Papers by Václav Procházka
Ukázka z úvodní kapitoly: "V této knížce chceme ukázat, že predikce zemětřesení je možná, bu... more Ukázka z úvodní kapitoly: "V této knížce chceme ukázat, že predikce zemětřesení je možná, budeme prezentovat vlastní výsledky měření mikrodeformací masívu pomocí vertikálních statických kyvadel a na jejich základě ukážeme, jak by bylo možno predikovat místo, čas a magnitudo budoucího zemětřesení. Následující kapitoly proto budou na sebe volně navazovat tak, aby bylo možno některé z nich přeskakovat. Když se budete chtít přímo seznámit s našimi měřeními, tak doporučujeme přejít přímo na kapitolu 5. Pokud se budete chtít seznámit jen s modelem pohybu litosférických desek a/nebo s predikcí zemětřesení, tak můžete přímo přejít na kapitoly 9 a 10. Ve druhé kapitole ukážeme, proč jsou zemětřesení predikovatelná (Kalenda a Málek). Ve třetí kapitole se budeme teoreticky zabývat jednotlivými exogenními vlivy, které mohou být trigrovacími mechanismy zemětřesení – slapy (Skalský, Kalenda), změnou rychlosti rotace Země (LOD) (Ostřihanský), gravitačními neslapovými silami (Neumann), termoel...
Read more about the monograph and the related research in supplementary material. Contents: 1. IN... more Read more about the monograph and the related research in supplementary material. Contents: 1. INTRODUCTION 2. EARTHQUAKE PREDICTABILITY / ACCIDENTALITY (Kalenda) 3. THEORY OF EXTERNAL FORCES (Neumann, Kalenda, Skalský, Kopf, Wandrol) 4. EXPERIMENTS WITH SEISMICITY AND TESTS OF EFFECTS (Kalenda, Málek, Skalský, Ostřihanský) 5. VERTICAL STATIC PENDULUM (Neumann) 6. PENDULUM MEASUREMENT RESULTS – TILTS (Kalenda, Neumann) 7. INTERPRETATION OF PENDULUM MEASUREMENT (Kalenda, Neumann) 8. COMPARISON OF PENDULUM MEASUREMENT WITH OTHER METHODS (Kalenda) 9. PLATE MOVEMENT MECHANISM (Kalenda, Neumann, Procházka, Ostřihanský) 10. EARTHQUAKE PREDICTION (Kalenda, Neumann)
The town of L´Aquilla was hit by earthquake on April 6, 2009 (M6.4) and almost 300 people were ki... more The town of L´Aquilla was hit by earthquake on April 6, 2009 (M6.4) and almost 300 people were killed. Giampaolo Giuliani predicted such earthquake on March 23 based on his radon and local seismicity measurement in L´Aquilla and it’s surrounding. He detected two anomalies – one in the beginning of March and the second between March 19 and March 23, 2009. He predicted that the mainshock will occurred during one week, i.e. until March 30, 2009. The Major Risks Committee was held on March 31. There were seismologists and rescue workers inside this committee. They marked G.Giuliani as a charlatan, forced him to remove his prediction from net and prohibit him of access to media. Later, they declared that there will be no catastrophic event, because observed seismic swarms are common in this area. The observations by G.Giuliani were of high quality from scientific point of view, but when we compared his anomalies with the tilt measurement in Central Europe (Příbram, Lubeník) or in the sou...
The earthquake prediction must fulfill at least three parameters: time window, focal area and min... more The earthquake prediction must fulfill at least three parameters: time window, focal area and minimal magnitude of future earthquake. The new measurements of tilt by vertical static pendulums confirm that the best model of the processes inside of focal area before the mainshock could be model of asperity. This model show that quite before the failure, the material changes its features to non-linear. Such non-linear behavior of massif generates the “stress waves”, which are spreading to the surrounding of the asperity. In the case of the biggest earthquakes (M8), such stress waves are observable everywhere on the globe. The period between the observations of the first precursors and the mainshock is proportional to the volume of asperity and therefore to the magnitude of the mainshock. Many various methods must be used for the localization of asperity, because the methods based on direct or indirect stress measurement are not able to distinguish between local and global processes. We...
The earthquake prediction must fulfill at least three parameters: time window, focal area and min... more The earthquake prediction must fulfill at least three parameters: time window, focal area and minimal magnitude of future earthquake. The new measurements of tilt by vertical static pendulums confirm that the best model of the processes inside of focal area before the mainshock could be model of asperity. This model show that quite before the failure, the material changes its features to non-linear. Such non-linear behavior of massif generates the “stress waves”, which are spreading to the surrounding of the asperity. In the case of the biggest earthquakes (M8), such stress waves are observable everywhere on the globe. The period between the observations of the first precursors and the mainshock is proportional to the volume of asperity and therefore to the magnitude of the mainshock. Many various methods must be used for the localization of asperity, because the methods based on direct or indirect stress measurement are not able to distinguish between local and global processes. We...
Water-rich glass with radioactive inclusions was fabricated to mimic very slow radiochemical proc... more Water-rich glass with radioactive inclusions was fabricated to mimic very slow radiochemical processes in natural minerals and rocks (and potentially in artificial silicate materials, e.g. in radioactive waste disposal). A mixture of sodium silicate (Na2SiO3.5 H2O) and uraninite (~UO2) was added to molten soda-lime silicate glass. The uraninite powder also contained hydrated U-rich minerals (remnants of a phosphate/arsenate were proven but more phases could be present). The glass cooled rapidly outside the furnace and so the water liberated from hydrated minerals has not fully escaped. The rapid cooling also caused high stress in the glass (up to 300 bar) which probably helped to the reactions observed. After only 8 months, little changes were observed by polarization microscope near the uraninite inclusions. But in close vicinity (≤ 0.1 mm) of the remnants of hydrated U-rich phases, the amount of small water-vapour bubbles strongly increased with time, causing brownish coloration o...
Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie - Abhandlungen, 2010
In Hercynian peraluminous S-type granites of the Melechov Massif (Moldanubian Batholith, Czech Re... more In Hercynian peraluminous S-type granites of the Melechov Massif (Moldanubian Batholith, Czech Republic), Zn-rich ilmenite with up to 20 wt. % ZnO formed mainly as a product of subsolidus alteration of biotite into muscovite. Ilmenite usually fills the cleavage of muscovitized biotite. It is often accompanied by a TiO2 phase, Zn-rich pseudorutile and compositions transitional between ilmenite and pseudorutile (Fe2 3+ Ti3O9). At the ∼1 μm scale biotite alteration produced very fine intergrowths with muscovite (±chlorite). Subsolidus alteration of primary magmatic ilmenite with less than 0.5 wt. % ZnO led to Zn-rich oxide/oxy-hydroxide phases (≤ 5.3 wt. % ZnO), characterized by increasing Fe oxidation and decreasing Fe content (down to 15 wt. % Fe2O3).
We present a new model of lithosphere-plates movement based on three pillars: 1) The thermoelasti... more We present a new model of lithosphere-plates movement based on three pillars: 1) The thermoelastic wave, which was described first of all by Berger (1975), 2) The ratcheting mechanism, which was described for asphalt buckling and/or lithosphere evolution by J. Croll (2006, 2007), and 3) the solar irradiance energy, as quantified by IPCC (2007). The thermal wave, which is generated by solar irradiance on the surface, penetrates into depth, and subsurface rocks are expanded. The deformation spreads to the surrounding of expanded rocks and to the depths. Such elastic wave is called thermoelastic wave and has dominant periods of one day, one year, (short) climate periods (AMO, PDO and other oscillations), Milankovich periods (14000 – 120000 years) and longer climate periods. This deformation concerns prevalently the continental lithosphere and not lithosphere covered by ocean or thick layers of unconsolidated sediments. This non-uniform deformation of continental and/or oceanic plates l...
Main results: the measurements of tectonic stress by vertical static pendulums, even if performed... more Main results: the measurements of tectonic stress by vertical static pendulums, even if performed in central Europe only, showed anomalies usually several weeks before the most of strong earthquakes (M ≥ 7; M ≥ 6 in some cases) worldwide. The source regions of anomalous stress can be localized in combination with other data (sometimes by pendulum measurements alone), which makes largely successful predictions possible (one day to more than one month before, depending on magnitude). It has been shown that the movements of lithospheric plates are caused by external forces with dominant role of solar radiation, and they do not testify for mantle convection.
The town of L´Aquila was hit by earthquake on April 6, 2009 (M6.4) and 309 people were killed. Gi... more The town of L´Aquila was hit by earthquake on April 6, 2009 (M6.4) and 309 people were killed. Gianpaolo Giuliani predicted such an earthquake on March 23 based on his radon and local seismicity measurement in L´Aquila and its surrounding. He detected two anomalies – one in the beginning of March and the second between March 19 and March 23, 2009. He predicted that the main shock will occur during one week, i.e. until March 30, 2009. The Major Risks Committee was held on March 31. There were seismologists and rescue workers inside this committee. They marked G. Giuliani as a charlatan, forced him to remove his prediction from net and prohibit him any access to media. Later, they declared that there will be no catastrophic event, because observed seismic swarms are common in this area. The observations by G. Giuliani were of high quality from the scientific point of view, but when we compared his anomalies with the tilt measurement in Central Europe (Příbram, Lubeník) or in the south...
The earthquake prediction must fulfill at least three parameters: time window, focal area and min... more The earthquake prediction must fulfill at least three parameters: time window, focal area and minimal magnitude of future earthquake. The new measurements of tilt by vertical static pendulums confirm that the best model of the processes inside focal area before the main shock could be model of asperity. This model shows that quite before the failure, the material changes its features to non-linear. Such a non-linear behavior of massif generates the "stress waves" which are spreading to the surrounding of the asperity. In the case of the biggest earthquakes (M8), such stress waves are observable everywhere on the globe.
Abstract Frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility, its anisotropy (AMS), its temperature varia... more Abstract Frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility, its anisotropy (AMS), its temperature variation, natural remanent magnetization and time-dependent isothermal remanent magnetization as well as Mössbauer spectroscopy of a small collection of Celtic and ...
Geoinformatics 2014, 2014
The deformation measurement of rock mass in the depth and mathematical modelling solved the old q... more The deformation measurement of rock mass in the depth and mathematical modelling solved the old question of Wegener´s theory "What is the main engine for the lithosphere movement?".The solar energy, which reaches the Earth, is two orders higher than the energy of all earthquakes and volcanoes. Only a small part of the solar energy is accumulated in the rocks and the thermal wave created by the solar irradiation penetrates the subsurface layers. The thermal expansions of rocks give rise to excitation of the thermoelastic waves, which are observable in depths as well as in the whole lithosphere plate. The thermoelastic waves with diurnal and annual periods are well observable. The limit cases were modeled by the Simulation-Based Reliability Assessment (SBRA) method (probabilistic Monte Carlo approach). The upper limit corresponds with slow slip events, tremors, creep or earthquakes, the lower limit corresponds with opening of cracks and faults, which can be filled by ratchets. Such mechanism leads to the non-reversible expansions of rocks and spreading of the ocean floor.
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 2010
Magnetic properties as well as the magnetomineralogy were investigated in rocks underlying a 7 km... more Magnetic properties as well as the magnetomineralogy were investigated in rocks underlying a 7 km long aeromagnetic anomaly situated in the Moldanubian crystalline unit of the Bohemian Massif. The anomaly is caused by highly magnetic cordierite gneiss forming a stripe of NE -SW direction east of the town of Humpolec, eastern Bohemia. Magnetic susceptibility and its anisotropy (AMS), natural remanent magnetization, field and temperature variations of susceptibility were measured. Optical study of thin sections, electron microprobe and Mössbauer studies were also used to reveal the carrier of the high susceptibility and the high NRM. There appear to be two major generations of Fe-Ti oxides: older hematite with ilmenite exsolutions (Ti-hematite) which is the dominant remanence phase, and younger magnetite, the dominant susceptibility phase, usually associated with rutile. This indicates a reaction Hematite + Ilmenite → Magnetite + + Rutile; the trace elements in magnetite, as well as texture and morphology of the oxide grains support this assertion. An additional minor portion of maghemite is revealed by Mössbauer and thermomagnetic results. The Ti-hematite belongs to the oldest mineral assemblage in the rock, despite its anhedral morphology. Inclusions in Ti-hematite, among which corundum and abundant paragonite occur, record a strongly peraluminous and probably disequilibrium association during the crystallization of the Ti-hematite. K e y w o r d s : aeromagnetic anomaly, cordierite gneiss, magnetic properties, thermomagnetic analysis, Ti-hematite, ilmenite exsolutions, magnetite, maghemite, rutile V. Procházka et al. 96 Stud. Geophys. Geod., 54 (2010)
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 2012
Abstract Frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility, its anisotropy (AMS), its temperature varia... more Abstract Frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility, its anisotropy (AMS), its temperature variation, natural remanent magnetization and time-dependent isothermal remanent magnetization as well as Mössbauer spectroscopy of a small collection of Celtic and ...
Mineralogy and Petrology, 2008
This study describes and discusses the origin of fluorapatite-zircon-monazite-xenotime associatio... more This study describes and discusses the origin of fluorapatite-zircon-monazite-xenotime associations from the Melechov granite massif, Czech Republic. The Melechov massif consists of a series of peraluminous twomica granite intrusions subdivided into the Stvořidla, Melechov, Kouty, and Lipnice granites. Fluorapatite in these granites occurs in three population groups: (1) large grains (100-600 μm) with variable amounts of monazite and zircon inclusions and grains along the rim of the fluorapatite ranging from many to none; (2) small (<50 μm), inclusion-free grains; and (3) very small (<2 μm) grains scattered throughout the plagioclase, which occur mainly in samples from the Melechov and Stvořidla granites. Rare xenotime inclusions are found in large fluorapatite grains from the Melechov and Stvořidla granites. Both the large and small fluorapatite grains have the same compositional range in Y, the REE, and Mn. Petrographic textures and mineral composition indicate that the monazite and zircon inclusions were overgrown during fluorapatite growth. Evidence for this origin includes: (1) Zircon cannot be metasomatically induced to form as inclusions in fluorapatite; (2) there is no difference either in the Y and the REE or, more importantly, in the Th and U content between monazite grains associated with and not associated with fluorapatite; and (3) distinctive layered, concentric textures in the fluorapatite in which the monazite and zircon inclusions are often seen to concentrate. These observations suggest that the monazite and zircon grains initially grew on the surface of the fluorapatite grain and were later enclosed by new layers of fluorapatite as the grain continued to grow.
Papers by Václav Procházka