Papers by Teresa Astramowicz-Leyk
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia, Sep 30, 2023
The article considers the issue of the migration crisis of Ukrainian refugees to EU member states... more The article considers the issue of the migration crisis of Ukrainian refugees to EU member states caused by Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. An elucidation was made as to the quantity of Ukrainian refugees taken in by European states since the Russia's full-scale military invasion of Ukraine commenced. An analysis of forms of protection for individuals in the European Union is conducted, including refugee status and temporary protection. The legislation of refugee status in the EU is represented through the prism of the analysis of the Council Directive 2001/55/EC on temporary protection. The key difference between temporary protection and refugee status is defined. 16 The key problems faced by European countries are highlighted; concurrently, the obstacles experienced by Ukrainian refugees are presented, namely, obtaining housing and employment. Special attention was paid to the issue of "fatigue" and exhaustion of social systems and ordinary citizens in EU countries. The authors present the results of the study on the mechanisms of providing protection and asylum to Ukrainian refugees in the EU. Furthermore, the 10-point strategy suggested by the European Commission to the European Council and the Justice and Home Affairs Council in order to support EU countries in their endeavor of admitting Ukrainian refugees has been duly given attention. The core research objectives revolve around the effectiveness of protection mechanisms for Ukrainian refugees in the EU, and any consequences said system may bring about for both the EU and Ukraine.
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia, Dec 31, 2022
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia, Sep 30, 2023
The aim of the article is to present the activity of three branches of the Association of Ukraini... more The aim of the article is to present the activity of three branches of the Association of Ukrainians in Poland, covering the entire Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship. The study also outlines the Association's activities supporting refugees. The main research hypothesis is that the Association of Ukrainians in Poland is actively engaged in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, and following Russia's full-scale invasion, members of the Association became extremely proactive both in helping refugees from Ukraine, as well as Ukrainians who stayed in Ukraine, including those from the territory of military operations. The core research problems focuses on the following questions: What efforts teresa astramoWIcz-leYk, olha Ivasechko, YarYna turchYn ukraInIans… 61 did the Association of Ukrainians in Poland undertake to maintain its history, traditions, language and culture? Which activities have been supported by local government authorities, including the Voivodeship ones? How has the Association changed its activity following the Russia's full-scale aggression against Ukraine on February 24, 2022? Previous studies conducted by the authors demonstrate that economic migrants from Ukraine in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship did not perceive themselves as a part of the Ukrainian minority living in the region. Meanwhile, the relationship between the Association and the refugees is different.
War in Ukraine. Media and Emotions
Emotions play an important role in our lives. They motivate us to act, inform us about the threat... more Emotions play an important role in our lives. They motivate us to act, inform us about the threat, help us survive hard times, help with the decision-making process, and facilitate communication and building relationships with other people. They can be used as an effective tool in shaping attitudes or influencing the behaviour of citizens. During a conflict, especially war, we feel stronger emotions, both negative and positive. In this chapter, the relationship between information and emotions as well as the feedback between these two phenomena will be described. Also, I will try to answer the questions, such as, how do the emotions that arise during conflict affect the creation of community and the taking of collective action in a war-affected society? Does the information given during the war differentiate certain emotions and social attitudes?
Acta Poloniae Historica, 2008
Gumanìtarnì vìzìï, Dec 15, 2017
Досліджено драматичні події Акції Вісла, що тривала з 1947 р. по 1959 р. і стосувалася 140 тисяч ... more Досліджено драматичні події Акції Вісла, що тривала з 1947 р. по 1959 р. і стосувалася 140 тисяч осіб, в описах деяких родин, безпосередніх учасників переселення. Проаналізоано коментарі та інтерпретацію вищеназваної події членами кількох родин-потерпілих від акції. Ключові слова: Акція "Вісла", українська меншість, Вармя і Мазури. ACTION "WISŁA" IN THE INTERGENERATIONAL COMMUNICATION Teresa Astramowich-Leyk The aim of the studies that were used to write this article was to show the influence of the "Wisla" campaign on the fate of Ukrainian families who experienced this tragedy. It was also important to show the presence of this trauma in intergenerational communication. The interview was applied as a research method that makes t he article more emotional and fully shows all the sorrows of the deported families. Though these events took place in the last century, Polish and Ukrainian societies still feel the results of it. The article is not oriented on creating more misunderstandings, it emphasizes on the fact that both peoples should remember about this tragedy but without taking it to extremes. Both peoples should communicate and cooperate with taking into account this "dark" episode in their common history. And instead of digging up grudges against each other, we should focus on reaching the historical truth via interviews with representatives of deported families or historical documentation and facts and building mutual understanding between our peoples. Moreover, nowadays the two peoples need to move on and develop their bilateral relations in order to resist together against Russian propaganda.
Echa Przeszłości, Feb 1, 2021
Streszczenie: Celem zaprezentowanych badań jest przedstawienie wybranych zagadnień programów wybo... more Streszczenie: Celem zaprezentowanych badań jest przedstawienie wybranych zagadnień programów wyborczych prawicowych i centroprawicowych zwycięskich stronnictw politycznych w przedterminowych wyborach w 2014 r. w Ukrainie. W artykule dokonano analizy porównawczej programów wyborczych poszczególnych partii politycznych, które przekroczyły klauzulę zaporową. Przedstawiono także charakterystykę ideologiczną i programową ukraińskich partii politycznych według Comparative Manifesto Project. Wykazano, że programy wyborcze prawicowych i centroprawicowych partii mają wspólne cechy: szczególnie negatywne nastawienie wobec polityki Rosji, natomiast są przeważnie bardziej prounijne i euroatlantyckie. W Ukrainie partie prawicowe i centroprawicowe, które przekroczyły próg wyborczy w wyborach parlamentarnych, w większym stopniu opowiadały się za wzmocnieniem pozycji języka ukraińskiego jako państwowego i za większą integracją z UE, decentralizacją i zwalczaniem korupcji, odzyskaniem straconych terytoriów, reintegracją Krymu i Donbasu. Większość partii prawicowych lub centroprawicowych w Ukrainie, które przekroczyły próg wyborczy, to partie konserwatywne.
Klio, Aug 31, 2016
Sytuacja polityczna w Polsce na przełomie lat 1981/1982 w oczach weterana Veteran's opinion on po... more Sytuacja polityczna w Polsce na przełomie lat 1981/1982 w oczach weterana Veteran's opinion on political situation in Poland in the turn of 1981 and 1982 Streszczenie: List Witolda Zygmunta Kulerskiego do syna Wiktora napisany w Warszawie w styczniu 1982 roku zawiera ocenę sytuacji politycznej w Polsce i wynikające z niej propozycje ewentualnych działań pisane nie z perspektywy czasu, ale w trakcie opisywanych wydarzeń. W dodatku list ten pisany był przez weterana polityki i wytrawnego jej znawcę, a więc nie tylko przez świadka historii, ale także jej kreatora i niestety ofiarę. Wreszcie Witold Kulerski pisał do syna-również aktywnego politycznie-który dopiero co wymknął się z obławy, uniknął zatrzymania i internowania (co stało się udziałem jego brata Marka), po czym ukrywał się poszukiwany przez Służbę Bezpieczeństwa. Prezentowany dokument może być istotnym elementem współczesnych dyskusji i polemik na temat sytuacji politycznej na przełomie lat 1981/1982.
Political preferences, 2013
Witold Zygmunt Kulerski was one of the closest associates of the Prime of the Vice-President of t... more Witold Zygmunt Kulerski was one of the closest associates of the Prime of the Vice-President of the National Council of the Republic of Poland, Deputy Prime Minister and Prime Minister of the Polish government in exile. This issue has been leading in international affairs, it is no wonder that Congress ring its period of organizational and ideological took the view that the main "(...) the objective must be to secure Polish and Slavic world securing the aggressive spirit of the German". the Polish government to sign agreements and treaties of trade and economic with other countries than the Soviet Union. The committee members in their speeches stressed that in many areas of trade and international agreements are being overtaken by other countries and are overlooked in transactions due to
Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, Jan 8, 2023
The aim of the article is to reveal the essence and to determine the levels of the polyhybrid agg... more The aim of the article is to reveal the essence and to determine the levels of the polyhybrid aggression of the Russian Federation to the EU's Eastern Partnership initiative and to develop recommendations for its improvement in terms of the geopolitical influences of Russia. To achieve its goals in the Eastern European region, the Russian Federation uses a multidimensional hybrid aggression, namely a polyhybrid aggression, when non-military crises are provoked and maintained in order to weaken the adversary, as a preparatory stage for a direct military invasion. In the case of the Eastern Partnership initiative, it is introduced by attempts to prove its inexpediency and ineffectiveness. The study shows that the Russian polyhybrid aggression has been extended not only to the countries of the Eastern Partnership, but also to the EU-aimed at weakening its transformative power in Eastern Europe, and to the Russian society-aimed at shaping negative stereotypes about the EU and legitimizing the actions of the Russian government. Achieving the Eastern Partnership goals depends on Russia's democratization and its compliance with international law. The following methods were used to solve the research problem: descriptive and historical method, sociological data analysis, forecasting method and structural-functional method.
Zeszyty Naukowe Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej we Włocławku, Apr 20, 2017
Brill | Schöningh eBooks, Jul 2, 2021
Gumanìtarnì vìzìï, Jul 1, 2019
The features, challenges and priorities of the Ukrainian community in the Warmian-Masurian Voivod... more The features, challenges and priorities of the Ukrainian community in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship have been analyzed. Also, it has been investigated the activities of the Ukrainian national minority in this region from the postwar times to the present day. It is alleged about the demand for studying of the problems of the functioning of the Ukrainian national minority in Poland in the regional dimension when it is analyzing the activities of Ukrainian communities located in the certain of the Voivodeships (in this case it is about the Warmian-Masurian). This research is relevant in terms of identifying the factors that determine the development of comprehensive cooperation between Ukraine and Poland. The activity of three regional branches of the Union of Ukrainians in Poland has been analyzed. The efforts of local authorities in support of cultural projects of the Ukrainian national minority, in providing the financial and organizational support of their activities have been taken into account. The regularity has been confirmed-where there are enough of Ukrainians and they are sufficiently organized, the support from the local authorities is greater. The value of the inclusion of Ukrainians to the social and political life of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship has been proven. It is about the situation when active representatives of the Ukrainian community run to the Voivodeship's representative bodies at various levels. It have been emphasized on a number of problems faced by the Ukrainian community in Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, which are common to the Ukrainian diaspora in Poland, namely: structural separation of the organization of Ukrainians, lack of activists, insufficiency of the financial system at the self-government level, outflow of youth, problems of communication, etc.
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego, 2023
Ochrona prawna wolności myśli, sumienia i wyznania Słowa kluczowe: wolność myśli, sumienia i wyzn... more Ochrona prawna wolności myśli, sumienia i wyznania Słowa kluczowe: wolność myśli, sumienia i wyznania; prawa człowieka; prawo międzynarodowe; polska konstytucja.
Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski, Jun 27, 2022
The article focuses on the national identity, activities and development prospects of the Polish ... more The article focuses on the national identity, activities and development prospects of the Polish minority in the Vinnytsia region in Ukraine. The analysis is based on the field studies conducted within the framework of the project "State policy on national minorities rights protection: experience of Ukraine and Poland." The aim of the research was to study the phenomenon of national identity and activities of the Polish minority in the Vinnytsia region. The field studies were carried out from April to August 2019 with the participation of leaders of the sixteen Polish minority organizations operating in the Vinnytsia region.
Przegląd Strategiczny, Dec 29, 2021
In 1918, after Poland regained independence, Poles constituted only 68% of all citizens; Jews, Ge... more In 1918, after Poland regained independence, Poles constituted only 68% of all citizens; Jews, Germans, Ukrainians and Belarusians constituted several million national minority groups with their own cultural, social and political life. The disaster of World War II, the Holocaust and territorial changes after World War II meant that Poland lost part of its population. The borders of the Polish state which lost 1/3 of their territory in the east, changed, moving west within the borders from the Oder to the Bug. According to the regulations, the Belarusian, Lithuanian and Ukrainian minorities had no right to repatriation, with the exception of the Jewish population. Part of this population remained in the Bieszczady Mountains and around Białystok. The German minority (3.2 million of Germans) was displaced from the Western Territories. Social relations changed radically. The indigenous people were considered Polish. The problem of the German minority was considered to be solved. In the postwar Poland, a relatively uniform society was formed, in which national minorities accounted for 2-3% of the total population. In Poland, changes in the protection of the rights of national minorities occurred at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s. Issues related to the protection of the rights of persons belonging to national minorities became an important milestone in building democracy in
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie, Aug 2, 2016
Ponieważ w polskich zasobach archiwalnych nie zachował się pierwszy numer "Gazety Grudziądzkiej" ... more Ponieważ w polskich zasobach archiwalnych nie zachował się pierwszy numer "Gazety Grudziądzkiej" wokół daty jego ukazania się narosło wiele domysłów 1. Autorka w dotychczasowych publikacjach dotyczących "Gazety Grudziądzkiej" i jej założyciela i redaktora Wiktora Kulerskiego podawała, że pierwszy numer pisma ukazał się z datą 1 października 1894 r. 2 Z kolei w Kalendarzu Jubileuszowym z 1924 r. podano datę 30 września 1894 r. 3. W dotychczasowym piśmiennictwie dotyczącym periodyku Kulerskiego uważano, że pismo było drukowane 30 września, ale ukazało się z datą 1 października 1894 r. 4. Taki sam wywód podał Tomasz Krzemiński w przywoływanej powyżej biografii Wiktora Kulerskiego 5. Autorka dotarła jednak do jednego z zagranicznych zbiorów "Gazety Grudziądzkiej", w którym zachowało się pięć pierwszych numerów polskiego pisma z "Grudziądza". Zbiór nieliczny, ale jakże cenny. Pozwala on na sprostowanie kilku faktów historycznych dotyczących "Gazety Grudziądzkiej". Po pierwsze pozwala ustalić faktyczną datę ukazania się pierwszego numeru "Grudziądzkiej". Otóż prawdą jest, że numer był przygotowywany we wrześniu 1984 r., ale ukazał się "na wtorek" 2 października 1894 r. 6 1 Autorka dotarła do pierwszych pięciu numerów "Gazety Grudziądzkiej", które znajdują się w Bibliotece im. Wasyla Stefanyka we Lwowie. 2 T. Astramowicz-Leyk, Wiktor Kulerski-życie na pograniczu dwóch kultur,
Papers by Teresa Astramowicz-Leyk