Papers by Svetlana Terpugova
Submicron aerosol particles have the great lifetime and are able to be transferred to the long di... more Submicron aerosol particles have the great lifetime and are able to be transferred to the long distances. Obviously, the atmospheric processes of different spatial-temporal scales must affect on their variability. The data were analyzed on the direct scattering coefficient of the aerosol "dry matter" µ

Atmosphere (Basel), 2018
The paper presents the generalized empirical model of the aerosol optical characteristics in the ... more The paper presents the generalized empirical model of the aerosol optical characteristics in the lower 5-km layer of the atmosphere of West Siberia. The model is based on the data of long-term airborne sensing of the vertical profiles of the angular scattering coefficient, aerosol disperse composition, as well as the content of absorbing particles. The model provides for retrieval of the aerosol optical characteristics in visible and near IR wavelength ranges (complex refractive index, scattering and absorption coefficients, optical depth, single scattering albedo, and asymmetry factor of the scattering phase function). The main attention in the presented version of the model is given to two aspects: The study of the effect of the size spectrum of the absorbing substance in the composition of aerosol particles on radiative-relevant parameters (the single scattering albedo (SSA) and the asymmetry factor (AF)) and the consideration of different algorithms for taking into account the relative humidity of air. The ranges of uncertainty of SSA and AF at variations in the modal radius of the absorbing fraction at different altitudes in the troposphere are estimated.
27th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics, Atmospheric Physics, Dec 16, 2021
The relationships between the aerosol extinction coefficients in the wavelength range from 0.45 t... more The relationships between the aerosol extinction coefficients in the wavelength range from 0.45 to 3.9 micron, measured on a long horizontal path, and the angular light-scattering coefficients at an angle of 45°, are studied taking into account the mass concentration of the absorbing substance in aerosol particles obtained in a local volume. The role of air humidity in the change in the spectral structure of the components of aerosol extinction of radiation associated with the variability of submicron and coarse aerosols is revealed. The research was carried out within the framework of the state assignment of IAO SB RAS.

We conducted long-term network observations using standardized Multi-Axis Differential optical ab... more We conducted long-term network observations using standardized Multi-Axis Differential optical absorption spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) instruments in Russia and ASia (MADRAS) from 2007 onwards. At seven locations (Cape Hedo, Fukue, and Yokosuka in Japan, Hefei in China, Gwangju in Korea, and Tomsk and Zvenigorod in Russia) with different levels of pollution, we obtained 80 927 retrievals of tropospheric NO 2 vertical column density (TropoNO2VCD) and aerosol optical depth (AOD). In the technique, the optimal estimation of the TropoNO2VCD and its profile was performed using aerosol information derived from O 4 absorbances simultaneously observed at 460-490 nm. This large data set was used to analyze NO 2 climatology systematically, including temporal variations from the seasonal to the diurnal scale. The results were compared with Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) satellite observations and global model simulations. Two NO 2 retrievals of OMI satellite data (NASA ver. 2.1 and Dutch OMI NO 2 (DOMINO) ver. 2.0) generally showed close correlations with those derived from MAX-DOAS observations, but had low biases of ∼ 50 %. The bias was distinct when NO 2 was abundantly present near the surface and when the AOD was high, suggesting that the aerosol shielding effect could be important, especially for clean sites where the difference could not be attributed to the spatial inhomogeneity. Except for constant biases, the satellite observations showed nearly perfect seasonal agreement with MAX-DOAS observations, suggesting that the analysis of seasonal features of the satellite data were robust. The prevailing seasonal patterns with a wintertime maximum implied the dominance of anthropogenic emissions around our sites. The presence of weekend reductions at Yokosuka and Gwangju suggested the dominance of emissions from diesel vehicles, with significant weekly cycles, whereas the absence of such a reduction at Hefei suggested the importance of other sources. A global chemical transport model, MIROC-ESM-CHEM, was validated for the first time with respect to background NO 2 column densities during summer at Cape Hedo and Fukue in the clean marine atmosphere.
Proceedings of SPIE, Sep 20, 1995
ABSTRACT The data analyzed on the direct scattering coefficient of the aerosol &#39;dry matte... more ABSTRACT The data analyzed on the direct scattering coefficient of the aerosol &#39;dry matter&#39; (mu) (45 degrees), parameters of condensation activity of aerosol particles (gamma) , and thermo- optical parameters F equals (mu) (25 degrees C)/(mu) (100 degrees C) and Q equals (mu) (250 degrees C)/(mu) (100 degrees C). Resulting from the analysis of the power spectrum of the scattering coefficient (mu) (45 degrees), it is revealed that the principal frequencies of this parameter are observed both on the inner-day values (12 and 24 hours) and on the periods of approximately 2, 3, and 8 days. It is more reasonable to relate them with synoptic processes. Thermo- and hygro-optical parameters (gamma) , F, and Q have the more weak variations than (mu) (45 degrees).
Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, Sep 1, 2018
Measurement results of a complex of aerosol microphysical, chemical, and optical parameters in tw... more Measurement results of a complex of aerosol microphysical, chemical, and optical parameters in two cruises of the Akademik Mstislav Keldysh research vessel in 2016 are analyzed. The work was carried out in the Kara Sea from July 10 till August 20 and in the Barents Sea from August 25 till October 10. The mean values of the following aerosol characteristics are given: AOD of the atmosphere, fine and coarse components of AOD, number concentration of particles in the near-water air layer, mass concentrations of the absorbing matter (soot), water-soluble ions (
Oceanology, May 1, 2018
The article briefly shows the results of the expedition, expanding Russia's contribution to the i... more The article briefly shows the results of the expedition, expanding Russia's contribution to the international program CLIVAR (Climate Variability and Predictability), aimed at studying and predicting climate change. The geological part of the expedition is aimed at studying the sedimentary system of the North Atlantic and the Arctic. During the voyage, a unique material was received, requiring additional analysis and further publication.
The data obtained in 2000–2017 by the method of active spectral nephelometry using artificial hea... more The data obtained in 2000–2017 by the method of active spectral nephelometry using artificial heating of an aerosol collected from the atmosphere up to 250°C are analyzed. The variability of thermo-optical parameters that determine the fraction of the volume concentration of particles evaporating in the corresponding temperature range depending on the type of “aerosol weather” is analyzed. Four data arrays characterized by different aerosol state were selected for each season: “background”, “haze”, “smog”, and “smoke haze”. The arrays differ in the level of concentrations of aerosol and soot. The peculiarities of the aerosol thermo-optical parameters in each type of turbidity are considered.
Journal of Aerosol Science, Sep 1, 1997
20th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics, Nov 25, 2014
The paper presents the results of calculations of the spectral behavior of aerosol single scatter... more The paper presents the results of calculations of the spectral behavior of aerosol single scattering albedo at different heights in the troposphere using the model1-3 taking into account scattering and absorption properties of particles. The estimates are performed for different seasons.
20th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics, Nov 25, 2014
In many cases, aerosol may be regarded as a passive tracer which is fully captured by horizontal ... more In many cases, aerosol may be regarded as a passive tracer which is fully captured by horizontal and vertical air flows. Therefore, the structure of the aerosol field observed with lidar, allows to visualize the stratification of the atmosphere and various atmospheric motion. However, during vertical movements changes of the relative humidity occur, which leads to the related changes in the scattering properties of the aerosol. The report describes a possible mechanism for the appearance of vertical structures ("walls") in the aerosol field during passage of internal gravity waves.

The paper presents the results of one of the stages of development of the empirical model of the ... more The paper presents the results of one of the stages of development of the empirical model of the optical characteristics of tropospheric aerosol of Western Siberia. The model is based on classification by the types of aerosol weather constructed using the data of long-term measurements at the Aerosol station of IAO SB RAS. Here we discuss different variants of taking into account the aerosol absorbing and hygroscopic properties. The main feature of this paper is considering the size-resolved complex refractive index of particles. The results of model calculation are compared with the average experimental data on the angular scattering coefficient in the small-angle range and the spectral behavior of the aerosol extinction coefficients. It is shown that the most adequate reconstruction of the optical characteristics is reached in the case when the size distribution of absorbing substance has been described by a lognormal function and the dependence of the condensation growth factor on the particle size has been characterized by a maximum at a certain radius.
Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, Jul 1, 2021
We present a new development stage of a generalized empirical model of optical characteristics of... more We present a new development stage of a generalized empirical model of optical characteristics of tropospheric aerosol in Western Siberia. An algorithm is suggested for taking into account the distribution function of absorbing matter and the condensation activity of aerosols as functions of aerosol particle sizes. Optical characteristics have been calculated with the complex refractive index of particles of different sizes variable with the relative air humidity. With aerosol weather types, referred to as “atmospheric haze” type (background and suburban haze), used as an example, the results of retrieving the angular scattering coefficients at small angles and the spectral behavior of the extinction coefficients are compared with experimental data.
International Journal of Remote Sensing, Apr 25, 2008
Among the wide scope of scientific interests of Professor K. Ya. Kondratyev, the atmospheric aero... more Among the wide scope of scientific interests of Professor K. Ya. Kondratyev, the atmospheric aerosol is one of the main subjects. Many papers and monographs are devoted to aerosol research (e.g. Kondratyev et al. 1969, 1983; Kondratyev 1991). The results of investigations of atmospheric aerosols in the world are analysed and generalized in papers by Kondratyev and colleagues, including comprehensive aerosol experiments PIGAP, GAREX, CENEX, AGASP, SAGE I and II, and ACE-Asia (Kondratyev and Orlenko 1973, Kondratyev et al. 1976). Kondratyev emphasized that atmospheric aerosols and their interaction with cloudiness are among the key climate-forming factors (
28th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics, Dec 8, 2022

27th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics, Atmospheric Physics, Dec 16, 2021
The parameters of condensation activity of submicron and coarse aerosol fractions and the volume ... more The parameters of condensation activity of submicron and coarse aerosol fractions and the volume scattering coefficient are compared on the basis of the data on the growth of submicron aerosol particles during artificial humidification obtained using an optical counter and an integral nephelometer. To calculate the growth factor and the Hanel parameter of condensation activity for the radii of submicron particles, an original methodological approach was applied, which used data on the dynamics of the variability of the total concentration under artificial humidification. The parameters of condensation activity obtained in spring, autumn and winter of 2020-2021 by the counter and the nephelometer are compared. Monitoring of the number concentrations was carried out in 2020-2021 within the framework of the state assignment of IAO SB RAS. The relationship of condensation activity parameters was analyzed with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation (agreement No. 19-77-20092).
OSTI OAI (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information), Apr 1, 1996

20th International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics: Atmospheric Physics, Nov 25, 2014
Measurements of the mass concentrations of the dry matter of submicrometer aerosol and black carb... more Measurements of the mass concentrations of the dry matter of submicrometer aerosol and black carbon, black carbon fraction, size distributions and the volume filling factors of submicrometer and coarse particles, aerosol scattering coefficients at the angles of 45° and 1.2°, as well as the parameter of aerosol condensation activity are carried out in February 2014 at the Aerosol monitoring station IAO SB RAS. The dynamics of optical and microphysical characteristics of near-ground aerosol is analyzed. Their correlations and peculiarities of differences in urban winter smog in comparison with the conditions of weakly turbid atmosphere are studied. It is shown that multiple (more than an order of magnitude) increase of the content of submicrometer aerosol and black carbon in the near-ground layer occurs under conditions of a dense winter smog, that is comparable with events of high smoke content in the atmosphere due to forest fires in summer.
Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, Jun 1, 2009
ABSTRACT The results of measurements of the dependences of the aerosol optical characteristics on... more ABSTRACT The results of measurements of the dependences of the aerosol optical characteristics on the relative humidity of air in artificial condensation processes are analyzed. The dependences of the condensation growth factors on the dry particle size are calculated and their statistical analysis is performed. The regression relation between the measured optical parameters of condensation activity and the Hanel parameter for the aerosol volume concentration is obtained. The possibility of the estimation of the Hanel parameter from the values of the refractive index of dry and humidified particles is shown.
Papers by Svetlana Terpugova