Volumen 25 Número 3 by R. Fajardo
A necropsy was performed on a 43-year-old female zoo chimpanzee, with cancer in the vulvar and pe... more A necropsy was performed on a 43-year-old female zoo chimpanzee, with cancer in the vulvar and perivulvar region. She was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma, the presence of this tumor in domestic animals and non-human primates is very rare in the vulvar region and there were no previous reports found on it in chimpanzee, due to which this report contributes to the knowledge on chimpanzee pathologies.

Revista MVZ Córdoba, 2020
Objetivo. Realizar el aislamiento del virus de la viremia primaveral de la carpa (SVCV) en ejempl... more Objetivo. Realizar el aislamiento del virus de la viremia primaveral de la carpa (SVCV) en ejemplares de carpa común (Cyprinus carpio), evaluar su crecimiento en diferentes tipos de células, así como la supervivencia viral a diferentes temperaturas. Materiales y métodos. Diez carpas de entre 400- 500 gramos de una laguna del centro de México fueron procesadas para el diagnóstico de SVCV mediante aislamiento en cultivo de células y RT-PCR semianidado. El virus obtenido se inoculó en células EPC, BF-2, CHSE-214 y RTG-2 para determinar diferencias de crecimiento de SVCV. Además, se evaluó la supervivencia del virus conservado a temperatura ambiente (TA 20-25°C), refrigeración (REF 4°C) y congelación (CONG -80°C) hasta once meses. Los órganos internos se procesaron para análisis histológico. Resultados. Los peces analizados no presentaron signos externos sugestivos de enfermedad, pero interna e histopatológicamente se observaron lesiones sugestivas de infección sistémica. SVCV fue aislado en células EPC y BF-2 y confirmado por RT-PCR semianidado. SVCV únicamente indujo CPE en células EPC y BF-2 y fue negativo en RTG-2 y CHSE-214. El virus conservado a TA perdió viabilidad después de cuatro meses post infección (mpi), siendo total a seis mpi; mientras REF y CONG fueron estables durante los once meses de estudio. Conclusiones. La infección subclínica por SVCV fue confirmada en carpas que presentaron lesiones histológicas asociadas a esta infección. SVCV únicamente causó CPE en células EPC y BF-2 y el virus conservó su viabilidad a 4oC y -80°C hasta once meses; mientras que a TA se perdió en seis meses.
Papers by R. Fajardo
Uno de los problemas que se presentan con frecuencia en las explotaciones lecheras de Mexico, es ... more Uno de los problemas que se presentan con frecuencia en las explotaciones lecheras de Mexico, es el de cojeras por ulceras de la pezuna, conocido por lo general como gabarro, enfermedad infecciosa caracterizada por inflamacion del tejido sensible de las p
Uno de los problemas que se presentan con frecuencia en las explotaciones lecheras de Mexico, es ... more Uno de los problemas que se presentan con frecuencia en las explotaciones lecheras de Mexico, es el de cojeras por ulceras de la pezuna, conocido por lo general como gabarro, enfermedad infecciosa caracterizada por inflamacion del tejido sensible de las p
Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 2009
Veterinary Research Communications, 2011
Canine Distemper is a highly contagious viral systemic disease that affects a wide variety of ter... more Canine Distemper is a highly contagious viral systemic disease that affects a wide variety of terrestrial carnivores. Canine Distemper virus (CDV) appears genetically heterogeneous, markedly in the hemagglutinin protein (H), showing geographic patterns of diversification that are useful to monitor CDV molecular epidemiology. In Mexico the activity of canine distemper remains high in dogs, likely because vaccine prophylaxis coverage in

Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2018
The objective of this work was to detect the presence of three main pig respiratory viral agents ... more The objective of this work was to detect the presence of three main pig respiratory viral agents (porcine rubulavirus [PorPV], porcine circovirus type 2 [PCV-2], and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus [PRRSV]) in tissues of emaciated piglets from the Baj'o Region (Mexico). Necropsies and histopathological studies of 37 pigs with poor body condition were performed; viruses were detected by molecular biology methods and PCV-2 was further assessed by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Histopathologically, interstitial pneumonia was observed in 25/37 (68%) of the piglets. Also, a varying degree of lymphocyte depletion in lymphoid organs was found in 14/37 (38%) animals. Through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and/or reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), from the 37 pigs, 16 were positive for PCV-2, 18 for PRRSV and 1 for PorPV. In accordance with these results, the infection and/or co-infection with PCV-2 and PRRSV were fairly frequent findings in pigle...

Canine Distemper is a highly contagious viral systemic disease that affects a wide variety of ter... more Canine Distemper is a highly contagious viral systemic disease that affects a wide variety of terrestrial carnivores. Canine Distemper virus (CDV) appears genetically heterogeneous, markedly in the hemagglutinin protein (H), showing geographic patterns of diversification that are useful to monitor CDV molecular epidemiology. In Mexico the activity of canine distemper remains high in dogs, likely because vaccine prophylaxis coverage in canine population is under the levels required to control effectively the disease. By phylogenetic analysis based on the nucleoprotein (N) and on the H genes, Mexican CDV strains collected between 2007 and 2010 were distinguished into several genovariants, all which constituted a unique group, clearly distinct from field and vaccine strains circulating worldwide, but resembling a CDV strain, 19876, identified in Missouri, USA, 2004, that was genetically unrelated to other North-American CDV strains. Gathering information on the genetic heterogeneity of CDVon a global scale appears pivotal in order to investigate the origin and modalities of introduction of unusual/novel CDV strains, as well as to understand if vaccine breakthroughs or disease epidemics may be somewhat related to genetic/antigenic or biological differences between field and vaccine strains.
Journal of Veterinary …, 2009
The canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT) is found mainly in dogs' sexual organs. Curre... more The canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT) is found mainly in dogs' sexual organs. Currently, it is widely accepted that all samples of CTVT show similar histopathological characteristics and share common genetic alterations. Despite the common genetic origin of CTVT, ...
El trabajo que se presenta, resulta de la investigación y experiencia de los autores en el tema d... more El trabajo que se presenta, resulta de la investigación y experiencia de los autores en el tema de las neumonías en Medicina Veterinaria y de la complejidad de las clasifi caciones de estas. Se analizan las diferentes clasifi caciones y se resumen las concordancias y diferencias entre las clasifi caciones de neumonías. También se incluyen algunos tipos neumónicos de los que existe poca información y se ilustra con imágenes originales seleccionadas para brindar un punto de referencia visual para un mejor reconocimiento del tipo de neumonía que el Médico Veterinario pudiera encontrarse en casos de campo. Se pretende que esta obra sea de gran utilidad tanto para Estudiantes de Medicina Veterinaria, Médicos Veterinarios como para Patólogos Veterinarios.

Background: Chagas disease is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the Ameri... more Background: Chagas disease is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas, including more than 50% of the Mexican territory. The southern region of the State of Mexico (the Tejupilco Sanitary Jurisdiction) was recently reported as endemic; however the pathogenicity of the circulating strains has not been studied in depth. Recent studies have reported Trypanosoma cruzi seropositive dogs in the villages of Malinalco and Zumpahuacan in the central south of the State of Mexico. Dogs are epidemiologically important, because the evolution of symptoms and pathology of Chagas disease in this vertebrate mimics the human disease, and because dogs maintain the domestic cycle of parasite transmission. Objectives: To study the clinical and pathological findings of a dog showing serological evidence of T. cruzi infection. The study of the canine, identified in the Malinalco locality, is expected to contribute to the general characterization and behavior of the pathogen in the region. Methods: Clinical (electrocardiogram, echocardiogram and clinical exam), pathological (necropsy and histopathology) and serologic (indirect hemagglutination test and enzyme-linked immunoassay) analyses were conducted in a 4-year-old dog naturally infected with T. cruzi. Results: The canine was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy and hepatomegaly associated with congestive cardiac insufficiency, presumably provoked by chronic myocarditis and derived from natural infection with T. cruzi. Conclusion: T. cruzi strains circulating in the village of Malinalco, State of Mexico are pathogenic for dogs, and could be affecting other domestic animals, and even infecting humans in the region.

Experimental Neurology, 2001
Injury of the optic nerve has served as an important model for the study of cell death and axon r... more Injury of the optic nerve has served as an important model for the study of cell death and axon regeneration in the CNS. Analysis of axon sprouting and regeneration after injury by anatomical tracing are aided by lesion models that produce a well-defined injury site. We report here the characterization of a microcrush lesion of the optic nerve made with 10-0 sutures to completely transect RGC axons. Following microcrush lesion, 62% of RGCs remained alive 1 week later, and 28% of RGCs, at 2 weeks. Optic nerve sections stained by hematoxylin-based methods showed a thin line of intensely stained cells that invaded the lesion site at 24 h after microcrush lesion. The lesion site became increasingly disorganized by 2 weeks after injury, and both macrophages and blood vessels invaded the lesion site. The microcrush lesion was immunoreactive for chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPG), and an adjacent GFAP-negative zone developed early after the lesion, disappearing by 1 week. Luxol fast blue staining showed a myelin-free zone at the lesion site, and myelin remained distal to the lesion at 8 weeks. To study the axonal response to microcrush lesion, anterograde tracing was used. Within 6 h after injury all RGC axons retracted back from the site of lesion. By 1 week after injury, axons regrew toward the lesion, but most stopped abruptly at the injury scar. The few axons that were able to cross the injury site did not extend further in the optic nerve white matter by 8 weeks postlesion. Our observations suggest that both the CSPG-positive scar and the myelin-derived growth inhibitory proteins contribute to the failure of RGC regeneration after injury.
The Indian journal of animal sciences

Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine, 2010
Background: Chagas disease is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the Ameri... more Background: Chagas disease is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas, including more than 50% of the Mexican territory. The southern region of the State of Mexico (the Tejupilco Sanitary Jurisdiction) was recently reported as endemic; however the pathogenicity of the circulating strains has not been studied in depth. Recent studies have reported Trypanosoma cruzi seropositive dogs in the villages of Malinalco and Zumpahuacan in the central south of the State of Mexico. Dogs are epidemiologically important, because the evolution of symptoms and pathology of Chagas disease in this vertebrate mimics the human disease, and because dogs maintain the domestic cycle of parasite transmission. Objectives: To study the clinical and pathological findings of a dog showing serological evidence of T. cruzi infection. The study of the canine, identified in the Malinalco locality, is expected to contribute to the general characterization and behavior of the pathogen in the region. Methods: Clinical (electrocardiogram, echocardiogram and clinical exam), pathological (necropsy and histopathology) and serologic (indirect hemagglutination test and enzyme-linked immunoassay) analyses were conducted in a 4-year-old dog naturally infected with T. cruzi. Results: The canine was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy and hepatomegaly associated with congestive cardiac insufficiency, presumably provoked by chronic myocarditis and derived from natural infection with T. cruzi. Conclusion: T. cruzi strains circulating in the village of Malinalco, State of Mexico are pathogenic for dogs, and could be affecting other domestic animals, and even infecting humans in the region.

Revista MVZ Córdoba, 2020
Objetivo. Realizar el aislamiento del virus de la viremia primaveral de la carpa (SVCV) en ejempl... more Objetivo. Realizar el aislamiento del virus de la viremia primaveral de la carpa (SVCV) en ejemplares de carpa común (Cyprinus carpio), evaluar su crecimiento en diferentes tipos de células así como la supervivencia viral a diferentes temperaturas. Materiales y métodos. Diez carpas de entre 400-500 gramos de una laguna del centro de México fueron procesadas para el diagnóstico de SVCV mediante aislamiento en cultivo de células y RT-PCR semi-anidado. El virus obtenido se inoculó en células EPC, BF-2, CHSE-214 y RTG-2 para determinar diferencias de crecimiento de SVCV. Además, se evaluó la supervivencia del virus conservado a temperatura ambiente (TA 20-25°C), refrigeración (REF 4°C) y congelación (CONG -80°C) hasta once meses. Los órganos internos se procesaron para análisis histológico. Resultados. Los peces analizados no presentaron signos externos sugestivos de enfermedad, pero internamente e histopatológicamente se observaron lesiones sugestivas de infección sistémica. SVCV fue ...

Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 2016
Francisellosis, an emerging disease in tilapia Oreochromis spp., is caused by the facultative, in... more Francisellosis, an emerging disease in tilapia Oreochromis spp., is caused by the facultative, intracellular bacterium Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis, which is present in various countries where tilapia farming is commercially important. We confirmed the presence of francisellosis in Mexican tilapia cultures in association with an outbreak during the second semester of 2012. Broodstock fish presented a mortality rate of approximately 40%, and disease was characterized by histologically classified granulomas, or whitish nodules, in different organs, mainly the spleen and kidney. Through DNA obtained from infected tissue and pure cultures in a cysteine heart medium supplemented with hemoglobin, F. noatunensis subsp. orientalis was initially confirmed through the amplification and analysis of the 16S rRNA gene and the internal transcribed spacer region. Phylogenetic analysis of these genes demonstrated close similarity with previously reported F. noatunensis subsp. orientalis sequences obtained from infected tilapia from various countries. The identification of this subspecies as the causative agent of the outbreak was confirmed using the iglC gene as a target sequence, which showed 99.5% identity to 2 F. noatunensis subsp. orientalis strains (Ethime-1 and Toba04). These findings represent the first documented occurrence of francisellosis in Mexican tilapia cultures, which highlights the importance of establishing preventative measures to minimize the spread of this disease within the Mexican aquaculture industry.
The Canadian veterinary journal. La revue vétérinaire canadienne, 1990
Canadian journal of veterinary research = Revue canadienne de recherche vétérinaire, 2007
Osteochondrodysplasias are caused by abnormal development and growth of cartilage and bone. These... more Osteochondrodysplasias are caused by abnormal development and growth of cartilage and bone. These abnormalities have been reported in both humans and animals with dwarfism. The basset hound is considered a breed with a disproportionate prevalence of dwarfism, the cause of which is unknown. To determine the type of osteochondrodysplasia in this breed, we analyzed histologically the growth plates from the long bones of a basset hound and a Doberman pinscher, both 2 mo old. Tissue was fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 5 microm, stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and analyzed by light microscopy. Our results suggest that by this method the basset hound can be defined only as a breed having osteochondrodysplasia due to a primary cartilage problem in the growth plate.

Veterinary Research Communications, 2007
In dogs, the canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT) is the only neoplasm which is not produce... more In dogs, the canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT) is the only neoplasm which is not produced by neoplastic transformation of normal cells; the tumor is transmitted from the affected dog to healthy dogs by implantation of one or various clones of cancer cells. Thus, the CTVT of dogs analyzed in various countries reveals similar genetic characteristics and consequently CTVT is considered to have a clonal origin.The CTVTs obtained from dogs in Korea showed the T963C mutation on TP53 gene; this mutation was thought to be a molecular alteration which participates in the origin of the ancestral clone, CTVT. Nonetheless, this supposed mutation has not been identified in other studies which were carried out for the purpose of clarifying the clonal origin of CTVT. Thus we have considered it important to identify the role of the T963C mutation of the TP53 gene in the clonal origin of CTVT in dogs.Consequently the region which includes the mutation of the TP53 gene in twenty samples of CTVT obtained from various canine breeds was PCR amplified and afterwards its sequence of nucleotides was determined. We conclude that this mutation did not participate in the clonal origin of the tumor, but was acquired at a later stage.
Veterinary Record, 2006
... puppy JS Martínez, IR Velázquez, H, Reyes, R. Fajardo ... In animals and in human beings, thi... more ... puppy JS Martínez, IR Velázquez, H, Reyes, R. Fajardo ... In animals and in human beings, this condition can present alone or in association with other anomalies, including cyclopia, cebocephaly, oto-cephaly and median cleft lip (Willson 1966, Blaas and oth-ers 2002). ...
Volumen 25 Número 3 by R. Fajardo
Papers by R. Fajardo