Academic transcripts are a summary of a student's high-value achievement score and must be gu... more Academic transcripts are a summary of a student's high-value achievement score and must be guaranteed in their authenticity, as well as the source from which they are issued. It was found that some universities were using technology to falsify transcripts. An example of a university in yogyakarta's special region that falsified academic transcripts. Several diplomas from makassar have been forged so that a civil servant can pass his exam, whereas in banda aceh evidence of equipment for creating fake diplomas has been found. This study seeks to prevent transcripts from being modified or falsified by locking data into student photos using blowfish and least significant bit algorithms. The purpose of this study is to keep transcripts from being easily modified or falsified. The methods of this study are data collection (student code data, gpa value, photo), encryption with blowfish, conversion of encryption results into binary form, insertion of binary values into the least ...
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIKomSiN)
Y2K Batik is an SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) engaged in batik. Y2K Batik produces and sells ... more Y2K Batik is an SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) engaged in batik. Y2K Batik produces and sells beach wear with various motifs. One of the important things in business is inventory of merchandise, inventory of merchandise is a factor in determining the success of a trading company to achieve its goals, because the goods sold affect the level of income to increase company profits. With these considerations, it is necessary to analyze the production of beach wear for the availability of merchandise in fulfilling customer orders. Based on the above background, the scope of the problem in this study is master data collection obtained from records of selling beach batik cloth periodically from time to time. By utilizing the existing data and applying certain methods, a sales forecasting prediction can be made using the Double exponential Smoothing method. From the results of calculations and testing of forecasting data on the Mandala Motif Beach Fabric variable with the most optimal val...
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIKomSiN), Oct 1, 2015
ABSTRAK STMIK Sinar Nusantara sebagai perguruan tinggi di bidang Teknologi Informasi pada tiap ta... more ABSTRAK STMIK Sinar Nusantara sebagai perguruan tinggi di bidang Teknologi Informasi pada tiap tahunnya terdapat lebih kurang 250 mahasiswa yang mengajukan tugas akhir, kerja praktek atau skripsi. Proses pengajuan tugas akhir, kerja praktek dan skripsi ini selama ini di manajemen dengan software excel. Kendala yang timbul selama ini masih sulit dalam memantau kegiatan pelaksanaan Tugas Akhir, Kerja Praktek dan Skripsi oleh ketua Jurusan ataupun Pembantu Ketua Satu. Permasalahan diatas yang akan diangkat dalam penelitian ini dengan rumusan masalah "Bagaimana pembuatan sistem monitoring tugas akhir di STMIK Sinar Nusantara. Lingkup yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini dimulai dari pengajuan, penetapan pembimbing, proses bimbingan, pendaftaran ujian dan pencatatan hasil ujian. Metode pelaksanaan skripsi pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan observasi. Desain sistem dilakukan dengan diagram konteks, dibuat DFD, HIPO. Desain database menggunakan pendekatan dengan ERD. Program akan dibuat dengan menggunakan PHP sedangkan database dengan menggunakan MySQL. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa Aplikasi sistem monitoring tugas akhir serta hardcopy dokumentasi naskah Sistem Monitoring Tugas Akhir.
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIKomSiN), Apr 10, 2015
Pemilihan sistem operasi server diperlukan untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja dari aplikasi yang menggu... more Pemilihan sistem operasi server diperlukan untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja dari aplikasi yang menggunakan database. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji perbedaan kinerja sistem operasi server antara FreeBSD 8.2 dengan Fedora 15 dengan metode uji independent samples test. Perubahan konfigurasi pada file sysctl.conf digunakan untuk optimasi parameter kernel sistem operasi pada saat berjalan dan file my.cnf digunakan untuk membagi sumber daya memori (RAM) untuk menjalankan perintah menyesuaikan kebutuhan yang ada dengan kapasitas RAM yang digunakan. Pengukuran kinerja dilakukan menggunakan aplikasi Sysbench dengan memberi 20 syntax yang berbeda dimana perbedaan terletak pada pemberian nilai numthreads. Nilai tersebut diasumsikan sebagai banyaknya jumlah klien yang melakukan perintah kepada server. Sampel data yang dianalisa mengambil nilai rata-rata waktu eksekusi setiap perintah pada hasil pengukuran yang dilakukan dengan aplikasi Sysbench. Untuk mengetahui kenormalan distribusi sampel data dilakukan pengujian dengan metode uji normalitas Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Dan untuk mengetahui homogenitas varian sampel data dilakukan dengan metode uji homogenitas Lavene. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan metode uji independent samples t-test. Uji ini digunakan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya perbedaan rata-rata antara dua kelompok sampel yang tidak berhubungan. Hasil dari penelitian diketahui bahwa nilai ratarata waktu setiap eksekusi perintah pada sistem operasi server Fedora 15 lebih tinggi dibanding FreeBSD 8.2, dengan selisih sebesar 0,346 detik, akan tetapi hal itu masih masuk dalam nilai toleransi (taraf kepercayaan/Confidence Interval of the Difference = 95%), sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai rata-rata waktu setiap eksekusi perintah pada kedua sistem operasi adalah sama (tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan).
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIKomSiN), Oct 1, 2015
Pembiayaan mikro adalah produk pembiayaan yang ada di Bank Syariah Mandiri yang mempunyai batasan... more Pembiayaan mikro adalah produk pembiayaan yang ada di Bank Syariah Mandiri yang mempunyai batasan maksimal hanya Rp 100.000.000. Target utamanya adalah para pelaku usaha mikro kecil menengah dan mempunyai tujuan untuk membantu mengembangkan usaha mikro di indonesia. Sistem pendukung keputusan dibuat untuk membantu dan memberikan alternatif dalam menentukan kelayakan debitur pengajuan pembiayaan mikro. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembuatan SPK ini adalah Simple Additive Weighting. SAW dipilih karena metode ini mampu menyeleksi alternatif terbaik dari sejumlah alternatif berdasarkan kriteria yang ditentukan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mencari nilai bobot untuk setiap kriteria, kemudian dilakukan perangkingan berdasarkan grade perusahaan yang akan menentukan alternatif paling baik, dalam hal ini debitur teladan. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian aplikasi ini sangat membantu tim penyeleksi memberikan alternatif pembanding dalam menentukan kelayakan debitur karena hasil keluaran dari aplikasi ini berupa skor total dengan nilai maksimal 100 dan menggunakan grade yang tinggi yaitu 70. Pembobotan kriteria di titik beratkan pada karakter (30), daya jual jaminan (20), laporan keuangan (15), jenis pekerjaan (15), lokasi jaminan (10) dan lokasi tinggal (10) sehingga debitur yang lolos mempunyai kriteria yang bagus.
Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi, 2019
E-marketplace has gained popularity with the Indonesian society resulting in the increment of pro... more E-marketplace has gained popularity with the Indonesian society resulting in the increment of products offered. Consequently, customers require more effort to search for products. In this study, we classified products from several e-marketplaces. The classification was carried out using TF-IDF method for the weighting, cosine similarity to calculate product similarity distance, and k-nearest neighbor algorithm. Based on the first testing result using 150 product data, the k-nearest neighbor method with k=5 successfully classified 146 data with 4 data classified into the wrong class. This k=5 value gives the best result for this case, with an accuracy of 97.33%. The second testing result using 150 mixed brand product data, the k-nearest neighbor method successfully classified 145 data with 5 data classified into the wrong class. The accuracy of the second testing is 96.67%.
Purpose of making an expert system application that can Toyota used for junior technicians to ana... more Purpose of making an expert system application that can Toyota used for junior technicians to analyze damage to toyota inova so that time and energy in a more effective and efficient repairs. Data collection methods include field studies conducted by the authorand literature study. Field studies include observational methods ordirect observation and direct interviews with therelated to the problems examined in order to obtain the data and information would be credible. While the study of literature useful to obtain a theoretical basis that expert opinion about the research object. Data were analyzed with qualitatif and quantitative analysis, the analysis of data showed that in PT. Bengawan Abadi Motor Surakarta common throble or keruskan on Toyota inova car. Qualified personnel available limited, so that the amount of the damage is not possiblesenior technician performed all, inevitably junior technician should also working. Junior technician in doing this damage should be open very...
One example of this technology is the use of flight bookings through mobile devices, also known a... more One example of this technology is the use of flight bookings through mobile devices, also known as the M-Ticketing. With the M-Ticketing can facilitate modern society who have little time to buy or book air tickets directly to airline ticket agents. M-Ticketing allows people to book tickets anywhere, anytime using mobile devices connected to the Internet network Keywords: M-Ticketing , J2ME
This research to determine the correlation between the perception of the quality of service satis... more This research to determine the correlation between the perception of the quality of service satisfaction online with students' academic information system STMIK Sinar Nusantara use today ( The population in this study were all students STMIK Sinar Nusantara Surakarta. Total sample of 55 students using a questionnaire to determine the response of students to each variable. Based on the results if the data do content (X1), accurate (X2), format (X3), easy of use (X4), and timeliness (X5) simultaneously or jointly influencing variables Student Satisfaction (Y) and the result is erarti 10.3% of independent variables in this study could affect the dependent variable, while the rest (100% - 10.3% = 89.7%) is explained by other causes beyond the model that are not investigated in this study. Keywords: correlation, online quality, service satisfaction student information system
Expert systems solve the problem of bad behavior in children psikoligis can help a person to cope... more Expert systems solve the problem of bad behavior in children psikoligis can help a person to cope with bad behavior in children based on psychological knowledge of symptoms and complaints of the patients felt that the patient is a parent of the child, so as to take preventive and early treatment that will not cause the child to experience psychological disorders. The method of data collection that is used by the writer is observation method or of observe directly the behavior who experiences many disturbances on bad behavioural psychologic on children, interview methode and references (take from book and literature). This research contains bad behavior systems program in which the child psychologists and experts there to increase knowledge about the psychology of bad behavior in children symptoms or signs and how to overcome from psychological disorders in bad behavior. Keywords: children healthiness, psychologic
Intensitas hujan tahunan di daerah aliran sungai (DAS) Bengawan Solomengakibatkan debit aliran su... more Intensitas hujan tahunan di daerah aliran sungai (DAS) Bengawan Solomengakibatkan debit aliran sungai besar di beberapa anak sungai. Debit aliransungai yang besar mengakibatkan tinggi muka air di beberapa pos pemantauanmeningkat. Tinggi muka air di setiap pos pemantauan diukur setiap hari denganperiode yang sama, pagi (06.00), siang (12.00), dan sore (18.00). oleh karena itu data tinggi muka air merupakan data runtun waktu. Salah satu metode peramalan data runtun waktu adalah single exponential smoothing dan Brown’s double exponential smoothing. Dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan pemodelan data tinggi muka air sungai Bengawan Solo pada pos pemantauan Wonogiri Juni – Desember 2018.
Water quality in urban areas in Surakarta has decreased nowadays. The increase of industrial deve... more Water quality in urban areas in Surakarta has decreased nowadays. The increase of industrial development, its poor sewage treatment, and some other factors cause this urban problem. The result of water quality monitoring system with K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm on this research certainly will help the laborers' duty of PDAM (Local Government Owned Water Utilities) in analyzing water quality. For the consideration of majority output in this method, the system works by taking the nearest distance to the assigned number of K. The training data for this research was taken in March 2016 form the report of water monitoring result in PDAM'S laboratory of Surakarta. The identification result is divided into eligible (MS) and ineligible (TMS). The testing data result is applied in algorithm performance testing with confusion matrix having accuracy level 82,5%.
Academic transcripts are a summary of a student's high-value achievement score and must be gu... more Academic transcripts are a summary of a student's high-value achievement score and must be guaranteed in their authenticity, as well as the source from which they are issued. It was found that some universities were using technology to falsify transcripts. An example of a university in yogyakarta's special region that falsified academic transcripts. Several diplomas from makassar have been forged so that a civil servant can pass his exam, whereas in banda aceh evidence of equipment for creating fake diplomas has been found. This study seeks to prevent transcripts from being modified or falsified by locking data into student photos using blowfish and least significant bit algorithms. The purpose of this study is to keep transcripts from being easily modified or falsified. The methods of this study are data collection (student code data, gpa value, photo), encryption with blowfish, conversion of encryption results into binary form, insertion of binary values into the least ...
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIKomSiN)
Y2K Batik is an SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) engaged in batik. Y2K Batik produces and sells ... more Y2K Batik is an SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) engaged in batik. Y2K Batik produces and sells beach wear with various motifs. One of the important things in business is inventory of merchandise, inventory of merchandise is a factor in determining the success of a trading company to achieve its goals, because the goods sold affect the level of income to increase company profits. With these considerations, it is necessary to analyze the production of beach wear for the availability of merchandise in fulfilling customer orders. Based on the above background, the scope of the problem in this study is master data collection obtained from records of selling beach batik cloth periodically from time to time. By utilizing the existing data and applying certain methods, a sales forecasting prediction can be made using the Double exponential Smoothing method. From the results of calculations and testing of forecasting data on the Mandala Motif Beach Fabric variable with the most optimal val...
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIKomSiN), Oct 1, 2015
ABSTRAK STMIK Sinar Nusantara sebagai perguruan tinggi di bidang Teknologi Informasi pada tiap ta... more ABSTRAK STMIK Sinar Nusantara sebagai perguruan tinggi di bidang Teknologi Informasi pada tiap tahunnya terdapat lebih kurang 250 mahasiswa yang mengajukan tugas akhir, kerja praktek atau skripsi. Proses pengajuan tugas akhir, kerja praktek dan skripsi ini selama ini di manajemen dengan software excel. Kendala yang timbul selama ini masih sulit dalam memantau kegiatan pelaksanaan Tugas Akhir, Kerja Praktek dan Skripsi oleh ketua Jurusan ataupun Pembantu Ketua Satu. Permasalahan diatas yang akan diangkat dalam penelitian ini dengan rumusan masalah "Bagaimana pembuatan sistem monitoring tugas akhir di STMIK Sinar Nusantara. Lingkup yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini dimulai dari pengajuan, penetapan pembimbing, proses bimbingan, pendaftaran ujian dan pencatatan hasil ujian. Metode pelaksanaan skripsi pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan observasi. Desain sistem dilakukan dengan diagram konteks, dibuat DFD, HIPO. Desain database menggunakan pendekatan dengan ERD. Program akan dibuat dengan menggunakan PHP sedangkan database dengan menggunakan MySQL. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa Aplikasi sistem monitoring tugas akhir serta hardcopy dokumentasi naskah Sistem Monitoring Tugas Akhir.
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIKomSiN), Apr 10, 2015
Pemilihan sistem operasi server diperlukan untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja dari aplikasi yang menggu... more Pemilihan sistem operasi server diperlukan untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja dari aplikasi yang menggunakan database. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji perbedaan kinerja sistem operasi server antara FreeBSD 8.2 dengan Fedora 15 dengan metode uji independent samples test. Perubahan konfigurasi pada file sysctl.conf digunakan untuk optimasi parameter kernel sistem operasi pada saat berjalan dan file my.cnf digunakan untuk membagi sumber daya memori (RAM) untuk menjalankan perintah menyesuaikan kebutuhan yang ada dengan kapasitas RAM yang digunakan. Pengukuran kinerja dilakukan menggunakan aplikasi Sysbench dengan memberi 20 syntax yang berbeda dimana perbedaan terletak pada pemberian nilai numthreads. Nilai tersebut diasumsikan sebagai banyaknya jumlah klien yang melakukan perintah kepada server. Sampel data yang dianalisa mengambil nilai rata-rata waktu eksekusi setiap perintah pada hasil pengukuran yang dilakukan dengan aplikasi Sysbench. Untuk mengetahui kenormalan distribusi sampel data dilakukan pengujian dengan metode uji normalitas Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Dan untuk mengetahui homogenitas varian sampel data dilakukan dengan metode uji homogenitas Lavene. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan metode uji independent samples t-test. Uji ini digunakan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya perbedaan rata-rata antara dua kelompok sampel yang tidak berhubungan. Hasil dari penelitian diketahui bahwa nilai ratarata waktu setiap eksekusi perintah pada sistem operasi server Fedora 15 lebih tinggi dibanding FreeBSD 8.2, dengan selisih sebesar 0,346 detik, akan tetapi hal itu masih masuk dalam nilai toleransi (taraf kepercayaan/Confidence Interval of the Difference = 95%), sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai rata-rata waktu setiap eksekusi perintah pada kedua sistem operasi adalah sama (tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan).
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIKomSiN), Oct 1, 2015
Pembiayaan mikro adalah produk pembiayaan yang ada di Bank Syariah Mandiri yang mempunyai batasan... more Pembiayaan mikro adalah produk pembiayaan yang ada di Bank Syariah Mandiri yang mempunyai batasan maksimal hanya Rp 100.000.000. Target utamanya adalah para pelaku usaha mikro kecil menengah dan mempunyai tujuan untuk membantu mengembangkan usaha mikro di indonesia. Sistem pendukung keputusan dibuat untuk membantu dan memberikan alternatif dalam menentukan kelayakan debitur pengajuan pembiayaan mikro. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembuatan SPK ini adalah Simple Additive Weighting. SAW dipilih karena metode ini mampu menyeleksi alternatif terbaik dari sejumlah alternatif berdasarkan kriteria yang ditentukan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mencari nilai bobot untuk setiap kriteria, kemudian dilakukan perangkingan berdasarkan grade perusahaan yang akan menentukan alternatif paling baik, dalam hal ini debitur teladan. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian aplikasi ini sangat membantu tim penyeleksi memberikan alternatif pembanding dalam menentukan kelayakan debitur karena hasil keluaran dari aplikasi ini berupa skor total dengan nilai maksimal 100 dan menggunakan grade yang tinggi yaitu 70. Pembobotan kriteria di titik beratkan pada karakter (30), daya jual jaminan (20), laporan keuangan (15), jenis pekerjaan (15), lokasi jaminan (10) dan lokasi tinggal (10) sehingga debitur yang lolos mempunyai kriteria yang bagus.
Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi, 2019
E-marketplace has gained popularity with the Indonesian society resulting in the increment of pro... more E-marketplace has gained popularity with the Indonesian society resulting in the increment of products offered. Consequently, customers require more effort to search for products. In this study, we classified products from several e-marketplaces. The classification was carried out using TF-IDF method for the weighting, cosine similarity to calculate product similarity distance, and k-nearest neighbor algorithm. Based on the first testing result using 150 product data, the k-nearest neighbor method with k=5 successfully classified 146 data with 4 data classified into the wrong class. This k=5 value gives the best result for this case, with an accuracy of 97.33%. The second testing result using 150 mixed brand product data, the k-nearest neighbor method successfully classified 145 data with 5 data classified into the wrong class. The accuracy of the second testing is 96.67%.
Purpose of making an expert system application that can Toyota used for junior technicians to ana... more Purpose of making an expert system application that can Toyota used for junior technicians to analyze damage to toyota inova so that time and energy in a more effective and efficient repairs. Data collection methods include field studies conducted by the authorand literature study. Field studies include observational methods ordirect observation and direct interviews with therelated to the problems examined in order to obtain the data and information would be credible. While the study of literature useful to obtain a theoretical basis that expert opinion about the research object. Data were analyzed with qualitatif and quantitative analysis, the analysis of data showed that in PT. Bengawan Abadi Motor Surakarta common throble or keruskan on Toyota inova car. Qualified personnel available limited, so that the amount of the damage is not possiblesenior technician performed all, inevitably junior technician should also working. Junior technician in doing this damage should be open very...
One example of this technology is the use of flight bookings through mobile devices, also known a... more One example of this technology is the use of flight bookings through mobile devices, also known as the M-Ticketing. With the M-Ticketing can facilitate modern society who have little time to buy or book air tickets directly to airline ticket agents. M-Ticketing allows people to book tickets anywhere, anytime using mobile devices connected to the Internet network Keywords: M-Ticketing , J2ME
This research to determine the correlation between the perception of the quality of service satis... more This research to determine the correlation between the perception of the quality of service satisfaction online with students' academic information system STMIK Sinar Nusantara use today ( The population in this study were all students STMIK Sinar Nusantara Surakarta. Total sample of 55 students using a questionnaire to determine the response of students to each variable. Based on the results if the data do content (X1), accurate (X2), format (X3), easy of use (X4), and timeliness (X5) simultaneously or jointly influencing variables Student Satisfaction (Y) and the result is erarti 10.3% of independent variables in this study could affect the dependent variable, while the rest (100% - 10.3% = 89.7%) is explained by other causes beyond the model that are not investigated in this study. Keywords: correlation, online quality, service satisfaction student information system
Expert systems solve the problem of bad behavior in children psikoligis can help a person to cope... more Expert systems solve the problem of bad behavior in children psikoligis can help a person to cope with bad behavior in children based on psychological knowledge of symptoms and complaints of the patients felt that the patient is a parent of the child, so as to take preventive and early treatment that will not cause the child to experience psychological disorders. The method of data collection that is used by the writer is observation method or of observe directly the behavior who experiences many disturbances on bad behavioural psychologic on children, interview methode and references (take from book and literature). This research contains bad behavior systems program in which the child psychologists and experts there to increase knowledge about the psychology of bad behavior in children symptoms or signs and how to overcome from psychological disorders in bad behavior. Keywords: children healthiness, psychologic
Intensitas hujan tahunan di daerah aliran sungai (DAS) Bengawan Solomengakibatkan debit aliran su... more Intensitas hujan tahunan di daerah aliran sungai (DAS) Bengawan Solomengakibatkan debit aliran sungai besar di beberapa anak sungai. Debit aliransungai yang besar mengakibatkan tinggi muka air di beberapa pos pemantauanmeningkat. Tinggi muka air di setiap pos pemantauan diukur setiap hari denganperiode yang sama, pagi (06.00), siang (12.00), dan sore (18.00). oleh karena itu data tinggi muka air merupakan data runtun waktu. Salah satu metode peramalan data runtun waktu adalah single exponential smoothing dan Brown’s double exponential smoothing. Dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan pemodelan data tinggi muka air sungai Bengawan Solo pada pos pemantauan Wonogiri Juni – Desember 2018.
Water quality in urban areas in Surakarta has decreased nowadays. The increase of industrial deve... more Water quality in urban areas in Surakarta has decreased nowadays. The increase of industrial development, its poor sewage treatment, and some other factors cause this urban problem. The result of water quality monitoring system with K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm on this research certainly will help the laborers' duty of PDAM (Local Government Owned Water Utilities) in analyzing water quality. For the consideration of majority output in this method, the system works by taking the nearest distance to the assigned number of K. The training data for this research was taken in March 2016 form the report of water monitoring result in PDAM'S laboratory of Surakarta. The identification result is divided into eligible (MS) and ineligible (TMS). The testing data result is applied in algorithm performance testing with confusion matrix having accuracy level 82,5%.
Papers by Wawan Laksito