Isomorphic multiple-choice items (IMCI) are a potential tool to diagnose students' misconceptions... more Isomorphic multiple-choice items (IMCI) are a potential tool to diagnose students' misconceptions. This survey research aimed to identify the characteristics of students' responses on IMCI and diagnose students' misconceptions. The relationship between students' responses to diagnostic results and their success in solving open-ended items was also investigated. The IMCI consisted of nine multiple-choice items that were categorized into three IMCI groups according to the force and motion concepts covered in the questions. To evaluate the accuracy of IMCI diagnosis, an open-ended problem was also developed. Referring to their responses to the IMCI, students were classified into three groups: those who understand the concept, those who hold misconceptions, and those who are inconsistent. It was found that students who understand the concept well also demonstrated a high ability to solve the open-ended problem as shown by the average score of those students, which was the highest among the groups. The isomorphic scores were correlated significantly with open-ended scores, while conventional scores did not show any significant correlation.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa pada materi rel... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa pada materi relasi dan fungsi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII-1 SMPN 1 Tanjunganom Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021 dengan jumlah siswa 32 orang. Data yang diperoleh dari tes kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi (HOTS) dan wawancara. Analisis data yang digunakan berupa analisis taksonomi Bloom. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh peneliti menunjukkan bahwa persentase taksonomi bloom berdasarkan masing-masing level C4 (menganalisis), C5 (mengevaluasi), dan C6 (mencipta) adalah 61,98%, 47,17%, dan 48,96%. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh kemampuan HOTS pada siswa yaitu 1 siswa dengan kategori sangat baik, 6 siswa dalam kategori baik, 22 siswa dalam kategori cukup, 3 siswa dalam kategori kurang, dan tidak ada siswa dalam kategori sangat kurang.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas penggunaan UKBM berbasis PjBL-STEM terhadap li... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas penggunaan UKBM berbasis PjBL-STEM terhadap literasi sains materi alat optik dalam model PjBL-STEM dengan asesmen formatif pada siswa kelas XI MIA SMA Negeri 9 Malang. Jenis rancanngan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu quasi experiment dengan desain penelitian pretest-posttest control group design. Kemampuan literasi sains peserta didik sebagai variabel terikat yang menjadi tolak ukur dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dari uji hipotesis diperoleh thitung > ttabel = 6,890 > 1,67 dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05 maka H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa siswa kelas XI MIA SMA Negeri 9 Malang pada pokok bahasan alat optik yang diberi perlakuan menggunakan UKBM berbasis PjBL-STEM dalam model PjBL-STEM dengan asesmen formatif memiliki peningkatan literasi sains lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang diberi perlakuan menggunakan model PjBL-STEM dengan asesmen formatif.
ABSTRAK Purwaningrum, Retno. 2008. Penerapan Penilaian Kinerja (Performance Assesment) untuk Meni... more ABSTRAK Purwaningrum, Retno. 2008. Penerapan Penilaian Kinerja (Performance Assesment) untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kerja Ilmiah Siswa Kelas X-F MAN Malang 1 dalam Penbelajaran Fisika Model Inkuiri. Skripsi, Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika. Jurusan Fisika. FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: (I) Sugiyanto, S.Pd, M.Si (II ) Sentot Kusairi, S.Pd, M.Si. Kata Kunci: inkuiri, penilaian kinerja, kemampuan kerja ilmiah. Persoalan yang dihadapi Kelas X-F MAN Malang 1 bukan hanya bagaimana membuat proses pembelajaran menjadi lebih menarik tetapi juga bagaimana menumbuhkan dan meningkatkan kemampuan kerja ilmiah. Hasil observasi awal menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran berlangsung dengan metode ceramah yang bersifat teacher center, sedangkan metode eksperimen jarang dilakukan. Hal ini menyebabkan konsep fisika hanya diperoleh siswa dalam bentuk kumpulan rumus-rumus yang harus dihafalkan dan pengalaman belajar yang diperoleh siswa hanya terbatas pada mendengar. Hasil wawancara denga...
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, 2017
Self-efficacy is an aspect of self-regulation that supports individual success. Teachers must des... more Self-efficacy is an aspect of self-regulation that supports individual success. Teachers must design appropriate learning to improve students' self-efficacy. The purpose of this study is to analyze students' self-efficacy on 5E learning cycle model integrated peer instruction. Mixed-method research with embedded experimental design was conducted to 33 students. Research instrument is self-efficacy questionnaire with reliability 0,95. Quantitative data on self-efficacy was analyzed using paired t-test, while qualitative data was analyzed by reduction results of student interviews. Results showed that students' self-efficacy improved after learning. Students have confidence in linking physics concepts with other concepts of science, investigating, and using physics concepts in daily-life phenomena. Efikasi-diri merupakan aspek pengaturan-diri yang menunjang keberhasilan individu. Guru berperan merancang pembelajaran yang tepat untuk meningkatkan efikasi-diri siswa. Peneli...
Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap kesulitan siswa dalam menguasai topik suhu dan k... more Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap kesulitan siswa dalam menguasai topik suhu dan kalor. Pengetahuan yang terpotong-potong mengakibatkan siswa kesulitan dalam menguasai konsep sehingga berdampak pada kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa. Salah satu pembelajaran yang dapat melatih meningkatkan penguasaan konsep siswa adalah Modeling Instruction (MI). Penelitian ini telah menerapkan pembelajaran MI pada topik suhu dan kalor ditingkat SMA.
Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika, 2019
The study aims to determine student’s High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and to find out the cause... more The study aims to determine student’s High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and to find out the causes of student’s HOTS on dynamic electricity material. The number of samples involved 59 students consisting of 30 students from the excellence class and 29 students from the regular class. The research instrument used consisted of 8 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). Questions have been validated, and reliability has been tested in the medium category (Alpha Cronbachs: 0.44). The data analyzed using descriptive analysis. The average student’s HOTS is 59.98% indicating the medium category. The results of the student’s HOTS on the analysis provided by students from excellence classes are 71.25% indicating high category and regular class 48.71% indicating medium category. The results of the analysis show that student’s HOTS is on medium category because students having difficulty in making connection one concept to another concept and using mathematics as a tool in solving physics problems. T...
This research aims to see the ability of the FMCE-PHQ-9 test instrument amid the Covid-19 pandemi... more This research aims to see the ability of the FMCE-PHQ-9 test instrument amid the Covid-19 pandemic to measure conceptual understanding, cheating, and depression in students. The research was conducted on 64 physics education students at Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin State Islamic University Jambi. The instrument consists of 47 force and motion material items to fit the Winsteps 3.65.0 program. The analysis results using the Rasch Model showed that the MNSQ Outfit was 1.00 in the person column and 0.1 in the item column. Judging from the ZSTD value of 0.57 for the person and 0.1 for the item, the Points Measure value correlated with 0.4 to 0.85 while the item reliability value was 0.73 and the Cronbach's Alpha value was 0.56. therefore, the test instrument using the Rasch proclamation model found 31 fit items. The analysis results show that the concept ability was poor since, on average, the students could only answer questions with a low index of difficulty category. The research resu...
Kata Kunci : strategi konflik kognitif, kemampuan berpikir, prestasi belajar fisika, Penelitian i... more Kata Kunci : strategi konflik kognitif, kemampuan berpikir, prestasi belajar fisika, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pembelajaran fisika dengan strategi konflik kognitif berbatuan media dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir dan prestasi belajar fisika siswa kelas VIII -7 SMP Negeri 6 Malang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri dari 2 siklus. Tiap siklus terdiri dari 4 tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMP Negeri 6 Malang dengan subjek penelitian kelas VIII-7. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini adalah kemampuan berpikir dan prestasi belajar fisika siswa. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pedoman observasi. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, reduksi data, paparan data, penarikan kesimpulan, verifikasi dan refleksi. Ketercapaian kemampuan berpikir dan prestasi belajar fisika siswa dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik de...
Problem solving is one of the mandatory skills for students in the 21st century, especially in ph... more Problem solving is one of the mandatory skills for students in the 21st century, especially in physics subjects. This study aims to determine the students' ability to solve parabolic motion problems, to determine students' perceptions of learning in solving parabolic motion problems, to investigate the results of peer assessments carried out by students, and to determine students' perceptions of the implementation of peer assessment. This research method uses qualitative research procedures with a phenomenological approach. This research was conducted on 25 high school students in Ende district. The results of data analysis showed that the article met four indicators of problem-solving ability according to Polya, namely understanding the problem, planning a solution, solving the problem according to plan, and re-checking the evaluation results. The problem ability of students in this study was obtained with the results of 53.06 being included in the sufficient category. ...
Ketuntasan belajar siswa dan remediasinya merupakan salah satu masalah penting dalam pembelajaran... more Ketuntasan belajar siswa dan remediasinya merupakan salah satu masalah penting dalam pembelajaran fisika. Penelitian bertujuan mengembangkan video remediasi pada materi gerak parabola. Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan model 4D (Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate) oleh Tiagarajan (1974). Draft video pembelajaran gerak parabola yang dikembangkan divalidasi dan di uji persepsi responden. Hasil validasi ahli menunjukkan bahwa video pembelajaran layak untuk diuji coba. Dari hasil validasi dan uji coba kepada responden (N = 27), diperoleh hasil bahwa video sangat praktis dan layak digunakan. Penelitian berikutnya diharapkan dapat melakukan uji efektivitas penggunaan video pembelajaran, dan mengembangkan video pembelajaran pada materi lainnya sehingga banyak tersedia video pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan oleh siswa dalam remediasi belajar fisika. Design and Development of Parabolic Motion Learning Videos as a Student Remediation Facility Abstract Student learning complete...
The purpose of this study was to describe the process of implementing collaborative learning with... more The purpose of this study was to describe the process of implementing collaborative learning with formative assessment on static fluid materials and diagnosing the mastery of students' static fluid concepts in collaborative learning with formative assessment. So far, the study of static fluid is limited to experimenting and producing students who are unable to solve concrete problems. This research uses mixed methods method. The results showed that collaborative learning with formative assessment consisting of five phases has been successfully implemented in students well and showed positive results on mastery of student concepts. Percentage of mastery of student concept with scientific knowledge category has increased. Conversely students with misconceptions, positive misconceptions, and negative misconceptions decline. Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran kolaboratif dengan penilaian formatif pada materi fluida statis dan ...
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengembangkan model analisis asesmen formatif Fisika ... more Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengembangkan model analisis asesmen formatif Fisika (AAFF) berbantuan komputer, (2) menemukan kharakteristik model analisis asesmen formatif Fisika berbantuan komputer, (3) menentukan kelayakan model analisis asesmen formatif Fisika berbantuan komputer. Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian pengembangan (research and development), dengan desain pembelajaran (instructional design) oleh Dick dan Carey. Penelitian melibatkan beberapa Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kota Malang mulai Maret 2010 sampai dengan September 2010. Hasil pengembangan merupakan model AAF berbantuan computer, dengan karakteristik (1) Model dapat menggali kelemahan dan kesulitan belajar siswa, (2) Model analisis dapat memberikan umpan balik pada siswa tentang hasil tes, (3) Model AAFF dapat menghasilkan pengelompokan siswa berdasarkan kesulitan belajar atau siswa yang menderita miskonsepsi atau kesulitan tertentu, (4) model dapat menentukan siswa yang menjawab tidak k...
The purpose of this study is to compare the misconceptions of secondary school students (junior a... more The purpose of this study is to compare the misconceptions of secondary school students (junior and senior high school) and pre-service physics teachers about simple electrical circuits. The study involved 92 people consisting of 30 junior high school students, 32 senior high school students, and 30 pre-service physics teachers. The diagnostic misconception instrument was adapted from the Simple Electric Circuits Diagnostic Test (SECDT). Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential analysis. The results of the study indicated that there are 11 misconceptions types that the student had. The clashing current is a type of misconception that is most often found both in high school students and in pre-service teacher. The inferential test showed that there were significant differences of misconception scores among junior high school students, senior high school students, and pre-service physics teachers (KW=12,689, df=2, p< 0.05). Teachers could use the misconception profile as...
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
Science teachers are the primary agents in developing students' scientific literacy. Therefore, i... more Science teachers are the primary agents in developing students' scientific literacy. Therefore, it is essential to identify teachers' perceptions of scientific literacy in order to increase students' scientific literacy. This study was designed to develop and validate an instrument of Indonesian science teachers' perceptions of scientific literacy. The questionnaire was developed based on previous research findings and focus group discussions involving six experts. The factors and internal consistency were examined by involving 808 students from various universities in Indonesia. Validity and reliability were tested using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. This study results showed 41 questionnaire items with acceptable internal validity and consistency. The questionnaires are recommended as a measure of the development of perceptions of prospective science teachers.
Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika
isomorphic and conventional to open-ended can reflect students' learning difficulties on kine... more isomorphic and conventional to open-ended can reflect students' learning difficulties on kinematic's graphs. This study used a quantitative descriptive form of survey research. The respondents were twenty-nine senior high school students from Semarang. The instruments were adopted from the Test of Understanding Graphs-Kinematic (TUG-K) by Robert J.Beichner (1994). There were nine questions used from the TUG-K with open-ended questions that have been validated. The results show that students have difficulties learning about kinematic's graphs, and there is no relation between open-ended scores and the other two scores. Nonetheless, judging from the correlation coefficient, the correlation between open-ended and conventional tasks is 0.075, which means low correlation, while for isomorphic score and open-ended score in the amount of 0.109 is higher than the correlation of traditional and open-ended. This correlation is insignificant. However, the closest correlation direct...
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, 2018
Abstract: Creative thinking skills can develop well through Project Based Learning (PjBL). The pu... more Abstract: Creative thinking skills can develop well through Project Based Learning (PjBL). The purpose of this study was export student’s creative thinking skills in PjBL on static fluid materials. The subjects were 32 students of XMIPA D2 SMAN 9 Malang. The research method used was Mixed Methods Embedded Experimental Model. The results: (1) there were differences student’s creative thinking skill before and after PjBL on static fluid material significantly; (2) students’s creative thinking skill have a positive change when posttest with increasing percentage of achievement of indicator of creative thinking skill consist of elaboration, originality, fluency, and flexibility. Abstrak: Keterampilan berpikir kreatif dapat berkembang dengan baik melalui Project Based Learning (PjBL). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengeksplorasi keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa dalam PjBL pada materi fluida statis. Subjek penelitian adalah 32 siswa kelas XMIPA D2 SMAN 9 Malang. Metode penelitian yang d...
Isomorphic multiple-choice items (IMCI) are a potential tool to diagnose students' misconceptions... more Isomorphic multiple-choice items (IMCI) are a potential tool to diagnose students' misconceptions. This survey research aimed to identify the characteristics of students' responses on IMCI and diagnose students' misconceptions. The relationship between students' responses to diagnostic results and their success in solving open-ended items was also investigated. The IMCI consisted of nine multiple-choice items that were categorized into three IMCI groups according to the force and motion concepts covered in the questions. To evaluate the accuracy of IMCI diagnosis, an open-ended problem was also developed. Referring to their responses to the IMCI, students were classified into three groups: those who understand the concept, those who hold misconceptions, and those who are inconsistent. It was found that students who understand the concept well also demonstrated a high ability to solve the open-ended problem as shown by the average score of those students, which was the highest among the groups. The isomorphic scores were correlated significantly with open-ended scores, while conventional scores did not show any significant correlation.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa pada materi rel... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa pada materi relasi dan fungsi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII-1 SMPN 1 Tanjunganom Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021 dengan jumlah siswa 32 orang. Data yang diperoleh dari tes kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi (HOTS) dan wawancara. Analisis data yang digunakan berupa analisis taksonomi Bloom. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh peneliti menunjukkan bahwa persentase taksonomi bloom berdasarkan masing-masing level C4 (menganalisis), C5 (mengevaluasi), dan C6 (mencipta) adalah 61,98%, 47,17%, dan 48,96%. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh kemampuan HOTS pada siswa yaitu 1 siswa dengan kategori sangat baik, 6 siswa dalam kategori baik, 22 siswa dalam kategori cukup, 3 siswa dalam kategori kurang, dan tidak ada siswa dalam kategori sangat kurang.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas penggunaan UKBM berbasis PjBL-STEM terhadap li... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas penggunaan UKBM berbasis PjBL-STEM terhadap literasi sains materi alat optik dalam model PjBL-STEM dengan asesmen formatif pada siswa kelas XI MIA SMA Negeri 9 Malang. Jenis rancanngan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu quasi experiment dengan desain penelitian pretest-posttest control group design. Kemampuan literasi sains peserta didik sebagai variabel terikat yang menjadi tolak ukur dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dari uji hipotesis diperoleh thitung > ttabel = 6,890 > 1,67 dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05 maka H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa siswa kelas XI MIA SMA Negeri 9 Malang pada pokok bahasan alat optik yang diberi perlakuan menggunakan UKBM berbasis PjBL-STEM dalam model PjBL-STEM dengan asesmen formatif memiliki peningkatan literasi sains lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang diberi perlakuan menggunakan model PjBL-STEM dengan asesmen formatif.
ABSTRAK Purwaningrum, Retno. 2008. Penerapan Penilaian Kinerja (Performance Assesment) untuk Meni... more ABSTRAK Purwaningrum, Retno. 2008. Penerapan Penilaian Kinerja (Performance Assesment) untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kerja Ilmiah Siswa Kelas X-F MAN Malang 1 dalam Penbelajaran Fisika Model Inkuiri. Skripsi, Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika. Jurusan Fisika. FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: (I) Sugiyanto, S.Pd, M.Si (II ) Sentot Kusairi, S.Pd, M.Si. Kata Kunci: inkuiri, penilaian kinerja, kemampuan kerja ilmiah. Persoalan yang dihadapi Kelas X-F MAN Malang 1 bukan hanya bagaimana membuat proses pembelajaran menjadi lebih menarik tetapi juga bagaimana menumbuhkan dan meningkatkan kemampuan kerja ilmiah. Hasil observasi awal menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran berlangsung dengan metode ceramah yang bersifat teacher center, sedangkan metode eksperimen jarang dilakukan. Hal ini menyebabkan konsep fisika hanya diperoleh siswa dalam bentuk kumpulan rumus-rumus yang harus dihafalkan dan pengalaman belajar yang diperoleh siswa hanya terbatas pada mendengar. Hasil wawancara denga...
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, 2017
Self-efficacy is an aspect of self-regulation that supports individual success. Teachers must des... more Self-efficacy is an aspect of self-regulation that supports individual success. Teachers must design appropriate learning to improve students' self-efficacy. The purpose of this study is to analyze students' self-efficacy on 5E learning cycle model integrated peer instruction. Mixed-method research with embedded experimental design was conducted to 33 students. Research instrument is self-efficacy questionnaire with reliability 0,95. Quantitative data on self-efficacy was analyzed using paired t-test, while qualitative data was analyzed by reduction results of student interviews. Results showed that students' self-efficacy improved after learning. Students have confidence in linking physics concepts with other concepts of science, investigating, and using physics concepts in daily-life phenomena. Efikasi-diri merupakan aspek pengaturan-diri yang menunjang keberhasilan individu. Guru berperan merancang pembelajaran yang tepat untuk meningkatkan efikasi-diri siswa. Peneli...
Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap kesulitan siswa dalam menguasai topik suhu dan k... more Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap kesulitan siswa dalam menguasai topik suhu dan kalor. Pengetahuan yang terpotong-potong mengakibatkan siswa kesulitan dalam menguasai konsep sehingga berdampak pada kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa. Salah satu pembelajaran yang dapat melatih meningkatkan penguasaan konsep siswa adalah Modeling Instruction (MI). Penelitian ini telah menerapkan pembelajaran MI pada topik suhu dan kalor ditingkat SMA.
Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika, 2019
The study aims to determine student’s High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and to find out the cause... more The study aims to determine student’s High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and to find out the causes of student’s HOTS on dynamic electricity material. The number of samples involved 59 students consisting of 30 students from the excellence class and 29 students from the regular class. The research instrument used consisted of 8 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). Questions have been validated, and reliability has been tested in the medium category (Alpha Cronbachs: 0.44). The data analyzed using descriptive analysis. The average student’s HOTS is 59.98% indicating the medium category. The results of the student’s HOTS on the analysis provided by students from excellence classes are 71.25% indicating high category and regular class 48.71% indicating medium category. The results of the analysis show that student’s HOTS is on medium category because students having difficulty in making connection one concept to another concept and using mathematics as a tool in solving physics problems. T...
This research aims to see the ability of the FMCE-PHQ-9 test instrument amid the Covid-19 pandemi... more This research aims to see the ability of the FMCE-PHQ-9 test instrument amid the Covid-19 pandemic to measure conceptual understanding, cheating, and depression in students. The research was conducted on 64 physics education students at Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin State Islamic University Jambi. The instrument consists of 47 force and motion material items to fit the Winsteps 3.65.0 program. The analysis results using the Rasch Model showed that the MNSQ Outfit was 1.00 in the person column and 0.1 in the item column. Judging from the ZSTD value of 0.57 for the person and 0.1 for the item, the Points Measure value correlated with 0.4 to 0.85 while the item reliability value was 0.73 and the Cronbach's Alpha value was 0.56. therefore, the test instrument using the Rasch proclamation model found 31 fit items. The analysis results show that the concept ability was poor since, on average, the students could only answer questions with a low index of difficulty category. The research resu...
Kata Kunci : strategi konflik kognitif, kemampuan berpikir, prestasi belajar fisika, Penelitian i... more Kata Kunci : strategi konflik kognitif, kemampuan berpikir, prestasi belajar fisika, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pembelajaran fisika dengan strategi konflik kognitif berbatuan media dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir dan prestasi belajar fisika siswa kelas VIII -7 SMP Negeri 6 Malang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri dari 2 siklus. Tiap siklus terdiri dari 4 tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMP Negeri 6 Malang dengan subjek penelitian kelas VIII-7. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini adalah kemampuan berpikir dan prestasi belajar fisika siswa. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pedoman observasi. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, reduksi data, paparan data, penarikan kesimpulan, verifikasi dan refleksi. Ketercapaian kemampuan berpikir dan prestasi belajar fisika siswa dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik de...
Problem solving is one of the mandatory skills for students in the 21st century, especially in ph... more Problem solving is one of the mandatory skills for students in the 21st century, especially in physics subjects. This study aims to determine the students' ability to solve parabolic motion problems, to determine students' perceptions of learning in solving parabolic motion problems, to investigate the results of peer assessments carried out by students, and to determine students' perceptions of the implementation of peer assessment. This research method uses qualitative research procedures with a phenomenological approach. This research was conducted on 25 high school students in Ende district. The results of data analysis showed that the article met four indicators of problem-solving ability according to Polya, namely understanding the problem, planning a solution, solving the problem according to plan, and re-checking the evaluation results. The problem ability of students in this study was obtained with the results of 53.06 being included in the sufficient category. ...
Ketuntasan belajar siswa dan remediasinya merupakan salah satu masalah penting dalam pembelajaran... more Ketuntasan belajar siswa dan remediasinya merupakan salah satu masalah penting dalam pembelajaran fisika. Penelitian bertujuan mengembangkan video remediasi pada materi gerak parabola. Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan model 4D (Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate) oleh Tiagarajan (1974). Draft video pembelajaran gerak parabola yang dikembangkan divalidasi dan di uji persepsi responden. Hasil validasi ahli menunjukkan bahwa video pembelajaran layak untuk diuji coba. Dari hasil validasi dan uji coba kepada responden (N = 27), diperoleh hasil bahwa video sangat praktis dan layak digunakan. Penelitian berikutnya diharapkan dapat melakukan uji efektivitas penggunaan video pembelajaran, dan mengembangkan video pembelajaran pada materi lainnya sehingga banyak tersedia video pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan oleh siswa dalam remediasi belajar fisika. Design and Development of Parabolic Motion Learning Videos as a Student Remediation Facility Abstract Student learning complete...
The purpose of this study was to describe the process of implementing collaborative learning with... more The purpose of this study was to describe the process of implementing collaborative learning with formative assessment on static fluid materials and diagnosing the mastery of students' static fluid concepts in collaborative learning with formative assessment. So far, the study of static fluid is limited to experimenting and producing students who are unable to solve concrete problems. This research uses mixed methods method. The results showed that collaborative learning with formative assessment consisting of five phases has been successfully implemented in students well and showed positive results on mastery of student concepts. Percentage of mastery of student concept with scientific knowledge category has increased. Conversely students with misconceptions, positive misconceptions, and negative misconceptions decline. Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran kolaboratif dengan penilaian formatif pada materi fluida statis dan ...
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengembangkan model analisis asesmen formatif Fisika ... more Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengembangkan model analisis asesmen formatif Fisika (AAFF) berbantuan komputer, (2) menemukan kharakteristik model analisis asesmen formatif Fisika berbantuan komputer, (3) menentukan kelayakan model analisis asesmen formatif Fisika berbantuan komputer. Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian pengembangan (research and development), dengan desain pembelajaran (instructional design) oleh Dick dan Carey. Penelitian melibatkan beberapa Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kota Malang mulai Maret 2010 sampai dengan September 2010. Hasil pengembangan merupakan model AAF berbantuan computer, dengan karakteristik (1) Model dapat menggali kelemahan dan kesulitan belajar siswa, (2) Model analisis dapat memberikan umpan balik pada siswa tentang hasil tes, (3) Model AAFF dapat menghasilkan pengelompokan siswa berdasarkan kesulitan belajar atau siswa yang menderita miskonsepsi atau kesulitan tertentu, (4) model dapat menentukan siswa yang menjawab tidak k...
The purpose of this study is to compare the misconceptions of secondary school students (junior a... more The purpose of this study is to compare the misconceptions of secondary school students (junior and senior high school) and pre-service physics teachers about simple electrical circuits. The study involved 92 people consisting of 30 junior high school students, 32 senior high school students, and 30 pre-service physics teachers. The diagnostic misconception instrument was adapted from the Simple Electric Circuits Diagnostic Test (SECDT). Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential analysis. The results of the study indicated that there are 11 misconceptions types that the student had. The clashing current is a type of misconception that is most often found both in high school students and in pre-service teacher. The inferential test showed that there were significant differences of misconception scores among junior high school students, senior high school students, and pre-service physics teachers (KW=12,689, df=2, p< 0.05). Teachers could use the misconception profile as...
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
Science teachers are the primary agents in developing students' scientific literacy. Therefore, i... more Science teachers are the primary agents in developing students' scientific literacy. Therefore, it is essential to identify teachers' perceptions of scientific literacy in order to increase students' scientific literacy. This study was designed to develop and validate an instrument of Indonesian science teachers' perceptions of scientific literacy. The questionnaire was developed based on previous research findings and focus group discussions involving six experts. The factors and internal consistency were examined by involving 808 students from various universities in Indonesia. Validity and reliability were tested using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. This study results showed 41 questionnaire items with acceptable internal validity and consistency. The questionnaires are recommended as a measure of the development of perceptions of prospective science teachers.
Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika
isomorphic and conventional to open-ended can reflect students' learning difficulties on kine... more isomorphic and conventional to open-ended can reflect students' learning difficulties on kinematic's graphs. This study used a quantitative descriptive form of survey research. The respondents were twenty-nine senior high school students from Semarang. The instruments were adopted from the Test of Understanding Graphs-Kinematic (TUG-K) by Robert J.Beichner (1994). There were nine questions used from the TUG-K with open-ended questions that have been validated. The results show that students have difficulties learning about kinematic's graphs, and there is no relation between open-ended scores and the other two scores. Nonetheless, judging from the correlation coefficient, the correlation between open-ended and conventional tasks is 0.075, which means low correlation, while for isomorphic score and open-ended score in the amount of 0.109 is higher than the correlation of traditional and open-ended. This correlation is insignificant. However, the closest correlation direct...
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, 2018
Abstract: Creative thinking skills can develop well through Project Based Learning (PjBL). The pu... more Abstract: Creative thinking skills can develop well through Project Based Learning (PjBL). The purpose of this study was export student’s creative thinking skills in PjBL on static fluid materials. The subjects were 32 students of XMIPA D2 SMAN 9 Malang. The research method used was Mixed Methods Embedded Experimental Model. The results: (1) there were differences student’s creative thinking skill before and after PjBL on static fluid material significantly; (2) students’s creative thinking skill have a positive change when posttest with increasing percentage of achievement of indicator of creative thinking skill consist of elaboration, originality, fluency, and flexibility. Abstrak: Keterampilan berpikir kreatif dapat berkembang dengan baik melalui Project Based Learning (PjBL). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengeksplorasi keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa dalam PjBL pada materi fluida statis. Subjek penelitian adalah 32 siswa kelas XMIPA D2 SMAN 9 Malang. Metode penelitian yang d...
Papers by Sentot Kusairi