Papers by Mirjana Sanader
Strategy and Structures along the Roman Frontiers, 2024
The collection of the Archaeological Museum in Split preserves a fragmented sculpture of a seated... more The collection of the Archaeological Museum in Split preserves a fragmented sculpture of a seated Apollo Kitharodos (AMS-55156). Stone statues depicting the seated Apollo Kitharodos, wearing a chiton, are rare in the Roman provinces, which was the inspiration to carry out an iconographic and comparative study to get as detailed information as
possible for the sculptural reconstruction.
Ancient DNA research in the past decade has revealed that European population structure changed d... more Ancient DNA research in the past decade has revealed that European population structure changed dramatically in the prehistoric period (14,000-3000 years before present, YBP), reflecting the widespread introduction of Neolithic farmer and Bronze Age Steppe ancestries. However, little is known about how population structure changed from the historical period onward (3000 YBP-present). To address this, we collected whole genomes from 204 individuals from Europe and the Mediterranean, many of which are the first historical period genomes from their region (e.g. Armenia and France). We found that most regions show remarkable inter-individual heterogeneity. At least 7% of historical individuals carry ancestry uncommon in the region where they were sampled, some indicating cross-Mediterranean contacts. Despite this high level of mobility, overall population structure across western Eurasia is relatively stable through the historical period up to the present, mirroring geography. We show that, under standard population genetics models with local panmixia, the observed level of dispersal would lead to a collapse of population structure. Persistent population structure thus suggests a lower effective migration rate than indicated by the observed dispersal. We hypothesize that this phenomenon can be explained by extensive transient dispersal arising from drastically improved transportation networks and the Roman Empire's mobilization of people for trade, labor, and military. This work highlights the utility of ancient DNA in elucidating finer scale human population dynamics in recent history. Editor's evaluation This important study provides an impressive dataset containing more than 200 novel ancient human genome sequences and a creative, robust, novel approach for studying human migration across time. The authors' conclusions are well supported by the data, and the methods used are convincing and solid. This paper will be of great interest to population geneticists and other scholars in the field of paleogenomics.
Est Modus in Rebus, 2022
The Roman legionary fortress Tilurium is situated in the hinterland of
Salona, the capital of th... more The Roman legionary fortress Tilurium is situated in the hinterland of
Salona, the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia. It was built on a plateau overlooking the right bank of the Cetina River (Hippus fl.), on a dominating and strategic position controlling the surrounding fields and plateaus, as well as the crossing over the Cetina River in the area of the town of Trilj (Pons Tiluri). From 1997, the Roman legionary fortress
becomes for the first time part of an archaeological research project. Since then, contours of fortress architecture have emerged to see the light of day. On the extreme western end, the remains of a massive western rampart have remained preserved above ground to this day. Excavations were carried out on a building lying parallel to the western rampart and
on a cistern in the northwestern part of the fortress, with remains of a canal that probably carried water to the center of the fortress. The excavation in the southeast part of the former fortress revealed a segment of the south rampart and the remains of military barracks
(centuriae) oriented east‑west. In addition, west of them further military barracks, oriented north‑south and lying adjacent to the previous, was revealed. The remains of a floor mosaic were found in the central part of the fortress. A fragment of the central field depicting the rear of a bull remained preserved. The location in the center of the fortress, together with other data, suggests that the mosaic may have been part of the
principia, but due to objective circumstances, it has not been possible to confirm this so far by archaeological excavations. This paper intends to draw attention to the numerous data collected during more than 20 years of research in Tilurium that speak about the position and appearance of the principia.
Romans and Natives in the Danubian Provinces (1st - 6th C. AD), 2023
Es gibt nicht nur in unserem Wissenschaftszweig ungeklärte Fragen, die periodisch zu immer neuen ... more Es gibt nicht nur in unserem Wissenschaftszweig ungeklärte Fragen, die periodisch zu immer neuen Diskussionen unter den Fachleuten führen. Solche Fragen können dann durch neue Feldfunde gelöst oder, wenn diese fehlen, durch neue Perspektivwechsel zusätzlich erörtert und beleuchtet werden. Jedes Bemühen in dieser Richtung ist willkommen und sollte als ein Schritt näher zur Lösung betrachtet werden. Dies gilt vor allem in
Fällen, die (wie diese unsere Arbeit zeigen soll) nicht ausreichend wissenschaftlich untersucht und für die nicht genügend schlüssige Beweisen erbracht wurden. Das waren die Beweggründe für diese Arbeit, die ein altes Dilemma zweier indigener Kulte an der Ost-Adria aufgreift.
Salon od 119. godine prije Krista do kasne antike, 2022
A rise in the interest of historical scholarship in Roman urban culture started at the latest aft... more A rise in the interest of historical scholarship in Roman urban culture started at the latest after the famous and countlessly quoted thesis of Max Weber: Die Kultur des Altertums ist ihrem Wesen nach zunächst: städtische Kultur. Research scholars devoted series of texts to the phenomenon of Late Antique urban development in which with the aid of archaeological finds from various cities of the
Empire they endeavoured to answer whether in Late Antiquity the
Roman city declined or simply changed. Some scholars have laconically attempted first of all to explain the new urban processes in Late Antiquity in cities all around the Empire, including Salona, then, exclusively by the process of conversion to Christianity. But it turned out that only an insight into the whole complex of political, social, economic and religious events can furnish the real answer to the question of what brought about the changed physiognomy of the Late Antique city. But in all these numerous analysis the case of Salona has somehow been left on the margins, a fact that occasioned the present article, in which an attempt will be made to fill this lacuna at least to some extent. It will put forward ideas about the relationships of Salona, Diocletian and Diocletian’s Palace, starting off from the assumption that it was their precise interaction that was able so efficiently to help bring about the economic flowering of the city and the changes that took place in the early 4th century. The discussion
will draw on previous knowledge of the events of that time, on the archaeological monuments of Salona, movable and immovable, and on its rural setting, all in the light of the changed social, political, economic and religious circumstances
This paper has two objectives. Firstly, based on Philostorgius' (HE XII,13) claims that the army ... more This paper has two objectives. Firstly, based on Philostorgius' (HE XII,13) claims that the army of Theodosius II crossed Pannonia and Illyricum during the campaign in 424. against the usurper John. This unusually long route to Dalmatia will be examined and considered. In the scientific literature, information can sometimes be found that Galla Placidia had sojourned in the palace of the former Roman Emperor Diocletian in Split during the winter of 424/425. These data lead to the second goal of this paper, namely, to examine possible evidence for such an assertion.
Methodology and Archaeometry 8 9, 2022
A quarter of a century of systematic research, led by the International Research Center for Late ... more A quarter of a century of systematic research, led by the International Research Center for Late Antiquity and Middle Ages (IRCLAMA-University of Zagreb) and its director Miljenko Jurković, has been closely followed by the evolution of research and documentation methodology.
The Roman conquest beyond Aquileia II I century BC, 2023
San Rocco/Koromačnik military camps (2 nd-1 st centuries BC) (Federico BERNARDINI, Jana HORVAT, G... more San Rocco/Koromačnik military camps (2 nd-1 st centuries BC) (Federico BERNARDINI, Jana HORVAT, Giacomo VINCI) .
Vjesnik za arheologiju i historiju dalmatinsku, 2020
As today, in the past, performing and playing music, as well as singing, were integral parts of e... more As today, in the past, performing and playing music, as well as singing, were integral parts of everyday human life. Singing and playing were regular on various occasions, both private and official, and, of course, in religious (cult) rituals and ceremonies. Singing and playing could be heard in all parts of the globe, as directly confirmed by modern research of indigenous peoples. Therefore, it is quite logical that the early Christians,
as an integral part of the ancient world, incorporated singing from their very beginnings, i.e. from the first century, together with their prayers and reading of sacred texts, which would later enter the canon of Scripture, into this preliturgy. This is evidenced by literary sources, as well as by some archaeological facts. The great importance and appreciation of the act of singing in the early Christian liturgy can be illustrated by the famous dictum from our title, attributed to St. Augustine: He who sings well, prays twice. Today, not enough is knownabout the manner of singing at the time, much less about the repertoire of chants performed by Christians during preliturgical cult rites, but let it not go unnoticed that the focus of
Augustine’s saying is on singing well. The extent of importance of this in constituting the singing component of the later development of the Christian liturgy will be shown below. Notwithstanding, the original aim of our paper is to record the previous results and knowledge of the role of singing in early Christian rites, i.e. in the first decades of the development and spread of Christianity, and, especially in this context, to verify
possible archaeological evidence of the cantors’ activities in the early Christian Salonitan Church.
Nunc decet caput impedire myrto, 2021
In the epistolary corpus of the renowned Church father, St. John Chrysostom, which consists of 24... more In the epistolary corpus of the renowned Church father, St. John Chrysostom, which consists of 240 letters written between AD 347 and 407, there is one addressed to Hesychius, Bishop of Salona, which St. John sent from his exile. This letter as well as the whole corpus are vital sources not only for reconstruction of historical events in the Christian Church of that time and John’s life in exile, but also on the earliest period of Christianity in the Empire, including the Roman province of Dalmatia. The objective of this paper is to examine the archaeological evidence of the early Salonitan Church tied to Hesychius and his personal reputation, which St. John Chrysostom held in high enough regard to send him a letter asking for help in ending his own exile.
Das römische Heer – Wirtschaftsfaktor und Kulturträger, 2020
Ab 229 v. Chr., als römische Kriegsschiffe zum ersten Mal die östliche Adriaküste ansegelten, bis... more Ab 229 v. Chr., als römische Kriegsschiffe zum ersten Mal die östliche Adriaküste ansegelten, bis zum Fall des Reiches, zogen Abertausende von Soldaten durch das Gebiet der Provinz Dalmatien. Die Anwesenheit der Armee in den römischen Provinzen hatte durch die Bedürfnisse der Militärlogistik große Auswirkungen auf regionale und überregionale Ökonomien. Dementsprechend groß war auch das Interesse der Forscher für die antike Wirtschaft. In dieser Arbeit wollen wir das wirtschaftliche
Potential der Legionäre aus Tilurium betrachten, wobei wir uns nicht auf Schriftquellen, sondern auf die Erkenntnisgrundlage der Kleinfunde-Forschung fokussieren. Dabei soll vor allem das Material aus drei Fundgruppen – Keramik, Glas und Metall – besonders berücksichtigt werden. In diesem Kontext wird die Gattungstypologie von großem Nutzen sein, da sie ja bereits wertvolle Antworten zur Bauchronologie des Lagers geliefert hat. Unserer Meinung nach bietet sie auch zur Frage der Heeresversorgung wertvolle Informationen, woraus man schlüssige zusätzliche Auskunft zum wirtschaftlichen Potential des Militärs bekommen kann. Damit ist die Gattungstypologie der genannten Fundgruppen für unser Thema von besonderer Bedeutung.
Knjiga donosi pregled arheoloskih istraživanja rimskog vojnog logora Tilurij u razdoblju od 1997 ... more Knjiga donosi pregled arheoloskih istraživanja rimskog vojnog logora Tilurij u razdoblju od 1997 - 2001.kao i analizu pronađenog pokretnog materijala.
The roman legionary fortress Tilurium is situated within the modern village of Gardun.From 1997 a... more The roman legionary fortress Tilurium is situated within the modern village of Gardun.From 1997 archaeological exavations were initiated at Tilurium. This exavations provided excellent results which are presented in this book.
U knjizi su predstavljeni rezultati arheoloskih iskopavanja i istraživanja legijskog logora Tilur... more U knjizi su predstavljeni rezultati arheoloskih iskopavanja i istraživanja legijskog logora Tilurija u Gardunu kod Trilja u razdoblju od 2002. do 2006. godine.
dugacakje 188 km. On obuhvaca dijelove triju razlicitih podrucjakoja se ne razlikuju samo po imen... more dugacakje 188 km. On obuhvaca dijelove triju razlicitih podrucjakoja se ne razlikuju samo po imenu (Baranja, Slavonijai Zapadni Srijem) nego i po geomorfoloskoj strukturi:od ravnicarskih predjela u kojima na sjeverozapadudominira Bansko Brdo (245m n/m) te mocvaraKopackog rita između rijeka Drave i Dunava do strmihi visokih obala Dunava (Njegoc 2002: 255-264).Iako je Bulat ovo podrucje hrvatskog dijelapanonskog podunavskog limesa bio podijelio u tripojasa, u ovome radu bit ce rijeci o dva: o pojasu uzsamu obalu Dunava (pretpostavljajuci da je Dunav natom dijelu promijenio i tok), te o njegovu zaleđu(Bulat 1969: 40). U bližem i daljem zaleđu ovog dijelalimesa, osim vise lokalnih cesta, prolazila su tri važnacestovna pravca koja su pratila tokove važnih rijekaSave (
ABSTRACT Antički pisci Katon, Kolumela, Plinije, Varon bavili su se i poljoprivrednim temama. Tak... more ABSTRACT Antički pisci Katon, Kolumela, Plinije, Varon bavili su se i poljoprivrednim temama. Tako se u njihovim djelima može pročitati da su rimski zemljoposjednici upravu nad svojim imanjima povjeravali robu koji se nazivao vilicus. Zahvaljujući Kolumelinim spisima mogu se vrlo podrobno upoznati svi poslovi koje je obavljao vilicus i njegova žena vilica. Međutim posao vilika nije označavao samo posao upravitelja imanja. Brojni epigrafički spomenici svjedoče da je vilik radio kao rob namještenik i u državnoj službi. Tako vilike susrećemo na carinarnicama, poreznim postajama, u upravama rudnika i gradskim blagajnama. Na području Hrvatske sačuvano je više natpisa u kojima se pojavljuju vilici kao upravitelji imanja, ali i kao državni službenici.
U radu se analizira i interpretira dunavski limes u Hrvatskoj u svjetlu novijih arheoloskih istra... more U radu se analizira i interpretira dunavski limes u Hrvatskoj u svjetlu novijih arheoloskih istraživanja.
Papers by Mirjana Sanader
possible for the sculptural reconstruction.
Salona, the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia. It was built on a plateau overlooking the right bank of the Cetina River (Hippus fl.), on a dominating and strategic position controlling the surrounding fields and plateaus, as well as the crossing over the Cetina River in the area of the town of Trilj (Pons Tiluri). From 1997, the Roman legionary fortress
becomes for the first time part of an archaeological research project. Since then, contours of fortress architecture have emerged to see the light of day. On the extreme western end, the remains of a massive western rampart have remained preserved above ground to this day. Excavations were carried out on a building lying parallel to the western rampart and
on a cistern in the northwestern part of the fortress, with remains of a canal that probably carried water to the center of the fortress. The excavation in the southeast part of the former fortress revealed a segment of the south rampart and the remains of military barracks
(centuriae) oriented east‑west. In addition, west of them further military barracks, oriented north‑south and lying adjacent to the previous, was revealed. The remains of a floor mosaic were found in the central part of the fortress. A fragment of the central field depicting the rear of a bull remained preserved. The location in the center of the fortress, together with other data, suggests that the mosaic may have been part of the
principia, but due to objective circumstances, it has not been possible to confirm this so far by archaeological excavations. This paper intends to draw attention to the numerous data collected during more than 20 years of research in Tilurium that speak about the position and appearance of the principia.
Fällen, die (wie diese unsere Arbeit zeigen soll) nicht ausreichend wissenschaftlich untersucht und für die nicht genügend schlüssige Beweisen erbracht wurden. Das waren die Beweggründe für diese Arbeit, die ein altes Dilemma zweier indigener Kulte an der Ost-Adria aufgreift.
Empire they endeavoured to answer whether in Late Antiquity the
Roman city declined or simply changed. Some scholars have laconically attempted first of all to explain the new urban processes in Late Antiquity in cities all around the Empire, including Salona, then, exclusively by the process of conversion to Christianity. But it turned out that only an insight into the whole complex of political, social, economic and religious events can furnish the real answer to the question of what brought about the changed physiognomy of the Late Antique city. But in all these numerous analysis the case of Salona has somehow been left on the margins, a fact that occasioned the present article, in which an attempt will be made to fill this lacuna at least to some extent. It will put forward ideas about the relationships of Salona, Diocletian and Diocletian’s Palace, starting off from the assumption that it was their precise interaction that was able so efficiently to help bring about the economic flowering of the city and the changes that took place in the early 4th century. The discussion
will draw on previous knowledge of the events of that time, on the archaeological monuments of Salona, movable and immovable, and on its rural setting, all in the light of the changed social, political, economic and religious circumstances
as an integral part of the ancient world, incorporated singing from their very beginnings, i.e. from the first century, together with their prayers and reading of sacred texts, which would later enter the canon of Scripture, into this preliturgy. This is evidenced by literary sources, as well as by some archaeological facts. The great importance and appreciation of the act of singing in the early Christian liturgy can be illustrated by the famous dictum from our title, attributed to St. Augustine: He who sings well, prays twice. Today, not enough is knownabout the manner of singing at the time, much less about the repertoire of chants performed by Christians during preliturgical cult rites, but let it not go unnoticed that the focus of
Augustine’s saying is on singing well. The extent of importance of this in constituting the singing component of the later development of the Christian liturgy will be shown below. Notwithstanding, the original aim of our paper is to record the previous results and knowledge of the role of singing in early Christian rites, i.e. in the first decades of the development and spread of Christianity, and, especially in this context, to verify
possible archaeological evidence of the cantors’ activities in the early Christian Salonitan Church.
Potential der Legionäre aus Tilurium betrachten, wobei wir uns nicht auf Schriftquellen, sondern auf die Erkenntnisgrundlage der Kleinfunde-Forschung fokussieren. Dabei soll vor allem das Material aus drei Fundgruppen – Keramik, Glas und Metall – besonders berücksichtigt werden. In diesem Kontext wird die Gattungstypologie von großem Nutzen sein, da sie ja bereits wertvolle Antworten zur Bauchronologie des Lagers geliefert hat. Unserer Meinung nach bietet sie auch zur Frage der Heeresversorgung wertvolle Informationen, woraus man schlüssige zusätzliche Auskunft zum wirtschaftlichen Potential des Militärs bekommen kann. Damit ist die Gattungstypologie der genannten Fundgruppen für unser Thema von besonderer Bedeutung.
possible for the sculptural reconstruction.
Salona, the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia. It was built on a plateau overlooking the right bank of the Cetina River (Hippus fl.), on a dominating and strategic position controlling the surrounding fields and plateaus, as well as the crossing over the Cetina River in the area of the town of Trilj (Pons Tiluri). From 1997, the Roman legionary fortress
becomes for the first time part of an archaeological research project. Since then, contours of fortress architecture have emerged to see the light of day. On the extreme western end, the remains of a massive western rampart have remained preserved above ground to this day. Excavations were carried out on a building lying parallel to the western rampart and
on a cistern in the northwestern part of the fortress, with remains of a canal that probably carried water to the center of the fortress. The excavation in the southeast part of the former fortress revealed a segment of the south rampart and the remains of military barracks
(centuriae) oriented east‑west. In addition, west of them further military barracks, oriented north‑south and lying adjacent to the previous, was revealed. The remains of a floor mosaic were found in the central part of the fortress. A fragment of the central field depicting the rear of a bull remained preserved. The location in the center of the fortress, together with other data, suggests that the mosaic may have been part of the
principia, but due to objective circumstances, it has not been possible to confirm this so far by archaeological excavations. This paper intends to draw attention to the numerous data collected during more than 20 years of research in Tilurium that speak about the position and appearance of the principia.
Fällen, die (wie diese unsere Arbeit zeigen soll) nicht ausreichend wissenschaftlich untersucht und für die nicht genügend schlüssige Beweisen erbracht wurden. Das waren die Beweggründe für diese Arbeit, die ein altes Dilemma zweier indigener Kulte an der Ost-Adria aufgreift.
Empire they endeavoured to answer whether in Late Antiquity the
Roman city declined or simply changed. Some scholars have laconically attempted first of all to explain the new urban processes in Late Antiquity in cities all around the Empire, including Salona, then, exclusively by the process of conversion to Christianity. But it turned out that only an insight into the whole complex of political, social, economic and religious events can furnish the real answer to the question of what brought about the changed physiognomy of the Late Antique city. But in all these numerous analysis the case of Salona has somehow been left on the margins, a fact that occasioned the present article, in which an attempt will be made to fill this lacuna at least to some extent. It will put forward ideas about the relationships of Salona, Diocletian and Diocletian’s Palace, starting off from the assumption that it was their precise interaction that was able so efficiently to help bring about the economic flowering of the city and the changes that took place in the early 4th century. The discussion
will draw on previous knowledge of the events of that time, on the archaeological monuments of Salona, movable and immovable, and on its rural setting, all in the light of the changed social, political, economic and religious circumstances
as an integral part of the ancient world, incorporated singing from their very beginnings, i.e. from the first century, together with their prayers and reading of sacred texts, which would later enter the canon of Scripture, into this preliturgy. This is evidenced by literary sources, as well as by some archaeological facts. The great importance and appreciation of the act of singing in the early Christian liturgy can be illustrated by the famous dictum from our title, attributed to St. Augustine: He who sings well, prays twice. Today, not enough is knownabout the manner of singing at the time, much less about the repertoire of chants performed by Christians during preliturgical cult rites, but let it not go unnoticed that the focus of
Augustine’s saying is on singing well. The extent of importance of this in constituting the singing component of the later development of the Christian liturgy will be shown below. Notwithstanding, the original aim of our paper is to record the previous results and knowledge of the role of singing in early Christian rites, i.e. in the first decades of the development and spread of Christianity, and, especially in this context, to verify
possible archaeological evidence of the cantors’ activities in the early Christian Salonitan Church.
Potential der Legionäre aus Tilurium betrachten, wobei wir uns nicht auf Schriftquellen, sondern auf die Erkenntnisgrundlage der Kleinfunde-Forschung fokussieren. Dabei soll vor allem das Material aus drei Fundgruppen – Keramik, Glas und Metall – besonders berücksichtigt werden. In diesem Kontext wird die Gattungstypologie von großem Nutzen sein, da sie ja bereits wertvolle Antworten zur Bauchronologie des Lagers geliefert hat. Unserer Meinung nach bietet sie auch zur Frage der Heeresversorgung wertvolle Informationen, woraus man schlüssige zusätzliche Auskunft zum wirtschaftlichen Potential des Militärs bekommen kann. Damit ist die Gattungstypologie der genannten Fundgruppen für unser Thema von besonderer Bedeutung.
U ovoj su knjizi izostavljeni uvodni prilozi kao što su povijest lokaliteta, okolnosti istraživanja, karakteristike prostora na kojem se Tilurij nalazi, ali i bibliografija tekstova o lokalitetu. Razlog tomu leži u činjenici da su te informacije već pomno prikazane u ranijim monografijama osobito u Tilurium III. Nasuprot tome je u prvom dijelu ove knjige posebno poglavlje posvećeno razvoju metodologija koje su se primjenjivale tijekom istraživanja ovog lokaliteta. Slijedi prikaz svih provedenih radnji i postupaka od kojih su se sastojala arheološka istraživanja na sondi Z u razdoblju od 2007.-2010. godine. Uz opis tijeka istraživanja dati su svi relevantni podaci, crteži i fotografije koji omogućavaju bolje razumijevanje istraživanih sondi. Kao priprema za daljnja istraživanja na tom su prostoru provedena nedestruktivna, geofizička istraživanja koja su također prikazana u prvom dijelu knjige. Isto tako je izvršena i konzervacija dijela istraženih građevina.
Drugi dio monografije Tilurium IV posvećen je obradi i analizi onih pokretnih nalaza koji su se na sondi Z pojavili tijekom istraživanja u razdoblju od 2007. do 2010. godine.
The aim of the systematc feld survey was to establish locatons which are connected with
the presence of military actvity in this area. The methodology of systematc feld survey
included the distributon of a wide spatal patern into smaller units in the landscape which
defne the units of survey (Locaton).
The aim of the survey was to gain all the relevant informaton about spatal distributon and
density of the collected surface archaeological material into the data base (GIS) in order to
supply the data about setlement paterns of the area of Baranja through tme. The poster
will present preliminary results of systematc feld survey in the certain parts of the OsijekBaranja County and established methodology which can provide data about paterns of
landscape usage through different periods of human actvity in the past