Papers by Robin P A J T Á S Kollektíva
Fordulat , 2021
The Free School of Robin Goodfellow is a pedagogical initiative launched in 2014, the aim of whic... more The Free School of Robin Goodfellow is a pedagogical initiative launched in 2014, the aim of which is to present an alternative – theoretical as well as practical – to the existing system of education. Since its foundation, the free school has been seeking to be a pioneer in the area of education, trying to put into practice the principles of an anti-authoritarian and communitarian education on the basis of a radical critique of society, supporting a revolutionary transformation of social relations.
The authors of this essay have been among the founders of the free school, who summarize the key thoughts of their lectures and papers presented and published during the last several years. They also describe the programs organized by the free school, which range from shadow-plays to the modelling of processes that form the surface of the Earth. They also reflect on the difficulties – both objective and subjective – which have hindered the development of their pedagogical attempt, and hope to provide help for all those who are dissatisfied with the present educational system, while being open to a radical critique of capitalism and ready to act for a change.
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A jelenlegi magyarországi iskolarendszer bírálata Mik a magyarországi iskolarendszer sajátosságai... more A jelenlegi magyarországi iskolarendszer bírálata Mik a magyarországi iskolarendszer sajátosságai, miben tér el más országok iskolarendszerétől, és miben hasonlít hozzájuk? Bevezetés
Drafts by Robin P A J T Á S Kollektíva
Miért és hogyan akarunk szabadiskolát létrehozni?
Papers by Robin P A J T Á S Kollektíva
The authors of this essay have been among the founders of the free school, who summarize the key thoughts of their lectures and papers presented and published during the last several years. They also describe the programs organized by the free school, which range from shadow-plays to the modelling of processes that form the surface of the Earth. They also reflect on the difficulties – both objective and subjective – which have hindered the development of their pedagogical attempt, and hope to provide help for all those who are dissatisfied with the present educational system, while being open to a radical critique of capitalism and ready to act for a change.
Drafts by Robin P A J T Á S Kollektíva
The authors of this essay have been among the founders of the free school, who summarize the key thoughts of their lectures and papers presented and published during the last several years. They also describe the programs organized by the free school, which range from shadow-plays to the modelling of processes that form the surface of the Earth. They also reflect on the difficulties – both objective and subjective – which have hindered the development of their pedagogical attempt, and hope to provide help for all those who are dissatisfied with the present educational system, while being open to a radical critique of capitalism and ready to act for a change.