Papers by Rungjarat Hutacharoen

Environment and Natural Resources Journal, Aug 1, 2010
The objective of this study is to produce biodiesel from grease/oil rich sludge which was trapped... more The objective of this study is to produce biodiesel from grease/oil rich sludge which was trapped from the canteen of Mahidol University's Salaya campus. The biodiesel was produced through the process of transesterification reaction in the presence of an acidic catalyst of concentrated sulfuric acid. 100% excess ethanol was used to accomplish the reaction at the molecular ratio of 30:1 (ethanol to grease) at 90C for 90 minutes. The finished product contained 95.17% biodiesel by volume with an API gravity value of 0.90 g/cm 3 at 15C, a viscosity value of 8.69 mm 2 /s at 40C, a flash point value of 184C, and a heat value of 9,685.35 cal/g. The blending with petroleum based diesel or baseline diesel (commercial diesel) at the proportions of 5, 10, 15, and 20 percent showed no statistical significant difference at the 0.05 level. In addition, the engine performance of the blends had slightly higher engine torque and engine power than baseline diesel. In conclusion, this study found that the conversion of the canteen's trap grease into ethyl ester had the potential to be a diesel substitute, particularly at the blending ration of 15%.

Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 2011
Environmental pressures brought about by climate change have increased the urgency for biomass as... more Environmental pressures brought about by climate change have increased the urgency for biomass assessment to measure the potential of forests to be carbon sinks and carbon sources. The researcher suggests that improving the quality and precision of models used for measuring carbon stock in forests is thus important. This study aims to investigate the relationships between independent factors, such as dry weight biomass (B), and dependent factors, such as diameter at breast height (D), height (H), and wood specific gravity (ρ), to formulate biomass equations for four common tree species: Sterculia pexa; Millettia brandisiana; Grewia eriocarpa; and Bridelia ovata. Regression models, each with different independent variables (D, ρD, D 2 H, and ρD 2 H), were studied. The results showed a strong correlation between B, D, and H, but not ρ. However, ρ showed a significant variation between the four species which indicated that proper species identification is required for accurate modelling. The best regression models for estimating biomass had two forms: ln(B) = c + αln(D) and ln(B) = c + αln(ρD 2 H). The dry weight of individual trees using the regression model with ρD 2 H had an average estimated error of 0.09-2.66%. The dry weight using D had an average estimated error of 0.28-1.77%. Thus, it was most appropriate to use ρD 2 H as the independent variable in the model. Furthermore, linear regression indicated a significant statistical difference between the four species. In conclusion, the researcher found that formulating species-specific regression models is essential in assessing biomass and carbon, particularly for the mixed-deciduous degraded forest areas in this study.

Kasetsart Journal. Natural Sciences, 2010
The effectiveness of three bio-extracts: Chinese kale, Chinese cabbage and soybean on Chinese kal... more The effectiveness of three bio-extracts: Chinese kale, Chinese cabbage and soybean on Chinese kale growth was compared. The nutrient composition and chemical properties of the three bio-extracts were investigated. The various concentrations of each bio-extract were applied daily to the supporting media, to enhance Chinese kale growth. The height, fresh weight and dry weight of the Chinese kale were measured for both stems and leaves. The results showed that the acidic condition of all bio-extracts had a high electrical conductivity (EC). However, the nutrient concentration in each bio-extract was noted to be less than that of the complete nutrient solution. Furthermore, soybean bio-extract performed the best in the most acidic conditions, had the highest EC values, and the greatest amount of total nutrients. Chinese kale and Chinese cabbage bio-extracts performed similarly in terms of chemical characteristics. With regard to growth enhancement using these bio-extracts with determine...
This research studied the carbon sequestration of the photo-insensitive rice 2 varieties in the i... more This research studied the carbon sequestration of the photo-insensitive rice 2 varieties in the irrigated paddy fields within the central plain. In the sample mixed nitrogen fertilizers contents were applied. The samples were collected during growth stages. The evaluation of carbon contents in the plants was done from the biomass. In addition, carbon contents in soils were studied in soil organic carbon. It was found that the average carbon contents during all seasons of SPR1 and CNT1 cultivation were 9,282.38 and 9,067.01 kg/rai, respectively. Both rice varieties responded best to mixed nitrogen fertilizer 18 kg N/rai. SPR1 had the highest carbon storage rate during the booting stage which was 38.38 kg/rai-day, while the CNT1 had the highest carbon storage rate during the tillering stage which was 32.64 kg/rai-day. The SPR1 variety

Environment and Natural Resources Journal, Aug 1, 2010
The objective of this study is to produce biodiesel from grease/oil rich sludge which was trapped... more The objective of this study is to produce biodiesel from grease/oil rich sludge which was trapped from the canteen of Mahidol University's Salaya campus. The biodiesel was produced through the process of transesterification reaction in the presence of an acidic catalyst of concentrated sulfuric acid. 100% excess ethanol was used to accomplish the reaction at the molecular ratio of 30:1 (ethanol to grease) at 90C for 90 minutes. The finished product contained 95.17% biodiesel by volume with an API gravity value of 0.90 g/cm 3 at 15C, a viscosity value of 8.69 mm 2 /s at 40C, a flash point value of 184C, and a heat value of 9,685.35 cal/g. The blending with petroleum based diesel or baseline diesel (commercial diesel) at the proportions of 5, 10, 15, and 20 percent showed no statistical significant difference at the 0.05 level. In addition, the engine performance of the blends had slightly higher engine torque and engine power than baseline diesel. In conclusion, this study found that the conversion of the canteen's trap grease into ethyl ester had the potential to be a diesel substitute, particularly at the blending ration of 15%.

This research investigated the removal efficiency of burned (activated) blood cockle shells (BBCS... more This research investigated the removal efficiency of burned (activated) blood cockle shells (BBCS) of the total nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) effluent from shrimp farms, in comparison with novel activated charcoal (AC) and natural (unactivated) blood cockle shell (grinding, NBCS). All shell types (BBCS, NBCS) performed well as adsorbents The removal efficiency varied with shell particle size and effluent flow rate. The shell particle size of BBCS at 0.85-2.0 millimeters had the highest removal efficiency of total N and P at 86.66% and 87.63%, respectively. The best flow rate of effluent for N and P removal efficiency through adsorbency were 300 ml/hour. Moreover, the equilibrium model study for adsorption isotherm of BBCS performed better fitted to the Langmuir model in nitrogen removal, and to both Langmuir & Freundlich model in phosphorus removal. Our findings indicated that the higher surface area and larger average pore size of the adsorbents as BBCS (Bunauer, Emmett and Teller method: BET) produced more N and P removal efficiency than the lower one as NBCS.

Centrifuged residue of concentrated latex production is the by-product or waste of latex processi... more Centrifuged residue of concentrated latex production is the by-product or waste of latex processing of the Hevea tree (Heveabrasiliensis). The 10-15% residue of fresh latex causes waste disposal cost and environmental problems for factories. Because this residue contains some nutrients (N, P, K) in available forms, it can potentially enhance para-rubber tree growth. However, this centrifuged residue (CR) has some small rubber pieces mixed within that needs to be blended to prevent soil problems. The waste of swine dung or manure (SD) has similar problems on farms. This waste contains some essential plant nutrients, but it requires a period of time for microorganisms to decompose into the available compounds for plant growth. Thus, the blended fertilizer of latex residue with swine dung can potentially act as a preferable blended fertilizer because the nutrients from both wastes can enhance the plant growth from the initial stage. The aim of this study was to study the feasibility and effectiveness of the blended fertilizer at consideration ratio of 1:1 (CR and SD) alone and at nutrient adjustment to equal to chemical fertilizer usage for Hevea tree as a study case. We found that the blended fertilizer was feasible for para rubber seedlings, from the view point of growth enhancement, soil properties and water leachates.

The purpose of this study was to indicate the sustainability of Thai Hom Mali Rice (Jasmine rice)... more The purpose of this study was to indicate the sustainability of Thai Hom Mali Rice (Jasmine rice) cultivation in Thailand. Which the study had statistical samples from the most intensive cultivation provinces, as Phayao (Northern region), Sisaket (Northeastern), Chachoengsao (Central region) and Nakhonsithammarat (Southern region). Two indicators had were assigned to assess the sustainable cultivation of Thai's farmers, namely as Sustainability in Cultivation Practices (SCP), and the Composite Sustainability Indicators (CSI). Indicators of each region had performed by this study. The findings revealed that where the northeastern region had the highest values of SCP and level of CSI level in the country. than other regions of Thailand. Besides, the independent variables of SCP, in particularly production costs, chemical and fertilizer utilization, the risk of weeds and pest, were found to be the significantly common variables in the most of regions of THMR cultivation.

Environmental pressures brought about by climate change have increased the urgency for biomass as... more Environmental pressures brought about by climate change have increased the urgency for biomass assessment to measure the potential of forests to be carbon sinks and carbon sources. The researcher suggests that improving the quality and precision of models used for measuring carbon stock in forests is thus important. This study aims to investigate the relationships between independent factors, such as dry weight biomass (B), and dependent factors, such as diameter at breast height (D), height (H), and wood specific gravity (ρ), to formulate biomass equations for four common tree species: Sterculia pexa; Millettia brandisiana; Grewia eriocarpa; and Bridelia ovata. Regression models, each with different independent variables (D, ρD, D 2 H, and ρD 2 H), were studied. The results showed a strong correlation between B, D, and H, but not ρ. However, ρ showed a significant variation between the four species which indicated that proper species identification is required for accurate modelling. The best regression models for estimating biomass had two forms: ln(B) = c + αln(D) and ln(B) = c + αln(ρD 2 H). The dry weight of individual trees using the regression model with ρD 2 H had an average estimated error of 0.09-2.66%. The dry weight using D had an average estimated error of 0.28-1.77%. Thus, it was most appropriate to use ρD 2 H as the independent variable in the model. Furthermore, linear regression indicated a significant statistical difference between the four species. In conclusion, the researcher found that formulating species-specific regression models is essential in assessing biomass and carbon, particularly for the mixed-deciduous degraded forest areas in this study.

The objective of this study is to produce biodiesel from grease/oil rich sludge which was trapped... more The objective of this study is to produce biodiesel from grease/oil rich sludge which was trapped from the canteen of Mahidol University's Salaya campus. The biodiesel was produced through the process of transesterification reaction in the presence of an acidic catalyst of concentrated sulfuric acid. 100% excess ethanol was used to accomplish the reaction at the molecular ratio of 30:1 (ethanol to grease) at 90C for 90 minutes. The finished product contained 95.17% biodiesel by volume with an API gravity value of 0.90 g/cm 3 at 15C, a viscosity value of 8.69 mm 2 /s at 40C, a flash point value of 184C, and a heat value of 9,685.35 cal/g. The blending with petroleum based diesel or baseline diesel (commercial diesel) at the proportions of 5, 10, 15, and 20 percent showed no statistical significant difference at the 0.05 level. In addition, the engine performance of the blends had slightly higher engine torque and engine power than baseline diesel. In conclusion, this study found that the conversion of the canteen's trap grease into ethyl ester had the potential to be a diesel substitute, particularly at the blending ration of 15%.

Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 2009
The main objective of this research is aimed at the usage of lignite fly ash (power plant) and li... more The main objective of this research is aimed at the usage of lignite fly ash (power plant) and lime as cement replacement in hazardous - waste solidification process of spent fluorescent lamp. The study found that the increasing of waste ratio in solidification process has the trend to increase density and mercury leaching concentration. Different binder ratios and waste ratios produced different strength effects on the solidified sample. Mercury leaching concentration decreased with increasing curing times, whereas the density and the strength trend to decrease after 14 days. In consideration the properties of solidified sample and cost of solidifying material, a ratio of cement to lime to fly ash of 0:30:70 was found to be the most optimum ratio for solidifying spent fluorescent lamps (at a ratio of spent fluorescent lamp to binder of 2:1), with curing time more than 7-days. Accordingly, it is reasonable to assume lime and lignite fly ash are considerably better for use as a cemen...
บทคัดยอ สมการมวลชีวภาพถูกพัฒนาขึ้นเพื่อติดตามการเปลี่ยนแปลงของปริมาณคารบอนที่สะสมในเนื้อไม ควา... more บทคัดยอ สมการมวลชีวภาพถูกพัฒนาขึ้นเพื่อติดตามการเปลี่ยนแปลงของปริมาณคารบอนที่สะสมในเนื้อไม ความสัมพันธดังกลาวอยูในรูปสมการเชิงเสนระหวางน้ําหนักแหงของตนไม (B) เสนผานศูนยกลางที่ความสูงเพียงอก (D) ความสูง (H) ความหนาแนนของเนื้อไม ( ρ ) จากการเปรียบความสัมพันธของตัวแปรในรูปสมการเชิงเสนของ ไมยืนตน 4 ชนิดพันธุ ไดแก Sterculia pexa, Millettia brandisiana, Grewia eriocarpa และ Bridelia ovata โดย B เปนตัวแปรตาม และตัวแปรตนคือ DH และ ρ DH ผลลัพธจากการเปรียบเทียบสมการเชิงเสนในรูป
日本醗酵工学会大会講演要旨集, Oct 15, 1985
Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences
MGG Molecular & General Genetics, 1987
A DNA plasmid resembling 2 gm DNA of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, pSR 1, isolated from a strain of Z... more A DNA plasmid resembling 2 gm DNA of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, pSR 1, isolated from a strain of Zygosaccharomyces rouxii, has a c/s-acting region, Z, for plasmid stability. The Z region was delimited to a sequence of at most 383 bp in a small unique region of the plasmid. The Z region is high in A: T pairs and contains three different pairs of short (ca. 25 bp) inverted repeats with 65% to 79% homology and three copies of direct repeats of 24 to 27 bp in length with 67% to 72% homology, but does not encode a noteworthy open reading frame. It was suggested that the Z region interacts with the S product(s) encoded by the same plasmid and with a specific host factor, but not with the other stabilization factor encoded by the P locus on the pSR 1 molecule.
Papers by Rungjarat Hutacharoen