Papers by Sueli Maria Gomes
Gayana Botanica, 2011
Fueron estudiadas las hojas de 18 especies de Lauraceae que crecen en el Distrito Federal (Brasil... more Fueron estudiadas las hojas de 18 especies de Lauraceae que crecen en el Distrito Federal (Brasil), con el objetivo de caracterizar sus patrones de venación e identifi car características útiles en su diferenciación taxonómica, para que junto a su morfología se puedan obtener criterios útiles que ayuden en su identifi cación vegetativa. Las hojas fueron diafanizadas, coloreadas y fotografi adas. Los patrones de venación del segundo, tercero, cuarto y quinto orden fueron descritos e ilustrados para las especies estudiadas, que presentaron una venación secundaria de tipo broquidódroma o eucamptódromo-broquidódroma, excepto en Crytocarya aschersoniana y Ocotea aciphylla con venación broquidódroma promínula reticulada. La densidad de areolas se mostró como un buen carácter taxonómico, lo que no ocurrió con el número de lados que éstas poseen. Fueron propuestos los conceptos de nudos y ramas de las vénulas y criterios para la clasifi cación de sus ramifi caciones. La mayoría de las especies poseen vénulas ramifi cadas. Los caracteres analizados, unidos con los morfológicos tales como tipo de indumento, formas de borde, y presencia y/o ausencia de domacios, posibilitaron la diferenciación de las 18 especies estudiadas, evidenciando la clara importancia de la arquitectura foliar en el reconocimiento taxonómico de especímenes en estado vegetativo.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2011
Fueron estudiadas las hojas de 18 especies de Lauraceae que crecen en el Distrito Federal (Brasil... more Fueron estudiadas las hojas de 18 especies de Lauraceae que crecen en el Distrito Federal (Brasil), con el objetivo de caracterizar sus patrones de venación e identifi car características útiles en su diferenciación taxonómica, para que junto a su morfología se puedan obtener criterios útiles que ayuden en su identifi cación vegetativa. Las hojas fueron diafanizadas, coloreadas y fotografi adas. Los patrones de venación del segundo, tercero, cuarto y quinto orden fueron descritos e ilustrados para las especies estudiadas, que presentaron una venación secundaria de tipo broquidódroma o eucamptódromo-broquidódroma, excepto en Crytocarya aschersoniana y Ocotea aciphylla con venación broquidódroma promínula reticulada. La densidad de areolas se mostró como un buen carácter taxonómico, lo que no ocurrió con el número de lados que éstas poseen. Fueron propuestos los conceptos de nudos y ramas de las vénulas y criterios para la clasifi cación de sus ramifi caciones. La mayoría de las especies poseen vénulas ramifi cadas. Los caracteres analizados, unidos con los morfológicos tales como tipo de indumento, formas de borde, y presencia y/o ausencia de domacios, posibilitaron la diferenciación de las 18 especies estudiadas, evidenciando la clara importancia de la arquitectura foliar en el reconocimiento taxonómico de especímenes en estado vegetativo.
Arthropod-Plant Interactions
The reproductive biology of the cassava genus (Manihot, Euphorbiaceae) remains unknown, despite i... more The reproductive biology of the cassava genus (Manihot, Euphorbiaceae) remains unknown, despite its relevance to humanity. Here, we investigated the pollination system of two cassava wild relatives concerning the filtering of visitors in unisexual flowers, the specialization–generalization degree, and verified the dependency on pollinators for seed production. We studied two monoecious species M. violacea and M. oligantha on floral traits differences and visitors during flowering periods in natural conditions. For specialization–generalization degree analysis, we grouped pollinators into functional groups. We performed hand pollination treatments to verify the mating system. About half of floral visitors visited a floral type exclusively. The sexually dimorphic floral display contributed to filtering abundant pollinators, whereas nectar traits acted as attractant filter. In addition to polysaccharides, a remarkable presence of alkaloids and terpenes was observed in the nectary tissue of both male and female flowers. The species exhibited specialization associated with distinct functional groups, M. violacea with bees and M. oligantha with flies. The two Manihot species presented self-compatibility and depend on pollinators to produce seeds and the threatened species M. oligantha manifested pollen limitation. Our findings evidence conspicuous filtering of visitors and consequently, a specialized pollination system emerged for the two Manihot species despite the apparent generalist flowers. The reproductive success relying on groups of abundant pollinators suggests a threatening scenario to cassava wild relatives due to the worldwide decline of insect abundance.
BMC complementary and alternative medicine, Jan 11, 2016
Medicinal plants have traditionally been used in many parts of the world as alternative medicine.... more Medicinal plants have traditionally been used in many parts of the world as alternative medicine. Many extracts and essential oils isolated from plants have disclosed biological activity, justifying the investigation of their potential antimicrobial activity. In this study, the in vitro antifungal activity of six Brazilian Cerrado medicinal plant species were evaluated against clinically relevant Candida species. The crude extract plants were evaluated against American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) standard strains of Candida spp. using disk diffusion method and determining the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). The chemical study results were confirmed by HPLC method. All six plant species showed antifungal activity. Among the species studied, Eugenia dysenterica and Pouteria ramiflora showed significant inhibitory activity against C. tropicalis at lowest MIC value of 125 and 500 μg/disc, respectively. The Eugenia dysenterica also disclosed MIC value of 125 μg/disc against C....
Allelopathy Journal, 2017
The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society
Flora, 2021
Abstract Ayahuasca is a traditional psychoactive beverage with pharmaceutical potential, prepared... more Abstract Ayahuasca is a traditional psychoactive beverage with pharmaceutical potential, prepared with Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis, although the use of non-traditional plants - the so-called “Ayahuasca analogues” -, such as Banisteriopsis and related species, are also reported. These species are highly polymorphic and inconsistent in flowering periods, being difficult to identify when collecting to prepare the brew. To aid their separation in a vegetative state, some species used in Ayahuasca analogues (B. laevifolia, B. muricata and Diplopterys pubipetala) were characterized in their wood, outer bark and leaf morphoanatomy. We also verified whether their use is supported by histochemical data and investigated other compounds of pharmaceutical importance, in comparison with B. caapi. Usual techniques and methodology were used for histochemical and histological investigations, in addition to X-ray imaging for examining crystal organization and venation patterns. The wood anatomy descriptions of these species are given for the first time, and new characters were described, such as the tangential alignment of prismatic crystals in ray cells of D. pubipetala. Vegetative characters aid the species identification when reproductive material is unavailable, as the species differed in outer bark morphology, leaf morphology and anatomy and wood anatomy. Statistical analyses based on qualitative and quantitative anatomical features reinforce the recent distinction of Banisteriopsis and Diplopterys genera. Histochemical analyses revealed the presence of important compounds of potential pharmacological use: alkaloids, saponins, essential oils, lipids, pectin, tannins and general phenolic compounds, mostly in parenchymatous tissues in the bark and lesser in the wood. Alkaloids found mainly in the bark support the use of these plants in Ayahuasca analogues, although further studies are needed to ensure its safety and to exploit their pharmacological potential. It also raises an alternative extraction technique that could use solely strips of bark for small preparations of Ayahuasca, allowing for sustainable plant management.
Orientador: Luiza Sumiko Kinoshita, Marilia de Moraes CastroTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estad... more Orientador: Luiza Sumiko Kinoshita, Marilia de Moraes CastroTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: Apocynaceae s.l. é uma das maiores famílias de angiospermas com 4300-4800 espécies, está bem representada nos biomas brasileiros e possui expressiva importância fitoquímica, entre outros aspectos. Os sistemas de classificação da família têm refletido lacunas no conhecimento de sua morfologia, particularmente quanto a caracteres relativos ao gineceu, que em geral apresenta uma hemisincarpia peculiar, ocorrendo também espécies sincárpicas. Visando a contribuir nesta área, o estudo em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) do desenvolvimento floral de 26 espécies desta família foi realizado, abrangendo 15 de suas 19 tribos (sensu Endress & Bruyns). Ensaio piloto com Ditassa retusa Mart. foi executado e quatro outras espécies selecionadas foram estudadas anatomicamente: Hancornia speciosa Gomes, Himatanthus obovatus (Müll. Arg.) Woodson, Mande...
Apocynaceae s.l. e uma das maiores familias de angiospermas com 4300-4800 especies, esta bem repr... more Apocynaceae s.l. e uma das maiores familias de angiospermas com 4300-4800 especies, esta bem representada nos biomas brasileiros e possui expressiva importância fitoquimica, entre outros aspectos. Os sistemas de classificacao da familia tem refletido lacunas no conhecimento de sua morfologia, particularmente quanto a caracteres relativos ao gineceu, que em geral apresenta uma hemisincarpia peculiar, ocorrendo tambem especies sincarpicas. Visando a contribuir nesta area, o estudo em microscopia eletronica de varredura (MEV) do desenvolvimento floral de 26 especies desta familia foi realizado, abrangendo 15 de suas 19 tribos (sensu Endress & Bruyns). Ensaio piloto com Ditassa retusa Mart. foi executado e quatro outras especies selecionadas foram estudadas anatomicamente: Hancornia speciosa Gomes, Himatanthus obovatus (Mull. Arg.) Woodson, Mandevilla myriophylla (Taub.) Woodson e Prestonia coalita (Vell.) Woodson. Dois tipos de padroes ontogeneticos foram identificados para o gineceu. O primeiro baseia-se na iniciacao, que pode ser a partir de uma concavidade situada em um domo ou mergulhada no receptaculo. Nao ha correlacao entre o tipo de iniciacao do gineceu e a posicao do ovario na flor adulta. A maioria das especies apresentou iniciacao do gineceu a partir de uma concavidade mergulhada no receptaculo, originando ovario supero na flor adulta. A iniciacao a partir de um domo aparentemente c homoplasica, tendo evoluido independentemente em Rauvolfioideae e Apocynoideae. Uma regiao congenitamente conata foi observada na iniciacao do gineceu em todas as plantas examinadas, sendo mais reduzida em especies dc Asclepiadoideae. O segundo padrao ontogenetico relativo ao gineceu refere-se a origem de sua conacao, que pode ser de tres tipos: 1) sincarpico congenitamente, 2) hemisincarpico de origem mista ou 3) sincarpico de origem mista, sendo que o segundo tipo parece representar a condicao plesiosomorfica na familia. A descricao da sincarpia mista em Prestonia coalita vem corrigir as descricoes taxonomicas desta especie que a tratam como apocarpica. A regiao esteril na base do ovario foi caracterizada anatomicamente como ginoforo em Hancornia speciosa. A identificacao de regioes conatas congenita ou posgenitamente foi essencial para o estabelecimento dos tipos de gineceu. Neste sentido, o teste com o Preto de Sudao B mostrou-se ineficaz, mas evidenciou estruturas secretoras, resultando em algumas contribuicoes para o conhecimento nesta area. Caracteristicas ontogeneticas foram identificadas em relacao aos demais verticilos florais. A iniciacao das sepalas e assincrona dextrorsa ou sinistrorsa, originando uma prefloracao quincuncial, raro valvar. Os coleteres calicinais, quando presentes, apresentam iniciacao assincrona entre si e temporalmente associada a do gineceu; estas estruturas nao ocorrem no calice dc seis especies estudadas; coleteres marginais foram constatados nas sepalas de Hancornia speciosa e Mandevilla myriophylla. A iniciacao intraverticilos para a corola c para o androceu e sincrona, com algumas excecoes que constituem novidade para a familia. Os primordios das petalas e dos estames podem apresentar iniciacao simultânea entre si ou as petalas iniciam-se primeiro; este ultimo evidenciou-se como um estado de carater derivado, presente notadamente entre as Asclepiadoideae. O nectario estruturado forma-se a partir da regiao congenitamente conata do gineceu, constituindo-se uma estrutura apendicular nas especies de Rauvolfioideae e Apocynoideae em que esta presente. Entre as peculiaridades anatomicas florais das especies examinadas citam-se: 1) conacao posgenita das lacinias na formacao da regiao superior do tubo corolino; 2) diferentes graus de complexidade e conacao entre os estames; 3) diferentes pontos de adnacao entre androceu e gineceu; 4) presenca de hipoderme secretora nos verticilos florais; 5) epiderme secretora ocorrendo na fauce da corola, apiculos e cabeca do estilete, sendo que nesta ultima e composta por tricomas unicelulares ou por celulas epidermicas dispostas em palicada. Os resultados obtidos trouxeram contribuicoes para a caracterizacao de Apocynaceae s.l. e ilustram a gradacao morfologica de seus diferentes caracteres, consolidando as subfamilias propostas por Endress & Bruyns. O estudo anatomico corroborou e complementou informacoes obtidas em MEV, demonstrando a importância da combinacao dos dois tipos de abordagens para o conhecimento morfologico aqui apresentado. Abstract
The present work evaluates photosynthetic parameters and the leaf anatomy of plants of Vellozia s... more The present work evaluates photosynthetic parameters and the leaf anatomy of plants of Vellozia squamata Pohl (Velloziaceae) in each phase of in vitro production, with wild plants serving as a control. The anatomical approach was done for the leaf middle portion. The photosynthetic curves were obtained with an infra-red gas analyzer. The in vitro plantlets showed the thinner and poorest developed leaves, the wild plants had the thickest and most developed leaves, and the plants in acclimatization showed intermediate features. The physiological pattern was similar, and the in vitro plantlets were not capable of net carbon absorption. The young seedlings at the garden showed a maximal net carbon assimilation rate inferior to the wild plants. In conclusion, the light intensity for the in vitro phase should be adjusted to produce seedlings.
Biologia, 2018
The objective of this study was to characterize the histodifferentiation of somatic embryogenesis... more The objective of this study was to characterize the histodifferentiation of somatic embryogenesis obtained from leaf explants of C. arabica. Therefore, we histologically analyzed the respective stages of the process: leaf segments at 0, 4, 7, 15 and 30 days of cultivation, Type 1 primary calli (primary calli with embryogenic competence) and 2 (primary calli with no embryogenic competence), embryogenic calli, globular, torpedo and cotyledonary embryos, and mature zygotic embryos. Callus formation occurred after seven days of culture, with successive divisions of procambium cell. In this cultivation phase, it was found that Type 1 primary calli are basically formed by parenchymal cells with reduced intercellular spacing, whereas Type 2 primary calli are predominantly composed of parenchymal cells with ample intercellular spaces and embryogenic calli composed entirely of meristematic cells. After 330 days, it was evident from the differentiation of somatic embryogenesis that there was formation of globular somatic embryos, consisting of a characteristic protoderm surrounding the fundamental meristem. With the maturation of these propagules after 360 days, torpedo-stage somatic embryos arose, in which tissue polarization and early differentiation of procambial strands were verified. After 390 days, cotyledonary somatic embryos were obtained, where the onset of vessel elements differentiation was verified, a characteristic also observed in mature zygotic embryos. We concluded that somatic embryogenesis obtained from C. arabica leaves initiates from procambium cell divisions that, in the course of cultivation, produce mature somatic embryos suitable for regenerating whole plants. Keywords Rubiaceae. Coffea arabica. Micropropagation. Anatomy. Ontogenesis. Morphogenesis Abbreviations 2,4-D dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 2-iP dimethyl-allylamino purine IBA indole butyric acid BAP 6-benzylaminopurine NAA naphthaleneacetic acid IAA indoleacetic acid
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016
The small genus Allagoptera (Arecaceae) includes six South American species. Their leaves have se... more The small genus Allagoptera (Arecaceae) includes six South American species. Their leaves have several anatomical characters that remain unexplored. We provide a detailed description of the leaf anatomy of Allagoptera, using 128 characters, and an identification key. Given the gradual size variation in the mesophyll cells in some species, a new classification of 'gradual dorsiventral mesophyll' is proposed here. We report for the first time 'subsidiary ledges' in the stomatal complex of Arecaceae. We propose using 'bulliform cell' for the swelling cells along the midvein in Arecaceae.
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 2016
Pouteria caimito (Sapotaceae) is widely distributed throughout Latin America, including Brazil. T... more Pouteria caimito (Sapotaceae) is widely distributed throughout Latin America, including Brazil. The yellow fruits, known as abiu, caimito, or abiurana, are eaten in natura or used to prepare desserts. In addition to being a commercially available Brazilian fruit, P. caimito has also been used as a traditional medicine. Therefore, hexane, ethanol, and aqueous extracts from its leaves were evaluated for radical-scavenging activity. Free radical-scavenging activity was tested using the DPPH assay. Total phenolic and proanthocyanidin contents were also determined. The aqueous extract comprised the highest total phenol and proanthocyanidin contents (173.6 g/mL) and showed the highest radical-scavenging activity (ED50= 36.1 g/mL). Phytochemical analysis of the hexane extract allowed the isolation of spinasterol. We found a high correlation between total phenolic and proanthocyanidin contents and radical-scavenging activity. To our knowledge, this is the first time spinasterol has been isolated from P. caimito leaves.
Revista Cubana De Plantas Medicinales, Apr 12, 2013
Introduction: Tabernaemontana solanifolia A. DC. (Apocynaceae) grows in the Cerrado (savanna), Ca... more Introduction: Tabernaemontana solanifolia A. DC. (Apocynaceae) grows in the Cerrado (savanna), Caatinga (shrublands), and Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Objective: to investigate the potential anxiolytic activity of the crude extracts and ß-amyrin acetate obtained from the leaves of Tabernaemontana solanifolia in the elevated plus-maze (EPM) test for anxiety in rats. Methods: the crude extracts (aqueous, ethanol, and hexane), as well as ß-amyrin acetate, obtained from Tabernaemontana solanifolia leaves were evaluated for possible anxiolytic effects in rats tested in the elevated plus-maze. Acute toxicity in rats was determined by OECD 423 guidelines. The leaves of T. solanifolia specimens collected in Brasília, Brazil, were air dried at 40 °C and macerated with hexane or ethanol. After filtration, the solvents were removed under reduced pressure, yielding the crude hexane and ethanolic extracts (5.96 and 18.62 % yield, respectively). The crude aqueous extract was obtained by infusion, followed by lyophilization (13.5 % yield). Thirty minutes before the elevated plus-maze
European Journal of Medicinal Plants
Amaryllidaceae include plant species that present alkaloids with analgesic, anti-cancer, anti-bac... more Amaryllidaceae include plant species that present alkaloids with analgesic, anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-malarial activities. Due to this pharmacological value, several species of this family have been widely studied and among them is White lilly, Crinum americanum. The objective of this work was to induce callogenesis on leaf explants of C. americanum cultivated in vitro for future production of alkaloids. Leaf explants were grown on a culture medium (solid) Murashige and Skoog (1962) supplemented with different concentrations and combinations of plant growth regulators, auxin 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and cytokinin 6-benzylaminopurine and their effect on callogenesis assessed for percentage oxidation and explants responsive to callus induction. Callus formation started 10 days after hormone inoculation, and within 30 days after inoculation the best callogenesis and callus biomass growth were observed in medium containing 2.5 mg L-1 of 2,4-dich...
A ontogenese floral analisa o desenvolvimento das flores, desde os primordios de seus verticilos.... more A ontogenese floral analisa o desenvolvimento das flores, desde os primordios de seus verticilos. Objetiva-se aqui enfocar contribuicoes deste tipo de abordagem ao conhecimento morfologico vegetal, mencionando-se alguns aspectos metodologicos. Questoes morfologicas sobre a sinorganizacao corolina em Balsaminaceae, a origem do ovario pseudo-supero em Vochysiaceae e do gineceu hemi-sincarpico em Apocynaceae sao abordadas, com referencias a evolucao destas caracteristicas.
Papers by Sueli Maria Gomes