Produtividade de sistemas forrageiros consorciados com amendoim forrageiro ou trevo vermelho Prod... more Produtividade de sistemas forrageiros consorciados com amendoim forrageiro ou trevo vermelho Productivity of pastures-based systems mixed to forage peanut or red clover Recebido para publicação 04.03.11 Aprovado em 10.06.12 Devolvido pelo autor 28.08.12 CR-4901 RESUMO O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar três sistemas forrageiros (SF) com capim elefante (CE) Pennisetum purpureum Schum., cv. 'MerckeronPinda' + espécies de crescimento espontâneo (ECE) + azevém anual (AZ) Lolium multiflorum Lam., cv. 'Comum', como SF1; CE + ECE + AZ + amendoim forrageiro (AF) Arachis pintoi Krap. e Greg., cv. 'Amarillo', como SF2; e CE + ECE + AZ + trevo vermelho (TV) Trifolium pratense L., cv. 'Estanzoela 116', como SF3. O CE foi estabelecido em linhas afastadas a cada 4m. O azevém anual foi estabelecido entre as linhas do CE durante o período hibernal; o TV foi semeado e o AF foi preservado nos respectivos tratamentos. Para avaliação, foram usadas vacas da raça Holandesa que receberam 5,5kg dia -1 como complemento alimentar. Foram avaliadas a taxa de acúmulo diário de matéria seca (TA), a massa de forragem desaparecida (MFD), a matéria seca desaparecida com base em 100kg de peso vivo (MSD) e a produção de forragem (PF), as composições botânica e estrutural do CE. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos (SF) e duas repetições (piquetes) em parcelas subdivididas no tempo (pastejo). Durante o período experimental (341 dias), foram efetuados nove ciclos de pastejo. Os valores médios de TA, MFD, MSD e PF foram de 53,16kg ha -1 ; 36,13%; 2,77kg de matéria seca por 100kg de peso vivo e 17,80t ha -1 . Para a variável ECE, houve aumento significativo no SF1. Considerando a carga animal, o SF3 apresentou melhor desempenho. Palavras-chave: Arachis pintoi, bovinos leiteiros, Lolium multiflorum, pastejo rotacionado, Pennisetum purpureum, Trifolium pratense. ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to evaluate of tree pasture-based systems (PS) with elephantgrass (EG) Pennisetum purpureum Schum., cv. 'Merckeron Pinda' + spontaneous growing species (SGS), annual ryegrass (RG) Lolium multiflorum Lam., cv. 'Comum', for PS1; EG + SGS + forage peanut (FP) Arachis pintoi Krap. e Greg., cv. 'Amarillo', for PS2; and EG + SGS + RG + red clover (RC) Trifolium pratense L., cv. 'Estanzoela 116', for PS3. EG was planted in lines with a distance of 4m each one of them. Ryegrass was sowed between rows of EG during the cool-season; red clover was sowed and the forage peanut was preserved on respectively treatments. Holstein cows receiving 5.5kg daily -1 complementary concentrate feed were used. The dry matter daily accumulation rate (DMA),disappearance of forage mass (DFM),dry matter disappeared based on 100kg of live weight (DMD),total dry matter production (TDM), botanical composition and structural component of EG were evaluated. The experimental design used was completely randomized with tree treatments (SF) and two replicates (paddocks) in incomplete split-plot time (grazing cycles). Nine grazing cycle were performed during the experimental period (341 days). The average values of DMA, DFM, DMD and TDM were 53.16kg ha -1 , 36.13%, 2.77kg of dry matter per100kg of liveweight and 17.80t ha -1 , respectively. SGS parameter increased significantly over in the PS1. Considering the stocking rate the PS3 showed a better performance.
The objective of this research was to estimate three pasture-based systems mixed with elephantgra... more The objective of this research was to estimate three pasture-based systems mixed with elephantgrass + spontaneous growth species, annual ryegrass, for pasture-based system 1; elephantgrass + spontaneous growth species + forage peanut, for pasture-based system 2; and elephantgrass + spontaneous growth species + annual ryegrass + red clover, for pasturebased system 3. Elephantgrass was planted in rows 4 m apart from each other. During the cool-season, annual ryegrass was sown in the alleys between the rows of elephantgrass; forage peanut and red clover were sown in the alleys between the elephantgrass according to the respective treatment. The experimental design was totally randomized in the three treatments (pasture-based systems), two replicates (paddocks) in completely split-plot time (grazing cycles). Holstein cows receiving 5.5 kg-daily complementary concentrate feed were used in the evaluation. Pre-grazing forage mass, botanical composition and stocking rate were evaluated. Samples of simulated grazing were collected to analyze organic matter (OM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), crude protein (CP) and organic matter in situ digestibility (OMISD). Nine grazing cycles were performed during the experimental period (341 days). The average dry matter values for pre-grazing and stocking rate were 3.34; 3.46;
RESUMO -Esta pesquisa foi conduzida com o objetivo de avaliar o valor nutritivo da forragem de 12... more RESUMO -Esta pesquisa foi conduzida com o objetivo de avaliar o valor nutritivo da forragem de 12 genótipos de seis espécies de cereais de inverno de duplo propósito (forragem e grãos), submetidos ao corte, na região da Depressão Central do Rio Grande do Sul. As espécies e genótipos testados foram: trigo (BRS 277, BRS Guatambu, BRS Tarumã, BRS Umbu); aveia-preta (Agro Zebu, UPFA 21 -Moreninha e Comum); aveia-branca (UPF 18); centeio (BR 1 e BRS Serrano); Cevada (BRS Marciana) e triticale (BRS 148).Os genótipos foram distribuídos em 36 parcelas experimentais, num delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com 12 tratamentos e três repetições. As análises de valor nutritivo e composição mineral foram feitas pelo método da reflectância do infravermelho proximal (NIRS), em amostras do estrato superior a 10 cm de altura da forragem. Os genótipos de aveia e o trigo BRS Umbu apresentaram os melhores resultados de valor nutritivo. A composição mineral apresentou pequena variabilidade entre os genótipos testados. Os resultados demonstram que os cereais de inverno produzem forragem de elevado valor nutritivo. Palavras-chave: composição química, integração lavoura-pecuária, NIRS, pastagens anuais Nutritive value of forage of genotypes of double purpose winter cereals ABSTRACT -The objective of this research was to evaluate the nutritive value of the forage of 12 genotypes of six double purpose (forage and grains) winter cereal species submitted to harvest in the region of Depressão Central in Rio Grande do Sul state. The species and genotypes tested were: wheat (BRS 277, BRS Guatambu, BRS Tarumã and BRS Umbu); black oat (Agro Zebu, UPFA 21 -Moreninha and Commom black-oat); white-oat (UPF 18); rye (BR 1 and BRS Serrano); barley (BRS Marciana); and triticale (BRS 148). The genotypes were distributed in 36 experimental plots in completely randomized experimental design, with 12 treatments and three replications. Analysis of nutritive value and mineral composition were performed by the near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in samples of stratum greater than 10 cm height of forage. Oat genotypes and BRS Umbu wheat presented the best nutritive value results. Mineral composition presented small variability among the genotypes tested. The results demonstrate that winter cereals produce high nutritive value forage.
Produtividade de sistemas forrageiros consorciados com amendoim forrageiro ou trevo vermelho Prod... more Produtividade de sistemas forrageiros consorciados com amendoim forrageiro ou trevo vermelho Productivity of pastures-based systems mixed to forage peanut or red clover Recebido para publicação 04.03.11 Aprovado em 10.06.12 Devolvido pelo autor 28.08.12 CR-4901 RESUMO O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar três sistemas forrageiros (SF) com capim elefante (CE) Pennisetum purpureum Schum., cv. 'MerckeronPinda' + espécies de crescimento espontâneo (ECE) + azevém anual (AZ) Lolium multiflorum Lam., cv. 'Comum', como SF1; CE + ECE + AZ + amendoim forrageiro (AF) Arachis pintoi Krap. e Greg., cv. 'Amarillo', como SF2; e CE + ECE + AZ + trevo vermelho (TV) Trifolium pratense L., cv. 'Estanzoela 116', como SF3. O CE foi estabelecido em linhas afastadas a cada 4m. O azevém anual foi estabelecido entre as linhas do CE durante o período hibernal; o TV foi semeado e o AF foi preservado nos respectivos tratamentos. Para avaliação, foram usadas vacas da raça Holandesa que receberam 5,5kg dia -1 como complemento alimentar. Foram avaliadas a taxa de acúmulo diário de matéria seca (TA), a massa de forragem desaparecida (MFD), a matéria seca desaparecida com base em 100kg de peso vivo (MSD) e a produção de forragem (PF), as composições botânica e estrutural do CE. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos (SF) e duas repetições (piquetes) em parcelas subdivididas no tempo (pastejo). Durante o período experimental (341 dias), foram efetuados nove ciclos de pastejo. Os valores médios de TA, MFD, MSD e PF foram de 53,16kg ha -1 ; 36,13%; 2,77kg de matéria seca por 100kg de peso vivo e 17,80t ha -1 . Para a variável ECE, houve aumento significativo no SF1. Considerando a carga animal, o SF3 apresentou melhor desempenho. Palavras-chave: Arachis pintoi, bovinos leiteiros, Lolium multiflorum, pastejo rotacionado, Pennisetum purpureum, Trifolium pratense. ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to evaluate of tree pasture-based systems (PS) with elephantgrass (EG) Pennisetum purpureum Schum., cv. 'Merckeron Pinda' + spontaneous growing species (SGS), annual ryegrass (RG) Lolium multiflorum Lam., cv. 'Comum', for PS1; EG + SGS + forage peanut (FP) Arachis pintoi Krap. e Greg., cv. 'Amarillo', for PS2; and EG + SGS + RG + red clover (RC) Trifolium pratense L., cv. 'Estanzoela 116', for PS3. EG was planted in lines with a distance of 4m each one of them. Ryegrass was sowed between rows of EG during the cool-season; red clover was sowed and the forage peanut was preserved on respectively treatments. Holstein cows receiving 5.5kg daily -1 complementary concentrate feed were used. The dry matter daily accumulation rate (DMA),disappearance of forage mass (DFM),dry matter disappeared based on 100kg of live weight (DMD),total dry matter production (TDM), botanical composition and structural component of EG were evaluated. The experimental design used was completely randomized with tree treatments (SF) and two replicates (paddocks) in incomplete split-plot time (grazing cycles). Nine grazing cycle were performed during the experimental period (341 days). The average values of DMA, DFM, DMD and TDM were 53.16kg ha -1 , 36.13%, 2.77kg of dry matter per100kg of liveweight and 17.80t ha -1 , respectively. SGS parameter increased significantly over in the PS1. Considering the stocking rate the PS3 showed a better performance.
The objective of this research was to estimate three pasture-based systems mixed with elephantgra... more The objective of this research was to estimate three pasture-based systems mixed with elephantgrass + spontaneous growth species, annual ryegrass, for pasture-based system 1; elephantgrass + spontaneous growth species + forage peanut, for pasture-based system 2; and elephantgrass + spontaneous growth species + annual ryegrass + red clover, for pasturebased system 3. Elephantgrass was planted in rows 4 m apart from each other. During the cool-season, annual ryegrass was sown in the alleys between the rows of elephantgrass; forage peanut and red clover were sown in the alleys between the elephantgrass according to the respective treatment. The experimental design was totally randomized in the three treatments (pasture-based systems), two replicates (paddocks) in completely split-plot time (grazing cycles). Holstein cows receiving 5.5 kg-daily complementary concentrate feed were used in the evaluation. Pre-grazing forage mass, botanical composition and stocking rate were evaluated. Samples of simulated grazing were collected to analyze organic matter (OM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), crude protein (CP) and organic matter in situ digestibility (OMISD). Nine grazing cycles were performed during the experimental period (341 days). The average dry matter values for pre-grazing and stocking rate were 3.34; 3.46;
RESUMO -Esta pesquisa foi conduzida com o objetivo de avaliar o valor nutritivo da forragem de 12... more RESUMO -Esta pesquisa foi conduzida com o objetivo de avaliar o valor nutritivo da forragem de 12 genótipos de seis espécies de cereais de inverno de duplo propósito (forragem e grãos), submetidos ao corte, na região da Depressão Central do Rio Grande do Sul. As espécies e genótipos testados foram: trigo (BRS 277, BRS Guatambu, BRS Tarumã, BRS Umbu); aveia-preta (Agro Zebu, UPFA 21 -Moreninha e Comum); aveia-branca (UPF 18); centeio (BR 1 e BRS Serrano); Cevada (BRS Marciana) e triticale (BRS 148).Os genótipos foram distribuídos em 36 parcelas experimentais, num delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com 12 tratamentos e três repetições. As análises de valor nutritivo e composição mineral foram feitas pelo método da reflectância do infravermelho proximal (NIRS), em amostras do estrato superior a 10 cm de altura da forragem. Os genótipos de aveia e o trigo BRS Umbu apresentaram os melhores resultados de valor nutritivo. A composição mineral apresentou pequena variabilidade entre os genótipos testados. Os resultados demonstram que os cereais de inverno produzem forragem de elevado valor nutritivo. Palavras-chave: composição química, integração lavoura-pecuária, NIRS, pastagens anuais Nutritive value of forage of genotypes of double purpose winter cereals ABSTRACT -The objective of this research was to evaluate the nutritive value of the forage of 12 genotypes of six double purpose (forage and grains) winter cereal species submitted to harvest in the region of Depressão Central in Rio Grande do Sul state. The species and genotypes tested were: wheat (BRS 277, BRS Guatambu, BRS Tarumã and BRS Umbu); black oat (Agro Zebu, UPFA 21 -Moreninha and Commom black-oat); white-oat (UPF 18); rye (BR 1 and BRS Serrano); barley (BRS Marciana); and triticale (BRS 148). The genotypes were distributed in 36 experimental plots in completely randomized experimental design, with 12 treatments and three replications. Analysis of nutritive value and mineral composition were performed by the near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in samples of stratum greater than 10 cm height of forage. Oat genotypes and BRS Umbu wheat presented the best nutritive value results. Mineral composition presented small variability among the genotypes tested. The results demonstrate that winter cereals produce high nutritive value forage.
Papers by Tiago Horst