Papers by William Wakeham
IUPAC Standards Online, 2016
IUPAC Standards Online, 2016
IUPAC Standards Online, 2016
IUPAC Standards Online, 2016
IUPAC Standards Online, 2016
IUPAC Standards Online, 2016
IUPAC Standards Online, 2016
IUPAC Standards Online, 2016
IUPAC Standards Online, 2016
IUPAC Standards Online, 2016

Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie, 1982
EinflulJ der Beladung q auf den Umsatz in einem realen SLPC bei kleinen A-Werten 1 ~0 2 a L 0 6 9... more EinflulJ der Beladung q auf den Umsatz in einem realen SLPC bei kleinen A-Werten 1 ~0 2 a L 0 6 9 8 1 D f $ ! dc Qb d8 lb Abb. 11 EinflulJ der Beladung q auf den Umsatz in einem realen SLPC bei hohen A-Werten sofort fat, dal3 der Umsatz in einem realen SLPC bei gegebenen Betriebsbedingungen dann ein Maximum erreicht, wenn 1 4 m u =m ist. Aufgrund der bereits weiter oben mitgeteilten Werte fur den Parameter rn, d.h. rn = 2, sollte das Umsatzmaximum in realen FlUssig-Film-T~gakataly~oren daher bei qmar = 0,s beobachtet werden. D i e s ist in der Tat der Fall. Auf den Abb. 10 und 11 ist abschlieaend die effektive Geschwindigkeitskonstante k& als Funktion der Beladung q mit A als Parameter und rn = 2 dargestellt. Der im Vergleich zu den entsprechenden Kurven eines idealen SLPC andersartige Verlauf ist fiir kleine Werte von A unmittelbar zu erkennen. Bei grol3en A-Werten liegt das Umsatzmaximum eines realen SLP-Katalysators bei deutlich kleineren q-Werten als das Extremum eines idealen Kontakts. Mit wachsendem Wert des Parameters A steigt allerdings auch in einem realen SLPC der Diffusions-einfluR, wodurchwir i m Fall des idealen Katalysatorsdas Maximum fur k& zu kleineren Beladungen hin verschoben wird.

International Journal of Thermophysics, 1982
This paper describes the design and operation of a new instrument for the measurement of diffusio... more This paper describes the design and operation of a new instrument for the measurement of diffusion coefficients in liquid mixtures. The instrument employs the principle of Taylor dispersion and has been designed so that it operates as nearly as possible in accordance with the simplest possible mathematical description of the measurement process. The remaining departures from the simple description are accommodated by means of small corrections which have been evaluated from a detailed theory of a practical instrument so that accurate measurement of diffusion coefficients may be performed. The apparatus has been employed to make a series of measurements of the mutual diffusion coefficient of binary mixtures among the normal alkanes hexane, heptane, and octane. The measurements have been performed at atmospheric pressure in the temperature range 290-340 K and over the entire range of mixture composition. It is estimated that the experimental data have an associated uncertainty of _+ 1%. The temperature and composition dependences of the mutual diffusion coefficient have been found to be linear, and the entire body of experimental data is represented by a simple correlating equation within its estimated uncertainty.

ThermoML is an Extensible Markup Language (XML)-based new IUPAC standard for storage and exchange... more ThermoML is an Extensible Markup Language (XML)-based new IUPAC standard for storage and exchange of experimental, predicted, and critically evaluated thermophysical and thermochemical property data. The basic principles, scope, and description of all structural elements of ThermoML are discussed. ThermoML covers essentially all thermodynamic and transport property data (more than 120 properties) for pure compounds, multicomponent mixtures, and chemical reactions (including change-of-state and equilibrium reactions). Representations of all quantities related to the expression of uncertainty in ThermoML conform to the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM). The ThermoMLEquation schema for representation of fitted equations with ThermoML is also described and provided as supporting information together with specific formulations for several equations commonly used in the representation of thermodynamic and thermophysical properties. The role of ThermoML in global data communication processes is discussed. The text of a variety of data files (use cases) illustrating the ThermoML format for pure compounds, mixtures, and chemical reactions, as well as the complete ThermoML schema text, are provided as supporting information.
International Journal of Thermophysics, 2000
This paper reports the results of an international project coordinated by the Subcommittee on Tra... more This paper reports the results of an international project coordinated by the Subcommittee on Transport Properties of Commission I.2 of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. The project has been conducted to investigate the large discrepancies between the results reported by various authors for the transport properties of R134a and culminates the effort which was initially described in 1995. The project has involved the remeasurement of the transport properties of a single sample of R134a in nine laboratories throughout the world in order to test the hypothesis that at least part of the discrepancy could be attributed to the purity of the samples. This paper provides an intercomparison of the new experimental results obtained for the viscosity 1
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 1986
The available experimental liquid-phase thermal conductivity data for water, toluene, and n-hepta... more The available experimental liquid-phase thermal conductivity data for water, toluene, and n-heptane have been examined with the intention of establishing standard reference values along the saturation line. The quality of available data is such that for toluene and water new standard reference values can be proposed with confidence limits better than ± 1.0% for most of the normal liquid range. For n-heptane there are insufficient reliable experimental data for the system to be treated as a primary reference standard, so a lower quality correlation has been developed which yields a set of secondary reference data with confidence limits of ± 1.5% for most of the normal liquid range.
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2018
Transport Properties of Fluids
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 1980
... C AND PRESSURES UP TO 36 MPa R. FLEETER and J. KESTIN Division of Engineering, Brown Universi... more ... C AND PRESSURES UP TO 36 MPa R. FLEETER and J. KESTIN Division of Engineering, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA and WA WAKEHAM Department of ... which lie close to the range of the present study are those of Stolyarov et al.;5) and the recentwork of Scott et al ...
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 1988
The simplified expression for the thermal conductivity of polyatomic gases originally proposed by... more The simplified expression for the thermal conductivity of polyatomic gases originally proposed by Beenakker and co-workers has been tested above 300 K. Using recent experimental and correlated results it has been found that a very good representation of the experimentally determined thermal conductivity coefficients can be achieved when this simple formula, eq. (20) in text, is applied to N2, CO,
International Journal of Thermophysics, 1989
This paper presents a comparative study of the correlation of thermal conductivities in the limit... more This paper presents a comparative study of the correlation of thermal conductivities in the limit of zero density for dilute gases including nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, and tetrafluoromethane. A theoretically based correlation scheme employing independent experimental information has been examined and found to be useful for the correlation of thermal conductivity data as well as for the evaluation of related quantities, e.g., effective collision cross sections. The latter provide the basis for further studies concerning the anisotropy of the intermolecular pair potential. The paper includes results regarding the simplified expression for the thermal conductivity proposed by Thijsse et al., which has been found to be especially useful for practical purposes.
Papers by William Wakeham