Today, with the developing technology, it is important to establish facilities suitable for indus... more Today, with the developing technology, it is important to establish facilities suitable for industry 4.0 in order to reduce CO2 emissions in factories, ensure efficiency, and automatically monitor the systems. Cement Factories are at the forefront of energy-intensive sectors. The cement industry is constantly focused on production, high energy demand and unforeseen failures lead to high-cost loss and systemic crises with the decrease in production/sales targets. Predictive maintenance, which is one of the maintenance methods, is aimed to solve the problems by determining the failure sources that may occur economically by examining and analyzing the physical parameters such as vibration, temperature, frequency changes, amperes, and spectra of the asynchronous motors in the field in trend data. In this study, dynamic and static analysis of large power asynchronous motors with a stator voltage of 6300V in cement plants are analyzed with the help of advanced measuring instruments. As a ...
With the impact of global warming, recent years has witnessed a tremendous revival of interest in... more With the impact of global warming, recent years has witnessed a tremendous revival of interest in environmental issues. At the moment, the world's electricity generation mainly depends on the fossil fuels which are eventually going to be run out. On the other hand, fossil fuels have an extremely negative effect on the environment. Therefore, electrical energy savings have become an important factor in the protection of environment. All over the world, lighting of the domestic and commercial buildings as an average consumes about 30% of the electricity produced. One way of the saving electricity in lighting is the utilization of natural daylight. In fact, natural daylight can be a solution for the lighting requirements of the buildings, especially during the daytime. The benefits of using daylight are manifold, such as economical and environmental advantages and the positive effects on human beings. Although there are several methods to use daylight for the illumination purposes, light-pipes are the most simple and versatile of them. In this study, the performance of a light-pipe was investigated in one area, which is a laboratory. The measurements were conducted between February and June. The results of the investigation were presented as the graphs of indoor-outdoor lux versus time. The highest illumination was 449 lux, which was obtained on 12th of May whereas the lowest illumination was 7.51 lux, which was obtained on 26th of February.Scientific Research Board of Marmara UniversityMarmara University [BSE-022/020103]This study is supported by Scientific Research Board of Marmara University with date November 28, 2002 with Project number BSE-022/020103.WOS:0003125774000712-s2.0-8487273731
Abstract This study investigates the energy-saving potential and environmental effects of the who... more Abstract This study investigates the energy-saving potential and environmental effects of the whole outdoor lighting applications including the roads, footpaths and garden lights at Istiklal Campus of Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Burdur, Turkey. 92% of the energy consumed for the outdoor lighting at the campus are used up by metal-halide lamps. Campus lighting is on automatically with the daylight sensor and operates for 10 h on average during the summer times and 13 h on average during the winter times. For this outdoor lighting system, energy-efficient lighting alternatives are investigated under four different scenarios. These scenarios are: shutting down some lamps 30 min after the education finishes at the campus; dimming for lamps; retrofitting the non-LED lights with effective LED lights and finally using the last two alternatives together. Next, potential energy-saving and the effects of this energy-saving on the environment are analyzed. According to the analysis results, a combination of retrofitting the lighting and dimming control systems are calculated to save 762 MWh electrical energy annually. With the reduced energy consumption, it is possible to cut down fossil fuels for electricity production and release 251 tons less carbon to the atmosphere annually. When the cost comparison is made for 12 years, it is predicted that about 1.3 million euros will be saved in the fourth scenario. Available traditional lighting systems in almost all of the cities in Turkey are inadequate in terms of energy efficiency. General lighting services constitute a significant part of the municipalities’ electricity costs in small cities. The scenarios proposed in this study can be applied by the municipalities on a city or neighborhood scale, taking into account criteria such as initial investment cost, energy savings, security, payback time and remote controllability & traceability.
ELEKTRİK ENERJİSİ TASARRUFU AÇISINDAN IŞIK BORULARININ İNCELENMESİ Günümüzde teknolojinin gelişme... more ELEKTRİK ENERJİSİ TASARRUFU AÇISINDAN IŞIK BORULARININ İNCELENMESİ Günümüzde teknolojinin gelişmesiyle birlikte elektrik enerjisi tüketimi artmakta fakat elektrik enerjisi üretiminde kullanılan fosil yakıtların azalması ve bu yakıtların çevreye olumsuz etkilerinin olması insanları enerji üretimi için farklı arayışlara itmiştir. Aydınlatma için de elektrik enerjisi kullanılmaktadır. Elektrik enerjisi üretimindeki bu olumsuz etkenler, aydınlatmada kullanılan elektrik enerjisinin azaltılması için çalışmalar yapılmasına sebep olmuş ve gün ışığının bina içlerinin aydınlatılması için daha aktif olarak kullanılması istenmiştir. Işık Boruları gün ışığının bina içine alınmasını sağlamaktadır. Yurt dışında yapılan çalışmalarda binalarda gün ışığının girmediği karanlık bölgelerin aydınlatılmasında kullanılan ışık borularının verimli olduğu görülmüştür. Bu çalışma ülkemizde ışık borusu ile yapılan ilk çalışmadır. Yapılan ölçümlerde alınan maksimum ortalama değer 428 Lux ile 24-28 Mayıs haftası ...
Photovoltaic systems (PV) use solar cells convert the sun's rays into electricity by exciting... more Photovoltaic systems (PV) use solar cells convert the sun's rays into electricity by exciting electrons in the cells using the photons of light from the sun. These conversion efficiency mainly related sun’s rays and solar cells. The conditions which are effects sun’s rays and solar cells firmly related with energy outputs of the PV systems. The energy yield is strongly associated with the weather because the electrical energy is produced directly from the solar energy. Most of the PV energy prediction models based on the meteorological parameters such as solar radiation, ambient temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, clearness index and sunshine duration. These meteorological parameters are associated with the geographical conditions where the PV systems installed. In this study, identical two photovoltaic panel systems are established in Istanbul and Kırklareli at Marmara region. Photovoltaic panel outputs and surface temperatures, solar irradiance values and meteorologica...
Abstract Hazardous effects of fossil energy sources on the environment, their limited capacities ... more Abstract Hazardous effects of fossil energy sources on the environment, their limited capacities and the fact that they run out result in the prominence of energy production from renewable energy sources. Like any developing country, Turkey's energy consumption increases with her population growth and economic advancement. It is essential to have domestic and sustainable energy sources for countries to have rapid and unproblematic economic growth. Turkey is a foreign-dependent country in terms of her energy sources and it does not only threaten the country's economy but also hinders her development. Foreign-dependency for energy and reducing the greenhouse gas emission could become possible with better utilization of renewable energy potential. This study investigates the current energy production values of Antalya, Burdur and Isparta cities of Turkey, which constitute the TR61 region, and by remarking the currently unused renewable energy sources' potentials, calculates the greenhouse emission values to be reduced when the region's potential is exploited. Accordingly, there is an unused potential especially for biomass and solar energy. It is estimated that 3,000 thousand tons of greenhouse gas emission reduction is possible by 2023 when this potential is utilized.
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, 2015
This paper presents the effective and reliable speed control of PMDC motors under variable loads ... more This paper presents the effective and reliable speed control of PMDC motors under variable loads and reference speeds. As is known DC motors are more preferred in industrial practices. This is that, the PMDC motors don't require brush and commutator care and to increase in torque per motor depending on developments in power electronics. In this study, proportional-integral controller (PI) and fuzzy logic controller (FL) have been designed for speed control of PMDC motor. In the design of these controllers, characteristics such as minimum overrun time, response time to the load, settling time and ideal rise time have been taken into consideration for better stability performance. In this design, the best system response was searched by examining the effect of different defuzzification methods onto the fuzzy logic system response. In conclusion, it has been seen that FL controller has a better performance for variable speed-load control of PMDC motor compared to PI controller.
Bu calismada, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Istiklal Yerleskesi’nin mevcut ruzgar enerji potansi... more Bu calismada, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Istiklal Yerleskesi’nin mevcut ruzgar enerji potansiyelini belirleyebilmek icin alt yapi hazirligi yapilmistir. Bu amacla Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Istiklal Yerleskesi’nde titizlikle arazi kesifleri yapilmis ve literaturde yer alan kriterler isiginda UTM E 263254 ve N 4173479 koordinatlarina ruzgar enerji olcum diregi ve gerekli olcum sensorleri montajlanmistir. Sistem devreye alinarak ilk veriler okunup kaydedilmeye baslanmistir.
Abstract: The rapid developments in technology make it costly to educate the work force for the s... more Abstract: The rapid developments in technology make it costly to educate the work force for the sectors. In modern techno-logy and in today's world in which the education system is more modern and the need for modern stuff is increasingly high, Computer-Based Education (CBE) ...
Bu calismada, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Istiklal Yerleskesi’nin mevcut ruzgar enerji potansi... more Bu calismada, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Istiklal Yerleskesi’nin mevcut ruzgar enerji potansiyelini belirleyebilmek icin alt yapi hazirligi yapilmistir. Bu amacla Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Istiklal Yerleskesi’nde titizlikle arazi kesifleri yapilmis ve literaturde yer alan kriterler isiginda UTM E 263254 ve N 4173479 koordinatlarina ruzgar enerji olcum diregi ve gerekli olcum sensorleri montajlanmistir. Sistem devreye alinarak ilk veriler okunup kaydedilmeye baslanmistir.
Global warming and the competitive market requirements of refrigerator production have made it ne... more Global warming and the competitive market requirements of refrigerator production have made it necessary to produce the right product which offers the highest level of efficiency at a time. In this study, the application of control systems deployed in the production area for the evaporator fan and motorized flap which are the most functional parts of the refrigerator cooling system, are discussed. Only the power consumption of all parts of the refrigerator is checked in the production area. With this study, two additional control gates were added to the production area and customer complaints were recorded during the year 2018 for the monitoring of controlled materials. These systems by limiting the inputs of the analyzed reject parts by customer complaints have ensured that these factors were captured during production and achieved 75% improvement in 2018 compared with the previous year. The system structures established in the study were controlled via TIA V Portal software with t...
ABSTRACT Nowadays, approximation of fossil based fuel to the end reveals that countries will have... more ABSTRACT Nowadays, approximation of fossil based fuel to the end reveals that countries will have difficulty in meeting energy needs in the near future. Renewable energy sources are prognosed as a solution to this problem. Among the renewable energy sources, wind energy, since having many advantages, has a key role in meeting the energy demand. Wind energy recycling systems have very little negative effects to the environment. Therefore, as an alternative to conventional energy cycling systems, wind energy has intensive attention ...
Bu calismada 37,69 enlem 30,34 boylam konumunda bulunan Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Muhendisli... more Bu calismada 37,69 enlem 30,34 boylam konumunda bulunan Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Muhendislik – Mimarlik Fakultesinin B-416 nolu dersligi en cok tercih edilen ve algoritmalari birbirine en yakin aydinlatma tasarim programlari DIALux ve RELUX ile karsilastirilmistir. Programlarda benzetimi yapilacak derslik kaplamalari ile birlikte birebir tasarlanarak ayni saatlerde aydinlatma benzetimi yapilip tutarlilik karsilastirilmistir. Olculen degerler arasinda hata farklari cikarilmis ve sapma oranlari hesaplanmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Aydinlatma, RELUX, DIALux, Mimari Benzetim
Today, with the developing technology, it is important to establish facilities suitable for indus... more Today, with the developing technology, it is important to establish facilities suitable for industry 4.0 in order to reduce CO2 emissions in factories, ensure efficiency, and automatically monitor the systems. Cement Factories are at the forefront of energy-intensive sectors. The cement industry is constantly focused on production, high energy demand and unforeseen failures lead to high-cost loss and systemic crises with the decrease in production/sales targets. Predictive maintenance, which is one of the maintenance methods, is aimed to solve the problems by determining the failure sources that may occur economically by examining and analyzing the physical parameters such as vibration, temperature, frequency changes, amperes, and spectra of the asynchronous motors in the field in trend data. In this study, dynamic and static analysis of large power asynchronous motors with a stator voltage of 6300V in cement plants are analyzed with the help of advanced measuring instruments. As a ...
With the impact of global warming, recent years has witnessed a tremendous revival of interest in... more With the impact of global warming, recent years has witnessed a tremendous revival of interest in environmental issues. At the moment, the world's electricity generation mainly depends on the fossil fuels which are eventually going to be run out. On the other hand, fossil fuels have an extremely negative effect on the environment. Therefore, electrical energy savings have become an important factor in the protection of environment. All over the world, lighting of the domestic and commercial buildings as an average consumes about 30% of the electricity produced. One way of the saving electricity in lighting is the utilization of natural daylight. In fact, natural daylight can be a solution for the lighting requirements of the buildings, especially during the daytime. The benefits of using daylight are manifold, such as economical and environmental advantages and the positive effects on human beings. Although there are several methods to use daylight for the illumination purposes, light-pipes are the most simple and versatile of them. In this study, the performance of a light-pipe was investigated in one area, which is a laboratory. The measurements were conducted between February and June. The results of the investigation were presented as the graphs of indoor-outdoor lux versus time. The highest illumination was 449 lux, which was obtained on 12th of May whereas the lowest illumination was 7.51 lux, which was obtained on 26th of February.Scientific Research Board of Marmara UniversityMarmara University [BSE-022/020103]This study is supported by Scientific Research Board of Marmara University with date November 28, 2002 with Project number BSE-022/020103.WOS:0003125774000712-s2.0-8487273731
Abstract This study investigates the energy-saving potential and environmental effects of the who... more Abstract This study investigates the energy-saving potential and environmental effects of the whole outdoor lighting applications including the roads, footpaths and garden lights at Istiklal Campus of Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Burdur, Turkey. 92% of the energy consumed for the outdoor lighting at the campus are used up by metal-halide lamps. Campus lighting is on automatically with the daylight sensor and operates for 10 h on average during the summer times and 13 h on average during the winter times. For this outdoor lighting system, energy-efficient lighting alternatives are investigated under four different scenarios. These scenarios are: shutting down some lamps 30 min after the education finishes at the campus; dimming for lamps; retrofitting the non-LED lights with effective LED lights and finally using the last two alternatives together. Next, potential energy-saving and the effects of this energy-saving on the environment are analyzed. According to the analysis results, a combination of retrofitting the lighting and dimming control systems are calculated to save 762 MWh electrical energy annually. With the reduced energy consumption, it is possible to cut down fossil fuels for electricity production and release 251 tons less carbon to the atmosphere annually. When the cost comparison is made for 12 years, it is predicted that about 1.3 million euros will be saved in the fourth scenario. Available traditional lighting systems in almost all of the cities in Turkey are inadequate in terms of energy efficiency. General lighting services constitute a significant part of the municipalities’ electricity costs in small cities. The scenarios proposed in this study can be applied by the municipalities on a city or neighborhood scale, taking into account criteria such as initial investment cost, energy savings, security, payback time and remote controllability & traceability.
ELEKTRİK ENERJİSİ TASARRUFU AÇISINDAN IŞIK BORULARININ İNCELENMESİ Günümüzde teknolojinin gelişme... more ELEKTRİK ENERJİSİ TASARRUFU AÇISINDAN IŞIK BORULARININ İNCELENMESİ Günümüzde teknolojinin gelişmesiyle birlikte elektrik enerjisi tüketimi artmakta fakat elektrik enerjisi üretiminde kullanılan fosil yakıtların azalması ve bu yakıtların çevreye olumsuz etkilerinin olması insanları enerji üretimi için farklı arayışlara itmiştir. Aydınlatma için de elektrik enerjisi kullanılmaktadır. Elektrik enerjisi üretimindeki bu olumsuz etkenler, aydınlatmada kullanılan elektrik enerjisinin azaltılması için çalışmalar yapılmasına sebep olmuş ve gün ışığının bina içlerinin aydınlatılması için daha aktif olarak kullanılması istenmiştir. Işık Boruları gün ışığının bina içine alınmasını sağlamaktadır. Yurt dışında yapılan çalışmalarda binalarda gün ışığının girmediği karanlık bölgelerin aydınlatılmasında kullanılan ışık borularının verimli olduğu görülmüştür. Bu çalışma ülkemizde ışık borusu ile yapılan ilk çalışmadır. Yapılan ölçümlerde alınan maksimum ortalama değer 428 Lux ile 24-28 Mayıs haftası ...
Photovoltaic systems (PV) use solar cells convert the sun's rays into electricity by exciting... more Photovoltaic systems (PV) use solar cells convert the sun's rays into electricity by exciting electrons in the cells using the photons of light from the sun. These conversion efficiency mainly related sun’s rays and solar cells. The conditions which are effects sun’s rays and solar cells firmly related with energy outputs of the PV systems. The energy yield is strongly associated with the weather because the electrical energy is produced directly from the solar energy. Most of the PV energy prediction models based on the meteorological parameters such as solar radiation, ambient temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, clearness index and sunshine duration. These meteorological parameters are associated with the geographical conditions where the PV systems installed. In this study, identical two photovoltaic panel systems are established in Istanbul and Kırklareli at Marmara region. Photovoltaic panel outputs and surface temperatures, solar irradiance values and meteorologica...
Abstract Hazardous effects of fossil energy sources on the environment, their limited capacities ... more Abstract Hazardous effects of fossil energy sources on the environment, their limited capacities and the fact that they run out result in the prominence of energy production from renewable energy sources. Like any developing country, Turkey's energy consumption increases with her population growth and economic advancement. It is essential to have domestic and sustainable energy sources for countries to have rapid and unproblematic economic growth. Turkey is a foreign-dependent country in terms of her energy sources and it does not only threaten the country's economy but also hinders her development. Foreign-dependency for energy and reducing the greenhouse gas emission could become possible with better utilization of renewable energy potential. This study investigates the current energy production values of Antalya, Burdur and Isparta cities of Turkey, which constitute the TR61 region, and by remarking the currently unused renewable energy sources' potentials, calculates the greenhouse emission values to be reduced when the region's potential is exploited. Accordingly, there is an unused potential especially for biomass and solar energy. It is estimated that 3,000 thousand tons of greenhouse gas emission reduction is possible by 2023 when this potential is utilized.
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, 2015
This paper presents the effective and reliable speed control of PMDC motors under variable loads ... more This paper presents the effective and reliable speed control of PMDC motors under variable loads and reference speeds. As is known DC motors are more preferred in industrial practices. This is that, the PMDC motors don't require brush and commutator care and to increase in torque per motor depending on developments in power electronics. In this study, proportional-integral controller (PI) and fuzzy logic controller (FL) have been designed for speed control of PMDC motor. In the design of these controllers, characteristics such as minimum overrun time, response time to the load, settling time and ideal rise time have been taken into consideration for better stability performance. In this design, the best system response was searched by examining the effect of different defuzzification methods onto the fuzzy logic system response. In conclusion, it has been seen that FL controller has a better performance for variable speed-load control of PMDC motor compared to PI controller.
Bu calismada, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Istiklal Yerleskesi’nin mevcut ruzgar enerji potansi... more Bu calismada, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Istiklal Yerleskesi’nin mevcut ruzgar enerji potansiyelini belirleyebilmek icin alt yapi hazirligi yapilmistir. Bu amacla Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Istiklal Yerleskesi’nde titizlikle arazi kesifleri yapilmis ve literaturde yer alan kriterler isiginda UTM E 263254 ve N 4173479 koordinatlarina ruzgar enerji olcum diregi ve gerekli olcum sensorleri montajlanmistir. Sistem devreye alinarak ilk veriler okunup kaydedilmeye baslanmistir.
Abstract: The rapid developments in technology make it costly to educate the work force for the s... more Abstract: The rapid developments in technology make it costly to educate the work force for the sectors. In modern techno-logy and in today's world in which the education system is more modern and the need for modern stuff is increasingly high, Computer-Based Education (CBE) ...
Bu calismada, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Istiklal Yerleskesi’nin mevcut ruzgar enerji potansi... more Bu calismada, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Istiklal Yerleskesi’nin mevcut ruzgar enerji potansiyelini belirleyebilmek icin alt yapi hazirligi yapilmistir. Bu amacla Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Istiklal Yerleskesi’nde titizlikle arazi kesifleri yapilmis ve literaturde yer alan kriterler isiginda UTM E 263254 ve N 4173479 koordinatlarina ruzgar enerji olcum diregi ve gerekli olcum sensorleri montajlanmistir. Sistem devreye alinarak ilk veriler okunup kaydedilmeye baslanmistir.
Global warming and the competitive market requirements of refrigerator production have made it ne... more Global warming and the competitive market requirements of refrigerator production have made it necessary to produce the right product which offers the highest level of efficiency at a time. In this study, the application of control systems deployed in the production area for the evaporator fan and motorized flap which are the most functional parts of the refrigerator cooling system, are discussed. Only the power consumption of all parts of the refrigerator is checked in the production area. With this study, two additional control gates were added to the production area and customer complaints were recorded during the year 2018 for the monitoring of controlled materials. These systems by limiting the inputs of the analyzed reject parts by customer complaints have ensured that these factors were captured during production and achieved 75% improvement in 2018 compared with the previous year. The system structures established in the study were controlled via TIA V Portal software with t...
ABSTRACT Nowadays, approximation of fossil based fuel to the end reveals that countries will have... more ABSTRACT Nowadays, approximation of fossil based fuel to the end reveals that countries will have difficulty in meeting energy needs in the near future. Renewable energy sources are prognosed as a solution to this problem. Among the renewable energy sources, wind energy, since having many advantages, has a key role in meeting the energy demand. Wind energy recycling systems have very little negative effects to the environment. Therefore, as an alternative to conventional energy cycling systems, wind energy has intensive attention ...
Bu calismada 37,69 enlem 30,34 boylam konumunda bulunan Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Muhendisli... more Bu calismada 37,69 enlem 30,34 boylam konumunda bulunan Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Muhendislik – Mimarlik Fakultesinin B-416 nolu dersligi en cok tercih edilen ve algoritmalari birbirine en yakin aydinlatma tasarim programlari DIALux ve RELUX ile karsilastirilmistir. Programlarda benzetimi yapilacak derslik kaplamalari ile birlikte birebir tasarlanarak ayni saatlerde aydinlatma benzetimi yapilip tutarlilik karsilastirilmistir. Olculen degerler arasinda hata farklari cikarilmis ve sapma oranlari hesaplanmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Aydinlatma, RELUX, DIALux, Mimari Benzetim
Papers by Sertaç Görgülü