Veriye ulaşmanın oldukça kolay olduğu günümüzde, bu verilerden faydalı bilgiye en kısa sürede ve ... more Veriye ulaşmanın oldukça kolay olduğu günümüzde, bu verilerden faydalı bilgiye en kısa sürede ve en doğru şekilde ulaşmak büyük önem arz etmektedir. Özellikle planlama, risk yönetimi vb. karar verme analizlerinde birçok kriteri dikkate alarak doğru kararın verilmesinde bilgi sistemleri oldukça önemli yer tutmaktadır. Mekânsal verilerle yapılan çalışmalarda da Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) yardımıyla yapılan mekânsal analizler doğru kararlar alınmasında oldukça etkilidir. Özellikle birden çok etkenin kararı etkilediği durumlarda çok kriterli karar verme yöntemleri önemli katkılar sunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada da çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinden AHP (Analitik Hiyerarşi Yöntemi) yöntemiyle Şanlıurfa ili Suruç ilçesinde kurulması planlanan çadırkentin yeri çeşitli risk kriterleri dikkate alınarak parsel bazlı olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu şekilde Suruç ilçesindeki 2000'den fazla hazine taşınmazından çadırkent yapımına uygun olarak 5 adet parsel belirlenmiş ve karar vericinin sadece 5 parselden birisini seçmesi ile doğru karara ulaşması sağlanmıştır.
Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri dergisi, Dec 30, 2023
Çocuklara yönelik haritalar, işaretler ve atlaslar gibi malzemelerin derlenmesi ve tasarlanması t... more Çocuklara yönelik haritalar, işaretler ve atlaslar gibi malzemelerin derlenmesi ve tasarlanması titizlik dikkat ve yüksek düzeyde sorumluluk gerektiren bir süreçtir. Bu çaba içerisinde merkezi vurgu ve birincil endişe çocukların bilişsel gelişimi, eğitim seviyeleri, çeşitli coğrafi olguları algılama şekilleri ve düzeyleri, ikamet ettikleri bölgeleri kapsayan nesneler etrafında şekillenmelidir. Bu araştırma, Kuzey Makedonya Cumhuriyeti'nde ilkokul öğrencileri için özel olarak tasarlanmış olan "İlkokul Öğrencileri için Kuzey Makedonya Atlası" adlı bir atlasın derlenmesi ve tasarlanması amacıyla bir proje kapsamında yürütülmüştür. Bu proje çerçevesinde, 6 ila 10 yaş arasındaki öğrencilerin bilişsel ihtiyaçlarına ve gelişim aşamasına uygun işaretler titizlikle derlenmiş ve tasarlanmıştır. Dört farklı devlet ilkokulundan toplamda 567 öğrenci, tasarlanan işaretlerin algılanmasını ölçen bir teste tabi tutulmuştur. Testten elde edilen genel sonuçlar olumlu bir sonuç göstermektedir. Bununla birlikte, bazı işaretler öğrenciler tarafından yanlış yorumlanmış ve farklı isimlendirme standartları ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu nedenle, öğrenciler arasında düşük performans gösteren ve yetersiz yanıtlar alan işaretler değişikliklere ve geliştirmelere tabi tutulmuştur.
Türkiye coğrafi bilgi sistemleri dergisi, Feb 29, 2024
Cartography, serving as a medium of interpretation and visualization, assumes a vital role as a m... more Cartography, serving as a medium of interpretation and visualization, assumes a vital role as a mechanism for proficient communication. Its prevalent utilization is notably evident within the educational sphere, predominantly in primary educational institutions such as schools. The visual portrayal facilitated by maps enables young learners to assimilate knowledge and cultivate proficiencies related to their immediate surroundings and spatial cognition. The creation and formulation of such maps demand meticulous scrutiny and contemplation of a myriad of factors that wield influence over children, encompassing facets pertinent to their cognitive maturation and development. Within the context of this research, a comprehensive set of 16 maps were curated and devised. Among these, 8 maps constitute the primary category, encompassing the political map delineating municipalities, the administrative map showcasing cities, the regions map, the physical geographical map, the tourism and economy map, the agriculture map, the farming map, and the climate map. The remaining 8 maps belong and focus on tourism and economy, with particular emphasis placed on each of the 8 regions comprising the Republic of North Macedonia. These maps were carried out as part of the realization of the "Atlas of North Macedonia for primary school pupils" project. This atlas has been compiled and designed for pupils aged 6 to 10.
International journal of engineering and geosciences, Nov 25, 2023
The provision of adequate parking spaces for vehicles has emerged as a prominent and challenging ... more The provision of adequate parking spaces for vehicles has emerged as a prominent and challenging issue confronted by towns, cities, and municipal authorities in recent years. Addressing this problem necessitates a thorough examination of the prevailing physical conditions in existing parking areas, while simultaneously undertaking analyses to identify suitable locations for new parking areas or parking lots. This study focuses on the city of Tetovo, North Macedonia, investigating and assessing the available parking areas while analyzing potential sites in accordance with the city's needs and requirements. To facilitate decision-making, a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) approach is employed to address the parking site selection analysis problem. The weightage of criteria utilized in the analysis is estimated, and potential parking solutions or site selections for new parking areas are identified through the combined application of Geographical Information System (GIS) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) techniques, identifying primary and sub-criteria, with a focus on Land Use and Transportation as the main criteria for selecting parking lots. The integration of GIS and AHP offers an effective and optimal methodology for site selection and identifying suitable parking locations. AHP method, applied to criteria, determined relative weights through expert opinions, while GIS facilitated spatial analysis for identifying suitable parking locations. The study identifies accessibility to main roads as the criterion carrying the greatest weight (0.517), while accessibility to cultural facilities holds the lowest weight (0.117). The study serves as a pivotal resource for sustainable urban management and decision-making, providing insights into future urban planning and the identification of suitable parking lot sites to foster sustainable development within the city.
Spatial visual analytics is the science of analytical reasoning in which spatial information is h... more Spatial visual analytics is the science of analytical reasoning in which spatial information is handled with interactive visual interfaces. Thanks to spatial visual analytics systems, data obtained from large data sets on social media platforms such as Twitter can be presented to the end user with interactive mapping systems. After the World Health Organization announced the COVID-19 outbreak on March 11, 2020, there has been a significant increase in Twitter data traffic. In this study, the temporal and spatial development of tweet traffic about COVID-19 vaccines, which is one of the important discussions of the COVID-19 epidemic period, was examined with data mining techniques and presented in a visual analytical environment. With this study, it has been revealed that important inferences can be made in terms of disaster and crisis management by analyzing the data sets, which are accepted as big data, of social media platforms such as twitter with data mining methods.
Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Sciences and Engineering
Mekânsal görsel analitik, mekânsal bilgilerin etkileşimli görsel ara yüzlerle ele alındığı analit... more Mekânsal görsel analitik, mekânsal bilgilerin etkileşimli görsel ara yüzlerle ele alındığı analitik akıl yürütme bilimidir. Mekânsal görsel analitik sistemleri sayesinde, Twitter gibi sosyal medya platformlarındaki büyük veri setlerinden bir konu hakkında elde edilen veriler son kullanıcıya etkileşimli haritalama sistemleriyle sunulabilir. 11 Mart 2020’de Dünya Sağlık Örgütü’nün COVID-19 salgınını duyurmasının ardından Twitter veri trafiğinde de ciddi bir artış görülmüştür. Bu çalışmada, COVID-19 salgını döneminin önemli tartışmalarından biri olan COVID-19 aşıları hakkındaki tweet trafiğinin zamansal ve mekânsal gelişimi veri madenciliği teknikleriyle incelenmiş ve görsel analitik ortamda sunulmuştur. Bu çalışma ile twitter gibi sosyal medya platformlarının sahip olduğu büyük veri olarak kabul edilen veri setlerinin veri madenciliği yöntemleriyle analiz edilerek afet ve kriz yönetimi açısından önemli çıkarımlar yapılabileceği ortaya konmuştur.
The International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) is an empirical model for providing ionospheric para... more The International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) is an empirical model for providing ionospheric parameters, including Total Electron Content (TEC), electron density, electron and ion temperature etc., in the altitude range from 50 km to 2000 km. Since the IRI model is limited up to 2000 km, IRI_PLAS model, plasmasphere extension of the IRI model, was proposed by the researchers. This paper investigates the TEC prediction performance of IRI_PLAS and IRI_2012 models by comparing GPS TEC data, in different latitude regions for magnetically active and quiet days. TEC data over 9 International GNSS Service (IGS) stations, located in different latitude regions, are used for the comparison. Evaluation of the diurnal results reveals good agreement with correlation coefficient >0.9 between GPS_TEC and empirical models for the quiet day irrespectively of the latitudinal data used. However, while the differences are not relatively large in most part of the active days, they reach high level, above 30 TECu, in some parts of the days.
The International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) is an empirical model for providing ionospheric para... more The International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) is an empirical model for providing ionospheric parameters, including Total Electron Content (TEC), electron density, electron and ion temperature etc., in the altitude range from 50 km to 2000 km. Since the IRI model is limited up to 2000 km, IRI_PLAS model, plasmasphere extension of the IRI model, was proposed by the researchers. This paper investigates the TEC prediction performance of IRI_PLAS and IRI_2012 models by comparing GPS TEC data, in different latitude regions for magnetically active and quiet days. TEC data over 9 International GNSS Service (IGS) stations, located in different latitude regions, are used for the comparison. Evaluation of the diurnal results reveals good agreement with correlation coefficient >0.9 between GPS_TEC and empirical models for the quiet day irrespectively of the latitudinal data used. However, while the differences are not relatively large in most part of the active days, they reach high level, above 30 TECu, in some parts of the days.
Using GIS-supported MCDA method for appropriate site selection of parking lots: The case study of the city of Tetovo, North Macedonia, 2024
The provision of adequate parking spaces for vehicles has emerged as a prominent and challenging ... more The provision of adequate parking spaces for vehicles has emerged as a prominent and challenging issue confronted by towns, cities, and municipal authorities in recent years. Addressing this problem necessitates a thorough examination of the prevailing physical conditions in existing parking areas, while simultaneously undertaking analyses to identify suitable locations for new parking areas or parking lots. This study focuses on the city of Tetovo, North Macedonia, investigating and assessing the available parking areas while analyzing potential sites in accordance with the city's needs and requirements. To facilitate decision-making, a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) approach is employed to address the parking site selection analysis problem. The weightage of criteria utilized in the analysis is estimated, and potential parking solutions or site selections for new parking areas are identified through the combined application of Geographical Information System (GIS) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) techniques, identifying primary and sub-criteria, with a focus on Land Use and Transportation as the main criteria for selecting parking lots. The integration of GIS and AHP offers an effective and optimal methodology for site selection and identifying suitable parking locations. AHP method, applied to criteria, determined relative weights through expert opinions, while GIS facilitated spatial analysis for identifying suitable parking locations. The study identifies accessibility to main roads as the criterion carrying the greatest weight (0.517), while accessibility to cultural facilities holds the lowest weight (0.117). The study serves as a pivotal resource for sustainable urban management and decision-making, providing insights into future urban planning and the identification of suitable parking lot sites to foster sustainable development within the city.
Veriye ulaşmanın oldukça kolay olduğu günümüzde, bu verilerden faydalı bilgiye en kısa sürede ve ... more Veriye ulaşmanın oldukça kolay olduğu günümüzde, bu verilerden faydalı bilgiye en kısa sürede ve en doğru şekilde ulaşmak büyük önem arz etmektedir. Özellikle planlama, risk yönetimi vb. karar verme analizlerinde birçok kriteri dikkate alarak doğru kararın verilmesinde bilgi sistemleri oldukça önemli yer tutmaktadır. Mekânsal verilerle yapılan çalışmalarda da Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) yardımıyla yapılan mekânsal analizler doğru kararlar alınmasında oldukça etkilidir. Özellikle birden çok etkenin kararı etkilediği durumlarda çok kriterli karar verme yöntemleri önemli katkılar sunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada da çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinden AHP (Analitik Hiyerarşi Yöntemi) yöntemiyle Şanlıurfa ili Suruç ilçesinde kurulması planlanan çadırkentin yeri çeşitli risk kriterleri dikkate alınarak parsel bazlı olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu şekilde Suruç ilçesindeki 2000'den fazla hazine taşınmazından çadırkent yapımına uygun olarak 5 adet parsel belirlenmiş ve karar vericinin sadece 5 parselden birisini seçmesi ile doğru karara ulaşması sağlanmıştır.
There are two Hittite monuments in Konya whose names are Eflatunpınar and Fasıllar. Eflatunpınar ... more There are two Hittite monuments in Konya whose names are Eflatunpınar and Fasıllar. Eflatunpınar is located approximately 25 km at the North of Beysehir town within Konya province in Turkey. Eflatunpınar monument is belonging to Hittite Empire Age, was known since XIX century. It is an open air temple of Hittite, 6.60 m wide and 7 m high, was built with large block stones. The second one known as Fasıllar Hittite monument lies on a hillside next to the Fasıllar village which is 16 km east of Beysehir town and it is a high relief monument which is made of basalt rock. It is commonly accepted that these two monuments had never been completely finished. J. Mellaart have suggested that Fasıllar monument was not in-situ position, it was moved from Eflatunpınar to Fasıllar village by the local people for decoration purposes. This means that ac-cording to J. Mellaart, Fasıllar monument is the part of Eflatunpınar monument. The objective of this study is to investigate whether Fasıllar monu...
Hittite Empire (13th c. BC) preferred open-air temples, centered around the Tarhuntassa region an... more Hittite Empire (13th c. BC) preferred open-air temples, centered around the Tarhuntassa region and the Beyşehir basin, which are estimated to be within the borders of the modern Konya province. The Eflatunpınar and Fasıllar monuments are open-air temples in this region and they are still standing almost 2000 years although they are worn out. The Eflatunpınar monument was included in the temporary UNESCO World Heritage list in 2014. Fasıllar monument, the depictions of mountain god and lions stand out culturally. The aim of this study is to investigate the reasons for the site selection of the Eflatunpınar and Fasıllar monuments while also taking into account the lifestyle and the settlement forms of the Hittites. In the research process, the features of the monuments and their spatial relations with their surroundings and with each other were analysed through maps with the help of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). It was determined that the reasons behind the site selection of t...
Harita tum insanlik tarihi incelendiginde insanlar icin cok onemli olmustur. Osmanli tarihi incel... more Harita tum insanlik tarihi incelendiginde insanlar icin cok onemli olmustur. Osmanli tarihi incelendiginde de harita niteligi tasiyan bircok eserle karsilasmak mumkundur. Ozellikle Piri Reis’in cizmis oldugu dunya haritasi gunumuzde dahi niteligi acisindan cok degerli gorulmektedir. Ancak ayni donemde yasamasina ragmen Matrakci Nasuh’un minyaturlerinin harita niteligi Piri Reis’in eserleri kadar on plana cikmamistir. Halbuki Piri Reis’in eserleri deniz haritaciligi acisindan ne kadar onemliyse, Matrakci’nin minyaturleri de kara haritaciligi acisindan oldukca degerlidir. Bu calismada kendine has bir uslupla cizdigi minyaturlerle tarihten gunumuze isik tutan Matrakci Nasuh’un minyaturleri haritacilik teknigi acisindan incelenmistir. Bu kapsamda minyaturlerdeki kale, cami, kilise, kopru, han, hamam, akarsu, daglar vb. onemli yerler gunumuz teknolojisiyle elde edilen Google Earth goruntuleriyle karsilastirilarak, minyaturler geometrik ve topolojik dogruluk acisindan incelenmistir. XVI. ...
Page 1. TMMOB Harita ve Kadastro Mühendisleri Odası 13. Türkiye Harita Bilimsel ve Teknik Kurulta... more Page 1. TMMOB Harita ve Kadastro Mühendisleri Odası 13. Türkiye Harita Bilimsel ve Teknik Kurultayı 18-22 Nisan 2011, Ankara KONUM TABANLI HİZMETLER TEKNOLOJİSİ İLE YÖNLENDİRME SİSTEMİ TASARIMI Hüseyin Zahit Selvi1 İ. Öztuğ Bildirici1 ...
Many factors affect the occurrence of traffic accidents. The classification and mapping of the di... more Many factors affect the occurrence of traffic accidents. The classification and mapping of the different attributes of the resulting accident are important for the prevention of accidents. Multivariate mapping is the visual exploration of multiple attributes using a map or data reduction technique. More than one attribute can be visually explored and symbolized using numerous statistical classification systems or data reduction techniques. In this sense, clustering analysis methods can be used for multivariate mapping. This study aims to compare the multivariate maps produced by the K-means method, K-medoids method, and Agglomerative and Divisive Hierarchical Clustering (AGNES) method, which among clustering analysis methods, with real data. The results from the study will suggest which clustering methods should be preferred in terms of multivariate mapping. The results show that the K-medoids method is more appropriate in terms of clustering success. Moreover, the aim is to reveal ...
ABSTRACT Orthometric heights are used in many engineering projects. However, the heights determin... more ABSTRACT Orthometric heights are used in many engineering projects. However, the heights determined by the widely-used Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) are ellipsoid heights. Leveling measurements conducted with the purpose of determining the orthometric heights on points are quite arduous and time-consuming processes. To be able to use ellipsoid heights in engineering projects, their transformation to orthometric heights defined in the height datum of the region is necessary. Therefore, in terms of convenience and feasibility GNSS/levelling method is preferred in determining geoid heights. This method is based on the principle of transformation of ellipsoid heights to orthometric heights. In effect, the main purpose of the method can also be regarded as the estimation of geoid undulation values for the study area.
Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2017
Cok degiskenli haritalama mekânsal objelere ait birden cok ozelligin harita kullanilarak gorsel s... more Cok degiskenli haritalama mekânsal objelere ait birden cok ozelligin harita kullanilarak gorsel sunumudur. Cesitli veri hazirlama ve istatistiksel siniflandirma teknikleri kullanilarak mekânsal objelere ait birden cok ozellik gorsel olarak incelenebilir ve kartografik isaretlerle gosterilebilir. Bu kapsamda kumeleme analizi yontemleri de cok degiskenli haritalama icin kullanilabilir. Bu calismada kumeleme analiz yontemlerinden k-ortalama yontemi, k-temsilci yontemi ve Birlestirici Hiyerarsik Kumeleme yontemi ele alinmistir. Bu yontemlerle Turkiye’deki uc ayri yila ait trafik kaza verileri kullanilarak olusturulan siniflar ve uretilen cok degiskenli haritalar kullanilarak bu yontemlerin karsilastirilmasi yapilmis, bu yontemlerle uretilen haritalarin risk yonetimi ve planlamada kullanilabilirligi uzerinde durulmustur.
Veriye ulaşmanın oldukça kolay olduğu günümüzde, bu verilerden faydalı bilgiye en kısa sürede ve ... more Veriye ulaşmanın oldukça kolay olduğu günümüzde, bu verilerden faydalı bilgiye en kısa sürede ve en doğru şekilde ulaşmak büyük önem arz etmektedir. Özellikle planlama, risk yönetimi vb. karar verme analizlerinde birçok kriteri dikkate alarak doğru kararın verilmesinde bilgi sistemleri oldukça önemli yer tutmaktadır. Mekânsal verilerle yapılan çalışmalarda da Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) yardımıyla yapılan mekânsal analizler doğru kararlar alınmasında oldukça etkilidir. Özellikle birden çok etkenin kararı etkilediği durumlarda çok kriterli karar verme yöntemleri önemli katkılar sunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada da çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinden AHP (Analitik Hiyerarşi Yöntemi) yöntemiyle Şanlıurfa ili Suruç ilçesinde kurulması planlanan çadırkentin yeri çeşitli risk kriterleri dikkate alınarak parsel bazlı olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu şekilde Suruç ilçesindeki 2000'den fazla hazine taşınmazından çadırkent yapımına uygun olarak 5 adet parsel belirlenmiş ve karar vericinin sadece 5 parselden birisini seçmesi ile doğru karara ulaşması sağlanmıştır.
Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri dergisi, Dec 30, 2023
Çocuklara yönelik haritalar, işaretler ve atlaslar gibi malzemelerin derlenmesi ve tasarlanması t... more Çocuklara yönelik haritalar, işaretler ve atlaslar gibi malzemelerin derlenmesi ve tasarlanması titizlik dikkat ve yüksek düzeyde sorumluluk gerektiren bir süreçtir. Bu çaba içerisinde merkezi vurgu ve birincil endişe çocukların bilişsel gelişimi, eğitim seviyeleri, çeşitli coğrafi olguları algılama şekilleri ve düzeyleri, ikamet ettikleri bölgeleri kapsayan nesneler etrafında şekillenmelidir. Bu araştırma, Kuzey Makedonya Cumhuriyeti'nde ilkokul öğrencileri için özel olarak tasarlanmış olan "İlkokul Öğrencileri için Kuzey Makedonya Atlası" adlı bir atlasın derlenmesi ve tasarlanması amacıyla bir proje kapsamında yürütülmüştür. Bu proje çerçevesinde, 6 ila 10 yaş arasındaki öğrencilerin bilişsel ihtiyaçlarına ve gelişim aşamasına uygun işaretler titizlikle derlenmiş ve tasarlanmıştır. Dört farklı devlet ilkokulundan toplamda 567 öğrenci, tasarlanan işaretlerin algılanmasını ölçen bir teste tabi tutulmuştur. Testten elde edilen genel sonuçlar olumlu bir sonuç göstermektedir. Bununla birlikte, bazı işaretler öğrenciler tarafından yanlış yorumlanmış ve farklı isimlendirme standartları ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu nedenle, öğrenciler arasında düşük performans gösteren ve yetersiz yanıtlar alan işaretler değişikliklere ve geliştirmelere tabi tutulmuştur.
Türkiye coğrafi bilgi sistemleri dergisi, Feb 29, 2024
Cartography, serving as a medium of interpretation and visualization, assumes a vital role as a m... more Cartography, serving as a medium of interpretation and visualization, assumes a vital role as a mechanism for proficient communication. Its prevalent utilization is notably evident within the educational sphere, predominantly in primary educational institutions such as schools. The visual portrayal facilitated by maps enables young learners to assimilate knowledge and cultivate proficiencies related to their immediate surroundings and spatial cognition. The creation and formulation of such maps demand meticulous scrutiny and contemplation of a myriad of factors that wield influence over children, encompassing facets pertinent to their cognitive maturation and development. Within the context of this research, a comprehensive set of 16 maps were curated and devised. Among these, 8 maps constitute the primary category, encompassing the political map delineating municipalities, the administrative map showcasing cities, the regions map, the physical geographical map, the tourism and economy map, the agriculture map, the farming map, and the climate map. The remaining 8 maps belong and focus on tourism and economy, with particular emphasis placed on each of the 8 regions comprising the Republic of North Macedonia. These maps were carried out as part of the realization of the "Atlas of North Macedonia for primary school pupils" project. This atlas has been compiled and designed for pupils aged 6 to 10.
International journal of engineering and geosciences, Nov 25, 2023
The provision of adequate parking spaces for vehicles has emerged as a prominent and challenging ... more The provision of adequate parking spaces for vehicles has emerged as a prominent and challenging issue confronted by towns, cities, and municipal authorities in recent years. Addressing this problem necessitates a thorough examination of the prevailing physical conditions in existing parking areas, while simultaneously undertaking analyses to identify suitable locations for new parking areas or parking lots. This study focuses on the city of Tetovo, North Macedonia, investigating and assessing the available parking areas while analyzing potential sites in accordance with the city's needs and requirements. To facilitate decision-making, a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) approach is employed to address the parking site selection analysis problem. The weightage of criteria utilized in the analysis is estimated, and potential parking solutions or site selections for new parking areas are identified through the combined application of Geographical Information System (GIS) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) techniques, identifying primary and sub-criteria, with a focus on Land Use and Transportation as the main criteria for selecting parking lots. The integration of GIS and AHP offers an effective and optimal methodology for site selection and identifying suitable parking locations. AHP method, applied to criteria, determined relative weights through expert opinions, while GIS facilitated spatial analysis for identifying suitable parking locations. The study identifies accessibility to main roads as the criterion carrying the greatest weight (0.517), while accessibility to cultural facilities holds the lowest weight (0.117). The study serves as a pivotal resource for sustainable urban management and decision-making, providing insights into future urban planning and the identification of suitable parking lot sites to foster sustainable development within the city.
Spatial visual analytics is the science of analytical reasoning in which spatial information is h... more Spatial visual analytics is the science of analytical reasoning in which spatial information is handled with interactive visual interfaces. Thanks to spatial visual analytics systems, data obtained from large data sets on social media platforms such as Twitter can be presented to the end user with interactive mapping systems. After the World Health Organization announced the COVID-19 outbreak on March 11, 2020, there has been a significant increase in Twitter data traffic. In this study, the temporal and spatial development of tweet traffic about COVID-19 vaccines, which is one of the important discussions of the COVID-19 epidemic period, was examined with data mining techniques and presented in a visual analytical environment. With this study, it has been revealed that important inferences can be made in terms of disaster and crisis management by analyzing the data sets, which are accepted as big data, of social media platforms such as twitter with data mining methods.
Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Sciences and Engineering
Mekânsal görsel analitik, mekânsal bilgilerin etkileşimli görsel ara yüzlerle ele alındığı analit... more Mekânsal görsel analitik, mekânsal bilgilerin etkileşimli görsel ara yüzlerle ele alındığı analitik akıl yürütme bilimidir. Mekânsal görsel analitik sistemleri sayesinde, Twitter gibi sosyal medya platformlarındaki büyük veri setlerinden bir konu hakkında elde edilen veriler son kullanıcıya etkileşimli haritalama sistemleriyle sunulabilir. 11 Mart 2020’de Dünya Sağlık Örgütü’nün COVID-19 salgınını duyurmasının ardından Twitter veri trafiğinde de ciddi bir artış görülmüştür. Bu çalışmada, COVID-19 salgını döneminin önemli tartışmalarından biri olan COVID-19 aşıları hakkındaki tweet trafiğinin zamansal ve mekânsal gelişimi veri madenciliği teknikleriyle incelenmiş ve görsel analitik ortamda sunulmuştur. Bu çalışma ile twitter gibi sosyal medya platformlarının sahip olduğu büyük veri olarak kabul edilen veri setlerinin veri madenciliği yöntemleriyle analiz edilerek afet ve kriz yönetimi açısından önemli çıkarımlar yapılabileceği ortaya konmuştur.
The International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) is an empirical model for providing ionospheric para... more The International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) is an empirical model for providing ionospheric parameters, including Total Electron Content (TEC), electron density, electron and ion temperature etc., in the altitude range from 50 km to 2000 km. Since the IRI model is limited up to 2000 km, IRI_PLAS model, plasmasphere extension of the IRI model, was proposed by the researchers. This paper investigates the TEC prediction performance of IRI_PLAS and IRI_2012 models by comparing GPS TEC data, in different latitude regions for magnetically active and quiet days. TEC data over 9 International GNSS Service (IGS) stations, located in different latitude regions, are used for the comparison. Evaluation of the diurnal results reveals good agreement with correlation coefficient >0.9 between GPS_TEC and empirical models for the quiet day irrespectively of the latitudinal data used. However, while the differences are not relatively large in most part of the active days, they reach high level, above 30 TECu, in some parts of the days.
The International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) is an empirical model for providing ionospheric para... more The International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) is an empirical model for providing ionospheric parameters, including Total Electron Content (TEC), electron density, electron and ion temperature etc., in the altitude range from 50 km to 2000 km. Since the IRI model is limited up to 2000 km, IRI_PLAS model, plasmasphere extension of the IRI model, was proposed by the researchers. This paper investigates the TEC prediction performance of IRI_PLAS and IRI_2012 models by comparing GPS TEC data, in different latitude regions for magnetically active and quiet days. TEC data over 9 International GNSS Service (IGS) stations, located in different latitude regions, are used for the comparison. Evaluation of the diurnal results reveals good agreement with correlation coefficient >0.9 between GPS_TEC and empirical models for the quiet day irrespectively of the latitudinal data used. However, while the differences are not relatively large in most part of the active days, they reach high level, above 30 TECu, in some parts of the days.
Using GIS-supported MCDA method for appropriate site selection of parking lots: The case study of the city of Tetovo, North Macedonia, 2024
The provision of adequate parking spaces for vehicles has emerged as a prominent and challenging ... more The provision of adequate parking spaces for vehicles has emerged as a prominent and challenging issue confronted by towns, cities, and municipal authorities in recent years. Addressing this problem necessitates a thorough examination of the prevailing physical conditions in existing parking areas, while simultaneously undertaking analyses to identify suitable locations for new parking areas or parking lots. This study focuses on the city of Tetovo, North Macedonia, investigating and assessing the available parking areas while analyzing potential sites in accordance with the city's needs and requirements. To facilitate decision-making, a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) approach is employed to address the parking site selection analysis problem. The weightage of criteria utilized in the analysis is estimated, and potential parking solutions or site selections for new parking areas are identified through the combined application of Geographical Information System (GIS) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) techniques, identifying primary and sub-criteria, with a focus on Land Use and Transportation as the main criteria for selecting parking lots. The integration of GIS and AHP offers an effective and optimal methodology for site selection and identifying suitable parking locations. AHP method, applied to criteria, determined relative weights through expert opinions, while GIS facilitated spatial analysis for identifying suitable parking locations. The study identifies accessibility to main roads as the criterion carrying the greatest weight (0.517), while accessibility to cultural facilities holds the lowest weight (0.117). The study serves as a pivotal resource for sustainable urban management and decision-making, providing insights into future urban planning and the identification of suitable parking lot sites to foster sustainable development within the city.
Veriye ulaşmanın oldukça kolay olduğu günümüzde, bu verilerden faydalı bilgiye en kısa sürede ve ... more Veriye ulaşmanın oldukça kolay olduğu günümüzde, bu verilerden faydalı bilgiye en kısa sürede ve en doğru şekilde ulaşmak büyük önem arz etmektedir. Özellikle planlama, risk yönetimi vb. karar verme analizlerinde birçok kriteri dikkate alarak doğru kararın verilmesinde bilgi sistemleri oldukça önemli yer tutmaktadır. Mekânsal verilerle yapılan çalışmalarda da Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) yardımıyla yapılan mekânsal analizler doğru kararlar alınmasında oldukça etkilidir. Özellikle birden çok etkenin kararı etkilediği durumlarda çok kriterli karar verme yöntemleri önemli katkılar sunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada da çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinden AHP (Analitik Hiyerarşi Yöntemi) yöntemiyle Şanlıurfa ili Suruç ilçesinde kurulması planlanan çadırkentin yeri çeşitli risk kriterleri dikkate alınarak parsel bazlı olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu şekilde Suruç ilçesindeki 2000'den fazla hazine taşınmazından çadırkent yapımına uygun olarak 5 adet parsel belirlenmiş ve karar vericinin sadece 5 parselden birisini seçmesi ile doğru karara ulaşması sağlanmıştır.
There are two Hittite monuments in Konya whose names are Eflatunpınar and Fasıllar. Eflatunpınar ... more There are two Hittite monuments in Konya whose names are Eflatunpınar and Fasıllar. Eflatunpınar is located approximately 25 km at the North of Beysehir town within Konya province in Turkey. Eflatunpınar monument is belonging to Hittite Empire Age, was known since XIX century. It is an open air temple of Hittite, 6.60 m wide and 7 m high, was built with large block stones. The second one known as Fasıllar Hittite monument lies on a hillside next to the Fasıllar village which is 16 km east of Beysehir town and it is a high relief monument which is made of basalt rock. It is commonly accepted that these two monuments had never been completely finished. J. Mellaart have suggested that Fasıllar monument was not in-situ position, it was moved from Eflatunpınar to Fasıllar village by the local people for decoration purposes. This means that ac-cording to J. Mellaart, Fasıllar monument is the part of Eflatunpınar monument. The objective of this study is to investigate whether Fasıllar monu...
Hittite Empire (13th c. BC) preferred open-air temples, centered around the Tarhuntassa region an... more Hittite Empire (13th c. BC) preferred open-air temples, centered around the Tarhuntassa region and the Beyşehir basin, which are estimated to be within the borders of the modern Konya province. The Eflatunpınar and Fasıllar monuments are open-air temples in this region and they are still standing almost 2000 years although they are worn out. The Eflatunpınar monument was included in the temporary UNESCO World Heritage list in 2014. Fasıllar monument, the depictions of mountain god and lions stand out culturally. The aim of this study is to investigate the reasons for the site selection of the Eflatunpınar and Fasıllar monuments while also taking into account the lifestyle and the settlement forms of the Hittites. In the research process, the features of the monuments and their spatial relations with their surroundings and with each other were analysed through maps with the help of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). It was determined that the reasons behind the site selection of t...
Harita tum insanlik tarihi incelendiginde insanlar icin cok onemli olmustur. Osmanli tarihi incel... more Harita tum insanlik tarihi incelendiginde insanlar icin cok onemli olmustur. Osmanli tarihi incelendiginde de harita niteligi tasiyan bircok eserle karsilasmak mumkundur. Ozellikle Piri Reis’in cizmis oldugu dunya haritasi gunumuzde dahi niteligi acisindan cok degerli gorulmektedir. Ancak ayni donemde yasamasina ragmen Matrakci Nasuh’un minyaturlerinin harita niteligi Piri Reis’in eserleri kadar on plana cikmamistir. Halbuki Piri Reis’in eserleri deniz haritaciligi acisindan ne kadar onemliyse, Matrakci’nin minyaturleri de kara haritaciligi acisindan oldukca degerlidir. Bu calismada kendine has bir uslupla cizdigi minyaturlerle tarihten gunumuze isik tutan Matrakci Nasuh’un minyaturleri haritacilik teknigi acisindan incelenmistir. Bu kapsamda minyaturlerdeki kale, cami, kilise, kopru, han, hamam, akarsu, daglar vb. onemli yerler gunumuz teknolojisiyle elde edilen Google Earth goruntuleriyle karsilastirilarak, minyaturler geometrik ve topolojik dogruluk acisindan incelenmistir. XVI. ...
Page 1. TMMOB Harita ve Kadastro Mühendisleri Odası 13. Türkiye Harita Bilimsel ve Teknik Kurulta... more Page 1. TMMOB Harita ve Kadastro Mühendisleri Odası 13. Türkiye Harita Bilimsel ve Teknik Kurultayı 18-22 Nisan 2011, Ankara KONUM TABANLI HİZMETLER TEKNOLOJİSİ İLE YÖNLENDİRME SİSTEMİ TASARIMI Hüseyin Zahit Selvi1 İ. Öztuğ Bildirici1 ...
Many factors affect the occurrence of traffic accidents. The classification and mapping of the di... more Many factors affect the occurrence of traffic accidents. The classification and mapping of the different attributes of the resulting accident are important for the prevention of accidents. Multivariate mapping is the visual exploration of multiple attributes using a map or data reduction technique. More than one attribute can be visually explored and symbolized using numerous statistical classification systems or data reduction techniques. In this sense, clustering analysis methods can be used for multivariate mapping. This study aims to compare the multivariate maps produced by the K-means method, K-medoids method, and Agglomerative and Divisive Hierarchical Clustering (AGNES) method, which among clustering analysis methods, with real data. The results from the study will suggest which clustering methods should be preferred in terms of multivariate mapping. The results show that the K-medoids method is more appropriate in terms of clustering success. Moreover, the aim is to reveal ...
ABSTRACT Orthometric heights are used in many engineering projects. However, the heights determin... more ABSTRACT Orthometric heights are used in many engineering projects. However, the heights determined by the widely-used Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) are ellipsoid heights. Leveling measurements conducted with the purpose of determining the orthometric heights on points are quite arduous and time-consuming processes. To be able to use ellipsoid heights in engineering projects, their transformation to orthometric heights defined in the height datum of the region is necessary. Therefore, in terms of convenience and feasibility GNSS/levelling method is preferred in determining geoid heights. This method is based on the principle of transformation of ellipsoid heights to orthometric heights. In effect, the main purpose of the method can also be regarded as the estimation of geoid undulation values for the study area.
Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2017
Cok degiskenli haritalama mekânsal objelere ait birden cok ozelligin harita kullanilarak gorsel s... more Cok degiskenli haritalama mekânsal objelere ait birden cok ozelligin harita kullanilarak gorsel sunumudur. Cesitli veri hazirlama ve istatistiksel siniflandirma teknikleri kullanilarak mekânsal objelere ait birden cok ozellik gorsel olarak incelenebilir ve kartografik isaretlerle gosterilebilir. Bu kapsamda kumeleme analizi yontemleri de cok degiskenli haritalama icin kullanilabilir. Bu calismada kumeleme analiz yontemlerinden k-ortalama yontemi, k-temsilci yontemi ve Birlestirici Hiyerarsik Kumeleme yontemi ele alinmistir. Bu yontemlerle Turkiye’deki uc ayri yila ait trafik kaza verileri kullanilarak olusturulan siniflar ve uretilen cok degiskenli haritalar kullanilarak bu yontemlerin karsilastirilmasi yapilmis, bu yontemlerle uretilen haritalarin risk yonetimi ve planlamada kullanilabilirligi uzerinde durulmustur.
Papers by Hüseyin Selvi