Papers by Raldi Hendro Koestoer

Ex Aequo Et Bono Journal of Law, Jan 31, 2024
Activities at the port can cause damage to the environment. The impact can occur on air quality, ... more Activities at the port can cause damage to the environment. The impact can occur on air quality, water, and noise, to produce waste. Environmental damage at the port needs to be handled by managing the port in an environmentally sound manner that prioritizes environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable principles. The concept of ecologically friendly ports has been implemented in Egypt at Damietta Port and in Indonesia at the Nizam Zachman Ocean Fishing Port. This study analyzes the comparison of two ports in the two countries based on the implementation of eco-port policies and determines the positive and negative sides of the policy. Literature and comparative studies on the performance of eco ports were carried out for this research by analyzing the relevant theoretical basis from scientific journals, websites, and reports from related institutions. Based on the literature review analysis, Damietta Port in Egypt and the Ocean Fishery Port of Nizam Zachman Indonesia have implemented the eco port concept in managing their seaports. However, several positive and negative impacts must be addressed from implementing this policy based on environmental policy regulations, technical benefits, economic benefits, and humans
Electric vehicle (EV) is an alternative expected to be tail-pipe emission-free and improve public... more Electric vehicle (EV) is an alternative expected to be tail-pipe emission-free and improve public health. Switching conventional or internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) to EVs becomes a potential strategy for realizing urban sustainability. The study aims to review the environmental impact between ICEV and EV in

Waste that has a high organic matter content can be treated biologically under anaerobic conditio... more Waste that has a high organic matter content can be treated biologically under anaerobic conditions or using bacteria that can live in an environment without oxygen. One method of wastewater treatment that can reduce high organic content is the Fixed Bed type anaerobic reactor system. The purpose of this research is to compare the treatment of organic wastewater using a Fixed Bed type anaerobic reactor that has been implemented in Germany with that implemented in Indonesia. The method used is a literature study by comparing case studies between the two countries, so the methodology used is a systematic literature review. Based on the results of the discussion, it is known that the organic waste that is processed using an anaerobic reactor carried out in Germany has several differences starting from the sub-stages of the process, and operations to the materials used such as the use of pumps, installation storage tanks, sewage filtration, use of stainless steel and heat exchangers. These differences if applied in Indonesia can cost relatively a lot so they are not suitable for application in Indonesia. Based on the literature study, it was concluded that the anaerobic wastewater treatment solution using a fixed bed type in Indonesia can be a good opportunity and can be imitated by other countries because it has simple equipment, but the reactor efficiency and the resulting percentage of methane production are relatively high. although the required HRT is long, anaerobic catalysts can be used as a solution.

Applied Environmental Science, Jul 30, 2023
The global commitment to manage climate change issues is getting stronger and stronger. Therefore... more The global commitment to manage climate change issues is getting stronger and stronger. Therefore this review is carried out with the objective to obtain recent progress of efforts on emission control and handling through CCUS by various countries around the world. This review is carried out to highlight the development of carbon capture utilization and/or storage (CCUS) in China, the USA, and India, as these countries are known to be the most energy consumption countries. Its campaign to reduce emissions will contribute significantly to the effort of managing the global warming issue. The method used in this study is a literature review on the policies, studies, and projects mainly in China, and several other countries for comparison. The review found that although China is relatively late in doing such activities on climate change, but the progress is significantly faster than the others. The numbers of studies and patents are much higher than other countries, and the central and local governments issued a number of policies to help encourages the industries. The USA is known as one of the leading countries implementing CCS/CCUS and still creating incentive policies. European, Russian, and Indian countries pay serious attention to this effort and implement it while Indonesia as a non-industrial country is catching up. From this literature research, it can be concluded that the technology for implementing CCUS is still at a high cost so policy and government funding support is needed as well as non-traditional sources of capital source such as green funding, carbon trading, etc.

Journal Of Social Research, Sep 7, 2023
This research aims to investigate the community profile and challenges faced by Tanah Merah Baru ... more This research aims to investigate the community profile and challenges faced by Tanah Merah Baru Village in Teluk Bintuni, West Papua, following diesel fuel spill disasters associated with transportation activities near an LNG exploration company operation. The study employs a comprehensive research methodology, combining quantitative surveys, qualitative interviews, and focus group discussions with community representatives and a company's oil spill response team. Data was collected and analyzed by using descriptive statistics and factor analysis through IBM SPSS Statistics Version 27 software. The findings reveal that the community profile is influenced by social, economic, and environmental factors. Additionally, there is a low level of awareness and community participation in handling diesel fuel spills and implementing the Oil Spill Contingency Plan (OSCP). Notably, variations exist in the perceptions and attitudes towards diesel fuel spills among community members who have previous exposure to the company's operational environment. To enhance the community's profile and resilience, targeted efforts are required to provide information and training, thereby improving preparedness and response capabilities in handling diesel fuel spills effectively

Journal of Marine and Island Cultures
As a result of damage since the 2010s, mangrove forests require conservation efforts, such as ref... more As a result of damage since the 2010s, mangrove forests require conservation efforts, such as reforestation, business permits in coastal areas, rearrangement of coastal spatial planning, and law enforcement regulated by the government in environmental policies. This study aims to assess the evolution and identify knowledge related to mangrove conservation policies in Southeast Asian (SEA) countries using in-depth bibliometric and content analysis. This paper describes mangrove restoration and conservation policies in SEA countries . The results of the study show that as many as 220 articles about mangroves in SEA have been published, this shows that there is an increasing interest in disclosing mangrove restoration policies, included in SEA countries. Globally, there are similarities in regulations between countries: the difference lies in the application of the rules. Changes in land use are one of the drivers of mangrove damage in SEA countries . However, only a few researchers ha...

Emerging science journal, Apr 1, 2024
This study aims to evaluate the growth and production of sweet corn plants in response to the app... more This study aims to evaluate the growth and production of sweet corn plants in response to the application of commercial NPK fertilizer and various doses of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer tablets. From early October 2022 to late January 2023, research was conducted at Research and Development Luas Birus Utama to produce nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer tablets and at Research and Development Syngenta Indonesia Cikampek Station, Karawang, to perform a semi-field analysis. A factorial randomized block design with two treatment factors was employed in this study. The first factor was five types of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer tablets, namely, A (0% nitrogen and 6.3% phosphorus), B (0.81% nitrogen and 6.3% phosphorus), C (1.57% nitrogen and 6.1% phosphorus), D (2.33% nitrogen and 6.2% phosphorus), and E (3.06% nitrogen and 6.2% phosphorus). The second factor was F (standard nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium). The results revealed that applying different dosages of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer tablets in combination with potassium chloride fertilizer yielded no different effect on the growth, biomass, and yield components of sweet corn plants when compared to applying NPK fertilizer. A comparison between the soil test results before and after application revealed that the formulation of fertilizers in tablet form helps plants to effectively absorb the required nutrients. It is currently possible to develop small-scale or microscale green ammonia production technology to fulfill the fertilizer requirements of rural communities because of its low cost, low carbon emissions, and low renewable energy consumption. The scarcity of fertilizer supplies endangers Indonesia's food sustainability. Nitrogenphosphorus fertilizer tablet production technology can be used in areas with a scarcity of inorganic fertilizers but with the potential for low-grade phosphate mines using commercial ammonia solutions. Thus, understanding how to produce nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer tablets from ammonia solution will aid in the acceptance of microscale green ammonia production technology.

Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan, Nov 9, 2023
Indonesia memiliki potensi mengembangkan industri gula berkelanjutan. Dalam menuju industri berke... more Indonesia memiliki potensi mengembangkan industri gula berkelanjutan. Dalam menuju industri berkelanjutan dibutuhkan tata kelola dalam industri gula sehingga dapat mendorong produktivitas dan meningkatkan daya saing tinggi serta mendukung keberlanjutan lingkungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengulas dan membandingkan tata kelola industri gula antara Brazil dan Indonesia, sehingga dapat menghasilkan rekomendasi yang tepat dalam tata kelola Industri gula. Pendekatan penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dengan studi literatur penelitian di Brazil dan literatur lainnya. Industri gula di Brazil berkembang melalui penetapan kebijakan melalui undang-undang Renovabio dalam mengembangkan biofuel. Pemerintah Brazil memberikan insentif untuk mendorong pelaku industri gula di Brazil dalam menerapkan industri gula berkelanjutan. Hal tersebut bertujuan untuk mengurangi efek gas rumah kaca (GRK). Hal tersebut mendorong industri gula di Brazil memiliki produktivitas dan daya saing tinggi secara global. Produktivitas Industri gula di Indonesia dibandingkan Brazil sangat rendah. Pada periode tahun 2010 hingga 2020, hasil produksi gula di Indonesia hanya sekitar 5 ton per hektar dengan rata-rata yield 68,85-ton tebu per hektar. Sedangkan, yield perkebunan tebu di Brazil rata-rata di atas 70 ton per hektar. Dalam tata kelola, Brazil juga menggunakan teknologi pertanian pada industri hulu, dan didukung dengan kebijakan energi terbarukan tersebut. Kata kunci: Penelitian perbandingan, industri gula tebu, tata kelola industri gula, pangan berkelanjutan, industri gula berkelanjutan

Civil engineering journal, Apr 1, 2024
This study conducts the valuation of the urban Green Open Spaces (GOS) in Jakarta (Indonesia) usi... more This study conducts the valuation of the urban Green Open Spaces (GOS) in Jakarta (Indonesia) using the life satisfaction approach (LSA). We integrated the important elements of the LSA, such as housing structure and environmental facilities, into a comprehensive valuation model (using hedonic variables). By explicitly acknowledging the limited application of these methodologies in developing nations, this study endeavors to provide a context-specific understanding of the economic value of GOS in Jakarta. The LSA model, a novel non-market valuation tool, employs community life satisfaction as its primary metric. In this study, we analyzed the satisfaction levels of residents of Jakarta based on a 10point scale; the responses of a total of 1,592 participants were collected through online questionnaires in 2021 (during the pandemic). We considered various independent variables, including socioeconomic factors, housing attributes, environmental facilities, location amenities, and the presence of GOS. The analysis involved LSA and ordinary least squares (OLS) models in the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The results indicate that several variables, such as longer residence duration, good employment status, high income "over 20 million Indonesian Rupiah (IDR); approximately USD 1281.56", and access to more shopping centers, positively influenced the life satisfaction of the residents, which is in line with the studies conducted in western countries. Surprisingly, the economic evaluation of urban GOS portrayed a limited impact on the residents' life satisfaction, while negative aspects, e.g., the presence of cemeteries around residential areas (19.1%), impacted the residents significantly. Urban parks did not portray statistical significance in influencing the residents' life satisfaction, despite having a positive impact across all radii of urban regions. Urban forests exhibited a positive impact, mainly within the 100-500-m radius, with a significant impact on resident life satisfaction. Our attempt to assess the values of landscape amenities in Jakarta using LSA marks a pioneering effort in the field of environmental science with respect to community preferences. Consequently, this study contributes significantly to the evolving yet limited literature in this domain. The results differ from those of the Global North research, emphasizing the need for context-specific urban planning strategies. Our study offers valuable insights for urban planners and government entities and can guide GOS development to enhance urban sustainability and community satisfaction. The implications extend to urban centers in Indonesia and other developing countries, emphasizing the importance of optimizing limited urban spaces based on community preferences.

The number of Green Open Space (GOS) in Jakarta has been decreased by 23% from 1983 to 2013. Curr... more The number of Green Open Space (GOS) in Jakarta has been decreased by 23% from 1983 to 2013. Currently, the area is only about 4.65% (3,080.89 ha) and still far from the public GOS target based on Act No. 26 the Year 2007 which targeted at least 20% of the Province area. The planning of green zone in Jakarta Spatial Planning 2020 is only about 11.7% (7,749.36 ha) of the total area. Based on the Local Regulation No. 1 the Year 2008 on Jakarta Mid Term Development Planning 2007-2012, Jakarta Capital City Government (JCCG) should create GOS Masterplan as a development guide of GOS to the future. The government has not completed the master plan yet. The government committed by lowering down the emission by 30% in 2030. The study aims to analyze the need for GOS Masterplan in Jakarta to increase both GOS's quality and quantity. The objective of this study is to investigate the planning document of GOS Masterplan. The method used by reviewing the GOS Masterplan according to Jakarta Spatial Planning 2030 in order to support Local Action Plan for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction at 2030 for climate mitigation.

Natural Hazards
Flood resilience has emerged as an essential element in flood risk management, emphasizing the ne... more Flood resilience has emerged as an essential element in flood risk management, emphasizing the need to enhance urban stakeholders' perceptual and mitigative capabilities to minimize vulnerability and mitigate the impacts of floods. Given the significance of reducing vulnerability, it becomes imperative to understand the full scope of resilience in flood risk management strategies. Therefore, the study proposed a framework for understanding flood resilience in an urban flood-prone area using a subjective approach in a study area in three flood-affected Subdistricts in Periuk District, Tangerang City, Indonesia. A mixed-method strategy was employed, combining quantitative data from 354 affected households with qualitative insights from in-depth interviews with ten neighborhood leaders. The quantitative approach utilized composite indicators, criteria weighting, and indices to evaluate flood resilience. The household questionnaire covered various factors influencing flood resilience, including social, economic, home environment, communication and information, social capital, institutional, and risk perception. The main finding of this study is that employing a subjective mixed method, incorporating quantitative and qualitative methodologies, enables a thorough assessment of household flood resilience. The results reveal that communication and information, social capital, institutional factors, and community perception exhibit notably very high indices, while criteria related to social, economic, and home environment factors attain relatively high scores. This study enhances the understanding of household flood resilience by employing a subjective approach, combining quantitative data from flood-affected households and qualitative data from neighborhood leaders. This framework expedites comprehension and yields reliable results.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Sea level rise due the climate change has emerged the coastal flood phenomena in North Jakarta. C... more Sea level rise due the climate change has emerged the coastal flood phenomena in North Jakarta. Coastal flood gives a negative impact on the environment and socioeconomic life of the Marunda community, forcing the communities to be locally adapted towards the disaster. Community Local adaptation defined as an effort to reduce the risk of flooding based on their behavioral and cultural actions. The purpose of this study was to identify the community local adaptation strategies in confronting the coastal flooding based on the socioeconomic and environmental perspectives in Marunda, North Jakarta, Indonesia. This study uses a narrative review analysis from indepth interviews, observations, and literature studies. Data analysis includes the stage of action diagnosis and action evaluation. Based on the results, the local adaptation strategy in Marunda community are classified into three phases, namely at the step before, after, and during a flood. These three stages contain elements of physical and social adaptation derived from the ability of the community to remember experiences, learning from experience, and sharing experiences with individuals and other groups. These three abilities help the community to take adaptation actions so that the Marunda community becomes resilient to coastal flood.
Majalah demografi Indonesia, 1992
&... more "This paper examines the family decision making process in choosing the dwelling area in urban fringe region of BOTABEK [the suburbs of Jakarta, Indonesia]." Consideration is given to survey methodology and the characteristics of respondents, commuting times and means of transportation, socioeconomic factors, and reasons for commuters' choice of residence. (SUMMARY IN IND)

Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) is increasingly being utilized as an analytical research too... more Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) is increasingly being utilized as an analytical research tool for sectors that require decision-making with specific objectives and constraints, such as the tourism industry. Sustainable tourism, which examines the balance of numerous aspects, including stakeholders’ interests, is the critical feature propelling the increased usage of MCDM. This paper explores the use of Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods applied in studies of sustainable tourism and its derivative term, low-carbon tourism, using a systematic literature review (SLR) search from the Scopus database. The analysis has identified 189 relevant studies published between 1987 to April 2022. After selection, screening, and synthesizing processes, we selected 135 pertinent studies, which were analysed in general descriptive data, citation impacts, geographical categorization, categorization of the methodologies’ objectives, and possible trajectories of similar research in the fu...
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
Papers by Raldi Hendro Koestoer