Papers by Ramazan Yolaçan
International archives of medical research, Jun 5, 2024

Van tıp dergisi, Dec 31, 2023
Introduction: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic disease that can involve various regi... more Introduction: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic disease that can involve various regions and layers of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus, with exacerbations-remissions, genetic predisposition and extra intestinal symptoms. Although many activity indices have been used to show the activation of the disease, there is still no consensus on the determination of di sease activation. The aim of this study was to investigate the utility of mean platelet volume (MPV), an inexpensive , easily accessible test, as a marker for clinical activation in IBD. Materials and Methods: 94 clinically active ulcerative colitis, 45 Crohn's patients and 140 healthy individuals over 18 years of age, colonoscopically and histopathologically confirmed in our clinic, were included in the study. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients, laboratory results, colonoscopy and pathology reports were evaluated retrospectively. Results: While 87 (62.6%) of the patients included in the study were m ale, 85 (60.7%) of the control group were male. The mean ages of the patient and control groups were 45.7±16.5 years and 42.9±14.2 years, respectively. Infection in both active and remission periods of the IBD group, C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and leukocyte values were statistically higher in IBD compared to the control group. MPV was found to be lower in IBD compared to the control group. In addition, MPV values were also lower in the active disease period compared to the remission period. Conclusion: Inflammatory parameters are used in the diagnosis and activation of IBD. We suggest that MPV can also be used as an inflammation marker to show the activation of IBD.

European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Objective The effect of antiviral drugs on the erectile dysfunction (ED) problem expressed by som... more Objective The effect of antiviral drugs on the erectile dysfunction (ED) problem expressed by some patients using antiviral drugs due to chronic hepatitis B infection (HBV) was investigated. Methods A total of 102 male patients receiving antiviral therapy for HBVinfection without any known non-cirrhotic and comorbid disease that may cause ED and whodon’t use any drugs with an ED formation potential were analyzed through the InternationalIndex of Erectile Function test. Results Among the patients admitted to the study, anxiety disorder was detected as 24.5% (n = 25) and depression as 46.1% (n = 47). 70.6% (n = 72) of the patients suffered ED. Severe ED was only detected in 3 (n = 2.9%) patients. ED was detected in 70.6% of the entecavir, 64.2% of tenofovir, and 80% of Tenofovir alafenamide users (P = 0.287). On the other hand, the logistics regression analysis revealed that the most important factors that increase the risk of ED are age (>55 age; RR: 2.66; P < 0.001), and anxie...
Laboratoriumsmedizin, Apr 25, 2018
Background/aim: Thiol-disulfide homeostasis is an important antioxidant defense mechanism. This s... more Background/aim: Thiol-disulfide homeostasis is an important antioxidant defense mechanism. This study was conducted to investigate dynamic thiol-disulfide homeostasis in patients with hepatitis B virus-related chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. Materials and methods: Seventy-one treatment-naive patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB), 50 patients with hepatitis B virusassociated liver cirrhosis, and 45 healthy controls were included in the study. Serum total and native thiol concentrations and serum disulfide concentrations were measured using an automated method.

Electronic Journal of General Medicine, 2017
Lung cancer is known as a disease leading to metastases to all types of organs. Although covering... more Lung cancer is known as a disease leading to metastases to all types of organs. Although covering a large part of the body and of much blood building-up, skeletal muscles are rare metastatic areas. In autopsies, less than 1% of malignant cancers that are spread hematogenously is known to lead to metastasis. A 51-year-old male patient diagnosed with squamous cell lung cancer and known to be in regression via screening after the administration of 32-day curative radiotheraphy and 6-cycle chemotherapy, the patient was radiologically followed-up. Four months later, he was admitted to outpatient clinic with the complaint of left hip pain. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a lesion of nodular, necrotic metastatic mass within left gluteus muscles. As a result of tru-cut biopsy performed for the solid lesion, metastasis of carcinoma was detected. As also in our case, metastatic muscle disease should be suspected in patients with muscle pain.

Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer, 2019
Purpose Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) ranks fifth among the common cancers worldwide. Hepatocarc... more Purpose Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) ranks fifth among the common cancers worldwide. Hepatocarcinogenesis is a multiple-phases process, which involves changes in cellular genomes including high cell proliferation.In this study, we aimed to evaluate the relationship of NGAL level at the time of diagnosis with mortality in patients diagnosed with HCC. Material and Methods A total of 35 patients who developed HCC on the ground of HBV(+) and 30 healthy subjects were included in the study. Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC), Okuda staging system, and Milan criteria were used for staging of the patients with HCC. Results The mean age of all patients was 59.54 ± 11.57 years. Seventeen (48.6%) HCC patients died during 1-year follow-up. Survival of the patients who met the Milan criteria was longer (log-rank (Mantel-Cox) test, χ2 = 5.353, p = 0.021). Kaplan-Meier curve was drawn for NGAL cutoff value, mortality was found to be higher in patients with a NGAL level higher than 217.50 (log-rank (Mantel-Cox) test, χ2 = 15.540, p < 0.001). Conclusion In this study, we found that high levels of NGAL at the time of diagnosis were associated with poor prognosis in HCC patients.

İstanbul medical journal, Feb 1, 2021
Introduction: Acute non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding (ANVUGIB) is an important public... more Introduction: Acute non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding (ANVUGIB) is an important public health problem with high rates of morbidity and mortality. ANVUGIB results in hypovolemia, hypotension, and shock, increasing cardiac oxygen use and may cause elevated serum levels of cardiac troponin (cTn). In this study, we aimed to evaluate whether elevated cTnI has clinical significance in patients with ANVUGIB. Methods: A total of 62 patients diagnosed with ANVUGIB whose serum cTnI levels were studied at the time of admission and follow-up in our clinic from January 2015 to January 2016 were included in the study. Patients with acute cardiac diseases that may cause elevated cTn were excluded from the study. Results: Forty-three of the patients were male (69.4%), and the mean age of all patients was 71.52±13.30 years. The mean cTnI level was 0.042±0.097 in all patients, with cTnI levels higher than the reference value in nine (14.5%) patients. In logistic regression analysis, the factors found to contribute to cTnI were tachycardia, chronic kidney disease, and coronary artery disease. In receiver operating characteristic analysis, cutoff values of 0.025 and 6.5 were found for cTnI and the Rockall score, respectively. In addition, cTnI and the Rockall score were shown to affect survival [log-rank (Mantel-Cox) test: p=0.011; log-rank (Mantel-Cox) test: p=0.014; respectively]. Conclusion: We believe that serum cTnI levels studied during the first admission will be found useful as a biomarker in addition to the other existing risk determination systems, in order to identify patients at risk, even if findings of acute coronary syndrome are not observed in patients presenting with ANVUGIB.
Akademik Gastroenteroloji Dergisi
Interferon β-1a is an immunomodulatory drug widely used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. L... more Interferon β-1a is an immunomodulatory drug widely used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Liver dysfunction is a common side effect of this drug and usually develops within the first 6 months of starting interferon therapy. Here, we present our case who developed hepatotoxicity secondary to interferon β-1a treatment.
Clinical endoscopy, 2015
An ectopic opening of the common bile duct (CBD) into the duodenal bulb is a very rare congenital... more An ectopic opening of the common bile duct (CBD) into the duodenal bulb is a very rare congenital anomaly of the biliary system, which may cause recurrent duodenal ulcer or biliary diseases such as choledocholithiasis and cholangitis. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) plays a major role in the diagnosis of this anomaly. We report two such cases: one in a 61-year-old man and the other in a 57-year-old man. In the first case, this anomaly caused acute cholangitis with multiple CBD stones, which were successfully treated by ERCP. In the second case, abdominal computed tomography showed pneumobilia, which was further evaluated using ERCP. Besides, this patient was diagnosed with an ectopic opening of the CBD associated with gallbladder cancer. We report these unusual cases and review the relevant medical literature.
Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Meram Tıp Fakültesi, 2016
Genel Tip Dergisi, 2016
Amaç: Pegile interferon+ribavirin kombinasyonu uzun yıllar kronik hepatit C tedavisinde standart ... more Amaç: Pegile interferon+ribavirin kombinasyonu uzun yıllar kronik hepatit C tedavisinde standart tedavi olmuştur. Son yıllarda proteaz inhibitörleri bu kombinasyona ilave edilmiş ve daha yüksek kalıcı virolojik yanıt oranları elde edilebilmiştir. Biz bu çalışmada kliniğimizde takip edilen ve PEG-İFN+ribavirin+proteaz inhibitörü içeren üçlü tedavi alan hastalarımızın verilerini retrospektif olarak değerlendirmeyi amaçladık.

Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 2022
Pankreas kanseri oldukça kötü prognozlu bir hastalık olup, insidansı giderek artmaktadır. Bu hast... more Pankreas kanseri oldukça kötü prognozlu bir hastalık olup, insidansı giderek artmaktadır. Bu hastalıkta birden fazla prognostik belirteç bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmadaki amaç kliniğimizde pankreas kanseri tanısı alan hastaların yaşam süresini etkileyen prognostik faktörleri saptamaktı. Yöntemler: Kliniğimize Ocak 2011-Haziran 2020 tarihleri arasında başvuran ve pankreas kanseri tanısı konulan 127 hastanın demografik ve klinik özellikleri, laboratuvar sonuçları, kontrastlı abdomen tomografisi bulguları ve tedavilere cevapları retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hastaların 85'i (%67) erkek 42'si (%33) kadın olup, yaş ortalaması 62,6±12,5 (27-90) yıl, ortalama sağ kalma süresi 11,6±1,3 ay; 1 yıllık ortalama sağ kalım oranı %31 ve 5 yıllık ortalama sağ kalım oranı %0,9 idi. Pankreas kanseri prognozu ile cinsiyet, tümör çapı, tümör lokalizasyonu, DM varlığı, patolojik LAP varlığı, vasküler invazyon, kemoterapi alınması, serum CA 19-9 ve CA125 seviyesi arasında anlamlı ilişki saptanmazken, ileri yaş (p=0.01), karaciğer metastazı (P=0.016) ve yüksek serum CEA düzeyinin (p=0.013) kötü prognostik faktör ve cerrahi rezeksiyon yapılmasının (p=0.039) iyi prognostik faktör olduğu saptandı. Sonuç: Pankreas kanseri tedavisi sırasında hastalığın prognozunu etkileyen faktörlerin göz önünde bulundurulması faydalı olabilir.
Ocular Immunology and Inflammation
Annals of Medical Research
Papers by Ramazan Yolaçan