Summary – anomalous burials of SMP culture in western Emilia – Studies regarding the around 230
S... more Summary – anomalous burials of SMP culture in western Emilia – Studies regarding the around 230 SMP burials found in western Emilia revealed strongly standardized funerary rituals, which became more and more complex throughout the development of the culture. However, alongside the standard practice, anomalous burials are also attested, revealing the existence of rituals in which funerary practices appear to take on partially different meanings. In all the settlements investigated to date at least one anomalous burial has been brought to light, whilst in some sites this kind of evidence appears to predominate (Ponte Ghiara and Pontetaro sites).
Summary – The Late-Neolithic phase in central-western Emilia – During the second quarter
of the I... more Summary – The Late-Neolithic phase in central-western Emilia – During the second quarter of the IV millennium BC a depletion of Late Neolithic Emilian (here indicated as NRE) and of “Western tradition” markers is attested, alongside the introduction of several new elements. Analysis of the settlements discovered between the Trebbia and Enza valleys enables the drafting of a chrono-cultural sequence valid for central-western Emilia. The examined sites are dated between the third and the fifth century of the fourth millennium BC. Two main phases have been identified: the first (Spilamberto VIIII- II, S. Andrea-Icut, Vignola, Le Mose-Pessina, Botteghino-Le Ghiaie, Le Mose Ikea, Parma-Scarzara, S. Ilario d’Enza settlements) is characterized by a polymorphic cultural complex consisting of Breno, Square Mouthed Pottery (SMP) III and Lagozza elements together with probable Alpine, Balkan and Peninsular contributions. The second phase (Parma Ex Vighi and via Pontasso settlements) reveals more frequent contact with Tuscany and more generally with the Peninsula. The successive cultural groups in Emilia are closely linked by a guiding thread, possibly composed mainly of the SMP tradition, with continuous new additions, but without significant interruptions, up to the onset of the Copper Age.
In alcune delle sepolture pertinenti alla cultura dei Vasi a Bocca Quadrata (V millennio BC) si t... more In alcune delle sepolture pertinenti alla cultura dei Vasi a Bocca Quadrata (V millennio BC) si trovano oggetti d’ornamento, il cui studio si presta in modo particolare ad indagare i diversi livelli dell’identità culturale VBQ, ma anche delle specificità regionali nell’arco dell’Italia settentrionale e della rappresentazione dei ruoli sociali e delle identità personali all’interno delle comunità. Il campione più significativo è quello disponibile per la pianura emiliana, costituito da ca 230 sepolture studiate, che contengono monili nel 10% dei casi, riferibili in forte prevalenza ad individui femminili. Tale campione consente un’analisi di dettaglio sulla scelta dei materiali (pietra, osso, conchiglie fossili e attuali), le forme dei monili, le modalità di deposizione nella sepoltura e la loro associazione coi dati antropologici relativi al sesso e all’età degli individui. Il confronto con i manufatti rinvenuti negli abitati della stessa area indica la parziale aderenza dell’uso funerario al costume dei viventi.
The paper offers an analysis of the employment of steatite in Emilia during the Middle Neolithic ... more The paper offers an analysis of the employment of steatite in Emilia during the Middle Neolithic connected with personal ornaments manufacturing. Steatite is a soft rock easy to work outcropping in the ophiolitic masses of the northern Apennines mountain range. The paper presents the archaeological remains recovered in Square Mouth Pottery culture settlements and graves, attributed to the first and the second phase dated between 5000/4900 and 43000 BC. The steatite artefacts comprise mainly beads and pendants, as well as waste remains, rough outs and blanks. Our study focuses on types diffusion, manufacturing remains and working techniques. Besides, it considers the steatite exploitation strategies used by the Neolithic people on the basis of geological data collected during surveys in the Apennine area conducted with the aim of identifying the primary outcrops.
In order to review evidence of human-animal relations, the paper offers an overview of the custom... more In order to review evidence of human-animal relations, the paper offers an overview of the customs and funerary traditions of the Square Mouthed Pottery culture, between c. 5000 and 4300 calBC. We focus on the importance of domestic and wild animals on the basis of an analysis of grave-goods, funerary rites and personal ornaments. We also consider recent discoveries of peculiar offerings of animals and some dog burials. The evidence testifies to a diffusion of a wild component, symbolically emphasising the importance of the hunter identity in a society where subsistence actually depends primarily on domestic animals. Therefore, a contrast is drawn between the everyday and the symbolic worlds.
The paper presents the archaeological remains recovered from structure 11 of the prehistoric sett... more The paper presents the archaeological remains recovered from structure 11 of the prehistoric settlement of Benefizio, in the surroundings of Parma. The site has produced many occupation evidence dated between the Early Neolithic and the Copper Age. Structure 11 is attributed to the first phase of the Square Mouthed Pottery Culture which goes back to the Middle Neolithic period. It has provided many steatite remains connected with disk beads manufacturing and a flint chipped stone industry characterized by a high incidence of burins and pièces écaillés, as well as some small perforators obtained from flakes or burin spalls. The steatite artefacts comprise waste flakes, rough outs, ground, perforated and rounding blanks and finished disk beads. Such evidence proves the existence of a steatite disk beads workshop in the settlement during the Square Mouthed Pottery phase. On the basis of the pottery and the lithic industry, the study offers a cultural and chronological frame for the structure and, thanks to the steatite remains, a complete reconstruction of the disk beads manufacturing sequence
The paper offers an analysis of the employment of steatite in western Emilia during the Middle Ne... more The paper offers an analysis of the employment of steatite in western Emilia during the Middle Neolithic connected with personal ornaments manufacturing. Steatite is a soft rock easy to work outcropping in the ophiolitic masses of the northern Apennines mountain range. The study presents the archaeological remains recovered in Square Mouth Pottery culture settlements and graves dated between 5000/4900 and 4300 BC. The steatite artefacts comprise mainly beads and pendants, as well as waste remains, rough-outs and blanks. The analysis focuses on types diffusion, manufacturing remains and working techniques.
impaginazione e grafiCa Matteo Annibaletto con il sostegno di iSbn 978-88-6045-056-2 grafiChe ant... more impaginazione e grafiCa Matteo Annibaletto con il sostegno di iSbn 978-88-6045-056-2 grafiChe antiga spa via delle Industrie, 1 -31035 Crocetta del Montello (TV), tel. 0423 6388 fax 0423 638900 email: [email protected] sito web: dedicato a Giulia Fogolari e a Piero Leonardi INDICE 13 giovanni Leonardi, vinCenzo tiné, Premessa Paleolitico e Mesolitico 17 marCo pereSani, Il Pa leo litico e il Mesolitico del Veneto 33 aLberto brogLio, Il Protoaurignaziano del Veneto nel contesto europeo 43 federiCa fontana, antonio guerreSChi, Stefano bertoLa, maria giovanna Cremona, fabio CavuLLi, Laura faLCeri, aLeSSia gajardo, CyriL montoya, matar ndiaye, davide vi-Sentin, I livelli più antichi della serie epigravettiana "interna" di Riparo Tagliente: sfruttamento delle risorse litiche e sistemi tecnici 53 matteo romandini, Stefano bertoLa, niCoLa nannini, Nuovi dati sul Pa leo litico dei Colli Berici: risultati preliminari dello studio archeozoologico e delle materie prime litiche della Grotta del Buso Doppio del Broion (Lumignano, Longare, Vicenza) 61 roSSeLLa duCheS, miCheLe baSSetti, eLiSabetta fLor, KLauS KompatSCher, maria hrozny KompatSCher, Stefano neri, giampaoLo daLmeri, Trasformazione della mobilità epigravettiana durante il Dryas recente: nuove informazioni dalle ricerche in territorio trentino 69 federiCa fontana, franCeSCo vaLLetta, urSuLa thun hohenStein, Stefano bertoLa, antonio guerreSChi, gabrieLLa petruCCi, Sara zanini, maria Chiara turrini, Il sito VF1 settore III di Mondeval de Sora (San Vito di Cadore, Belluno): nuovi dati sull'occupazione mesolitica delle Dolomiti bellunesi Neolitico 79 vinCenzo tiné, Il Neo litico in Veneto 95 annaLuiSa pedrotti, paoLa SaLzani, fabio CavuLLi, martina Carotta, diego angeLuCCi, LuCiano SaLzani, L'insediamento di Lugo di Grezzana (Verona) nel quadro del primo Neolitico padano alpino 109 mauro rottoLi, fabio CavuLLi, annaLuiSa pedrotti, L'agricoltura di Lugo di Grezzana (Verona): considerazioni preliminari 117 vinCenzo tiné, paoLa mazzieri, niCoLa daL Santo, fiorenzo fuoLega, Il villaggio neolitico del Dal Molin a Vicenza 129 vinCenzo tiné, eLena nataLi, LuCa SCioLa, niCoLa daL Santo, fiorenzo fuoLega, Il sito del Neolitico recente e finale di Castelnuovo di Teolo (Padova). Nuovi dati 139 maria angeLiCa borreLLo,"Chassey", "Lagozza" e "Chassey/Lagozza": nuove osservazioni su materiali ceramici del Veneto 6 INDICE Eneolitico 147 danieLa CoCChi geniCK, Le evidenze venete nel quadro dell'Eneolitico dell'Italia settentrionale 157 eLodia bianChin Citton, CLaudio baLiSta, aLex fontana, niCoLetta martineLLi, CarLo mondini, umberto teCChiati, Il sito del Col del Buson (Belluno) nella Valle dell'Ardo: aspetti geomorfologici, strutturali, culturali e paleoeconomici delle stratificazioni dell'Età del rame 169 paoLa SaLzani, La piattaforma triangolare di Arano (Cellore di Illasi, Verona) nel quadro dei contesti cultuali dell'Età del rame dell'Italia settentrionale 177 marCo baioni, CriStina Longhi, CLaudia mangani, niCoLetta martineLLi, CriStiano niCoSia, maria giuSeppina ruggiero, paoLa SaLzani, La palafitta del Corno di Sotto (Desenzano del Garda, Brescia) nell'ambito dello sviluppo dei primi insediamenti palafitticoli del lago di Garda 187 ChriStian jeuneSSe, L'Italie et l'émergence de l'idéologie du guerrier dans la seconde moitié du 4 ème millénaire av. J.-C. Età del bronzo 201 miCheLe Cupitò, giovanni Leonardi, Il Veneto tra Bronzo antico e Bronzo recente. 241 Luigi fozzati, giovanni Leonardi, niCoLetta martineLLi con il contributo di aLeSSandra aSpeS, CLaudio baLiSta, federiCa gonzato, LuCiano SaLzani, Wetlands. Palafitte e siti umidi nell'Età del bronzo del Veneto: territori e cronologia assoluta 251 eLodia bianChin Citton, Il Bronzo finale nel Veneto: dinamiche insediative e gestione del territorio 267 LuCiano SaLzani, Le documentazioni funerarie dell'Età del bronzo finale nel Veneto 271 ivana angeLini, giLberto artioLi, paoLo nimiS, igor viLLa, La metallurgia preistorica del rame nell'Italia nord-orientale: quadro d'insieme e recenti sviluppi
SMP CULTURE BURIALS IN WESTERN EMILIA. ARCHAEOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY -This paper offers an overvie... more SMP CULTURE BURIALS IN WESTERN EMILIA. ARCHAEOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY -This paper offers an overview of the study in progress regarding the SMP Culture funerary traditions in Emilia focusing on the discoveries recently occurred in Parma and Piacenza territories. The position in which the deceased is placed in the burial and the grave good assemblages analysis are here considered in relation to the chronology of the necropolis, to gender and age of death. The burials studied are about 180, coming from Le Mose, Ponte Ghiara, Collecchio, Vicofertile, Pontetaro, Gaione, Benefizio and via Guidorossi settlements. The via Guidorossi necropolis is the biggest one, counting 58 inhumations. The skeletal sample has been fully analyzed and sex and age of death have been determined. Regarding the displacement by sex and age of the burials it is clear that in a first stage of the culture the graveyards consist of small, probably family, groups, while during the second stage wider and community necropolis occurred. The funerary rituals follow very strict patterns, but infractions to the standard are not rare and their valuation suggests particularly interesting interpretations. The flexed position of the deceased on the left side is largely predominant, but the evaluation of the position patterns shows how the variants, connected to chronology, sex, age and equipment, can be representative of wealth and status of some members within the community. The widest variations concern the female burial practices, such as the cremations seemingly involved only adult women. Burials dated to the SMP 1 phase have generally no grave-goods, while a strong percentage of the second phase burials, including those of children, are equipped with grave-goods. The grave-goods indicate a very marked gender distinction. Male burials are provided with objects declaring a strong cultural identity such as peculiar flint artefacts (blades and arrow-heads) and polished stone tools (axes and chisels) and rare antler artefacts. Female grave-goods include SMP undecorated pots, Serra d'Alto small flasks, bone spatulas and awls, grinding stones and personal ornaments. The great care for the disposal of the body and for the choice of the funerary equipment reveals a strong symbolism linked to metaphysical beliefs. A strong distinction distinguish every-day objects from mortuary equipments; the objects intended as grave goods are in fact similar to those found in the settlements but at the same time unlike for some aspects, indicating the intention to represent two different worlds, that of the living, secular and profane, and that of the dead, of the ancestors and of the sacred.
Fin dagli anni ’40 del XX secolo l’Emilia è nota
per le significative testimonianze funerarie pe... more Fin dagli anni ’40 del XX secolo l’Emilia è nota
per le significative testimonianze funerarie pertinenti
alla cultura VBQ grazie agli scavi effettuati a Chiozza
di Scandiano1. Dagli anni ’90 si sono aggiunti numerosi
rinvenimenti in vari siti dell’Emilia occidentale ed attualmente
il territorio tra Reggio Emilia e Piacenza è l’area
di maggior interesse per lo studio degli aspetti funerari
della cultura. Essi appaiono peraltro intimamente intrecciati
alla sfera abitativa, poiché quasi tutti i siti esplorati
hanno restituito sia strutture potenzialmente insediative,
sia sepolture, in numero da una a 55.
Il presente lavoro, che rappresenta uno stadio della ricerca
in corso, approfondisce l’indagine sull’individuazione
dei ruoli sociali in base ai rituali, ai corredi funerari
e all’articolazione dello spazio sepolcrale.
Nell'ottobre del 1941 Malavolti scavò tre sepolture note in letteratura come "Tombe dei Fanciulli... more Nell'ottobre del 1941 Malavolti scavò tre sepolture note in letteratura come "Tombe dei Fanciulli", trovate durante la prosecuzione dei lavori della trincea a sud del camino della Fornace Carani. Ad esclusione della t. I in parte rimossa dagli operai, le altre due tombe furono integralmente indagate da Malavolti. Di questi scavi ci è pervenuta una ricca documentazione attraverso foto, disegni e scritti, compresi i diari messi a disposizione recentemente dagli eredi 1 .
The Early Neolithic settlement at Botteghino (Parma) -The site at Botteghino, carried out between... more The Early Neolithic settlement at Botteghino (Parma) -The site at Botteghino, carried out between 2003 and 2004, is the fi rst evidence regarding the Late Neolithic in Parma territory. The excavation brought to light an articulated archeological stratigraphy referred to quite a few settlement phases, as documented by the presence of a canal, a well, hearths, storage-pits and several pole-pits related to rectangular shaped buildings. The pottery found is referable to Chassey Culture. Spindle whorls and clay spatulas for pottery were also found. The chipped stone assemblage shows a relevant use of pressure fl aking technique characteristic of Chassey Groups. It is also interesting the presence, besides two copper awls, of copper slags and of a fragment of a melting crucible.
Summary – anomalous burials of SMP culture in western Emilia – Studies regarding the around 230
S... more Summary – anomalous burials of SMP culture in western Emilia – Studies regarding the around 230 SMP burials found in western Emilia revealed strongly standardized funerary rituals, which became more and more complex throughout the development of the culture. However, alongside the standard practice, anomalous burials are also attested, revealing the existence of rituals in which funerary practices appear to take on partially different meanings. In all the settlements investigated to date at least one anomalous burial has been brought to light, whilst in some sites this kind of evidence appears to predominate (Ponte Ghiara and Pontetaro sites).
Summary – The Late-Neolithic phase in central-western Emilia – During the second quarter
of the I... more Summary – The Late-Neolithic phase in central-western Emilia – During the second quarter of the IV millennium BC a depletion of Late Neolithic Emilian (here indicated as NRE) and of “Western tradition” markers is attested, alongside the introduction of several new elements. Analysis of the settlements discovered between the Trebbia and Enza valleys enables the drafting of a chrono-cultural sequence valid for central-western Emilia. The examined sites are dated between the third and the fifth century of the fourth millennium BC. Two main phases have been identified: the first (Spilamberto VIIII- II, S. Andrea-Icut, Vignola, Le Mose-Pessina, Botteghino-Le Ghiaie, Le Mose Ikea, Parma-Scarzara, S. Ilario d’Enza settlements) is characterized by a polymorphic cultural complex consisting of Breno, Square Mouthed Pottery (SMP) III and Lagozza elements together with probable Alpine, Balkan and Peninsular contributions. The second phase (Parma Ex Vighi and via Pontasso settlements) reveals more frequent contact with Tuscany and more generally with the Peninsula. The successive cultural groups in Emilia are closely linked by a guiding thread, possibly composed mainly of the SMP tradition, with continuous new additions, but without significant interruptions, up to the onset of the Copper Age.
In alcune delle sepolture pertinenti alla cultura dei Vasi a Bocca Quadrata (V millennio BC) si t... more In alcune delle sepolture pertinenti alla cultura dei Vasi a Bocca Quadrata (V millennio BC) si trovano oggetti d’ornamento, il cui studio si presta in modo particolare ad indagare i diversi livelli dell’identità culturale VBQ, ma anche delle specificità regionali nell’arco dell’Italia settentrionale e della rappresentazione dei ruoli sociali e delle identità personali all’interno delle comunità. Il campione più significativo è quello disponibile per la pianura emiliana, costituito da ca 230 sepolture studiate, che contengono monili nel 10% dei casi, riferibili in forte prevalenza ad individui femminili. Tale campione consente un’analisi di dettaglio sulla scelta dei materiali (pietra, osso, conchiglie fossili e attuali), le forme dei monili, le modalità di deposizione nella sepoltura e la loro associazione coi dati antropologici relativi al sesso e all’età degli individui. Il confronto con i manufatti rinvenuti negli abitati della stessa area indica la parziale aderenza dell’uso funerario al costume dei viventi.
The paper offers an analysis of the employment of steatite in Emilia during the Middle Neolithic ... more The paper offers an analysis of the employment of steatite in Emilia during the Middle Neolithic connected with personal ornaments manufacturing. Steatite is a soft rock easy to work outcropping in the ophiolitic masses of the northern Apennines mountain range. The paper presents the archaeological remains recovered in Square Mouth Pottery culture settlements and graves, attributed to the first and the second phase dated between 5000/4900 and 43000 BC. The steatite artefacts comprise mainly beads and pendants, as well as waste remains, rough outs and blanks. Our study focuses on types diffusion, manufacturing remains and working techniques. Besides, it considers the steatite exploitation strategies used by the Neolithic people on the basis of geological data collected during surveys in the Apennine area conducted with the aim of identifying the primary outcrops.
In order to review evidence of human-animal relations, the paper offers an overview of the custom... more In order to review evidence of human-animal relations, the paper offers an overview of the customs and funerary traditions of the Square Mouthed Pottery culture, between c. 5000 and 4300 calBC. We focus on the importance of domestic and wild animals on the basis of an analysis of grave-goods, funerary rites and personal ornaments. We also consider recent discoveries of peculiar offerings of animals and some dog burials. The evidence testifies to a diffusion of a wild component, symbolically emphasising the importance of the hunter identity in a society where subsistence actually depends primarily on domestic animals. Therefore, a contrast is drawn between the everyday and the symbolic worlds.
The paper presents the archaeological remains recovered from structure 11 of the prehistoric sett... more The paper presents the archaeological remains recovered from structure 11 of the prehistoric settlement of Benefizio, in the surroundings of Parma. The site has produced many occupation evidence dated between the Early Neolithic and the Copper Age. Structure 11 is attributed to the first phase of the Square Mouthed Pottery Culture which goes back to the Middle Neolithic period. It has provided many steatite remains connected with disk beads manufacturing and a flint chipped stone industry characterized by a high incidence of burins and pièces écaillés, as well as some small perforators obtained from flakes or burin spalls. The steatite artefacts comprise waste flakes, rough outs, ground, perforated and rounding blanks and finished disk beads. Such evidence proves the existence of a steatite disk beads workshop in the settlement during the Square Mouthed Pottery phase. On the basis of the pottery and the lithic industry, the study offers a cultural and chronological frame for the structure and, thanks to the steatite remains, a complete reconstruction of the disk beads manufacturing sequence
The paper offers an analysis of the employment of steatite in western Emilia during the Middle Ne... more The paper offers an analysis of the employment of steatite in western Emilia during the Middle Neolithic connected with personal ornaments manufacturing. Steatite is a soft rock easy to work outcropping in the ophiolitic masses of the northern Apennines mountain range. The study presents the archaeological remains recovered in Square Mouth Pottery culture settlements and graves dated between 5000/4900 and 4300 BC. The steatite artefacts comprise mainly beads and pendants, as well as waste remains, rough-outs and blanks. The analysis focuses on types diffusion, manufacturing remains and working techniques.
impaginazione e grafiCa Matteo Annibaletto con il sostegno di iSbn 978-88-6045-056-2 grafiChe ant... more impaginazione e grafiCa Matteo Annibaletto con il sostegno di iSbn 978-88-6045-056-2 grafiChe antiga spa via delle Industrie, 1 -31035 Crocetta del Montello (TV), tel. 0423 6388 fax 0423 638900 email: [email protected] sito web: dedicato a Giulia Fogolari e a Piero Leonardi INDICE 13 giovanni Leonardi, vinCenzo tiné, Premessa Paleolitico e Mesolitico 17 marCo pereSani, Il Pa leo litico e il Mesolitico del Veneto 33 aLberto brogLio, Il Protoaurignaziano del Veneto nel contesto europeo 43 federiCa fontana, antonio guerreSChi, Stefano bertoLa, maria giovanna Cremona, fabio CavuLLi, Laura faLCeri, aLeSSia gajardo, CyriL montoya, matar ndiaye, davide vi-Sentin, I livelli più antichi della serie epigravettiana "interna" di Riparo Tagliente: sfruttamento delle risorse litiche e sistemi tecnici 53 matteo romandini, Stefano bertoLa, niCoLa nannini, Nuovi dati sul Pa leo litico dei Colli Berici: risultati preliminari dello studio archeozoologico e delle materie prime litiche della Grotta del Buso Doppio del Broion (Lumignano, Longare, Vicenza) 61 roSSeLLa duCheS, miCheLe baSSetti, eLiSabetta fLor, KLauS KompatSCher, maria hrozny KompatSCher, Stefano neri, giampaoLo daLmeri, Trasformazione della mobilità epigravettiana durante il Dryas recente: nuove informazioni dalle ricerche in territorio trentino 69 federiCa fontana, franCeSCo vaLLetta, urSuLa thun hohenStein, Stefano bertoLa, antonio guerreSChi, gabrieLLa petruCCi, Sara zanini, maria Chiara turrini, Il sito VF1 settore III di Mondeval de Sora (San Vito di Cadore, Belluno): nuovi dati sull'occupazione mesolitica delle Dolomiti bellunesi Neolitico 79 vinCenzo tiné, Il Neo litico in Veneto 95 annaLuiSa pedrotti, paoLa SaLzani, fabio CavuLLi, martina Carotta, diego angeLuCCi, LuCiano SaLzani, L'insediamento di Lugo di Grezzana (Verona) nel quadro del primo Neolitico padano alpino 109 mauro rottoLi, fabio CavuLLi, annaLuiSa pedrotti, L'agricoltura di Lugo di Grezzana (Verona): considerazioni preliminari 117 vinCenzo tiné, paoLa mazzieri, niCoLa daL Santo, fiorenzo fuoLega, Il villaggio neolitico del Dal Molin a Vicenza 129 vinCenzo tiné, eLena nataLi, LuCa SCioLa, niCoLa daL Santo, fiorenzo fuoLega, Il sito del Neolitico recente e finale di Castelnuovo di Teolo (Padova). Nuovi dati 139 maria angeLiCa borreLLo,"Chassey", "Lagozza" e "Chassey/Lagozza": nuove osservazioni su materiali ceramici del Veneto 6 INDICE Eneolitico 147 danieLa CoCChi geniCK, Le evidenze venete nel quadro dell'Eneolitico dell'Italia settentrionale 157 eLodia bianChin Citton, CLaudio baLiSta, aLex fontana, niCoLetta martineLLi, CarLo mondini, umberto teCChiati, Il sito del Col del Buson (Belluno) nella Valle dell'Ardo: aspetti geomorfologici, strutturali, culturali e paleoeconomici delle stratificazioni dell'Età del rame 169 paoLa SaLzani, La piattaforma triangolare di Arano (Cellore di Illasi, Verona) nel quadro dei contesti cultuali dell'Età del rame dell'Italia settentrionale 177 marCo baioni, CriStina Longhi, CLaudia mangani, niCoLetta martineLLi, CriStiano niCoSia, maria giuSeppina ruggiero, paoLa SaLzani, La palafitta del Corno di Sotto (Desenzano del Garda, Brescia) nell'ambito dello sviluppo dei primi insediamenti palafitticoli del lago di Garda 187 ChriStian jeuneSSe, L'Italie et l'émergence de l'idéologie du guerrier dans la seconde moitié du 4 ème millénaire av. J.-C. Età del bronzo 201 miCheLe Cupitò, giovanni Leonardi, Il Veneto tra Bronzo antico e Bronzo recente. 241 Luigi fozzati, giovanni Leonardi, niCoLetta martineLLi con il contributo di aLeSSandra aSpeS, CLaudio baLiSta, federiCa gonzato, LuCiano SaLzani, Wetlands. Palafitte e siti umidi nell'Età del bronzo del Veneto: territori e cronologia assoluta 251 eLodia bianChin Citton, Il Bronzo finale nel Veneto: dinamiche insediative e gestione del territorio 267 LuCiano SaLzani, Le documentazioni funerarie dell'Età del bronzo finale nel Veneto 271 ivana angeLini, giLberto artioLi, paoLo nimiS, igor viLLa, La metallurgia preistorica del rame nell'Italia nord-orientale: quadro d'insieme e recenti sviluppi
SMP CULTURE BURIALS IN WESTERN EMILIA. ARCHAEOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY -This paper offers an overvie... more SMP CULTURE BURIALS IN WESTERN EMILIA. ARCHAEOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY -This paper offers an overview of the study in progress regarding the SMP Culture funerary traditions in Emilia focusing on the discoveries recently occurred in Parma and Piacenza territories. The position in which the deceased is placed in the burial and the grave good assemblages analysis are here considered in relation to the chronology of the necropolis, to gender and age of death. The burials studied are about 180, coming from Le Mose, Ponte Ghiara, Collecchio, Vicofertile, Pontetaro, Gaione, Benefizio and via Guidorossi settlements. The via Guidorossi necropolis is the biggest one, counting 58 inhumations. The skeletal sample has been fully analyzed and sex and age of death have been determined. Regarding the displacement by sex and age of the burials it is clear that in a first stage of the culture the graveyards consist of small, probably family, groups, while during the second stage wider and community necropolis occurred. The funerary rituals follow very strict patterns, but infractions to the standard are not rare and their valuation suggests particularly interesting interpretations. The flexed position of the deceased on the left side is largely predominant, but the evaluation of the position patterns shows how the variants, connected to chronology, sex, age and equipment, can be representative of wealth and status of some members within the community. The widest variations concern the female burial practices, such as the cremations seemingly involved only adult women. Burials dated to the SMP 1 phase have generally no grave-goods, while a strong percentage of the second phase burials, including those of children, are equipped with grave-goods. The grave-goods indicate a very marked gender distinction. Male burials are provided with objects declaring a strong cultural identity such as peculiar flint artefacts (blades and arrow-heads) and polished stone tools (axes and chisels) and rare antler artefacts. Female grave-goods include SMP undecorated pots, Serra d'Alto small flasks, bone spatulas and awls, grinding stones and personal ornaments. The great care for the disposal of the body and for the choice of the funerary equipment reveals a strong symbolism linked to metaphysical beliefs. A strong distinction distinguish every-day objects from mortuary equipments; the objects intended as grave goods are in fact similar to those found in the settlements but at the same time unlike for some aspects, indicating the intention to represent two different worlds, that of the living, secular and profane, and that of the dead, of the ancestors and of the sacred.
Fin dagli anni ’40 del XX secolo l’Emilia è nota
per le significative testimonianze funerarie pe... more Fin dagli anni ’40 del XX secolo l’Emilia è nota
per le significative testimonianze funerarie pertinenti
alla cultura VBQ grazie agli scavi effettuati a Chiozza
di Scandiano1. Dagli anni ’90 si sono aggiunti numerosi
rinvenimenti in vari siti dell’Emilia occidentale ed attualmente
il territorio tra Reggio Emilia e Piacenza è l’area
di maggior interesse per lo studio degli aspetti funerari
della cultura. Essi appaiono peraltro intimamente intrecciati
alla sfera abitativa, poiché quasi tutti i siti esplorati
hanno restituito sia strutture potenzialmente insediative,
sia sepolture, in numero da una a 55.
Il presente lavoro, che rappresenta uno stadio della ricerca
in corso, approfondisce l’indagine sull’individuazione
dei ruoli sociali in base ai rituali, ai corredi funerari
e all’articolazione dello spazio sepolcrale.
Nell'ottobre del 1941 Malavolti scavò tre sepolture note in letteratura come "Tombe dei Fanciulli... more Nell'ottobre del 1941 Malavolti scavò tre sepolture note in letteratura come "Tombe dei Fanciulli", trovate durante la prosecuzione dei lavori della trincea a sud del camino della Fornace Carani. Ad esclusione della t. I in parte rimossa dagli operai, le altre due tombe furono integralmente indagate da Malavolti. Di questi scavi ci è pervenuta una ricca documentazione attraverso foto, disegni e scritti, compresi i diari messi a disposizione recentemente dagli eredi 1 .
The Early Neolithic settlement at Botteghino (Parma) -The site at Botteghino, carried out between... more The Early Neolithic settlement at Botteghino (Parma) -The site at Botteghino, carried out between 2003 and 2004, is the fi rst evidence regarding the Late Neolithic in Parma territory. The excavation brought to light an articulated archeological stratigraphy referred to quite a few settlement phases, as documented by the presence of a canal, a well, hearths, storage-pits and several pole-pits related to rectangular shaped buildings. The pottery found is referable to Chassey Culture. Spindle whorls and clay spatulas for pottery were also found. The chipped stone assemblage shows a relevant use of pressure fl aking technique characteristic of Chassey Groups. It is also interesting the presence, besides two copper awls, of copper slags and of a fragment of a melting crucible.
Papers by Paola Mazzieri
SMP burials found in western Emilia revealed strongly standardized funerary rituals, which became more and
more complex throughout the development of the culture. However, alongside the standard practice, anomalous
burials are also attested, revealing the existence of rituals in which funerary practices appear to take on partially
different meanings. In all the settlements investigated to date at least one anomalous burial has been brought to
light, whilst in some sites this kind of evidence appears to predominate (Ponte Ghiara and Pontetaro sites).
of the IV millennium BC a depletion of Late Neolithic Emilian (here indicated as NRE) and of “Western
tradition” markers is attested, alongside the introduction of several new elements. Analysis of the
settlements discovered between the Trebbia and Enza valleys enables the drafting of a chrono-cultural
sequence valid for central-western Emilia. The examined sites are dated between the third and the fifth
century of the fourth millennium BC. Two main phases have been identified: the first (Spilamberto VIIII-
II, S. Andrea-Icut, Vignola, Le Mose-Pessina, Botteghino-Le Ghiaie, Le Mose Ikea, Parma-Scarzara, S.
Ilario d’Enza settlements) is characterized by a polymorphic cultural complex consisting of Breno, Square
Mouthed Pottery (SMP) III and Lagozza elements together with probable Alpine, Balkan and Peninsular
contributions. The second phase (Parma Ex Vighi and via Pontasso settlements) reveals more frequent
contact with Tuscany and more generally with the Peninsula. The successive cultural groups in Emilia are
closely linked by a guiding thread, possibly composed mainly of the SMP tradition, with continuous new
additions, but without significant interruptions, up to the onset of the Copper Age.
Pottery culture settlements and graves, attributed to the first and the second phase dated between 5000/4900 and 43000 BC. The steatite artefacts comprise mainly beads and pendants, as well as waste remains, rough outs and blanks. Our study focuses on types diffusion, manufacturing remains and working techniques. Besides, it considers the steatite exploitation strategies used by the Neolithic people on the basis of geological data collected during surveys in the Apennine area conducted with the aim of identifying the primary outcrops.
stone industry characterized by a high incidence of burins and pièces écaillés, as well as some small perforators obtained from flakes or burin spalls. The steatite artefacts comprise waste flakes, rough outs, ground, perforated and rounding blanks and finished disk beads. Such evidence proves the existence of a steatite disk beads workshop in the
settlement during the Square Mouthed Pottery phase. On the basis of the pottery and the lithic industry, the study offers a cultural and chronological frame for the structure and, thanks to the steatite remains, a complete reconstruction of the disk beads manufacturing sequence
culture settlements and graves dated between 5000/4900 and 4300 BC. The steatite artefacts comprise mainly beads and pendants, as well as waste remains, rough-outs and blanks. The analysis focuses on types diffusion, manufacturing remains and working techniques.
per le significative testimonianze funerarie pertinenti
alla cultura VBQ grazie agli scavi effettuati a Chiozza
di Scandiano1. Dagli anni ’90 si sono aggiunti numerosi
rinvenimenti in vari siti dell’Emilia occidentale ed attualmente
il territorio tra Reggio Emilia e Piacenza è l’area
di maggior interesse per lo studio degli aspetti funerari
della cultura. Essi appaiono peraltro intimamente intrecciati
alla sfera abitativa, poiché quasi tutti i siti esplorati
hanno restituito sia strutture potenzialmente insediative,
sia sepolture, in numero da una a 55.
Il presente lavoro, che rappresenta uno stadio della ricerca
in corso, approfondisce l’indagine sull’individuazione
dei ruoli sociali in base ai rituali, ai corredi funerari
e all’articolazione dello spazio sepolcrale.
SMP burials found in western Emilia revealed strongly standardized funerary rituals, which became more and
more complex throughout the development of the culture. However, alongside the standard practice, anomalous
burials are also attested, revealing the existence of rituals in which funerary practices appear to take on partially
different meanings. In all the settlements investigated to date at least one anomalous burial has been brought to
light, whilst in some sites this kind of evidence appears to predominate (Ponte Ghiara and Pontetaro sites).
of the IV millennium BC a depletion of Late Neolithic Emilian (here indicated as NRE) and of “Western
tradition” markers is attested, alongside the introduction of several new elements. Analysis of the
settlements discovered between the Trebbia and Enza valleys enables the drafting of a chrono-cultural
sequence valid for central-western Emilia. The examined sites are dated between the third and the fifth
century of the fourth millennium BC. Two main phases have been identified: the first (Spilamberto VIIII-
II, S. Andrea-Icut, Vignola, Le Mose-Pessina, Botteghino-Le Ghiaie, Le Mose Ikea, Parma-Scarzara, S.
Ilario d’Enza settlements) is characterized by a polymorphic cultural complex consisting of Breno, Square
Mouthed Pottery (SMP) III and Lagozza elements together with probable Alpine, Balkan and Peninsular
contributions. The second phase (Parma Ex Vighi and via Pontasso settlements) reveals more frequent
contact with Tuscany and more generally with the Peninsula. The successive cultural groups in Emilia are
closely linked by a guiding thread, possibly composed mainly of the SMP tradition, with continuous new
additions, but without significant interruptions, up to the onset of the Copper Age.
Pottery culture settlements and graves, attributed to the first and the second phase dated between 5000/4900 and 43000 BC. The steatite artefacts comprise mainly beads and pendants, as well as waste remains, rough outs and blanks. Our study focuses on types diffusion, manufacturing remains and working techniques. Besides, it considers the steatite exploitation strategies used by the Neolithic people on the basis of geological data collected during surveys in the Apennine area conducted with the aim of identifying the primary outcrops.
stone industry characterized by a high incidence of burins and pièces écaillés, as well as some small perforators obtained from flakes or burin spalls. The steatite artefacts comprise waste flakes, rough outs, ground, perforated and rounding blanks and finished disk beads. Such evidence proves the existence of a steatite disk beads workshop in the
settlement during the Square Mouthed Pottery phase. On the basis of the pottery and the lithic industry, the study offers a cultural and chronological frame for the structure and, thanks to the steatite remains, a complete reconstruction of the disk beads manufacturing sequence
culture settlements and graves dated between 5000/4900 and 4300 BC. The steatite artefacts comprise mainly beads and pendants, as well as waste remains, rough-outs and blanks. The analysis focuses on types diffusion, manufacturing remains and working techniques.
per le significative testimonianze funerarie pertinenti
alla cultura VBQ grazie agli scavi effettuati a Chiozza
di Scandiano1. Dagli anni ’90 si sono aggiunti numerosi
rinvenimenti in vari siti dell’Emilia occidentale ed attualmente
il territorio tra Reggio Emilia e Piacenza è l’area
di maggior interesse per lo studio degli aspetti funerari
della cultura. Essi appaiono peraltro intimamente intrecciati
alla sfera abitativa, poiché quasi tutti i siti esplorati
hanno restituito sia strutture potenzialmente insediative,
sia sepolture, in numero da una a 55.
Il presente lavoro, che rappresenta uno stadio della ricerca
in corso, approfondisce l’indagine sull’individuazione
dei ruoli sociali in base ai rituali, ai corredi funerari
e all’articolazione dello spazio sepolcrale.