The application of holistic analytic approach in the study of population structure can be very he... more The application of holistic analytic approach in the study of population structure can be very helpful in providing some important information about the continuity of interaction between intrinsic population characteristics (its gene pool) and a wide spectrurn of extrinsic selective impacts. Major advantages of such approach are the possibility to assess the main detenminants of interpopulation similarity or variabil-ity, and to estimate the dependence of the rate of (micro) evolutionary processes upon the historical events that favoured or restricted gene flow. Some of the extri.nsic influences that have the greatest im-portamce in such interaction are cultural, economical, medical, political, religious, social, and many oth-ers. In this study, various measures of genetic distances (estimated from D3S 1358, wWA, FG.A, THO l, TPĐX, CSF1PO, DSS818, D13S317 and D7S820 STR loci ; DRBl, DRB3, DRBS, DQA1 and DQB1 HLA class II polymorphisms ; 10 crythracyte antigens and isonymy), biological distances (anthropomctri-cal body and head distanccs, physiological, dermatoglyphic and radiogrammetric bone distances), bio-cultural (migrational time depth kinship analyses and kinship estimated from isonymy) and sociocultiual distances (linguistic - basic and cultural vocabulary) were calculated between inhabitants - subpopulations of six villagcs of the island of Hvar, Croatia. Correlations between : a total of 22 distancc m, atrices were analyzed using Mantel's test of matrix corre-spondence. The model-bound (Malecot's isolation by distance) and the model-free approach (factor analysis of the structurc of correlation matrices among different distance measures) were applied. Since there was a significant discrepancy between the obtained results after using different variables and analytic methods, they are in terms of identified major sourccs of population variability, which seemed to be partly variable-specific, but with significant contribution of non-random sociocultural and ethnohistorical effects and its interaction with population intrinsic homogenizational and variational peculiarities.
Matrices of pair-wise estimates of 21 distances measures based on 36 pairs of village populations... more Matrices of pair-wise estimates of 21 distances measures based on 36 pairs of village populations of the island of Hvar, Croatia were correlated with geographical distance matrix (using the Mantel"s test of matrix correspondence, as well as the Malecot"s isolation by distance model). Within the eastern and western part of the island (distances ranged from 3.2 to 17.0 km), geographic distances were in expected positive correlation with biological (BodyM, BodyF, HeadM, HeadF, PhysM, PhysF, DermM, DermF, BoneM, BoneF), with genetic (GnIso, GnEryth, GnHLADNA) and socio-cultural (LingBas, LingCult) distances, and in expected negative correlation with the distances estimated from bio-cultural traits (KinpIso, Kinpl, Kinp2, Kinp3, Kinp4, KemoD). The analysis of the pairs of villages from different island"s areas (west vs, east location, with distances ranging from 23.0 to 40.0 km) present the positive correlation for two socio-cultural (range .82 to .89), one of three genetic (.57), and two of ten biological distances (.24 and .42). As it could be well-expected, negative correlations were obtained for bio-cultural distances (range -.12 and -.84) but - contrary to our expectations - also for eight of ten biological distances (range -.33 to -.76) and one of three genetic distances (-.57). Those negative correlations could indicate peculiarities of immigration patterns through history but also, by the "shift" of the regression lines to their "mirror positions", geographical areas on mainland from where the migrants immigrate onto the island of Hvar, i.e. potential geographic localizations of the "historical nests" for the long range population migrations onto the Adriatic islands. Matrices of pair-wise estimates of 21 distances measures based on 36 pairs of village populations of the island of Hvar, Croatia were correlated with geographical distance matrix (using the Mantel"s test of matrix correspondence, as well as the Malecot"s isolation by distance model). Within the eastern and western part of the island (distances ranged from 3.2 to 17.0 km), geographic distances were in expected positive correlation with biological (BodyM, BodyF, HeadM, HeadF, PhysM, PhysF, DermM, DermF, BoneM, BoneF), with genetic (GnIso, GnEryth, GnHLADNA) and socio-cultural (LingBas, LingCult) distances, and in expected negative correlation with the distances estimated from bio-cultural traits (KinpIso, Kinpl, Kinp2, Kinp3, Kinp4, KemoD). The analysis of the pairs of villages from different island"s areas (west vs, east location, with distances ranging from 23.0 to 40.0 km) present the positive correlation for two socio-cultural (range .82 to .89), one of three genetic (.57), and two of ten biological distances (.24 and .42). As it could be well-expected, negative correlations were obtained for bio-cultural distances (range -.12 and -.84) but - contrary to our expectations - also for eight of ten biological distances (range -.33 to -.76) and one of three genetic distances (-.57). Those negative correlations could indicate peculiarities of immigration patterns through history but also, by the "shift" of the regression lines to their "mirror positions", geographical areas on mainland from where the migrants immigrate onto the island of Hvar, i.e. potential geographic localizations of the "historical nests" for the long range population migrations onto the Adriatic islands. Matrices of pair-wise estimates of 21 distances measures based on 36 pairs of village populations of the island of Hvar, Croatia were correlated with geographical distance matrix (using the Mantel"s test of matrix correspondence, as well as the Malecot"s isolation by distance model). Within the eastern and western part of the island (distances ranged from 3.2 to 17.0 km), geographic distances were in expected positive correlation with biological (BodyM, BodyF, HeadM, HeadF, PhysM, PhysF, DermM, DermF, BoneM, BoneF), with genetic (GnIso, GnEryth, GnHLADNA) and socio-cultural (LingBas, LingCult) distances, and in expected negative correlation with the distances estimated from bio-cultural traits (KinpIso, Kinpl, Kinp2, Kinp3, Kinp4, KemoD). The analysis of the pairs of villages from different island"s areas (west vs, east location, with distances ranging from 23.0 to 40.0 km) present the positive correlation for two socio-cultural (range .82 to .89), one of three genetic (.57), and two of ten biological distances (.24 and .42). As it could be well-expected, negative correlations were obtained for bio-cultural distances (range -.12 and -.84) but - contrary to our expectations - also for eight of ten biological distances (range -.33 to -.76) and one of three genetic distances (-.57). Those negative correlations could indicate peculiarities of immigration patterns through history but also, by the "shift" of the regression lines to their "mirror positions", geographical areas on mainland from where the migrants immigrate onto the island of Hvar, i.e. potential geographic…
Anthropological research of modern European populations indicates pronounced diversity between an... more Anthropological research of modern European populations indicates pronounced diversity between and among various groups, confirming the complexity of interactions of the components of the “eternal triangle” (heredity, environment and culture). Such studies require an interdisciplinary approach and a large scale of diverse data: sociocultural, linguistic, archeological, anthropo-genetic, biological, and biomedical. For several decades, holistic anthropological research, based on the belief that human evolution and variability can be understood only by the simultaneous study of biological and socio-cultural phenomena, has been conducted in the Eastern Adriatic and in the Balkan region as well. Detailed characterization of historical events, population movements and migrations, demographic peculiarities, family structure, linguistic peculiarities, and various biological and genetic traits were investigated, revealing possible routes of peopling of this geographic area. Within the context of this research, this paper will address various scenarios of microevolution, including factors such as population exchange, demic diffusion, short-term and long-term migration movements and population mobility, possible founder effects, the form of selection of reproductive partners, the effect of possible settling and population reflux and the dependence of demographic characteristics of various historical groups. Current findings concerning mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome lineages of the population of Eastern Adriatic will be analyzed and interpreted with an emphasis on the fact that historical processes are the laboratory in which modern human populations were created.
We pointed out some doubts and dilemmas concerning population structure studies through (micro) e... more We pointed out some doubts and dilemmas concerning population structure studies through (micro) evolution analyses of biomedical data. Intention of this paper is to stress the fact that we should be extremely couscous to generalize, and to apply the information’ s about human genetic other population (biological, bio-cultural and socio-cultural) peculiarities. Some problems are connected with insufficient information’ s about some population of interest and the data about them applied through holistic analytic approach. Thus, without the intention to be trapped in the absolute relativization, especially concerning on one side “ quality” and “ quantity” of data on the other, our intention was to demonstrate some possibilities of population structure studies applied in the interpretation of some results achieved by epidemiological investigations. The data could provoke discussion about the (1) values of the results obtained in genetic epidemiological analyses of isolated populations and (2) possibilities to utilize population structure studies in common medico-anthropological and epidemiological actions.
Between 1995-1997 the First Croatian healthProject conducted survays on health attitudes, knowled... more Between 1995-1997 the First Croatian healthProject conducted survays on health attitudes, knowledge, behaviour and risks in the post-war Croatian population. The project included issues related to cardiovarcular risk factors. Study pupulation comprised 5, 840 adults from all 21 Croatian countries. The sample corresponds by age, sex and geographical distribution to thee general Croatian population. In addition to body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure (BP), data on general knowledge and attitudes on health issues, smoking history, alcohol consumption, nutrition habits, and physical activity were collected. About 48% of men and 35% of women are overweight (BMI=25-29.99 kg/m2) and as many as 31% of men and 15% of women are severely ovaweight (BMI > or = 30 kg/m2).The overall prevalence of hypertension (systolic BP >or = 140 mmHg and diastolic BP > or = 90 mmHg) is about 32% in man and 24% in women. Prevalence of regular smokers is very high: 34% in men and 27% in women. The important regional differences have been observed in alcohol consumption, nutrition andl physical activity patterns. Most of the population is aware about the basic risk factors for cardiovascular diseases but there is a marked discrepancy between knowledge on health-related and health behaviour.
The application of holistic analytic approach in the study of population structure can provide in... more The application of holistic analytic approach in the study of population structure can provide information about the continuity of interaction between intrinsic population characteristics (its gene pool) and a wide spectrum of extrinsic selective impacts through time. In this paper, various measures of interpopulation distances obtained over a continuous 30-year anthropological research in Hvar Island isolate, Croatia, were used to further elaborate this problem. Those included genetic distances (estimated separately from DNA SIR loci and DNA HLA class II polymorphysms, 10 erythrocyte antigens, serum proteins and isoensymes), biological distances (anthropometrical body and head distances, physiological, dermatoglyphic and radiograrumetric bone distances), bio-cultural (migrational kinship estimated for four periods in history and kinship estimated from isonymy) and socio-cultural distances (linguistic -basic and cultural vocabulary) calculated between inhabitants of the isolate settlements of Hvar Island. The results showed that the examined traits do not react to the (micro)evolutionary impacts in the same manner. Some of them are more likely to be associated to specific and different selective pressures (e.g. through natural selection), others are more likely to reveal selective inertia, while for the third group of traits a reasonable interpretation cannot aiways be provided because of the extreme complexity of its determinants.
Variability in patterns of population structuring arise from a complex and continuos interplay of... more Variability in patterns of population structuring arise from a complex and continuos interplay of various intrinsic population (gene pool) and extrinsic (cultural, demographic, economic, ecological, epidemiological etc.) factors responsible for shaping dynamic processes of gene flow and genetic drift. The study of human variability therefore relies on holistic analytic approach to the analysis of population structuring. in this study various measures of biological (phenotypic) (demographic and radiogrammetric, genetic (red blood enzymes, serum proteins, HLA and STR), bio-cultural (migration and isonymy) and cultural (linguistic) distances were estimated for the rural inhabitants of two Adriatic islands � the island of Hvar (an example for linear model) and the island Krk (an example of non-linear model). Correlations among different matrices were analysed using Mantel's test of matrix correspondence. The relationship between biological (phenotypic genetic, bio-cultural, cultural measures of distance and/or similarity and geographic distances was assessed by applying the regression analysis of Malecot� s � isolation by distance� model. this investigation of population structure of the rural communities for two Adriatic islands indicates the importance of different (micro)evolutionary forces which act with different intensity upon different genetic and biological characteristics as well as the irregularity of correlations between biological (phenotypic, genetic, bio-cultural, cultural and geographic distances.
The purpose of this research is to examine the signatures of isolation in the Adriatic Island pop... more The purpose of this research is to examine the signatures of isolation in the Adriatic Island populations of Croatia from genetic data at 9 short tandem repeat loci. Allele and genotype frequencies at these loci (D13S1358, vWA, FGA, TH01, TPOX, CSF1PO, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820) in 440 individuals distributed in 25 villages/regions located in the islands of Brac, Hvar, Korcula and Krk have been analyzed. In spite of relatively high levels of inbreeding, genotype frequencies in each village or region, by and large, hold the assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. However, with respect to the levels of genetic variation measured by the number of segregating alleles, allele size variance and heterozygosity, the Adriatic Islands populations exhibit reduced variability compared to other outbred populations of African, European and Asian descent. This is also reflected in a somewhat lower power of discrimination in human identity testing and lower average probability of parentage testing using these loci. In fact, with respect to these attributes, the levels of diversity in the Adriatic island populations are comparable to those observed among the isolated populations from Oceania and the Americas. This reduced variability, however, does not appear to compromise the utility of these loci in forensic and paternity testing. Independently segregating loci do not exhibit non-random association of alleles, nor unrelated individuals sharing genotypes at large number of loci appear than dictated by chance alone.
U cilju razvoja dugorocne strategije skrbi za osobe starije dobi u RH te planiranja najadekvatnij... more U cilju razvoja dugorocne strategije skrbi za osobe starije dobi u RH te planiranja najadekvatnijih mjera prevencija i intervencije u podrucju zastite stanovnistva starije dobi u ovom radu je prikazana distribucija najvažnijih cimbenika rizika za razvoj kronicnih bolesti kardiovaskularnog sustava u osoba starijih od 65 godina života. U studiji su koristeni podaci Prvog hrvatskog projekta zdravstva kojeg su od 1995. do 1997. godine proveli Ministarstvo zdravstva RH i Hrvatski zavod za zdravstveno osiguranje, a rad na terenu su obavili djelatnici Instituta za antropologiju uz tehnicku podrsku HZZJZ. Rijec je o epidemioloskoj studiji velikih razmjera koja je obuhvatila 10.000 ispitanika iz svih županija. Do sada su rezultati vec bili obrađeni za pod-uzorak od 5.840 osoba, dobnog raspona 18 do 65 godina starosti, koji po dobi, spolu i zemljopisnoj raspodjeli odgovara opcoj populaciji Republike Hrvatske. Međutim, u ovom je radu prikazana prisutnost najvažnijih cimbenika rizika za razvoj bolesti kardiovaskularnog sustava u osoba starijih od 65 godina. Rezultati su prikazani na razini ukupnog uzorka kao i u odnosu na regionalnu distribuciju zdravstvenih rizika te uspoređeni s vrijednostima istih cimbenika zdravstvenog rizika u stanovnistvu RH dobnog raspona 18 do 65 godina starosti. S obzirom na zdravstvene rizike obolijevanja od bolesti kardiovaskularnog sustava analizirani su sljedeci parametri: BMI, sistolicki i dijastolicki krvni tlak, vrijednosti fibrinogena i lipida u krvi (ukupni te HDL i LDL- kolesterol, trigliceridi, lipoprotein A), te konzumiranje duhana, alkohola i pojedinih prehrambenih namirnica. Rezultati ukazuju na prisutnost selektivnog mortaliteta s obzirom da je prisutnost najznacajnijih cimbenika rizika u osoba starijih od 65 godina manja od one koju nalazimo u opcoj populaciji Republike Hrvatske.
The application of holistic analytic approach in the study of population structure can be very he... more The application of holistic analytic approach in the study of population structure can be very helpful in providing some important information about the continuity of interaction between intrinsic population characteristics (its gene pool) and a wide spectrurn of extrinsic selective impacts. Major advantages of such approach are the possibility to assess the main detenminants of interpopulation similarity or variabil-ity, and to estimate the dependence of the rate of (micro) evolutionary processes upon the historical events that favoured or restricted gene flow. Some of the extri.nsic influences that have the greatest im-portamce in such interaction are cultural, economical, medical, political, religious, social, and many oth-ers. In this study, various measures of genetic distances (estimated from D3S 1358, wWA, FG.A, THO l, TPĐX, CSF1PO, DSS818, D13S317 and D7S820 STR loci ; DRBl, DRB3, DRBS, DQA1 and DQB1 HLA class II polymorphisms ; 10 crythracyte antigens and isonymy), biological distances (anthropomctri-cal body and head distanccs, physiological, dermatoglyphic and radiogrammetric bone distances), bio-cultural (migrational time depth kinship analyses and kinship estimated from isonymy) and sociocultiual distances (linguistic - basic and cultural vocabulary) were calculated between inhabitants - subpopulations of six villagcs of the island of Hvar, Croatia. Correlations between : a total of 22 distancc m, atrices were analyzed using Mantel's test of matrix corre-spondence. The model-bound (Malecot's isolation by distance) and the model-free approach (factor analysis of the structurc of correlation matrices among different distance measures) were applied. Since there was a significant discrepancy between the obtained results after using different variables and analytic methods, they are in terms of identified major sourccs of population variability, which seemed to be partly variable-specific, but with significant contribution of non-random sociocultural and ethnohistorical effects and its interaction with population intrinsic homogenizational and variational peculiarities.
Matrices of pair-wise estimates of 21 distances measures based on 36 pairs of village populations... more Matrices of pair-wise estimates of 21 distances measures based on 36 pairs of village populations of the island of Hvar, Croatia were correlated with geographical distance matrix (using the Mantel"s test of matrix correspondence, as well as the Malecot"s isolation by distance model). Within the eastern and western part of the island (distances ranged from 3.2 to 17.0 km), geographic distances were in expected positive correlation with biological (BodyM, BodyF, HeadM, HeadF, PhysM, PhysF, DermM, DermF, BoneM, BoneF), with genetic (GnIso, GnEryth, GnHLADNA) and socio-cultural (LingBas, LingCult) distances, and in expected negative correlation with the distances estimated from bio-cultural traits (KinpIso, Kinpl, Kinp2, Kinp3, Kinp4, KemoD). The analysis of the pairs of villages from different island"s areas (west vs, east location, with distances ranging from 23.0 to 40.0 km) present the positive correlation for two socio-cultural (range .82 to .89), one of three genetic (.57), and two of ten biological distances (.24 and .42). As it could be well-expected, negative correlations were obtained for bio-cultural distances (range -.12 and -.84) but - contrary to our expectations - also for eight of ten biological distances (range -.33 to -.76) and one of three genetic distances (-.57). Those negative correlations could indicate peculiarities of immigration patterns through history but also, by the "shift" of the regression lines to their "mirror positions", geographical areas on mainland from where the migrants immigrate onto the island of Hvar, i.e. potential geographic localizations of the "historical nests" for the long range population migrations onto the Adriatic islands. Matrices of pair-wise estimates of 21 distances measures based on 36 pairs of village populations of the island of Hvar, Croatia were correlated with geographical distance matrix (using the Mantel"s test of matrix correspondence, as well as the Malecot"s isolation by distance model). Within the eastern and western part of the island (distances ranged from 3.2 to 17.0 km), geographic distances were in expected positive correlation with biological (BodyM, BodyF, HeadM, HeadF, PhysM, PhysF, DermM, DermF, BoneM, BoneF), with genetic (GnIso, GnEryth, GnHLADNA) and socio-cultural (LingBas, LingCult) distances, and in expected negative correlation with the distances estimated from bio-cultural traits (KinpIso, Kinpl, Kinp2, Kinp3, Kinp4, KemoD). The analysis of the pairs of villages from different island"s areas (west vs, east location, with distances ranging from 23.0 to 40.0 km) present the positive correlation for two socio-cultural (range .82 to .89), one of three genetic (.57), and two of ten biological distances (.24 and .42). As it could be well-expected, negative correlations were obtained for bio-cultural distances (range -.12 and -.84) but - contrary to our expectations - also for eight of ten biological distances (range -.33 to -.76) and one of three genetic distances (-.57). Those negative correlations could indicate peculiarities of immigration patterns through history but also, by the "shift" of the regression lines to their "mirror positions", geographical areas on mainland from where the migrants immigrate onto the island of Hvar, i.e. potential geographic localizations of the "historical nests" for the long range population migrations onto the Adriatic islands. Matrices of pair-wise estimates of 21 distances measures based on 36 pairs of village populations of the island of Hvar, Croatia were correlated with geographical distance matrix (using the Mantel"s test of matrix correspondence, as well as the Malecot"s isolation by distance model). Within the eastern and western part of the island (distances ranged from 3.2 to 17.0 km), geographic distances were in expected positive correlation with biological (BodyM, BodyF, HeadM, HeadF, PhysM, PhysF, DermM, DermF, BoneM, BoneF), with genetic (GnIso, GnEryth, GnHLADNA) and socio-cultural (LingBas, LingCult) distances, and in expected negative correlation with the distances estimated from bio-cultural traits (KinpIso, Kinpl, Kinp2, Kinp3, Kinp4, KemoD). The analysis of the pairs of villages from different island"s areas (west vs, east location, with distances ranging from 23.0 to 40.0 km) present the positive correlation for two socio-cultural (range .82 to .89), one of three genetic (.57), and two of ten biological distances (.24 and .42). As it could be well-expected, negative correlations were obtained for bio-cultural distances (range -.12 and -.84) but - contrary to our expectations - also for eight of ten biological distances (range -.33 to -.76) and one of three genetic distances (-.57). Those negative correlations could indicate peculiarities of immigration patterns through history but also, by the "shift" of the regression lines to their "mirror positions", geographical areas on mainland from where the migrants immigrate onto the island of Hvar, i.e. potential geographic…
Anthropological research of modern European populations indicates pronounced diversity between an... more Anthropological research of modern European populations indicates pronounced diversity between and among various groups, confirming the complexity of interactions of the components of the “eternal triangle” (heredity, environment and culture). Such studies require an interdisciplinary approach and a large scale of diverse data: sociocultural, linguistic, archeological, anthropo-genetic, biological, and biomedical. For several decades, holistic anthropological research, based on the belief that human evolution and variability can be understood only by the simultaneous study of biological and socio-cultural phenomena, has been conducted in the Eastern Adriatic and in the Balkan region as well. Detailed characterization of historical events, population movements and migrations, demographic peculiarities, family structure, linguistic peculiarities, and various biological and genetic traits were investigated, revealing possible routes of peopling of this geographic area. Within the context of this research, this paper will address various scenarios of microevolution, including factors such as population exchange, demic diffusion, short-term and long-term migration movements and population mobility, possible founder effects, the form of selection of reproductive partners, the effect of possible settling and population reflux and the dependence of demographic characteristics of various historical groups. Current findings concerning mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome lineages of the population of Eastern Adriatic will be analyzed and interpreted with an emphasis on the fact that historical processes are the laboratory in which modern human populations were created.
We pointed out some doubts and dilemmas concerning population structure studies through (micro) e... more We pointed out some doubts and dilemmas concerning population structure studies through (micro) evolution analyses of biomedical data. Intention of this paper is to stress the fact that we should be extremely couscous to generalize, and to apply the information’ s about human genetic other population (biological, bio-cultural and socio-cultural) peculiarities. Some problems are connected with insufficient information’ s about some population of interest and the data about them applied through holistic analytic approach. Thus, without the intention to be trapped in the absolute relativization, especially concerning on one side “ quality” and “ quantity” of data on the other, our intention was to demonstrate some possibilities of population structure studies applied in the interpretation of some results achieved by epidemiological investigations. The data could provoke discussion about the (1) values of the results obtained in genetic epidemiological analyses of isolated populations and (2) possibilities to utilize population structure studies in common medico-anthropological and epidemiological actions.
Between 1995-1997 the First Croatian healthProject conducted survays on health attitudes, knowled... more Between 1995-1997 the First Croatian healthProject conducted survays on health attitudes, knowledge, behaviour and risks in the post-war Croatian population. The project included issues related to cardiovarcular risk factors. Study pupulation comprised 5, 840 adults from all 21 Croatian countries. The sample corresponds by age, sex and geographical distribution to thee general Croatian population. In addition to body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure (BP), data on general knowledge and attitudes on health issues, smoking history, alcohol consumption, nutrition habits, and physical activity were collected. About 48% of men and 35% of women are overweight (BMI=25-29.99 kg/m2) and as many as 31% of men and 15% of women are severely ovaweight (BMI > or = 30 kg/m2).The overall prevalence of hypertension (systolic BP >or = 140 mmHg and diastolic BP > or = 90 mmHg) is about 32% in man and 24% in women. Prevalence of regular smokers is very high: 34% in men and 27% in women. The important regional differences have been observed in alcohol consumption, nutrition andl physical activity patterns. Most of the population is aware about the basic risk factors for cardiovascular diseases but there is a marked discrepancy between knowledge on health-related and health behaviour.
The application of holistic analytic approach in the study of population structure can provide in... more The application of holistic analytic approach in the study of population structure can provide information about the continuity of interaction between intrinsic population characteristics (its gene pool) and a wide spectrum of extrinsic selective impacts through time. In this paper, various measures of interpopulation distances obtained over a continuous 30-year anthropological research in Hvar Island isolate, Croatia, were used to further elaborate this problem. Those included genetic distances (estimated separately from DNA SIR loci and DNA HLA class II polymorphysms, 10 erythrocyte antigens, serum proteins and isoensymes), biological distances (anthropometrical body and head distances, physiological, dermatoglyphic and radiograrumetric bone distances), bio-cultural (migrational kinship estimated for four periods in history and kinship estimated from isonymy) and socio-cultural distances (linguistic -basic and cultural vocabulary) calculated between inhabitants of the isolate settlements of Hvar Island. The results showed that the examined traits do not react to the (micro)evolutionary impacts in the same manner. Some of them are more likely to be associated to specific and different selective pressures (e.g. through natural selection), others are more likely to reveal selective inertia, while for the third group of traits a reasonable interpretation cannot aiways be provided because of the extreme complexity of its determinants.
Variability in patterns of population structuring arise from a complex and continuos interplay of... more Variability in patterns of population structuring arise from a complex and continuos interplay of various intrinsic population (gene pool) and extrinsic (cultural, demographic, economic, ecological, epidemiological etc.) factors responsible for shaping dynamic processes of gene flow and genetic drift. The study of human variability therefore relies on holistic analytic approach to the analysis of population structuring. in this study various measures of biological (phenotypic) (demographic and radiogrammetric, genetic (red blood enzymes, serum proteins, HLA and STR), bio-cultural (migration and isonymy) and cultural (linguistic) distances were estimated for the rural inhabitants of two Adriatic islands � the island of Hvar (an example for linear model) and the island Krk (an example of non-linear model). Correlations among different matrices were analysed using Mantel's test of matrix correspondence. The relationship between biological (phenotypic genetic, bio-cultural, cultural measures of distance and/or similarity and geographic distances was assessed by applying the regression analysis of Malecot� s � isolation by distance� model. this investigation of population structure of the rural communities for two Adriatic islands indicates the importance of different (micro)evolutionary forces which act with different intensity upon different genetic and biological characteristics as well as the irregularity of correlations between biological (phenotypic, genetic, bio-cultural, cultural and geographic distances.
The purpose of this research is to examine the signatures of isolation in the Adriatic Island pop... more The purpose of this research is to examine the signatures of isolation in the Adriatic Island populations of Croatia from genetic data at 9 short tandem repeat loci. Allele and genotype frequencies at these loci (D13S1358, vWA, FGA, TH01, TPOX, CSF1PO, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820) in 440 individuals distributed in 25 villages/regions located in the islands of Brac, Hvar, Korcula and Krk have been analyzed. In spite of relatively high levels of inbreeding, genotype frequencies in each village or region, by and large, hold the assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. However, with respect to the levels of genetic variation measured by the number of segregating alleles, allele size variance and heterozygosity, the Adriatic Islands populations exhibit reduced variability compared to other outbred populations of African, European and Asian descent. This is also reflected in a somewhat lower power of discrimination in human identity testing and lower average probability of parentage testing using these loci. In fact, with respect to these attributes, the levels of diversity in the Adriatic island populations are comparable to those observed among the isolated populations from Oceania and the Americas. This reduced variability, however, does not appear to compromise the utility of these loci in forensic and paternity testing. Independently segregating loci do not exhibit non-random association of alleles, nor unrelated individuals sharing genotypes at large number of loci appear than dictated by chance alone.
U cilju razvoja dugorocne strategije skrbi za osobe starije dobi u RH te planiranja najadekvatnij... more U cilju razvoja dugorocne strategije skrbi za osobe starije dobi u RH te planiranja najadekvatnijih mjera prevencija i intervencije u podrucju zastite stanovnistva starije dobi u ovom radu je prikazana distribucija najvažnijih cimbenika rizika za razvoj kronicnih bolesti kardiovaskularnog sustava u osoba starijih od 65 godina života. U studiji su koristeni podaci Prvog hrvatskog projekta zdravstva kojeg su od 1995. do 1997. godine proveli Ministarstvo zdravstva RH i Hrvatski zavod za zdravstveno osiguranje, a rad na terenu su obavili djelatnici Instituta za antropologiju uz tehnicku podrsku HZZJZ. Rijec je o epidemioloskoj studiji velikih razmjera koja je obuhvatila 10.000 ispitanika iz svih županija. Do sada su rezultati vec bili obrađeni za pod-uzorak od 5.840 osoba, dobnog raspona 18 do 65 godina starosti, koji po dobi, spolu i zemljopisnoj raspodjeli odgovara opcoj populaciji Republike Hrvatske. Međutim, u ovom je radu prikazana prisutnost najvažnijih cimbenika rizika za razvoj bolesti kardiovaskularnog sustava u osoba starijih od 65 godina. Rezultati su prikazani na razini ukupnog uzorka kao i u odnosu na regionalnu distribuciju zdravstvenih rizika te uspoređeni s vrijednostima istih cimbenika zdravstvenog rizika u stanovnistvu RH dobnog raspona 18 do 65 godina starosti. S obzirom na zdravstvene rizike obolijevanja od bolesti kardiovaskularnog sustava analizirani su sljedeci parametri: BMI, sistolicki i dijastolicki krvni tlak, vrijednosti fibrinogena i lipida u krvi (ukupni te HDL i LDL- kolesterol, trigliceridi, lipoprotein A), te konzumiranje duhana, alkohola i pojedinih prehrambenih namirnica. Rezultati ukazuju na prisutnost selektivnog mortaliteta s obzirom da je prisutnost najznacajnijih cimbenika rizika u osoba starijih od 65 godina manja od one koju nalazimo u opcoj populaciji Republike Hrvatske.
U e-biblioteci Terminološki rječnici Strune objavljuju se terminološke zbirke koje su nastale kao... more U e-biblioteci Terminološki rječnici Strune objavljuju se terminološke zbirke koje su nastale kao rezultat pojedinih projekata u okviru programa Izgradnja hrvatskoga strukovnog nazivlja -Struna.
Papers by Pavao Rudan