Papers by Pillola Gian Luigi
Lethaia, 2014
Three mass accumulations of sea urchins from the Miocene of Sardinia show a number of taphonomic ... more Three mass accumulations of sea urchins from the Miocene of Sardinia show a number of taphonomic features which set them apart from previously described echinoid assemblages from the Cenozoic in which they represent: (1) monotypic assemblages; (2) include very well-preserved remains of either regular or spatangoid echinoids; and (3) originate in deeper water environments. These accumulations are compared using a detailed sedimentological and taphonomic analysis including preservational fabrics, taphonomic signatures, size frequency distributions, density of occurrences and preferred orientations. The possible role of gregarious behaviour contributing to mass occurrences and the specific sedimentary events leading to the excellent preservation are discussed. The interpreted depositional environment of all three deposits is that of a storm-dominated, siliciclastic shelf environment. A phymosomatid assemblage represents rapid burial through obrution of a highly dense, freshly dead community. A Brissopsis-dominated spatangoid assemblage represents a mixed accumulation of parautochthonous and transported skeletons. The third assemblage consisting of regular echinoid spines and rare tests represents a composite tempestite. Differences in the depositional environments are related to their position along onshore-offshore gradient with the first two beds originated in a deeper setting than that of the spine accumulation. This study shows that the preservation of assemblages containing complete regular echinoids and spatangoids is higher in deeper water settings than in shallow water environments. □ Mass occurrences, miocene, regular echinoids, Sardinia, sedimentology, spatangoids, taphonomy.
Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia E Stratigrafia, 2017
A mammal assemblage discovered in a fissure filling located in a quarry near the village of Samat... more A mammal assemblage discovered in a fissure filling located in a quarry near the village of Samatzai (Campidano, southern Sardinia, Italy) is described herein. The following taxa are reported: Microtus ( Tyrrhenicola ) henseli , Rhagamys orthodon , Prolagus sardus , Asoriculus sp., Cynotherium sardous and Praemegaceros ( Nesoleipoceros ) cazioti . The assemblage (“ Microtus ( Tyrrhenicola )” Faunal Complex, Dragonara Faunal Subcomplex) infers a Late Pleistocene age and represents the richest deposit of Quaternary mammals reported in the central Campidano area.
The discovery of the anisograptid graptolite Araneograptus murrayi (Hall, 1865), the dichograptid... more The discovery of the anisograptid graptolite Araneograptus murrayi (Hall, 1865), the dichograptids Clonograptus (Clonograptus) cf. rigidus (Hall, 1858) and Clonograptus (Clonograptus) cf. multiplex (Nicholson, 1868) and of two unassigned species of Didymograptus in the Late Tremadoc-Early Arenig? sediments of the Fluminese area (SW Sardinia) adds new data on the biostratigraphy and palaeoecological setting of the Cabitza Formation, as well as on the paleobiogeographical distribution of these taxa. Résumé La découverte du graptolite Anisograptidé Araneograptus murrayi (Hall, 1865), des Dichograptidés Clonograptus (Clonograptus) cf. rigidus (Hall, 1858) et Clonograptus (Clonograptus) cf. multiplex (Nicholson, 1868) et de deux espèces indéterminées de Didymograptus dans les sédiments du Trémadocien supérieur-Arénigien inférieur? du Fluminese (SW Sardaigne) fournit des nouvelles données sur le contexte paléoécologique et sur la biostratigraphie de la partie supérieure de la formation de Cabitza, ainsi que sur la distribution paléobiogéographique de ces taxa.
The discovery of the anisograptid graptolite Araneograptus murrayi (Hall, 1865), the dichograptid... more The discovery of the anisograptid graptolite Araneograptus murrayi (Hall, 1865), the dichograptids Clonograptus (Clonograptus) cf. rigidus (Hall, 1858) and Clonograptus (Clonograptus) cf. multiplex (Nicholson, 1868) and of two unassigned species of Didymograptus in the Late Tremadoc–Early Arenig? sediments of the Fluminese area (SW Sardinia) adds new data on the biostratigraphy and palaeoecological setting of the Cabitza Formation, as well as on the paleobiogeographical distribution of these taxa. Résumé La découverte du graptolite Anisograptidé Araneograptus murrayi (Hall, 1865), des Dichograptidés Clonograptus (Clonograptus) cf. rigidus (Hall, 1858) et Clonograptus (Clonograptus) cf. multiplex (Nicholson, 1868) et de deux espèces indéterminées de Didymograptus dans les sédiments du Trémadocien supérieur–Arénigien inférieur? du Fluminese (SW Sardaigne) fournit des nouvelles données sur le contexte paléoécologique et sur la biostratigraphie de la partie supérieure de la formation de Cabitza, ainsi que sur la distribution paléobiogéographique de ces taxa.
Les dépôts attribués au Cambrien supérieur et au passage Cambrien-Trémadoc dans la coupe type de ... more Les dépôts attribués au Cambrien supérieur et au passage Cambrien-Trémadoc dans la coupe type de la Fm. de Cabitza (SW Sardaigne) font l'objet d'une analyse paléontologique et sédimentologique détaillée. La comparaison de la courbe des variations du niveau marin dans la Fm. de Cabitza avec celles connues dans la littérature, ainsi que les corrélations biostratigraphiques, permettent de placer la limite Cambrien-Trémadoc au sein de cette séquence et de réexaminer la même question dans d'autres régions nord-gondwaniennes (Bohème, Bavière, Sud de la France, Nord de l'Espagne et Turquie). Abstract The Cambrian-Ordovician boundary in SW Sardinia: relationships with global eustatic events The Upper Cambrian and lowermost Ordovician deposits of the Cabitza Fm. of SW Sardinia are stu
Tetrapod footprints have been reported in different types of environments, and are a suitable too... more Tetrapod footprints have been reported in different types of environments, and are a suitable tool for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Previously, mammal footprints were reported in the Plio-Pleistocene fossil record of Sardinia (Italy), and were assigned to different endemic ruminants (Cervidae and Bovidae). In this work, we report the first occurrence of proboscidean footprints in the Italian fossil record. The ichnofossils are assigned to Proboscipeda panfamilia McNeil, Hills, Tolman & Kooyman, 2007. The studied footprints are preserved in highly consolidated aeolian deposits from the Pleistocene of Funtana Morimenta (Gonnesa, southwestern Sardinia, Italy). The recovered ichnofossils are represented by isolated manus-pes couples preserved as hyporeliefs and/or epireliefs. Furthermore, other footprints were observed in situ. The footprints' shape and size indicate that the track-maker is likely to be the Sardinian dwarf mammoth Mammuthus lamarmorai (Major, 1883). The Sardinian record may represent a unique example of dwarf mammoth footprints in the western Mediterranean Basin. Furthermore, a synthetic summary of the knowledge of the proboscidean ichnofossil record is also provided. RIASSUNTO-[Impronte di mammut nano dal Pleistocene di Gonnesa (Sardegna sud-occidentale, Italia)]-Le impronte fossili di tetrapodi, note in diversi tipi di ambienti, possono fornire un utile contributo nelle ricostruzioni paleoambientali. In tempi relativamente recenti, impronte riferibili a ruminanti (Cervidae e Bovidae) sono state segnalate nel Plio-Pleistocene della Sardegna (Italia). Impronte e piste lasciate da proboscidati sono note in diverse località del mondo e vengono generalmente incluse nell'icnogenere Proboscipeda, istituito da Panin & Avram nel 1962 per indicare tracce di forma ovoidale riferibili a Deinotheriidae rinvenute nei depositi miocenici della Romania. Nel presente lavoro vengono descritte le prime impronte di proboscidati segnalate nel record fossile italiano. Le impronte, riferibili all'icnospecie Proboscipeda panfamilia McNeil, Hills, Tolman & Kooyman, 2007, sono state ritrovate nei depositi eolici (s.l.) di Funtana Morimenta (Gonnesa, Sud-Ovest Sardegna, Italia). Gli icnofossili, attualmente conservati nel " Museo Sardo di Geologia e Paleontologia D. Lovisato " (Cagliari) e nel " Museo dei Palaeoambienti Sulcitani-E.A. Martel " (Carbonia), sono rappresentati da coppie di manus-pes preservate come iporilievi e/o epirilievi. Altre impronte sono state localizzate in situ. La forma e le dimensioni delle impronte suggeriscono che il track-maker possa essere identificato nella specie nana di mammut Mammuthus lamarmorai (Major, 1883), i cui resti olotipici sono stati ritrovati nella medesima successione eolica (s.l.). Gli icnofossili sardi potrebbero rappresentare l'unico esempio di impronte riferibili a mammut nani nel bacino del Mediterraneo occidentale.
A mammal assemblage discovered in a fissure filling located in a quarry near the village of Sa-ma... more A mammal assemblage discovered in a fissure filling located in a quarry near the village of Sa-matzai (Campidano, southern Sardinia, Italy) is described herein. The following taxa are reported: Microtus (Tyrrheni-cola) henseli, Rhagamys orthodon, Prolagus sardus, Asoriculus sp., Cynotherium sardous and Praemegaceros (Nesoleipoceros) cazioti. The assemblage (" Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) " Faunal Complex, Dragonara Faunal Subcomplex) infers a Late Pleistocene age and represents the richest deposit of Quaternary mammals reported in the central Campidano area.
A new vertebrate assemblage was discovered in an Early Miocene lacustrine deposit near the villag... more A new vertebrate assemblage was discovered in an Early Miocene lacustrine deposit near the village of Laerru (northern Sardinia, Italy). The assemblage is composed by mammals, reptiles and a bird. The mammals are represented by three ruminants (cf. Sardomeryx oschiriensis, Pecora indet. small size and Pecora indet. very small size) and one dormouse (Peridyromys aff. murinus) while reptiles are represented by turtles (Trionychidae?) and crocodiles (cf. Diplocynodon sp.). A bird bone fragment is also reported and referred to Palaeortyx cf. brevipes (Galliformes). The assemblage can be related to the " Oschiri fauna " , one of the oldest endemic insular fauna known in the Medi-terranean. The age of the Laerru vertebrates is early-middle Burdigalian, between 18.8 and 18.3 Ma, corresponding to the mammal unit of the main land MN3. The predominance of ruminants confirms the good capacity of these mammals to colonize insular environments.
ABSTRACT - A mammal assemblage discovered in a small fissure filling in the Surconis area, near t... more ABSTRACT - A mammal assemblage discovered in a small fissure filling in the Surconis area, near the village of Bolotana (Marghine mountain range, central-western Sardinia, Italy) is described herein. The association is composed of several taxa: Prolagus sardus, Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) henseli, Rhagamys orthodon, Cynotherium cf. sardous and Praemegaceros (Nesoleipoceros) cazioti. The analysed assemblage infers a Late Pleistocene or Early Holocene age (" Microtus [Tyrrhenicola] " Faunal Complex). The Surconis assemblage represents to date the richest fossil mammal site reported in the Marghine mountain range.
RIASSUNTO - [La fauna a mammiferi quaternari di " Surconis " , Bolotana (Sardegna, Italia)]-I primi studi sulle faune plio-quaternarie a mammiferi continentali della Sardegna risalgono ai primi anni del XIX secolo. Le località fino ad oggi studiate nell'isola sono numerose e in tempi recenti, grazie alla scoperta dei ricchi riempimenti carsici del Monte Tuttavista (Sardegna centro-orientale), le conoscenze sui complessi faunistici a mammiferi plio-quaternari hanno avuto un significativo incremento. I principali depositi fossiliferi sardi sono rappresentati da brecce ossifere in anfratti carsici, depositi di grotta, depositi eolici e subordinatamente da paleosuoli e depositi fluvio-lacustri. Per quel che riguarda i depositi in cavità carsiche, questi sono ubicati principalmente nelle vaste aree carbonatiche del Sulcis-Iglesiente (Sardegna meridionale), della Nurra (Sardegna settentrionale) e della Sardegna centro-orientale. Risultano pertanto relativamente rari quelli localizzati in aree dove gli affioramenti carbonatici sono scarsamente rappresentati. Nel presente lavoro viene segnalata un'associazione a mammiferi individuata all'interno del riempimento di una piccola cavità carsica in località Surconis, a poca distanza dal centro abitato di Bolotana (Marghine, Sardegna centro-occidentale, Italia). I taxa segnalati sono: Prolagus sardus, Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) henseli, Rhagamys orthodon, Cynotherium cf. sardous e Praemegaceros (Nesoleipoceros) cazioti. La presenza del Cricetidae esclude il Complesso Faunistico a " Nesogoral " a favore del Complesso Faunistico a " Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) " e al Sub-complesso Faunistico di Dragonara (fine Pleistocene Medio-inizio Olocene). Allo stato attuale delle conoscenze la località di Surconis rappresenta il sito a mammiferi fossili quaternari più ricco segnalato nella subregione del Marghine.
RIASSUNTO - Una recente nuova catalogazione del materiale paleontologico conservato nel Museo Sar... more RIASSUNTO - Una recente nuova catalogazione del materiale paleontologico conservato nel Museo Sardo di Geologia e Paleontologia Domenico Lovisato di Cagliari ha permesso il riesame di alcune collezioni storiche custodite in esso. Tra queste vi è quella di vertebrati fossili quaternari raccolti intorno alla metà del XIX secolo dal Generale Alberto Lamarmora nella località storica di Bonaria (Cagliari). Dall'analisi preliminare del materiale è stato possibile individuare sette taxa di mammiferi appartenenti al Complesso Faunistico a Microtus (Tyrrhenicola). L'importanza di tale collezione è molteplice, storica poiché rappresenta una delle prime col-lezioni annesse al Museo Lovisato, donata da uno dei personaggi più illustri nel panorama scientifico dell'e-poca, e scientifica, poiché è costituita da quelli che sono alcuni tra i primi resti di vertebrati fossili quaternari sistematicamente raccolti nell'Isola. Non ultimo, i depositi fossiliferi del Quaternario di Bonaria sono ormai totalmente scomparsi, consumati prima dall'attività di cava e poi fagocitati dal tessuto urbano.
ABSTRACT - The " Lamarmora Vertebrate Collection " of the Sardinian Museum of Geology and Palaeontology Domenico Lovisato (Cagliari, Italy). Some historical collections housed in the Sardinian Museum of Geology and Palaeontology Domenico Lovisato have been reviewed during a recent cataloging. One of them is the " Lamarmora Vertebrate Collection " , a small assemblage of Quaternary vertebrate fossils gathered by General Alberto Lamarmora during the mid-nineteenth century in the historic locality of Bonaria (Cagliari). Seven mammal taxa belonging to the Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) Faunal Complex have been recognized during preliminary analysis. The collection has an historic importance because it was donated by one of the most illustrious names in that period and, secondly, it represents one of the first collections annexed to the " Museo Lovisato ". A scientific importance is given by the presence of some of the first Quaternary fossil vertebrate remains collected in Sardinia. It is important to put light on the fact that now the Quaternary fossiliferous deposit of Bonaria is totally disappeared, first exploited by quarry activity and then engulfed by the urban development.
Abstract. A trigonotarbid arachnid from the Upper Carboniferous (Westphalim D) of San Giorgio Bas... more Abstract. A trigonotarbid arachnid from the Upper Carboniferous (Westphalim D) of San Giorgio Basin, Sardinia, is described and referred to Antbracomartus voelkelianus Karsch, 1882, the type genus of the family Anthracomartidae. The occurrence extends the range of this arachnid order outside of the major Euramerican coal basins and into the western Mediterranean region. This is the first pre—Miocene arachnid from Italy to be described.
The fossil cetaceans of the “Museo Sardo di Geologia e Paleontologia Domenico Lovisato” (CA).
In ... more The fossil cetaceans of the “Museo Sardo di Geologia e Paleontologia Domenico Lovisato” (CA).
In this short note are briefly listed and discussed the few remains of cetacean fossils preserved in the “Museo Sardo
di Geologia e Paleontologia Domenico Lovisato” of the University of Cagliari. Other few remains of cetaceans found
in Sardinia are currently stored at the “Museo Geologico Giovanni Capellini” in Bologna.
Although clypeasteroid echinoids are very common in the shallow water sediments of the Miocene of... more Although clypeasteroid echinoids are very common in the shallow water sediments of the Miocene of Sardinia, they have received little attention as far as their origin is concerned. In this paper, three sand dollar dominated mass accumulations from the Lower Miocene of Sardinia are studied and compared in order to understand their genesis and palaeoecology. Two clypeasteroid assemblages were found in the Sarcidano region (Central Sardinia) within the Nurallao Formation (Late Oligocene-Burdigalian). The third sand dollar mass occurrence crops out in the Logudoro region (northern Sardinia) within the Calcari di Mores Formation (Late Burdigalian). These fossil echinoid deposits show a low taxonomic diversity; two assemblages are dominated by the genus Amphiope while the other is dominated by Parascutella with subordinate Clypeaster. An integrated stratigraphic, taphonomic and sedimentological approach allows different genetic mechanisms for these shallow water, sandy, shoreface deposits to be inferred. The origin of these deposits is related to ecological, morphological and sedimentological factors. The sand dollars of Cuccuru Tuvullao (Nuragus) show high degrees of abrasion and fragmentation and represent a multiple in situ reworked accumulation while the assemblage of Duidduru (Genoni), with low abrasion and variously oriented complete and fragmented specimens constitutes an example of a proximal storm deposits. The sand dollar bed of Monte Sa Loca (Chiaramonti) consists of a dense accumulation of well-preserved, mainly concordant-oriented, juvenile and adult specimens and is considered to represent an autochthonous assemblage. This paper explores the role of detailed sedimentological and taphonomic analysis in the palaeoecological and genetic interpretations of the sand dollar beds and points out the widespread distribution and diversification of these echinoids in the Miocene deposits of the Mediterranean area.
Erected on the basis of an incomplete skull bone, Palaeopython sardus Portis, 1901 is the only sp... more Erected on the basis of an incomplete skull bone, Palaeopython sardus Portis, 1901 is the only specimen referred to this species. The holotype, from the Middle Miocene of Monte Albu (Sardinia) and identified as the palatine-pterygoid of a snake, was never revised as the specimen had not been traced by the various authors who had discussed the validity of this taxon. The holotype was recently found by the authors in the collections of the Museo Sardo di Geologia e Paleontologia "Domenico Lovisato" (Cagliari, Italy) where it is now housed under accession number MDLCA 14402. The preservational status of MDLCA 14402 does not differ from the description and figures by Portis but according to our revision, it is actually the premaxilla of an undetermined acanthomorph fish. The name Palaeopython sardus Portis, 1901 is here considered as a nomen dubium since the holotype is incomplete and on the basis of the preserved features it is not possible to diagnose a fish taxon or to refer the specimen to an extant or extinct species. The booid snakes of Italy are therefore represented only by erycine snakes that so far have been described in localities with an age ranging from the Late Miocene to the Late Pliocene. RIASSUNTO -[L'olotipo ritrovato di Palaeopython sardus Portis, 1901 proveniente dal Miocene della Sardegna appartiene a un pesce, non a un serpente] -Il celebre paleontologo Alessandro Portis descrisse nella sua prolifica carriera anche un certo numero di specie estinte di rettili. Fra questi, il pitone Palaeopython sardus Portis, 1901 ha per olotipo un resto cranico, originariamente identificato come una "porzione considerevole del Palato-pterygoideo destro" proveniente dal "Calcare argilloso della base di Monte Albu (Bosa)" in Sardegna (Miocene Medio). Successivamente collocato nel genere Python, l'olotipo di questa specie non è più stato revisionato in quanto considerato irrintracciabile. Non sono stati descritti altri resti riferibili a P. sardus e la sua validità è stata discussa da numerosi autori sulla base delle informazioni fornite nel lavoro originale di Portis. Grazie al fatto che il tipo è stato recentemente ritrovato nelle collezioni del Museo Sardo di Geologia e Paleontologia "Domenico Lovisato" (Cagliari), è ora possibile aggiornare la descrizione della sua morfologia e valutare la validità del taxon eretto da Portis. MDLCA 14402 non appartiene a un serpente ma è chiaramente un premascellare ascrivibile ad un pesce indeterminato riferibile al gruppo degli acantomorfi. Poiché l'olotipo non fornisce informazioni sufficienti per diagnosticare una specie, né per riferirlo a un taxon attuale o estinto di teleostei acantomorfi, Palaeopython sardus Portis, 1901 viene qui considerato un nomen dubium. P. sardus si aggiunge quindi alle numerose specie di rettili cenozoici italiani descritte fra la fine del XIX secolo e l'inizio del XX che si sono rivelate essere nomina vana o sinonimi di taxa attuali. Gli unici Booidea rinvenuti in Italia sono pertanto i boa delle sabbie appartenenti alla famiglia Erycinae che sono stati identificati in alcune località di età compresa fra il Miocene Superiore e il Pliocene Superiore.
Three mass accumulations of sea urchins from the Miocene of Sardinia show a number of taphonomic ... more Three mass accumulations of sea urchins from the Miocene of Sardinia show a number of taphonomic features which set them apart from previously described echinoid assemblages from the Cenozoic in which they represent: (1) monotypic assemblages;
Abstract by Pillola Gian Luigi
594 This overview provides the basic information on the geological history of the Sardinian micro... more 594 This overview provides the basic information on the geological history of the Sardinian microplate (Italy). Examples of the relationship between inhabitants and geology will be considered in order to establish the role of natural resources as an element of people's connections through time. Finally, some peculiar geological features will be exposed as representative of their high scientific-educational value and good practice for preservation and valorisation, both inside and outside of the " Core Areas " of the Geomining Park of Sardinia. 595 Sardinia shows an extraordinary array of geological features in a relatively small area. The Cambrian to Devonian succession, interrupted by the tectonic " Sardinian Phase " , shows a Mid-Ordovician widespread gap. The Variscan orogeny strongly characterizes the basement structure; extended outcrops of intrusive and effusive rocks and reduced Permo-Carboniferous sediments crops out in several areas. The repeated Mesozoic transgressive/regressive cycles, mainly represented by carbonate deposits, mark the landscape. The unconformities are well exposed and easily understood by non-specialists. The Cainozoic tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Corsica/Sardinia microplate represents a well-known example for explaining continental drift with the associated suite of volcanic and sedimentary rocks. Quaternary deposits testify to the climatic changes and the settlement of Homo since Palaeolithic time. 596 How did geology and natural resources influence and, in past and present day, connect people? Early exploitation of Miocene flints date back to Lower Palaeolithic while obsidian, jasper and copper was exploited during Bronze Age. All these primary resources, carved in the island, have been found outside of Sardinia and testify to the connection with many Mediterranean regions. Later on (phoenician and roman times), exchanges grew considerably, and in later centuries reached a worldwide connection between foreign managers and simple workers. Today geoconservation and the cultural heritage related to the mining exploitation, serve to again link engaged communities and tourists, and represent an important sustainable resource.
Several tetrapod footprints have been recently found in the U. Carboniferous fluvio-lacustrine de... more Several tetrapod footprints have been recently found in the U. Carboniferous fluvio-lacustrine deposits of the San Giorgio Basin (Iglesias, SW Sardinia). They represent, together with the ones figured by Fondi (1980), the earliest evidence of vertebrate tracks recorded in Italy. The studied section, about 33 m thick, is located 2.5 km SSW of Iglesias and is entirely assigned to the Westphalian-Stephanian. The specimens originate from the yellow-grey dolomitic siltstone interval of the middle unit (unit B, Del Rio et al., 2002). The collected tetrapod footprints are on eight slabs and are chiefly preserved as casts of three manus-pes couples and by other isolated footprints which, for their different shape and size, are referable to three distinct morphotypes that differ from those assigned to Salichnium (Saurichnites) heringi (Geinitz, 1885) by Fondi (1980). Additional ichnofossils are represented by tiny arthropod tracks and trails. The biota is largely dominated by diversified plant remains and palynomophs, while body fossils are represented by an exquisitely preserved Anthracomartid spider and a blattoid wing. (Del Rio et al., 2002, and cited references). These findings add new data about the U. Carboniferous of Sardinia and suggest an unexpected faunal diversity which may support more accurate age bracketing and correlations.
Papers by Pillola Gian Luigi
RIASSUNTO - [La fauna a mammiferi quaternari di " Surconis " , Bolotana (Sardegna, Italia)]-I primi studi sulle faune plio-quaternarie a mammiferi continentali della Sardegna risalgono ai primi anni del XIX secolo. Le località fino ad oggi studiate nell'isola sono numerose e in tempi recenti, grazie alla scoperta dei ricchi riempimenti carsici del Monte Tuttavista (Sardegna centro-orientale), le conoscenze sui complessi faunistici a mammiferi plio-quaternari hanno avuto un significativo incremento. I principali depositi fossiliferi sardi sono rappresentati da brecce ossifere in anfratti carsici, depositi di grotta, depositi eolici e subordinatamente da paleosuoli e depositi fluvio-lacustri. Per quel che riguarda i depositi in cavità carsiche, questi sono ubicati principalmente nelle vaste aree carbonatiche del Sulcis-Iglesiente (Sardegna meridionale), della Nurra (Sardegna settentrionale) e della Sardegna centro-orientale. Risultano pertanto relativamente rari quelli localizzati in aree dove gli affioramenti carbonatici sono scarsamente rappresentati. Nel presente lavoro viene segnalata un'associazione a mammiferi individuata all'interno del riempimento di una piccola cavità carsica in località Surconis, a poca distanza dal centro abitato di Bolotana (Marghine, Sardegna centro-occidentale, Italia). I taxa segnalati sono: Prolagus sardus, Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) henseli, Rhagamys orthodon, Cynotherium cf. sardous e Praemegaceros (Nesoleipoceros) cazioti. La presenza del Cricetidae esclude il Complesso Faunistico a " Nesogoral " a favore del Complesso Faunistico a " Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) " e al Sub-complesso Faunistico di Dragonara (fine Pleistocene Medio-inizio Olocene). Allo stato attuale delle conoscenze la località di Surconis rappresenta il sito a mammiferi fossili quaternari più ricco segnalato nella subregione del Marghine.
ABSTRACT - The " Lamarmora Vertebrate Collection " of the Sardinian Museum of Geology and Palaeontology Domenico Lovisato (Cagliari, Italy). Some historical collections housed in the Sardinian Museum of Geology and Palaeontology Domenico Lovisato have been reviewed during a recent cataloging. One of them is the " Lamarmora Vertebrate Collection " , a small assemblage of Quaternary vertebrate fossils gathered by General Alberto Lamarmora during the mid-nineteenth century in the historic locality of Bonaria (Cagliari). Seven mammal taxa belonging to the Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) Faunal Complex have been recognized during preliminary analysis. The collection has an historic importance because it was donated by one of the most illustrious names in that period and, secondly, it represents one of the first collections annexed to the " Museo Lovisato ". A scientific importance is given by the presence of some of the first Quaternary fossil vertebrate remains collected in Sardinia. It is important to put light on the fact that now the Quaternary fossiliferous deposit of Bonaria is totally disappeared, first exploited by quarry activity and then engulfed by the urban development.
In this short note are briefly listed and discussed the few remains of cetacean fossils preserved in the “Museo Sardo
di Geologia e Paleontologia Domenico Lovisato” of the University of Cagliari. Other few remains of cetaceans found
in Sardinia are currently stored at the “Museo Geologico Giovanni Capellini” in Bologna.
Abstract by Pillola Gian Luigi
RIASSUNTO - [La fauna a mammiferi quaternari di " Surconis " , Bolotana (Sardegna, Italia)]-I primi studi sulle faune plio-quaternarie a mammiferi continentali della Sardegna risalgono ai primi anni del XIX secolo. Le località fino ad oggi studiate nell'isola sono numerose e in tempi recenti, grazie alla scoperta dei ricchi riempimenti carsici del Monte Tuttavista (Sardegna centro-orientale), le conoscenze sui complessi faunistici a mammiferi plio-quaternari hanno avuto un significativo incremento. I principali depositi fossiliferi sardi sono rappresentati da brecce ossifere in anfratti carsici, depositi di grotta, depositi eolici e subordinatamente da paleosuoli e depositi fluvio-lacustri. Per quel che riguarda i depositi in cavità carsiche, questi sono ubicati principalmente nelle vaste aree carbonatiche del Sulcis-Iglesiente (Sardegna meridionale), della Nurra (Sardegna settentrionale) e della Sardegna centro-orientale. Risultano pertanto relativamente rari quelli localizzati in aree dove gli affioramenti carbonatici sono scarsamente rappresentati. Nel presente lavoro viene segnalata un'associazione a mammiferi individuata all'interno del riempimento di una piccola cavità carsica in località Surconis, a poca distanza dal centro abitato di Bolotana (Marghine, Sardegna centro-occidentale, Italia). I taxa segnalati sono: Prolagus sardus, Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) henseli, Rhagamys orthodon, Cynotherium cf. sardous e Praemegaceros (Nesoleipoceros) cazioti. La presenza del Cricetidae esclude il Complesso Faunistico a " Nesogoral " a favore del Complesso Faunistico a " Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) " e al Sub-complesso Faunistico di Dragonara (fine Pleistocene Medio-inizio Olocene). Allo stato attuale delle conoscenze la località di Surconis rappresenta il sito a mammiferi fossili quaternari più ricco segnalato nella subregione del Marghine.
ABSTRACT - The " Lamarmora Vertebrate Collection " of the Sardinian Museum of Geology and Palaeontology Domenico Lovisato (Cagliari, Italy). Some historical collections housed in the Sardinian Museum of Geology and Palaeontology Domenico Lovisato have been reviewed during a recent cataloging. One of them is the " Lamarmora Vertebrate Collection " , a small assemblage of Quaternary vertebrate fossils gathered by General Alberto Lamarmora during the mid-nineteenth century in the historic locality of Bonaria (Cagliari). Seven mammal taxa belonging to the Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) Faunal Complex have been recognized during preliminary analysis. The collection has an historic importance because it was donated by one of the most illustrious names in that period and, secondly, it represents one of the first collections annexed to the " Museo Lovisato ". A scientific importance is given by the presence of some of the first Quaternary fossil vertebrate remains collected in Sardinia. It is important to put light on the fact that now the Quaternary fossiliferous deposit of Bonaria is totally disappeared, first exploited by quarry activity and then engulfed by the urban development.
In this short note are briefly listed and discussed the few remains of cetacean fossils preserved in the “Museo Sardo
di Geologia e Paleontologia Domenico Lovisato” of the University of Cagliari. Other few remains of cetaceans found
in Sardinia are currently stored at the “Museo Geologico Giovanni Capellini” in Bologna.