2020 XIV Technologies Applied to Electronics Teaching Conference (TAEE)
This paper presents a project-based learning strategy for teaching hardware/software co-design in... more This paper presents a project-based learning strategy for teaching hardware/software co-design in modern Computer Engineering undergraduate courses. This kind of approach is considered by several recent pedagogical studies as the ideal strategy to support great learning achievements and to increase the proficiency of the students both in the design of digital systems and programming. The proposed strategy, targeting the first-year students, focuses on deepening the knowledge of combinatorial logic, sequential circuits, and state machines, alongside the hierarchical development of software, including for peripheral management.
European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Oct 22, 2020
The Impact In Compulsory Figures (Discipline of Artistic Roller Skating), the athlete has to skat... more The Impact In Compulsory Figures (Discipline of Artistic Roller Skating), the athlete has to skate over a circular line drawn in the rink, with only one foot on the floor. There are 53 different figures which requires a lot of skills.
Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Open Research Areas in Information Retrieval, May 15, 2013
ABSTRACT Currently, the Web is a powerful channel to store and share personal information, partic... more ABSTRACT Currently, the Web is a powerful channel to store and share personal information, particularly through the several social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or Flickr. These applications are used as privileged tools for communication and information availability. With the proliferation of new devices and with new types of user interfaces that can be used by social networking applications, suitable user interaction methods are becoming even more relevant. In this paper we propose a natural, gesture based, user interface, to interact with a Flickr client application on a Smart TV. The interface is based on a depth sensor and on a image processing method for gestures identification. It can be used to search and browse pictures using only gestures.
testing, composition. Abstract. This article presents Hyper/Net, a tool we developed to provide m... more testing, composition. Abstract. This article presents Hyper/Net, a tool we developed to provide multidimensional separation of concerns (MDSOC) support in.NET. MDSOC is an approach to analysis, design and code artifact modularization; Hyper/Net addresses the modularization of code. We introduce our preliminary MDSOC implementation method using.NET 2.0 Partial Types. Hyper/Net further extends this method, for any.NET version, by supporting the composition of methods, in a way similar to Hyper/J. Additionally a multidimensional approach for unit testing is presented. 1.
2020 XIV Technologies Applied to Electronics Teaching Conference (TAEE), 2020
This demo paper presents the µLIC educational platform. µLIC makes available to the students of D... more This demo paper presents the µLIC educational platform. µLIC makes available to the students of Digital Systems and Computer Architecture courses a quite simple, intuitive and portable hardware platform for the realization of their laboratory exercises. µLIC can also be used in other related courses, such as Embedded Systems or Hardware/Software Co-Design, which allows reducing the time needed to study the manuals of diverse development boards and tools and to concentrate the education towards the core contents of the courses. In addition, the low cost, diminished size, and portable nature of the µLIC boards enables students to carry a personal unit with them all the time to implement the class exercises also outside the classrooms, as well as hobby projects. In the demo, three typical lab assignments of Digital Systems, Computer Architecture, and Hardware/Software Co-Design courses are used to showcase the µLIC educational platform: a traffic light controller, a 4-bit Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) and a mini Space Invaders inspired game, respectively. Index Terms-Computer engineering education, digital systems, educational technology, and programmable logic.
Revista Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo, 2017
Introduction: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is a metabolic, systemic and chronic disease caused... more Introduction: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is a metabolic, systemic and chronic disease caused by an absolute deficiency of insulin. Despite the genetic influence for the autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β-cells, only less than 10% of genetically susceptible individuals progress to clinical disease. This implies that environmental factors are implicated in the pathogenesis of T1DM. This study aimed to characterize the Azorean youth population with T1DM, assessing their exposure to environmental risk factors for T1DM during pregnancy and the period prior to diagnosis of the disease. Methods: Methodology was based on telephonic interviews to the mothers of 53 youngsters with T1DM aged less than 20 years of age and residing in the Azores. The survey applied contemplated the possible environmental and nutritional risk factors for the development of T1DM, from birth to the time of diagnosis. Results: Results showed that the Azorean youth with T1DM were diagnosed, on average, at ...
Revista brasileira de odontologia, 2012
This study evaluated the influence of a metal primer application and the type of resin cement on ... more This study evaluated the influence of a metal primer application and the type of resin cement on the bond strength (BS) to yttrium-stabilized tetragonal zirconia, after 24 hours and 6 months of water storage. Zirconia plates (13mmX5mmX1mm) were used in 8 experimental groups (n=10). The micro-shear bond strength test was used in this study. The results were analyzed by three-way Anova (primer application, type of resin cement, storage time) and Tukey test (?=0.05). The primer application did not influence the BS and the resin cement Clearfil SA Cement resulted in higher BS to zirconia. The storage in water for 6 months reduced the BS for all groups.
Objetivo: Estimar a reprodutibilidade intra-examinador da Escala de Ansiedade Odontologica (DAS) ... more Objetivo: Estimar a reprodutibilidade intra-examinador da Escala de Ansiedade Odontologica (DAS) quando aplicada por meio de entrevistas telefonicas e pessoais e estudar a associacao entre o grau de ansiedade e variaveis de interesse. Metodo: Participaram do estudo 50 individuos, sendo 38 do sexo feminino com media de idade de 23,98,9 anos, moradores do municipio de Araraquara – SP. Os voluntarios responderam a Escala DAS por meio de entrevista telefonica, duas vezes, com intervalo de uma semana entre as mesmas. Apos 30 dias, os mesmos participantes responderam a Escala DAS por meio de entrevista pessoal em dois momentos distintos com intervalo de uma semana. Para estudo da reprodutibilidade intra-examinador utilizou-se a estatistica Kappa () por ponto e por intervalo de confianca. Resultados: A concordância no grau de ansiedade intra-examinador foi de 0,82 (0,75-0,90) para entrevista por meio telefonico e de 0,69 (0,60-0,79) para entrevista realizada pessoalmente. Entre as questo...
This paper addresses the problem of augmented reality on images acquired from non-central catadio... more This paper addresses the problem of augmented reality on images acquired from non-central catadioptric systems. We propose a solution which allows us to project textured objects to images of these types of systems in real-time which, depending on the complexity of the objects, can run up to 20 fps with a reasonable resolution (near to a real-time framerate). The main contributions of our solution are related with the differences on the image formation: projection of the 3D segments onto the image of non-central catadioptric cameras; occlusions; and illumination/shading. To validate the proposed solution, we used a non-central catadioptric camera formed with a perspective camera and a spherical mirror. We used three distinct and well known objects in computer graphics: “bunny”, “happy buddha” and “dragon”, from Stanford database.
Work supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and for Technology under the grant PTDC/A... more Work supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and for Technology under the grant PTDC/AAC-AMB/102846/2008.
Estudos do CEPE, 2014
A pesquisa visa identificar como e realizado o planejamento financeiro das empresas supermercadis... more A pesquisa visa identificar como e realizado o planejamento financeiro das empresas supermercadistas de porte compacto do Vale dos Sinos com mais de 10 anos de existencia. O estudo foi dividido em duas etapas, uma qualitativa e outra quantitativa. Na etapa qualitativa, elaborou-se uma entrevista semiestruturada, aplicando-se a uma amostra nao-probabilistica e por conveniencia em 6 (seis) supermercados compactos. Na segunda etapa da pesquisa, quantitativa, de posse dos resultados da etapa anterior, elaborou-se um questionario com perguntas fechadas de multipla escolha, sendo aplicado o instrumento de coleta de dados em uma amostra nao-probabilistica e por conveniencia em 33 (trinta e tres) supermercados. O planejamento financeiro realizado pelas empresas e muito informal, possuem sistema informatizado, porem nao o utilizam, nao trabalhando com fluxo de caixa e nao possuem orcamento de compras. A mesma pessoa que compra controla a parte financeira. Realizam compras especulativas (alem...
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2021
Managing heterogeneous software and hardware artifacts from multiple suppliers is a complex and c... more Managing heterogeneous software and hardware artifacts from multiple suppliers is a complex and challenging process. The integration of sensors, actuators, and their controllers, modeled as IoT elements, also presents significant challenges. Typically, a vendor supplies one or more parts, each one with its proprietary interface, which may raise vendor lock-in and supplier dependencies that can compromise the replacement of some of the artifacts by equivalent ones from competing vendors. The research presented in this paper addresses such challenges in the context of the SITL-IoT project aiming at transforming an industrial agri-food environment towards an open, integrated system-of-systems. We present and discuss a reference implementation of a collaborative platform to simplify the management of different artifacts, supplied by alternative suppliers, modeled as services. More specifically, the concepts of ISystem (Informatic System), CES (Cooperation Enabled Service), and Service are used to manage the different elements that compose an agrifood environment transparently and uniformly. We argue that the adopted model simplifies the collaboration among technology suppliers along the life cycle maintenance and evolution of their enabled products.
Scientia Plena, May 18, 2018
Propriedade antimicrobiana e potencial citotóxico in vitro do gel de Aloe vera: uma discussão sob... more Propriedade antimicrobiana e potencial citotóxico in vitro do gel de Aloe vera: uma discussão sobre o uso em queimaduras Antimicrobial property and in vitro cytotoxic potential of Aloe vera gel: a discussion about use in burns
Revista Tempos e Espaços em Educação, 1970
O presente texto disserta sobre questões teórico-metodológicas e político-sociais levantadas dura... more O presente texto disserta sobre questões teórico-metodológicas e político-sociais levantadas durante um trabalho de extensão universitária cujo objetivo foi realizar (2011) uma Análise Institucional junto a um grupo de jovens atendidos por um dos Centros de Referência da Assistência Social (CRAS) existentes na cidade de Parintins-AM. Dentre alguns problemas enfrentados pelo presente trabalho, vale destacar os limites que a própria cultura institucional brasileira impõe ao campo educacional; tradicionalmente pautada na relação vertical, unilateral e hierárquica refletida na seguinte escala de poder: instituição, educadores e educandos. A mencionada relação vertical desempenha papel crucial na anulação, ocultamento e exclusão das constituições subjetivas, tanto coletivas quanto individuais, presentes e operantes no saber-fazer educativo institucional, levando objetivos democráticos a se contradizerem com as práticas inconscientemente autoritárias materializada no controle dos corpos a...
Annals of translational medicine, 2018
Journal of cardiovascular computed tomography, Jan 18, 2017
Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is often associated with intraventricular conductio... more Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is often associated with intraventricular conduction disturbances. We aimed to determine the association between implantation depth assessed by multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) and new-onset conduction abnormalities after TAVR. Retrospective single-center study including patients consecutively submitted to TAVR, between August/2007 and October/2016, who underwent routine MDCT 3 months after the procedure. The endpoint of conduction disturbances included permanent pacemaker implantation and/or new-onset left bundle-branch block. Implantation depth was determined as the distance between the ventricular end of the prothesis and the native ring, at the level of the non-coronary cusp. 138 patients were included (female gender 52.2%, mean age 78.7 ± 6.9 years). The EuroSCORE II was 4.0 ± 3.9% and 57.2% were treated with self-expanding prosthesis. The endpoint of conduction abnormalities was found in 45.7% (n = 63). The implantation dep...
Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016