Peter Kopp
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Papers by Peter Kopp
As part of the ongoing rehabilitation work at the museum buildings located on the island of Elephantine, excavations were conducted near the northeastern limit of the ancient town. Among the earliest remains found in the area is a well preserved section of the city wall of the late 2nd dynasty. Outside the perimeter of this wall Nile sediments dating to the Old Kingdom were identified, as well as settlement remains of the 6th to 12th dynasties. Several pottery kilns of the early Middle Kingdom were discovered here. A later city wall appears to have been constructed during the reign of Senwosret III and it seems to have existed until the early New Kingdom.
The documentation and study of the relief blocks originating from the Khnum temple of the New Kingdom was continued. Many of the blocks can be attributed to the temple house, the courtyard and the first pylon built by Thutmosis III, as well as to the festival courtyard which was added by Amenophis II. Some of the blocks appear to originate from other, so far unknown buildings of the temple complex, including a cult building of Thutmosis I and II, a barque station of Hatshepsut and a construction of Thutmosis IV.
The aim of another project has been the investigation of workshop areas of the Late Antique Period. During the excavation of a house dating to the 5th–9th centuries AD, evidence for the baking of bread, the keeping of animals and the production of granodiorite bowls has been found. Nearby an oven used for smelting non-ferrous metal was identified. Fragments of melting pots, casting molds and slag provide information on the production process.
Books by Peter Kopp
As part of the ongoing rehabilitation work at the museum buildings located on the island of Elephantine, excavations were conducted near the northeastern limit of the ancient town. Among the earliest remains found in the area is a well preserved section of the city wall of the late 2nd dynasty. Outside the perimeter of this wall Nile sediments dating to the Old Kingdom were identified, as well as settlement remains of the 6th to 12th dynasties. Several pottery kilns of the early Middle Kingdom were discovered here. A later city wall appears to have been constructed during the reign of Senwosret III and it seems to have existed until the early New Kingdom.
The documentation and study of the relief blocks originating from the Khnum temple of the New Kingdom was continued. Many of the blocks can be attributed to the temple house, the courtyard and the first pylon built by Thutmosis III, as well as to the festival courtyard which was added by Amenophis II. Some of the blocks appear to originate from other, so far unknown buildings of the temple complex, including a cult building of Thutmosis I and II, a barque station of Hatshepsut and a construction of Thutmosis IV.
The aim of another project has been the investigation of workshop areas of the Late Antique Period. During the excavation of a house dating to the 5th–9th centuries AD, evidence for the baking of bread, the keeping of animals and the production of granodiorite bowls has been found. Nearby an oven used for smelting non-ferrous metal was identified. Fragments of melting pots, casting molds and slag provide information on the production process.
Handed in to the Ministry of Antiquities in Egypt for publication in ASAE.
Handed in to the Ministry of Antiquities in Egypt for publication in ASAE.
Handed in to the Ministry of Antiquities in Egypt for publication in ASAE.
Handed in to the Ministry of Antiquities in Egypt for publication in ASAE.
استكمل المعهد الألماني بالقاهرة مشروعه "حقائق الحياة" الذي يجمع ما بين التقنيات العلمية لتحليل البيانات الاثرية في المدينة الشمالية الغربية في إلفنتين الأثرية (القسم 2). تم تنفيذ أعمال الحفائر في الفترة بين خريف 2016 و صيف 2017 و تم تكريس موسمين كاملين لدراسة المُكتشفات. بينما استكمل المعهد السويسري اعمال الحفائر في المنزل 55 جنوب مقبرة حقائيب في إطار دراستها للمدينة التي تعود للدولة الحديثة علي الجزيرة. تم تركيز عمل الموسم في معبد خنوم علي عدة جوانب من المعبد الذي يعود للعصر المتأخر، المنطقة المحيطة به و أثاثه الشعائري (القسم 3).
بالإضافة إلي ذلك، استهدفت عدة مشاريع دراسة القطع المُكتشفة المنفردة و مجموعات القطع. و استمر البحث الميداني الخاص بزخرفة المعابد اليونانية-الرومانية في إلفنتين (القسم 4). كما قام المعهد السوبسري بالمزيد من الاعمال من أجل حفظ و إعادة بناء معبد أوزوريس نسمتي (القسم 5). أجري المعهد الألماني مشروع عن سياق القطع المكتشفة و تلك المُكتشفة التي تعود للفترات الأولي من تاريخ إلفنتين من خلال تحليل كيفيات استغلال الأماكن الاستيطانية (القسم 6).
بسعادة غامرة يُمكننا أن نصرح إنه تم إعادة بناء متحف البعثة (المتحف الملحقAnnex museum )، الذي تم بنائه و تجديده من قبل المعهد الألماني للآثار في ربيع 2017، بالإضافة إلي إفتتاح قاعة محاضرات صغيرة في بيت البعثة الألمانية في جزيرة إلفنتين من أجل تدريب زملائنا المحليين (القسم 7).
Handed in to the Ministry of Antiquities in Egypt for publication in ASAE.
Translated by Mariam Adel William.
The DAI continued its archaeometric project ‘Realities of Life’ in the ancient north-western town of Elephantine (section 2). Between autumn 2016 and summer 2017, one season of excavation was conducted and two seasons were dedicated entirely to the study of the finds. The Swiss Institute resumed the excavation of house 55 to the south of the sanctuary of Heqaib in the framework of its study of the New Kingdom town of the island. In the Khnum temple area work concentrated on various aspects of the late temple, its precinct and its furnishings (section 3).
In addition, several projects were aimed at the study of single objects and object groups. Field research on the decoration of the Greco-Roman temples of Elephantine was continued (section 4). The Swiss Institute did further work for the conservation and rebuilding of the temple of Osiris Nesmeti (section 5). The DAI conducted a project on the context of finds and the objects of the early periods of the history of Elephantine through functional settlement analysis (section 6).
With great pleasure, we can furthermore report the re-opening of the excavation museum (the so-called Annex Museum), built and refurbished by the DAI, which took part in spring 2017, as well as the inauguration of a small auditorium in the German excavation house on the island, for training purposes of our local colleagues (section 7).
Handed in to the Ministry of Antiquities in Egypt for publication in ASAE.
واصل المعهد الألمانى مشروع بحثة الاركيومترى" وقائع الحياة" فى المدينة الشمالية الغربية القديمة (مقطع 2) بإليفنتين. نفذت البعثة موسمين للحفائر بين خريف 2015 حتى صيف 2016، وموسم لدراسة المكتشفات. كما استأنف المعهد السويسرى الحفائر فى الأبنية الواقعة إلى جنوب قدس أقداس حكا إيب فى إطار دراسته لعمارة مدينة الدولة الحديثة على جزيرة إليفنتين. حيث تركز العمل فى منطقة معبد خنوم لدراسة مناحى مختلفة للمعبد المتأخر، وحدوده، وأبنيته ( مقطع3).
إضافة إلى تنفيذ مشاريع أخرى تهدف إلى دراسة مجموعات القطع الأثرية. أنهى المعهد الألمانى دراسة كتل تحمل مناظر تعود للدولة الحديثة من معبد خنوم( مقطع 4). كشفت البعثة أثناء إزالة الرديم عن لوحة لسنوسرت الثالث( مقطع5). واستمرت دراسة زخارف معابد إليفنتين التى تعود للعصر اليونانى الرومانى (مقطع6). كما استأنف المعهد السويسرى أعمال صيانة وإعادة بناء معبد أوزيريس نسمتى (مقطع 7). ونفذ المعهد الألمانى بالتعاون مع المعهد العلمى الفرنسى للآثار الشرقية مشروع لدراسة البيئة المحيطة وقطع تعود لعصور مبكرة من تاريخ إليفنتين، وذلك بتحليل دور المستوطنة( مقطع 8)، كما نفذا مشروعا لدراسة قطع الصوان واستخدامتهم (مقطع 9).
بذل المعهد الألمانى للآثار جهودا كبيرة بالتعاون مع تفتيش آثار أسوان، ومتحف النوبة هذا الموسم لتحسين العلاقة بين الآثريين، وسكان منطقة أسوان بتدريب الزملاء المحليين العاملين فى مجال الآثار والعلاقات العامة( مقطع 10-11).
Handed in to the Ministry of Antiquities in Egypt for publication in ASAE.
In the settlement the DAI continued its archaeometric project “Realities of Life” in the ancient northwestern town (section 2). Between autumn 2015 and summer 2016, two seasons of excavation and one study season dedicated to the finds were conducted. The Swiss Institute resumed the excavation of a building to the south of the sanctuary of Heqaib in the framework of its study of the New Kingdom town of the island. In the Khnum temple area work concentrated on various aspects of the late temple, its precinct and its furnishings (section 3).
In addition, several projects were conducted aimed at the study of objects and object groups. The DAI completed the investigation of the relief blocks from the New Kingdom temple of Khnum (section 4).
During the clearance of debris a stela of Senwosret III was found (section 5). The study of the decoration of the Greco-Roman temples of Elephantine was continued (section 6). The Swiss Institute continued the conservation and rebuilding of the temple of Osiris Nesmeti (section 7). In cooperation with the IFAO the DAI conducted a project on the context and objects of the early periods of the history of Elephantine through functional settlement analysis (section 8) and a project on flint objects
and their functional analysis (section 9).
In addition the DAI, in cooperation with the Aswan inspectorate and the Nubian Museum, made major efforts this season to improve the relationship between the archaeologists and the inhabitants of the
area of Aswan and to provide training for our local colleagues in archaeological fieldwork and public relations (section 10–11).
Handed in to the Ministry of Antiquities in Egypt for publication in ASAE.
In the settlement the German Archaeological Institute continued its archaeometrical project in the ancient town (see section 2). The Swiss Institute resumed the excavation of a building to the south of Heqaib Sanctuary in the framework of its study of the New Kingdom town of the island (see section 3).
At the site of the temple of Khnum the German Archaeological Institute continued the project on the reconstruction of the New Kingdom temples and sanctuaries of Khnum (see section 4) from re-used blocks found in the foundations of the later temple. Work of the Swiss Institute concentrated on various aspects of this late temple, its precinct and its furnishings (see sections 5).
Apart from this, the documentation and the study of finds played an important part in the work of the last season. Work on the pottery of the Middle and New Kingdom was continued by scientists from the German and Swiss Institute (sections 6–7). Furthermore, glass objects, silex tools and animal remains were studied (see section 8–10).
Conservation and reconstruction work was carried out by the Swiss Institute on blocks of the late temple of Osiris Nesmeti and the building of the same temple as well as on the small obelisks from the balustrade of the Roman river terrace of the temple of Khnum (section 11).
The German Archaeological Institute started and completed a major inventory in the so-called Annex magazines on the island and managed to transfer finds from several seasons to the new magazine near the local inspectorate. Apart from that new storage space for mass finds was built (section 12).
Last but not least a major effort was made by the German Institute in cooperation with the Aswan inspectorate in improving the relationship to the local inhabitants of the island by arranging an archaeology day for the pupils of the villages on Elephantine (section 13).
Handed in to the Ministry of Antiquities in Egypt for publication in ASAE.
research work. Apart from a detailed description of the methodological framework of the project, preliminary results of the fieldwork of the seasons 2013/2014 (43rd season) and 2014/2015 (44th season)
are given in the following contribution.
or for trade. The use of both standard archaeological and archaeometric methods provide new insight into jewellery and bread production, demands for cleanliness and (supra-)regional connections of the inhabitants of the island city.