Books by Plamen L Simeonov

Free promotional access to all 43 articles until July 19th, 2016: more Free promotional access to all 43 articles until July 19th, 2016:
Preparing this ambitious Special Issue has challenged everyone involved: authors, reviewers, and guest editors. The editors solicited contributions from many leading figures in a broad array of scientific and philosophical disciplines, with emphasis on phenomenological approaches to philosophy (Section I). The motivating force was the conviction that if we could find a viable bridge for the gap between the " two cultures " 1 of science and philosophy, fundamental problems in each camp could be addressed more fruitfully than ever before, and a new kind of science be born. We believe the unprecedented cross-fertilization of ideas from this initiative may furnish seeds from which that new, better integrated, and more effective approach to science may arise. This Special Issue consists of forty papers. For each one, multiple reviewers were solicited, with at least one reviewer from each " culture " (a scientist and a philosopher). In many cases, several rounds of revision were carried out. Needless to say, this required great patience and dedication of all participants. The editors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of our authors, and of our anonymous reviewers, who worked long and hard on the papers we sent them with no compensation for their efforts. We also wish to thank the Elsevier editorial and production team for the support they gave us in bringing this project to fruition. We hope the reader will find this effort to marry science and philosophy both meaningful and enjoyable. We would now like to offer a synoptic overview of the Special Issue, section by section and paper by paper.
An updated survey of the research scope in Integral Biomathics.

Perhaps the most distinct question in science throughout the ages has been the one of perceivable... more Perhaps the most distinct question in science throughout the ages has been the one of perceivable reality, treated both in physics and philosophy. Reality is acting upon us, and we, and life in general, are acting upon reality. Potentiality, found both in quantum reality and in the activity of life, plays a key role. In quantum reality observation turns potentiality into reality. Again, life computes possibilities in various ways based on past actions, and acts on the basis of these computations.
This book is about a new approach to biology (and physics, of course!). Its subtitle suggests a perpetual movement and interplay between two elusive aspects of modern science — reality/matter and potentiality/mind, between physics and biology — both captured and triggered by mathematics — to understand and explain emergence, development and life all the way up to consciousness.
But what is the real/potential difference between living and non-living matter? How does time in potentiality differ from time in reality? What we need to understand these differences is an integrative approach. This book contemplates how to encircle life to obtain a formal system, equivalent to the ones in physics. Integral Biomathics attempts to explore the interplay between reality and potentiality.
Papers by Plamen L Simeonov
Diplomarbeit der Τechnischen Hochschule Ilmenau / Sektion Informationstechnik und Theoretische El... more Diplomarbeit der Τechnischen Hochschule Ilmenau / Sektion Informationstechnik und Theoretische Elektrotechnik, 1986
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology, 2017
Western Science is approaching a paradigm shift of unprecedented proportions, one that will chang... more Western Science is approaching a paradigm shift of unprecedented proportions, one that will change our concepts of reality and of human nature, bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and modern science, and reconcile the differences between Eastern spirituality and Western pragmatism." Stan Grof from 'Beyond the Brain' The idea about this special issue came from a paper published as an updated and upridged version of an older memorial lecture given by Brian D. Josephson and Michael Conrad at the Gujarat Vidyapith University in Ahmedabad, India on March 2, 1984. The title of this paper was "Uniting Eastern Philosophy and Western Science" (1992). We thought that this topic deserves to be revisited after 25 years to demonstrate to the scientific community which new insights and achievements were attained in this fairly broad field during this period. It is not the first time that such comparative East-West studies are being carried out. From Leibniz to Nietzsche to modern times, such reviews are documented on a regular base. It is well known that prominent physicists like Einstein, Bohm and Pauli were in touch with Indian philosophers like Tagore and Krishnamurti, and the 14th Dalai Lama is having regular meetings with scientists around the world (1991, 2012). Denis Noble, one of the editors of this journal, has also reported interesting advances in the field (2009, 2010, 2015). The link of biology to Eastern thought from antiquity to present days is a subtle one (Needham, 1956; Ho and Saunders, 1979). It overarches cultures that have been separated from each other for centuries. The common denominator has been the human mind (Partridge and Gabriel, 2003), which, since the Stone Age, has been occupied with observing and reflecting upon its home in the Universe (Kauffman, 1993). So, our attempt in this special issue does not stand alone. The intention of this volume is to reinforce and renew the foundations on which science has evolved in both East and West throughout the ages. The most remarkable part of this effort is that it follows the "silk road", on which civilizations were learning from each other in a peaceful manner over millennia. It is time now for Western science to naturalize and internalize the overarching concepts of the East that will bring it back to its forgotten and suppressed roots and advance forth towards new horizons. This is the essence of the Integral Biomathics approach, which aims at expanding the boundaries of knowledge in the natural sciences, and particularly in biology, along three dimensions, pursued in special editions of this journal (2013, 2015, 2017) with the generous support of Professor Denis Noble, FRS. What makes such work imperative at present is that what appeared to be major advances in Western science, and particularly biology, has cemented in place assumptions that effectively deny any reality to life. This was evident to the great physicists of the past. Einstein concluded that the existence of living beings reveals how primitive physics still is (Rosen, 2000, 34), a view that largely concurred with Niels Bohr's and Erwin Schrödinger's views. In expressing this view they were echoing Immanuel Kant's conclusion almost 150 years earlier where he concluded that Newtonian physics cannot be portraying the world as it is in itself since it could give no place to life or consciousness. Things have barely changed. This is not merely a deficiency in the theories of modern science, however. Science has been dominated by a commitment to objectivity that has been understood as building a world that 'is foreign to consciousness and in which consciousness is obliterated' (Rosen, 2000, 82). That is, it has been dominated by philosophical assumptions that virtually preclude the possibility of even acknowledging the reality of sentient life.
arXiv (Cornell University), Feb 28, 2007
This work addresses the phenomena of emergence, adaptive dynamics and evolution of self-assemblin... more This work addresses the phenomena of emergence, adaptive dynamics and evolution of self-assembling, self-organizing, self-maintaining and self-replicating biosynthetic systems. We regard this research as an integral part of the studies in nature-inspired and natural computation within complex systems, emergent phenomena and artificial biology. Our ultimate objective is to unify classical mathematical biology with biomathics (or biological mathematics) on the way to genuine biological system engineering.

This paper presents a next generation integrated IN architecture among Flexible Intelligent Netwo... more This paper presents a next generation integrated IN architecture among Flexible Intelligent Network Elements (FINE) based on the multimedia multimode (client, server and agent) IN Service Node concept (Proc. ICCE '97, Cannes (1997) 77), to perform a crafty Unified Media Communications Service (UMCS) across heterogeneous networks. The FINE architecture represents a network of configurable interworking elements allowing user access to a Unified Message Store (UMS) and Universal Communications Channel (UCC) via traditional PSTN/ISDN/PLMN equipment such as telephones, pagers and fax machines on the one side, and networked computers and mobile terminals equipped with mail readers and Web browsers on the other side, to enable both on-line and off-line interactions. A virtual cluster of FINEs within an integrated personal communications network is dynamically configured in a distributed or centralised manner according to user profile requirements, network size and performance to provide artful messaging, telephony and I 3 E services (Intelligent Inter-, Intra-and Extranet) in a changing environment. The FINE consists of a Channel Matrix Switch (CMS), several Resource Platforms (RP) containing Media Conversion Processors (MCP) and Channel Managers (CM) to perform the media translation and routing in the required interchange formats, an Internet Gateway (IG) to hold the subscribers' mailboxes and provide the internet connectivity, and a FINE Controller (FINEC) to realise the FINE Service Logic (FSL) and manage the FINEs. Each FINEC can be deployed in some of the three modes-independent (server), dependent (client) and autonomous (agent)-with respect to the user/network configuration, thus allowing a dynamically configurable (per user/ per node/ per service) centralised or distributed service architecture. The FINE itself is organised along with other nodes by a Network Operation Support Environment (NOSE), a service oriented and TMN compliant Operation, Administration & Maintenance Centre. Service logic can be transferred, installed and mounted on demand among the FINE Controllers and the terminal equipment to provide optimal QoS.

Diese Dissertation ist wie folgt organisiert. Kapitel 1 beschreibt den Rahmen der Dissertation: d... more Diese Dissertation ist wie folgt organisiert. Kapitel 1 beschreibt den Rahmen der Dissertation: das Forschungsgebiet, die Motivation für diese Arbeit, die Beiträge des Autors und die Darstellungsstruktur. Kapitel 2 beinhaltet die Übersicht und die Klassifikation der einzelnen Bereiche, die Gegenstand der Dissertation sind. Sektion 2.4 untersucht die heutigen Forschungsgebiete in der drahtlosen mobilen Telekommunikation mit dem Ziel, die Anwendungsdomäne für diese Dissertationsarbeit zu identifizieren. Kapitel 3 ist den Aktiven Netzen (AN) gewidmet, dem eigentlichen Fundament der Dissertation. Es beginnt mit einer Einführung in die Entstehung der aktiven Software-Architekturen. Weiter beschreibt es die Herausforderungen, denen sie sich in der modernen Telekommunikationswelt stellen müssen. Abschnitt 3.2 des Kapitels beinhaltet das konzeptionelle Paradigma der Aktiven Netze: das ihnen zugrunde liegende Referenz-Modell. Weiter folgt eine Zusammenfassung der Forschungsvorhaben und der gegenwärtigen Implementationsrahmen. Abschnitt 3.3 ist den AN-Architekturen gewidmet und identifiziert Muster und Tendenzen in der AN-Forschung, um eine Genealogie der Idee des Wandernden Netzes abzuleiten. Das Exposé enthält eine kurze Übersicht der Enabling-Technologies für Aktive Netzwerke, indem es einige Schlüsselvorteile betont. Abschnitt 3.4 umschreibt die AN-Forschungsdomäne mit Fokus auf verschiedenen Anwendungen. Abschnitt 3.5 wichtet die Hauptrichtungen in der AN-Forschung. Insbesondere werden die Anwendungen von Aktiven Netzen in der mobilen Telekommunikation betrachtet. Schließlich liefert Abschnitt 3.6. eine allgemeine Analyse und Diskussion der AN-Methode einschl. eines Vergleichs der Netzprogrammierungsarten. Einen Ausblick für die weitere Forschung und eine Zusammenfassung mit entsprechenden Schlussfolgerungen geben die Abschnitte 3.7, 3.8 und 3.9. Kapitel 4 ist der Hardware-Seite der Hypothese über das Wandernde Netzwerk gewidmet. Einige Spezialthemen des Rekonfigurierbaren Computings, die bei Micro-(Chip) und Makro-(Computer) Komponenten-Architekturen in den heutigen Netzen genutzt werden, werden detailliert präsentiert. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird im Abschnitt 4.2 den Auswirkungen der Aktiven Netzwerke und des Rekonfigurierbaren-Computings auf die Definition der heutigen Netzinfrastrukturen gewidmet. Hier werden einige offene Fragen aus den vorangegangenen drei Kapiteln erörtert, wie das Mischen von aktiven und passiven Flows, Flexibilität vs. Sicherheit und Konfiguration vs. Encapsulation. Kapitel 5 stellt den Kern der Dissertation, die Wandernde-Logik-Intelligenz (WLI), dar. Das Exposé beschreibt die allgemeinen Anforderungen und die zukünftigen Perspektiven in Aktiven Netzen und verwandten Disziplinen, um die Architekturbasis der WLI-Methode zu definieren. Die Argumentation und die Definition der WLI-Architektur ist in Abschnitt 5.2 gegeben. Danach folgen in Abschnitt 5.3 die vier Prinzipien des Wandernden Netzes-Dualistische Kongruenz, Multidimensionale Rückkopplung, Selbst-Referenz (Selbstbezug) und Pulsierende Metamorphose. I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to all those who have given me their true appreciation and support over the years to carry out the work that has ultimately become my dissertation. My first dept is to my advisor, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dietrich Reschke, who offered me the opportunity to complete my work at the Technology University of Ilmenau and gave me a free hand with my research. He asked all the right questions and always demanded practical examples during the reviews of my work in progress. I am very grateful to his restless efforts in making me work towards bridging the gap between theory and practice. Thank you, Dieter. To my other mentor and thesis referee, Prof. Dr. Ken J. Turner from the University of Stirling who made time and effort beyond any duty to help turn this work into a dissertation. I have been greatly influenced by his research style that teached me how to put things together in a scientific way. This work has benefited from his detailed comments on every aspect. Thank you, Ken. I am also indebted to Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Jörg Lange from Siemens AG for his support during my stay at the company and for his prompt willingness to act as a second referee. His practical insights helped me answer some of the most critical questions in this work. Thank you, Jörg.

Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology, 2015
Susan passed away while the final editing of the issue was being completed. She was a mathematica... more Susan passed away while the final editing of the issue was being completed. She was a mathematical biologist herself, and a co-discoverer (Brown, DiFrancesco, Noble, 1979) of the channel that became the target for the successful angina drug, ivabradine (Servier). Preparing this ambitious Special Issue has challenged everyone involved: authors, reviewers, and guest editors. The editors solicited contributions from many leading figures in a broad array of scientific and philosophical disciplines, with emphasis on phenomenological approaches to philosophy (Section I). The motivating force was the conviction that if we could find a viable bridge for the gap between the "two cultures" 1 of science and philosophy, fundamental problems in each camp could be addressed more fruitfully than ever before, and a new kind of science be born. We believe the unprecedented cross-fertilization of ideas from this initiative may furnish seeds from which that new, better integrated, and more effective approach to science may arise. This Special Issue consists of forty papers. For each one, multiple reviewers were solicited, with at least one reviewer from each "culture" (a scientist and a philosopher). In many cases, several rounds of revision were carried out. Needless to say, this required great patience and dedication of all participants. The editors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of our authors, and of our anonymous reviewers, who worked long and hard on the papers we sent them with no compensation for their efforts. We also wish to thank the Elsevier editorial and production team for the support they gave us in bringing this project to fruition. We hope the reader will find this effort to marry science and philosophy both meaningful and enjoyable. We would now like to offer a synoptic overview of the Special Issue, section by section and paper by paper.
This paper summarizes the results in Integral Biomathics obtained to this moment and provides an ... more This paper summarizes the results in Integral Biomathics obtained to this moment and provides an outlook for future research in the field.

The goal of this paper is to advance an extensible theory of living systems using an approach to ... more The goal of this paper is to advance an extensible theory of living systems using an approach to biomathematics and biocomputation that suitably addresses self-organized, self-referential and anticipatory systems with multi-temporal multi-agents. Our first step is to provide foundations for modelling of emergent and evolving dynamic multi-level organic complexes and their sustentative processes in artificial and natural life systems. Main applications are in life sciences, medicine, ecology and astrobiology, as well as robotics, industrial automation and man-machine interface. Since 2011 over 100 scientists from a number of disciplines have been exploring a substantial set of theoretical frameworks for a comprehensive theory of life known as Integral Biomathics. That effort identified the need for a robust core model of organisms as dynamic wholes, using advanced and adequately computable mathematics. The work described here for that core combines the advantages of a situation and c...
This work is an attempt for a state-of-the-art survey of natural and life sciences with the goal ... more This work is an attempt for a state-of-the-art survey of natural and life sciences with the goal to define the scope and address the central questions of an original research program. It is focused on the phenomena of emergence, adaptive dynamics and evolution of self-assembling, self-organizing, self-maintaining and self-replicating biosynthetic systems viewed from a newly-arranged perspective and understanding of computation and communication in the living nature.

Progress in biophysics and molecular biology, Dec 31, 2017
Western Science is approaching a paradigm shift of unprecedented proportions, one that will chang... more Western Science is approaching a paradigm shift of unprecedented proportions, one that will change our concepts of reality and of human nature, bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and modern science, and reconcile the differences between Eastern spirituality and Western pragmatism." Stan Grof from 'Beyond the Brain' The idea about this special issue came from a paper published as an updated and upridged version of an older memorial lecture given by Brian D. Josephson and Michael Conrad at the Gujarat Vidyapith University in Ahmedabad, India on March 2, 1984. The title of this paper was "Uniting Eastern Philosophy and Western Science" (1992). We thought that this topic deserves to be revisited after 25 years to demonstrate to the scientific community which new insights and achievements were attained in this fairly broad field during this period. This edition also serves to remember and honour two outstanding female scientists, Maryam Mirzakhani (1977Mirzakhani ( -2017) ) and Mae-Wan Ho (1941-2016). Mirzakahni's work as a mathematician and Ho's work as a theoretical biologist, each embracing both Western and Eastern traditions of thought, illustrate how such influences can ? Assembling this special issue was both an exceptional challenge and motivating experience for us all. Working with the many talented and enthusiastic contributors and reviewers who helped to prepare it has been a delight.

Progress in biophysics and molecular biology, Jan 8, 2017
Forty-two years ago, Capra published "The Tao of Physics" (Capra, 1975). In this book (... more Forty-two years ago, Capra published "The Tao of Physics" (Capra, 1975). In this book (page 17) he writes: "The exploration of the atomic and subatomic world in the twentieth century has …. necessitated a radical revision of many of our basic concepts" and that, unlike 'classical' physics, the sub-atomic and quantum "modern physics" shows resonances with Eastern thoughts and "leads us to a view of the world which is very similar to the views held by mystics of all ages and traditions." This article stresses an analogous situation in biology with respect to a new theoretical approach for studying living systems, Integral Biomathics (IB), which also exhibits some resonances with Eastern thought. Stepping on earlier research in cybernetics(1) and theoretical biology,(2) IB, has been developed since 2011 by over 100 scientists, from a number of disciplines who have been exploring a substantial set of theoretical frameworks. From that effor...
Proceedings of the 5th Biannual World Automation Congress

Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 2015
Many biological phenomena do not have adequate mathematical representations. This is because livi... more Many biological phenomena do not have adequate mathematical representations. This is because living systems use structures that are not yet grasped by our present conceptions of mathematics and computation. In particular they are circularly organized and they use recursions. Mathematics and computation at the present time deal only superficially with circular organization or the consequences of recursion. We just have not yet found a way to adequately deal with such matters 1 ! Current approaches to complex problems rely on modelling, but one aspect of the problem is that they rely on a single form of mathematics, switching from it to another to address the next aspect, and so on. All this switching is an indication of how inadequate our mathematical tools are to date (ODE/PDE systems, stochastic models, discrete state-transition systems, topological algebra, etc.). Biological systems function at all these levels simultaneously. Yet, the real problem is that even the simplest recursions are beyond our capacity to analyse at the present time. It is not biology that is too messy to be modelled; it is our use of current mathematical paradigms that are not able to adequately address these biological problems (Root-Bernstein, R. S., 2012). These paradigms are keeping biology within the fixed boundaries of physics, the domain of nonliving matter. Despite being the most advanced mathematics-based natural sciences discipline, physics is currently experiencing its own crisis when trying to overcome the dichotomy between its major theories and remains not sufficiently developed to explain living systems. Is this a chance in disguise? We believe that further advances in the sciences -physical, biological, social -require new levels of integration across the domains. It is a commonplace to seek a "paradigm shift" to advance the frontiers of a scientific domain. Such shift can also uplift the network of interdisciplinary connections among existing research areas. However, we are seeking more than a shift that advances the network of the complex dynamical system of knowledge. We seek to advance the nature of the links of this network by encouraging the development of mathematical and computational methods that will at once change the shapes of the nodes and the links, thus performing a simultaneous "quantum jump" in multiple disciplines, to enable a new integration and rationalization of knowledge: Integral Biomathics. The major implications of this new paradigm for reinventing and re-engineering mathematics and computation address the life sciences and medicine. They encompass meanwhile also the foundations of creativity and cognitive processes in the sciences and the arts, as well as the phenomenology of consciousness in general.
Intelligent Networks and Intelligence in Networks, 1997
This paper presents a distributed IN ar• chit ecture called @INGGle lIL 11), that elaborates a Un... more This paper presents a distributed IN ar• chit ecture called @INGGle lIL 11), that elaborates a Unified Media Communications Senice (UMCS) providing both messqlng and telephony services between drcuit switching and packet networkl. It represents an InterWorking Unit (IWU) in CTI networks aUow. ing the user access to a Unilled Message Store-Une (UMSL) via traditional PSTNIISDN equipment such as telephones and rax machines on the one side and networked computers equipped with mail readers and Web browsers on the other side to enable both on• line and off•Une communication.
Books by Plamen L Simeonov
Preparing this ambitious Special Issue has challenged everyone involved: authors, reviewers, and guest editors. The editors solicited contributions from many leading figures in a broad array of scientific and philosophical disciplines, with emphasis on phenomenological approaches to philosophy (Section I). The motivating force was the conviction that if we could find a viable bridge for the gap between the " two cultures " 1 of science and philosophy, fundamental problems in each camp could be addressed more fruitfully than ever before, and a new kind of science be born. We believe the unprecedented cross-fertilization of ideas from this initiative may furnish seeds from which that new, better integrated, and more effective approach to science may arise. This Special Issue consists of forty papers. For each one, multiple reviewers were solicited, with at least one reviewer from each " culture " (a scientist and a philosopher). In many cases, several rounds of revision were carried out. Needless to say, this required great patience and dedication of all participants. The editors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of our authors, and of our anonymous reviewers, who worked long and hard on the papers we sent them with no compensation for their efforts. We also wish to thank the Elsevier editorial and production team for the support they gave us in bringing this project to fruition. We hope the reader will find this effort to marry science and philosophy both meaningful and enjoyable. We would now like to offer a synoptic overview of the Special Issue, section by section and paper by paper.
This book is about a new approach to biology (and physics, of course!). Its subtitle suggests a perpetual movement and interplay between two elusive aspects of modern science — reality/matter and potentiality/mind, between physics and biology — both captured and triggered by mathematics — to understand and explain emergence, development and life all the way up to consciousness.
But what is the real/potential difference between living and non-living matter? How does time in potentiality differ from time in reality? What we need to understand these differences is an integrative approach. This book contemplates how to encircle life to obtain a formal system, equivalent to the ones in physics. Integral Biomathics attempts to explore the interplay between reality and potentiality.
Papers by Plamen L Simeonov
Preparing this ambitious Special Issue has challenged everyone involved: authors, reviewers, and guest editors. The editors solicited contributions from many leading figures in a broad array of scientific and philosophical disciplines, with emphasis on phenomenological approaches to philosophy (Section I). The motivating force was the conviction that if we could find a viable bridge for the gap between the " two cultures " 1 of science and philosophy, fundamental problems in each camp could be addressed more fruitfully than ever before, and a new kind of science be born. We believe the unprecedented cross-fertilization of ideas from this initiative may furnish seeds from which that new, better integrated, and more effective approach to science may arise. This Special Issue consists of forty papers. For each one, multiple reviewers were solicited, with at least one reviewer from each " culture " (a scientist and a philosopher). In many cases, several rounds of revision were carried out. Needless to say, this required great patience and dedication of all participants. The editors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of our authors, and of our anonymous reviewers, who worked long and hard on the papers we sent them with no compensation for their efforts. We also wish to thank the Elsevier editorial and production team for the support they gave us in bringing this project to fruition. We hope the reader will find this effort to marry science and philosophy both meaningful and enjoyable. We would now like to offer a synoptic overview of the Special Issue, section by section and paper by paper.
This book is about a new approach to biology (and physics, of course!). Its subtitle suggests a perpetual movement and interplay between two elusive aspects of modern science — reality/matter and potentiality/mind, between physics and biology — both captured and triggered by mathematics — to understand and explain emergence, development and life all the way up to consciousness.
But what is the real/potential difference between living and non-living matter? How does time in potentiality differ from time in reality? What we need to understand these differences is an integrative approach. This book contemplates how to encircle life to obtain a formal system, equivalent to the ones in physics. Integral Biomathics attempts to explore the interplay between reality and potentiality.