Nursing Care and Health Technology Journal (NCHAT)
TB is an infectious disease which occurs in the respiratory system. Since the implementation of D... more TB is an infectious disease which occurs in the respiratory system. Since the implementation of DOTS nationally in 2000 to 2014 has shown positive progress. However, there are still many challenges that must be faced by the government. One of them is the knowledge of TB sufferers themselves who still need to be improved regarding all matters relating to TB disease, especially regarding the DOTS strategy In 2015, the number of pulmonary TB patients treated at the Pipit Hospital in Anutapura General Hospital in Palu from January to May totaled 115 patients. Based on preliminary studies at Anutapura General Hospital, the majority of TB patients stated they did not know or had never heard of DOTS. They only know the common signs and symptoms of pulmonary TB, which are coughing for more than two weeks and know the combination of TB drugs that must be taken. This study aims to analyze the relationship between patient knowledge about pulmonary TB with the DOTS strategy. The design of this ...
Modern life style with a lot of menu of food and unhealthy life style could caused increasing of ... more Modern life style with a lot of menu of food and unhealthy life style could caused increasing of degenerative disease and one of it is Diabetic Mellitus. The problem could minimalised if the patient have self efficacy, family support and health insurance in arrangement of the disease by doing self care. The aims of this research to obtain the correlation factors of self care toward type II of diabetic mellitus patient in Anutapura General Hospital, Palu. This is quantitative research with correlation method of cross sectional approached. Total of population is 112 respondents, but sampling only 32 respondents that taken by accidental sampling analysed by chi square test. The result shown that most of respondents have good self efficacy (81.2%), duration time with DM suffering experiences >5 years (53,1%), have good family support (78,1%) and have health insurance (87,5%). The result of chi-square bivariate analyses found that sel...
Senam otak membantu mengintegrasikan bagian otak sehingga dapat digunakan para pendidik untuk men... more Senam otak membantu mengintegrasikan bagian otak sehingga dapat digunakan para pendidik untuk mengubah hambatan belajar dan therapy gangguan kognitif. Indonesia sekitar 16% mengalami gangguan perkembangan berupa gangguan kecerdasan akibat gangguan perkembangan otak, pendengaran dan motorik. Tujuan penelitian pengaruh penerapan senam otak terhadap fungsi kognitif dengan penilaian Monteral Cognitive Assesment (MoCA) pada Remaja di SMP Yayasan Otak Kanan Indonesia Pusat Palu dan SMP Negeri 9 Kota Palu. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, desain penelitian case control. Populasi penelitian remaja kelas IXA SMP Yayasan Otak Kanan Indonesia Pusat Palu dan SMP Negeri 9 Palu. Total Sampel penelitian yaitu 50 siswa (jumlah kasus sebanyak 25 orang dan kontrol sebanyak 25 orang). Pengolahan data dengan dengan menggunakan uji mann whitney. Hasil analisis menggunakan uji mann whitney, terdapat perbandingan yang signifikan antara kelompok kasus dan kelompok kontrol diperoleh nilai p=0,000 (p>0.05)....
Bertambahnya tingkat penyakit yang diderita oleh penderita DM maka akan semakin mempengaruhi psik... more Bertambahnya tingkat penyakit yang diderita oleh penderita DM maka akan semakin mempengaruhi psikologis penderita DM, salah satu dampak psikologis yang sering ditemukan adalah stres. Stres dan diabetes melitus memiliki hubungan yang sangat erat. Segala macam komplikasi yang dialami oleh penderita DM tersebut menyebabkan perubahan besar pada tubuh mereka. Perubahan besar tersebut menyebabkan stres Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan stres dengan citra tubuh pada penderita DM Tipe II di poli penyakit dalam RSU Anutapura Palu”. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua penderita DM Tipe II di poli penyakit dalam RSU Anutapura Palu berjumlah 32 orang. Besar sampelnya adalah total populasi menggunakan tehnik non random sampling dengan cara consecutive sampling. Hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar r...
Diabetes Mellitus is a progressive chronic disease that signed by body metabolism impairment of c... more Diabetes Mellitus is a progressive chronic disease that signed by body metabolism impairment of carbohydrates, protein, and fat, which could lead to hyperglycemia. DM diseases are mostly recognized as a silent killer disease that could kill people softly. DM complications include heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, amputation, and even death. In the prevention of DM disease need, each person's self-esteem by diabetes self-management should have certain good knowledge and skill to control it called Self-care. CERDIK is the government's program to support DM patients in performing self-care in their daily implementation. The research aims to obtain the association of the CERDIK program with self-care for diabetes mellitus patients. The total population is 120 people, and the sampling is only 43 respondents. The research phase starts from preparation and implementation until the completion of the research report. This research used quantitative research with a Cross-Sectiona...
Many kinds of research on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) had generated findings that O... more Many kinds of research on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) had generated findings that OCB is considered one of the main ways to increase organizations’ effectiveness. This study examines factors that have a relationship with OCB, namely, organizational climate and personality. This study was conducted among Primary School teachers at Cileungsi District, Bogor, Indonesia. The sample for the study consisted of 152 permanent teachers derived randomly from its population which is 245 Primary School teachers. The study mainly utilized quantitative data (from questionnaires). Regression and correlational analysis were applied, with that the relationship among variables found. The findings revealed that the school organizational climate had a positive and significant relationship with OCB. Similarly, teachers’ personalities had a positive and significant relationship with OCB. Both school organizational climate and teachers’ personalities simultaneously had a strong positive and ...
Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease requiring treatment in glycemic control. Controlling glyce... more Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease requiring treatment in glycemic control. Controlling glycemic can be carried out by a kind of assistance performed by using Telenursing. The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of telenursing assistance on the glycemic levels of type II DM clients at Puskesmas Kampung Baru Luwuk in Banggai. The research design applied is quasi-experimental pre and post test without control group design with 14 type II DM clients as the sample. The result shows there is a difference in average fasting glycemic levels in Type II DM clients prior to the intervention, which is 230,64 mg/dl, and following to the intervention, the result is 127,81 mg/dl thus found a reduction in glycemic level by 102,83 mg/dl. By the statistical test result using Pair T Test, the value (p value of 0.000) was obtained. Therefore, it can be analyzed that telenursing assistance takes effect on lowering fasting glycemic of type II DM clients. The result shows that communi...
Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease requiring treatment in glycemic control. Controlling glyce... more Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease requiring treatment in glycemic control. Controlling glycemic can be carried out by a kind of assistance performed by using Telenursing. The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of telenursing assistance on the glycemic levels of type II DM clients at Puskesmas Kampung Baru Luwuk in Banggai. The research design applied is quasi-experimental pre and post test without control group design with 14 type II DM clients as the sample. The result shows there is a difference in average fasting glycemic levels in Type II DM clients prior to the intervention, which is 230,64 mg/dl, and following to the intervention, the result is 127,81 mg/dl thus found a reduction in glycemic level by 102,83 mg/dl. By the statistical test result using Pair T Test, the value (p value of 0.000) was obtained. Therefore, it can be analyzed that telenursing assistance takes effect on lowering fasting glycemic of type II DM clients. The result shows that communi...
Background : a person in the elderly will experience a failure to maintain a balance of physiolog... more Background : a person in the elderly will experience a failure to maintain a balance of physiological stress conditions, resulting in increased susceptibility to depression. Socioeconomic changes and social values of society, family system shift from extended family to nuclear family, industrialization culture with independent character and individualist consider elderly as "trouble maker" and become burden. This results in the tendency of the elderly to be excluded and, not getting treatment, so many choose to place it in elderly homes. This condition will of course affect the incidence of depression in the elderly. To overcome depression can be done various therapies, one of which is writing therapy, the therapy that does not give priority to physical complaints but the enlightenment of the soul through the release of emotions. Expressive writing is a form of writing to release and explore the deepest traumatic emotions and thoughts that make the sufferer feel an inner wound. Purpose of the study: to determine the effect of writing therapy emotional experiences on the level of depression in the elderly. Methods : quasy experimental research. Data analysis using t test formula with SPSS program series 18. Subjects : elderly living in a nursing home. Results: the significance value of t test (2 tailed) is 0.015. Conclusion : that writing therapy can reduce the level of depression in the elderly.
Nursing Care and Health Technology Journal (NCHAT)
TB is an infectious disease which occurs in the respiratory system. Since the implementation of D... more TB is an infectious disease which occurs in the respiratory system. Since the implementation of DOTS nationally in 2000 to 2014 has shown positive progress. However, there are still many challenges that must be faced by the government. One of them is the knowledge of TB sufferers themselves who still need to be improved regarding all matters relating to TB disease, especially regarding the DOTS strategy In 2015, the number of pulmonary TB patients treated at the Pipit Hospital in Anutapura General Hospital in Palu from January to May totaled 115 patients. Based on preliminary studies at Anutapura General Hospital, the majority of TB patients stated they did not know or had never heard of DOTS. They only know the common signs and symptoms of pulmonary TB, which are coughing for more than two weeks and know the combination of TB drugs that must be taken. This study aims to analyze the relationship between patient knowledge about pulmonary TB with the DOTS strategy. The design of this ...
Modern life style with a lot of menu of food and unhealthy life style could caused increasing of ... more Modern life style with a lot of menu of food and unhealthy life style could caused increasing of degenerative disease and one of it is Diabetic Mellitus. The problem could minimalised if the patient have self efficacy, family support and health insurance in arrangement of the disease by doing self care. The aims of this research to obtain the correlation factors of self care toward type II of diabetic mellitus patient in Anutapura General Hospital, Palu. This is quantitative research with correlation method of cross sectional approached. Total of population is 112 respondents, but sampling only 32 respondents that taken by accidental sampling analysed by chi square test. The result shown that most of respondents have good self efficacy (81.2%), duration time with DM suffering experiences >5 years (53,1%), have good family support (78,1%) and have health insurance (87,5%). The result of chi-square bivariate analyses found that sel...
Senam otak membantu mengintegrasikan bagian otak sehingga dapat digunakan para pendidik untuk men... more Senam otak membantu mengintegrasikan bagian otak sehingga dapat digunakan para pendidik untuk mengubah hambatan belajar dan therapy gangguan kognitif. Indonesia sekitar 16% mengalami gangguan perkembangan berupa gangguan kecerdasan akibat gangguan perkembangan otak, pendengaran dan motorik. Tujuan penelitian pengaruh penerapan senam otak terhadap fungsi kognitif dengan penilaian Monteral Cognitive Assesment (MoCA) pada Remaja di SMP Yayasan Otak Kanan Indonesia Pusat Palu dan SMP Negeri 9 Kota Palu. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, desain penelitian case control. Populasi penelitian remaja kelas IXA SMP Yayasan Otak Kanan Indonesia Pusat Palu dan SMP Negeri 9 Palu. Total Sampel penelitian yaitu 50 siswa (jumlah kasus sebanyak 25 orang dan kontrol sebanyak 25 orang). Pengolahan data dengan dengan menggunakan uji mann whitney. Hasil analisis menggunakan uji mann whitney, terdapat perbandingan yang signifikan antara kelompok kasus dan kelompok kontrol diperoleh nilai p=0,000 (p>0.05)....
Bertambahnya tingkat penyakit yang diderita oleh penderita DM maka akan semakin mempengaruhi psik... more Bertambahnya tingkat penyakit yang diderita oleh penderita DM maka akan semakin mempengaruhi psikologis penderita DM, salah satu dampak psikologis yang sering ditemukan adalah stres. Stres dan diabetes melitus memiliki hubungan yang sangat erat. Segala macam komplikasi yang dialami oleh penderita DM tersebut menyebabkan perubahan besar pada tubuh mereka. Perubahan besar tersebut menyebabkan stres Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan stres dengan citra tubuh pada penderita DM Tipe II di poli penyakit dalam RSU Anutapura Palu”. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua penderita DM Tipe II di poli penyakit dalam RSU Anutapura Palu berjumlah 32 orang. Besar sampelnya adalah total populasi menggunakan tehnik non random sampling dengan cara consecutive sampling. Hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar r...
Diabetes Mellitus is a progressive chronic disease that signed by body metabolism impairment of c... more Diabetes Mellitus is a progressive chronic disease that signed by body metabolism impairment of carbohydrates, protein, and fat, which could lead to hyperglycemia. DM diseases are mostly recognized as a silent killer disease that could kill people softly. DM complications include heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, amputation, and even death. In the prevention of DM disease need, each person's self-esteem by diabetes self-management should have certain good knowledge and skill to control it called Self-care. CERDIK is the government's program to support DM patients in performing self-care in their daily implementation. The research aims to obtain the association of the CERDIK program with self-care for diabetes mellitus patients. The total population is 120 people, and the sampling is only 43 respondents. The research phase starts from preparation and implementation until the completion of the research report. This research used quantitative research with a Cross-Sectiona...
Many kinds of research on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) had generated findings that O... more Many kinds of research on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) had generated findings that OCB is considered one of the main ways to increase organizations’ effectiveness. This study examines factors that have a relationship with OCB, namely, organizational climate and personality. This study was conducted among Primary School teachers at Cileungsi District, Bogor, Indonesia. The sample for the study consisted of 152 permanent teachers derived randomly from its population which is 245 Primary School teachers. The study mainly utilized quantitative data (from questionnaires). Regression and correlational analysis were applied, with that the relationship among variables found. The findings revealed that the school organizational climate had a positive and significant relationship with OCB. Similarly, teachers’ personalities had a positive and significant relationship with OCB. Both school organizational climate and teachers’ personalities simultaneously had a strong positive and ...
Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease requiring treatment in glycemic control. Controlling glyce... more Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease requiring treatment in glycemic control. Controlling glycemic can be carried out by a kind of assistance performed by using Telenursing. The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of telenursing assistance on the glycemic levels of type II DM clients at Puskesmas Kampung Baru Luwuk in Banggai. The research design applied is quasi-experimental pre and post test without control group design with 14 type II DM clients as the sample. The result shows there is a difference in average fasting glycemic levels in Type II DM clients prior to the intervention, which is 230,64 mg/dl, and following to the intervention, the result is 127,81 mg/dl thus found a reduction in glycemic level by 102,83 mg/dl. By the statistical test result using Pair T Test, the value (p value of 0.000) was obtained. Therefore, it can be analyzed that telenursing assistance takes effect on lowering fasting glycemic of type II DM clients. The result shows that communi...
Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease requiring treatment in glycemic control. Controlling glyce... more Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease requiring treatment in glycemic control. Controlling glycemic can be carried out by a kind of assistance performed by using Telenursing. The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of telenursing assistance on the glycemic levels of type II DM clients at Puskesmas Kampung Baru Luwuk in Banggai. The research design applied is quasi-experimental pre and post test without control group design with 14 type II DM clients as the sample. The result shows there is a difference in average fasting glycemic levels in Type II DM clients prior to the intervention, which is 230,64 mg/dl, and following to the intervention, the result is 127,81 mg/dl thus found a reduction in glycemic level by 102,83 mg/dl. By the statistical test result using Pair T Test, the value (p value of 0.000) was obtained. Therefore, it can be analyzed that telenursing assistance takes effect on lowering fasting glycemic of type II DM clients. The result shows that communi...
Background : a person in the elderly will experience a failure to maintain a balance of physiolog... more Background : a person in the elderly will experience a failure to maintain a balance of physiological stress conditions, resulting in increased susceptibility to depression. Socioeconomic changes and social values of society, family system shift from extended family to nuclear family, industrialization culture with independent character and individualist consider elderly as "trouble maker" and become burden. This results in the tendency of the elderly to be excluded and, not getting treatment, so many choose to place it in elderly homes. This condition will of course affect the incidence of depression in the elderly. To overcome depression can be done various therapies, one of which is writing therapy, the therapy that does not give priority to physical complaints but the enlightenment of the soul through the release of emotions. Expressive writing is a form of writing to release and explore the deepest traumatic emotions and thoughts that make the sufferer feel an inner wound. Purpose of the study: to determine the effect of writing therapy emotional experiences on the level of depression in the elderly. Methods : quasy experimental research. Data analysis using t test formula with SPSS program series 18. Subjects : elderly living in a nursing home. Results: the significance value of t test (2 tailed) is 0.015. Conclusion : that writing therapy can reduce the level of depression in the elderly.
Papers by Sri Yulianti