Papers by Roberto Murphy-Arteaga
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2015
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2016
The dependence of the gate capacitance Cgds on biasing voltages in currentless regime is discusse... more The dependence of the gate capacitance Cgds on biasing voltages in currentless regime is discussed for nMOS and pMOS devices. The components of the overlap capacitance are extracted as well as the effective poly and channel length. The influence of processing conditions on the overlap capacitance is shown.
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics
The design, implementation and characterization of four Low Noise Amplifier architectures in a do... more The design, implementation and characterization of four Low Noise Amplifier architectures in a double poly, four metal layers, 0.35 µm CMOS technology from AMS AG biased at 1.2 V with a power consumption as low as 2.73 mW operating in a frequency band ranging from 1.94 to 2.58 GHz with Noise Figure around 1.3 dB and input intercept point up to 10 dBm are presented. With the performance exhibited by the proposed topologies, it is demonstrated that the use of the Flipped Voltage Follower structure is feasible to realize amplifiers at radio frequencies with low noise figure and good linearity performance preserving its characteristic low power consumption.
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2016
The applicability of a transmission line model for representing the distributed high frequency ef... more The applicability of a transmission line model for representing the distributed high frequency effects in a SiGe HBT is demonstrated in this paper. In addition, the corresponding parameter extraction from S-parameter measurements is proposed, allowing to achieve excellent model-experiment correlation of the electrical behavior of the device's input characteristics up to 60 GHz.

The aim of this paper is to present an historical compendium of ISTEC's activities in the region,... more The aim of this paper is to present an historical compendium of ISTEC's activities in the region, highlighting its core ideas and principles, and how these have been successfully applied for the benefit of many higher education institutions. These aim at dynamically improving the quality of quant coveraand access to of education in Latin America. They reflect ISTEC's multidisciplinary approach, based on entrepreneurial activities, not only to educate engineers but to produce the next generation of leaders the region needs. Latin America must be placed in the world map of education, innovation, generation of wealth and intellectual property with a strong sense of social responsibility. Due to the nature of ISTEC's members and strategic partners, the consortium can leverage and balance the influence of academia, industrial partners and government bodies to make the "Triple Helix" work for the benefit of our peoples in general, across geographical, cultural and social borders.
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2015
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2015

La factibilidad de un Split-Drain MAGFET como sensor magnético ha sido explorada con diversas met... more La factibilidad de un Split-Drain MAGFET como sensor magnético ha sido explorada con diversas metodologías, pero sin aprovechar más de un efecto galvanomagnético simultáneamente. Unificando trabajos realizados teórica y experimentalmente, modelos analíticos continuos para la relación entre las fuerzas actuando en la dirección de deflexión y el ángulo de Hall, así como criterios de diseño para incrementar la sensibilidad de un Split-Drain MAGFET son presentados. El análisis propuesto muestra que es posible aprovechar los efectos de deflexión de las líneas de corriente y de magnetorresistencia para incrementar la sensibilidad en un Split-Drain MAGFET. Con un Split-Drain MAGFET con canal considerado como plato de Hall corto, sensibilidades de hasta 59 %/T han sido obtenidas experimentalmente midiendo densidades de flujo magnético desde 90 µT hasta 275 µT. Esto es posible debido a la contribución de los dos efectos galvanomagnéticos considerados. Adicionalmente, un macro modelo SPICE para un Split-Drain MAGFET es propuesto para facilitar su uso en circuitos de mayor complejidad. Con respecto a los resultados experimentales obtenidos, el macro modelo SPICE propuesto tiene un error <1.6 % generando el desbalance entre las corrientes de drenaje. Como un Split-Drain MAGFET es compatible con tecnología CMOS, dominante en circuitos integrados, los resultados obtenidos muestran que es factible usarlo como sensor magnético en sistemas integrados CMOS de alta complejidad, lo cual puede abrir un amplio rango de aplicaciones con bajo costo. Descriptores: MAGFET, split-drain MAGFET, efectos galvanomagnéticos, efecto Hall, magnetorresistencia, sensor magnético.
This article presents a broadband (BB) metamaterial (MTM) reconfigurable transmission line (TL) c... more This article presents a broadband (BB) metamaterial (MTM) reconfigurable transmission line (TL) controllable by means of a MEMS capacitor. The device is based on coplanar waveguide (CPW) technology and operates at a central frequency of 5 GHz for a beam steering system. A design method for the transmission line, CRLH-MTM-MEMS, which consists of a mixed approach using the developed circuit model and full-wave simulations, is herein presented. Index Terms MTM metamaterial, TL transmission line, CPW coplanar waveguide, CRLH composite right/ left handed, MEMS micro-electro-mechanical systems.
The advancement of technology has made wireless communications ubiquitous, and thus they represen... more The advancement of technology has made wireless communications ubiquitous, and thus they represent a major field of study nowadays. The demand for engineers able to design circuits and systems to operate in the microwave regime is increasing every day, and universities and graduate schools have to form them in the best possible way, giving them the abilities and competences needed to succeed in this field.
2015 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, 2015

R&D in Latin America L atin America is a vast region of the American continents, spanning the sou... more R&D in Latin America L atin America is a vast region of the American continents, spanning the southern part of North America, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean, covering 21 million km 2 or roughly a little over twice the size of the United States, as shown in Figure 1. Close to 600 million people inhabit the area and go about their daily activities in Spanish, Portuguese, French, English, and a considerable number of autochthonous languages and dialects, varying from region to region. The area presents all types of geography and weather, from deserts to tropical rain forests, from very high temperatures to the very cold at the southernmost points bordering Antarctica, from beautiful beaches to high peaks. Its legacy dates from the early inhabit-ants, who settled several thousand years ago, leaving impressive rock constructions throughout. Adding to these archaeological ruins, the impressive colonial buildings in most cities make a very important des-tination for the ...
IEEE Transactions on Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology, 1991
Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Caracas Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems, 2004., 2004
An analytical methodology to extract MOSFET's extrinsic and intrinsic small-signal parameters is ... more An analytical methodology to extract MOSFET's extrinsic and intrinsic small-signal parameters is presented in this paper to perform accurate simulations at high-frequencies.
Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Caracas Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (Cat. No.02TH8611), 2002
A new method to determine MOSFET effective channel length and parasitic source/drain series resis... more A new method to determine MOSFET effective channel length and parasitic source/drain series resistance is presented in this paper. Compared to previously reported methods, the one presented here allows the determination of these parameters simultaneously and as a function of gate voltage. The method is based on the iterative solution of a derived linear-region drain current relation. The method is validated with experimental data taken from submicron LDD MOSFET's, and compared with several previously published methods.
A silicon magnetic field sensor (MFS) has been tested from 300 K down to 77 K. At 77 K the minimu... more A silicon magnetic field sensor (MFS) has been tested from 300 K down to 77 K. At 77 K the minimum detectable magnetic field B i n is 100 J1T compared to 3.5 mT at 300 K. m The relative magnetic sensitivity Sr increases from 0.046 1'1 at 300 K to 0.223 1'1 at 77 K. The MFS shows a fully linear behavior in the 0.1-100 mT magnetic range. The overall enhancement of 35 times in B min and 4.84 times in S,., and the fact that this MFS is fully CMOS compatible, opens the possibility for. the design and fabrication of monolithic cryogenic CMOS magnetic-field-sensing systems.
The applicability of a transmission line model for representing the distributed high frequency ef... more The applicability of a transmission line model for representing the distributed high frequency effects in a SiGe HBT is demonstrated in this paper. In addition, the corresponding parameter extraction from S-parameter measurements is proposed, allowing to achieve excellent model-experiment correlation of the electrical behavior of the device's input characteristics up to 60 GHz.
In this paper, a methodology to extract the parasitic substrate network of an RF-MOSFET with a ch... more In this paper, a methodology to extract the parasitic substrate network of an RF-MOSFET with a channel length of 80 nm and a width of 3 ȝm is proposed. In this transistor, the source is disconnected from the active area, which is the substrate connection. The device presents a separate substrate DC connection, which allows varying the bulk potential.
Papers by Roberto Murphy-Arteaga