Papers by Oscar van Zanten
Computer modelling provides a means of dealing with the complexity of devising and applying the i... more Computer modelling provides a means of dealing with the complexity of devising and applying the integrated water resources management approaches required by the EU Water FrameWork Directive.

In 2010 is binnen liet KRW-innovatieproject KALLISTO onderzocht hoe op een effectieve manier de w... more In 2010 is binnen liet KRW-innovatieproject KALLISTO onderzocht hoe op een effectieve manier de waterkwaliteit in de Dommel verbeterd kan worden, zodat een goede ecologische toestand wordt gerealiseerd. Daarvoor is een nieuw toetsingskader voor chemische en ecologische waterkwaliteit ontwikkeld. Dit toetsingskader is opgesteld om specifiek het effect van lage zuurstofconcentraties en hoge ammoniumconcentraties in oppervlaktewater te beoordelen op mogelijke effecten op het aquatisch ecosysteem. Input voor de toetsing is een continu tijdreeks van data, hetzij van metingen hetzij van modellen. Het voordeel van modeloutput is dat verschillende scenario's - uitgedrukt in berekende zuurstof- en ammoniumconcentraties - kunnen worden beoordeeld op hun ecologische significantie, op een gestandaardiseerde manier. De eerste toepassingen van het toetsingskader in het KALLISTO-project laten zien dat het systeem plausibele en bruikbare resultaten oplevert, bij het selecteren van het optimale ...

Water Practice & Technology, 2012
The Kallisto project aims at finding cost effective sets of measures to meet the WFD derived goal... more The Kallisto project aims at finding cost effective sets of measures to meet the WFD derived goals for the river De Dommel. The project reasons from the both acute and long term impacts of the urban wastewater system on the quality and ecology of the river that are studied with an integral monitoring campaign in the wastewater system (WWTP and sewers) and river. By applying impact based RTC, the project aims at minimizing additional investments in infrastructure while meeting the requirements. Moreover, uncertainty is explicitly considered in the optimization and decision making process. The paper describes the overall project strategy, some preliminary results of modelling and monitoring of the components of the urban water system and the demonstration research for treatment techniques and the planned integration into optimization and decision making.
WATERWAYS srl, Via del Ferrone 88, 50023 Impruneta, Italy (Email: [email protected]),... more WATERWAYS srl, Via del Ferrone 88, 50023 Impruneta, Italy (Email: [email protected]), Waterschap De Dommel, PO Box 10.001, 5280 DA Boxtel, The Netherlands (Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]), Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management, Wageningen University, PO Box 47 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands (Email: [email protected]), Royal Haskoning/Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5048, Delft, The Netherlands (Email: [email protected]), BIOMATH, Department of Mathematical Modelling, Statistics and Bioinformatics, Ghent University, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, Belgium (Email: [email protected]), Witteveen+Bos, PO Box 233, NL-7400 AE Deventer, The Netherlands (Email: [email protected])
Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, 2015

Water Science & Technology, 2013
This project aims at finding cost-efficient sets of measures to meet the Water Framework Directiv... more This project aims at finding cost-efficient sets of measures to meet the Water Framework Directive (WFD) derived goals for the Dommel River (The Netherlands). Within the project, both acute and long-term impacts of the urban wastewater system on the chemical and ecological quality of the river are studied with a monitoring campaign in the urban wastewater system (wastewater treatment plant and sewers) and in the receiving surface water system. An integrated model, which proved to be a powerful tool to analyse the interactions within the integrated urban wastewater system, was first used to evaluate measures in the urban wastewater system using the existing infrastructure and new real-time control strategies. As the latter resulted to be beneficial but not sufficient, this paper investigated the use of additional infrastructural measures to improve the system cost-effectively and have it meet the Directive's goals. Finally, an uncertainty analysis was conducted to investigate the impact of uncertainty in the main model assumptions and model parameters on the performance robustness of the selected set of measures. Apart from some extreme worst-case scenarios, the proposed set of measures turned out to be sufficiently robust. Due to the substantial savings obtained with the results of this project, the pay-back time of the whole monitoring and modelling work proved to be less than 5 months. This illustrates the power of mathematical modelling for decision support in the context of complex urban water systems.

Water Science & Technology, 2013
This project aims at finding cost-efficient sets of measures to meet the Water Framework Directiv... more This project aims at finding cost-efficient sets of measures to meet the Water Framework Directive (WFD) derived goals for the Dommel River (The Netherlands). Within the project, both acute and long-term impacts of the urban wastewater system on the chemical and ecological quality of the river are studied with a monitoring campaign in the urban wastewater system (wastewater treatment plant and sewers) and in the receiving surface water system. An integrated model, which proved to be a powerful tool to analyse the interactions within the integrated urban wastewater system, was first used to evaluate measures in the urban wastewater system using the existing infrastructure and new real-time control strategies. As the latter resulted to be beneficial but not sufficient, this paper investigated the use of additional infrastructural measures to improve the system cost-effectively and have it meet the Directive's goals. Finally, an uncertainty analysis was conducted to investigate the impact of uncertainty in the main model assumptions and model parameters on the performance robustness of the selected set of measures. Apart from some extreme worst-case scenarios, the proposed set of measures turned out to be sufficiently robust. Due to the substantial savings obtained with the results of this project, the pay-back time of the whole monitoring and modelling work proved to be less than 5 months. This illustrates the power of mathematical modelling for decision support in the context of complex urban water systems.
Papers by Oscar van Zanten