Papers by Shahrina Ismail

Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, Feb 8, 2023
Cervical cancer refers to a dangerous and common illness that impacts women worldwide. Moreover, ... more Cervical cancer refers to a dangerous and common illness that impacts women worldwide. Moreover, this cancer affects over 300,000 people each year, with one woman diagnosed every minute. It affects over 0.5 million women annually, leading to over 0.3 million deaths. Recently, considerable literature has grown around developing technologies to detect cervical cancer cells in women. Previously, a cervical cancer diagnosis was made manually, which may result in a false positive or negative. Automated detection of cervical cancer and analysis method of the Papanicolaou (Pap) smear images are still debated among researchers. Thus, this paper reviewed several studies related to the detection method of Pap smear images focusing on Nuclei Segmentation and Deep Learning (DL) from the publication year of 2020, 2021, and 2022. Training, validation, and testing stages have all been the subject of study. However, there are still inadequacies in the current methodologies that have caused limitations to the proposed approaches by researchers. This study may inspire other researchers to view the proposed methods' potential and provide a decent foundation for developing and implementing new solutions.
pertanika journal of science and technology, 2013
gcd , 1 a b = such that 4 4 4 a b g ± ± = ±. The proof given by the author is a version of Fermat... more gcd , 1 a b = such that 4 4 4 a b g ± ± = ±. The proof given by the author is a version of Fermat's method of infinite descent. Similarly, Dieulefait (2005) also proved that with p a prime, p ≢ 1 (mod 8) and On the Integral Solutions of the Diophantine Equation x 4 + y 4 = z 3
Diagnostics, Nov 22, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Cervical cancer is known as a major health problem globally, with high mortality as well as incid... more Cervical cancer is known as a major health problem globally, with high mortality as well as incidence rates. Over the years, there have been significant advancements in cervical cancer detection techniques, leading to improved accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. This article provides a chronological review of cervical cancer detection techniques, from the traditional Pap smear test to the latest computer-aided detection (CAD) systems. The traditional method for cervical cancer screening is the Pap smear test. It consists of examining cervical cells under a microscope for abnormalities. However, this method is subjective and may miss precancerous lesions, leading to false negatives and a delayed diagnosis. Therefore, a growing interest has been in shown developing CAD methods to enhance cervical cancer screening. However, the effectiveness and reliability of CAD systems are still being evaluated. A systematic review of the literature was performed using the Scopus database to ide...
Baghdad Science Journal, Feb 20, 2023
The investigation of determining solutions for the Diophantine equation 4 + 4 = 3 over the Gaussi... more The investigation of determining solutions for the Diophantine equation 4 + 4 = 3 over the Gaussian integer ring for the specific case of ≠ is discussed. The discussion includes various preliminary results later used to build the resolvent theory of the Diophantine equation studied. Our findings show the existence of infinitely many solutions. Since the analytical method used here is based on simple algebraic properties, it can be easily generalized to study the behavior and the conditions for the existence of solutions to other Diophantine equations, allowing a deeper understanding, even when no general solution is known.

Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology
Cervical cancer refers to a dangerous and common illness that impacts women worldwide. Moreover, ... more Cervical cancer refers to a dangerous and common illness that impacts women worldwide. Moreover, this cancer affects over 300,000 people each year, with one woman diagnosed every minute. It affects over 0.5 million women annually, leading to over 0.3 million deaths. Recently, considerable literature has grown around developing technologies to detect cervical cancer cells in women. Previously, a cervical cancer diagnosis was made manually, which may result in a false positive or negative. Automated detection of cervical cancer and analysis method of the Papanicolaou (Pap) smear images are still debated among researchers. Thus, this paper reviewed several studies related to the detection method of Pap smear images focusing on Nuclei Segmentation and Deep Learning (DL) from the publication year of 2020, 2021, and 2022. Training, validation, and testing stages have all been the subject of study. However, there are still inadequacies in the current methodologies that have caused limitati...

Cervical cancer is regularly diagnosed in women all over the world. This cancer is the seventh mo... more Cervical cancer is regularly diagnosed in women all over the world. This cancer is the seventh most frequent cancer globally and the fourth most prevalent cancer among women. Automated and higher accuracy of cervical cancer classification methods are needed for the early diagnosis of cancer. In addition, this study has proved that routine Pap smears could enhance clinical outcomes by facilitating the early diagnosis of cervical cancer. Liquid-based cytology (LBC)/Pap smears for advanced cervical screening is a highly effective precancerous cell detection technology based on cell image analysis, where cells are classed as normal or abnormal. Computer-aided systems in medical imaging have benefited greatly from extraordinary developments in artificial intelligence (AI) technology. However, resource and computational cost constraints prevent the widespread use of AI-based automation-assisted cervical cancer screening systems. Hence, this paper reviewed the related studies that have bee...

Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences
In this paper the zeroes of the polynomial F(x,z)=2x4−z3 in Gaussian integers Z[i] are determined... more In this paper the zeroes of the polynomial F(x,z)=2x4−z3 in Gaussian integers Z[i] are determined, a problem equivalent to finding the solutions of the Diophatine equation x4+y4=z3 in Z[i], with a focus on the case x=y. We start by using an analytical method that examines the real and imaginary parts of the equation F(x,z)=0. This analysis sheds light on the general algebraic behavior of the polynomial F(x,z) itself and its zeroes. This in turn allows us a deeper understanding of the different cases and conditions that give rise to trivial and non-trivial solutions to F(x,z)=0, and those that lead to inconsistencies. This paper concludes with a general formulation of the solutions to F(x,z)=0 in Gaussian integers. Results obtained in this work show the existence of infinitely many non-trivial zeroes for F(x,z)=2x4−z3 under the general form x=(1+i)η3 and c=−2η4 for η∈Z[i].

Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology
Women around the world are frequently diagnosed with cervical cancer. In the beginning, there wer... more Women around the world are frequently diagnosed with cervical cancer. In the beginning, there were no symptoms for the fourth most common cause of fatality in women. Cells of cervical cancer develop gradually at the cervix. Several studies have mentioned that the initial detection of cervical tumours is essential for cancer to be properly treated and to make sure cancer can be successfully treated while minimizing deaths due to cervical cancer. The diagnosis of such cancer before it spreads fast is currently a pressing issue for healthcare professionals. This also provides an extensive understanding with respect to the physical characteristics of the healthy and unhealthy cervix and aids in early treatment planning by giving detailed information about one another. Utilizing image segmentation, several techniques are employed to find malignancy. The dataset contains four distinct pathological pictures, including normal, malignancy, and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSI...
2022 5th International Conference on Engineering Technology and its Applications (IICETA)
2022 5th International Conference on Engineering Technology and its Applications (IICETA)

Many COVID-19 vaccine candidates were clinically tested in response to the coronavirus pandemic. ... more Many COVID-19 vaccine candidates were clinically tested in response to the coronavirus pandemic. This study aims to determine the acceptance rate of, main concerns about and knowledge of COVID-19 vaccination among the Malaysian population based on different sociodemographic characteristics during the early stages of vaccine arrival in Malaysia. A cross-sectional online survey was performed between January 25, 2021 and February 1, 2021 using descriptive statistics, Likert scale analysis, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression. These statistics assessed the correlation between sociodemographic characteristics, exposure to COVID-19 vaccine information, as well as the perceived risk of infection and acceptance towards COVID-19 vaccines. There exist significant differences across sociodemographic variables. More than half of the respondents (58.85%) voted safety as their primary concern. Moreover, a medium correlation exists between knowledge and acceptance, r = 0.444, N = 2051, ...

Journal of Statistical Modelling and Analytics
The study aims to look at macroeconomic variables’ impact on volatility of exchange rate in both ... more The study aims to look at macroeconomic variables’ impact on volatility of exchange rate in both short and long run. The relationship between real effective exchange rate volatility and macroeconomic variables such as gross domestic product deflator, total export in percentage of GDP, inflation rate, coefficient of inflation rate and lending interest rate have been analyzed with the help of statistical tool. This research is based on secondary data obtained from World Bank website, International Monetary Fund website and Statistical Department of Malaysia. The study uses a sample of 35 observations, starting from 1980 to 2014 annually. Unit root test is used to determine the stationarity of the variables. The existence of the stationary data will lead to a long run relationship of macroeconomic determinants, while the techniques of co-integration model are used to determine the long run relationship of some macroeconomic variables on the volatility of exchange rate. The error correc...

Radiology Research and Practice, 2021
Radiology is a vital diagnostic tool for multiple disorders that plays an essential role in the h... more Radiology is a vital diagnostic tool for multiple disorders that plays an essential role in the healthcare sector. Nurses are majorly involved in a healthcare setting by accompanying patients during the examination. Thus, nurses tend to be exposed during inward X-ray examination, requiring them to keep up with radiation use safety. However, nurses’ competence in radiation is still a concept that has not been well studied in Malaysia. The study aimed to define the level of usage understanding and radiation protection among Malaysian nurses. In this research, a cross-sectional survey was conducted among 395 nurses working in hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare sectors in Malaysia. The survey is based on the developed Healthcare Professional Knowledge of Radiation Protection (HPKRP) scale, distributed via the online Google Forms. SPSS version 25.0 (IBM Corporation) was used to analyze the data in this study. Malaysian nurses reported the highest knowledge level in radiation protec...
Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics, 2022

European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2021
The conjugate gradient (CG) method is a useful tool for obtaining the optimum point for unconstra... more The conjugate gradient (CG) method is a useful tool for obtaining the optimum point for unconstrained optimization problems since it does not require a second derivative or its approximations. Moreover, the conjugate gradient method can be applied in many fields such as machine learning, deep learning, neural network, and many others. This paper constructs a four-term conjugate gradient method that satisfies the descent property and convergence properties to obtain the stationary point. The new modification was constructed based on Liu and Storey's conjugate gradient method, two-term conjugate gradient method, and three-term conjugate gradient method. To analyze the efficiency and robustness, we used more than 150 optimization functions from the CUTEst library with different dimensions and shapes. The numerical results show that the new modification outperforms the recent conjugate gradient methods such as CG-Descent, Dai and Liao, and others in terms of number of functions eval...

Ulum Islamiyyah, 2021
Higher educational centres with significant numbers of young people will become acute disease hub... more Higher educational centres with significant numbers of young people will become acute disease hubs during a pandemic. Owing to the sizeable population of young adults, more direct social interaction, and unrestricted boundaries, universities have the capacity to become volatile, centrifugal outbreak hubs. This research examines the university student’s knowledge, attitude, and practice towards the COVID-19 pandemic in Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Nilai. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to obtain the data and analysed utilising SPSS software with a sample size of 2061 USIM students. Descriptive statistics, Likert scale analysis, multiple linear regression, as well as Pearson correlation, were used to identify the relationship between KAP. It was discovered that most of the USIM’s students have an excellent knowledge (85%) and attitude (73.8%) towards COVID-19. However, they moderately practice the right steps to prevent themselves from virus infection. Thi...

Ulum Islamiyyah, 2021
Dalam konteks penyebaran COVID-19, permodelan matematik telah menjadi satu komponen penting dalam... more Dalam konteks penyebaran COVID-19, permodelan matematik telah menjadi satu komponen penting dalam merangka strategi bagi mengambil langkah awal dalam menangani penularan wabak. Dalam kajian ini, model SIR (“Susceptible” – “Infected” – “Removed”) digunakan bagi meramalkan tindak balas wabak COVID-19 di Malaysia. Menggunakan data rasmi daripada Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, didapati kes puncak Ketika PKP 1.0 berlaku pada t=21 hari (8 April 2020) dengan kadar jangkitan a = 0.19. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa wujud perbezaan yang ketara sekiranya bilangan penduduk yang berpotensi dijangkiti S(0) dikurangkan, di mana puncak kes aktif dapat dikurangkan dengan begitu ketara (kes aktif puncak berlaku pada t=81, dengan peratusan kes berjumlah S(81) = 8.7%). Jadi, adalah amat penting bagi mematuhi arahan – arahan serta SOP yang digariskan oleh pihak kerajaan bagi menghentikan jangkitan pandemik COVID-19.
Papers by Shahrina Ismail