Papers by Rohimah A. Mahira
Abstrak Dengan maraknya praktik kecurangan/penipuan dalam hal mengurangi timbangan yang dilakukan... more Abstrak Dengan maraknya praktik kecurangan/penipuan dalam hal mengurangi timbangan yang dilakukan oleh penjual di pasar tradisional, lalu bagaimana pandangan islam tentang kecurangan dalam jual beli ini? Dalam penulisan ini, metode yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka dari berbagai sumber/referensi/literatur. Dari berbagai literatur tersebut bisa diambil kesimpulan bahwa praktik curang dalam mengurangi timbangan hukumnya tidak boleh, sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam Al-Qur'an dan Hadits tentang larangan mengurangi timbangan. Solusi dari permasalahan ini adalah harus adanya kesadaran masyarakat akan pengawasan Allah SWT di setiap aktivitas yang dilakukan. Serta harus dibentuknya suatu lembaga khusus dalam mengawasi praktik jual beli di pasar, untuk meminimalisir, mencegah bahkan menghilangkan kecurangan-kecurangan yang merugikan pihak lain, sebagaimana dalam masa Rasulullah dan Khulafaur Rasyidin disebut dengan Al-Hisbah yang berperan menegakkan kebaikan dan mencegah kemunkaran di segala bidang kehidupan, termasuk pengawasan di bidang ekonomi. Sedangkan di Indonesia sendiri, aplikasi lembaga Al-Hisbah terpecah-pecah beberapa lembaga, contohnya: BPOM-MUI yang berperan mengawasi kelayakan dan kehalalan suatu produk.
Abstrak Dengan maraknya praktik kecurangan/penipuan dalam hal mengurangi timbangan yang dilakukan... more Abstrak Dengan maraknya praktik kecurangan/penipuan dalam hal mengurangi timbangan yang dilakukan oleh penjual di pasar tradisional, lalu bagaimana pandangan islam tentang kecurangan dalam jual beli ini? Dalam penulisan ini, metode yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka dari berbagai sumber/referensi/literatur. Dari berbagai literatur tersebut bisa diambil kesimpulan bahwa praktik curang dalam mengurangi timbangan hukumnya tidak boleh, sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam Al-Qur'an dan Hadits tentang larangan mengurangi timbangan. Solusi dari permasalahan ini adalah harus adanya kesadaran masyarakat akan pengawasan Allah SWT di setiap aktivitas yang dilakukan. Serta harus dibentuknya suatu lembaga khusus dalam mengawasi praktik jual beli di pasar, untuk meminimalisir, mencegah bahkan menghilangkan kecurangan-kecurangan yang merugikan pihak lain, sebagaimana dalam masa Rasulullah dan Khulafaur Rasyidin disebut dengan Al-Hisbah yang berperan menegakkan kebaikan dan mencegah kemunkaran di segala bidang kehidupan, termasuk pengawasan di bidang ekonomi. Sedangkan di Indonesia sendiri, aplikasi lembaga Al-Hisbah terpecah-pecah beberapa lembaga, contohnya: BPOM-MUI yang berperan mengawasi kelayakan dan kehalalan suatu produk.
Thesis Chapters by Rohimah A. Mahira
NUMBER 41 YEAR 2004 (Case Study on Regional Leader of Muhammadi... more “WAQF MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVE LAW
NUMBER 41 YEAR 2004 (Case Study on Regional Leader of Muhammadiyah of
Cirebon Regency)”, 2018.
Regional Leader of Muhammadiyah of Cirebon Regency as one of nazhir waqf,
has an important role ranging from the management, dispute, certify, as well as
the use of waqf land in Cirebon regency. This research is motivated by the lack of
clarity about whether or not waqf management conducted by the Regional Leader
of Muhammadiyah of Cirebon Regency with Law No. 41 of 2004 on waqf. The
formulation of the problem in this research is: how waqf management done by the
Regional Leader of Muhammadiyah Cirebon Regency in the perspective of Law
No. 41 of 2004?, what are the supporting factors and inhibiting the management
of waqf in the Regional Leader of Muhammadiyah Cirebon?, and how to solve the
problematics management of endowments conducted by the Regional Leader of
Muhammadiyah Cirebon Regency?
Researchers want to know waqf management, supporting factors and
obstacles, and how to overcome the problematic management of waqf Regional
Leader Muhammadiyah Cirebon Regency. This research uses empirical juridical
approach, data collected by interview, observation and documentation and then
analyzed by qualitative method which is descriptive analysis.
The results of this study are: waqf management Regional Leader of
Muhammadiyah of Cirebon Regency already in accordance with Law No. 41 of
2004 on waqf. Factors supporting the management of waqf in the Regional
Leader of Muhammadiyah of Cirebon Regency: Experts in their fields, public
confidence, the establishment of internal and external cooperation, ease of
technology. The inhibiting factors are: lack of funds, not maximal performance,
no reward for nazhir performance. Handling the problem of waqf management
carried out by the Regional Leader of Muhammadiyah of Cirebon Regency. The
on-going response is to fix the financial union by increasing the operational fund
of Muhammadiyah. The plan of handling is to open a profit-making business
Keywords: Waqf Management, Muhammadiyah, Law No. 41 of 2004
Papers by Rohimah A. Mahira
Thesis Chapters by Rohimah A. Mahira
NUMBER 41 YEAR 2004 (Case Study on Regional Leader of Muhammadiyah of
Cirebon Regency)”, 2018.
Regional Leader of Muhammadiyah of Cirebon Regency as one of nazhir waqf,
has an important role ranging from the management, dispute, certify, as well as
the use of waqf land in Cirebon regency. This research is motivated by the lack of
clarity about whether or not waqf management conducted by the Regional Leader
of Muhammadiyah of Cirebon Regency with Law No. 41 of 2004 on waqf. The
formulation of the problem in this research is: how waqf management done by the
Regional Leader of Muhammadiyah Cirebon Regency in the perspective of Law
No. 41 of 2004?, what are the supporting factors and inhibiting the management
of waqf in the Regional Leader of Muhammadiyah Cirebon?, and how to solve the
problematics management of endowments conducted by the Regional Leader of
Muhammadiyah Cirebon Regency?
Researchers want to know waqf management, supporting factors and
obstacles, and how to overcome the problematic management of waqf Regional
Leader Muhammadiyah Cirebon Regency. This research uses empirical juridical
approach, data collected by interview, observation and documentation and then
analyzed by qualitative method which is descriptive analysis.
The results of this study are: waqf management Regional Leader of
Muhammadiyah of Cirebon Regency already in accordance with Law No. 41 of
2004 on waqf. Factors supporting the management of waqf in the Regional
Leader of Muhammadiyah of Cirebon Regency: Experts in their fields, public
confidence, the establishment of internal and external cooperation, ease of
technology. The inhibiting factors are: lack of funds, not maximal performance,
no reward for nazhir performance. Handling the problem of waqf management
carried out by the Regional Leader of Muhammadiyah of Cirebon Regency. The
on-going response is to fix the financial union by increasing the operational fund
of Muhammadiyah. The plan of handling is to open a profit-making business
Keywords: Waqf Management, Muhammadiyah, Law No. 41 of 2004
NUMBER 41 YEAR 2004 (Case Study on Regional Leader of Muhammadiyah of
Cirebon Regency)”, 2018.
Regional Leader of Muhammadiyah of Cirebon Regency as one of nazhir waqf,
has an important role ranging from the management, dispute, certify, as well as
the use of waqf land in Cirebon regency. This research is motivated by the lack of
clarity about whether or not waqf management conducted by the Regional Leader
of Muhammadiyah of Cirebon Regency with Law No. 41 of 2004 on waqf. The
formulation of the problem in this research is: how waqf management done by the
Regional Leader of Muhammadiyah Cirebon Regency in the perspective of Law
No. 41 of 2004?, what are the supporting factors and inhibiting the management
of waqf in the Regional Leader of Muhammadiyah Cirebon?, and how to solve the
problematics management of endowments conducted by the Regional Leader of
Muhammadiyah Cirebon Regency?
Researchers want to know waqf management, supporting factors and
obstacles, and how to overcome the problematic management of waqf Regional
Leader Muhammadiyah Cirebon Regency. This research uses empirical juridical
approach, data collected by interview, observation and documentation and then
analyzed by qualitative method which is descriptive analysis.
The results of this study are: waqf management Regional Leader of
Muhammadiyah of Cirebon Regency already in accordance with Law No. 41 of
2004 on waqf. Factors supporting the management of waqf in the Regional
Leader of Muhammadiyah of Cirebon Regency: Experts in their fields, public
confidence, the establishment of internal and external cooperation, ease of
technology. The inhibiting factors are: lack of funds, not maximal performance,
no reward for nazhir performance. Handling the problem of waqf management
carried out by the Regional Leader of Muhammadiyah of Cirebon Regency. The
on-going response is to fix the financial union by increasing the operational fund
of Muhammadiyah. The plan of handling is to open a profit-making business
Keywords: Waqf Management, Muhammadiyah, Law No. 41 of 2004