Papers by Séverine Lagneaux
Tsantsa, May 1, 2015
TO ACT AS IF AND TO ACT LIKE THOUGH Imitation and Analogism in robotic dairy farming Through four... more TO ACT AS IF AND TO ACT LIKE THOUGH Imitation and Analogism in robotic dairy farming Through four empirical imitation situations collected in the daily life of a dairy farm in Wallonia, this article examines the diff erences and similarities made between breeders, their cows and his milking robot. These imitative practices (cows mimicking them, farmer imitating his cattle, the robot mimicking the human and the breeder imitating the robot) question the classical, philosophical or psychological theories of imitation. I will also show that these relationships refer to analogism as defi ned by Philippe Descola.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 6, 2022
Cette ethnographie de la paysannerie roumaine contemporaine s'adresse tant aux étudiants en s... more Cette ethnographie de la paysannerie roumaine contemporaine s'adresse tant aux étudiants en sciences sociales qu'aux personnes intéressées par les développements actuels de l'agriculture, paysanne ou non, roumaine ou internationale. Cette étude cerne au plus près la matérialité et le sens dont est investie la maisonnée paysanne roumaine confrontée à son démantèlement sous la pression des politiques nationale et européenne et du marché global
Twenty years ago, the Berlin Wall fell. Twenty years ago, the Rumanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu... more Twenty years ago, the Berlin Wall fell. Twenty years ago, the Rumanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife were shot. Twenty years ago, Europe celebrated its reunification. Twenty years ago, the villages of Rumania escaped the destruction programmed by the plan of systematization. Twenty years later, in the recently integrated European Union, the Rumanian villages are still said threatened. Archaisms slowing down the step of the "transition" towards the modernity, the Rumanian rural zones populated with "farmers" should "evolve". Symbolic national peculiarity and continuity, they would be to protect. Eternal Rumanian village of which it philosophize L. Blaga praised is he again condemned? What are today the Rumanian farmers? Farmers, peasants, gatherers of strawberries, migrants, poor men, villagers? What do they say and do they make of their village, their homes, their households, their lifestyles? About what is it when we speak about their demise or about their preservation? To answer these questions, my comment focuses on an aspect of the Rumanian rural culture declined in the village: the gospodarie. This shape of "usual and traditional" house of villages is crossed by the Rumanian history tracks of which it carries wears. In Rumania, the gospodarie is not only a rustic house. It is a triple place of social and cultural production. It contains first of all the house but also a kitchen garden, a farmyard and her dependences, sometimes some ha of often cereal ground. It is then about the home, about the wider or nuclear family which lives there. Finally, the gospodarie is in connection with the other homes by a system of exchange, a network of solidarity, of mutual aid. It is thus at the same time a place of life and a lifestyle. That of the gospodar who is often associated with the farmer. The gospodar is a worker. Fruits were pulled by his possessions and of his labour, he succeeds in realizing the autonomy of his home. The gospodarie is not thus unambiguous but multiple. The choice of this red thread to solve the local identical imbroglio was guided by several arguments. Neuralgic because as regards the home, of the domestic and economic activity, the gospodarie is present to the everyday life: it gives rhythm to days, occupies the thoughts and the conversations quite as it guides movements and practices. Then it is an essential element of the local normalization. It is in a way an argument of morality presiding over a shape of distinction in the heart of the rustic community. Besides, it is a major factor of the successive ideological constructions of the Rumanian national identity. Finally, its existence is threatened by the process of European Union accession because of its maladjustment proclaimed in the capitalism which indicates clearly the existence of changes. The gospodarie thus is, according to the prejudice, to include under the angle of its relationship in the space and as reference in the identities in the village. This ethnography of the gospodarie and its contemporary forms in the identical speeches to Maureni articulates in three phases. Having exposed the methodology (chapter 1) on which the study bases, a stake in context (chapter 2) approaches the representations associated with the frequented region and the material presiding over an attempt of construction of a historic model of the gospodar and the gospodarie (chapter 3). Then the analysis of the contemporary maisnie to Maureni and from the speech of its inhabitants to its comment to say himself articulates around three axes. These axes are the elements to which resort the actors to define the gospodarie: the middle of life (the countryside and its exploitation), the everyday life within the house and the exchanges which connect maisnies. It is also a question of putting these axes in diachronic prospect. Indeed, the farming community and the gospodarie have a history among which the countryside and the houses carry certain tracks becoming the support and the tool of identical speeches and the collective memory expressing itself today.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 9, 2018
This paper consists of an analysis as fine as possible of the route of a goat cheese called local... more This paper consists of an analysis as fine as possible of the route of a goat cheese called local-bio-artisanal by its producers from the meadow to the plate. By following the many practical and symbolic ways of making this cheese, we try to highlight different dimensions of the local. We show that the local overrides its spatial anchoring and, in so doing, the dual partitioning of which it is too often the object. We also show the various forms of attachment and detachment between the human and non-human protagonists of this production, described as local but whose arrangements evolve as it emerges.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 30, 2022
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 21, 2019
Papers by Séverine Lagneaux
Pour tenter de répondre à cette question, 8 chercheurs internationaux mettent en évidence les connexions et déconnexions ou « dysconnexions » qui surgissent au travers de diverses modalités d’existence du Danube. Pour interroger cette européanité d’un fleuve, nous mobiliserons les représentations associées au Danube et analyserons le vécu quotidien de ses riverains.
Ce fleuve comme d’autres connaît des mouvements, des rassemblement, des empilements de niveaux : localité, pour se débrouiller face à l’internationalisme ; régionalisme pour vaincre le nationalisme ; nationalisme pour ne pas fléchir devant l’internationalisme ou le bilatéralisme ; internationalisme pour rassembler sous l’égide des experts. Tantôt allégorie, tantôt élément doté de force surhumaine, tantôt lieu, tantôt symbole, tantôt biens économique, tantôt support idéologique, mythologique ou écologique, tout se côtoie sur ce fleuve et ce kaléidoscope le fait advenir.
Le Danube est une jonction d’amas hétéroclite et une synthèse unitaire écrit Claudio Magris en 1986, "il constitue une métaphore de la complexité des strates contradictoires de l’identité moderne". Tout au long de son cours, se croisent, se mêlent s’affrontent des cultures, n’est ce pas dans cet empilement foisonnant que se glisserait son européanité ?
avec Jacinthe Mazzocchetti, Olivier Servais, Séverine Lagneaux et Pierre Joseph Laurent
Humanités réticulaires
Nouvelles technologies, altérités et pratiques ethnographiques en contextes globalisés
Tom Boellstorff, Bill Maurer, Jacinthe Mazzocchetti, Olivier Servais (eds.)
Investigations d'anthropologie prospective, 12
Des articles de :
Sébastien Antoine, Pierre Joseph Laurent, Joseph Tonda, Anne Kustritz, Jeanne Drouet, Jean-Frédéric de Hasque, Anne-Marie Vuillemenot, Raphaël Liogier, Séverine Lagneaux, Bernard Andrieu, Mike Singleton
Une réflexion épistémologique élaborée à partir d'enquêtes de terrains, sur les effets de la globalisation, des technologies et des images sur l'humain et sur le rapport à l'altérité, au cœur du projet anthropologique.
Trois débats clefs, qui correspondent aux trois parties de l'ouvrage, sont ouverts:
-la pluralité potentielle des anthropologies, versus l'impossible décolonisation d'une discipline ethno-centrée et les modalités d'enquêtes en contexte globalisé;
-ensuite, la question des images et des technologies en termes de méthodes et de contenu ainsi qu'en termes de production, de réappropriation et de détournement des images;
-enfin, l'incidence des nouvelles technologies sur l'humain/l'humanité, mais aussi le chercheur et ses techniques d'enquête.
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