Papers by Urbano Lorenzo-Seva
Universitas Psychologica, 2012
Este estudio presenta la adaptación colombiana del Cuestionario de Agresividad de Buss y Perry pa... more Este estudio presenta la adaptación colombiana del Cuestionario de Agresividad de Buss y Perry para preadolescentes y adolescentes, desarrollado a partir de la versión española abreviada de 20 ítems. Dicha adaptación se administró a una muestra de 535 niños (269 niños y 266 niñas) con un rango de edades de 8-16 años, pertenecientes a tres colegios del área metropolitana de Bucaramanga. Los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio indican un buen ajuste al modelo de cuatro factores que ha sido descrita para otros idiomas y adaptaciones. El test presentó una fiabilidad satisfactoria para la escala total (α = 0.82) y para la escala de agresividad física (α = 0.75), mientras que para las demás escalas varía en función de la edad, no siendo recomendable su aplicación en edades inferiores a los 12 años. Al analizar los efectos del sexo sobre la agresividad, se verificó que dicho efecto se debía exclusivamente a las diferencias en agresividad física. Finalmente, se pone de manifiest...
The R Journal, 2019
The unival package is designed to help researchers decide between unidimensional and correlatedfa... more The unival package is designed to help researchers decide between unidimensional and correlatedfactors solutions in the factor analysis of psychometric measures. The novelty of the approach is its use of external information, in which multiple factor scores and general factor scores are related to relevant external variables or criteria. The unival package's implementation comes from a series of procedures put forward by Ferrando and Lorenzo-Seva (2019) and new methodological developments proposed in this article. We assess models fitted using unival by means of a simulation study extending the results obtained in the original proposal. Its usefulness is also assessed through a real-world data example. Based on these results, we conclude unival is a valuable tool for use in applications in which the dimensionality of an item set is to be assessed.
PeerJ, 2016
Background.The Barcelona Music Reward Questionnaire (BMRQ) questionnaire investigates the main fa... more Background.The Barcelona Music Reward Questionnaire (BMRQ) questionnaire investigates the main facets of music experience that could explain the variance observed in how people experience reward associated with music. Currently, only English and Spanish versions of this questionnaire are available. The objective of this study is to validate a French version of the BMRQ.Methods.The original BMRQ was translated and adapted into an international French version. The questionnaire was then administered through an online survey aimed at adults aged over 18 years who were fluent in French. Statistical analyses were performed and compared to the original English and Spanish version for validation purposes.Results.A total of 1,027 participants completed the questionnaire. Most responses were obtained from France (89.4%). Analyses revealed that congruence values between the rotated loading matrix and the ideal loading matrix ranged between 0.88 and 0.96. Factor reliabilities of subscales (i.e...
Journal of Statistical Software, 2009
Estudios de Psicología, 1999
... ANDREU VIGIL, PERE JOAN FERRANDO, URBAJO LORENZO Y JORDI TOUS Universitat Rovira i Virgili ..... more ... ANDREU VIGIL, PERE JOAN FERRANDO, URBAJO LORENZO Y JORDI TOUS Universitat Rovira i Virgili ... Con el fin de obtener una estimación del TI que no se vea afectada por este tipo de estrategias, Knibb (1992) ha desarrollado un nuevo sistema de enmas-caramiento ...
Personality and Individual Differences, 1993
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 1996
Methodology, 2021
Kaiser’s single-variable measure of sampling adequacy (MSA) is a very useful index for debugging ... more Kaiser’s single-variable measure of sampling adequacy (MSA) is a very useful index for debugging inappropriate items before a factor analysis (FA) solution is fitted to an item-pool dataset for item selection purposes. For reasons discussed in the article, however, MSA is hardly used nowadays in this context. In our view, this is unfortunate. In the present proposal, we first discuss the foundation and rationale of MSA from a ‘modern’ FA view, as well as its usefulness in the item selection process. Second, we embed the index within a robust approach and propose improvements in the preliminary item selection process. Third, we implement the proposal in different statistical programs. Finally, we illustrate its use and advantages with an empirical example in personality measurement.
experiences, even though it has no direct biological advantage. However little is known about ind... more experiences, even though it has no direct biological advantage. However little is known about individual differences in how people experience reward in music-related activities. The goal of the present study was to describe the main facets of music experience that could explain the variance observed in how people experience reward associated with music. To this end we developed the Barcelona Music Reward Questionnaire (BMRQ), which was administrated to three large samples. Our results showed that the musical reward experience can be decomposed into five reliable factors: Musical Seek-ing, Emotion Evocation, Mood Regulation, Social Reward, and Sensory-Motor. These factors were corre-lated with socio-demographic factors and measures of general sensitivity to reward and hedonic experience. We propose that the five-factor structure of musical reward experience might be very relevant in the study of psychological and neural bases of emotion and plea-sure associated to music.
Psicothema, 2008
Nowadays, there is a great deal of evidence to suggest that personality variables can play an imp... more Nowadays, there is a great deal of evidence to suggest that personality variables can play an important role in the prediction of academic performance. However, many authors have mentioned that the differences in the prediction power of broad and narrow personality measures must be taken into account. We develop and validate a scale to assess the anxiety encountered when taking a statistics course. We designed the inventory as a set of 24 positive sentences that measure three subscales: Examination Anxiety , Asking for Help Anxiety and Interpretation Anxiety . In addition, as the three dimensions correlated with each other, they were considered related subscales from an overall scale, which measures statistical anxiety. Results show that these specific measures of anxiety about statistics have a significant relationship with academic performance in statistics whereas broader measures of anxiety or neuroticism do not.
Behavior Research Methods
Nowadays, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses are two important consecutive steps in an ... more Nowadays, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses are two important consecutive steps in an overall analysis process. The overall analysis should start with an exploratory factor analysis that explores the data and establishes a hypothesis for the factor model in the population. Then, the analysis process should be continued with a confirmatory factor analysis to assess whether the hypothesis proposed in the exploratory step is plausible in the population. To carry out the analysis, researchers usually collect a single sample, and then split it into two halves. As no specific splitting methods have been proposed to date in the context of factor analysis, researchers use a random split approach. In this paper we propose a method to split samples into equivalent subsamples similar to one that has already been proposed in the context of multivariate regression analysis. The method was tested in simulation studies and in real datasets.
Psicothema, 2012
Although many studies have focused on the effects of social desirability in personality measures,... more Although many studies have focused on the effects of social desirability in personality measures, few have analysed its effects on such highly undesirable behaviour as aggressiveness. The present study analyzes the impact of social desirability on measures of direct and indirect aggression and on the relationships between both kinds of aggression with impulsivity, using a method that enables the content factors of the measures to be isolated from social desirability. Results showed that aggression measures are highly affected by social desirability and that the relationships between the two forms of aggression and impulsivity are due to the content measured by the tests and not to a common social desirability factor.
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology : IJCHP, 2021
Background/Objective The aim of the study was to examine the factor structure and psychometric pr... more Background/Objective The aim of the study was to examine the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale (Mini-MAC) in a large sample of patients with non-metastatic, resected cancer. Methods Prospective, observational, multicenter study for which 914 patients were recruited from 15 Spanish hospitals. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, validity and reliability analyses were conducted. Results Factor-analytic results indicated a 4-factor structure of the Spanish version of the Mini-MAC. Three subscales have psychometric properties similar to those of Helplessness, Anxious preoccupation, and Cognitive avoidance of the original the Mini-MAC. The Fighting spirit and the Fatalism subscales were combined on the Positive attitude scale. The four factor-derived scale scores exhibited acceptable accuracy for individual measurement purposes, as well as stability over time in test-retest assessments at 6 months. V...
Información del artículo Desarrollo del programa 3D para métodos gráficos de rotación factorial e... more Información del artículo Desarrollo del programa 3D para métodos gráficos de rotación factorial en 2 y 3 dimensiones.
Psicothema, 2021
BACKGROUND Balanced scales control for acquiescence (ACQ) because the tendency of the respondent ... more BACKGROUND Balanced scales control for acquiescence (ACQ) because the tendency of the respondent to agree with the positive items is cancelled out by the tendency to agree with opposite-pole items. When full balance is achieved, ACQ is not expected to affect external validity. Otherwise, attenuated estimates are expected to appear if no control methods such as Lorenzo-Seva & Ferrando’s (2009) are used. Method: Expected results were derived analytically. Subsequently, a simulation was carried out to assess (a) how ACQ impacted external validity and (b) how validity estimates behaved when ACQ was corrected. Two illustrative examples are provided. RESULTS A sizable number of items and/or high content loadings tended to decrease ACQ’s impact on validity estimates, making the empirical coefficient closer to its structural value. Furthermore, when scales were well balanced, the controlled and uncorrected scores were close to each other, and led to unbiased validity estimates. When the sc...
This note is about Bayes EAP scoring in the class of oblique linear and non - linear item respons... more This note is about Bayes EAP scoring in the class of oblique linear and non - linear item response models that can be parameterized as factor analy...
Papers by Urbano Lorenzo-Seva