Papers by Tetsuo Shiotsuki
Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Engineering Education, 2008
Journal of The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 2015
SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, Jul 1, 2010
One of the important classes of MIMO processes is that of serial processes. We propose a combined... more One of the important classes of MIMO processes is that of serial processes. We propose a combined control technique of PID control and disturbance observer for the temperature control of a deionized (DI) water heater that has the structure of a serial process. The results of both simulation and actual equipment experiment verify that the proposed method enables us not only to use fewer temperature sensors than the conventional system but also to solve the offset problem that is typical for the serial processes.
제어로봇시스템학회 국내학술대회 논문집, Oct 1, 1988
工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集, Jul 28, 2006
제어로봇시스템학회 국내학술대회 논문집, Oct 1, 2000
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, Jul 1, 1997
In this article we consider the problem of analysis and design of linear time-invariant control s... more In this article we consider the problem of analysis and design of linear time-invariant control systems by using the system models which are based on matrix pencils. Behaviors, poles, zeros, stability, controllability, observability, transfer function, and other traditional concepts are discussed mainly besed on the Willems' behavioral approach. Moreover the extensions to LQ optimal control problem and computation of Hoc norm are investigated.
International journal of energy engineering, 2015
We have developed an energy-saving control system that controls lighting and air-conditioning con... more We have developed an energy-saving control system that controls lighting and air-conditioning considering desk allocation in the office. This lighting control system makes the desk area that a person uses brighter, but makes the lighting gradually dimmer with distance from the person at a desk. In addition, the air-conditioning system controls temperatures only for areas where someone is at the desk, which can be done by controlling the on and off time of the thermostat in the air-conditioning system. We evaluated this control system by actual measurement and simulations and validated its effectiveness for the reduction of electrical power consumption.
Robotikusu, Mekatoronikusu Koenkai koen gaiyoshu, 2014
Nihon Kikai Gakkai Kyushu Shibu koen ronbunshu, 2001
This is 亭 repert on an ex ⇒ erimehtal results of force / t tile 頓 le ・ communication systems over... more This is 亭 repert on an ex ⇒ erimehtal results of force / t tile 頓 le ・ communication systems over も he net Ψ ork with transmission delay . 1 叺 order to compensate the delay we adopl . ted H 。 。 conp . rol theory … w 虹 ich is a baSic , to , ol ' fo . r robiSst control . systems desi ' gn 。 We con 丘rmed the e 伍ectivity of the ピ heory and contro 囹 gorithms by using l − DOF experimental systems over the virtual network with time − delay of 1000msec . 陶 丁 '
The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.C, 1988
Keisoku Jidō Seigyo Gakkai ronbunshū, 1988
Keisoku Jidō Seigyo Gakkai ronbunshū, 1987

The Internet of Things, 2016
In recent years, various applications are expected to arise for IoT systems that incorporate sens... more In recent years, various applications are expected to arise for IoT systems that incorporate sensor technology, network technology, and information processing technology. With IoT systems, several technologies must be combined systematically. Design and construction of IoT systems require great amounts of knowledge, time, and funds. In this paper, we propose a method of prototype construction for the active creation of IoT application ideas. This method clearly presents contents and procedures for prototyping for students of non-IT courses and non-science/non-engineering courses in their own specialized fields. This method has an IoT device implementation framework. Application of the framework facilitates ease of connection of versatile sensors and actuators. After the prototype is constructed according to this construction method, those who constructed it (constructors) can perform problem solving, idea creation, and needs assessment related to their own specialized fields. This construction method was applied practically by science and engineering students in non-IT courses and non-science/non-engineering students, for whom its effects were evaluated.
The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan.C, 2017
M2M (Machine to Machine) / IoT (Internet of Things) systems are expected to be used in various ap... more M2M (Machine to Machine) / IoT (Internet of Things) systems are expected to be used in various application areas such as social infrastructure, industrial automation, and health and medical care. Prototyping of M2M / IoT systems is an effective way to embody the idea on the systems and to examine their feasibility. This paper describes a method for prototyping of M2M / IoT systems, which consists of how to embody the idea of them, how to select their components and how to build them using a framework, so that people can easily construct M2M / IoT systems to solve their problems. This paper also describes three different applications of this method, which proves its effectiveness.
Keisoku Jidō Seigyo Gakkai ronbunshū, 1988
2009 ICCAS-SICE, Nov 13, 2009
This paper proposes a self-tuning control method based on generalized minimum variance control fo... more This paper proposes a self-tuning control method based on generalized minimum variance control for rotational speed control of a slider-crank mechanism. Dynamic characteristics of the slider-crank mechanism significantly changes depending on the wheel rotational angle. Thus, to achieve a good control performance, it is necessary for the plant parameters to be identified at the each section divided into six by the wheel angle. This kind of control based on the local modeling is useful not only for such a slider-crank mechanism but also for highly-accurate positioning control systems with significant nonlinearity. The validity of the proposed method is verified through simulations and experiments.
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, Jul 1, 1999
The concept of dissipativity and passivity is of interest from a theoretical as well as a practic... more The concept of dissipativity and passivity is of interest from a theoretical as well as a practical point of view. In this paper, a formulation of dissipativity for linear time-invariant system on pencil model is derived. According to the structural properties of canonical form for pencils, it can be shown that a storage function is written as a quadratic form of the solution of the LMI which consists of the original system parameters.
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, Sep 1, 2004
R.ecent developments of computer and network technologies are promoting the change from audiovisu... more R.ecent developments of computer and network technologies are promoting the change from audiovisual cOllllllunication to five-sellses cOIIlIllunicatioll over the computer network. Especially force communication is a hopeful application in the coming e-world. Bilateral tele-operation system is a kind of technology utilize for the application. But it is well-known that the computer network has inevitable time-delay ami jitter in the transmission of the data, and which deteriorates the stability and performance of the systems. In this article previous researches for the problem are reviewed and a robust control system with no force sensor is proposed.
ABSTRACT Combination of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control and modern control theory ... more ABSTRACT Combination of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control and modern control theory such as observer can control more difficult application than PID control only. We proposed combined control technique of PID control and disturbance observer for the temperature control of deionized (DI) water heater that is used for semiconductor processing equipment. The result of both simulation and actual equipment experiment verified that the proposed method enabled not only to use fewer temperature sensors than conventional system that leads to a cost reduction but also to have robustness against model uncertainty of a lamp heater such as a nonlinearity of input-output relationship, power variation, and sudden burnout.
Papers by Tetsuo Shiotsuki