Papers by Emmanuel Rodriguez Rivera

Soil Quality Index of the Yauco and San Antón Series, two Molisols of Southern Puerto Rico, 2023
Six soil quality index were used to assess the quality of Yauco (Typic Calciustolls) and San Antó... more Six soil quality index were used to assess the quality of Yauco (Typic Calciustolls) and San Antón (Cumulic Haplustolls) soils, under conventional tillage and no-till. These were the additive index (SQI A), the index by weight (SQIW1 and SQIW2) and the index's by principal component (SQIPC1, SQIPC2 and SQIPC3). The cultivated plots were plowed every two months, and the uncultivated ones were only given a triming machine. Two soil samples were taken at depths of 0 to 8 and 8 to 20 cm. Analysis of the clay by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray
diffractograms (XRD) indicated the presence of montmorilonite, vermiculite, illite, kaolinite, haloisite, quartz, calcite in both molisols. The SQIA and SQIPC1 soil quality indexs attributed higher quality values to San Antón soil. These indexs consider all the parameters evaluated, and focus on nutrient availability, pH, % SOM, available P and micronutrients Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn. The SQIW and SQIw2 showed higher quality values for Yauco soil. These indexs give more weight to physical parameters such as bulk density (Da), aggregate stability (EA), and penetration resistance
(RP). Also, the SQIPC2 and SQIPC3 indexs , which give more weight to CICE, % OM, DHA activity and basal respiration (RB), gave better quality indexs to Yauco soil. The six indexs evaluated showed a reduction in soil quality when the depth was increased to 20 cm, but showed no significant difference between cultivated and Not Cultivated plots.

Soil Quality Index of the Yauco and San Antón Series, two Molisols of Southern Puerto Rico, 2023
Six soil quality index were used to assess the quality of Yauco (Typic Calciustolls) and San Antó... more Six soil quality index were used to assess the quality of Yauco (Typic Calciustolls) and San Antón (Cumulic Haplustolls) soils, under conventional tillage and no-till. These were the additive index (SQI A), the index by weight (SQIW1 and SQIW2) and the index's by principal component (SQIPC1, SQIPC2 and SQIPC3). The cultivated plots were plowed every two months, and the uncultivated ones were only given a triming machine. Two soil samples were taken at depths of 0 to 8 and 8 to 20 cm. Analysis of the clay by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffractograms (XRD) indicated the presence of montmorilonite, vermiculite, illite, kaolinite, haloisite, quartz, calcite in both molisols. The SQIA and SQIPC1 soil quality indexs attributed higher quality values to San Antón soil. These indexs consider all the parameters evaluated, and focus on nutrient availability, pH, % SOM, available P and micronutrients Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn. The SQIW and SQIw2 showed higher quality values for Yauco soil. These indexs give more weight to physical parameters such as bulk density (Da), aggregate stability (EA), and penetration resistance (RP). Also, the SQIPC2 and SQIPC3 indexs , which give more weight to CICE, % OM, DHA activity and basal respiration (RB), gave better quality indexs to Yauco soil. The six indexs evaluated showed a reduction in soil quality when the depth was increased to 20 cm, but showed no significant difference between cultivated and Not Cultivated plots.

Six soil quality index were used to assess the quality of Yauco (Typic Calciustolls) and San Antó... more Six soil quality index were used to assess the quality of Yauco (Typic Calciustolls) and San Antón (Cumulic Haplustolls) soils, under conventional tillage and no-till. These were the additive index (SQI A), the index by weight (SQIW1 and SQIW2) and the index's by principal component (SQIPC1, SQIPC2 and SQIPC3). The cultivated plots were plowed every two months, and the uncultivated ones were only given a triming machine. Two soil samples were taken at depths of 0 to 8 and 8 to 20 cm. Analysis of the clay by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffractograms (XRD) indicated the presence of montmorilonite, vermiculite, illite, kaolinite, haloisite, quartz, calcite in both molisols. The SQIA and SQIPC1 soil quality indexs attributed higher quality values to San Antón soil. These indexs consider all the parameters evaluated, and focus on nutrient availability, pH, % SOM, available P and micronutrients Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn. The SQIW and SQIw2 showed higher quality values for Yauco soil. These indexs give more weight to physical parameters such as bulk density (Da), aggregate stability (EA), and penetration resistance (RP). Also, the SQIPC2 and SQIPC3 indexs , which give more weight to CICE, % OM, DHA activity and basal respiration (RB), gave better quality indexs to Yauco soil. The six indexs evaluated showed a reduction in soil quality when the depth was increased to 20 cm, but showed no significant difference between cultivated and Not Cultivated plots.

Six soil quality indexs were used to evaluate soil quality of Yauco (Typic Calciustolls) and San ... more Six soil quality indexs were used to evaluate soil quality of Yauco (Typic Calciustolls) and San Antón (Cumulic Haplustolls) soils, under conventional tillage and non-tillage. The six indexes were the additive index SQIA, the weight indexes SQIW1 and SQIW2, and the principal components indexes SQIPC1, SQIPC2 and SQIPC3. The tillage plots were plowed every two months and for the no tillage plots the cover crops were cut and left on the ground without further treatment. Two soil samplings were performed at depths of 0-8 and 8-20 cm. FTIR and XRD analyses of the clay fraction indicated the presence of montmorillonite, vermiculite, illite, kaolinite, halloysite, quartz, calcite in both Mollisols. The soil quality indexes SQIA and SQIPC1 attributed better soil quality values to San Anton soil. These indexes give more weight to nutrient availability, pH, % OM, available P and Cu, Fe, Mn y Zn content. The SQIW1 and SQIw2 assigned better soil quality values to Yauco soil. These indexes give more weight to physical parameters like bulk density (BD), aggregate stability (AE) and resistance to penetration (RP). The other two indexes SQIPC2 y SQIPC3, that give more weight to ECEC, % OM, DHA activity and basal respiration (BR) atributed better soil quality indexes to Yauco soil. The six indexes indicated a reduction in soil quality with an increase in soil depth to 20 cm, but no significant differences were observed between tillage and no tillage treatments.
Papers by Emmanuel Rodriguez Rivera
diffractograms (XRD) indicated the presence of montmorilonite, vermiculite, illite, kaolinite, haloisite, quartz, calcite in both molisols. The SQIA and SQIPC1 soil quality indexs attributed higher quality values to San Antón soil. These indexs consider all the parameters evaluated, and focus on nutrient availability, pH, % SOM, available P and micronutrients Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn. The SQIW and SQIw2 showed higher quality values for Yauco soil. These indexs give more weight to physical parameters such as bulk density (Da), aggregate stability (EA), and penetration resistance
(RP). Also, the SQIPC2 and SQIPC3 indexs , which give more weight to CICE, % OM, DHA activity and basal respiration (RB), gave better quality indexs to Yauco soil. The six indexs evaluated showed a reduction in soil quality when the depth was increased to 20 cm, but showed no significant difference between cultivated and Not Cultivated plots.
diffractograms (XRD) indicated the presence of montmorilonite, vermiculite, illite, kaolinite, haloisite, quartz, calcite in both molisols. The SQIA and SQIPC1 soil quality indexs attributed higher quality values to San Antón soil. These indexs consider all the parameters evaluated, and focus on nutrient availability, pH, % SOM, available P and micronutrients Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn. The SQIW and SQIw2 showed higher quality values for Yauco soil. These indexs give more weight to physical parameters such as bulk density (Da), aggregate stability (EA), and penetration resistance
(RP). Also, the SQIPC2 and SQIPC3 indexs , which give more weight to CICE, % OM, DHA activity and basal respiration (RB), gave better quality indexs to Yauco soil. The six indexs evaluated showed a reduction in soil quality when the depth was increased to 20 cm, but showed no significant difference between cultivated and Not Cultivated plots.