Papers by Redakcja Instal
Instal 11/2024 No 11/2024, 2024
The article evaluates the feasibility of using rainfall data from Personal Weather Stations (PWS)... more The article evaluates the feasibility of using rainfall data from Personal Weather Stations (PWS) to monitor selected
rain episodes in Wrocław. PWS are gaining popularity due to their easy accessibility and low cost, enabling the
monitoring of atmospheric parameters such as temperature, humidity, pressure, rainfall, and wind speed and
direction. The study involved the analysis of data from 32 PWS located in Wrocław and its surroundings, which were
then compared with data from professional meteorological stations of IMGW-PIB and the MPWiK network in
Wrocław. The results showed that PWS data can be useful in monitoring heavy rainfall, which may lead to local
flooding, provided the stations are properly placed and the data are verified. The greatest challenge associated with
PWS is the risk of incorrect placement, which can affect measurement accuracy. Therefore, systematic verification and
interpretation of the collected data are necessary for their use in practical applications, such as urban hydrology.
Instal No 11/2024, 2024
Częstą przyczyną drgań w pompach wirowych są pulsacje ciśnienia wywołane oddziaływaniem wirnika i... more Częstą przyczyną drgań w pompach wirowych są pulsacje ciśnienia wywołane oddziaływaniem wirnika i kierownicy.
Mają one charakter periodyczny. Mogą przenosić się na tarcze wirnika i prowadzić nawet do ich uszkodzeń.
Wygodnym narzędziem określenia zbioru częstotliwości łopatkowych charakteryzujących te pulsacje jest diagram
przejścia. Pulsacje ciśnienia mogą wywołać rezonans strukturalny związany z częstotliwościami własnymi elementów
pompy bądź rezonans akustyczny w elementach rurowych. Znajomość częstotliwości łopatkowych ułatwia diagnostykę
drgań pompy wirowej. Pulsacje ciśnienia można zmniejszyć bądź przez stoczenie wirnika bądź skośny kształt
krawędzi łopatek wirnika lub kierownicy.
Instal No 11/2024, 2024
W artykule przedstawiono analizę zmian kosztów zakupu gazu dla 3 kotłowni (należących do wspólnot... more W artykule przedstawiono analizę zmian kosztów zakupu gazu dla 3 kotłowni (należących do wspólnot mieszkaniowych)
w okresie od 2019 r. do 2024 r. (2024’Q3). W tym czasie na rynek nośników energii miało wpływ wiele
czynników, które wynikały zarówno z polityki globalnej, jak i krajowej. W 2020 r. wybuchła pandemia COVID-19,
w 2022 r. nastąpiła zbrojna agresja Federacji Rosyjskiej na Ukrainę. Zrezygnowano z importu gazu z Rosji. Kryzys
energetyczny i ożywienie gospodarki po lockdown’ach doprowadziły na światowych rynkach do rekordowych cen
gazu i energii elektrycznej. W Polsce od 2022 r. niektórzy odbiorcy uzyskali ochronę przed nadmiernym wzrostem
kosztów w postaci tzw. tarczy antyinflacyjnej. W artykule została również przedstawiona analiza udziału poszczególnych
składowych w koszcie zakupu gazu oraz zmiany zużycia gazu w okresie letnim, w kolejnych latach. Wynik
tej analizy potwierdził zwiększenie zużycia ciepłej wody po wybuchu pandemii.
Instal No 11/2024, 2024
The paper presents solutions for the production of electricity using thermal water. The temperatu... more The paper presents solutions for the production of electricity using thermal water. The temperature and efficiency of
thermal water used in binary power plants operating worldwide are presented. These are binary power plants in
which thermal water of the lowest temperature is used. In Poland, the thermal water flowing out of the Konin GT-1
borehole has the highest temperature of 92oC. This is too low a temperature to be used for direct power generation
using a steam turbine. The temperature of the water flowing out of the Konin GT-1 well was compared with that of the
thermal water used in operating binary power plants. On this basis, it can be concluded that in Poland, in the light of
the current knowledge of the possibilities of obtaining thermal water, there is no economic justification for the
construction of binary power plants and the indirect production of electricity using thermal water.
Instal No 11/2024, 2024
Podano syntetyczny opis technologii „długiego Reliningu” oraz informację o podstawowym toku oblic... more Podano syntetyczny opis technologii „długiego Reliningu” oraz informację o podstawowym toku obliczeń umożliwiającym
dobór rury polietylenowej spełniającej wszystkie wymagania wytrzymałościowe. Zamieszczono informacje
o wymaganych pracach przygotowawczych, montażowych i końcowych. Istotnym fragmentem artykułu jest
zamieszczenie, czasami pomijanych w projektach, toków obliczeń na konkretnym przykładzie, które są niezbędne
na etapie przygotowania i montażu rur. Brak tych obliczeń może skutkować awarią rur lub krótszym niż oczekiwany
czasem ich eksploatacji. Zamieszczono także zestawienie ryzyk, które mogą się pojawić w przypadku niewłaściwego
przygotowania tej inwestycji.
No11/2024 Instal, 2024
The formation of hydrogen sulphide is a well-known, common and dangerous effect of biochemical tr... more The formation of hydrogen sulphide is a well-known, common and dangerous effect of biochemical transformations in wastewater.
Hydrogen sulphide is recognised as a major cause of odour and corrosion in sewer systems. Despite years of research, these issues
remain costly and unresolved problems. Models for predicting the increase in sulphide concentration at the end of the discharge
pipeline were analysed. The aim of the study was to test the predictive performance of selected empirical models on data obtained in
a laboratory experiment. A laboratory experiment was carried out, the essence of which was to reflect how sewer pressure pipelines
work. For this purpose, a ‘large-laboratory’ scale test bed was set up, with a capacity of several tens of litres and a pipeline length of
28.65 m. The experiment used mechanically treated wastewater from a municipal wastewater treatment plant. The results of the
increments in effluent sulphide concentrations obtained during the experiment were compared with the predictions resulting from the
selected models. Most of the models used repeatedly overestimated the results compared to observations. Only the models of Hvitved-
Jacobsen et al. and Nielsen et al. generated results of a similar order of magnitude, but not over the entire range of observations. The
EPA model was calibrated by adjusting the constant M, according to the results obtained in the experiment, using the least sum of
squares method. The resulting constant is much smaller than suggested by the model authors. An equation of its own was developed,
following slightly different assumptions. A non-linear effect of retention time on the increase in sulphide concentration was assumed. The
resulting model is statistically significant but does not have considerable accuracy. It was also created on a relatively small sample of
data. It is no less an attempt to present the issue of sulphide concentration forecasting from a slightly different angle.
No 10/2024 Instal, 2024
The aim this present paper is to determine the biodegradable waste composition in the Municipal W... more The aim this present paper is to determine the biodegradable waste composition in the Municipal Waste Recovery and Disposal Plant in Leśno Górne. It presents the analysis of the material composition of two fractions of 20-80 mm and > 80 mm in diameter, separated from municipal solid waste supplied to the MBT plant from three localities. The waste delivered to the plant within one year was analysed, the analyses were conducted once a month. On the basis of the percentage share of individual fractions and their material composition, having considered the mass of organic waste separated at the sorting stand, biodegradable waste balance (treated and intended for landfilling) was determined. Separate fractions 0-20 mm, 20-80 mm and > 80 mm constitute, 18.43%, 29.83 %, and 50.21% of the municipal waste mass, respectively. The content of individual fractions in waste mass showed seasonal fluctuations and differences depending on the place of waste generation. However, no statistically significant interactions were found regarding the share of particular fractions and the season and/or place of waste generation. The share of biodegradable waste in the granular size of 20-80 mm constituted, on average, approx. 60% of the mass, whereas the fraction of > 80 mm approx. 40%. The research showed that, approx. 50% of biodegradable waste is stabilized and the remaining share, together with the fraction of > 80 mm, is to be landfilled in the untreated form or sent to waste incineration plant.
no 10/2024 Instal, 2024
The aim this present paper is to determine the biodegradable waste composition in the Municipal W... more The aim this present paper is to determine the biodegradable waste composition in the Municipal Waste Recovery and Disposal Plant in Leśno Górne. It presents the analysis of the material composition of two fractions of 20-80 mm and > 80 mm in diameter, separated from municipal solid waste supplied to the MBT plant from three localities. The waste delivered to the plant within one year was analysed, the analyses were conducted once a month. On the basis of the percentage share of individual fractions and their material composition, having considered the mass of organic waste separated at the sorting stand, biodegradable waste balance (treated and intended for landfilling) was determined. Separate fractions 0-20 mm, 20-80 mm and > 80 mm constitute, 18.43%, 29.83 %, and 50.21% of the municipal waste mass, respectively. The content of individual fractions in waste mass showed seasonal fluctuations and differences depending on the place of waste generation. However, no statistically significant interactions were found regarding the share of particular fractions and the season and/or place of waste generation. The share of biodegradable waste in the granular size of 20-80 mm constituted, on average, approx. 60% of the mass, whereas the fraction of > 80 mm approx. 40%. The research showed that, approx. 50% of biodegradable waste is stabilized and the remaining share, together with the fraction of > 80 mm, is to be landfilled in the untreated form or sent to waste incineration plant.
No 10/2024 Instal, 2024
The aim of the research was to determine changes in the thermal power of the heat exchanger, base... more The aim of the research was to determine changes in the thermal power of the heat exchanger, based on the example
of a 10-section aluminum central heating radiator, due to the use of paint coating as anti-corrosion protection inside
the heating device. The tests were conducted in an accredited laboratory AB143 based on the harmonized standard
EN 442-2:2014. The publication briefly characterizes the working medium, which is water, its corrosive properties,
and the research method. Mathematical issues were reduced to a minimum so that the text was easily digestible for
a wide range of people: installers, users of central heating devices, and manufacturers of radiators (heat exchangers).
The publication does not mention a specific model of a central heating radiator or its manufacturer, as well as
information about powder paint, focusing on the issue under consideration.
Wpływ powłoki lakierniczej, jako zabezpieczenia antykorozyjnego wewnątrz wymiennika ciepła, na je... more Wpływ powłoki lakierniczej, jako zabezpieczenia antykorozyjnego wewnątrz wymiennika ciepła, na jego moc cieplną (na przykładzie aluminiowego grzejnika c.o.) The influence of paint coating as anti-corrosion protection inside the heat exchanger on the thermal power (example of an aluminum central heating radiator) MARCIN MŁODAWSKI
No 10/2024 Instal, 2024
Wpływ deflektorów zamontowanych wewnątrz cylindrycznej głowicy szczelinowej ujmującej wodę na roz... more Wpływ deflektorów zamontowanych wewnątrz cylindrycznej głowicy szczelinowej ujmującej wodę na rozkład prędkości wokół jej powierzchni The effect of deflectors mounted inside a cylindrical wedge wire screen capturing water on the velocity distribution around its surface AGATA PAWŁOWSKA-SALACH, MICHAŁ ZIELINA
No 10/2024 Instal, 2024
Photovoltaics remains the clear leader among all renewable energy sources in our country with a 6... more Photovoltaics remains the clear leader among all renewable energy sources in our country with a 60% share of installed capacity in this sector. The most important criterion for investing in a photovoltaic installation is determining the net profit over the entire life cycle. The article describes an existing PV micro-installation in a single-family house located in Sulejów, designed and installed by a company specializing in this field. The conducted considerations analyzed the production of electricity from PV installations, which is sold in its entirety to the grid at a 20% reduced price per 1 kWh of energy. The calculations assumed a 5% discount rate for the price of 1 kWh of electricity and an increase in demand for electricity of 1% year-on-year. In this paper, the analysis was carried out to check the profitability of the above-mentioned installation and to compare other possibilities of using the financial resources needed for its construction. This analysis includes the investment in long-term funds, the amount allocated for the purchase of PV panels and determines the profit that can be obtained by exploiting PV panels and the money saved thanks to this, to be invested. A safe long-term fund with an average annual return of 7% was adopted for the analysis. Each of the analyzed variants brings financial benefits, but the option that takes into account investing the money saved thanks to the PV installation allows for almost doubling the profit over the life cycle of the micro-installation.
No 10/2024 Instal, 2024
The aim this present paper is to determine the biodegradable waste composition in the Municipal W... more The aim this present paper is to determine the biodegradable waste composition in the Municipal Waste Recovery and Disposal Plant in Leśno Górne. It presents the analysis of the material composition of two fractions of 20-80 mm and > 80 mm in diameter, separated from municipal solid waste supplied to the MBT plant from three localities. The waste delivered to the plant within one year was analysed, the analyses were conducted once a month. On the basis of the percentage share of individual fractions and their material composition, having considered the mass of organic waste separated at the sorting stand, biodegradable waste balance (treated and intended for landfilling) was determined. Separate fractions 0-20 mm, 20-80 mm and > 80 mm constitute, 18.43%, 29.83 %, and 50.21% of the municipal waste mass, respectively. The content of individual fractions in waste mass showed seasonal fluctuations and differences depending on the place of waste generation. However, no statistically significant interactions were found regarding the share of particular fractions and the season and/or place of waste generation. The share of biodegradable waste in the granular size of 20-80 mm constituted, on average, approx. 60% of the mass, whereas the fraction of > 80 mm approx. 40%. The research showed that, approx. 50% of biodegradable waste is stabilized and the remaining share, together with the fraction of > 80 mm, is to be landfilled in the untreated form or sent to waste incineration plant.
No 10/2024 Instal, 2024
Regulacja odpływu wód opadowych z obszarów miejskich jest realizowana głównie przez wykorzystanie... more Regulacja odpływu wód opadowych z obszarów miejskich jest realizowana głównie przez wykorzystanie systemów kanalizacji deszczowej. Systemy te powinny zapewnić efektywne odprowadzenie wód opadowych z obszarów zurbanizowanych zarówno w ujęciu ilościowym (zapobieganie zjawiskom podtopień) jak i jakościowym (redukcja ładunków zanieczyszczeń odprowadzanych do odbiorników naturalnych). Można się spodziewać, że w najbliższej przyszłości standardy ochrony wód powierzchniowych przed odpływem wód opadowych ulegną zaostrzeniu i konieczna będzie modernizacja istniejących systemów kanalizacji deszczowej. Systemy odprowadzania wód opadowych należy projektować w sposób zrównoważony. Nie wszędzie można je jednak wdrożyć, głównie ze względu na gęstą zabudowę miejską lub niekorzystne warunki gruntowo-wodne. Dlatego też rozwój i modernizacja systemów podziemnych, głównie poprzez zwiększanie ich pojemności retencyjnej, pozostaje istotnym problemem inżynierskim. W artykule omówiono koncepcję wykorzystania zbiornika retencyjnego jako regulatora rozdziału odpływu wód opadowych. Stanowi alternatywę dla opisywanych w literaturze separatorów przepływu stosowanych w systemach kanalizacji deszczowej. Słowa kluczowe: kanalizacja, kanalizacja półrozdzielcza, zbiorniki retencyjne, SWMM 5.0, jakość wód opadowych Stormwater runoff from urban areas is mainly controlled by the use of storm sewage systems. These systems are expected to ensure efficient drainage of rainwater from urbanized areas in terms of quantity (prevention of flooding) and quality (reduction of pollutant load discharged to natural water reservoirs). It can be expected that standards for protecting surface water from rainwater runoff discharges will be tightened in the near future, and modernization of existing storm sewage systems will be necessary. Stormwater systems should be designed in a sustainable manner. However, they cannot be implemented everywhere, mainly due to dense urban development or unfavorable soil and water conditions. Therefore, the development and modernization of underground systems, mainly by increasing their retention capacity remain a important engineering problem. The present paper discusses the concept of using a retention reservoir as a controller of rainwater runoff distribution. It offers an alternative to the flow separators used in the storm sewage systems described in the literature.
No 10/2024 Instal, 2024
Warunki wilgotnościowe w pomieszczeniach z klimatyzacją opartą na osuszaniu kondensacyjnym-uwarun... more Warunki wilgotnościowe w pomieszczeniach z klimatyzacją opartą na osuszaniu kondensacyjnym-uwarunkowania i ograniczenia Humidity conditions in rooms with air conditioning based on condensation dehumidification-determinants and limits DARIUSZ KWIECIEŃ, AGNIESZKA ZAJĄC
Warunki wilgotnościowe w pomieszczeniach z klimatyzacją opartą na osuszaniu kondensacyjnym-uwarun... more Warunki wilgotnościowe w pomieszczeniach z klimatyzacją opartą na osuszaniu kondensacyjnym-uwarunkowania i ograniczenia Humidity conditions in rooms with air conditioning based on condensation dehumidification-determinants and limits DARIUSZ KWIECIEŃ, AGNIESZKA ZAJĄC
No 10/2024 Instal, 2024
Wodociągi i kanalizacja W odociągi i kanalizacja/ Water supply and sewage systems Budowa betonowy... more Wodociągi i kanalizacja W odociągi i kanalizacja/ Water supply and sewage systems Budowa betonowych kolektorów kanalizacyjnych w technologiach monolitycznych Construction of concrete sewer main in the monolithic technology
No 10/2024 Instal, 2024
Wodociągi i kanalizacja W odociągi i kanalizacja/ Water supply and sewage systems Jednostkowa ilo... more Wodociągi i kanalizacja W odociągi i kanalizacja/ Water supply and sewage systems Jednostkowa ilość komunalnych osadów ściekowych wytworzonych w aglomeracjach ujętych w sprawozdaniach KPOŚK Unit quantities of municipal sewage sludge produced in agglomerations included in KPOŚK reports
Papers by Redakcja Instal
rain episodes in Wrocław. PWS are gaining popularity due to their easy accessibility and low cost, enabling the
monitoring of atmospheric parameters such as temperature, humidity, pressure, rainfall, and wind speed and
direction. The study involved the analysis of data from 32 PWS located in Wrocław and its surroundings, which were
then compared with data from professional meteorological stations of IMGW-PIB and the MPWiK network in
Wrocław. The results showed that PWS data can be useful in monitoring heavy rainfall, which may lead to local
flooding, provided the stations are properly placed and the data are verified. The greatest challenge associated with
PWS is the risk of incorrect placement, which can affect measurement accuracy. Therefore, systematic verification and
interpretation of the collected data are necessary for their use in practical applications, such as urban hydrology.
Mają one charakter periodyczny. Mogą przenosić się na tarcze wirnika i prowadzić nawet do ich uszkodzeń.
Wygodnym narzędziem określenia zbioru częstotliwości łopatkowych charakteryzujących te pulsacje jest diagram
przejścia. Pulsacje ciśnienia mogą wywołać rezonans strukturalny związany z częstotliwościami własnymi elementów
pompy bądź rezonans akustyczny w elementach rurowych. Znajomość częstotliwości łopatkowych ułatwia diagnostykę
drgań pompy wirowej. Pulsacje ciśnienia można zmniejszyć bądź przez stoczenie wirnika bądź skośny kształt
krawędzi łopatek wirnika lub kierownicy.
w okresie od 2019 r. do 2024 r. (2024’Q3). W tym czasie na rynek nośników energii miało wpływ wiele
czynników, które wynikały zarówno z polityki globalnej, jak i krajowej. W 2020 r. wybuchła pandemia COVID-19,
w 2022 r. nastąpiła zbrojna agresja Federacji Rosyjskiej na Ukrainę. Zrezygnowano z importu gazu z Rosji. Kryzys
energetyczny i ożywienie gospodarki po lockdown’ach doprowadziły na światowych rynkach do rekordowych cen
gazu i energii elektrycznej. W Polsce od 2022 r. niektórzy odbiorcy uzyskali ochronę przed nadmiernym wzrostem
kosztów w postaci tzw. tarczy antyinflacyjnej. W artykule została również przedstawiona analiza udziału poszczególnych
składowych w koszcie zakupu gazu oraz zmiany zużycia gazu w okresie letnim, w kolejnych latach. Wynik
tej analizy potwierdził zwiększenie zużycia ciepłej wody po wybuchu pandemii.
thermal water used in binary power plants operating worldwide are presented. These are binary power plants in
which thermal water of the lowest temperature is used. In Poland, the thermal water flowing out of the Konin GT-1
borehole has the highest temperature of 92oC. This is too low a temperature to be used for direct power generation
using a steam turbine. The temperature of the water flowing out of the Konin GT-1 well was compared with that of the
thermal water used in operating binary power plants. On this basis, it can be concluded that in Poland, in the light of
the current knowledge of the possibilities of obtaining thermal water, there is no economic justification for the
construction of binary power plants and the indirect production of electricity using thermal water.
dobór rury polietylenowej spełniającej wszystkie wymagania wytrzymałościowe. Zamieszczono informacje
o wymaganych pracach przygotowawczych, montażowych i końcowych. Istotnym fragmentem artykułu jest
zamieszczenie, czasami pomijanych w projektach, toków obliczeń na konkretnym przykładzie, które są niezbędne
na etapie przygotowania i montażu rur. Brak tych obliczeń może skutkować awarią rur lub krótszym niż oczekiwany
czasem ich eksploatacji. Zamieszczono także zestawienie ryzyk, które mogą się pojawić w przypadku niewłaściwego
przygotowania tej inwestycji.
Hydrogen sulphide is recognised as a major cause of odour and corrosion in sewer systems. Despite years of research, these issues
remain costly and unresolved problems. Models for predicting the increase in sulphide concentration at the end of the discharge
pipeline were analysed. The aim of the study was to test the predictive performance of selected empirical models on data obtained in
a laboratory experiment. A laboratory experiment was carried out, the essence of which was to reflect how sewer pressure pipelines
work. For this purpose, a ‘large-laboratory’ scale test bed was set up, with a capacity of several tens of litres and a pipeline length of
28.65 m. The experiment used mechanically treated wastewater from a municipal wastewater treatment plant. The results of the
increments in effluent sulphide concentrations obtained during the experiment were compared with the predictions resulting from the
selected models. Most of the models used repeatedly overestimated the results compared to observations. Only the models of Hvitved-
Jacobsen et al. and Nielsen et al. generated results of a similar order of magnitude, but not over the entire range of observations. The
EPA model was calibrated by adjusting the constant M, according to the results obtained in the experiment, using the least sum of
squares method. The resulting constant is much smaller than suggested by the model authors. An equation of its own was developed,
following slightly different assumptions. A non-linear effect of retention time on the increase in sulphide concentration was assumed. The
resulting model is statistically significant but does not have considerable accuracy. It was also created on a relatively small sample of
data. It is no less an attempt to present the issue of sulphide concentration forecasting from a slightly different angle.
of a 10-section aluminum central heating radiator, due to the use of paint coating as anti-corrosion protection inside
the heating device. The tests were conducted in an accredited laboratory AB143 based on the harmonized standard
EN 442-2:2014. The publication briefly characterizes the working medium, which is water, its corrosive properties,
and the research method. Mathematical issues were reduced to a minimum so that the text was easily digestible for
a wide range of people: installers, users of central heating devices, and manufacturers of radiators (heat exchangers).
The publication does not mention a specific model of a central heating radiator or its manufacturer, as well as
information about powder paint, focusing on the issue under consideration.
rain episodes in Wrocław. PWS are gaining popularity due to their easy accessibility and low cost, enabling the
monitoring of atmospheric parameters such as temperature, humidity, pressure, rainfall, and wind speed and
direction. The study involved the analysis of data from 32 PWS located in Wrocław and its surroundings, which were
then compared with data from professional meteorological stations of IMGW-PIB and the MPWiK network in
Wrocław. The results showed that PWS data can be useful in monitoring heavy rainfall, which may lead to local
flooding, provided the stations are properly placed and the data are verified. The greatest challenge associated with
PWS is the risk of incorrect placement, which can affect measurement accuracy. Therefore, systematic verification and
interpretation of the collected data are necessary for their use in practical applications, such as urban hydrology.
Mają one charakter periodyczny. Mogą przenosić się na tarcze wirnika i prowadzić nawet do ich uszkodzeń.
Wygodnym narzędziem określenia zbioru częstotliwości łopatkowych charakteryzujących te pulsacje jest diagram
przejścia. Pulsacje ciśnienia mogą wywołać rezonans strukturalny związany z częstotliwościami własnymi elementów
pompy bądź rezonans akustyczny w elementach rurowych. Znajomość częstotliwości łopatkowych ułatwia diagnostykę
drgań pompy wirowej. Pulsacje ciśnienia można zmniejszyć bądź przez stoczenie wirnika bądź skośny kształt
krawędzi łopatek wirnika lub kierownicy.
w okresie od 2019 r. do 2024 r. (2024’Q3). W tym czasie na rynek nośników energii miało wpływ wiele
czynników, które wynikały zarówno z polityki globalnej, jak i krajowej. W 2020 r. wybuchła pandemia COVID-19,
w 2022 r. nastąpiła zbrojna agresja Federacji Rosyjskiej na Ukrainę. Zrezygnowano z importu gazu z Rosji. Kryzys
energetyczny i ożywienie gospodarki po lockdown’ach doprowadziły na światowych rynkach do rekordowych cen
gazu i energii elektrycznej. W Polsce od 2022 r. niektórzy odbiorcy uzyskali ochronę przed nadmiernym wzrostem
kosztów w postaci tzw. tarczy antyinflacyjnej. W artykule została również przedstawiona analiza udziału poszczególnych
składowych w koszcie zakupu gazu oraz zmiany zużycia gazu w okresie letnim, w kolejnych latach. Wynik
tej analizy potwierdził zwiększenie zużycia ciepłej wody po wybuchu pandemii.
thermal water used in binary power plants operating worldwide are presented. These are binary power plants in
which thermal water of the lowest temperature is used. In Poland, the thermal water flowing out of the Konin GT-1
borehole has the highest temperature of 92oC. This is too low a temperature to be used for direct power generation
using a steam turbine. The temperature of the water flowing out of the Konin GT-1 well was compared with that of the
thermal water used in operating binary power plants. On this basis, it can be concluded that in Poland, in the light of
the current knowledge of the possibilities of obtaining thermal water, there is no economic justification for the
construction of binary power plants and the indirect production of electricity using thermal water.
dobór rury polietylenowej spełniającej wszystkie wymagania wytrzymałościowe. Zamieszczono informacje
o wymaganych pracach przygotowawczych, montażowych i końcowych. Istotnym fragmentem artykułu jest
zamieszczenie, czasami pomijanych w projektach, toków obliczeń na konkretnym przykładzie, które są niezbędne
na etapie przygotowania i montażu rur. Brak tych obliczeń może skutkować awarią rur lub krótszym niż oczekiwany
czasem ich eksploatacji. Zamieszczono także zestawienie ryzyk, które mogą się pojawić w przypadku niewłaściwego
przygotowania tej inwestycji.
Hydrogen sulphide is recognised as a major cause of odour and corrosion in sewer systems. Despite years of research, these issues
remain costly and unresolved problems. Models for predicting the increase in sulphide concentration at the end of the discharge
pipeline were analysed. The aim of the study was to test the predictive performance of selected empirical models on data obtained in
a laboratory experiment. A laboratory experiment was carried out, the essence of which was to reflect how sewer pressure pipelines
work. For this purpose, a ‘large-laboratory’ scale test bed was set up, with a capacity of several tens of litres and a pipeline length of
28.65 m. The experiment used mechanically treated wastewater from a municipal wastewater treatment plant. The results of the
increments in effluent sulphide concentrations obtained during the experiment were compared with the predictions resulting from the
selected models. Most of the models used repeatedly overestimated the results compared to observations. Only the models of Hvitved-
Jacobsen et al. and Nielsen et al. generated results of a similar order of magnitude, but not over the entire range of observations. The
EPA model was calibrated by adjusting the constant M, according to the results obtained in the experiment, using the least sum of
squares method. The resulting constant is much smaller than suggested by the model authors. An equation of its own was developed,
following slightly different assumptions. A non-linear effect of retention time on the increase in sulphide concentration was assumed. The
resulting model is statistically significant but does not have considerable accuracy. It was also created on a relatively small sample of
data. It is no less an attempt to present the issue of sulphide concentration forecasting from a slightly different angle.
of a 10-section aluminum central heating radiator, due to the use of paint coating as anti-corrosion protection inside
the heating device. The tests were conducted in an accredited laboratory AB143 based on the harmonized standard
EN 442-2:2014. The publication briefly characterizes the working medium, which is water, its corrosive properties,
and the research method. Mathematical issues were reduced to a minimum so that the text was easily digestible for
a wide range of people: installers, users of central heating devices, and manufacturers of radiators (heat exchangers).
The publication does not mention a specific model of a central heating radiator or its manufacturer, as well as
information about powder paint, focusing on the issue under consideration.