Papers by Maria Eugenia ZAMARREÑO
Relaciones Internacionales, 2005
Este libro es testimonio de la diversidad y el alcance de las investigaciones en el área del der... more Este libro es testimonio de la diversidad y el alcance de las investigaciones en el área del derecho y la educación en Ciencias Jurídicas. En estas páginas encontraremos un compendio de ideas innovadoras, descubrimientos y perspectivas vanguardistas que han surgido de la colaboración y el esfuerzo conjunto entre docentes investigadores e investigadoras. Las ponencias representan el resultado de trabajos en equipo y de la investigación profunda que unen la enseñanza del derecho y la perspectiva de género, la innovación en la educación jurídica y la reflexión ética en el campo legal.
instancias de la facultad y universidad que se puedan sumar en el futuro.
AHFE international, 2022
COVID 19 has become a mayor and without precedent disruption in aviation, with a big impact in av... more COVID 19 has become a mayor and without precedent disruption in aviation, with a big impact in aviation front line operators, such as crews, air traffic controller and aircraft dispatchers. This new reality has generated unexperienced human factors consequences and ups and downs in the lives of these professionals. They had to deal with new environments in their personal and professional dimensions and changes in both the physical and also psychosocial conditions as a consequence of COVID -19 impacts.The complexity of restating a complex system such as global air transport affects the staff of all aviation supply chain and has the potential to generate new and emergent hazards, a different risk landscape, and new operational and safety challenges.This paper focuses on COVID-related human factors challenges for aviation professionals, how those challenges can generate hazards that jeopardize aviation safety levels, and what can be done to mitigate the derived risks.The paper revises situations faced by operators and service providers during the COVID lockdown and the reanimation of the operations, with a focus on the best practices applied by different organisations to cope with the challenges human factors derived issues while assuring continued high levels of safety as operations ramp up.The paper combines an assessment of the best practices implemented by the industry during the last two years with a classical safety risk assessment approach. The paper revised also the safety risk assessments, about COVID 19 operations-related human factors challenges, conducted by main international aviation organisation such as as the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO), the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations (IFATCA), the International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Appropriate resources and tools to minimize the mental health impact of COVID-19 and ensure staff well-being throughout the lockdown and recovery phases are discussed.The paper offers a better understanding of the impact that post COVID-19 operations-related challenges could have on aviation human factors; outline new biological and psycho-social hazards and risks situation and their interactions with aviation safety; and finally identify and propose appropriate mitigation measurements for those negative consequences
AHFE international, 2022
In recent years we have witnessed the emergence of applications based on artificial intelligence ... more In recent years we have witnessed the emergence of applications based on artificial intelligence in the aviation industry. This technology is said to be promoting a new era or evolution, such as the introduction of jet engines in the 1950s and fly-by-wire in the 1980s. To maintain aviation safety standards in this transition, civil aviation authorities responsible for certifying aerospace systems must anticipate the unprecedented impact of AI on human-centric aerospace systems and answer a number of critical questions:•How to establish public trust in human- centric AI-based systems?•How to integrate the ethical dimension of human- centric AI (transparency, non-discrimination, fairness, etc.) in safety certification processes? •How to prepare for the certification of human- centric AI systems? •What standards, protocols, methods needs to be developed to ensure that human- centric AI further improves the current level of air transport safety? EASA, the European Aviation Safety Agency, has recently developed a roadmap for the certification of AI applications in aviation, which analyzes the involvement of human- centric AI in the aviation sector and identifies the objectives that must be met and the actions that must be taken to respond to the previous questions. This effort constitutes a starting point for the certification of human- centric AI in aerospace systems. It develops in particular the core notion of trustworthiness of human- centric AI in human centered systems and proposes a framework based on four human- centric AI trustworthiness building block:— trustworthiness analysis — learning assurance — explainability — safety risk mitigation The presented paper syntheses the concept of human- centric AI applications, it also discusses and revises the 4 elements of the trustworthiness of human- centric AI framework proposed by EASA, and based on this discussion anticipates the possible impacts of the introduction of human- centric AI in the different Implementation Rules (IR), Certification Specifications (CS), Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM) in the domains covered by the EASA Basic Regulation.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2005
Relaciones Internacionales, 2007
A este informe lo hemos dividido en tres partes: las relaciones multilaterales, las bilaterales y... more A este informe lo hemos dividido en tres partes: las relaciones multilaterales, las bilaterales y la cuestión Malvinas. Como ya lo hemos apuntado, para el gobierno de Kirchner la primera sección posee un singular valor tanto para impulsar principios (Derechos Humanos, Democracia, vigencia del Derecho Internacional), como para mediatizar escenarios desfavorables en lo político y lo económico. El segundo apartado se hace referencia a las relaciones bilaterales más sobresalientes, como lo son la región y los Estados Unidos, aunque no se desmerecen el resto (Europa, Asia, África y Oceanía). Finalmente, el problema de soberanía de los archipiélagos australes ocupa, por la relevancia domestica, un apartado propio.
Centro de Estudios de Política Exterior - IRI, 2006
A este informe lo hemos dividido en tres partes: las relaciones multilaterales, las bilaterales y... more A este informe lo hemos dividido en tres partes: las relaciones multilaterales, las bilaterales y la cuestión Malvinas. Como ya lo hemos apuntado, para el gobierno de Kirchner la primera sección posee un singular valor tanto para impulsar principios (Derechos Humanos, Democracia, vigencia del Derecho Internacional), como para mediatizar escenarios desfavorables en lo político y lo económico. El segundo apartado se hace referencia a las relaciones bilaterales más sobresalientes, como lo son la región y los Estados Unidos, aunque no se desmerecen el resto (Europa, Asia, África y Oceanía). Finalmente, el problema de soberanía de los archipiélagos australes ocupa, por la relevancia domestica, un apartado propio.
Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales UNLP, 2004
El objeto de este trabajo es determinar como ven a la Argentina situada en el mundo, los menciona... more El objeto de este trabajo es determinar como ven a la Argentina situada en el mundo, los mencionados gobiernos y cómo se establecen los lineamientos de la política exterior de acuerdo a las necesidades, demandas y condicionamientos internos y externos.
Papers by Maria Eugenia ZAMARREÑO