen der Rechte sind in der Bildunterschrift genannt und diese Rechte werden auch in der elektronischen Veröffentlichung maßgeblich bleiben.
NÖ Institut für Landeskunde eBooks, 2021
Niederösterreich im 19. Jahrhundert, Band 1: Herrschaft und Wirtschaft. Eine Regionalgeschichte sozialer Macht
Soldiers and Garrisons. The Military and its Civilian Environment. This chapter outlines a region... more Soldiers and Garrisons. The Military and its Civilian Environment. This chapter outlines a regional military history of Lower Austria in the 19th century. In the context of history of the k. k. and later k. u. k. Army, peacetime relations between the land and the military are presented in two particular areas. The chapter’s first section focuses on the land’s recruitment and its transformation from a system based on forced conscription by a late-absolutist system to a constitutional monarchy employing citizen soldiers. In a second section, the phenomenon of the garrison illustrates the interdependence of the military and its civilian environment in public, social and economic life. In both sections, the question of the militarization of society is also explored. The surprisingly high incidence of individuals unfit for service and the significantly lower number of actual conscripts demand as much consideration as the economic importance of a garrison for the towns of Lower Austria in...
NÖ Institut für Landeskunde eBooks, May 16, 2022
A Regional History of the Long Nineteenth Century Two volumes with a total of 1,800 pages, fifty ... more A Regional History of the Long Nineteenth Century Two volumes with a total of 1,800 pages, fifty essays and even more contributing authors: an enormous effort and a hefty tome, at least to hold. Such a largescale undertaking requires careful justification. We might first point to the sparse extant literature on Lower Austria in the nineteenth century, before outlining the present work's core considerations and guiding questions and considering the potential for further research. Hitherto, there had has not been a monographic synthesis or collected volume on Lower Austria in the nineteenth century. Of course, overall surveys on the history of Lower Austria have also included the nineteenth century, a particularly noteworthy book being the Geschichte Niederösterreichs (History of Lower Austria) written by Karl Gutkas in the 1950s. It first appeared as a single volume in its third edition, in 1973, and was reprinted several times well into the 1980s. 1 In view of a lack of alternatives and due to its immense thematic range, it is still drawn on and cited by the schol arly literature. Gutkas also edited the Landeschronik Niederösterreich (Chronicle of the Land of Lower Austria) published in 1990. 2 A work heavy on events, as the chronicle genre would suggest, it was last updated by the collected volume Spurensuche (Search for Traces) in 2017. This compilation declares itself to be primarily a "representative book about Lower Austria" and thus contains a good many illustrations and texts revelling in the beauty of the region. It nevertheless also features some nuanced studies of its environmental, economic, social, and political history. 3 Three collected volumes on Lower Austria in the twentieth century were pub lished in 2008. 4 They are clearly the closest we have to the present project, and take a similar approach in bringing together a large number of authors to produce a mul tifaceted social history. There has been no such pooling of resources for the nine teenth century. There is, however, a work published in three volumes between 2004 and 2006, Niederösterreich. Eine Kulturgeschichte von 1861 bis heute (Lower Austria: a
The introductory essay explains the concept behind a book project about Lower Austria in the 19th... more The introductory essay explains the concept behind a book project about Lower Austria in the 19th century that raises issues whose scholarly significance go beyond this particular region. The two volumes are joined and entwined by questions of forms of power, levels and spheres of investigation, and modernisation and modernity. The first volume pursues a history of regional state-building, focusing on Herrschaft und Wirtschaft (Rule and Economy). The “master narratives” of Lower Austria, which mainly concentrated on the Middle Ages, privileged the topic of the “formation of statehood in the territories”. Our volume thus takes on a traditional task, albeit with a critical impetus and a focus on the 19th century. Forms of social power must be examined, be it within authorities, companies, associations, or families. By means of orientation, the authors were pointed to a broad sociological interpretation provided by Michael Mann’s The Sources of Social Power. The second volume, on the other hand, focuses on society. It takes its clues from social (structural) history and historical anthropology. The title, Gesellschaft und Gemeinschaft (Society and Community), inverts that of a famous book by Ferdinand Tönnies. While we seek to distance ourselves from nostalgic regret, we take up a formula that was rooted in the sensibilities of the nineteenth-century. ‘Disembedding’ and re-embedding – that is, the return to the small scale – constitute the ongoing dynamics of modernity. By examining them in regional constellations, we have endeavoured to write a regional history of modernity.
Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, 2000
Edited volumes by Willibald Rosner
Das zweibändige Werk, erschienen in der vom NÖ Landesarchiv herausgegebenen Reihe „Geschichte Nie... more Das zweibändige Werk, erschienen in der vom NÖ Landesarchiv herausgegebenen Reihe „Geschichte Niederösterreichs“, geht der spannungsreichen Epoche vom späten 18. Jahrhundert bis zum Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs nach. Mehr als 50 Autorinnen und Autoren beschäftigten sich am Stand aktueller Forschungen mit den politischen, wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und kulturellen Entwicklungen Niederösterreichs, die in ihrer Breite das Bild einer regionalen Gesellschaft auf dem Weg in die Moderne zeichnen.
Der zweite Band zeigt, wie die Moderne in Land und Stadt Gestalt annahm. Als ihre Akteure traten soziale Großgruppen wie Aristokratie, Bauernstand, Bürgertum oder Arbeiterklasse auf. Zu den alten traten neuartige Beziehungsnetze. Familie und Verwandtschaft blieben zentral, doch die Vorstellungen von Liebe und Ehe kamen in Bewegung. Vereine eröffneten neue Betätigungsfelder oder gaben alten Praktiken wie der Wohltätigkeit eine neue Form. Der Austausch zwischen der Metropole Wien und dem flachen Land nahm zu, von der Nahrungsversorgung bis zur Sommerfrische. Repräsentation und Massenkultur prägten Region und Alltag: Architekturen, Denkmäler und Stadtmuseen, Volksmusik, Kunst, Theater und Kino.
Book Chapters by Willibald Rosner
Niederösterreich im 19. Jahrhundert, Bd. 1: Herrschaft und Wirtschaft. Eine Regionalgeschichte sozialer Macht, 2021
The introductory essay explains the concept behind a book project about Lower Austria in the 19th... more The introductory essay explains the concept behind a book project about Lower Austria in the 19th century that raises issues whose scholarly significance go beyond this particular region. The two volumes are joined and entwined by questions of forms of power, levels and spheres of investigation, and modernisation and modernity.
The first volume pursues a history of regional state-building, focusing on Herrschaft und Wirtschaft (Rule and Economy). The “master narratives” of Lower Austria, which mainly concentrated on the Middle Ages, privileged the topic of the “formation of statehood in the territories”. Our volume thus takes on a traditional task, albeit with a critical impetus and a focus on the 19th century. Forms of social power must be examined, be it within authorities, companies, associations, or families. By means of orientation, the authors were pointed to a broad sociological interpretation provided by Michael Mann’s The Sources of Social Power.
The second volume, on the other hand, focuses on society. It takes its clues from social (structural) history and historical anthropology. The title, Gesellschaft und Gemeinschaft (Society and Community), inverts that of a famous book by Ferdinand Tönnies. While we seek to distance ourselves from nostalgic regret, we take up a formula that was rooted in the sensibilities of the nineteenth-century. ‘Disembedding’ and re-embedding – that is, the return to the small scale – constitute the ongoing dynamics of modernity. By examining them in regional constellations, we have endeavoured to write a regional history of modernity.
Papers by Willibald Rosner
Edited volumes by Willibald Rosner
Der zweite Band zeigt, wie die Moderne in Land und Stadt Gestalt annahm. Als ihre Akteure traten soziale Großgruppen wie Aristokratie, Bauernstand, Bürgertum oder Arbeiterklasse auf. Zu den alten traten neuartige Beziehungsnetze. Familie und Verwandtschaft blieben zentral, doch die Vorstellungen von Liebe und Ehe kamen in Bewegung. Vereine eröffneten neue Betätigungsfelder oder gaben alten Praktiken wie der Wohltätigkeit eine neue Form. Der Austausch zwischen der Metropole Wien und dem flachen Land nahm zu, von der Nahrungsversorgung bis zur Sommerfrische. Repräsentation und Massenkultur prägten Region und Alltag: Architekturen, Denkmäler und Stadtmuseen, Volksmusik, Kunst, Theater und Kino.
Book Chapters by Willibald Rosner
The first volume pursues a history of regional state-building, focusing on Herrschaft und Wirtschaft (Rule and Economy). The “master narratives” of Lower Austria, which mainly concentrated on the Middle Ages, privileged the topic of the “formation of statehood in the territories”. Our volume thus takes on a traditional task, albeit with a critical impetus and a focus on the 19th century. Forms of social power must be examined, be it within authorities, companies, associations, or families. By means of orientation, the authors were pointed to a broad sociological interpretation provided by Michael Mann’s The Sources of Social Power.
The second volume, on the other hand, focuses on society. It takes its clues from social (structural) history and historical anthropology. The title, Gesellschaft und Gemeinschaft (Society and Community), inverts that of a famous book by Ferdinand Tönnies. While we seek to distance ourselves from nostalgic regret, we take up a formula that was rooted in the sensibilities of the nineteenth-century. ‘Disembedding’ and re-embedding – that is, the return to the small scale – constitute the ongoing dynamics of modernity. By examining them in regional constellations, we have endeavoured to write a regional history of modernity.
Der zweite Band zeigt, wie die Moderne in Land und Stadt Gestalt annahm. Als ihre Akteure traten soziale Großgruppen wie Aristokratie, Bauernstand, Bürgertum oder Arbeiterklasse auf. Zu den alten traten neuartige Beziehungsnetze. Familie und Verwandtschaft blieben zentral, doch die Vorstellungen von Liebe und Ehe kamen in Bewegung. Vereine eröffneten neue Betätigungsfelder oder gaben alten Praktiken wie der Wohltätigkeit eine neue Form. Der Austausch zwischen der Metropole Wien und dem flachen Land nahm zu, von der Nahrungsversorgung bis zur Sommerfrische. Repräsentation und Massenkultur prägten Region und Alltag: Architekturen, Denkmäler und Stadtmuseen, Volksmusik, Kunst, Theater und Kino.
The first volume pursues a history of regional state-building, focusing on Herrschaft und Wirtschaft (Rule and Economy). The “master narratives” of Lower Austria, which mainly concentrated on the Middle Ages, privileged the topic of the “formation of statehood in the territories”. Our volume thus takes on a traditional task, albeit with a critical impetus and a focus on the 19th century. Forms of social power must be examined, be it within authorities, companies, associations, or families. By means of orientation, the authors were pointed to a broad sociological interpretation provided by Michael Mann’s The Sources of Social Power.
The second volume, on the other hand, focuses on society. It takes its clues from social (structural) history and historical anthropology. The title, Gesellschaft und Gemeinschaft (Society and Community), inverts that of a famous book by Ferdinand Tönnies. While we seek to distance ourselves from nostalgic regret, we take up a formula that was rooted in the sensibilities of the nineteenth-century. ‘Disembedding’ and re-embedding – that is, the return to the small scale – constitute the ongoing dynamics of modernity. By examining them in regional constellations, we have endeavoured to write a regional history of modernity.