Papers by Volodymyr Kochyn
Privatne pravo ì pìdpriêmnictvo, 2024
Privat Law and Business, 2020
Кочин В. В., кандидат юридичних наук, науковий консультант судді Конституційного Суду України Koc... more Кочин В. В., кандидат юридичних наук, науковий консультант судді Конституційного Суду України Kochyn V. Europeanization of the principles (grounds) of civil legislation of Ukraine The European civil law is considered in the context of implementation of idea about a single market based on the acquis and ius commune (in particular acquis commune and European common law). Therefore, private law in Europe is explored in accordance to the Roman tradition of private law, in order to ensure fundamental freedoms. In addition to the human rights provided by the ECHR, the following freedoms include: free movement of goods and persons; free movement of employees; freedom to create legal entities; free movement of services as well as free movement of capital and payments. General principles of civil law, in accordance to the provisions of Art. 3 of the Civil Code of Ukraine (due to the deep content of natural law) are: 1) inadmissibility of arbitrary interference with the sphere of personal life of human; 2) inadmissibility of deprivation of property right, except in cases established by the Constitution of Ukraine and the law; 3) freedom of contract; 4) freedom of business activity, which is not prohibited by law; 5) judicial protection of civil law and interest; 6) justice, integrity and reason. Legal equality, free will, and property independence of the participants of civil relations are distinguished additionally as basic principles, which, while not absolute, are still pervading the whole system of civil law. These norms-principles should not be considered narrowly in particular exclusively as the basis of civil legislation-a reference to the possibility of amendments to the Code. At present, some civil law principles are generally civilizational in nature. Others, however, require some scientific rethinking and regulatory support for the proper legal rules, especially given the experience of European private law. Therefore, the principle of security has a certain fragmentary character, and the effectiveness is now evaluated in the aggregate of its legal regulation mechanism.
Приватне право і підприємництво, 2023
The purpose of the article is to outline the research methodology of the legal regulation of econ... more The purpose of the article is to outline the research methodology of the legal regulation of economic relations in the conditions of privatization and European integration, in particular, the choice of a strategy of cognitive and practical activity, laying down the principles of construction, forms and means of scientific knowledge in the conditions of the approximation of the legal regulation of economic relations to the European legal order, which is not devoid of the influence of the privatization of public relations Scientific studies of the possibility, necessity and consequences of legal regulation of economic relations are characterized by the fact that the general theory of the state and law relies on the conclusions of economic theory when determining the methods and regimes of legal regulation of social relations, especially the relationship between law and economy; all this requires a qualitative review of the degree and nature of the conditioning of the state and law by the economic system of society. So, the problem is reduced to the question of the limits of regulation and influence on economic relations, taking into account the achievements of theoretical economics.
The study of legal regulation of economic relations in the conditions of privatization and European integration will allow to form the grounds for modern theories of private and economic law. Although the theory of interest (according to Ulpian) has a methodological influence, it currently allows us to outline only private law, because public law has changed its essence since the Roman period. It is proposed to carry out a study of economic relations, based on the essence of the social market economy, a human-centered approach in state activity and an outline of an exhaustive range of relations that are subject to public influence and regulation. Self-regulation of economic relations under the conditions of sustainable development should be carried out within the limits established by legislation, with a legislatively comprehensive list of space for deliberation for public authorities (in particular, regarding the implementation of elements of the market economy). It is expedient to standardize the principles of objective economic laws, which will constitute the principles of the implementation and protection of subjective rights and public activity, as well as to implement the gradual privatization of social relations.
Тези автора присвячені теорії цільового майна юридичної особи в сучасний періо
Розділ монографії присвячений особливостям здійснення суб’єктивних цивільних прав учасниками непі... more Розділ монографії присвячений особливостям здійснення суб’єктивних цивільних прав учасниками непідприємницьких товарист
Тези автора присвячені аналізу проблем стимулювання інноваційної діяльності як напрямок державної... more Тези автора присвячені аналізу проблем стимулювання інноваційної діяльності як напрямок державної підтримки малого підприємництв
Entrepreneurship, Economy and Law
Purpose of the study. The purpose of the article is the study of the current state and prospects ... more Purpose of the study. The purpose of the article is the study of the current state and prospects of scientific research on the regulation of housing relations, the substantiation of the foundations that will be laid in the new wording of the Housing Code, the legal characteristics of housing as an appropriate and affordable, as well as their relationship with the state guarantees of property rights to housing conditions of military aggression of the Russian Federation. Methodology. The dominant methodological approach in the study is a comparative legal approach, which became the basis of understanding the content of such basic legal categories as "state housing policy", "housing fund", "housing" and made it possible to identify their specific features and differences. To understand and analyze the content of the norms of existing legislative acts regulating the procedure for providing housing to the population, used the normative-dogmatic method, and the method of system-structural analysis allowed to clarify the place of state housing policy in the system of state policy in general. Results. Analysis of the Law of Ukraine "On the Desovietization of Ukrainian Legislation" indicates two directions of "desovietization": a) change of the word combination indicating state authorities of the USSR period; b) redistribution of powers between state authorities and local self-government bodies for the management of the housing stock. Along with the decentralization of housing management, the so-called "privatization" of public relations should occur when it is impossible to adequately influence public relations in order to adequately regulate them through the regulation of relations. Housing ownership and affordability standards should be established at the level of housing. It is right to carry out a housing reform, based on the dual nature of housing (social and economic good). The priority for Ukraine is to support the system of repair of damaged housing stock. Draft № 7198 does not directly pursue the goal of compensation for housing, thus creating a dual understanding of security within the property relationship and within the housing relationship. The science of housing law should establish the scope of state compensation guarantees for damaged and destroyed property, taking into account the attributes of adequate and affordable housing. Conclusions. Desovietization of housing legislation did not enshrine new norms, even to a certain extent affirmed certain communist principles. The new wording of the Housing Code should be based on private law principles of realization of housing rights of persons, in particular in terms of improving the existing methods of acquiring ownership and other proprietary rights to housing. It is necessary to specify an exhaustive list of housing (social dormitories), social standards of restored housing, the boundaries of compensation. The relationship of the construction of social housing, which is not subject to privatization and is provided to resettlers for long-term use, needs to be
Статтю присвячено окремим проблемам правового статусу непідприємницьких юридичних осіб приватного... more Статтю присвячено окремим проблемам правового статусу непідприємницьких юридичних осіб приватного права. Акцентується увага на визначенні поняття, яке б найповніше окреслювало правовий статус юридичних осіб, які не мають на меті отримання прибутку з можливістю його наступного розподілу між учасниками, визначенні видів та обсягу правоздатності вказаних юридичних осіб
Ius Privatum (legal doctrine and practice / правова доктрина і практика), Jun 27, 2018
The article considers civil society as the basis for realization of market economic principles. I... more The article considers civil society as the basis for realization of market economic principles. It is established that when considering businesseconomic relations, it is expedient to allocate their main legal basis of legal regulation – freedom of entrepreneurship, which is considered as a set of private legal possibilities of realization of rights and fulfilment of duties for the purpose of profit and its subsequent distribution, as well as economic and legal order, which should be reduced to public constraints or advantages through the use of state regulation, as well as to the private legal limits of self-regulation and coordination within the civil about society Non-entrepreneurial economic relations are regulated on the basis of civil law, that is, they are deprived of public influence (lack of a regulator), as well as in cases established by law and order, states may supplement state regulation in the business sector. In a civil society, economic relations, according to their ...
In accordance with the obligations under the Association Agreement, the law of companies will be ... more In accordance with the obligations under the Association Agreement, the law of companies will be implemented in Ukrainian legislation, which comprehensively applies not only to corporate relations, but also, as evidenced by law enforcement practice, including the fundamental principles of constitutional and civil law. Among the latest European directives, the so-called "Thirteenth Directive" deserves special attention, which provides for the regulation of a number of relations related to the acquisition of corporations. These relations require research in terms of the relationship between corporate governance and corporate property, which ultimately causes a theoretical and legal problem of assessment of the balance of property institutions and legal entities. With this in mind, we aim to consider the impact of Directive 2004/25/EC on the understanding of the inviolability of property rights in Ukraine. We draw your attention to the fact that the implementation of any inst...
Юридичний вісник "Повітряне і космічне право", 2015
ГОСПОДАРСЬКЕ ПРАВО Юридичний вісник 2 (35) 2015 114 УДК 346.5 В. В. Кочин, кандидат юридичних нау... more ГОСПОДАРСЬКЕ ПРАВО Юридичний вісник 2 (35) 2015 114 УДК 346.5 В. В. Кочин, кандидат юридичних наук ЗАСОБИ ДЕРЖАВНОГО РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ ГОСПОДАРСЬКОЇ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ В УМОВАХ ДЕРЕГУЛЮВАННЯ ЕКОНОМІКИ УКРАЇНИ У статті розглядаються засоби державного регулювання господарської діяльності в умовах дерегулювання економіки. Пропонується розглядати заходи регулювання відповідно до механізму господарсько-правового регулювання суспільних відносин, а також запровадження системного методу реформування економічних відносин в межах дерегулювання. Ключові слова: державне регулювання, механізм правового регулювання, дерегуляція, господарська діяльність.
Приватне право і підприємництво, 2015
Випуск 14 КИЇВ 2015 УДК 346.26 (477) (082) ББК 67.9 (Укр) 404 я 43 П 75 Щорічний юридичний збірни... more Випуск 14 КИЇВ 2015 УДК 346.26 (477) (082) ББК 67.9 (Укр) 404 я 43 П 75 Щорічний юридичний збірник наукових праць видається з 1999 р. Засновник: Науково-дослідний інститут приватного права і підприємництва імені академіка Ф. Г. Бурчака Національної академії правових наук України Приватне право і підприємництво. Збірник наукових праць. Вип. 14, 2015 р. / Редкол.: Крупчан О. Д. (гол. ред.) та ін. -К.: Науково-дослідний інститут приватного права і підприємництва імені академіка Ф. Г. Бурчака Національної академії правових наук України, 2014. -178 с.
Papers by Volodymyr Kochyn
The study of legal regulation of economic relations in the conditions of privatization and European integration will allow to form the grounds for modern theories of private and economic law. Although the theory of interest (according to Ulpian) has a methodological influence, it currently allows us to outline only private law, because public law has changed its essence since the Roman period. It is proposed to carry out a study of economic relations, based on the essence of the social market economy, a human-centered approach in state activity and an outline of an exhaustive range of relations that are subject to public influence and regulation. Self-regulation of economic relations under the conditions of sustainable development should be carried out within the limits established by legislation, with a legislatively comprehensive list of space for deliberation for public authorities (in particular, regarding the implementation of elements of the market economy). It is expedient to standardize the principles of objective economic laws, which will constitute the principles of the implementation and protection of subjective rights and public activity, as well as to implement the gradual privatization of social relations.
The study of legal regulation of economic relations in the conditions of privatization and European integration will allow to form the grounds for modern theories of private and economic law. Although the theory of interest (according to Ulpian) has a methodological influence, it currently allows us to outline only private law, because public law has changed its essence since the Roman period. It is proposed to carry out a study of economic relations, based on the essence of the social market economy, a human-centered approach in state activity and an outline of an exhaustive range of relations that are subject to public influence and regulation. Self-regulation of economic relations under the conditions of sustainable development should be carried out within the limits established by legislation, with a legislatively comprehensive list of space for deliberation for public authorities (in particular, regarding the implementation of elements of the market economy). It is expedient to standardize the principles of objective economic laws, which will constitute the principles of the implementation and protection of subjective rights and public activity, as well as to implement the gradual privatization of social relations.
Дослідження розраховане на науковців, викладачів, аспірантів та студентів юридичних вузів і факультетів, а також усіх, хто цікавиться проблематикою непідприємницьких товариств та установ.
Для наукових співробітників, науково-педагогічних працівників, аспірантів та студентів вузів, практикуючих юристів та всіх, хто цікавиться проблемами саморегулювання підприємницьких відносин.
Для наукових співробітників, науково-педагогічних працівників, аспірантів та студентів ВУЗів, практикуючих юристів та всіх, хто цікавиться проблемами цивільно-правового статусу юридичних осіб.
Монографія розрахована на науковців, викладачів, аспірантів та студентів юридичних вузів і факультетів, а також усіх, хто цікавиться проблематикою непідприємницьких товариств та установ.