Papers by Victoria Quiralte
The Early Miocene fluvio-paludal deposits of the Northern Sperrgebiet, Namibia, have yielded a va... more The Early Miocene fluvio-paludal deposits of the Northern Sperrgebiet, Namibia, have yielded a varied artiodactyl assemblage comprising anthracotheres, suids, sanitheres, pecorans and traguloids. Prior to the activities of the Namibia Palaeontology Expedition, a single species of tragulid was reported from the area on the basis of an extremely limited sample in a generally poor state of preservation. The new collections contain a dozen fossils attributable to three species of tragulid, all of small dimensions. Similar species occur in the Early Miocene deposits of East Africa where they are associated with well wooded to forested palaeoenvironments, and it is possible that patches of dense woodland or forest may have existed in the Sperrgebiet during the period of deposition 20-19 million years ago.
Dental and postcranial anatomical differences between Dorcatherium crassum and Dorcatherium naui ... more Dental and postcranial anatomical differences between Dorcatherium crassum and Dorcatherium naui are discussed, shedding light on the taxonomy of both forms and pointing to a non-conspecific status of these taxa. The lower cheek teeth of D. naui show enhanced buno-selenodonty (more developed cristids and flatter main cusps than D. crassum) with reduced Dorcatherium-fold. Also, the lower premolar row in D. crassum is shortened relative to the molar row if compared with D. naui. Finally, both forms are well differentiated in the anatomical configuration of the proximal inter-metacarpal articulation area between the central metacarpals (Mc III and Mc IV): D. crassum shows an almost totally ligamentous articulation, whereas D. naui has a complex inter-locking mechanism of pits and processes in addition to the ligamentous articulation, which is restricted to the distal part of the proximal inter-metacarpal area. Thus we conclude that both forms constitute separate species.
Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 2014
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2010
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2011
Estudios Geológicos, 2011
Estudios Geológicos, 2006
Este trabajo constituye un estudio preliminar de los restos de rumiantes fósiles hallados en el y... more Este trabajo constituye un estudio preliminar de los restos de rumiantes fósiles hallados en el yacimiento del Mioceno inferior de La Encinilla (Colmenar Viejo, Madrid). La descripción morfológica de la dentición y del esqueleto postcraneal, así como el estudio métrico y comparativo con material procedente de localidades francesas y españolas de edad similar ha permitido constatar hasta el momento la presencia de dos formas de rumiantes Pecora en La Encinilla: Andegameryx sp. y un rumiante de mayor talla relacionado con Teruelia Moyá-Solá, 1987. Aunque la identificación en uno de los casos necesitaría confirmarse con más material, la presencia de estas dos formas en la Cuenca de Madrid ampliaría la distribución biogeográfica conocida para ambos taxones. La posición sistemática de Andegameryx y Teruelia permanece abierta a discusión, pero ambos géneros se diferencian de los Cervoidea del Mioceno inferior encontrados en Europa y la Península Ibérica, tales como Amphitragulus, Oriomeryx, Bedenomeryx o Dremotherium.
Deinsea, 2003
Correspondence: Pablo Peláez-Campomanes, Departamento de Paleobiología, Museo Nacional de Ciencia... more Correspondence: Pablo Peláez-Campomanes, Departamento de Paleobiología, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC, c/José Gutiérrez Abascal 2, 28006 Madrid (Spain). Email: mcnp177@ mncn. csic. es; other authors at Departamento de Paleontología, Fac. Ciencias Geológicas, Univ. Complutense, 28040 Madrid (Spain); and at Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra, Fac. Ciencias, Univ. de Zaragoza, Pl. San Francisco s/n, 50009 Zaragoza (Spain) Keywords: biostratigraphy, mammals, Aragonian, Miocene, Madrid, ...
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 2010
Paleontologica Nova …, 2008
Papers by Victoria Quiralte