Papers by Vanja Sredojevic
EMC Review - Časopis za ekonomiju - APEIRON
The international market requires the strengthening of the competitive advantages of all particip... more The international market requires the strengthening of the competitive advantages of all participants in it. The formulation of a positioning strategy requires the investment of resources in acquiring additional knowledge. This resource enables the avoidance of “strategic failures”, which often characterized the attempts of domestic business systems to access the international market. Managing international development and market positioning of business systems within the domestic and international environment requires additional management energy and additional knowledge. Digitalization of business significantly reduces business costs, thus eliminating numerous obstacles for poorer and less developed countries, which need and must use their chance to effectively integrate into international economic flows. Informing about censored demand, as well as its forecasting within the selected business area, represents an opportunity that enables safe and efficient access to the global mark...
Спортске науке и здравље - АПЕИРОН, 2022
The business efficiency of a service company/institutions is based on recognition and appreciatio... more The business efficiency of a service company/institutions is based on recognition and appreciation of user requirements and expectations, as well as reviewing of the user perception of the of offered and provided services at the level of primary health care. Customer expectations in mentioned field regard not only to direct users but also it affects the large number of individuals who are in family and/or emotional relationship with the users. Services from observed domain determine the quality of life of almost all member of the community. Verification of user perception of service quality at the level of primary health care, gives opportunity for harmonization of the working code with user requests and expectations. Examining the degree and direction of quantitative agreement of variations of observed phenomena enables the correction of procedures and additional education of employees, which achieves the adaptation of the primary health care system with user expectations and requi...
Acta Economica
The concept of business activity conditions specific procedures and activities in order to maximi... more The concept of business activity conditions specific procedures and activities in order to maximize the difference between output and input variables while taking into account the uncertainty of the business outcome. The business outcome is determined by a number of factors that are under the control of the decision maker. However, a number of factors are conditioned by stochastic quantities, which obey the laws of probability of a random variable whose value the decision maker cannot influence but must anticipate and respect in the business decision making process. Conditionality of business results with the market component refers to user expectations, and it requires a model approach by which the uncertain business future is recomposed into business expectations, with a high level of reliability. Modeling of the system by the process of mathematical simulation enables the calculation of variants of business future in the present time without realizing business strategies before t...
Vi vill här ta tillfället i akt och tacka de personer som hjälp oss författare i arbetet med att ... more Vi vill här ta tillfället i akt och tacka de personer som hjälp oss författare i arbetet med att genomföra och färdigställa denna uppsats. Ett stort tack riktas därför till… … Skånetrafiken och de intervjupersoner som välvilligt tog emot oss och gav oss material till studien:
Časopis za ekonomiju i tržišne komunikacije, Jul 23, 2018
Preduzetnička aktivnost zemalja u tranziciji, kao što je RS i BiH, bremenita je brojnim prijetnja... more Preduzetnička aktivnost zemalja u tranziciji, kao što je RS i BiH, bremenita je brojnim prijetnjama iz okruženja, što se posebno odnosi na izostanak adekvatne obrazovanosti preduzetnika, institucionalne podrške kao i komunikacione infrastrukture među njima, zatim njihovom značajnom fi nansijskom imoptentnošću.Potencijal preduzetničke aktivnosti MiS-ih preduzeća, predstavlja značajan preduslov razvoja nacionalne privrede kao i preduslov prevencije i/ili izlaska iz ekonomske krize, uz uslov da se njihov potencijal eksplotiše planskim, a ne stihijskim pristupom.Maksimizacija tržišnog potencijala i resursnih mogućnosti, zahtijeva izgradnju adekvatnog sistema odlučivanja, gdje se problemi rješavaju planskim sagledavanjem, selekcijom, aplikacijom i metrikom sistemskog okruženja sa aspekta zančajnosti, uz istovremeno uvažavanje internih potencijala. Adekvatna komunikacija donosioca odluke sa teorijskim modelima, i njihova efi kasna implementacija u poslovno planiranje aktivnosti omogućava poslovnim sistemima, tako i MiS preduzećima, da optimalnom kombinacijom vlastitih potencijala i poslovnog okruženja, ostvare maksimalnu poslovnu efikasnost i efektivnost.Teorijski model predstavlja virtuelno pomagalo kojim se vrši simboličko-kvantitativna deskripcija realnog sistema, pri čemu je stepen saglasnosti modela i niova realiteta kojega njime opisujemo determinišući faktor uspješnosti realne aplikacije modeliranih informacija.Klasifi kacija faktora odlučivanja treba ići u pravcu prepoznavanja ulaznih, slučajnih i izlaznih promjenljivi, kao i detekcije uslova i oblika njihove međuzavisnosti, prilagođenih uslovima odlučivanja.
EMC Review - Časopis za ekonomiju - APEIRON, 2020
Market globalization, transition processes and significant technical and technological advances a... more Market globalization, transition processes and significant technical and technological advances are affecting both production and service business systems, such as health care business systems refer to the loss of a long-standing monopoly position by transforming the market into a structure of free competition. In addition, technical and technological support to the diagnostics sector as well as other segments of health care is also experiencing expansion and development, whereby the RS and BiH markets follow the global trends of development of the said segment. It is justified to assume that the level of quality of services, measured and expressed by the users' perception of the performance of the services, significantly increases, thus the customer's expectations regarding the quality of service in the field of health care are also rising. Quality of service within health care includes the clinical picture of the service user and refers to the the objective valorization of...
EMC Review - Časopis za ekonomiju - APEIRON, 2019
Modern conditions of business require permanent emphasizing efficiency of work and production as ... more Modern conditions of business require permanent emphasizing efficiency of work and production as the key condition of the adequate market positioning of business entities. The business result is determined by a large number of factors which define and condition it, therefore its positioning is a very complex procedure.Positioning business system in context of the expected business result requires the launch of intellectual, technical - technological and management potential, in order to achieve optimum business result by subtle balancing of a large number of factors.Understanding an optimal business result as a best result in context of business symbiosis of its own potential and business environment, requires subtle balancing numerous of different and heterogeneous factors.Efficient realization business result includes a set of coordinated actions on every level of business activity, from production workers to management structures, whereby the business result ceases to be random o...
EMC Review - Časopis za ekonomiju - APEIRON, 2013
Značaj razvoja sektora malih i srednjih preduzeća i preduzetništva za rješavanje gorućeg pitanja ... more Značaj razvoja sektora malih i srednjih preduzeća i preduzetništva za rješavanje gorućeg pitanja nezaposlenosti je potvrđen Evropskom poveljom o malim preduzećima, koja je potpisana od vodećih ekonomija Evropske unije. Inovativnošću, svojom fleksibilnošću mala i srednja preduzeća su usmjerena na djelatnosti u kojima ekonomija obima nije primarna, što i odgovara tržišnim uslovima Bosne i Hercegovine i Republike Srpske. Vođeni statističkim pokazateljima i stanjem u praksi, eksperti iz oblasti ekonomije su ukazali na ogromnu moć koja leži upravo u malom biznisu, koju je potrebno poduprijeti povoljnim i stimulativnim poslovnim okruženjem i usmjeriti ka krajnjem cilju – prevazilaženju privredne stagnacije, povećanju opšte zaposlenosti i ekonomskom rastu. Pred istim problemom stoje i druge zemlje u okruženju, tražeći rješenja koja bi imala najbolje efekte na smanjenje stope nezaposlenosti. U Bosni i Hercegovini postotak nezaposlenih u 2012.godini je bio dvostruko veći nego u Španiji koja ...
Papers by Vanja Sredojevic