Rozalia LIgus * "Jesteśmy ludźmi o dwóch sercach. Pierwsze zostało w Bośni, a drugie bije dla Pol... more Rozalia LIgus * "Jesteśmy ludźmi o dwóch sercach. Pierwsze zostało w Bośni, a drugie bije dla Polski". Międzypokoleniowe konceptualizacje tożsamości w rodzinie dolnośląskiej-perspektywa biograficzna "We are the human beings with two hearts. The first one lives in Bosnia, and the second is beating in Poland". Intergenerational conceptualizations of identity in the Lower Silesian family-biographical perspective Abstrakt Cel badań. Celem projektu badawczego Migrujące Biografie-potomkowie reemigrantów z Bośni w procesie rekonstruowania tożsamości-pedagogiczne atrybuty przekazu międzygeneracyjnego w świetle historii życia 1 realizowanego w latach 2018-2019 jest zanalizowanie i skategoryzowanie zasobów znaczeniowych zgromadzonych w autobiograficznych narracjach przedstawicieli kilku pokoleń rodzin reemigrantów 2 z Bośni, które w 1946 roku osiedliły się na Dolnym Śląsku. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza *
This chapter focuses on research done over a total period of six years, initially in three commun... more This chapter focuses on research done over a total period of six years, initially in three communities, and subsequently in one further local community in Poland, in which I analysed the process of the closing of symbolic spaces. My attention has been directed toward the communities which have experienced ‘broken’ historical continuity. The aim has been to elicit the shared values of people in the communities and to discuss the potential for looking to the future. The findings confirm that each community follows its own path of development and the character of that development is dependent on numerous ‘soft factors’, among which the competence of reflexivity seems to be a key concept.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2013
This article's aim is to describe some of the sources of the European debate over the third cycle... more This article's aim is to describe some of the sources of the European debate over the third cycle studies in teacher education in Europe. Then it will introduce the international Project EDiTE as one of the collaborative initiatives concerning the European scientific proposal of the teachers' lifelong learning development. Next, some good practices of promoting the doctoral research based teacher education on national levels will be presented. Finally, in the article, there will be revealed selected findings of the EDiTE team that are focused on the current needs in teacher education that have been pointed by different stakeholders of five European countries represented by the project consortium, while interviewing them in 2013 y. The main goal of this article is to involve the stakeholders in a thought provoking debate for future roles of teachers in Europe, but not through looking for a 'standardized teacher model' or to create a 'European super teacher' , but to see the dilemmas that should be shared while questioning 'What makes a teacher European?, ' as Michael Schratz underlines, in a diversity of national identities and in the face of challenges of 21st century.
This paper is based on the first analysis of the 25 narrative interviews collected from March to ... more This paper is based on the first analysis of the 25 narrative interviews collected from March to November 2018 in small local communities in the Lower Silesia Region. All narrators belong to the families that were transferred from the former Yugoslavia in 1946 to the western lands which were incorporated to Poland. The socio-cultural conditions are significant for local development, so I present some features of localism after 1989 when the state transformation processes started. Next, I discuss the narrators' self-identity dilemmas and make an attempt to conceptualize "migrating biography" as one of the features of living in a postmodern world. The aim of the whole project, but not described in this article, is to reveal the intergenerational adult learning processes seen from the insider's perspective, as well as to describe such lives in a psychosocial and cultural context.
The results presented in the paper comprise the outcome of five projects carried out in the years... more The results presented in the paper comprise the outcome of five projects carried out in the years 2000-2012. The inspiration for the preparation of a comparative analysis and 'going across' the acquired data was the similarity between the semantic categories 'extracted' from each subsequent portion of the material collected in the selected projects. This led to the formation of a collective, qualitative case study in the sense coined by Robert Stake (2005), in which I set the goal of monitoring the process of redefining the meaning that the narrators (affected indirectly or directly by contemporary migration processes) attribute to identity and dignity. Both these categories are the result of the analyses and interpretation of the gathered empirical material, and not concepts imposed a priori. They are also hulled from the entire collection of meanings assigned by the interlocutors to the experiences of their life and their selected "biographical episodes." 1 1 'Biographical episode' is a term used by modern methodologists (N. Denzin, I. Helling, K. Konecki, F. Schütze and others). I use the definition of Piotr Jaksa Bykowski who applied this term in his Dwór Królewski w Grodnie: Epizod biograficzny 1795-1797 (The Royal Court in Grodno: Biographical episode 1795-1797), published in 1884, considering that it describes best the work that is an analysis and interpretation of the selected set of documents on the last visit of King Stanislaus Augustus and his court in Grodno. In the opinion of Bykowski, the term 'biographical episode' determines the publication content more accurately than usurping the right to call it 'history,' since the knowledge of the author was fragmentary
Rozalia Ligus* Więzi z miejscem-narracyjne (re)konstruowanie tożsamości w rodzinie po-jugosłowiań... more Rozalia Ligus* Więzi z miejscem-narracyjne (re)konstruowanie tożsamości w rodzinie po-jugosłowiańskiej-przypadek Barbary Place Attachment and Narrative (Re)construction of Identity in a Post-Yugoslavian Family-the Case of Barbara Abstract: The presented article is the next in the series in which I describe the results of the analytical and interpretative work of the project "Migrating Biographies-descendants of Bosnian re-emigrants in the process of identity reconstruction. Pedagogical attributes of intergenerational transmission in the light of life histories". The research was inspired by the identity identifi cations of the inhabitants of the Bolesławiec district in Lower Silesia, who in 2018 referred to themselves as We, Poles from Yugoslavia, although many of them had never been to Yugoslavia and the country has not been on the world map since 1995. In this text, I analyse the process of identity constitution based on the meanings that one of the research participants, Barbara, gives to space and places, which become for her both a source of knowledge about her identity but also an inspiration to undertake activities aimed at changing the public space around her. Referring to the description of place as geographical space, I use two theoretical approaches. The fi rst is represented by sociologist Martina Löw, who proposes to look at space from a postmodern perspective. The second, is developed by two social and environmental psychologists Leila Scanell and Robert Giff ord. I consider these two the-* Rozalia Ligus (
prezentowana książka wchodzi w skład serii "counterpoints" (Kontrapunkty) (wydawnictwo peter lang... more prezentowana książka wchodzi w skład serii "counterpoints" (Kontrapunkty) (wydawnictwo peter lang). seria ta specjalizuje się w "studiach nad postmeodernistyczną teorią edukacji" 1 , a jej naczelni redaktorzy (j. l. Kincheloe i s. R. steinberg) krótko charakteryzują postawione sobie cele, akcentują istotę swoich zainteresowań badawczych, deklarują wysoką jakość zawartości serii (s. 244). piszą, iż "counterpoints" publikuje najbardziej fascynujące, inspirujące opracowania na temat aktualnej sytuacji, w jakiej znajduje się obecnie szeroko rozumiana edukacja. jednym z założeń wpisanym w serię jest "przekraczanie znanych już w edukacji granic, otwieranie nowych rodzajów konwersacji i sięgania tam, gdzie badacze edukacji jeszcze nie dotarli" 2 (tamże). celem serii jest prezentowanie najnowszych osiągnięć w obszarze badań krytycznych, odczytań feminizmu i postmodernizmu. ambicją "counterpoints" jest dokonywanie
This paper was inspired by the debate between Hammersley (1999), Atkinson and Delamont (2009) and... more This paper was inspired by the debate between Hammersley (1999), Atkinson and Delamont (2009) and Denzin and Lincoln (2009 [2008]) on the dynamics of qualitative methods development and by the unsettling reductionism and fragmentation of analyses within qualitative research revealed by Atkinson. Similar critique of superficiality in biographical methods has also been formulated by scholars from the interpretative sociology tradition in
Jest to kolejny artykuł z cyklu, w którym przedstawiono wyniki pracy analitycznej oraz interpreta... more Jest to kolejny artykuł z cyklu, w którym przedstawiono wyniki pracy analitycznej oraz interpretacyjnej z realizacji projektu „Migrujące biografie – potomkowie reemigrantów z Bośni w procesie rekonstruowania tożsamości. Pedagogiczne atrybuty przekazu międzygeneracyjnego w świetle historii życia”. Inspiracją do podjęcia badań były tożsamościowe identyfikacje mieszkańców powiatu bolesławieckiego na Dolnym Śląsku, którzy w 2018 r. mówili o sobie „My, Polacy z Jugosławii”, choć wielu z nich nigdy nie było w Jugosławii, a kraju tego od 1995 r. nie ma na mapie świata. W tekście dokonano analizy procesu konstytuowania się tożsamości na podstawie znaczenia, jakie jedna z uczestniczek badań, Barbara, nadała przestrzeni i miejscom, które dla niej stały się zarówno źródłem wiedzy na temat własnej tożsamości, jak i inspiracją do podejmowania aktywności ukierunkowanej na zmianę otaczającej ją przestrzeni publicznej.Odwołując się do opisu miejsca jako przestrzeni geograficznej, korzystałam z dwóc...
The results presented in the paper comprise the outcome of five projects carried out in the years... more The results presented in the paper comprise the outcome of five projects carried out in the years 2000-2012. The inspiration for the preparation of a comparative analysis and ‘going across’ the acquired data was the similarity between the semantic categories ‘extracted’ from each subsequent portion of the material collected in the selected projects. This led to the formation of a collective, qualitative case study in the sense coined by Robert Stake (2005), in which I set the goal of monitoring the process of redefining the meaning that the narrators (affected indirectly or directly by contemporary migration processes) attribute to identity and dignity. Both these categories are the result of the analyses and interpretation of the gathered empirical material, and not concepts imposed a priori. They are also hulled from the entire collection of meanings assigned by the interlocutors to the experiences of their life and their selected “biographical episodes.”1
Rozalia LIgus * "Jesteśmy ludźmi o dwóch sercach. Pierwsze zostało w Bośni, a drugie bije dla Pol... more Rozalia LIgus * "Jesteśmy ludźmi o dwóch sercach. Pierwsze zostało w Bośni, a drugie bije dla Polski". Międzypokoleniowe konceptualizacje tożsamości w rodzinie dolnośląskiej-perspektywa biograficzna "We are the human beings with two hearts. The first one lives in Bosnia, and the second is beating in Poland". Intergenerational conceptualizations of identity in the Lower Silesian family-biographical perspective Abstrakt Cel badań. Celem projektu badawczego Migrujące Biografie-potomkowie reemigrantów z Bośni w procesie rekonstruowania tożsamości-pedagogiczne atrybuty przekazu międzygeneracyjnego w świetle historii życia 1 realizowanego w latach 2018-2019 jest zanalizowanie i skategoryzowanie zasobów znaczeniowych zgromadzonych w autobiograficznych narracjach przedstawicieli kilku pokoleń rodzin reemigrantów 2 z Bośni, które w 1946 roku osiedliły się na Dolnym Śląsku. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza *
This chapter focuses on research done over a total period of six years, initially in three commun... more This chapter focuses on research done over a total period of six years, initially in three communities, and subsequently in one further local community in Poland, in which I analysed the process of the closing of symbolic spaces. My attention has been directed toward the communities which have experienced ‘broken’ historical continuity. The aim has been to elicit the shared values of people in the communities and to discuss the potential for looking to the future. The findings confirm that each community follows its own path of development and the character of that development is dependent on numerous ‘soft factors’, among which the competence of reflexivity seems to be a key concept.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2013
This article's aim is to describe some of the sources of the European debate over the third cycle... more This article's aim is to describe some of the sources of the European debate over the third cycle studies in teacher education in Europe. Then it will introduce the international Project EDiTE as one of the collaborative initiatives concerning the European scientific proposal of the teachers' lifelong learning development. Next, some good practices of promoting the doctoral research based teacher education on national levels will be presented. Finally, in the article, there will be revealed selected findings of the EDiTE team that are focused on the current needs in teacher education that have been pointed by different stakeholders of five European countries represented by the project consortium, while interviewing them in 2013 y. The main goal of this article is to involve the stakeholders in a thought provoking debate for future roles of teachers in Europe, but not through looking for a 'standardized teacher model' or to create a 'European super teacher' , but to see the dilemmas that should be shared while questioning 'What makes a teacher European?, ' as Michael Schratz underlines, in a diversity of national identities and in the face of challenges of 21st century.
This paper is based on the first analysis of the 25 narrative interviews collected from March to ... more This paper is based on the first analysis of the 25 narrative interviews collected from March to November 2018 in small local communities in the Lower Silesia Region. All narrators belong to the families that were transferred from the former Yugoslavia in 1946 to the western lands which were incorporated to Poland. The socio-cultural conditions are significant for local development, so I present some features of localism after 1989 when the state transformation processes started. Next, I discuss the narrators' self-identity dilemmas and make an attempt to conceptualize "migrating biography" as one of the features of living in a postmodern world. The aim of the whole project, but not described in this article, is to reveal the intergenerational adult learning processes seen from the insider's perspective, as well as to describe such lives in a psychosocial and cultural context.
The results presented in the paper comprise the outcome of five projects carried out in the years... more The results presented in the paper comprise the outcome of five projects carried out in the years 2000-2012. The inspiration for the preparation of a comparative analysis and 'going across' the acquired data was the similarity between the semantic categories 'extracted' from each subsequent portion of the material collected in the selected projects. This led to the formation of a collective, qualitative case study in the sense coined by Robert Stake (2005), in which I set the goal of monitoring the process of redefining the meaning that the narrators (affected indirectly or directly by contemporary migration processes) attribute to identity and dignity. Both these categories are the result of the analyses and interpretation of the gathered empirical material, and not concepts imposed a priori. They are also hulled from the entire collection of meanings assigned by the interlocutors to the experiences of their life and their selected "biographical episodes." 1 1 'Biographical episode' is a term used by modern methodologists (N. Denzin, I. Helling, K. Konecki, F. Schütze and others). I use the definition of Piotr Jaksa Bykowski who applied this term in his Dwór Królewski w Grodnie: Epizod biograficzny 1795-1797 (The Royal Court in Grodno: Biographical episode 1795-1797), published in 1884, considering that it describes best the work that is an analysis and interpretation of the selected set of documents on the last visit of King Stanislaus Augustus and his court in Grodno. In the opinion of Bykowski, the term 'biographical episode' determines the publication content more accurately than usurping the right to call it 'history,' since the knowledge of the author was fragmentary
Rozalia Ligus* Więzi z miejscem-narracyjne (re)konstruowanie tożsamości w rodzinie po-jugosłowiań... more Rozalia Ligus* Więzi z miejscem-narracyjne (re)konstruowanie tożsamości w rodzinie po-jugosłowiańskiej-przypadek Barbary Place Attachment and Narrative (Re)construction of Identity in a Post-Yugoslavian Family-the Case of Barbara Abstract: The presented article is the next in the series in which I describe the results of the analytical and interpretative work of the project "Migrating Biographies-descendants of Bosnian re-emigrants in the process of identity reconstruction. Pedagogical attributes of intergenerational transmission in the light of life histories". The research was inspired by the identity identifi cations of the inhabitants of the Bolesławiec district in Lower Silesia, who in 2018 referred to themselves as We, Poles from Yugoslavia, although many of them had never been to Yugoslavia and the country has not been on the world map since 1995. In this text, I analyse the process of identity constitution based on the meanings that one of the research participants, Barbara, gives to space and places, which become for her both a source of knowledge about her identity but also an inspiration to undertake activities aimed at changing the public space around her. Referring to the description of place as geographical space, I use two theoretical approaches. The fi rst is represented by sociologist Martina Löw, who proposes to look at space from a postmodern perspective. The second, is developed by two social and environmental psychologists Leila Scanell and Robert Giff ord. I consider these two the-* Rozalia Ligus (
prezentowana książka wchodzi w skład serii "counterpoints" (Kontrapunkty) (wydawnictwo peter lang... more prezentowana książka wchodzi w skład serii "counterpoints" (Kontrapunkty) (wydawnictwo peter lang). seria ta specjalizuje się w "studiach nad postmeodernistyczną teorią edukacji" 1 , a jej naczelni redaktorzy (j. l. Kincheloe i s. R. steinberg) krótko charakteryzują postawione sobie cele, akcentują istotę swoich zainteresowań badawczych, deklarują wysoką jakość zawartości serii (s. 244). piszą, iż "counterpoints" publikuje najbardziej fascynujące, inspirujące opracowania na temat aktualnej sytuacji, w jakiej znajduje się obecnie szeroko rozumiana edukacja. jednym z założeń wpisanym w serię jest "przekraczanie znanych już w edukacji granic, otwieranie nowych rodzajów konwersacji i sięgania tam, gdzie badacze edukacji jeszcze nie dotarli" 2 (tamże). celem serii jest prezentowanie najnowszych osiągnięć w obszarze badań krytycznych, odczytań feminizmu i postmodernizmu. ambicją "counterpoints" jest dokonywanie
This paper was inspired by the debate between Hammersley (1999), Atkinson and Delamont (2009) and... more This paper was inspired by the debate between Hammersley (1999), Atkinson and Delamont (2009) and Denzin and Lincoln (2009 [2008]) on the dynamics of qualitative methods development and by the unsettling reductionism and fragmentation of analyses within qualitative research revealed by Atkinson. Similar critique of superficiality in biographical methods has also been formulated by scholars from the interpretative sociology tradition in
Jest to kolejny artykuł z cyklu, w którym przedstawiono wyniki pracy analitycznej oraz interpreta... more Jest to kolejny artykuł z cyklu, w którym przedstawiono wyniki pracy analitycznej oraz interpretacyjnej z realizacji projektu „Migrujące biografie – potomkowie reemigrantów z Bośni w procesie rekonstruowania tożsamości. Pedagogiczne atrybuty przekazu międzygeneracyjnego w świetle historii życia”. Inspiracją do podjęcia badań były tożsamościowe identyfikacje mieszkańców powiatu bolesławieckiego na Dolnym Śląsku, którzy w 2018 r. mówili o sobie „My, Polacy z Jugosławii”, choć wielu z nich nigdy nie było w Jugosławii, a kraju tego od 1995 r. nie ma na mapie świata. W tekście dokonano analizy procesu konstytuowania się tożsamości na podstawie znaczenia, jakie jedna z uczestniczek badań, Barbara, nadała przestrzeni i miejscom, które dla niej stały się zarówno źródłem wiedzy na temat własnej tożsamości, jak i inspiracją do podejmowania aktywności ukierunkowanej na zmianę otaczającej ją przestrzeni publicznej.Odwołując się do opisu miejsca jako przestrzeni geograficznej, korzystałam z dwóc...
The results presented in the paper comprise the outcome of five projects carried out in the years... more The results presented in the paper comprise the outcome of five projects carried out in the years 2000-2012. The inspiration for the preparation of a comparative analysis and ‘going across’ the acquired data was the similarity between the semantic categories ‘extracted’ from each subsequent portion of the material collected in the selected projects. This led to the formation of a collective, qualitative case study in the sense coined by Robert Stake (2005), in which I set the goal of monitoring the process of redefining the meaning that the narrators (affected indirectly or directly by contemporary migration processes) attribute to identity and dignity. Both these categories are the result of the analyses and interpretation of the gathered empirical material, and not concepts imposed a priori. They are also hulled from the entire collection of meanings assigned by the interlocutors to the experiences of their life and their selected “biographical episodes.”1
Papers by Rozalia Ligus