Papers by Parjanto Parjanto
Ilmu Pertanian (Agricultural Science), Sep 23, 2020

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fakultas Pertanian UNS, Jun 5, 2017
Padi beras merah aksesi Matesih merupakan aksesi yang telah banyak dikembangkan di Matesih namun ... more Padi beras merah aksesi Matesih merupakan aksesi yang telah banyak dikembangkan di Matesih namun belum diketahui karakteristiknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari morfologi, produksi, dan kandungan kimia padi beras merah aksesi Matesih dengan tiga varietas pembanding yaitu Cempo, Mandel, dan Pertiwi. Hasil pengamatan sifat kualitatif diolah dengan metode skoring, sedangkan sifat kuantitatif dianalisis statistik deskriptif kuantitatif sederhana untuk melihat sebaran data. Sifat kualitatif menunjukkan aksesi Matesih memiliki keragaman yang rendah dan hampir sama dengan ketiga varietas pembanding, sedangkan sifat kuantitatif menunjukkan bahwa aksesi Matesih masih memiliki keragaman yang tinggi. Keragaman tersebut terlihat pada panjang daun, lebar daun, tinggi tanaman, dan panjang malai. Produksi aksesi Matesih lebih baik daripada ketiga varietas pembandingnya, hal ini terlihat dari jumlah anakan, jumlah anakan produktif, berat gabah per rumpun, dan produksi per hektar yang lebih tinggi. Aksesi Matesih memiliki waktu berbunga dan umur panen yang lebih lambat daripada varietas Pertiwi. Kandungan kimia yang diamati yaitu kadar protein, amilosa, dan antosianin. Aksesi Matesih memiliki kandungan amilosa dan antosianin yang lebih tinggi daripada varietas Cempo dan Mandel, namun memilki kadar protein terendah. Kata Kunci : skoring, keragaman, protein, amilosa, antosianin Pendahuluan Padi merupakan tanaman pangan pokok favorit masyarakat Indonesia sehingga kebutuhan beras di Indonesia tergolong tinggi. Menurut data BPS (2014) konsumsi beras masyarakat Indonesia kurang lebih 200 ton/tahun/kapita. Jenis beras yang menjadi komoditi utama di Indonesia yaitu beras putih, namun ketertarikan terhadap padi beras merah akhirakhir ini mulai meningkat seiring dengan kesadaran pentingnya mengkonsumsi makanan yang sehat. Menurut Indriyani et al (2013) kadar gizi beras merah per 100 gram, terdiri atas protein 7,5 gram; lemak 0,9 gram; karbohidrat 77,6 gram; zat besi 0,3 gram; vitamin B1 0,00021 gram; dan antosianin. Padi beras merah aksesi Matesih merupakan aksesi yang sudah banyak dikembangkan di Matesih, namun belum diketahui karakteristiknya. Identifikasi morfologi sangat penting dilakukan agar diketahui identitas karakteristik suatu tanaman untuk pemilihan kultivar unggul dalam upaya pelestarian padi merah (Kristamtini dan Heni 2009). Penelitian ini brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at

Agrosains, Sep 20, 2013
The purpose of this study to determine the morphological characteristics and variability of plant... more The purpose of this study to determine the morphological characteristics and variability of planting sugar apple Gedangsari, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Identify the morphological characteristics conducted on 36 plant samples (36 accessions) based method on stratified sampling and purposive sampling. The data were analyzed descriptively and clustering analysis. The results of the research showed that sugar-apple had pyramida canopy shape, plant height of 264±525 cm, oblongus leaves type, integer leaves margins, acuminatus leaves tip form, base acutus leaves, petiole cylindrical shape, dark green petiole, dark green color of the upper surface leaves, faded green color of the lower surface, leaves length 16.06±8.23 cm, leaves width 3,73±6,9 cm, leaves area 24,28±85,71 cm 2 , round shaped of rod, patens branching pattern, stem circumference 17,5±38 cm, axillary flos of flower layout, having 3 petals, whitish green of flower color, is cordate and round shape of fruit, fruit weight of 83,03±180,3 g, fruit circumference 22,4±19,36 cm, flesh thick 1,73±3,66 mm, whitish green and green of fruit color, the total amount of fruit scales 70±104,66, and the value of PTT between 18-29 o brix, blunt shape of fruit scales, ellipsoid shape of seeds, number seeds 7±70,66 and total seed weight 2,3±19,86g. There were variability include leaves length, leaves width, leaves area, stem girth, fruit weight, fruit girth, fruit flesh thickness, number of fruit scales, PTT values and fruit shape and the fruit skin's color. The result of clustering analysis showed that similarity coefficient between the accessions was 66%.

Journal of Biodiversity and Biotechnology, Aug 31, 2022
Most farmers determine the cutting of air layer seed in a crop through the amount of the growing ... more Most farmers determine the cutting of air layer seed in a crop through the amount of the growing roots from air layer itself. The roots can be an indicator of air layer cutting method in a corp. The roots, which are too old or too young, grow less optimal in the air layer seed after being transferred into another cultivated medium. It is necessary to have knowledge about the precise age of air layer cutting so that the vegetative propagation by using air layer can be performed accurately and efficiently. The treatments in the experiment were the age of air layer and the corps accession. The result of this research indicates that the effect of different air layer age on plant growth were shown at the age of emerging buds, 180 days old plat was considered as the age of the fastest emerging shoots. The growth of Bojonegoro air layer plants results did not differ with Wonogiri air layer plants. Based on the morphological characters of Bojonegoro and Manyaran, they have differences which were assumed to be due to genetics. The purpose of the study was to see the differences in the growth of sapodilla from Bojonegoro and sapodilla from Manyaran, Wonogiri.

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) is an annual plant with a wide distribution, it generates this ... more Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) is an annual plant with a wide distribution, it generates this plant to have diversity. The diversity is more often found in morphological characters, in this case, its genetics has not been discovered. The genetics of rambutan could also be indicated by its chromosome karyotype. This research was conducted using the squashing method. The genetic material used was four rambutan varieties which are: Ace, Binjai, Lebak Bulus, and Rapiah. For each variety, the study process will be repeated three times. The results of the study showed rambutan chromosome number in all varieties was 22 chromosomes (2n=22) with an average chromosome size of Ace was 1.777±0.363 µm, followed by Binjai was 1.477±0.392 µm, Lebak Bulus was 1.418±0.320 µm, and Rapiah was 1.443±0.315 µm, and the chromosome shape is metacentric. The karyotype formula obtained was 2n=2x=22=11m.

Agrosains: Jurnal Penelitian Agronomi, 2014
Brown rice is a type of rice can be grown on land that is less water (upland). Brown rice has ant... more Brown rice is a type of rice can be grown on land that is less water (upland). Brown rice has anthocyanin as an antioxidant. The purpose of this study was to identify brown rice agronomics characters that can be used as selection criteria to obtain brown rice which high anthocyanin. The experiment was conducted at the greenhouse of Agriculture Faculty, UNS using completed randomized block design consisting of 5 local varieties namely Mandel Wonogiri, Segreng Gunung Kidul, Segreng Boyolali, Segreng Wonogiri 1, and Segreng Wonogiri 2. Analysis of the data using the model Singh and Chaudhary (1979) are displayed in the form of a matrix correlation. Anthocyanin assays using the differential pH test method. The results showed that there was no difference between the anthocyanin content of varieties, but there is a tendency Segreng Boyolali varieties containing anthocyanins and Mandel Wonogiri higher. In general, varieties tested showed different potential yield, except Mandel Wonogiri va...
Journal of Biodiversity and Biotechnology, 2021
A molecular marker of parent and offspring is used to find fast and accurate markers influenced b... more A molecular marker of parent and offspring is used to find fast and accurate markers influenced by DNA isolation and amplification. This research aims to find the most suitable DNA isolation and DNA  amplification methods. This study used four DNA isolation methods; namely IM01, IM02, IM03, and IM04. DNA amplification used ten protocols (AP01, AP02, AP03, AP04, AP05, AP06, AP07, AP08, AP09, and AP010). The results of the research showed that the most suitable DNA isolation method for salak was IM0, and the most suitable DNA amplification for salak was AP04 that produces the highest value of DNA bands. Keywords: DNA isolation; DNA amplification; hybrids.

Padi beras merah aksesi Matesih merupakan aksesi yang telah banyak dikembangkan di Matesih namun ... more Padi beras merah aksesi Matesih merupakan aksesi yang telah banyak dikembangkan di Matesih namun belum diketahui karakteristiknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari morfologi, produksi, dan kandungan kimia padi beras merah aksesi Matesih dengan tiga varietas pembanding yaitu Cempo, Mandel, dan Pertiwi. Hasil pengamatan sifat kualitatif diolah dengan metode skoring, sedangkan sifat kuantitatif dianalisis statistik deskriptif kuantitatif sederhana untuk melihat sebaran data. Sifat kualitatif menunjukkan aksesi Matesih memiliki keragaman yang rendah dan hampir sama dengan ketiga varietas pembanding, sedangkan sifat kuantitatif menunjukkan bahwa aksesi Matesih masih memiliki keragaman yang tinggi. Keragaman tersebut terlihat pada panjang daun, lebar daun, tinggi tanaman, dan panjang malai. Produksi aksesi Matesih lebih baik daripada ketiga varietas pembandingnya, hal ini terlihat dari jumlah anakan, jumlah anakan produktif, berat gabah per rumpun, dan produksi per hektar yang l...

Tanaman Iler ( Coleus artopurporeus L benth) mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder flavonoid, yan... more Tanaman Iler ( Coleus artopurporeus L benth) mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder flavonoid, yang banyak dimanfaatkan dalam pengobatan penyakit bronkitis, wasir, antioksidan, dan TBC. Cekaman kekeringan adalah masalah lingkungan utama yang umum ditemukan di daerah di mana tanaman Iler biasanya tumbuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aksesi tanaman iler yang memiliki performa pertumbuhan dan hasil yang optimal dalam kondisi tercekam. Penelitian dilakukan di screen house, Jumantono, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta pada bulan Juli 2018 hingga Oktober 2018. Metode penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan ragam aksesi tanaman Coleus sebagai faktor pertama, dengan aksesi 1 (daun ungu kasar), aksesi 2 (daun ungu halus), aksesi 3 (daun hijau) dan aksesi 4 (daun merah) dan cekaman kekeringan 90 % KL, 75 % KL, 50% KL, dan 25% KL sebagai faktor kedua. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis varians (ANOVA) dan diikuti oleh Uji Duncan (DMRT) 5%. Variabel yang...

Pisang memiliki persebaran yang luas dengan keragaman yang tinggi, tetapi masih sedikit informasi... more Pisang memiliki persebaran yang luas dengan keragaman yang tinggi, tetapi masih sedikit informasi mengenai plasma nutfah pisang sehingga perlu adanya karakterisasi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman kultivar pisang berdasarkan karakter morfologi dan persebarannya pada tiga jenis tanah di Sub DAS Samin. Observasi dilakukan terhadap tanaman pisang yang tumbuh di pekarangan pada tanah Mediteran, Latosol, dan Grumusol. Analisis data karakter morfologi menggunakan program NTSYS. Persebaran kultivar pisang pada tiap-tiap jenis tanah dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan nilai Frekuensi Relatif (FR). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat keragaman kultivar pisang pada ketiga jenis tanah  berdasarkan karakter morfologi batang. Jumlah total kultivar pisang yang ditemukan  sebanyak 20, dengan persebaran pada tanah Mediteran terdapat 13 kultivar, Latosol 9 kultivar, dan Grumusol 9 kultivar. Kultivar pisang yang terbanyak ditemukan pada tanah Mediteran kultivar Ambon dan Raja Lele (FR...

Agrosains: Jurnal Penelitian Agronomi, Sep 20, 2013
The purpose of this study to determine the morphological characteristics and variability of plant... more The purpose of this study to determine the morphological characteristics and variability of planting sugar apple Gedangsari, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Identify the morphological characteristics conducted on 36 plant samples (36 accessions) based method on stratified sampling and purposive sampling. The data were analyzed descriptively and clustering analysis. The results of the research showed that sugar-apple had pyramida canopy shape, plant height of 264±525 cm, oblongus leaves type, integer leaves margins, acuminatus leaves tip form, base acutus leaves, petiole cylindrical shape, dark green petiole, dark green color of the upper surface leaves, faded green color of the lower surface, leaves length 16.06±8.23 cm, leaves width 3,73±6,9 cm, leaves area 24,28±85,71 cm 2 , round shaped of rod, patens branching pattern, stem circumference 17,5±38 cm, axillary flos of flower layout, having 3 petals, whitish green of flower color, is cordate and round shape of fruit, fruit weight of 83,03±180,3 g, fruit circumference 22,4±19,36 cm, flesh thick 1,73±3,66 mm, whitish green and green of fruit color, the total amount of fruit scales 70±104,66, and the value of PTT between 18-29 o brix, blunt shape of fruit scales, ellipsoid shape of seeds, number seeds 7±70,66 and total seed weight 2,3±19,86g. There were variability include leaves length, leaves width, leaves area, stem girth, fruit weight, fruit girth, fruit flesh thickness, number of fruit scales, PTT values and fruit shape and the fruit skin's color. The result of clustering analysis showed that similarity coefficient between the accessions was 66%.
Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 2017

Indonesia has a high level of rice germplasm, both black rice and aromatic rice. To produce a new... more Indonesia has a high level of rice germplasm, both black rice and aromatic rice. To produce a new variety that is superior in terms of production and benefits, one of the information needed is agronomic and morphological character knowledge, which is very necessary to determine the kinship between varieties used as a basis for determining the parent in plant breeding. This research aimed to find out the morphological character of black rice and aromatic rice. The research findings discussed morphological characteristics using parameters including plant height (cm), number of productive tillers, flowering period (HSS), harvesting period (HSS), weight of 100 grains (grams), grain shape, grain colour, and rice colour where each of these characters was used as a distinctive feature in each variety for a cluster analysis. The grouping results showed that at the similarity level of 37.8%, 3 groups of black and aromatic rice varieties were obtained.

Agrotechnology Research Journal, 2018
Oyong production is still low due to the limited availability of quality seeds. The production ca... more Oyong production is still low due to the limited availability of quality seeds. The production can be increased by one of the plant breeding techniques, which is mutation technique. The technique of mutation by chemical mutagens is able to increase the genetic diversity ofplants allowing the breeding to select genotype of plants in accordance with the intended breeding objective. Therefore, research is required to be conducted by using colchicin as a chemical mutagen which causes polyploid, in which organism has three sets or more chromosomes inside its cells. Meanwhile, the general nature of this polyploid plant is being sturdier; parts of the plantare bigger; so that later, its poor nature will be better as well as changing the potency of the result. Research using complete randomized block design (RBD) with one factor concentration of 0,1% (P1), 0,2% (P2), 0,3% (P3), 0,4% (P4), 0,5% ( P5), and 0,6% (P6). Colchicines treatment can cause changes in growth and yield variables. Colch...

Nusantara Bioscience, 2009
The purpose of the study is to assess the diversity of the durian varieties of Sukun, Sunan, Kani... more The purpose of the study is to assess the diversity of the durian varieties of Sukun, Sunan, Kani, Monthong, and Petruk; and Sukun durian variety is grown in different regions based on RAPD markers. Materials research is durian leaves of Sukun, Sunan, Kani, Monthong and Petruk from Ranukutri Garden Seeds, Karanganyar, and also Sukun durian leaf from Gempolan Karanganyar, Jepara and Salatiga. Then performed DNA analysis on samples of leaves that began the isolation of DNA, test of DNA quantity and quality, primer selection, and amplification with PCR. Visualization of PCR performed by electrophoresis using EtBr that generate DNA bands. DNA bands were then analyzed with NTSYS program to get durian diversity among varieties of durian and between Sukun durian at different planting areas. Six RAPD polymorphic primer was used, namely OPA-01, OPA-02, OPA-07, OPA-16, OPA-18, and OPA-19. Banding pattern of DNA amplification show the existence of diversity among varieties of Sukun durian, Sunan, Kani, Monthong and Petruk and show the diversity of Sukun durian grown in different areas. Dendrogram indicated that five durian varieties tend to segregate, whereas Sukun, Sunan, Monthong, and Petruk in one group, which split with Kani. Dendrogram also indicated that Sukun planted in different regions resulted in two groups, Sukun from Gempolan Karanganyar and Salatiga in one group, while the second group consisted of Sukun from Ranukutri seed garden Karanganyar and Jepara.

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2020
It has superiority, in terms of soft texture and white color, but on the other hand, this local r... more It has superiority, in terms of soft texture and white color, but on the other hand, this local rice has the disadvantage of having relatively high stems, low yield, and long life. One way to overcome the weakness of Mentik Susu rice is by mutating plants using gamma-rays. The purpose of this research was to study M4 mutants from Mentik Susu rice irradiated with gamma-ray and to select mutans that have short stem and high productivity. The study was conducted using a simple random design experiment by planting various strains of M4 generation of Mentik Susu rice irradiated with 100 Gy and 200 Gy gamma-rays. T-test was employed to test the difference between strains treated with gamma-ray irradiation and control samples (without gamma-ray irradiation). The results showed that the M4 Mentik Susu rice irradiated with 100 Gy and 200 Gy gamma-rays in overall had lower stems, shorter flowering and harvesting ages, and higher productivity than non-irradiated Mentik Susu rice (control). The strains with the shortest stem and with highest yield productivity was resulted from 200 Gy gamma-ray irradiation with code of M-MS200-G15T3-2. This study also selected 30 individual mutant plants that had short stems and high productivity, suggesting that these plants can be passed to M5 generation.

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
Information on genetic variation within and among populations of Eurycoma apiculata plants is imp... more Information on genetic variation within and among populations of Eurycoma apiculata plants is important to develop strategies for their conservation, sustainable use, and genetic improvement. To date, no information on genetic variation within and among populations of the E. apiculata has been reported. This study aims to assess genetic diversity within and among populations of E. apiculata based on RAPD markers, and to determine populations to collect E. apiculata genetic material for conservation and breeding programs. Young leaves of E. apiculata were collected from six natural populations. Fifteen RAPD primers were used to assess the genetic diversity of each population. The data obtained were analyzed with POPGEN and Arlequin software. The amplification results of 15 selected primers produced 3-16 loci with all primers 100% polymorphic. At the species level, the mean allele per locus (Na), number of effective alleles (Ne), percentage of polymorphic loci (PPL), Nei's gene diversity index (He) and Shannon information index (I) were 2.000, 1.244, 100%, 0.167, and 0.286, respectively. At the population level, the mean values for Na, Ne, PPL, He and I were 1.393, 1.312, 39.27%, 0.119, and 0.186, respectively. The highest value of gene diversity within population (He) was found in the Lingga-1 population and the lowest value was found in the Rumbio population. The value of genetic differentiation among populations (GST) of E. apiculata is 0.284, consistent with the results of the AMOVA analysis which found that genetic variation among populations was 23.14%, indicates that the genetic variation of E. apiculata was more stored within populations than among populations. The gene flow (Nm) value of E. apiculata was 1.259 migrants per generation among populations. The Nm value of this species was high category, and could inhibit genetic differentiation among populations. The clustering of E. apiculata population based on the UPGMA dendrogram and PCA was inconsistent with its geographic distribution, reflecting the possibility that genes migration occurred between islands in the past. The main finding of this study was the genetic variation of the E. apiculata mostly stored within the population. Therefore, the population with the highest genetic diversity is a priority for in-situ conservation, and collection of E. apiculata genetic material for ex-situ conservation and breeding programs should be carried out minimum from Lingga-1 and Pokomo populations.
Prosiding Seminar Biologi, 2010
Papers by Parjanto Parjanto