Articles by Oleg Bakhchevnikov
Выполнен полевой опыт по определению влияния предпосевной обработки семян перспективными способам... more Выполнен полевой опыт по определению влияния предпосевной обработки семян перспективными способами (ультрафиолетовое излучение, озонирование, обработка низкочастотным электромагнитным полем) на состояние посевов и биологическую урожайность озимой пшеницы. Полученные результаты сравнили с результатами традиционной обработки путем протравливания семян химическим препаратом. Установлено, что предпосевная обработка озоном и УФ-излучением стимулировала прорастание семян и повысила их полевую всхожесть. Биологическая урожайность контроля была превышена для делянок, семена на которых были обработаны УФ-излучением — на 5,8 % и озоном — на 2,34 %. Обработка семян электромагнитным полем не привела к повышению урожайности. Данные по фактической урожайности подтвердили эту тенденцию. На делянках с обработкой семян УФ-излучением и озоном масса соломы, зерна и их соотношение достоверно превысили контроль. Химический анализ показал существенное превышение над контролем лишь для зерна с делянок, семена на которых были обработаны озоном: содержание белка выше на 4,2 %, а клейковины — на 5,2 %. Результаты, полученные в ходе полевого эксперимента, в основном согласуются с результатами предыдущих опубликованных исследований. Сочетание воздействия озона и УФ-излучения в предпосевной обработке семян позволит обеспечить обеззараживание и стимулирование прорастания, тем самым повысить полевую всхожесть, густоту стеблестоя, повысить полевую всхожесть, густоту стеблестоя, урожайность и улучшить качество зерна. Эти способы показали лучшие результаты в сравнении со способом протравливания семян и могут быть рекомендованы для внедрения в производство.
Field experiment on determining the effect of seed presowing treatment by promising methods (ultraviolet radiation, ozonation, low-frequency electromagnetic field) on the state of crops and biological yield of winter wheat was carried out. The results obtained were compared with the results of conventional seed treatment with chemical agent. It was found that presowing treatment with ozone and UV radiation stimulated seed germination and increased their field germination. Biological yield of control plants was higher for plots where seeds were treated with UV radiation and ozone by 5.8 and 2.34%, respectively. Seed treatment with electromagnetic fields did not result in higher yields. Actual yield data confirmed this trend. Straw and grain weight and their ratio significantly exceeded the control value in the plots where seeds were treated with UV radiation and ozone. Chemical analysis showed that only grain from plots where seeds were treated with ozone had significant excess over the control value: protein and gluten content was higher by 4.2 and 5.2%, respectively. The results obtained in the field experiment are largely consistent with the results of previous published studies. The combination of exposure to ozone and UV radiation during presowing treatment of seeds will provide disinfection and stimulation of germination, increase field germination, plant density, yields, and improve grain quality. These methods have shown better results in comparison with the method of seed treatment by chemical agent and, therefore, they can be recommended for implementation in production. Their combined use will make it possible to carry out effective disinfection and stimulation of germination, as well as to increase the yield and quality of grain.
Эффективность предпосевной обработки семян с использованием различных физических и химических мет... more Эффективность предпосевной обработки семян с использованием различных физических и химических методов изучена недостаточно. Цель исследования – определить влияние предпосевной обработки семян гороха посевного (Pisum sativum L.) низкочастотным электромагнитным полем (НЧ ЭМП), сверхвысокочастотным (СВЧ) излучением, озоном, ультрафиолетовым излучением (УФ) и фунгицидным препаратом (контроль) на его урожайность в условиях полевого опыта. Исследования выполнили на юге Ростовской области в 2023–2024 гг. Методом отбора проб и анализа снопового материала определили биологическую урожайность гороха и ее структуру. Наибольшее влияние на урожайность оказала обработка семян УФ-излучением: биологическая урожайность составила 2,58 т/га, превысив контроль на 0,52 т/га (25,2 %), а фактическая – 2,19 т/га (прибавка 0,46 т/га или 26,6 %). На втором месте по эффективности стоит способ озонирования семян, после которого биологическая урожайность увеличилась на 0,33 т/га (16 %), а фактическая – на 0,3 т/га (17,3 %). Обработка семян СВЧ-излучением занимает третье место по эффективности, а наименьшее влияние на урожайность гороха оказала обработка НЧ ЭМП, повысив ее всего на 6 %. Увеличение биологической урожайности гороха в результате обработки семян УФ, СВЧ, НЧ ЭМП и озоном было частично достигнуто за счет увеличения количества растений перед уборкой от 84,1 до 92,4 шт./м2 (озон) вследствие повышения полевой всхожести. Другими факторами повышения урожайности стали увеличение количества семян в бобе с 3,92 до 4,33 шт. (СВЧ), семян с растения с 14,94 до 16,32 шт. (УФ), а также массы 1000 зерен от 164,2 до 176,8 г (УФ), что привело к увеличению массы зерна с растения с 2,45 до 2,89 г (УФ). Для замены традиционной химической предпосевной обработки семян гороха оптимальными являются способы, основанные на действии УФ-излучения и озонирования.
The effectiveness of pre-sowing seed treatment using a range of physical and chemical techniques has not been sufficiently studied yet. The aim of the study, therefore, was to determine the effect of pre-sowing seed treatment with low-frequency electromagnetic field (LF EMF), microwave radiation (MW), ozone, ultraviolet radiation (UV) and fungicide preparation (control) on the yield of pea (Pisum sativum L.) in a field experiment. The research was carried out in the south of the Rostov region in 2023-2024. We determined the biological yield of pea and its structure by sampling and analyzing the sheaf material. Pre-sowing seed treatment with UV radiation had the most significant impact on the crop yield: biological yield was 2.58 t/ha, exceeding the control by 0.52 t/ha or 25.2 %; actual yield reached 2.19 t/ha, which surpassed the control values by 0.46 t/ha or 26.6 %. The ozonation of seeds represented the second most effective technique, with biological and actual yield increment by 0.33 t/ha (16 %) and 0.3 t/ha (17.3 %), respectively. Seed treatment with MW radiation ranked third. The least pea yield increase (by only 6 %) was observed after LF EMF. Biological yield improvement, as a result of seeds treatment with UV, MW, LF EMF and ozone, was partially achieved by an increase in the number of plants per square meter before harvesting, from 84.1 to 92.4 (ozonation), due to enhanced field germination. Other factors that contributed to the yield improvement included an increase in the number of seeds per bean from 3.92 to 4.33 (MW), seeds per plant from 14.94 to 16.32 (UV), and 1000-seed weight from 164.2 to 176.8 g (UV), which, in turn, resulted in an increase in grain mass per plant from 2.45 to 2.89 g (UV). These findings suggest that methods based on the action of UV radiation and ozonation may offer an optimal alternative to the traditional chemical pre-sowing treatment of pea seeds.
There has been an increased interest in growing nontraditional cereal crops and studying the poss... more There has been an increased interest in growing nontraditional cereal crops and studying the possibility of using them as raw material for feed preparation. Such promising crops include Indian dwarf wheat (Triticum sphaerococcum Percival). The aim of this study was to determine the nutritional value of Indian dwarf wheat ears in different phases of ripeness for use as raw material in feed production in comparison with soft wheat, and to determine the rational time frame of their harvesting for feed purposes. Harvesting was carried out by combing without threshing and separating grain heap in different phases of maturity. Feed was prepared from the grain heap. Chemical analysis of samples was carried out using standard methods. The mid-wax ripeness phase is the best time to harvest Indian dwarf wheat for preparing feed from its ears when they contain the maximum amount of essential amino acids and the minimum amount of fiber. The feed prepared from the ears of Indian dwarf wheat is of better quality than feed from soft wheat; in particular, it has an increased content of the sum of essential amino acids (by 1.06–2.23%) and individual amino acids (by 1–5%). This opens opportunities for using the crop in the preparation of feed in order to improve the quality of protein. The disadvantages of feed from Indian dwarf wheat include the increased (by 4– 10% compared to soft wheat) fiber content. The grain heap (ears) of Indian dwarf wheat harvested without threshing in the phase of early wax and mid-wax ripeness can be a source of raw materials that ensure an increase in the nutritional value of feed.
«Зеленые» технологии находят широкое применение в сельском хозяйстве и пищевой промышленности, в ... more «Зеленые» технологии находят широкое применение в сельском хозяйстве и пищевой промышленности, в том числе для обеззараживания и детоксикации зерна и продуктов его переработки. С целью обеззараживания все чаще используется озонирование. Однако информация о результатах научных исследований по применению озона в зерновой отрасли является разрозненной и неполной. Цель исследования – обзор и критический анализ научных публикаций, посвященных применению озона в переработке и хранении зерна. Выполнен поиск научной литературы, по ключевым словам, за 2013–2023 гг. в научных библиографических базах eLIBRARY.RU, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, MDPI и Springer Link, ее отбор , синтез данных и их анализ. Озонирование применяют в хранении и переработке зерна в качестве «зеленой» технологии, обеспечивающей обеззараживание и детоксикацию сырья и готовой продукции без вреда для здоровья человека и животных, а также увеличение продолжительности их хранения. В результате экспериментальных исследований было доказано, что озон обладает антимикробным, фунгицидным, инсектицидным и деградирующим микотоксины и пестициды действием. В то же время озон не снижает качества зерна и хлебопродуктов, быстро распадается и не образует токсичных соединений. Установлено, что на эффективность обработки озоном влияют многие факторы: влажность сырья, концентрация озона, длительность обработки, pH и температура среды, форма применения. Результаты исследований показывают положительное влияние озонирования на качество пшеничной муки и производимых из нее продуктов, но требуется дополнительное изучение этого эффекта для установления рациональных параметров процесса. Установлено, что озонирование зерна и продуктов его переработки является рентабельной технологией. Озонирование может найти широкое применение в качестве «зеленой» технологии, обеспечивающей обеззараживание и детоксикацию зернового сырья и готовой продукции. Озонирование обладает высоким потенциалом применения в хранении и переработке зерна.
Green technologies are gaining popularity in agriculture and the food industry, including such areas as disinfection and detoxification of grain and its products. Ozonation is an effective disinfection procedure. However, scientific data on grain ozonation are scattered and incomplete. The article offers a review and a critical analysis of scientific publications that feature ozonation in grain processing and storage. The keyword search covered publications indexed in eLIBRARY.RU, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, MDPI, and Springer Link in 2013–2023. In grain storage and processing, ozonation serves as a green technology of disinfection and detoxification of raw materials and finished products. It increases storage life but does not affect human or animal health. Ozone proved to possess antimicrobial, fungicidal, and insecticidal properties. It was able to degrade mycotoxins and pesticides. The publications reviewed did not report any evidence that ozone reduces the quality of grain or bakery products. On the contrary, it disintegrated quickly, without developing any toxic compounds. Ozone treatment depends on many factors, e.g., raw material humidity, ozone concentration, treatment time, environmental pH and temperature, form of application, etc. In general, ozonation was reported to improve the quality of wheat flour and its products. However, rational variables require additional research. Ozonation of grain and its products was often described as cost-effective. Ozonation has the potential to find extensive application as a green technology that ensures disinfection and detoxification of grain raw materials and finished products, which also means good prospects for grain storage and processing.
Необмолоченные колосья зерновых культур ранних фаз созревания могут быть использованы как сырье д... more Необмолоченные колосья зерновых культур ранних фаз созревания могут быть использованы как сырье для приготовления корма. Цель исследования: разработка и обоснование технологии переработки необмолоченных колосьев ранних фаз спелости в корм для всеядных рыб. Объектом исследования являлся технологический процесс приготовления гранулированного корма из необмолоченных колосьев ранних фаз спелости. Была разработана предварительная технологическая схема приготовления гранулированного корма из колосьев. Опытная проверка выявила недостатки в реализации технологического процесса производства корма из необмолоченных колосьев, снижающие его энергетическую и экономическую эффективность и негативно сказывающиеся на производительности технологической линии и качестве корма. Были разработаны возможные способы их решения. Для эффективной реализации технологии производства гранулированного корма из колосьев ранних фаз созревания необходимо совместить выполнение технологических операций сушки и измельчения сырья, а также его измельчения и смешивания, для чего предложены новые технологические решения. Была разработана усовершенствованная технологическая схема производства гранулированного корма для рыб из необмолоченных колосьев ранних сроков созревания, включающая совмещенные технологические операции. В новую схему интегрированы подлежащие разработке и уже разработанные новые технические средства. Результаты исследования показывают, что технология производства гранулированного корма из необмолоченных колосьев является эффективным средством повышения рентабельности производства продукции животноводства, так как произведенный по этой технологии корм содержит большее количество протеина, чем традиционный корм на основе обмолоченного фуражного зерна, вследствие чего в его состав можно включать меньшее количество дорогостоящих белковых добавок. Внедрение новой технологии приготовления гранулированного корма для рыб из необмолоченных колосьев позволит использовать раннюю уборку зерновых культур способом очеса для увеличения питательной ценности кормов.
The grain crops’ non-threshed ears of the early stages of ripeness as raw materials for feed preparation can be used. The purpose of this study was: non-threshed ears of early ripeness phases into food for omnivorous fish processing technology developing and substantiating. This study object – was the technological process of granulated feed from non-threshed ears of early ripeness phases preparing. A preliminary technological scheme for granular feed preparation from ears had been developed. An experimental test had revealed shortcomings in technological process of feed from non-threshed ears producing implementation, reducing its energy and economic efficiency and the processing line’s productivity and feed quality’s negative affecting. Possible solutions had been developed. For granular feed production from early ripening phases ears technology effective implementation, it is necessary the raw materials’ drying and grinding as technological operations, as well as its grinding and mixing to combine, for which new technological solutions were proposed. An improved technological scheme for granular fish feed from non-threshed ears of early ripening producing has been developed, including combined technological operations. New technical means to be developed and already developed into the new scheme are integrated. The results of the study had shown that the technology of granulated feed from non-threshed ears producing – is an effective means of livestock production’s profitability increasing, since feed produced by this technology using contains more protein than traditional one based on threshed forage grains, as a result fewer expensive protein additives in its composition can be included. The introduction of a new technology for the granular fish feed from non-threshed ears preparation will make it possible early grain crops harvesting by the oches-method using for the feed nutritional value increasing.
В последние годы увеличился интерес к выращиванию нетрадиционных зерновых колосовых культур и изу... more В последние годы увеличился интерес к выращиванию нетрадиционных зерновых колосовых культур и изучению возможности их использования в качестве сырья для приготовления корма. Одна из таких перспективных культур - шарозерная пшеница (Triticum sphaerococcum Percival). Цель исследования - определение питательной ценности колосьев шарозерной пшеницы в разные фазы спелости для использования в качестве сырья при производстве кормов в сравнении с мягкой пшеницей, и установление рациональных сроков их уборки на кормовые цели. Уборку проводили путем очеса без обмолота и разделения в разные фазы созревания. Корм готовили из зернового вороха. Химический анализ проб осуществляли по стандартным методикам. Наилучший срок уборки шарозерной пшеницы для приготовления корма из ее колосьев - фаза середины восковой спелости, когда они содержат максимальное количество незаменимых аминокислот и минимальное количество клетчатки. Корм, приготовленный из колосьев шарозерной пшеницы, характеризуется лучшим качеством, чем корм из мягкой пшеницы, в частности он отличается повышенным содержанием суммы незаменимых аминокислот (на 1,06…2,23 %) и отдельных аминокислот (на 1…5 %). Это открывает возможности для использования культуры при приготовлении кормов с целью улучшения качества белка. Недостаток корма из шарозерной пшеницы заключается в повышенном (на 4…10 %), по сравнению с мягкой пшеницей, содержании клетчатки. Зерновой ворох (колосья) шарозерной пшеницы, убранный очесом без обмолота в фазе начала и середины восковой спелости, может быть источником сырья, обеспечивающего повышение питательной ценности кормов.
Interest in growing ancient wheat species and studying the possibility of their use as raw material for feed preparation has increased recently. Indian dwarf wheat (Triticum sphaerococcum Percival) is one of the promising grain crops. The aim of the study was to determine the nutritive value of ears of Indian dwarf wheat in different phases of ripeness for use as raw material in the production of feed in comparison with soft wheat and to determine the rational time frame of their harvesting for feed preparation. Harvesting was carried out by combing without threshing and separation of grain heap in different phases of maturity. The feed was prepared from the grain heap. Chemical analyses of feed samples were performed according to standard methods. The mid-wax ripeness phase is the optimum harvesting time of Indian dwarf wheat for preparation of feed from its ears. Its ears in this phase contain maximum essential amino acids and minimum cellulose. Feed prepared from ears of Indian dwarf wheat has a better quality than feed from soft wheat, as it contains 1.06-2.23 % more of the sum of essential amino acids and 1-5 % more of individual amino acids. This allows the crop to be used in feed preparation to improve protein quality. But its 4-10 % more higher cellulose content than feed from soft wheat is a disadvantage. Grain heap (ears) of Indian dwarf wheat, harvested without threshing in the phase of early wax and mid-wax ripeness, can be a source of increasing the nutritive value of feeds, as it contains more essential amino acids than soft wheat.
Актуальность. В последнее время увеличился интерес к выращиванию нетрадиционных зерновых колосовы... more Актуальность. В последнее время увеличился интерес к выращиванию нетрадиционных зерновых колосовых культур и изучению возможности их использования в качестве сырья для приготовления корма для всеядных рыб, в том числе при их уборке в ранние фазы спелости. Цель исследования – определение питательной ценности кормов, приготовленных из колосьев зерновых культур, убранных очесом в ранние фазы спелости, и их пригодности как сырья для приготовления кормов для рыб. Материалы и методы. Объектом исследования были мягкая озимаяй пшеница (Triticum aestivum L.), шарозерная озимая пшеница (Triticum sphaerococcum Percival) и трититригия (×Trititrigia cziczinii Tsvel), выращенные в 2022-2023 гг. на юге Ростовской области. Уборку произвели способом очеса без обмолота и разделения зернового вороха в различные сроки, соответствующие определенным фазам созревания. Из зернового вороха разных сроков уборки был приготовлен гранулированный корм. Был выполнен химический анализ проб корма по стандартным методикам. Результаты и обсуждение. Наилучшим сроком уборки очесом зерновых культур, в том числе мягкой пшеницы, для приготовления корма из их колосьев является фаза середины восковой спелости, так как в эту фазу они содержат максимальное количество протеина, в том числе незаменимых аминокислот, и минимальное количество клетчатки. В фазу середины восковой спелости колосья мягкой пшеницы содержат 14,86% протеина и 5,03% незаменимых аминокислот, шарозерной пшеницы, соответственно, 14,23 и 7,26%, трититригии – 8,21 и 7,46%. Шарозерная пшеница и трититригия имеют лучшее качество корма, приготовленного из их колосьев, чем озимая мягкая пшеница. Приготовленный из них корм имеет большее содержание протеина и незаменимых аминокислот и лучший аминокислотный профиль. Это позволяет использовать их в приготовлении кормов для рыб для повышения содержания белка. Но недостатком этих культур является на 10-12% более высокое, чем у мягкой пшеницы, содержание клетчатки. Выводы. Колосья зерновых культур, убранные очесом, без обмолота, в фазу середины восковой спелости, могут стать средством повышения питательной ценности кормов для рыб, в частности карпа, за счет более высокого содержания переваримого протеина.
Introduction. Interest in growing non-traditional grain ear crops and studying the possibility of their use during their harvesting in the early stages of ripeness as a raw material for the preparation of feed for omnivorous fish has recently increased. The aim of the study was to determine the nutritive value of feed prepared from ears of cereal crops harvested in early ripeness stages and their suitability as raw material
for the production of fish feed. Materials and methods. Soft winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Indian dwarf winter wheat (Triticum sphaerococcum Percival) and Trititrigia (×Trititrigia cziczinii Tsvel) grown in 2022-2023 in the South of Rostov region of Russia were the objects of the study. Harvesting was carried out by combing without threshing the ears and separating the grain heap at different dates corresponding to different stages of maturity. Pelleted feed was made from grain heap of different harvesting dates. Chemical analysis of feed samples was performed according to standard methods. Results and discussion. The mid-wax ripeness stage is the best harvesting time for ears of cereal crops, including Soft wheat, for preparation of feed from their ears, since in this stage they contain the maximum amount of protein, including essential amino acids, and the minimum amount of cellulose. Ears of Soft wheat at the mid-wax ripeness phase contain 14.86 % protein and 5.03% essential amino acids, of Indian dwarf wheat, respectively, 14.23 and 7.26 %, of Trititrigia – 18.21 and 7.46%. Indian dwarf wheat and Trititrigia have better quality of feed produced from their ears than winter soft wheat. The feed prepared from them has a higher protein and essential amino acid content and a better amino acid profile. This makes it possible to use these cereals in fish feed production to increase protein content. The disadvantage of these crops is a 10-12% higher cellulose content than that of soft wheat. Conclusions. Ears harvested without threshing in the mid-wax ripeness stage are a means of increasing the nutritive value of fish feed, including carp, because of the higher digestible protein content.
Приготовление гранулированных кормов для аквакультуры из влажного сырья целесообразно выполнять в... more Приготовление гранулированных кормов для аквакультуры из влажного сырья целесообразно выполнять в корзинном грануляторе. Процесс работы корзинного гранулятора плохо изучен, а рациональные параметры его работы не получили научного обоснования. Разработан корзинный гранулятор, обеспечивающий гранулирование влажного сырья и позволяющий получать корм для рыб и их мальков в виде гранул диаметром 0,5…2 мм и влажностью 25…40%. Выполнили экспериментальные исследования для установления рациональных параметров гранулирования, обеспечивающих высокую производительность. Исследования процесса гранулирования влажного сырья проводили при частоте вращения трех экструзионных лопастей гранулятора: 37,8; 45,8; 50,3 об/мин и производительности, соответственно, 231, 274 и 291 кг/ч. Экспериментально установлено, что процесс формирования гранул в корзинном грануляторе является циклическим и состоит из периодов формирования гранулы, обратного движения материала и релаксации. Увеличение частоты вращения рабочих органов гранулятора приводит к снижению продолжительности цикла воздействия рабочего органа на материал за счет уменьшения периода релаксации, в то время как продолжительность периодов формирования гранулы и обратного движения материала остается постоянной. При увеличении частоты вращения длительность периода релаксации и всего цикла воздействия рабочего органа снижается почти линейно, но при повышении частоты более 47 об/мин их продолжительность снижается незначительно. Производительность корзинного гранулятора может быть повышена за счет увеличения как количества рабочих органов, так и частоты их вращения, но эти способы имеют ограничения в связи с увеличением энергоемкости процесса и особенностью конструкции гранулятора. В дальнейших исследованиях для обоснования рациональной продолжительности периодов рабочего цикла корзинного гранулятора необходимо изучить влияние реологических свойств сырья и его влажности на процесс гранулирования.
The production of pelleted aquaculture feeds from wet raw materials should reasonably be carried out in a basket granulator. The operation process of the basket granulator is not well studied. Rational parameters of its operation have no scientific grounds. A basket granulator is designed for pelleting of wet raw materials and producing feed for fish and their fry in the form of pellets with a diameter of 0.5 of 2 mm and a moisture content of 25 to 40%. Experimental studies were carried out to determine rational parameters of pelleting that provide high productivity. The pelleting process of wet raw material was studied at the rotation frequency of three extrusion blades of the granulator 37.8, 45.8, and 50.3 rpm and efficiency, respectively, 231, 274, and 291 kg∙h-1 . It has been established that the process of pellet formation in the basket granulator is cyclic and consists of pellet formation, reverse movement of material, and relaxation. Increasing the speed of the granulator’s working parts will lead to a decrease in the cycle duration of the impact of the parts on the material due to a decrease in the relaxation period, while the duration of the periods of pellet formation and reverse movement of the material remain constant. The duration of the relaxation period and the whole cycle of impact of the parts decrease almost linearly when increasing the rotational speed, but their duration decreases insignificantly when the frequency exceeds 47 rpm. The efficiency of the basket granulator can be increased both by increasing the number of working parts and increasing their rotary speed, but these methods have limitations associated with increasing the energy intensity of the process and the granulator design. The influence of rheological properties of raw materials and their moisture content on the pelleting process should be studied in the course of further research to justify the rational duration of periods in the working cycle of the basket granulator.
Традиционный способ протравливания семян зерновых культур перед посевом имеет значительные недост... more Традиционный способ протравливания семян зерновых культур перед посевом имеет значительные недостатки и требует замены. Цель исследования – определить влияние различных способов предпосевной обработки семян озимой пшеницы на ее урожайность и сопутствующие показатели. В 2021–2023 гг. на юге Ростовской области был выполнен двухлетний полевой опыт по выявлению влияния предпосевной обработки семян мягкой озимой пшеницы (Triticum aestivum L.) различными способами (ультрафиолетовое излучение, действие газообразного озона, обработка переменным электромагнитным полем) на ее всхожесть, урожайность и содержание протеина в зерне в сравнении с традиционным протравливанием химическим препаратом. Установлено, что предпосевная обработка семян озимой пшеницы ультрафиолетовым излучением и озоном ускоряет их прорастание, повышает полевую всхожесть на 4.1–4.7 %, а в итоге увеличивает биологическую и фактическую урожайность на 11–16 % по сравнению с традиционным способом протравливания семян химическими препаратами. Средняя биологическая урожайность пшеницы значимо превысила контроль на делянке с предварительной обработкой семян УФ-излучением (+ 16.2 %) и озоном (+ 11.8 %). Способ предпосевной обработки семян переменным электромагнитным полем не продемонстрировал значимого превышения урожайности и других показателей над способом протравливания. Предварительная обработка семян пшеницы озоном и УФ-излучением приводит к тому, что в процессе вегетации растения более активно развиваются, формируя большую вегетативную массу, в том числе большую массу зерна и соломы. Зерно пшеницы, выращенное из семян, обработанных озоном, cодержит на 0.5 % больше протеина и на 0.8 % больше клейковины. Перспективным направлением исследований является совместное применение предпосевной обработки семян озоном и УФ-излучением для повышения урожайности зерновых культур.
The traditional method of seed treatment of grain crops before sowing has significant disadvantages and needs to be replaced. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of different methods of presowing winter wheat seed treatment on its crop yield and related indicators. A two-year field experiment to determine the effect of presowing treatment of soft winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seeds by different methods (ultraviolet irradiation, ozonation, treatment with variable electromagnetic field) on its germination, yield and protein content in grain in comparison with traditional chemical treatment was carried out in 2021–2023 in the South of the Rostov region of Russia. It was found that presowing treatment of winter wheat seeds with gaseous ozone and ultraviolet radiation stimulates their sprouting, increases field germination by 4.1–4.7 %, and as a result increases biological and actual crop yield by 11–16 % compared to the traditional method of seed treatment with chemical preparation. The average biological crop yield of wheat significantly exceeded the control in plot of land with pretreatment of seeds with UV radiation (+ 16.2 %) and ozone (+ 11.8 %). The method of seed pretreatment with variable electromagnetic field did not show crop yield and other parameters exceeding the treatment method. Pretreatment of wheat seeds with ozone and UV radiation leads to the fact that during vegetation the plants develop more actively, forming a large vegetative mass, including a large mass of grain and straw. Wheat grain grown from ozone-treated seeds contained 0.5 % more protein and 0.8 % more gluten. A promising direction of research is the joint application of seeds presowing treatment with ozone and UV radiation to increase the crop yield of wheat.
Обоснование. Процессы, происходящие в растениях и их семенах при стрессовых воздействиях, а также... more Обоснование. Процессы, происходящие в растениях и их семенах при стрессовых воздействиях, а также защитные механизмы, используемые растениями при стрессе, мало изучены, что не позволяет использовать их для повышения урожайности.
Цель. Обзор и анализ научных публикаций, посвященных феномену приобретенной растениями в результате действия физического эустрессора на их семена «памяти» на стресс, и возможному применению этого явления в растениеводстве и селекции сельскохозяйственных культур.
Материалы и методы. Выполнен обзор научной литературы по теме исследования за период 2016-2023 гг. Выполнение исследования состояло из этапов: поиск научной литературы, ее оценка и отбор, синтез данных и их анализ.
Результаты. Использование горметических эффектов физических агентов для стимулирования прорастания семян сельскохозяйственных культур является эффективным. Реакция на абиотические стрессы может быть «натренирована» праймингом таким образом, что растение приобретает способность лучше переносить последующее воздействие стресса. Были найдены доказательства формирования краткосрочной и трансгенерационной памяти после прайминга растений. Установлен эпигенетический механизм формирования долгосрочной стрессовой памяти у растений в результате действия физического эустрессора. Эустрессор индуцирует специфические эпигенетические метки, связанные с адаптацией к окружающей среде, формируя новый стрессоустойчивый фенотип растения. Физические эустрессоры обладают потенциалом для придания сельскохозяйственным культурам устойчивости к стрессам путем усиления фенотипических характеристик, предотвращающих потери урожая.
Заключение. Обработка семян физическими эустрессорами формирует у растений устойчивость к абиотическим стрессам и память на них, но научные данные по этому вопросу являются неполными и отрывочными. На сегодняшний день понимание и применение стрессовой памяти в целях селекции ограничено, но она имеет большой потенциал для создания новых сортов сельскохозяйственных культур.
Background. The processes occurring in plants and their seeds under stress, as well as the defense mechanisms used by plants under stress, are poorly understood, which makes it impossible to use them to increase yields.
Purpose. Review and analysis of scientific publications, devoted to the phenomenon of stress memory acquired by plants as a result of physical stressors on their seeds and possible applications of this phenomenon in plant growing and crop breeding.
Materials and methods. A selection and systematic review of scientific articles on the research topic for the period 2016-2023 was performed. The study consisted of the following steps: research literature search, evaluation and selection, data synthesis and analysis.
Results. The use of hormetic effects of physical agents to stimulate seed germination of crops is effective. Responses to abiotic stresses could be 'trained' by priming so that the plant becomes better able to cope with later stress. Evidence of short-term and transgenerational memory formation following plant priming has been obtained. An epigenetic mechanism for the formation of long-term stress memory in plants as a result of a physical eustressor has been identified. The eustressor induces specific epigenetic marks associated with environmental adaptation, forming a new stress-resistant plant phenotype. Physical eustressors have the potential to impart stress tolerance to crops to enhance phenotypic characteristics to prevent yield losses.
Conclusion. Seed treatment with physical stressors builds plant tolerance and memory to abiotic stresses, but scientific evidence on this issue is incomplete and sketchy. The understanding and application of stress memory for breeding purposes is currently limited, but it has great potential for the development of new crop varieties.
Уборка зерновых очесом позволяет организовать раздельную уборку зерна на корм в ранние сроки и на... more Уборка зерновых очесом позволяет организовать раздельную уборку зерна на корм в ранние сроки и на продовольственные цели в фазу полной спелости. Цель. Экономическое обоснование совокупно технологии уборки очесом без обмолота зерновых культур ранних фаз спелости и технологии приготовления из необмолоченного вороха и добавок гранулированного корма для рыб. Методы. Экономическую оценку технологии уборки озимой пшеницы очесом в ранние фазы спелости без обмолота и ее переработки в корм выполняли способом сравнения эксплуатационных и приведенных затрат на выполнение совокупности технологических операций. Научная новизна заключается в совместной оценке экономической эффективности технологий уборки и переработки зерновых культур. Результаты. Себестоимость уборки зерновых культур очесом без обмолота и разделения вороха в 2,65 раза ниже, чем при использовании технологии уборки очесом с комбайновым обмолотом и разделением вороха. Себестоимости приготовления гранулированного корма для рыб согласно традиционной (из зерна) и новой (из зернового вороха) технологиям почти одинаковы. Но суммарная себестоимость выполнения технологических операций уборки очесом без обмолота и производства гранулированного корма из необмолоченных колосьев, согласно предлагаемой технологии, на 24,3 % меньше, чем при традиционной технологии уборки очесом с обмолотом и приготовления корма из зерна. Включение в состав корма незерновой части колосьев ранней спелости позволит повысить количество получаемого при уборке сырья на 20-30 %. Предлагаемые технологии экономически эффективны для сельскохозяйственных предприятий юга России.
The stripping of grain allows organizing the separate harvesting of grain for feed in early phases and for food purposes in the phase of full ripeness. Purpose. To carry out the economic justification of the technology of harvesting early ripening grains by stripping without threshing and the technology of preparing pelleted fish feed for fish from unthreshed ears and additives. Methods. Economical estimation of the technology of winter wheat harvesting by stripping in early phases of ripeness without threshing and its processing into feed has been carried out by comparing operational and indicated expenses of the total technological operations. Scientific novelty lies in the joint estimation of the economic efficiency of technologies of harvesting and processing of grain crops. Results. The prime cost of harvesting cereals without threshing and separation is 2.65 times lower than that of the harvesting technology with combine threshing and separation. The cost of performing operations under the traditional (from grain) and the new (from ears) technologies of pelleted fish feed production is almost equal. However, the total cost of technological operations of harvesting grain without threshing and preparation of pelleted feed from unthreshed ears using the new technology is 24.3 % lower than that of traditional technology of harvesting with threshing and preparation of feed from grain. The use of non-grain part of ears of early ripeness in the composition of feed will increase the amount of raw material from hectare of sown area by 20–30 %. The proposed technologies is cost-effective and promising for implementation in the agricultural enterprises of southern Russia.
Равномерное смешивание компонентов кормов является актуальной проблемой. Для решения этой проблем... more Равномерное смешивание компонентов кормов является актуальной проблемой. Для решения этой проблемы предложено использовать вибрационные смесители. Процесс работы лоткового вибрационного смесителя еще недостаточно исследован, что затрудняет подбор рациональных параметров его эксплуатации. Цель исследований – определение рациональных параметров работы лоткового вибрационного смесителя, обеспечивающих равномерное смешивание компонентов смеси кормов. Для составления математической модели эксперимента был использован трехуровневый план Бокса второго порядка. В ходе реализации опыты плана выполняли в трехкратной повторности. Исследовали зависимость однородности смешивания двух видов сырья от скорости подачи компонентов, амплитуды и частоты колебаний лотка вибрационного смесителя. Было выведено уравнение регрессии, адекватно описывающее процесс вибрационного смешивания при варьировании факторов. Данные о влиянии варьируемых факторов были получены и математическая модель процесса смешивания двух компонентов создана, позволяющая рассчитать коэффициенты вариации внутри принятых диапазонов варьирования входных факторов. Установлено, что при увеличении частоты колебаний лотка однородность смешивания увеличивается, однако после достижения частоты колебаний 22,4 Гц начинается движение частиц материала в обратном направлении, что снижает производительность смесителя. Рациональными значениями параметров работы вибрационного лоткового смесителя являются: скорость подачи компонентов – 92-93 кг/ч, частота колебаний лотка 20,2-20,8 Гц и амплитуда колебаний 0,0022-0,0024 м. При этих значениях параметров смесителя однородность смешивания компонентов составляет 93,2 %. В результате были определены рациональные значения параметров процесса работы вибрационного лоткового смесителя, соответствующие зоотехническим требованиям к качеству смешивания кормов.
Uniform mixing of feed components is an actual problem. Vibrating mixers are proposed to be used to solve this problem. The process of operation of the trough vibrating mixer is still insufficiently investigated, which makes it difficult to select rational parameters of its operation. The purpose of the research is to determine the rational parameters of operation of the tray vibrating mixer, providing uniform mixing of feed mixture. The three-level Box plan of the second order was used to compose the mathematical model of the experiment. In the course of implementation, the experiments of the plan were performed in threefold repetition. Dependence of homogeneity of mixing of two types of raw materials on the rate of feeding of components, frequency and amplitude oscillations of vibrating mixer’s tray was investigated. Regression equation adequately describing the process of vibrating mixing at varying factors was obtained. Data on the influence of varying factors were obtained and a mathematical model of the mixing process of two components was created, allowing the calculation of coefficients of variation within the accepted ranges of variation of input factors. It was found that the homogeneity of mixing increases with increasing frequency of the tray oscillation, but after reaching the frequency of oscillation of 22.4 Hz, the movement of material particles in the opposite direction begins, which reduces the productivity of the mixer. Rational values of the operating parameters of the vibrating tray mixer: the feed rate of components - 92...93 kg∙h-1, frequency of tray oscillation - 20.2...20.8 Hz and amplitude of oscillation - 0.0022...0.0024 m. The homogeneity of components mixing is equal to 93.2 % at these values of mixer parameters. Rational values of the process parameters of the vibrating tray mixer operation, corresponding to zoo technical requirements to the quality of feed mixing, were determined as a result.
Актуальность. Одним из эффективных физических способов предпосевной обработки семян является возд... more Актуальность. Одним из эффективных физических способов предпосевной обработки семян является воздействие микроволнового электромагнитного излучения. Цель исследования – обзор и критический анализ научных публикаций, посвященных применению микроволнового излучения для предпосевной обработки семян с целью определения перспектив его использования в сельском хозяйстве. Материалы и методы. Выполнен обзор научной литературы по заявленной теме за 2013-2023 гг. Выполнение исследования состояло из следующих этапов: поиск научной литературы, ее оценка и отбор, синтез данных и их анализ. Результаты и обсуждение. Установлено, что, хотя интенсивная обработка семян микроволновым излучением вызывает стресс, его применение в малых дозах мощности или в течение краткого времени вызывает эффект стимулирования прорастания. Предпосевная обработка микроволновым излучением улучшает всхожесть семян, энергию прорастания и рост проростков. Действие микроволнового излучения изменяет химический состав семян растений, активирует в них синтез ферментов, способствуя их лучшему прорастанию. Выводы. Наиболее перспективным направлением исследований предпосевной обработки семян микроволновым излучением является экспериментальное определение таких параметров, которые одновременно обеспечат как стимулирование их прорастания, так и обеззараживание, а возможно, и последующую устойчивость сельскохозяйственных растений к абиогенным стрессам.
Introduction. Exposure to microwave electromagnetic radiation is one of effective physical methods of seed pre-sowing treatment. The aim of the research-review and critical analysis of scientific publications, describing the microwave radiation application for seed pre-sowing treatment to determine the prospects of its use in agriculture. Materials and methods. The review of scientific literature on the stated topic for 2013-2023 was carried out. The study consisted of the following stages: scientific literature search, its evaluation and selection, data synthesis and analysis. Results and conclusions. It was found that although intensive treatment of seeds with microwave radiation causes stress, its application in low doses of power or for a short time causes the effect of stimulating germination. Microwave pretreatment improves seed germination, germination energy and seedling growth. The action of microwave radiation changes the chemical composition of seeds, activates the synthesis of enzymes, contributing to their better germination. The most promising direction of research is the experimental determination of such parameters of seed presowing treatment with microwave radiation, which simultaneously provide both their disinfection and stimulation of germination and the subsequent resistance of agricultural plants to abiogenous stress.
Предложена конструкция пневматического молотильного устройства для обмолота колосьев зерновых кул... more Предложена конструкция пневматического молотильного устройства для обмолота колосьев зерновых культур. В результате экспериментов установлено, что в ходе пневматического обмолота полностью отсутствует дробление зерен. При скорости воздушного потока более 40 м/с эффективность пневматического обмолота колосьев составляет 100%, обеспечивается полное выделение из колосьев всех зерен. Пневматическое молотильное устройство обеспечивает уменьшение травмирования и предотвращает дробление зерен в процессе обмолота колосьев.
The design of a pneumatic threshing device for threshing ears of grain crops during selection work is proposed, which makes it possible to reduce grain injury. As a result of the experiments, it was found that crushing is completely absent during pneumatic threshing. At an air flow speed of more than 40 m/s, the efficiency of pneumatic threshing of ears is 100%, complete separation of all grains from the ears is ensured.
Предложена конструкция корзинного гранулятора для приготовления кормов в аквакультуре. В результа... more Предложена конструкция корзинного гранулятора для приготовления кормов в аквакультуре. В результате экспериментов установлено, что твердость гранул снижается при увеличении влажности корма. Гранулятор с перфорированной корзиной обеспечивает эффективное и с низкой энергоемкостью получение качественных гранул малого диаметра для кормления пресноводных рыб и их мальков.
The design of a basket granulator for the preparation of feed in aquaculture is proposed. As a result of the experiments, it was found that the hardness of the pellets decreases with increasing feed moisture. The perforated basket granulator provides efficient production of quality small diameter pellets for feeding freshwater fish and their fry with a low energy content.
Введение. В сельском хозяйстве России на пути развития животноводства встает серьезное препятстви... more Введение. В сельском хозяйстве России на пути развития животноводства встает серьезное препятствие-высокие цены на готовые корма, что вынуждает сельхозпредприятия развертывать их собственное производство. Необходимо оценить экономические перспективы внутрихозяйственного комбикормового производства в небольших сельхозпредприятиях. Материалы и методы. Исследование выполнено на базе системного и ситуационного подхода. На основании научной базы и статистической информации был проведен анализ рынка комбикормов, выявлены его потенциальные возможности и определены перспективные направления развития с учетом установленных рисков. Использованы методы сравнения и прогнозирования экономических показателей эксплуатации предприятия. Результаты. Сельхозпредприятие, используя 70-80 % собственного растительного сырья и приобретая на стороне 20-30 % белково-минеральных добавок, может производить корма, имеющие значительно более низкую стоимость, чем покупные. В современных условиях у небольших сельхозпредприятий есть альтернатива строительству традиционного малого завода-это модульные заводы и мобильные комбикормовые установки. В сравнении с традиционным заводом наилучшие показатели экономической эффективности имеет модульный комбикормовый завод, а наихудшие-мобильная установка. Обсуждение. Экономический анализ показал, что эксплуатация в небольшом сельхозпредприятии внутрихозяйственного комбикормового завода (установки) является прибыльной. При этом стационарные предприятия более экономически эффективны, чем мобильная установка, причем модульный завод имеет небольшое преимущество перед традиционным. Заключение. Для сельхозпредприятий России внутрихозяйственное производство комбикормов из собственного зерна и покупных добавок является перспективным и способным повысить экономическую эффективность животноводства. В условиях сельхозпредприятия наиболее экономически эффективен малый модульный комбикормовый завод, традиционный же менее рентабелен, а наименьшую эффективность имеет мобильная установка.
Introduction: High prices for finished feeds pose a serious obstacle to the development of animal husbandry in agriculture of Russia. This forces agricultural enterprises to develop their own production. It is necessary to evaluate the economic prospects of on-farm formula feed production in small-scale agricultural enterprises.
Materials and methods: The study is based on the situational and system access. The analysis of the formula feed market has been carried out on the basis of scientific base and statistical information. Potential market opportunities have been identified and promising directions of development taking into account the identified risks have been determined. Methods of comparison and forecasting of economic indicators of operation of the enterprise have been used.
Results: An agricultural enterprise, using 70-80 % of its own vegetable raw materials and purchasing 20-30 % of protein-mineral supplements on the side, can produce feed with much lower cost than the purchased one. In today's environment, small-scale farms have an alternative to building a traditional small-scale plant: modular plants and mobile feed units. The modular formula feed plant has the best economic efficiency in comparison with a traditional plant and the mobile unit has the worst.
Discussion: Economic analysis has shown that the operation of an on-farm feed plant (unit) in a small-scale farm is profitable. Stationary plants are more cost effective than the mobile unit and the modular plant has a slight advantage over the traditional plant.
Conclusion: On-farm production of formula plant from own grain and purchased additives is promising and can increase the economic efficiency of animal husbandry for Russian agricultural enterprises. A small-scale modular formula feed plant is the most cost-effective in the conditions of an agricultural enterprise, a traditional one is less cost-effective, and a mobile unit has the lowest efficiency.
Цель. Обобщение и анализ статей, посвященных использованию эфирных масел в качестве компонентов к... more Цель. Обобщение и анализ статей, посвященных использованию эфирных масел в качестве компонентов кормов для аквакультуры и лечебно-профилактических средств, для получения информации о технологиях их подготовки и применения и влиянии на качество кормов для рыб и их здоровье.
Материалы и методы. Выполнен отбор и систематический обзор научной литературы по теме исследования за период 2011–2021 гг. Для выбора научных статей выполнили поиск по ключевым словам в библиографических базах.
Результаты. Эфирные масла могут применяться в аквакультуре в качестве эффективного средства лечения и профилактики инфекционных болезней, борьбы с паразитами, для улучшения состояния здоровья рыб в качестве иммуностимуляторов, антиоксидантов и стимуляторов роста. Но большинство исследований были основаны на испытаниях in vitro или проводились в
лабораторных условиях, а поэтому их результаты должны быть уточнены в производственных условиях. Также необходимо точно установить, какие активные вещества в составе эфирных масел обуславливают их терапевтический эффект. Активному применению эфирных масел в аквакультуре препятствует их недостаточная стабильность в процессе приготовления кормов, их хранения и прохождения через желудочно-кишечный тракт рыб. Для преодоления этого недостатка рекомендуется применять технологию микрокапсулирования.
Заключение. Использование эфирных масел в качестве лечебно-профилактических средств и кормовых добавок является перспективной стратегией для сокращения использования традиционных синтетических препаратов в аквакультуре. Для эффективного использования зарубежных научных результатов в аквакультуре России необходимо провести исследования по замене эфирных масел, получаемых из экзотических растений, на масла из культивируемых в нашей стране растений, основываясь на сходстве их состава.
Purpose. Generalization and analysis of articles concerning the use of essential oils as components of aquaculture feeds and disinfectants to obtain information about the technology of their preparation and use as well as about their influence to the quality of fish feeds and their health.
Materials and methods. A selection and systematic review of scientific literature on the research topic for the period 2011-2021 was carried out. Keyword searches were performed in bibliographic databases to select scientific articles.
Results. Essential oils can be used in aquaculture as an effective treatment and prevention of infectious diseases, to control parasites, to improve the health of fish as immunostimulants, antioxidants and growth stimulants. But most of the studies were based on in vitro tests or were carried out under laboratory conditions, so their results need to be clarified under production conditions. It also needs to be established precisely which active substances in essential oils are responsible for their therapeutic effect. The active application of essential oils in aquaculture is
hampered by their insufficient stability during feed preparation, storage and passage through the gastrointestinal tract of fish. Microencapsulation technology is recommended to overcome this disadvantage.
Conclusion. The use of essential oils as therapeutic and prophylactic agents and feed additives is a promising strategy to reduce the use of traditional synthetic drugs in aquaculture. To effectively use foreign scientific results in Russian aquaculture, it is necessary to conduct research on replacement of essential oils obtained from exotic plants with oils from plants cultivated in our country based on the similarity of their composition.
Актуальным является установление закономерностей процесса гранулирования растительного сырья для ... more Актуальным является установление закономерностей процесса гранулирования растительного сырья для совершенствования технологий и технических средств с целью снижения энергоемкости и улучшения качества гранул. Целью исследования является обобщение результатов исследований, посвященных влиянию различных параметров на процесс гранулирования растительного сырья и качество кормовых и биотопливных гранул. Выполнен отбор и систематический обзор научной литературы по тематике исследования за период 2007-2022 гг. Анализ показал, что предварительная тепловая обработка и увлажнение растительного сырья, а также его состав и размеры частиц являются факторами, оказывающими наибольшее влияние на качество кормовых и биотопливных гранул. Повышение давления в диапазоне 20-200 МПа приводит к увеличению прочности гранул, а температура матрицы около 100 °C является оптимальной для получения плотных качественных гранул из растительного сырья. Важную роль в получении качественных гранул при обработке растительного сырья играют конструктивные параметры пресс-гранулятора. Исполнение входной части фильеры матрицы в форме сужающегося конуса способствует снижению энергоемкости и давления гранулирования, а увеличение отношения длины канала фильеры к его диаметру экспоненциально увеличивает давление гранулирования и его энергоемкость. Взаимодействие между физическими процессами, происходящими в пресс-грануляторе, усложняет интерпретацию влияния каждого параметра на процесс гранулирования, вследствие этого авторы по-разному оценивают вклад отдельных факторов в получение качественных гранул. Поэтому необходимо восполнить пробел в знаниях о взаимодействии между отдельными параметрами гранулирования и их влиянии на результаты процесса.
Determining the regularities of the process of pelleting vegetable raw materials is relevant for the improvement of technologies and technical equipment in order to reduce energy intensity and improve the quality of pellets. The generalization of the results of the research aimed at studying the influence of various parameters on the process of pelleting vegetable raw materials and the quality of feed and biofuel pellets is the purpose of the research. A selection and systematic review of the scientific literature on the subject of the study for the period of 2007-2022 has been carried out. The analysis has proved that heat pre-treatment and moistening of vegetable raw materials, as well as their composition and particle size are the factors that have the greatest impact on the quality of feed and biofuel pellets. Increasing the pressure in the range of 20...200 MPa results in increasing the pellets durability. A die temperature of around 100°C is optimum for obtaining dense pellets of high-quality from vegetable raw materials. The design parameters of the pelletizer play an important role in obtaining high-quality pellets when processing vegetable raw materials. The design of the inlet in the form of a tapering cone helps to reduce energy consumption and pelleting pressure. An increase in the ratio of the die channel length to its diameter exponentially increases the pelleting pressure and its energy intensity. The interplay between the physical processes occurring in the pelletizer makes it difficult to interpret the impact of each parameter on the pelleting process, so different authors have different assessments of the contribution of individual factors in producing high-quality pellets. Therefore, the interaction between the individual pelleting parameters and their influence on the results of the process should be examined more precisely.
Исследование проводили с целью обобщения и анализа научных публикаций, посвященных физическим мет... more Исследование проводили с целью обобщения и анализа научных публикаций, посвященных физическим методам стимулирования прорастания семян и уточнению информации о способах их реализации. Для обзора использовали источники по теме исследования за 2012–2022 гг. Научные статьи, опубликованные ранее 2012 г., включали в случае отсутствия новых публикаций по конкретному аспекту темы исследования. Для предпосевной обработки семян используют такие физические методы воздействия, как магнитное поле, микроволновое излучение, ультрафиолетовое излучение, «холодная» плазма, ионизирующие излучения, ультразвук, импульсное электрическое поле. Их считают экологически безопасными и безвредными для здоровья людей и животных. Рассмотренные физические методы предпосевной обработки улучшают всхожесть семян до 30 % и скорость роста до 20 %. Их использование в перспективе позволит создать производительные поточные линии для подготовки большого количества семян. Наиболее простыми и подходящими для практического применения в сельском хозяйстве из рассмотренных методов следует считать воздействие ультразвука и ультрафиолетового излучения. Остальные методы в существующем виде достаточно сложны и энергозатратны для непосредственного использования при обработке большого количества семян. Активному распространению рассмотренных методов препятствует недостаточный уровень знаний о биохимических и физических процессах, происходящих в семенах в результате их обработки. Для решения этой проблемы необходим комплексный и междисциплинарный подход, что позволит углубить и ускорить фундаментальные исследования, а также выработать практические рекомендации для сельскохозяйственного производства.
The study aimed to summarise and analyse scientific publications devoted to physical methods for stimulating seed germination and to clarify information on how to implement them. For the review, we used sources on the research topic for 2012–2022. Scientific articles published before 2012 were included in the absence of new publications on a specific aspect of the research topic. For preplanting cultivation of seeds, such physical methods of influence as a magnetic field, microwave radiation, ultraviolet radiation, "cold" plasma, ionizing radiation, ultrasound, pulsed electric field are used. They are considered environmentally friendly and harmless to human and animal health. The considered physical methods of presowing treatment improve seed germination up to 30% and growth rate up to 20%. Their use in the future will make it possible to create productive flow lines for the preparation of a large number of seeds. Among the considered methods, the most simple and suitable for practical application in agriculture should be considered ultrasound exposure and ultraviolet radiation. The remaining methods in their current form are quite complex and energy-consuming for direct use in the processing of a large number of seeds. The active spread of the considered methods is hindered by the insufficient level of knowledge about the biochemical and physical processes that occur in seeds as a result of their processing. To solve this problem, an integrated and interdisciplinary approach is needed, which will allow deepening and accelerating fundamental research, as well as developing practical recommendations for agricultural production.
Разработаны новая технология производства гранулированного корма из необмолоченного зернового вор... more Разработаны новая технология производства гранулированного корма из необмолоченного зернового вороха пшеницы и реализующая ее машинно-аппаратная схема. Цель исследования-обосновать технологию приготовления гранулированного корма из необмолоченного зернового вороха. Технология включает раннюю уборку зерновых очесом без обмолота и разделения зернового вороха. Зерновой ворох нормализуют, сушат, измельчают, смешивают с добавками и гранулируют на винтовом прессе. Себестоимость выполнения операций по традиционной (из зерна-848 руб/т) и новой (из зернового вороха-862 руб/т) технологиям производства гранулированного корма практически одинакова, но более высокое содержание протеина позволяет снизить содержание в корме дорогостоящих белковых добавок. Предлагаемая технологическая схема приготовления корма по сравнению с традиционной более сложна и требует выполнения большего количества операций, в частности, нормализации и сушки зернового вороха, что компенсируется увеличением содержания протеина в корме. Технология производства гранулированного корма из зернового вороха пшеницы может стать эффективным средством снижения себестоимости продукции животноводства, так как произведенный корм содержит большее количество протеина, чем традиционный корм на основе обмолоченного фуражного зерна, и требует добавления меньшего количества дорогостоящих белковых добавок. Внедрение предлагаемой технологии в сельскохозяйственное производство позволит реализовать потенциал ранней уборки зерновых культур очесом и повысить на 9-11% содержание протеина в корме.
A new technology of granular feed producing from wheat unpolished grain heap and a machine-and-hardware scheme implementing it have been developed. The purpose of this study is the technology of granulated feed preparation from an unpolished grain heap to justify. This technology includes early grain harvesting with a comb without threshing and grain pile separating. The grain heap is normalized, dried, crushed, mixed with additives and granulated on a screw press. This performing operations’ cost on traditional (from grain – is 848 rubles per tonne) and new (from grain heap – is 862 rubles per tonne) technologies for the of granular feed producing is almost the same, but a higher protein content allows expensive feed protein additives’ share to reduce. The proposed technological scheme of feed preparation is more complex in comparison with the traditional one and requires more operations, in particular, grain pile’s normalization and drying, that by protein share increasing in the feed is compensated. The technology of granular feed from wheat grain heap’s producing can become an effective means of livestock products’ cost reducing, since the produced feed contains more protein than traditional one based on threshed feed grain, and requires of fewer expensive protein additives adding. The proposed technology introducing into agricultural production will make it possible the early harvesting potential of grain crops to realize and protein share in feed in 9-11 % to increase.
Articles by Oleg Bakhchevnikov
Field experiment on determining the effect of seed presowing treatment by promising methods (ultraviolet radiation, ozonation, low-frequency electromagnetic field) on the state of crops and biological yield of winter wheat was carried out. The results obtained were compared with the results of conventional seed treatment with chemical agent. It was found that presowing treatment with ozone and UV radiation stimulated seed germination and increased their field germination. Biological yield of control plants was higher for plots where seeds were treated with UV radiation and ozone by 5.8 and 2.34%, respectively. Seed treatment with electromagnetic fields did not result in higher yields. Actual yield data confirmed this trend. Straw and grain weight and their ratio significantly exceeded the control value in the plots where seeds were treated with UV radiation and ozone. Chemical analysis showed that only grain from plots where seeds were treated with ozone had significant excess over the control value: protein and gluten content was higher by 4.2 and 5.2%, respectively. The results obtained in the field experiment are largely consistent with the results of previous published studies. The combination of exposure to ozone and UV radiation during presowing treatment of seeds will provide disinfection and stimulation of germination, increase field germination, plant density, yields, and improve grain quality. These methods have shown better results in comparison with the method of seed treatment by chemical agent and, therefore, they can be recommended for implementation in production. Their combined use will make it possible to carry out effective disinfection and stimulation of germination, as well as to increase the yield and quality of grain.
The effectiveness of pre-sowing seed treatment using a range of physical and chemical techniques has not been sufficiently studied yet. The aim of the study, therefore, was to determine the effect of pre-sowing seed treatment with low-frequency electromagnetic field (LF EMF), microwave radiation (MW), ozone, ultraviolet radiation (UV) and fungicide preparation (control) on the yield of pea (Pisum sativum L.) in a field experiment. The research was carried out in the south of the Rostov region in 2023-2024. We determined the biological yield of pea and its structure by sampling and analyzing the sheaf material. Pre-sowing seed treatment with UV radiation had the most significant impact on the crop yield: biological yield was 2.58 t/ha, exceeding the control by 0.52 t/ha or 25.2 %; actual yield reached 2.19 t/ha, which surpassed the control values by 0.46 t/ha or 26.6 %. The ozonation of seeds represented the second most effective technique, with biological and actual yield increment by 0.33 t/ha (16 %) and 0.3 t/ha (17.3 %), respectively. Seed treatment with MW radiation ranked third. The least pea yield increase (by only 6 %) was observed after LF EMF. Biological yield improvement, as a result of seeds treatment with UV, MW, LF EMF and ozone, was partially achieved by an increase in the number of plants per square meter before harvesting, from 84.1 to 92.4 (ozonation), due to enhanced field germination. Other factors that contributed to the yield improvement included an increase in the number of seeds per bean from 3.92 to 4.33 (MW), seeds per plant from 14.94 to 16.32 (UV), and 1000-seed weight from 164.2 to 176.8 g (UV), which, in turn, resulted in an increase in grain mass per plant from 2.45 to 2.89 g (UV). These findings suggest that methods based on the action of UV radiation and ozonation may offer an optimal alternative to the traditional chemical pre-sowing treatment of pea seeds.
Green technologies are gaining popularity in agriculture and the food industry, including such areas as disinfection and detoxification of grain and its products. Ozonation is an effective disinfection procedure. However, scientific data on grain ozonation are scattered and incomplete. The article offers a review and a critical analysis of scientific publications that feature ozonation in grain processing and storage. The keyword search covered publications indexed in eLIBRARY.RU, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, MDPI, and Springer Link in 2013–2023. In grain storage and processing, ozonation serves as a green technology of disinfection and detoxification of raw materials and finished products. It increases storage life but does not affect human or animal health. Ozone proved to possess antimicrobial, fungicidal, and insecticidal properties. It was able to degrade mycotoxins and pesticides. The publications reviewed did not report any evidence that ozone reduces the quality of grain or bakery products. On the contrary, it disintegrated quickly, without developing any toxic compounds. Ozone treatment depends on many factors, e.g., raw material humidity, ozone concentration, treatment time, environmental pH and temperature, form of application, etc. In general, ozonation was reported to improve the quality of wheat flour and its products. However, rational variables require additional research. Ozonation of grain and its products was often described as cost-effective. Ozonation has the potential to find extensive application as a green technology that ensures disinfection and detoxification of grain raw materials and finished products, which also means good prospects for grain storage and processing.
The grain crops’ non-threshed ears of the early stages of ripeness as raw materials for feed preparation can be used. The purpose of this study was: non-threshed ears of early ripeness phases into food for omnivorous fish processing technology developing and substantiating. This study object – was the technological process of granulated feed from non-threshed ears of early ripeness phases preparing. A preliminary technological scheme for granular feed preparation from ears had been developed. An experimental test had revealed shortcomings in technological process of feed from non-threshed ears producing implementation, reducing its energy and economic efficiency and the processing line’s productivity and feed quality’s negative affecting. Possible solutions had been developed. For granular feed production from early ripening phases ears technology effective implementation, it is necessary the raw materials’ drying and grinding as technological operations, as well as its grinding and mixing to combine, for which new technological solutions were proposed. An improved technological scheme for granular fish feed from non-threshed ears of early ripening producing has been developed, including combined technological operations. New technical means to be developed and already developed into the new scheme are integrated. The results of the study had shown that the technology of granulated feed from non-threshed ears producing – is an effective means of livestock production’s profitability increasing, since feed produced by this technology using contains more protein than traditional one based on threshed forage grains, as a result fewer expensive protein additives in its composition can be included. The introduction of a new technology for the granular fish feed from non-threshed ears preparation will make it possible early grain crops harvesting by the oches-method using for the feed nutritional value increasing.
Interest in growing ancient wheat species and studying the possibility of their use as raw material for feed preparation has increased recently. Indian dwarf wheat (Triticum sphaerococcum Percival) is one of the promising grain crops. The aim of the study was to determine the nutritive value of ears of Indian dwarf wheat in different phases of ripeness for use as raw material in the production of feed in comparison with soft wheat and to determine the rational time frame of their harvesting for feed preparation. Harvesting was carried out by combing without threshing and separation of grain heap in different phases of maturity. The feed was prepared from the grain heap. Chemical analyses of feed samples were performed according to standard methods. The mid-wax ripeness phase is the optimum harvesting time of Indian dwarf wheat for preparation of feed from its ears. Its ears in this phase contain maximum essential amino acids and minimum cellulose. Feed prepared from ears of Indian dwarf wheat has a better quality than feed from soft wheat, as it contains 1.06-2.23 % more of the sum of essential amino acids and 1-5 % more of individual amino acids. This allows the crop to be used in feed preparation to improve protein quality. But its 4-10 % more higher cellulose content than feed from soft wheat is a disadvantage. Grain heap (ears) of Indian dwarf wheat, harvested without threshing in the phase of early wax and mid-wax ripeness, can be a source of increasing the nutritive value of feeds, as it contains more essential amino acids than soft wheat.
Introduction. Interest in growing non-traditional grain ear crops and studying the possibility of their use during their harvesting in the early stages of ripeness as a raw material for the preparation of feed for omnivorous fish has recently increased. The aim of the study was to determine the nutritive value of feed prepared from ears of cereal crops harvested in early ripeness stages and their suitability as raw material
for the production of fish feed. Materials and methods. Soft winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Indian dwarf winter wheat (Triticum sphaerococcum Percival) and Trititrigia (×Trititrigia cziczinii Tsvel) grown in 2022-2023 in the South of Rostov region of Russia were the objects of the study. Harvesting was carried out by combing without threshing the ears and separating the grain heap at different dates corresponding to different stages of maturity. Pelleted feed was made from grain heap of different harvesting dates. Chemical analysis of feed samples was performed according to standard methods. Results and discussion. The mid-wax ripeness stage is the best harvesting time for ears of cereal crops, including Soft wheat, for preparation of feed from their ears, since in this stage they contain the maximum amount of protein, including essential amino acids, and the minimum amount of cellulose. Ears of Soft wheat at the mid-wax ripeness phase contain 14.86 % protein and 5.03% essential amino acids, of Indian dwarf wheat, respectively, 14.23 and 7.26 %, of Trititrigia – 18.21 and 7.46%. Indian dwarf wheat and Trititrigia have better quality of feed produced from their ears than winter soft wheat. The feed prepared from them has a higher protein and essential amino acid content and a better amino acid profile. This makes it possible to use these cereals in fish feed production to increase protein content. The disadvantage of these crops is a 10-12% higher cellulose content than that of soft wheat. Conclusions. Ears harvested without threshing in the mid-wax ripeness stage are a means of increasing the nutritive value of fish feed, including carp, because of the higher digestible protein content.
The production of pelleted aquaculture feeds from wet raw materials should reasonably be carried out in a basket granulator. The operation process of the basket granulator is not well studied. Rational parameters of its operation have no scientific grounds. A basket granulator is designed for pelleting of wet raw materials and producing feed for fish and their fry in the form of pellets with a diameter of 0.5 of 2 mm and a moisture content of 25 to 40%. Experimental studies were carried out to determine rational parameters of pelleting that provide high productivity. The pelleting process of wet raw material was studied at the rotation frequency of three extrusion blades of the granulator 37.8, 45.8, and 50.3 rpm and efficiency, respectively, 231, 274, and 291 kg∙h-1 . It has been established that the process of pellet formation in the basket granulator is cyclic and consists of pellet formation, reverse movement of material, and relaxation. Increasing the speed of the granulator’s working parts will lead to a decrease in the cycle duration of the impact of the parts on the material due to a decrease in the relaxation period, while the duration of the periods of pellet formation and reverse movement of the material remain constant. The duration of the relaxation period and the whole cycle of impact of the parts decrease almost linearly when increasing the rotational speed, but their duration decreases insignificantly when the frequency exceeds 47 rpm. The efficiency of the basket granulator can be increased both by increasing the number of working parts and increasing their rotary speed, but these methods have limitations associated with increasing the energy intensity of the process and the granulator design. The influence of rheological properties of raw materials and their moisture content on the pelleting process should be studied in the course of further research to justify the rational duration of periods in the working cycle of the basket granulator.
The traditional method of seed treatment of grain crops before sowing has significant disadvantages and needs to be replaced. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of different methods of presowing winter wheat seed treatment on its crop yield and related indicators. A two-year field experiment to determine the effect of presowing treatment of soft winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seeds by different methods (ultraviolet irradiation, ozonation, treatment with variable electromagnetic field) on its germination, yield and protein content in grain in comparison with traditional chemical treatment was carried out in 2021–2023 in the South of the Rostov region of Russia. It was found that presowing treatment of winter wheat seeds with gaseous ozone and ultraviolet radiation stimulates their sprouting, increases field germination by 4.1–4.7 %, and as a result increases biological and actual crop yield by 11–16 % compared to the traditional method of seed treatment with chemical preparation. The average biological crop yield of wheat significantly exceeded the control in plot of land with pretreatment of seeds with UV radiation (+ 16.2 %) and ozone (+ 11.8 %). The method of seed pretreatment with variable electromagnetic field did not show crop yield and other parameters exceeding the treatment method. Pretreatment of wheat seeds with ozone and UV radiation leads to the fact that during vegetation the plants develop more actively, forming a large vegetative mass, including a large mass of grain and straw. Wheat grain grown from ozone-treated seeds contained 0.5 % more protein and 0.8 % more gluten. A promising direction of research is the joint application of seeds presowing treatment with ozone and UV radiation to increase the crop yield of wheat.
Цель. Обзор и анализ научных публикаций, посвященных феномену приобретенной растениями в результате действия физического эустрессора на их семена «памяти» на стресс, и возможному применению этого явления в растениеводстве и селекции сельскохозяйственных культур.
Материалы и методы. Выполнен обзор научной литературы по теме исследования за период 2016-2023 гг. Выполнение исследования состояло из этапов: поиск научной литературы, ее оценка и отбор, синтез данных и их анализ.
Результаты. Использование горметических эффектов физических агентов для стимулирования прорастания семян сельскохозяйственных культур является эффективным. Реакция на абиотические стрессы может быть «натренирована» праймингом таким образом, что растение приобретает способность лучше переносить последующее воздействие стресса. Были найдены доказательства формирования краткосрочной и трансгенерационной памяти после прайминга растений. Установлен эпигенетический механизм формирования долгосрочной стрессовой памяти у растений в результате действия физического эустрессора. Эустрессор индуцирует специфические эпигенетические метки, связанные с адаптацией к окружающей среде, формируя новый стрессоустойчивый фенотип растения. Физические эустрессоры обладают потенциалом для придания сельскохозяйственным культурам устойчивости к стрессам путем усиления фенотипических характеристик, предотвращающих потери урожая.
Заключение. Обработка семян физическими эустрессорами формирует у растений устойчивость к абиотическим стрессам и память на них, но научные данные по этому вопросу являются неполными и отрывочными. На сегодняшний день понимание и применение стрессовой памяти в целях селекции ограничено, но она имеет большой потенциал для создания новых сортов сельскохозяйственных культур.
Background. The processes occurring in plants and their seeds under stress, as well as the defense mechanisms used by plants under stress, are poorly understood, which makes it impossible to use them to increase yields.
Purpose. Review and analysis of scientific publications, devoted to the phenomenon of stress memory acquired by plants as a result of physical stressors on their seeds and possible applications of this phenomenon in plant growing and crop breeding.
Materials and methods. A selection and systematic review of scientific articles on the research topic for the period 2016-2023 was performed. The study consisted of the following steps: research literature search, evaluation and selection, data synthesis and analysis.
Results. The use of hormetic effects of physical agents to stimulate seed germination of crops is effective. Responses to abiotic stresses could be 'trained' by priming so that the plant becomes better able to cope with later stress. Evidence of short-term and transgenerational memory formation following plant priming has been obtained. An epigenetic mechanism for the formation of long-term stress memory in plants as a result of a physical eustressor has been identified. The eustressor induces specific epigenetic marks associated with environmental adaptation, forming a new stress-resistant plant phenotype. Physical eustressors have the potential to impart stress tolerance to crops to enhance phenotypic characteristics to prevent yield losses.
Conclusion. Seed treatment with physical stressors builds plant tolerance and memory to abiotic stresses, but scientific evidence on this issue is incomplete and sketchy. The understanding and application of stress memory for breeding purposes is currently limited, but it has great potential for the development of new crop varieties.
The stripping of grain allows organizing the separate harvesting of grain for feed in early phases and for food purposes in the phase of full ripeness. Purpose. To carry out the economic justification of the technology of harvesting early ripening grains by stripping without threshing and the technology of preparing pelleted fish feed for fish from unthreshed ears and additives. Methods. Economical estimation of the technology of winter wheat harvesting by stripping in early phases of ripeness without threshing and its processing into feed has been carried out by comparing operational and indicated expenses of the total technological operations. Scientific novelty lies in the joint estimation of the economic efficiency of technologies of harvesting and processing of grain crops. Results. The prime cost of harvesting cereals without threshing and separation is 2.65 times lower than that of the harvesting technology with combine threshing and separation. The cost of performing operations under the traditional (from grain) and the new (from ears) technologies of pelleted fish feed production is almost equal. However, the total cost of technological operations of harvesting grain without threshing and preparation of pelleted feed from unthreshed ears using the new technology is 24.3 % lower than that of traditional technology of harvesting with threshing and preparation of feed from grain. The use of non-grain part of ears of early ripeness in the composition of feed will increase the amount of raw material from hectare of sown area by 20–30 %. The proposed technologies is cost-effective and promising for implementation in the agricultural enterprises of southern Russia.
Uniform mixing of feed components is an actual problem. Vibrating mixers are proposed to be used to solve this problem. The process of operation of the trough vibrating mixer is still insufficiently investigated, which makes it difficult to select rational parameters of its operation. The purpose of the research is to determine the rational parameters of operation of the tray vibrating mixer, providing uniform mixing of feed mixture. The three-level Box plan of the second order was used to compose the mathematical model of the experiment. In the course of implementation, the experiments of the plan were performed in threefold repetition. Dependence of homogeneity of mixing of two types of raw materials on the rate of feeding of components, frequency and amplitude oscillations of vibrating mixer’s tray was investigated. Regression equation adequately describing the process of vibrating mixing at varying factors was obtained. Data on the influence of varying factors were obtained and a mathematical model of the mixing process of two components was created, allowing the calculation of coefficients of variation within the accepted ranges of variation of input factors. It was found that the homogeneity of mixing increases with increasing frequency of the tray oscillation, but after reaching the frequency of oscillation of 22.4 Hz, the movement of material particles in the opposite direction begins, which reduces the productivity of the mixer. Rational values of the operating parameters of the vibrating tray mixer: the feed rate of components - 92...93 kg∙h-1, frequency of tray oscillation - 20.2...20.8 Hz and amplitude of oscillation - 0.0022...0.0024 m. The homogeneity of components mixing is equal to 93.2 % at these values of mixer parameters. Rational values of the process parameters of the vibrating tray mixer operation, corresponding to zoo technical requirements to the quality of feed mixing, were determined as a result.
Introduction. Exposure to microwave electromagnetic radiation is one of effective physical methods of seed pre-sowing treatment. The aim of the research-review and critical analysis of scientific publications, describing the microwave radiation application for seed pre-sowing treatment to determine the prospects of its use in agriculture. Materials and methods. The review of scientific literature on the stated topic for 2013-2023 was carried out. The study consisted of the following stages: scientific literature search, its evaluation and selection, data synthesis and analysis. Results and conclusions. It was found that although intensive treatment of seeds with microwave radiation causes stress, its application in low doses of power or for a short time causes the effect of stimulating germination. Microwave pretreatment improves seed germination, germination energy and seedling growth. The action of microwave radiation changes the chemical composition of seeds, activates the synthesis of enzymes, contributing to their better germination. The most promising direction of research is the experimental determination of such parameters of seed presowing treatment with microwave radiation, which simultaneously provide both their disinfection and stimulation of germination and the subsequent resistance of agricultural plants to abiogenous stress.
The design of a pneumatic threshing device for threshing ears of grain crops during selection work is proposed, which makes it possible to reduce grain injury. As a result of the experiments, it was found that crushing is completely absent during pneumatic threshing. At an air flow speed of more than 40 m/s, the efficiency of pneumatic threshing of ears is 100%, complete separation of all grains from the ears is ensured.
The design of a basket granulator for the preparation of feed in aquaculture is proposed. As a result of the experiments, it was found that the hardness of the pellets decreases with increasing feed moisture. The perforated basket granulator provides efficient production of quality small diameter pellets for feeding freshwater fish and their fry with a low energy content.
Introduction: High prices for finished feeds pose a serious obstacle to the development of animal husbandry in agriculture of Russia. This forces agricultural enterprises to develop their own production. It is necessary to evaluate the economic prospects of on-farm formula feed production in small-scale agricultural enterprises.
Materials and methods: The study is based on the situational and system access. The analysis of the formula feed market has been carried out on the basis of scientific base and statistical information. Potential market opportunities have been identified and promising directions of development taking into account the identified risks have been determined. Methods of comparison and forecasting of economic indicators of operation of the enterprise have been used.
Results: An agricultural enterprise, using 70-80 % of its own vegetable raw materials and purchasing 20-30 % of protein-mineral supplements on the side, can produce feed with much lower cost than the purchased one. In today's environment, small-scale farms have an alternative to building a traditional small-scale plant: modular plants and mobile feed units. The modular formula feed plant has the best economic efficiency in comparison with a traditional plant and the mobile unit has the worst.
Discussion: Economic analysis has shown that the operation of an on-farm feed plant (unit) in a small-scale farm is profitable. Stationary plants are more cost effective than the mobile unit and the modular plant has a slight advantage over the traditional plant.
Conclusion: On-farm production of formula plant from own grain and purchased additives is promising and can increase the economic efficiency of animal husbandry for Russian agricultural enterprises. A small-scale modular formula feed plant is the most cost-effective in the conditions of an agricultural enterprise, a traditional one is less cost-effective, and a mobile unit has the lowest efficiency.
Материалы и методы. Выполнен отбор и систематический обзор научной литературы по теме исследования за период 2011–2021 гг. Для выбора научных статей выполнили поиск по ключевым словам в библиографических базах.
Результаты. Эфирные масла могут применяться в аквакультуре в качестве эффективного средства лечения и профилактики инфекционных болезней, борьбы с паразитами, для улучшения состояния здоровья рыб в качестве иммуностимуляторов, антиоксидантов и стимуляторов роста. Но большинство исследований были основаны на испытаниях in vitro или проводились в
лабораторных условиях, а поэтому их результаты должны быть уточнены в производственных условиях. Также необходимо точно установить, какие активные вещества в составе эфирных масел обуславливают их терапевтический эффект. Активному применению эфирных масел в аквакультуре препятствует их недостаточная стабильность в процессе приготовления кормов, их хранения и прохождения через желудочно-кишечный тракт рыб. Для преодоления этого недостатка рекомендуется применять технологию микрокапсулирования.
Заключение. Использование эфирных масел в качестве лечебно-профилактических средств и кормовых добавок является перспективной стратегией для сокращения использования традиционных синтетических препаратов в аквакультуре. Для эффективного использования зарубежных научных результатов в аквакультуре России необходимо провести исследования по замене эфирных масел, получаемых из экзотических растений, на масла из культивируемых в нашей стране растений, основываясь на сходстве их состава.
Purpose. Generalization and analysis of articles concerning the use of essential oils as components of aquaculture feeds and disinfectants to obtain information about the technology of their preparation and use as well as about their influence to the quality of fish feeds and their health.
Materials and methods. A selection and systematic review of scientific literature on the research topic for the period 2011-2021 was carried out. Keyword searches were performed in bibliographic databases to select scientific articles.
Results. Essential oils can be used in aquaculture as an effective treatment and prevention of infectious diseases, to control parasites, to improve the health of fish as immunostimulants, antioxidants and growth stimulants. But most of the studies were based on in vitro tests or were carried out under laboratory conditions, so their results need to be clarified under production conditions. It also needs to be established precisely which active substances in essential oils are responsible for their therapeutic effect. The active application of essential oils in aquaculture is
hampered by their insufficient stability during feed preparation, storage and passage through the gastrointestinal tract of fish. Microencapsulation technology is recommended to overcome this disadvantage.
Conclusion. The use of essential oils as therapeutic and prophylactic agents and feed additives is a promising strategy to reduce the use of traditional synthetic drugs in aquaculture. To effectively use foreign scientific results in Russian aquaculture, it is necessary to conduct research on replacement of essential oils obtained from exotic plants with oils from plants cultivated in our country based on the similarity of their composition.
Determining the regularities of the process of pelleting vegetable raw materials is relevant for the improvement of technologies and technical equipment in order to reduce energy intensity and improve the quality of pellets. The generalization of the results of the research aimed at studying the influence of various parameters on the process of pelleting vegetable raw materials and the quality of feed and biofuel pellets is the purpose of the research. A selection and systematic review of the scientific literature on the subject of the study for the period of 2007-2022 has been carried out. The analysis has proved that heat pre-treatment and moistening of vegetable raw materials, as well as their composition and particle size are the factors that have the greatest impact on the quality of feed and biofuel pellets. Increasing the pressure in the range of 20...200 MPa results in increasing the pellets durability. A die temperature of around 100°C is optimum for obtaining dense pellets of high-quality from vegetable raw materials. The design parameters of the pelletizer play an important role in obtaining high-quality pellets when processing vegetable raw materials. The design of the inlet in the form of a tapering cone helps to reduce energy consumption and pelleting pressure. An increase in the ratio of the die channel length to its diameter exponentially increases the pelleting pressure and its energy intensity. The interplay between the physical processes occurring in the pelletizer makes it difficult to interpret the impact of each parameter on the pelleting process, so different authors have different assessments of the contribution of individual factors in producing high-quality pellets. Therefore, the interaction between the individual pelleting parameters and their influence on the results of the process should be examined more precisely.
The study aimed to summarise and analyse scientific publications devoted to physical methods for stimulating seed germination and to clarify information on how to implement them. For the review, we used sources on the research topic for 2012–2022. Scientific articles published before 2012 were included in the absence of new publications on a specific aspect of the research topic. For preplanting cultivation of seeds, such physical methods of influence as a magnetic field, microwave radiation, ultraviolet radiation, "cold" plasma, ionizing radiation, ultrasound, pulsed electric field are used. They are considered environmentally friendly and harmless to human and animal health. The considered physical methods of presowing treatment improve seed germination up to 30% and growth rate up to 20%. Their use in the future will make it possible to create productive flow lines for the preparation of a large number of seeds. Among the considered methods, the most simple and suitable for practical application in agriculture should be considered ultrasound exposure and ultraviolet radiation. The remaining methods in their current form are quite complex and energy-consuming for direct use in the processing of a large number of seeds. The active spread of the considered methods is hindered by the insufficient level of knowledge about the biochemical and physical processes that occur in seeds as a result of their processing. To solve this problem, an integrated and interdisciplinary approach is needed, which will allow deepening and accelerating fundamental research, as well as developing practical recommendations for agricultural production.
A new technology of granular feed producing from wheat unpolished grain heap and a machine-and-hardware scheme implementing it have been developed. The purpose of this study is the technology of granulated feed preparation from an unpolished grain heap to justify. This technology includes early grain harvesting with a comb without threshing and grain pile separating. The grain heap is normalized, dried, crushed, mixed with additives and granulated on a screw press. This performing operations’ cost on traditional (from grain – is 848 rubles per tonne) and new (from grain heap – is 862 rubles per tonne) technologies for the of granular feed producing is almost the same, but a higher protein content allows expensive feed protein additives’ share to reduce. The proposed technological scheme of feed preparation is more complex in comparison with the traditional one and requires more operations, in particular, grain pile’s normalization and drying, that by protein share increasing in the feed is compensated. The technology of granular feed from wheat grain heap’s producing can become an effective means of livestock products’ cost reducing, since the produced feed contains more protein than traditional one based on threshed feed grain, and requires of fewer expensive protein additives adding. The proposed technology introducing into agricultural production will make it possible the early harvesting potential of grain crops to realize and protein share in feed in 9-11 % to increase.
Field experiment on determining the effect of seed presowing treatment by promising methods (ultraviolet radiation, ozonation, low-frequency electromagnetic field) on the state of crops and biological yield of winter wheat was carried out. The results obtained were compared with the results of conventional seed treatment with chemical agent. It was found that presowing treatment with ozone and UV radiation stimulated seed germination and increased their field germination. Biological yield of control plants was higher for plots where seeds were treated with UV radiation and ozone by 5.8 and 2.34%, respectively. Seed treatment with electromagnetic fields did not result in higher yields. Actual yield data confirmed this trend. Straw and grain weight and their ratio significantly exceeded the control value in the plots where seeds were treated with UV radiation and ozone. Chemical analysis showed that only grain from plots where seeds were treated with ozone had significant excess over the control value: protein and gluten content was higher by 4.2 and 5.2%, respectively. The results obtained in the field experiment are largely consistent with the results of previous published studies. The combination of exposure to ozone and UV radiation during presowing treatment of seeds will provide disinfection and stimulation of germination, increase field germination, plant density, yields, and improve grain quality. These methods have shown better results in comparison with the method of seed treatment by chemical agent and, therefore, they can be recommended for implementation in production. Their combined use will make it possible to carry out effective disinfection and stimulation of germination, as well as to increase the yield and quality of grain.
The effectiveness of pre-sowing seed treatment using a range of physical and chemical techniques has not been sufficiently studied yet. The aim of the study, therefore, was to determine the effect of pre-sowing seed treatment with low-frequency electromagnetic field (LF EMF), microwave radiation (MW), ozone, ultraviolet radiation (UV) and fungicide preparation (control) on the yield of pea (Pisum sativum L.) in a field experiment. The research was carried out in the south of the Rostov region in 2023-2024. We determined the biological yield of pea and its structure by sampling and analyzing the sheaf material. Pre-sowing seed treatment with UV radiation had the most significant impact on the crop yield: biological yield was 2.58 t/ha, exceeding the control by 0.52 t/ha or 25.2 %; actual yield reached 2.19 t/ha, which surpassed the control values by 0.46 t/ha or 26.6 %. The ozonation of seeds represented the second most effective technique, with biological and actual yield increment by 0.33 t/ha (16 %) and 0.3 t/ha (17.3 %), respectively. Seed treatment with MW radiation ranked third. The least pea yield increase (by only 6 %) was observed after LF EMF. Biological yield improvement, as a result of seeds treatment with UV, MW, LF EMF and ozone, was partially achieved by an increase in the number of plants per square meter before harvesting, from 84.1 to 92.4 (ozonation), due to enhanced field germination. Other factors that contributed to the yield improvement included an increase in the number of seeds per bean from 3.92 to 4.33 (MW), seeds per plant from 14.94 to 16.32 (UV), and 1000-seed weight from 164.2 to 176.8 g (UV), which, in turn, resulted in an increase in grain mass per plant from 2.45 to 2.89 g (UV). These findings suggest that methods based on the action of UV radiation and ozonation may offer an optimal alternative to the traditional chemical pre-sowing treatment of pea seeds.
Green technologies are gaining popularity in agriculture and the food industry, including such areas as disinfection and detoxification of grain and its products. Ozonation is an effective disinfection procedure. However, scientific data on grain ozonation are scattered and incomplete. The article offers a review and a critical analysis of scientific publications that feature ozonation in grain processing and storage. The keyword search covered publications indexed in eLIBRARY.RU, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, MDPI, and Springer Link in 2013–2023. In grain storage and processing, ozonation serves as a green technology of disinfection and detoxification of raw materials and finished products. It increases storage life but does not affect human or animal health. Ozone proved to possess antimicrobial, fungicidal, and insecticidal properties. It was able to degrade mycotoxins and pesticides. The publications reviewed did not report any evidence that ozone reduces the quality of grain or bakery products. On the contrary, it disintegrated quickly, without developing any toxic compounds. Ozone treatment depends on many factors, e.g., raw material humidity, ozone concentration, treatment time, environmental pH and temperature, form of application, etc. In general, ozonation was reported to improve the quality of wheat flour and its products. However, rational variables require additional research. Ozonation of grain and its products was often described as cost-effective. Ozonation has the potential to find extensive application as a green technology that ensures disinfection and detoxification of grain raw materials and finished products, which also means good prospects for grain storage and processing.
The grain crops’ non-threshed ears of the early stages of ripeness as raw materials for feed preparation can be used. The purpose of this study was: non-threshed ears of early ripeness phases into food for omnivorous fish processing technology developing and substantiating. This study object – was the technological process of granulated feed from non-threshed ears of early ripeness phases preparing. A preliminary technological scheme for granular feed preparation from ears had been developed. An experimental test had revealed shortcomings in technological process of feed from non-threshed ears producing implementation, reducing its energy and economic efficiency and the processing line’s productivity and feed quality’s negative affecting. Possible solutions had been developed. For granular feed production from early ripening phases ears technology effective implementation, it is necessary the raw materials’ drying and grinding as technological operations, as well as its grinding and mixing to combine, for which new technological solutions were proposed. An improved technological scheme for granular fish feed from non-threshed ears of early ripening producing has been developed, including combined technological operations. New technical means to be developed and already developed into the new scheme are integrated. The results of the study had shown that the technology of granulated feed from non-threshed ears producing – is an effective means of livestock production’s profitability increasing, since feed produced by this technology using contains more protein than traditional one based on threshed forage grains, as a result fewer expensive protein additives in its composition can be included. The introduction of a new technology for the granular fish feed from non-threshed ears preparation will make it possible early grain crops harvesting by the oches-method using for the feed nutritional value increasing.
Interest in growing ancient wheat species and studying the possibility of their use as raw material for feed preparation has increased recently. Indian dwarf wheat (Triticum sphaerococcum Percival) is one of the promising grain crops. The aim of the study was to determine the nutritive value of ears of Indian dwarf wheat in different phases of ripeness for use as raw material in the production of feed in comparison with soft wheat and to determine the rational time frame of their harvesting for feed preparation. Harvesting was carried out by combing without threshing and separation of grain heap in different phases of maturity. The feed was prepared from the grain heap. Chemical analyses of feed samples were performed according to standard methods. The mid-wax ripeness phase is the optimum harvesting time of Indian dwarf wheat for preparation of feed from its ears. Its ears in this phase contain maximum essential amino acids and minimum cellulose. Feed prepared from ears of Indian dwarf wheat has a better quality than feed from soft wheat, as it contains 1.06-2.23 % more of the sum of essential amino acids and 1-5 % more of individual amino acids. This allows the crop to be used in feed preparation to improve protein quality. But its 4-10 % more higher cellulose content than feed from soft wheat is a disadvantage. Grain heap (ears) of Indian dwarf wheat, harvested without threshing in the phase of early wax and mid-wax ripeness, can be a source of increasing the nutritive value of feeds, as it contains more essential amino acids than soft wheat.
Introduction. Interest in growing non-traditional grain ear crops and studying the possibility of their use during their harvesting in the early stages of ripeness as a raw material for the preparation of feed for omnivorous fish has recently increased. The aim of the study was to determine the nutritive value of feed prepared from ears of cereal crops harvested in early ripeness stages and their suitability as raw material
for the production of fish feed. Materials and methods. Soft winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Indian dwarf winter wheat (Triticum sphaerococcum Percival) and Trititrigia (×Trititrigia cziczinii Tsvel) grown in 2022-2023 in the South of Rostov region of Russia were the objects of the study. Harvesting was carried out by combing without threshing the ears and separating the grain heap at different dates corresponding to different stages of maturity. Pelleted feed was made from grain heap of different harvesting dates. Chemical analysis of feed samples was performed according to standard methods. Results and discussion. The mid-wax ripeness stage is the best harvesting time for ears of cereal crops, including Soft wheat, for preparation of feed from their ears, since in this stage they contain the maximum amount of protein, including essential amino acids, and the minimum amount of cellulose. Ears of Soft wheat at the mid-wax ripeness phase contain 14.86 % protein and 5.03% essential amino acids, of Indian dwarf wheat, respectively, 14.23 and 7.26 %, of Trititrigia – 18.21 and 7.46%. Indian dwarf wheat and Trititrigia have better quality of feed produced from their ears than winter soft wheat. The feed prepared from them has a higher protein and essential amino acid content and a better amino acid profile. This makes it possible to use these cereals in fish feed production to increase protein content. The disadvantage of these crops is a 10-12% higher cellulose content than that of soft wheat. Conclusions. Ears harvested without threshing in the mid-wax ripeness stage are a means of increasing the nutritive value of fish feed, including carp, because of the higher digestible protein content.
The production of pelleted aquaculture feeds from wet raw materials should reasonably be carried out in a basket granulator. The operation process of the basket granulator is not well studied. Rational parameters of its operation have no scientific grounds. A basket granulator is designed for pelleting of wet raw materials and producing feed for fish and their fry in the form of pellets with a diameter of 0.5 of 2 mm and a moisture content of 25 to 40%. Experimental studies were carried out to determine rational parameters of pelleting that provide high productivity. The pelleting process of wet raw material was studied at the rotation frequency of three extrusion blades of the granulator 37.8, 45.8, and 50.3 rpm and efficiency, respectively, 231, 274, and 291 kg∙h-1 . It has been established that the process of pellet formation in the basket granulator is cyclic and consists of pellet formation, reverse movement of material, and relaxation. Increasing the speed of the granulator’s working parts will lead to a decrease in the cycle duration of the impact of the parts on the material due to a decrease in the relaxation period, while the duration of the periods of pellet formation and reverse movement of the material remain constant. The duration of the relaxation period and the whole cycle of impact of the parts decrease almost linearly when increasing the rotational speed, but their duration decreases insignificantly when the frequency exceeds 47 rpm. The efficiency of the basket granulator can be increased both by increasing the number of working parts and increasing their rotary speed, but these methods have limitations associated with increasing the energy intensity of the process and the granulator design. The influence of rheological properties of raw materials and their moisture content on the pelleting process should be studied in the course of further research to justify the rational duration of periods in the working cycle of the basket granulator.
The traditional method of seed treatment of grain crops before sowing has significant disadvantages and needs to be replaced. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of different methods of presowing winter wheat seed treatment on its crop yield and related indicators. A two-year field experiment to determine the effect of presowing treatment of soft winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seeds by different methods (ultraviolet irradiation, ozonation, treatment with variable electromagnetic field) on its germination, yield and protein content in grain in comparison with traditional chemical treatment was carried out in 2021–2023 in the South of the Rostov region of Russia. It was found that presowing treatment of winter wheat seeds with gaseous ozone and ultraviolet radiation stimulates their sprouting, increases field germination by 4.1–4.7 %, and as a result increases biological and actual crop yield by 11–16 % compared to the traditional method of seed treatment with chemical preparation. The average biological crop yield of wheat significantly exceeded the control in plot of land with pretreatment of seeds with UV radiation (+ 16.2 %) and ozone (+ 11.8 %). The method of seed pretreatment with variable electromagnetic field did not show crop yield and other parameters exceeding the treatment method. Pretreatment of wheat seeds with ozone and UV radiation leads to the fact that during vegetation the plants develop more actively, forming a large vegetative mass, including a large mass of grain and straw. Wheat grain grown from ozone-treated seeds contained 0.5 % more protein and 0.8 % more gluten. A promising direction of research is the joint application of seeds presowing treatment with ozone and UV radiation to increase the crop yield of wheat.
Цель. Обзор и анализ научных публикаций, посвященных феномену приобретенной растениями в результате действия физического эустрессора на их семена «памяти» на стресс, и возможному применению этого явления в растениеводстве и селекции сельскохозяйственных культур.
Материалы и методы. Выполнен обзор научной литературы по теме исследования за период 2016-2023 гг. Выполнение исследования состояло из этапов: поиск научной литературы, ее оценка и отбор, синтез данных и их анализ.
Результаты. Использование горметических эффектов физических агентов для стимулирования прорастания семян сельскохозяйственных культур является эффективным. Реакция на абиотические стрессы может быть «натренирована» праймингом таким образом, что растение приобретает способность лучше переносить последующее воздействие стресса. Были найдены доказательства формирования краткосрочной и трансгенерационной памяти после прайминга растений. Установлен эпигенетический механизм формирования долгосрочной стрессовой памяти у растений в результате действия физического эустрессора. Эустрессор индуцирует специфические эпигенетические метки, связанные с адаптацией к окружающей среде, формируя новый стрессоустойчивый фенотип растения. Физические эустрессоры обладают потенциалом для придания сельскохозяйственным культурам устойчивости к стрессам путем усиления фенотипических характеристик, предотвращающих потери урожая.
Заключение. Обработка семян физическими эустрессорами формирует у растений устойчивость к абиотическим стрессам и память на них, но научные данные по этому вопросу являются неполными и отрывочными. На сегодняшний день понимание и применение стрессовой памяти в целях селекции ограничено, но она имеет большой потенциал для создания новых сортов сельскохозяйственных культур.
Background. The processes occurring in plants and their seeds under stress, as well as the defense mechanisms used by plants under stress, are poorly understood, which makes it impossible to use them to increase yields.
Purpose. Review and analysis of scientific publications, devoted to the phenomenon of stress memory acquired by plants as a result of physical stressors on their seeds and possible applications of this phenomenon in plant growing and crop breeding.
Materials and methods. A selection and systematic review of scientific articles on the research topic for the period 2016-2023 was performed. The study consisted of the following steps: research literature search, evaluation and selection, data synthesis and analysis.
Results. The use of hormetic effects of physical agents to stimulate seed germination of crops is effective. Responses to abiotic stresses could be 'trained' by priming so that the plant becomes better able to cope with later stress. Evidence of short-term and transgenerational memory formation following plant priming has been obtained. An epigenetic mechanism for the formation of long-term stress memory in plants as a result of a physical eustressor has been identified. The eustressor induces specific epigenetic marks associated with environmental adaptation, forming a new stress-resistant plant phenotype. Physical eustressors have the potential to impart stress tolerance to crops to enhance phenotypic characteristics to prevent yield losses.
Conclusion. Seed treatment with physical stressors builds plant tolerance and memory to abiotic stresses, but scientific evidence on this issue is incomplete and sketchy. The understanding and application of stress memory for breeding purposes is currently limited, but it has great potential for the development of new crop varieties.
The stripping of grain allows organizing the separate harvesting of grain for feed in early phases and for food purposes in the phase of full ripeness. Purpose. To carry out the economic justification of the technology of harvesting early ripening grains by stripping without threshing and the technology of preparing pelleted fish feed for fish from unthreshed ears and additives. Methods. Economical estimation of the technology of winter wheat harvesting by stripping in early phases of ripeness without threshing and its processing into feed has been carried out by comparing operational and indicated expenses of the total technological operations. Scientific novelty lies in the joint estimation of the economic efficiency of technologies of harvesting and processing of grain crops. Results. The prime cost of harvesting cereals without threshing and separation is 2.65 times lower than that of the harvesting technology with combine threshing and separation. The cost of performing operations under the traditional (from grain) and the new (from ears) technologies of pelleted fish feed production is almost equal. However, the total cost of technological operations of harvesting grain without threshing and preparation of pelleted feed from unthreshed ears using the new technology is 24.3 % lower than that of traditional technology of harvesting with threshing and preparation of feed from grain. The use of non-grain part of ears of early ripeness in the composition of feed will increase the amount of raw material from hectare of sown area by 20–30 %. The proposed technologies is cost-effective and promising for implementation in the agricultural enterprises of southern Russia.
Uniform mixing of feed components is an actual problem. Vibrating mixers are proposed to be used to solve this problem. The process of operation of the trough vibrating mixer is still insufficiently investigated, which makes it difficult to select rational parameters of its operation. The purpose of the research is to determine the rational parameters of operation of the tray vibrating mixer, providing uniform mixing of feed mixture. The three-level Box plan of the second order was used to compose the mathematical model of the experiment. In the course of implementation, the experiments of the plan were performed in threefold repetition. Dependence of homogeneity of mixing of two types of raw materials on the rate of feeding of components, frequency and amplitude oscillations of vibrating mixer’s tray was investigated. Regression equation adequately describing the process of vibrating mixing at varying factors was obtained. Data on the influence of varying factors were obtained and a mathematical model of the mixing process of two components was created, allowing the calculation of coefficients of variation within the accepted ranges of variation of input factors. It was found that the homogeneity of mixing increases with increasing frequency of the tray oscillation, but after reaching the frequency of oscillation of 22.4 Hz, the movement of material particles in the opposite direction begins, which reduces the productivity of the mixer. Rational values of the operating parameters of the vibrating tray mixer: the feed rate of components - 92...93 kg∙h-1, frequency of tray oscillation - 20.2...20.8 Hz and amplitude of oscillation - 0.0022...0.0024 m. The homogeneity of components mixing is equal to 93.2 % at these values of mixer parameters. Rational values of the process parameters of the vibrating tray mixer operation, corresponding to zoo technical requirements to the quality of feed mixing, were determined as a result.
Introduction. Exposure to microwave electromagnetic radiation is one of effective physical methods of seed pre-sowing treatment. The aim of the research-review and critical analysis of scientific publications, describing the microwave radiation application for seed pre-sowing treatment to determine the prospects of its use in agriculture. Materials and methods. The review of scientific literature on the stated topic for 2013-2023 was carried out. The study consisted of the following stages: scientific literature search, its evaluation and selection, data synthesis and analysis. Results and conclusions. It was found that although intensive treatment of seeds with microwave radiation causes stress, its application in low doses of power or for a short time causes the effect of stimulating germination. Microwave pretreatment improves seed germination, germination energy and seedling growth. The action of microwave radiation changes the chemical composition of seeds, activates the synthesis of enzymes, contributing to their better germination. The most promising direction of research is the experimental determination of such parameters of seed presowing treatment with microwave radiation, which simultaneously provide both their disinfection and stimulation of germination and the subsequent resistance of agricultural plants to abiogenous stress.
The design of a pneumatic threshing device for threshing ears of grain crops during selection work is proposed, which makes it possible to reduce grain injury. As a result of the experiments, it was found that crushing is completely absent during pneumatic threshing. At an air flow speed of more than 40 m/s, the efficiency of pneumatic threshing of ears is 100%, complete separation of all grains from the ears is ensured.
The design of a basket granulator for the preparation of feed in aquaculture is proposed. As a result of the experiments, it was found that the hardness of the pellets decreases with increasing feed moisture. The perforated basket granulator provides efficient production of quality small diameter pellets for feeding freshwater fish and their fry with a low energy content.
Introduction: High prices for finished feeds pose a serious obstacle to the development of animal husbandry in agriculture of Russia. This forces agricultural enterprises to develop their own production. It is necessary to evaluate the economic prospects of on-farm formula feed production in small-scale agricultural enterprises.
Materials and methods: The study is based on the situational and system access. The analysis of the formula feed market has been carried out on the basis of scientific base and statistical information. Potential market opportunities have been identified and promising directions of development taking into account the identified risks have been determined. Methods of comparison and forecasting of economic indicators of operation of the enterprise have been used.
Results: An agricultural enterprise, using 70-80 % of its own vegetable raw materials and purchasing 20-30 % of protein-mineral supplements on the side, can produce feed with much lower cost than the purchased one. In today's environment, small-scale farms have an alternative to building a traditional small-scale plant: modular plants and mobile feed units. The modular formula feed plant has the best economic efficiency in comparison with a traditional plant and the mobile unit has the worst.
Discussion: Economic analysis has shown that the operation of an on-farm feed plant (unit) in a small-scale farm is profitable. Stationary plants are more cost effective than the mobile unit and the modular plant has a slight advantage over the traditional plant.
Conclusion: On-farm production of formula plant from own grain and purchased additives is promising and can increase the economic efficiency of animal husbandry for Russian agricultural enterprises. A small-scale modular formula feed plant is the most cost-effective in the conditions of an agricultural enterprise, a traditional one is less cost-effective, and a mobile unit has the lowest efficiency.
Материалы и методы. Выполнен отбор и систематический обзор научной литературы по теме исследования за период 2011–2021 гг. Для выбора научных статей выполнили поиск по ключевым словам в библиографических базах.
Результаты. Эфирные масла могут применяться в аквакультуре в качестве эффективного средства лечения и профилактики инфекционных болезней, борьбы с паразитами, для улучшения состояния здоровья рыб в качестве иммуностимуляторов, антиоксидантов и стимуляторов роста. Но большинство исследований были основаны на испытаниях in vitro или проводились в
лабораторных условиях, а поэтому их результаты должны быть уточнены в производственных условиях. Также необходимо точно установить, какие активные вещества в составе эфирных масел обуславливают их терапевтический эффект. Активному применению эфирных масел в аквакультуре препятствует их недостаточная стабильность в процессе приготовления кормов, их хранения и прохождения через желудочно-кишечный тракт рыб. Для преодоления этого недостатка рекомендуется применять технологию микрокапсулирования.
Заключение. Использование эфирных масел в качестве лечебно-профилактических средств и кормовых добавок является перспективной стратегией для сокращения использования традиционных синтетических препаратов в аквакультуре. Для эффективного использования зарубежных научных результатов в аквакультуре России необходимо провести исследования по замене эфирных масел, получаемых из экзотических растений, на масла из культивируемых в нашей стране растений, основываясь на сходстве их состава.
Purpose. Generalization and analysis of articles concerning the use of essential oils as components of aquaculture feeds and disinfectants to obtain information about the technology of their preparation and use as well as about their influence to the quality of fish feeds and their health.
Materials and methods. A selection and systematic review of scientific literature on the research topic for the period 2011-2021 was carried out. Keyword searches were performed in bibliographic databases to select scientific articles.
Results. Essential oils can be used in aquaculture as an effective treatment and prevention of infectious diseases, to control parasites, to improve the health of fish as immunostimulants, antioxidants and growth stimulants. But most of the studies were based on in vitro tests or were carried out under laboratory conditions, so their results need to be clarified under production conditions. It also needs to be established precisely which active substances in essential oils are responsible for their therapeutic effect. The active application of essential oils in aquaculture is
hampered by their insufficient stability during feed preparation, storage and passage through the gastrointestinal tract of fish. Microencapsulation technology is recommended to overcome this disadvantage.
Conclusion. The use of essential oils as therapeutic and prophylactic agents and feed additives is a promising strategy to reduce the use of traditional synthetic drugs in aquaculture. To effectively use foreign scientific results in Russian aquaculture, it is necessary to conduct research on replacement of essential oils obtained from exotic plants with oils from plants cultivated in our country based on the similarity of their composition.
Determining the regularities of the process of pelleting vegetable raw materials is relevant for the improvement of technologies and technical equipment in order to reduce energy intensity and improve the quality of pellets. The generalization of the results of the research aimed at studying the influence of various parameters on the process of pelleting vegetable raw materials and the quality of feed and biofuel pellets is the purpose of the research. A selection and systematic review of the scientific literature on the subject of the study for the period of 2007-2022 has been carried out. The analysis has proved that heat pre-treatment and moistening of vegetable raw materials, as well as their composition and particle size are the factors that have the greatest impact on the quality of feed and biofuel pellets. Increasing the pressure in the range of 20...200 MPa results in increasing the pellets durability. A die temperature of around 100°C is optimum for obtaining dense pellets of high-quality from vegetable raw materials. The design parameters of the pelletizer play an important role in obtaining high-quality pellets when processing vegetable raw materials. The design of the inlet in the form of a tapering cone helps to reduce energy consumption and pelleting pressure. An increase in the ratio of the die channel length to its diameter exponentially increases the pelleting pressure and its energy intensity. The interplay between the physical processes occurring in the pelletizer makes it difficult to interpret the impact of each parameter on the pelleting process, so different authors have different assessments of the contribution of individual factors in producing high-quality pellets. Therefore, the interaction between the individual pelleting parameters and their influence on the results of the process should be examined more precisely.
The study aimed to summarise and analyse scientific publications devoted to physical methods for stimulating seed germination and to clarify information on how to implement them. For the review, we used sources on the research topic for 2012–2022. Scientific articles published before 2012 were included in the absence of new publications on a specific aspect of the research topic. For preplanting cultivation of seeds, such physical methods of influence as a magnetic field, microwave radiation, ultraviolet radiation, "cold" plasma, ionizing radiation, ultrasound, pulsed electric field are used. They are considered environmentally friendly and harmless to human and animal health. The considered physical methods of presowing treatment improve seed germination up to 30% and growth rate up to 20%. Their use in the future will make it possible to create productive flow lines for the preparation of a large number of seeds. Among the considered methods, the most simple and suitable for practical application in agriculture should be considered ultrasound exposure and ultraviolet radiation. The remaining methods in their current form are quite complex and energy-consuming for direct use in the processing of a large number of seeds. The active spread of the considered methods is hindered by the insufficient level of knowledge about the biochemical and physical processes that occur in seeds as a result of their processing. To solve this problem, an integrated and interdisciplinary approach is needed, which will allow deepening and accelerating fundamental research, as well as developing practical recommendations for agricultural production.
A new technology of granular feed producing from wheat unpolished grain heap and a machine-and-hardware scheme implementing it have been developed. The purpose of this study is the technology of granulated feed preparation from an unpolished grain heap to justify. This technology includes early grain harvesting with a comb without threshing and grain pile separating. The grain heap is normalized, dried, crushed, mixed with additives and granulated on a screw press. This performing operations’ cost on traditional (from grain – is 848 rubles per tonne) and new (from grain heap – is 862 rubles per tonne) technologies for the of granular feed producing is almost the same, but a higher protein content allows expensive feed protein additives’ share to reduce. The proposed technological scheme of feed preparation is more complex in comparison with the traditional one and requires more operations, in particular, grain pile’s normalization and drying, that by protein share increasing in the feed is compensated. The technology of granular feed from wheat grain heap’s producing can become an effective means of livestock products’ cost reducing, since the produced feed contains more protein than traditional one based on threshed feed grain, and requires of fewer expensive protein additives adding. The proposed technology introducing into agricultural production will make it possible the early harvesting potential of grain crops to realize and protein share in feed in 9-11 % to increase.
The theoretical analysis of a configuration and application methods in agricultural enterprises in Russia the different types of small-scale container formula-feed plants is made. It is set that the small-scale plants of three types can be applied. Small-scale agricultural enterprises can organize independent compound feeds manufacturing from own raw materials on the basis of the individual plants consisting of one module-container. Use the group type formula-feed plants providing prompt transformation the enterprise structure, rationally for medium-scale agricultural enterprises. Single structure modular formula-feed plants application rationally for large-scale agricultural enterprises.
Для цитирования: Брагинец С.В. Малые контейнерные комбикормовые заводы: классификация и сферы применения / С.В. Брагинец, О.Н. Бахчевников, Е.В. Бенова, Д.В. Рудой // Инновационные технологии в науке и образовании «ИТНО-2018»: материалы VI Международной научно-практической конференции. – Ростов-на-Дону: ДГТУ-Принт, 2018. – С. 215–218.
The creation method of the small-scale modular enterprise on corn processing is offered. The modular corn processing plant consists of the container modules which are turning on all necessary machinery. The offered method is perspective for the organization of intraeconomic production. The method creates an opportunity to quickly create the corn processing small-scale plant according to the modern requirements, having provided some qualitative food and feeds from the produced corn.
Для цитирования: Пахомов В.И., Брагинец С.В., Бахчевников О.Н. Метод создания малого модульного предприятия по переработке зерна // Состояние и перспективы развития агропромышленного комплекса. Юбилейный сборник научных трудов XIII международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной 90-летию Донского государственного технического университета (Ростовского-на-Дону института сельхозмашиностроения), в рамках XXIII Агропромышленного форума юга России и выставки "Интерагромаш". В 2-х томах. Т. 1. – Ростов-на-Дону: ДГТУ, 2020. – С. 207-210.
The innovative production technology of the pelleted feed on the basis of nonseparated grain heap is created. The technology includes early grain crops harvesting by stripping method without threshing and separation of grain heap. Grain heap is normalized, mixed with supplementary components and granulated on a screw press. Implementation of the introduced perspective production technology of the pelleted feed from nonseparated grain heap will allow to realize the full potential of grain crops harvesting by stripping method, to increase for 7-8 % the protein content in feeds by reason of earlier harvesting periods and reduce their prime cost at the expense of expensive proteinaceous raw materials content decreasing.
The hierarchical structure of small-scale modular formula-feed plants is validated in article. It is set that the rational form of the modern reconfigurable production system is the modular formula-feed plant consisting of the modular process lines consisting of the modules which are turning on machines and apparatuses. Modular structure of small-scale formula-feed plants creates a possibility of a recombination of modules and modular process lines and provides adaptation of production to the modern conditions and requirements of customers.
The method for small-scale intra-economic formula-feed plants upgrade consisting in association to them of modular process lines of raw materials preparation operation and final processing of compound feed was offered. These lines in the form of standard constructive modules ready for operation with the installed equipment deliver to the customer and added to the operating enterprise without its stop. The offered method of upgrade is perspective for compound feeds intra-economic production as allows to reconstruct without stopping operating production the small-scale plant according to the modern requirements, having increased quality and nutritional value of the manufactured forage.
Для цитирования: Пахомов В.И. Модульные технологические линии как средство модернизации производства комбикормов / В.И. Пахомов, С.В. Брагинец, О.Н. Бахчевников, Е.В. Бенова // Инновационные технологии в науке и образовании («ИТНО-2019»): материалы VII Международной научно-практической конференции (с. Дивноморское, 4-14 сентября 2019 г.). – Ростов-на-Дону: ДГТУ-Принт, 2019. – С. 55–58.
The problem of integration operations of raw materials operational storage into manufacturing process of small-size modular formula-feed plants is solved in article. The constructive decision providing installation of bulk capacities for raw materials in a frame with overall dimensions of a standard cargo container was developed. The unit of capacities forms the module of raw materials operational storage compatible with other modules of small-size formula-feed plant. The module is easily integrated into structure of formula-feed plant.
Для цитирования: Пахомов В.И., Рудой Д.В., Брагинец С.В., Бахчевников О.Н., Бенова Е.В. Интеграция модуля хранения сырья в состав малого модульного комбикормового завода // Состояние и перспективы развития агропромышленного комплекса: Сборник научных трудов XII Международной научно-практической конференции, 27 февраля – 1 марта 2019 г., г. Ростов-на-Дону. В рамках XXII Агропромышленного форума юга России и выставки «Интерагромаш». – Ростов-на-Дону: ДГТУ-Принт, 2019. – С. 185-188.
Предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по направлениям: «Технологические машины и оборудование» (15.03.02, 15.04.02), «Продукты питания из растительного сырья» (19.03.02), «Технологии и средства механизации и энергетическое оборудование в сельском, лесном и рыбном хозяйстве» (35.06.04).
Материал, изложенный в пособии, может быть использован для подготовки бакалавров, магистров и специалистов инженерных специальностей.
Цитировать как: Технологии и оборудование для производства комбикормов и премиксов: учеб. пособие / В.И. Пахомов, Д.В. Рудой, С.В. Брагинец, О.Н. Бахчевников, А.В. Ольшевская; Донской гос. техн. ун-т. – Ростов-на-Дону: ДГТУ, 2019. – 228 с.
Пособие предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по специальностям 23.04.02 - Наземные транспортно-технологические комплексы. Машины и оборудование обеспечения технологий переработки продукции АПК, 19.04.02 - Продукты питания из растительного сырья. Ресурсосберегающие технологии хранения и переработки растительного сырья, 19.03.02 Продукты питания из растительного сырья. Технология хранения и переработки зерна, 15.03.02 - Технологические машины и оборудование. Машины и аппараты пищевых производств, 15.04.02 - Технологические машины и оборудование. Процессы и аппараты пищевых производств.
Материал, изложенный в пособии, может быть использован для подготовки бакалавров, магистров. аспирантов и специалистов инженерных специальностей.
Для цитирования: Технологии и оборудование для экструдирования растительного сырья: учеб. пособие / В.И. Пахомов, Д.В. Рудой, Т.И. Тупольских, А.Н. Соловьев, С.В. Брагинец, О.Н. Бахчевников. – Ростов-на-Дону: ДГТУ, 2018. – 108 с.
The production rules contain the detailed description of manufacturing process of receiving grain and vegetable extrudate by on-site production of compound feeds and to the accompanying questions. The rules is the main document and is intended for principals, technologists, engineers of the on-site formula-feed enterprises by production of grain and vegetable extrudate from fodder grain and forage herbs.
Предназначен для операторов автоматизированных доильных установок, зоотехнических и других работников молочного скотоводства, студентов, аспирантов, работников НИИ и преподавателей средних и высших учебных заведений сельскохозяйственного профиля.
Ключевые слова: доильный аппарат, доение в стойлах, автоматизация доения
The monograph is the first publication on creation of scientific and technical and technological groundworks for steady production of high-quality milk in case of all methods of machine milking of cows, including stall and pasturable. The theory and a technique of engineering calculation is provided, and examples of determination of parameters of controlled pulsators and milking automatic machines depending on value of the sensor signal corresponding to intensity of a milking are described. Creation of automated systems of milking of cows in stalls and on pastures became possible after development and a research of vacuum controlled pulsators and stall milking automatic machines. Automation allows to solve many problems of poor quality of production of milk accompanying machine milking of cows more than hundred years.
Ключевые слова: доильный аппарат, доение в стойлах, автоматизация доения
Научная новизна работы: описание статики и динамики процесса работы мембранного вакуумного пульсатора доильного аппарата с использованием гистерезисной петли и графоаналитического метода исследования релейных элементов и систем.
Ключевые слова: доение, вакуумный пульсатор, доильный аппарат.
Author's abstract of dissertation Characteristics and parameters of vacuum pulsators for stall milking automatic machines.
Keywords: milking, vacuum pulsator, milking unit.
Специальность 05.20.01 – Технологии и средства механизации сельского хозяйства.
Научный руководитель: д-р техн. наук И.К. Винников.
Цель работы: повышение эффективности машинного доения коров путем совершенствования доильного аппарата на основе новых знаний о функциональных возможностях пульсатора, позволяющих регулировать параметры в зависимости от интенсивности и фазы молоковыведения в соответствии с физиологическими требованиями.
Научная новизна работы: описание статики и динамики процесса работы мембранного вакуумного пульсатора доильного аппарата с использованием гистерезисной петли и графоаналитического метода исследования релейных элементов и систем.
Практическая ценность работы: созданные на основе проведенных исследований доильный аппарат для автоматизированного доения коров в стойлах, летних лагерях и на пастбищах и стойловый доильный модуль, защищенные патентами РФ на изобретения №2440716 «Двухрежимный доильный аппарат» и №2423822 «Передвижной доильный модуль». Разработан проект зоотехнических требований на стойловый доильный автомат.
Ключевые слова: доение, вакуумный пульсатор, доильный аппарат.
Dissertation: Characteristics and parameters of vacuum pulsators for stall milking automatic machines.
The dissertation is devoted research of processes functioning the controllabled pulsators and the logical units controlling operation of the milking apparatus.
Scientific novelty of the dissertation: the exposition a statics and dynamics process operation a membrane vacuum pulsator of the milking apparatus with use a hysteresis loop and a semigraphical method research of relay devices and systems.
Keywords: milking, vacuum pulsator, milking unit.
Mixer-grinder of wet feed, characterised by the fact that it has stands with crossbars, a housing with a shaft, a cover and an output window with a flap in the lower part, with a cutting mechanism in the form of knives placed on the shaft and a mixing mechanism in the form of a helical spiral located on the shaft, in addition, knives are placed between the turns of the helical spiral along the entire length of the shaft, and the body has two holders rigidly fixed on its ends on one side and in the holes of the crossbars with the possibility of rotation on the other side to provide the body with the ability to rotate around the horizontal axis by 180° and fixation by bolts in two different positions.
Rotary granulator for wet materials
The useful model relates to agricultural machinery, in particular to the equipment for pelletizing wet materials in the preparation of feed for fish and their fry. The task of the proposed technical solution is stable production of qualitative pelletes of small diameter and specified length from wet materials and prevention of their damage at the outlet of matrix apertures, and also increase of granulator productivity. The set task is solved by using of technical solution, consisting of electric drive and base, where inclined trays and basket with breakers and extrusion blades, perforated annular horizontal matrix and cutting mechanism are placed. The cutting mechanism includes an electromagnetic vibration drive and sectors with cutting strings, adjacent to the outer surface of a matrix with a gap, not exceeding the diameter of the cutting string, and located parallel to the rows of holes in the matrix with the possibility of reciprocating motion. Application of useful model will allow to provide stable reception from wet materials of pelletes of a feed of small diameter and the set length and to prevent their damage on an exit from a matrix. This will increase the productivity of the pelletizer and increase the efficiency of feed preparation for fish fry in aquaculture.
2. Способ пневматического обмолота колосьев, реализуемый с использованием молотильного устройства по п. 1, включающий непрерывно осуществляемые подачу колосьев в молотильную камеру в направлении и со скоростью, совпадающими с направлением и скоростью воздушного потока, вращение их воздушным потоком и обмолот посредством циркуляции в молотильной камере, выделение зерна и отвод побочных продуктов обмолота, при этом скорость вращающегося воздушного потока в молотильной камере изменяют посредством открытия и закрытия каналов в воздуховоде, а обмолот колосьев производят их контактным взаимодействием с волнистой поверхностью деки в ходе циркуляции в молотильной камере.
Поставленная задача решается путем использования технического решения, включающего образованную цилиндрическим вертикальным и плоским горизонтальным решетами камеру измельчения, в которой на вертикальном валу установлен ротор с закрепленными на нем наборами молотков, представляющих собой прямоугольные пластины с двумя осевыми отверстиями по торцам, боковые грани которых срезаны под углом 45°, причем половина наборов молотков заменена наборами ножей, таким образом, что молотки и ножи чередуются вдоль окружности диска ротора, а боковые грани молотков срезаны под углом 45° с верхней и нижней сторон по направлению к середине грани и образуют треугольный в сечении вырез. Применение полезной модели позволит обеспечить измельчение в дробилках с вертикальным валом ротора как твердых сыпучих, так и волокнистых растительных материалов кондиционной влажности, что повысит эффективность приготовления кормов.
Задачей предлагаемого технического решения является снижение травмирования зерна при обмолоте отдельных колосьев зерновых культур в ходе селекционных работ.
Поставленная задача решается путем использования технического решения, включающего цилиндрический корпус, в котором установлены лопасти с возможностью вращения, образуя зазор с корпусом, причем профиль внутренней боковой поверхности цилиндрического корпуса представляет собой периодическое чередование выступов и впадин, а зазор между краем лопасти и выступом внутренней боковой поверхности цилиндрического корпуса 15…25 мм.
Применение предлагаемой полезной модели позволит снизить травмируемость зерна колосовых культур при обмолоте, что особенно важно при селекционных работах, так как позволяет увеличить выход селекционного материала.
FIELD: agriculture.
SUBSTANCE: method for drying green vegetable materials with the use of microwave treatment includes compacting them before drying to the bulk density of 130-300 kg/m3, drying green vegetable materials, carried out in two stages, at the first of which they are treated by microwave radiation with the frequency of 915 or 2450 MHz with the specific power providing the heating intensity from 1 to 10°C per second to the temperature of 60-90°C, and the finish drying of partially dehydrated vegetable materials and moisture evaporation are carried out by the method of convection drying with a stream of heated air, which ensures that the temperature of vegetable materials does not exceed 60°C.
EFFECT: invention will allow to improve the drying of green vegetable materials and to prevent excessive destruction of carotene contained therein.
Изобретение позволит интенсифицировать сушку зеленой растительной массы и предотвратить излишнее разрушение содержащихся в ней каротина и витаминов.
Apparatus for combined drying of green plant mass
FIELD: heating.
SUBSTANCE: apparatus for combined drying of green plant mass comprises a drying chamber formed composite of 2 or more pairs of modules microwave heating and convection drying modules mounted alternately in such a manner that the camera module interfaced wall microwave heating and camera convective drying module form a single channel, microwave generators, blower. The hopper has a barrier consisting of two joined at an acute angle planes, and an auxiliary screw, the screw surface of which is in the form of an Archimedean spiral whose radius decreases toward the end of the screw facing towards the discharge opening, in each pair of modules of the drying chamber initially located module convective drying, microwave heating, each module is connected to a vacuum pump, a drying chamber includes a module plant mass density regulation with regulating flap.
EFFECT: invention will allow to intensify the drying of green plant mass and prevent excessive destruction it contains carotene and vitamins, increasing productivity.
Осуществление изобретения обеспечивает повышение питательной ценности производимого комбикорма за счёт повышения содержания в нём каротина и растительного белка.
Production method for extruded compound feed with forage herbage added and extruder-chopper
FIELD: food and feed industry.
SUBSTANCE: invention refers to fodder production. Production method for extruded compound feed with forage herbage added involves chopping of forage herbage to particle size of 2-10 mm, loading of grain components and chopped herbage into an extruder, their joint extruding, cooling and crushing of extrudate. Herewith the grain components and chopped herbage are loaded into the extruder separately. The forage herbage is chopped directly while loading to the extruder. The forage herbage is mixed with other compound feed components after being extruded. The production method for extruded compound feed with forage herbage added is implemented by an extruder-chopper comprising a chopper with a loading hopper, a screw feeder and an extruding unit. The chopper rotor is presented as a shaft with active circular cutters set perpendicular to its axis and having teeth on their outer edge, the chopper stator is presented as a fixed axle with passive circular cutters set perpendicular to its axis and having one-side sharpened cutting edge. Active circular cutters of the rotor and passive circular cutters of the stator are arranged in check order so that one active circular cutter is set between every two passive circular cutters.
EFFECT: invention implementation increases nutritional value of the produced compound feed due to higher content of carotene and vegetable protein.
Method for recycling of litter manure.
Invention is related to the field of agricultural production, in particular to methods of collection and recycling of manure from stock-raising premises. Method includes accumulation of manure. Production cycle is performed - litter and manure are accumulated, mixed and compacted in accumulating pit of small-size pigpen to make litter manure. After that pigpen is installed onto the second accumulating pit, in which new production cycle is executed to make litter manure. In the first accumulating pit, simultaneously with production cycle in the second accumulating pit, litter manure is converted into organic fertiliser.
EFFECT: invention provides for continuous cycle of small-size pigpen operation without application of additional land lots.
Small-sized hog house
Small-sized hog house contains two pits - storage for bedding manure, displaceable cage with canvas roof of hangar type, walls, gates, self-feeder and automatic drinking cup. The displaceable cage is mounted on a rigid frame in the form of skids with the possibility of being replaced and disposed under one of the storing pit sequentially. The self-feeder and automatic drinking cup are mounted on the wall with the possibility of being lifted from time to time as far as storing pits are filled with bedding manure.
EFFECT: claimed hog house allows assembling unit and hog farm of various sizes for group maintenance of swine taking into account their behaviour, age-related and physiological characteristics.
FIELD: agriculture, in particular, animal keeping houses.
SUBSTANCE: pig house has sections with shedder type roofs, metal carcass and tent covering. Sections are adapted for resting of animals on deep non-replaceable litter and for feeding. Feeding section has raised platform, self-feeder and automatic waterier, said feeder and waterier being mounted on platform. Pig house is furnished with lifting mechanism having immovable and movable supports and made in the form of screw pair. Pig house is manually lifted and rotated around movable support after finishing of feeding cycle for emptying of places occupied with manure.
EFFECT: simplified removal of manure and reduced expenses for pig house operation.
Mobile unit has drive part, reservoir provided with charging hatch equipped with safety grid and remote control cover, and mixing device driven by means of tractor power shaft. Mixing device is made in the form of screw with right-hand and left-hand coils passing from mid portion of its shaft, with diameter of coil being equal to three diameters of shaft and coil pitch equal to 1/2 of its diameter. Screw is installed with 5-mm gap between outer edge of its coil and reservoir bottom. Reservoir has perforated partitions spaced from reservoir end walls by distance equal to 1/4 of reservoir length and positioned in 1/2 of upper part of reservoir. Mobile unit may be used for preparing of pesticide solution mixed with mineral fertilizers and for conveying of ready liquid solutions to application site, in particular, to sprayers.
Effect: wider operational capability, increased mixing efficiency, provision for preparing of high-quality solution in closed reservoir in the process of conveying to application site, transfer of ready solution into other machines, and reduced adverse effect upon environment.
Spreader has drive part, hopper including charging hole equipped with safety grid and remote-controlled closure, mixing device made in the form of bladed shaft terminating in screw, dosing shutter, and spreading device. The latter has individual drive connected with tractor takeoff shaft. Diameter of ejector of spreading device is twice the diameter of screw and is equipped with at least six blades inclined backward at an angle of 40 deg. Ejector axis is positioned above screw axis and separated there from by value making 1/2 of the radius of screw. Ejector has rotational velocity exceeding by 1.5 times that of screw. Spreader of such construction allows labor intensity to be increased by 1.8 times and does not affect the surrounding medium.
Effect: uniform dosed feeding of fertilizer onto spreading device and uniform distribution of applied fertilizer over the width of spreader, simplified maintenance, and enhanced reliability in operation.
Вертикальная стойка установлена в трубе с возможностью вращения в горизонтальной плоскости. Рычаг съемника доильных стаканов соединен шнуром с подвесной частью доильного аппарата. Рычаг имеет возможность поворота в вертикальной плоскости на двух шарнирах, один из которых соединен с вертикальной стойкой непосредственно, а другой - через вакуумный привод.
Изобретение обеспечивает повышение производительности труда оператора в процессе доения коров в стойлах, увеличивает количество доильных аппаратов, обслуживаемых оператором, упрощает конструкцию и эксплуатацию автоматизированных доильных аппаратов.
Invention relates to the sphere of agriculture. A movable milking module comprises a carriage with wheels, a frame and a platform, at least one milking device with teet cups, a pulsator and a header, a vacuum control device, a milk and a vacuum hoses and a remover of teet cups. The remover comprises a pipe, fixed on the frame, a vertical stand, a lever, a cord, hinged joints and a vacuum drive. The vertical stand is installed in the pipe with the possibility to rotate in the horizontal plane. The lever of the teet cup remover is connected by the cord with a suspension part of the milking device. The lever may rotate in the vertical plane on two hinged joints, one of which is connected to the vertical stand directly, and the other one - via the vacuum drive.
Effect: invention provides for increased efficiency of operator’s work in process of milking cows in stalls, increases number of milking devices served by an operator, simplifies design and operation of automated milking devices.
Изобретение обеспечивает повышение надежности и эффективности работы доильного аппарата.
The proposed double-mode milking unit comprises milking sleeves, hoses, milk tubes, nozzles, a pulsator and a header 1 connected to each other by means of an alternate vacuum channel, a vacuum control device with command switch, two vacuum logical elements OR. The pulsator includes a control chamber, a header - a control and a distribution chambers. The command switch comprised a body with chambers of permanent vacuum and atmosphere and a plunger with channels and nozzles and the first vacuum logical element OR. The second vacuum logical element OR is installed at the inlet of the control chamber of the header, one of inlets of which is connected to the channel of the alternate vacuum of the milking unit, and the other one - via one of the nozzles, and the channel of the plunger is connected to the chamber of permanent vacuum or atmosphere of the command switch of the vacuum control device depending on the position of the plunger.
Effect: invention provides for higher reliability and efficiency of milking unit operation.
The autonomous technological module of disinfecting by microwave radiation of the grain raw materials, intended for compound feed manufacture, is developed. Operations of disinfecting of fodder grain can be effectively included in manufacturing process of the projected and existing intraeconomic enterprises due to application of offered technical and technological decisions. It considerably will raise biological safety of made compound feeds.