Sandeep Sharma
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Papers by Sandeep Sharma
is as old as the man learned to use his intellect. Different philosophies as well as philosophers developed various
ontological positions concerning the study of the being. Rationalism as a school of modern western philosophy is
one of the philosophical school which is known for its epistemology but it contributes more in the field of ontology.
In rationalism, there are three main proponents and each one has its own ontological standpoint in regards to the
existence of being. The ontological journey of the 'being' begins in skepticism of Descartes which culminates as
Dualism, and dualism of Descartes further dubbed as uncompromising dualism by Spinoza that allows him to
come up with Monism as a secure ontological position. But the standpoint of Spinoza is further challenged by
Leibniz which helps him to come up with different positions as compared to his early predecessors. The aim of
this paper is to thoroughly study the problem of the 'being' in special reference to rationalism, how ‘reason’ plays
a significant role in arriving at different ontological positions? Does ‘reason’ is capable to justify the ontological positions achieved by the rationalist philosophers? And, focus is also to discuss the importance of ‘innate idea’ in
achieving these different philosophical positions.
is as old as the man learned to use his intellect. Different philosophies as well as philosophers developed various
ontological positions concerning the study of the being. Rationalism as a school of modern western philosophy is
one of the philosophical school which is known for its epistemology but it contributes more in the field of ontology.
In rationalism, there are three main proponents and each one has its own ontological standpoint in regards to the
existence of being. The ontological journey of the 'being' begins in skepticism of Descartes which culminates as
Dualism, and dualism of Descartes further dubbed as uncompromising dualism by Spinoza that allows him to
come up with Monism as a secure ontological position. But the standpoint of Spinoza is further challenged by
Leibniz which helps him to come up with different positions as compared to his early predecessors. The aim of
this paper is to thoroughly study the problem of the 'being' in special reference to rationalism, how ‘reason’ plays
a significant role in arriving at different ontological positions? Does ‘reason’ is capable to justify the ontological positions achieved by the rationalist philosophers? And, focus is also to discuss the importance of ‘innate idea’ in
achieving these different philosophical positions.