Encontros Cientificos Tourism Management Studies, Dec 31, 2008
A leitura da primeira página de um jornal poderá eventualmente sugerir-nos imagens de uma câmara ... more A leitura da primeira página de um jornal poderá eventualmente sugerir-nos imagens de uma câmara de horrores. Por que razão o público parece ser tão atraído por manchetes que mencionam catástrofes, escândalos, corrupção e afins?
Encontros Cientificos Tourism Management Studies, Dec 31, 2006
As emoções são fenómenos complexos, em razão da sua riqueza e plasticidade. Desenrolam-se no teat... more As emoções são fenómenos complexos, em razão da sua riqueza e plasticidade. Desenrolam-se no teatro do corpo e são um reflexo da relação do ser humano com o seu ambiente, dando sentido ao drama existencial. Fazem parte dos mecanismos básicos da regulação da vida e estão presentes em múltiplas situações do quotidiano. Esta amplitude de manifestações torna a sua abordagem em igual medida delicada e aliciante.
In recent years, a set of scientific work emerged, supported by theories of psychology, which imp... more In recent years, a set of scientific work emerged, supported by theories of psychology, which imported human personality scales from the field of psychology to assess products’ brand personality. That importation can not be direct and immediate since not all of human personality traits are suitable to evaluate products’ brand personality. This line of research has been widely developed in the field of tourism. This paper will present a survey of practices which aims to clarify that issue with particular focus on tourism. A considerable amount of research has been conducted in the field of psychology seeking to create a compelling and generally accepted taxonomy of descriptive terms of personality which will be able to assess it. This paper will present the concept of personality, summarize the different approaches to personality and will review the development process of the ‘Big-five’ model as it is known today. Furthermore it will describe, identify and interpret the dimensions and facets (traits) of this model, and also present the main methodologies applied to the design of the model under scope and its main criticisms. The ‘Big-five’ has been the base for research in other fields such as human resources, sociology and marketing (e.g. to measure brand personality). This research aims to identify the most appropriate taxonomy to be used on a brand personality measurement scale, which shall be applied to any tourism destination. The study should also help to evaluate how the various constructs of this model interrelate.
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2015
Declaro ser o(a) autor(a) deste trabalho, que é original e inédito. Autores e trabalhos consultad... more Declaro ser o(a) autor(a) deste trabalho, que é original e inédito. Autores e trabalhos consultados estão devidamente citados no texto e constam da listagem de referências incluída.
Encontros Cientificos Tourism Management Studies, Dec 31, 2008
A leitura da primeira página de um jornal poderá eventualmente sugerir-nos imagens de uma câmara ... more A leitura da primeira página de um jornal poderá eventualmente sugerir-nos imagens de uma câmara de horrores. Por que razão o público parece ser tão atraído por manchetes que mencionam catástrofes, escândalos, corrupção e afins?
Encontros Cientificos Tourism Management Studies, Dec 31, 2006
As emoções são fenómenos complexos, em razão da sua riqueza e plasticidade. Desenrolam-se no teat... more As emoções são fenómenos complexos, em razão da sua riqueza e plasticidade. Desenrolam-se no teatro do corpo e são um reflexo da relação do ser humano com o seu ambiente, dando sentido ao drama existencial. Fazem parte dos mecanismos básicos da regulação da vida e estão presentes em múltiplas situações do quotidiano. Esta amplitude de manifestações torna a sua abordagem em igual medida delicada e aliciante.
In recent years, a set of scientific work emerged, supported by theories of psychology, which imp... more In recent years, a set of scientific work emerged, supported by theories of psychology, which imported human personality scales from the field of psychology to assess products’ brand personality. That importation can not be direct and immediate since not all of human personality traits are suitable to evaluate products’ brand personality. This line of research has been widely developed in the field of tourism. This paper will present a survey of practices which aims to clarify that issue with particular focus on tourism. A considerable amount of research has been conducted in the field of psychology seeking to create a compelling and generally accepted taxonomy of descriptive terms of personality which will be able to assess it. This paper will present the concept of personality, summarize the different approaches to personality and will review the development process of the ‘Big-five’ model as it is known today. Furthermore it will describe, identify and interpret the dimensions and facets (traits) of this model, and also present the main methodologies applied to the design of the model under scope and its main criticisms. The ‘Big-five’ has been the base for research in other fields such as human resources, sociology and marketing (e.g. to measure brand personality). This research aims to identify the most appropriate taxonomy to be used on a brand personality measurement scale, which shall be applied to any tourism destination. The study should also help to evaluate how the various constructs of this model interrelate.
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2015
Declaro ser o(a) autor(a) deste trabalho, que é original e inédito. Autores e trabalhos consultad... more Declaro ser o(a) autor(a) deste trabalho, que é original e inédito. Autores e trabalhos consultados estão devidamente citados no texto e constam da listagem de referências incluída.
Papers by Ronaldo Schutz