Papers by Soňa Javoreková
Acta horticulturae et regiotecturae, 2004
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. A, 2010

Plant Soil and Environment, Aug 31, 2003
Four kinds of cereal crops were grown without farmyard manure application. The effect of farmyard... more Four kinds of cereal crops were grown without farmyard manure application. The effect of farmyard manure was supposed to be replaced by post-harvest residues (PH treatment) or by ploughing the total by-product, i.e. straw (PZ treatment) into soil. After seven years of application, this soil farming system did not influence the contents of C ox and N t in soil. The amount of organic carbon had declined after the first year, but in the following years it remained at the same level (1.2%). The total nitrogen content increased from 0.143 to 0.166% without any considerable difference between the treatments. The amount of microbial biomass (C mic) in PH treatment had been varying and in 2000 it decreased approximately by a half (from 215.96 to 132.00 mg C/kg of soil dry matter). The input of organic matter due to ploughing the whole by-product (PZ treatment) into soil acted favourably and the value of C mic in 2000 was quite comparable with the average values of the individual years of 1994-1997. This land management and cereal growing caused a reduction of the ratio of microbial biomass carbon to soil organic carbon (C mic /C org). In the year 2000, the values decreased from 2.59 to 1.09% and from 2.88 to 1.82% in PH and PZ treatments, respectively. The amount of the biologically releasable nitrogen (N biol) and the intensity of nitrification were the highest in the year 2000. There was a moderate negative correlation (r =-0.474) between the N biol values and biomass amount values in PZ treatment, and a very close negative one (r =-0.972) in PH treatment. This relation became strong in both treatments when the values C mic /C org and N biol were compared, i.e. r PH =-0.863 and r PZ =-0.921. The results confirmed that the amount and the quality of organic matter influence microbial biomass and its activity which is responsible for the nutrient release.
Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2003
Horticulturae, Jan 23, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Journal of environmental science and health. Part A, Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering, Jan 29, 2018
The main objective of this study was using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-fl... more The main objective of this study was using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) for assembling of DSM (German Collection of Microorganisms) Streptomyces spectral database and identification of wild Streptomyces cultures, which were clustered by MALDI-TOF Biotyper OC software as well as for teracycline detection by observing of obtained spectra using flexAnalysis software. Production of tetracycline was confirmed by thin-layer chromatography. Presence of tetracycline mass spectrum was verified by several tetracycline producers (Streptomyces aureofaciens LMG 5968, S. aureofaciens 84/25, and S. aureofaciens BMK) and by pure tetracycline mass. Our results showed that it is possible to use MALDI-TOF MS for identification of tetracycline producers within Streptomyces genera by several easy steps. The purpose of this study was to establish cheap and quick detection of tetracycline producers.

Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 2016
The strain no. VY46 was isolated from agricultural soil of Slovak republic and tested for potenti... more The strain no. VY46 was isolated from agricultural soil of Slovak republic and tested for potential antimicrobial activity against various human pathogens. On the basis of results, strain VY46 significantly inhibited growth of yeast Candida albicans and therefore was used for further characterization. In order to explore the potential bioactivities, extract of the fermented broth culture was prepared with organic solvent extraction method. The ethylacetate extract was subjected to HPLC fractionation against Candida albicans and followed by LC/MS analysis for potential production of anticandidal substances. The analysis resulted in the identification of two antimycins antibiotics, which may be responsible for important anticandidal activity of the strain. On the basis of liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry the antibiotics were identified as Urauchimycin A and Kitamycin A. According tothe results from cultural, morphological, physiological, biochemical and 16S rRNA gene sequence methods, the strain was identified as Streptomyces albidoflavus. In addition, neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree confirmed the relationships of this strain to other members of Streptomyces genera.

Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 2010
The effects of pesticides (a herbicide and a fungicide) on the microbial community structure and ... more The effects of pesticides (a herbicide and a fungicide) on the microbial community structure and their activity were analyzed in soil from four alpine pasture grasslands in Slovakia. Specifically, the effects of the herbicide, Gesagard (prometryn active ingredient), and fungicide, Fundazol 50 WP (benomyl active ingredient), on the microbial respiration activity (CO2 production), the numbers of selective microbial physiological groups (CFU.g(-1)) and the structure (relative abundance) of soil microbial communities [(phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA)] were analyzed under controlled laboratory conditions. All treatments including the treatments with pesticides increased (statistically significantly) the production of CO2 in all fields during 21 days of incubation and posed a statistically insignificant negative influence on the numbers of the observed physiological groups of microorganisms. The significantly negative influence was evaluated only in the numbers of two physiological groups; spores of bacteria utilizing organic nitrogen and bacteria, and their spores utilizing inorganic nitrogen. A shift in the microbial composition was evident when the PLFA patterns of samples from different sites and treatments were compared by the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). According to the second component PCA 2 (15.95 %) the locations were grouped into two clusters. The first one involved the Donovaly and Dubakovo sites and the second one contained the Velka Fatra and Mala Fatra locations. The PLFA composition of the soils showed important changes after the treatment with pesticides according to PCA 1 (66.06 %). Other treatments had not had a significant effect on the soil microbial community with the exception of the population of fungi. The lower relative abundance (significant effect) of Gram-positive bacteria, actinomycetes and general group of bacteria were determined in samples treated by the herbicide Gesagard. The application of fungicide Fundazol decreased (statistically significantly) the relative abundance of actinomycetes and general group of bacteria and paradoxically increased the population of fungi.

Summary The effects of integrated (IS) and ecological (ES) management of soil on the biomass of m... more Summary The effects of integrated (IS) and ecological (ES) management of soil on the biomass of microorganisms (Cmic) and dehydrogenase activity (DHA) were investigated in the period 1999-2000. The soils used were collected from a stationary experiment established in 1990 on gley brown soil at the Experimental Station of the Slovak Agricultural University, Nitra. For each field with a different structure of crops two fertilization treatments were used : (a) no fertilization and (b) use of manure for silage maize and, within IS, also mineral fertilizers for balancing. A higher amount of microbial biomass (Cmic) in terms of absolute values was noted for ES but without statistical significance. Cultivated crops and the timing of soil sampling were found to have the greatest effect on the parameters observed in individual experimental years and within the two systems of soil management.

Journal of microbiology, biotechnology and food sciences
Plant microbiomes are responsible for the growth, health, nutrition, and resistance to biotic and... more Plant microbiomes are responsible for the growth, health, nutrition, and resistance to biotic and abiotic stress. Moreover, some plant microbiome members, especially the Enterobacteriaceae family, can act as human pathogens. In recent years, metagenomic analysis of amplified 16S rRNA gene sequenced on Illumina second generation sequencers became the most widely used method for bacterial microbiome studies. The 16S r RNA gene of the bacterium is phylogenetically similar to the 16S genes of chloroplasts and mitochondria since they have common prokaryotic ancestors. Thus, plant microbiome analysis is affected by unwanted non-target chloroplast and mitochondrial sequences. The solution to this contamination uses specially designed primer pairs that exclude chloroplasts and mitochondria and provide undistorted information. In this study, we analyzed chloroplast excluding primer 799R (reverse complement of 799F) which contains 4 mismatches of nucleotides against the chloroplast sequence m...

Journal of microbiology, biotechnology and food sciences, 2021
Bacteria with positive properties on plant vitality are also called PGPB (Plant Growth Promoting ... more Bacteria with positive properties on plant vitality are also called PGPB (Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria). Their presence can be observed not only in the root area but also in the above-ground parts of plants like endophytic bacteria. The aim of our study was to characterize promoting features of bacteria from Bacillus genus and compare them with Pseudomonas simiae WCS417 (plant growth promoting strain). The work was carried out in locality Kolíňany near Nitra (40°26´46´´N, 79°58´56´´W) and root samples were taken from 6 randomly selected plants of maize (Zea mays L.) in vegetative plant growth stage BBCH 14-15. Bacteria isolated from plant roots were identified and tested to biochemical parameters. From the biochemical features, we observed the detection of siderophores, determination of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), monitoring the ability to dissolve phosphates and antifungal activity. Bacterial suspensions were applied to maize seeds and tested in vivo controlled conditions. Teste...

This work presents the first results from the long-term laboratory experiment dealing with impact... more This work presents the first results from the long-term laboratory experiment dealing with impact of drought on soil properties. Three groups of the treatment (A, B and C) with different regime of irrigation were prepared. The soil water content was maintained at 70 % of soil water holding capacity in group A, at 40 % in group B. In group C, soil water regime was maintained in the range of wilting point. Each group of the experiment was divided into three variants (A1 = B1, C1; A2 = B2, C2 etc.) with three repetitions: Variants A1 (B1, C1) were controls without addition of another fertilizer. Variants A2 (B2, C2) were fertilized with mineral nitrogen fertilizer DAM 390 (0.140 Mg of N per ha) and variants A3 (B3, C3) contained 45 g of Cp per a pot. The significant differences (ANOVA, P<0.05) in the leaching of mineral nitrogen and values of saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) were found. The highest values of Ksat were found in variants (within each group) with addition of com...
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. A, 2009

The both basic and potential biological soil activity along with a biological degradation capacit... more The both basic and potential biological soil activity along with a biological degradation capacity of soil microorganisms through their respiratory activity were investigated after the application of polymers with the different degree of degradation in the soil. The CO2 production was measured by the absorption method at standard moisture and temperature under laboratory conditions. Numerous representing changes of major soil microbial groups were determined after the application of the polyethylene. Polyethylene (PE), polyvinylalcohol (PVA), polyvinylalcohol modified by hydrolysed collagen (PVAHC) were applied as synthetic polymers into luvisol. The addition of all tested polymers significantly influenced the CO2 production. During 43 days of incubation period, the total amount of produced CO2 was 1271.6 -1 . The total amount of mineralised carbon in the soil reached 4.55 %. When compared with the soil, the respiratory activity of soil microorganisms increased 3-times, 1.2-ti...

In laboratory assay, the diversity of bacteria and microscopic fungi and the community-level phys... more In laboratory assay, the diversity of bacteria and microscopic fungi and the community-level physiological profiling (CLPP) of microorganisms were observed after the addition of bio-sludge (40 t.ha-1) from a biogas station and addition of bio-fertlizers-AZOTER (10 dm-3 .ha-1) to the arable soil with PCR-DGGE and BIOLOG ® method (Eco Plates). The differences were recorded in the microbial diversity (bacteria and microscopic fungi) among variants according to the Shannon index. The differences in community of microscopic fungi were markedly higher among the soil samples with the additions of both bio-fertilizers compared to control soil samples. The occurrence of individual OTUs (operational taxonomic units) bacteria and microscopic fungi were different after 105 days of incubation from the status after the 1 st day of incubation. The community metabolic diversity (CMD) was influenced by the incubation time (105 days) as well, but not by application of bio-fertilizers. We observed a significant decrease (LSD test, P <0.05) in community metabolic diversity (CMD) and average metabolic response (AMR) of microorganisms in samples collected on the 105 th day of the experiment compared to samples collected on the 1 st day of the experiment in all tested samples.
Papers by Soňa Javoreková