Books by Mykola Nikolaev
Первое издание -2014. Второе издание -2016.

Prosopography of political and cult elite of Olbia
Pontica V century BC - I century AD (based on ... more Prosopography of political and cult elite of Olbia
Pontica V century BC - I century AD (based on synchronization of the
eponymous catalogue IosPE. I2. 201). – The manuscript.
The dissertation is presented for a doctor’s academic degree in historical
sciences by the specialty 07.00.06 – Historiography, source study and special
historical disciplines / Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine – Kyiv, 2016.
Olbia Pontica is one of the most important ancient Greek city-states of the
Northern region of the Black Sea. The research of Olbia has been being carried out
for almost two centuries. A huge number of written sources has been found: lapidary
inscriptions, graffiti, ceramic stamps, magic spells and others. Unfortunately, all this
heritage is dated inaccurately (untruly). It has not been also considered on the
position of chronology and prosopography. Traditional instruments of ancient
inscriptions dating (palaeographical, dialectological, etc) have an accuracy of about a
century, the process of application of these tools has significant subjective elements.
The absence of the unified chronological ground (as well as inaccuracy of existing
methods of studying Olbian inscriptions) causes the endless debates. Also, there is no
information about generic composition of Olbian communities and their relationship
with each other for centuries (that is the foundations of Olbian prosopography).
Meanwhile, the chronological basis for the construction of social and political history
of Miletus, Athens, Rhodes etc has become the discovery of the calendar having
created a powerful "breakthrough" in chronological, prosopographical and historical
studies of these states. Unfortunately, the hypothesis of Yu. Vinogradov and V.
Ruban about the diachronic nature of the catalog of citizens of Olbia Pontica IosPE.
I2. 201(i.e. the calendar of Olbia Pontica), proposed in the 1980s - for nearly 30 years
had not given any results. This is caused by the lack of chronological rapper and the
exhaustion of possibilities of traditional methods of ancient inscriptions study.
Meanwhile, in recent years, general technical methods of system analysis and
mathematical modeling actively penetrate the historical disciplines. The dissertation
is devoted to the of synchronization and reconstruction of the calendar of Olbia
Pontica with the use of modern technologies and creating the objective and united
chronological basis of social and political history and prosopography of Olbia
Pontica. The materials obtained are characterized as a new scientific direction of
studies of Olbia Pontica. The theoretical basis and principles of Olbian
prosopography were created and some new research tools were introduced
(prosopographic interpretation, reconstruction and dating), systematic cources of
calendar synchronization, prosopography and social-political history of the V
centuries BC – I centuries AD were offered. The prosopographic interpretation and
reconstruction have also been done, the revision of the traditional dating of basic
lapidary inscriptions, graffiti, coins, magical inscriptions and ceramic stamps is
offered as well. (For example: the decree IosPE. I2. 32 in honor of Protogen is dated
on 230 years century BC, the decree IosPE. I2. 34 in honor of Nikerat is dated on 50-
60 years century AD, the decree I.Olbia 28+29+123+IosPE. I2. 240 in honor of sons
of Apollonius is dated on 215+2\-4 years century BC, decree IosPE. I2. 35 (=SEG
28: 647,2) in honor of Amice сybernet is dated on 105 year century BC (year of
Ἀπό[λλων Διός]), honorific decree I.Olbia 17+21+30+120 (= SEG 34:759) is dated
on 97 year century BC (year of Ἀν[αξιμένους]) also the prosopographic
reconstruction of dedication I.Olbia 168: [Ἱερεῖς] Λεω[κράτου], [Διονύσιος
Ἀριστεί]δου, [Ἀγαθῖνος Ἀντιμήστ]ορος, Στ[άφυλος Ἡροδώρου]). The historical
conditions of the beginning and the end of administration of eponyms Olbian
calendar are established. The fragments of genealogical branches of “primary” and
“secondary” elite sorts of Olbia are constructed. Relative dating (lines number
difference) was widely used in the course of research. The calendar size is
reconstructed based on matrix and genealogical models and makes up 110 lines. The
remarkable fact is that the Olbian calendar size is equivalent to the 1 column size of
the Miletus calendar (I.Milet 122). As long as the Olbian system of chronology was
the exact copy of the Miletus one, this fact is probably regular.The historical
hypotheses about the social and political struggles of clans are offered. The reliability
of the direction is based on the fundamental properties of the matrix (which can not
be refuted), and also on the basic law of genealogy, and the proposition of several
ways to perform the research that caused the same result. The evidence of the total
reliability of the results is that they form an integrated consistent system. The main
principle of Olbian prosopography is formulated in the final part: the eponymous
catalogue IosPE. I2. 201 contains the basic genealogical, chronological (absolute and
relative date) and prosopographic information about the main elite Olbian families of
the IV centuries BC – I centuries AD. The prosopographic research of Olbia Pontica
is impossible without reference on this document.
Keywords: Olbia, synchronization and reconstruction of calendar, political and
cult elite, prosopography, chronograph, inscriptions, coins, dated, social and political
![Research paper thumbnail of Political and Cult Olbian Elite IV-I cent. BC. (Политическая и культовая элита Ольвии IV-I вв. до н.э.). Монография. 2008. [REVIEWS: Bull 2010, 460; SEG 58:763; SEG 58:766].](
Хронологической основой реконструкции социально-политической истории, например, Милета стала синх... more Хронологической основой реконструкции социально-политической истории, например, Милета стала синхронизация (т.е., установление соответствия с современным летоисчислением) каталога милетских эпонимов ( I. Miletos. 122). Она была реализована на основе хронологического репера — исполнения должности эпонима Александром Македонским в 333 г. до н.э. Как известно, лапидарный архив Ольвии содержит каталог граждан (IOSPE 201), который в начале 80-х гг. прошлого века Ю. Г. Виноградовым и В.В. Рубаном признан эпонимным календарем. Открытие календаря Ольвии должно было активизировать исследования по его синхронизации, однако последовала четвертьвековая пауза, связанная с отсутствием хронологического репера. С позиций сегодняшнего дня очевидно - возможности палеографии в изучении этого документа исчерпаны и необходим новый, комплексный подход в его исследовании. Между тем, календарь Ольвии, будучи набором упорядоченных определенным образом цифр, является единственным памятником лапидарной эпиграфики Ольвии, для изучения которого, возможно и необходимо применение стандартных математических методов. Предлагаемая монография (2008 г.) является первой попыткой синхронизации календаря Ольвии (на основе комплексного подхода с преобладанием математического моделирования) и конечно, не свободна от многих недостатков; изданию монографии не предшествовал выпуск статей. Однако, заложенные в ней идеи оказались верными; в окончательном варианте к 2012 г. синхронизация календаря Ольвии завершена.
Papers by Mykola Nikolaev
Manuscript and Book Heritage of Ukraine. , 2025
Initial research and variants of the interpretation of the graffito on
a ceramic fragment from O... more Initial research and variants of the interpretation of the graffito on
a ceramic fragment from Olbia Pontica.
Revista Arheologică, 2024
The inscription on a bronze mirror from Olbia mentioning the name Δημώνασσα (IGDOlb 92) and an un... more The inscription on a bronze mirror from Olbia mentioning the name Δημώνασσα (IGDOlb 92) and an unpublished letter on a lead plate with a fragmented author’s name [– – –]ώνασσα, probably, belong to one person, Demonassa Lenaio (Δημώνασσα Ληναίοˉ), who lived in 480-380 BC. The letter also mentions two men: the addressee, Demonassa’s husband, Anthesterius (Ἀνθεστήριος), and a certain Ankhitheos (Ἀνχ̣ίτεος = Ἀγχ̣ίθεος). The hypothesis further suggests that the monogram carved prominently in the centre of the bronze mirror – a ligature of άλφα and νι, – represents a gift inscription by one of these men. The publisher’s hypothesis that these two letters are a diphthong αί, which perhaps repeats the last syllable of the exclamation εὐαὶ (sic) contains a contradiction.

Ukrainian Numismatic Annual, 2024
The purpose of the article is to check the possibility of applying global experience (selectively... more The purpose of the article is to check the possibility of applying global experience (selectively) to the interpretation of "problem" Olbian monograms (reductions). The topic is vast so we will consider only some episodes. The present article is a direct continuation of theoretical studies of legends (letters, abbreviations, and monograms) on coins of classical & Hellenistic times of Olbia. The theoretical and methodological background of the study is typical scientific methods, including system analysis, combined with the author's own research. In this case, the tools of prosopography research of coin legends proposed by us were used: directly, prosopography, inheritance of professional activity, ancestral inheritance of monograms, synthesis of numismatic classifications, and prosopography interpretations of legends on the chronological basis of the restored Olbian eponymous chronology, etc. Scientific novelty. In contrast to the onomastic interpretations performed by our predecessors devoid of historical context, we are publishing for the first time the results of the prosopography (historical) interpretation of a group of "problem" Olbian coin monograms (abbreviations) of the classical and Hellenistic times. Main results of the research. 1 New prosopography tools for the interpretation of coin monograms (reductions), which were built based on the restoration of the Olbian chronology of the IV-I centuries BC., proved to be quite effective; with their help, we have already received almost all the gains that were literally "lying on the surface". However, to get rid of the euphoria, we remind the reader that currently we still have too many completely undeciphered "problem" Olbian monograms (reductions), as well as monograms for which there is a high risk of interpretation; they are offered numerous, currently insurmountable alternative reading options. Accordingly, further advancement in the direction of interpretation of "problematic" monograms (reductions) implies the need to carry out individual studies of each of them, in particular, by taking into account the global experience; this is the main methodological conclusion from the conducted research; note that the need to apply this experience was practically not felt at the initial stage. 2. At one time, we proposed the main thesis that upon reaching the appropriate level of study of a specific urban community, prosopography becomes dominant in the study of monuments containing the names of local historical figures, in that case, in the form of fragments, as well as coin monograms (reductions). However, this thesis needs to be expanded, in particular, prosopography studies of local in the geographical sense of coin monograms (abbreviations) must necessarily take into account the global experience of the interpretation of similar monograms (reductions). However, the mechanical transfer of global experience is inadmissible; a critical rethinking of monograms (reductions) deciphered by researchers is mandatory. The Ukrainian Numismatic Annual. Issue 8. Kropyvnytskyi -Pereiaslav, 2024. ______________________________________________________________________________________ catalogue of Olbian coin monograms (reductions). The hypotheses formed in view of the complexity of the real processes in the coinage of Olbia should be considered as preliminary.

Nous rééditons ici une tablette de malédiction d'époque classique livrée par Olbia du Pont 1 , do... more Nous rééditons ici une tablette de malédiction d'époque classique livrée par Olbia du Pont 1 , dont la richesse onomastique (noms et patronymes) permet des recoupements prosopographiques assurés, ce qui arrive assez rarement dans ce type de sources. Il s'agit d'une lamelle de plomb rectangulaire (4,8 × 4,3 × 5/5,2 cm; ép. 0,1 cm), trouvée de manière fortuite en décembre 2015, dans la région Zajač'ja balka («Ravin du lièvre») du village de Parutino, à savoir les nécropoles situées à l'ouest d'Olbia 2 . Le document est opisthographe; à la différence d'autres défi xions sur ce type de support, après avoir été gravée sur les deux côtés, la lamelle ne présente aucune trace de pliure, ni de clouage. D'après les recoupements prosopographiques, son premier éditeur, Mykola I. Nikolaev, proposa une date au milieu du IV e s., vers 357-347 a.C. Nous donnons ici des lectures améliorées par rapport à la première édition 3 , à partir de plusieurs jeux de photos. L'état de conservation de la lamelle est assez bon, en dépit des déformations et des rayures, et notamment d'une fi ssure transversale sur un côté. Une couche d'oxyde blanc, en particulier sur la face A (recto), la perte par endroits, sur la même face, de la fi ne couche inscrite, ainsi que la présence de portions corrodées, rendent parfois le déchiffrement plus ardu. Néanmoins, la lecture de certains noms a été facilitée par la répétition des noms de quelques individus sur les deux faces, ainsi, sur la face B (verso), en graphie sinistroverse. Sur la face A, le rédacteur a noté les noms et les patronymes de onze personnes. Toutes les personnes maudites semblent avoir été des hommes. Après avoir gravé la face A, le rédacteur a tourné verticalement la lamelle. Sur la face B, la mise en page est plus complexe, puisque l'ensemble de l'espace disponible a été utilisé: (I) 15 lignes sinistroverses avec les noms et les patronymes de tout autant de personnes; à la fi n de la dernière ligne, le rédacteur ajouta un autre nom, (II) dont le patronyme fut inscrit sur la marge supérieure, retournée, en écriture dextroverse; (III) sur la marge gauche, verticalement en hauteur, on distingue trois lignes: a) sur la première ligne à gauche, il nota un nom en graphie dextroverse; à la ligne suivante, il rajouta le patronyme, en graphie rétrograde par rapport à l'idionyme, parfaitement aligné en-dessous de la dernière lettre; b) à droite de la première ligne, il nota un autre nom, en graphie sinistroverse; en-dessous, il grava, sur deux lignes, en graphie dextroverse puis rétrograde, un autre idionyme au nominatif; (IV) enfi n, sur la marge droite, verticalement en hauteur et en écriture dextroverse, il inscrit un nom au nominatif suivi d'une séquence diffi cilement lisible, en caractères plus cursifs, certainement une formule de malédiction.

Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 223 , 2022
Nous rééditons ici une tablette de malédiction d'époque classique livrée par Olbia du Pont 1 , do... more Nous rééditons ici une tablette de malédiction d'époque classique livrée par Olbia du Pont 1 , dont la richesse onomastique (noms et patronymes) permet des recoupements prosopographiques assurés, ce qui arrive assez rarement dans ce type de sources. Il s'agit d'une lamelle de plomb rectangulaire (4,8 × 4,3 × 5/5,2 cm; ép. 0,1 cm), trouvée de manière fortuite en décembre 2015, dans la région Zajač'ja balka («Ravin du lièvre») du village de Parutino, à savoir les nécropoles situées à l'ouest d'Olbia 2 . Le document est opisthographe; à la différence d'autres défi xions sur ce type de support, après avoir été gravée sur les deux côtés, la lamelle ne présente aucune trace de pliure, ni de clouage. D'après les recoupements prosopographiques, son premier éditeur, Mykola I. Nikolaev, proposa une date au milieu du IV e s., vers 357-347 a.C. Nous donnons ici des lectures améliorées par rapport à la première édition 3 , à partir de plusieurs jeux de photos. L'état de conservation de la lamelle est assez bon, en dépit des déformations et des rayures, et notamment d'une fi ssure transversale sur un côté. Une couche d'oxyde blanc, en particulier sur la face A (recto), la perte par endroits, sur la même face, de la fi ne couche inscrite, ainsi que la présence de portions corrodées, rendent parfois le déchiffrement plus ardu. Néanmoins, la lecture de certains noms a été facilitée par la répétition des noms de quelques individus sur les deux faces, ainsi, sur la face B (verso), en graphie sinistroverse. Sur la face A, le rédacteur a noté les noms et les patronymes de onze personnes. Toutes les personnes maudites semblent avoir été des hommes. Après avoir gravé la face A, le rédacteur a tourné verticalement la lamelle. Sur la face B, la mise en page est plus complexe, puisque l'ensemble de l'espace disponible a été utilisé: (I) 15 lignes sinistroverses avec les noms et les patronymes de tout autant de personnes; à la fi n de la dernière ligne, le rédacteur ajouta un autre nom, (II) dont le patronyme fut inscrit sur la marge supérieure, retournée, en écriture dextroverse; (III) sur la marge gauche, verticalement en hauteur, on distingue trois lignes: a) sur la première ligne à gauche, il nota un nom en graphie dextroverse; à la ligne suivante, il rajouta le patronyme, en graphie rétrograde par rapport à l'idionyme, parfaitement aligné en-dessous de la dernière lettre; b) à droite de la première ligne, il nota un autre nom, en graphie sinistroverse; en-dessous, il grava, sur deux lignes, en graphie dextroverse puis rétrograde, un autre idionyme au nominatif; (IV) enfi n, sur la marge droite, verticalement en hauteur et en écriture dextroverse, il inscrit un nom au nominatif suivi d'une séquence diffi cilement lisible, en caractères plus cursifs, certainement une formule de malédiction.
A variation of the règle triennale was found in the eponymous catalogue of Olbia Pontica
Cercetări Arheologice Revistă a Muzeului Național de Istorie a României, 2024
The history of studying the most important lapidary inscription of Olbia, the catalogue of eponym... more The history of studying the most important lapidary inscription of Olbia, the catalogue of eponyms IOSPE I 2 201, is considered. The current state of research on this remarkable monument is shown selectively compared with monuments of lapidary, magical, ceramic, and numismatic epigraphy.
На підставі наказу Міністерства освіти і науки України № 1471 від 26.11.2020 р. журнал внесений д... more На підставі наказу Міністерства освіти і науки України № 1471 від 26.11.2020 р. журнал внесений до Переліку наукових фахових видань України (категорія «Б») у галузі історичні науки (032 Історія та археологія).

(Chişinău/Iași), dr. hab. Igor Bruiako (Odesa), dr. hab. Dumitru Boghian (Târgu Frumos), dr. hab.... more (Chişinău/Iași), dr. hab. Igor Bruiako (Odesa), dr. hab. Dumitru Boghian (Târgu Frumos), dr. hab. Roman Croitor (Aix-en-Provence), dr. Lilia Dergaciov (Chișinău), dr. hab. Valentin Dergaciov (Chişinău), dr. Alexandr Diachenko (Kiev), dr. Vasile Diaconu (Târgu Neamț), dr. Mariana Gugeanu (Iași), prof. dr. hab. Svend Hansen (Berlin), prof. dr. hab. Elke Kaiser (Berlin), dr. Maia Kaşuba (Sankt Petersburg), dr. Sergiu Matveev (Chișinău), prof. dr. hab. Michael Meyer (Berlin), dr. Octavian Munteanu (Chișinău), prof. dr. hab. Sergiu Musteață (Chișinău/Târgoviște), prof. dr. Eugen Nicolae (Bucureşti), prof. dr. hab. Gheorghe Postică (Chişinău), dr. hab. Eugen Sava (Chişinău), prof. dr. hab. Sergei Skoryi (Kiev), prof. dr. Victor Spinei, membru al Academiei Române (Bucureşti, Iași), prof. dr. hab. Marzena Szmyt (Poznan), dr. Nicolai Telnov (Chişinău), dr. hab. Petr Tolochko, membru al Academiei Naţionale de Ştiinţe a Ucrainei (Kiev), dr. Denis Topal (Chișinău), dr. Vlad Vornic (Chişinău), dr. Aurel Zanoci (Chișinău).
«Scientific Bulletin of Izmail State University of Humanities», 2024, № 65 (Series: Historical Sciences), 17-29, 2024
Виявлені нові обставини у моєму науковому протистоянні із російським філологом та істориком В.П. ... more Виявлені нові обставини у моєму науковому протистоянні із російським філологом та істориком В.П. Яйленко. Ціна питання: чи залишиться у науковому обігу значно спотворене уявлення про історію, просопографію, хронологію ольвійського поліса та Північного Причорномор'я загалом упродовж майже 300 років (що його запропонував 40 років потому В.П. Яйленко), чи буде прийнята об'єктивна історія Ольвії близько 392-92 рр. до Р.Х., побудована із застосуванням відновленого літочислення Ольвії.
Stratum Plus, 2023
Complete version
The Ukrainian Numismatic Annual. , 2023
Fifteen years ago for the first time a synchronization of the eponymous catalogue of Olbia was pe... more Fifteen years ago for the first time a synchronization of the eponymous catalogue of Olbia was performed. Construction of the chronological basis of the history of Olbia IV-I centuries BC is possible with the use of system analysis and mathematical modelling. Some results of the practical implementation of this direction are considered.
Keywords: Olbia, history, chronology, epigraphy, philology, system analysis
Books by Mykola Nikolaev
Pontica V century BC - I century AD (based on synchronization of the
eponymous catalogue IosPE. I2. 201). – The manuscript.
The dissertation is presented for a doctor’s academic degree in historical
sciences by the specialty 07.00.06 – Historiography, source study and special
historical disciplines / Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine – Kyiv, 2016.
Olbia Pontica is one of the most important ancient Greek city-states of the
Northern region of the Black Sea. The research of Olbia has been being carried out
for almost two centuries. A huge number of written sources has been found: lapidary
inscriptions, graffiti, ceramic stamps, magic spells and others. Unfortunately, all this
heritage is dated inaccurately (untruly). It has not been also considered on the
position of chronology and prosopography. Traditional instruments of ancient
inscriptions dating (palaeographical, dialectological, etc) have an accuracy of about a
century, the process of application of these tools has significant subjective elements.
The absence of the unified chronological ground (as well as inaccuracy of existing
methods of studying Olbian inscriptions) causes the endless debates. Also, there is no
information about generic composition of Olbian communities and their relationship
with each other for centuries (that is the foundations of Olbian prosopography).
Meanwhile, the chronological basis for the construction of social and political history
of Miletus, Athens, Rhodes etc has become the discovery of the calendar having
created a powerful "breakthrough" in chronological, prosopographical and historical
studies of these states. Unfortunately, the hypothesis of Yu. Vinogradov and V.
Ruban about the diachronic nature of the catalog of citizens of Olbia Pontica IosPE.
I2. 201(i.e. the calendar of Olbia Pontica), proposed in the 1980s - for nearly 30 years
had not given any results. This is caused by the lack of chronological rapper and the
exhaustion of possibilities of traditional methods of ancient inscriptions study.
Meanwhile, in recent years, general technical methods of system analysis and
mathematical modeling actively penetrate the historical disciplines. The dissertation
is devoted to the of synchronization and reconstruction of the calendar of Olbia
Pontica with the use of modern technologies and creating the objective and united
chronological basis of social and political history and prosopography of Olbia
Pontica. The materials obtained are characterized as a new scientific direction of
studies of Olbia Pontica. The theoretical basis and principles of Olbian
prosopography were created and some new research tools were introduced
(prosopographic interpretation, reconstruction and dating), systematic cources of
calendar synchronization, prosopography and social-political history of the V
centuries BC – I centuries AD were offered. The prosopographic interpretation and
reconstruction have also been done, the revision of the traditional dating of basic
lapidary inscriptions, graffiti, coins, magical inscriptions and ceramic stamps is
offered as well. (For example: the decree IosPE. I2. 32 in honor of Protogen is dated
on 230 years century BC, the decree IosPE. I2. 34 in honor of Nikerat is dated on 50-
60 years century AD, the decree I.Olbia 28+29+123+IosPE. I2. 240 in honor of sons
of Apollonius is dated on 215+2\-4 years century BC, decree IosPE. I2. 35 (=SEG
28: 647,2) in honor of Amice сybernet is dated on 105 year century BC (year of
Ἀπό[λλων Διός]), honorific decree I.Olbia 17+21+30+120 (= SEG 34:759) is dated
on 97 year century BC (year of Ἀν[αξιμένους]) also the prosopographic
reconstruction of dedication I.Olbia 168: [Ἱερεῖς] Λεω[κράτου], [Διονύσιος
Ἀριστεί]δου, [Ἀγαθῖνος Ἀντιμήστ]ορος, Στ[άφυλος Ἡροδώρου]). The historical
conditions of the beginning and the end of administration of eponyms Olbian
calendar are established. The fragments of genealogical branches of “primary” and
“secondary” elite sorts of Olbia are constructed. Relative dating (lines number
difference) was widely used in the course of research. The calendar size is
reconstructed based on matrix and genealogical models and makes up 110 lines. The
remarkable fact is that the Olbian calendar size is equivalent to the 1 column size of
the Miletus calendar (I.Milet 122). As long as the Olbian system of chronology was
the exact copy of the Miletus one, this fact is probably regular.The historical
hypotheses about the social and political struggles of clans are offered. The reliability
of the direction is based on the fundamental properties of the matrix (which can not
be refuted), and also on the basic law of genealogy, and the proposition of several
ways to perform the research that caused the same result. The evidence of the total
reliability of the results is that they form an integrated consistent system. The main
principle of Olbian prosopography is formulated in the final part: the eponymous
catalogue IosPE. I2. 201 contains the basic genealogical, chronological (absolute and
relative date) and prosopographic information about the main elite Olbian families of
the IV centuries BC – I centuries AD. The prosopographic research of Olbia Pontica
is impossible without reference on this document.
Keywords: Olbia, synchronization and reconstruction of calendar, political and
cult elite, prosopography, chronograph, inscriptions, coins, dated, social and political
Papers by Mykola Nikolaev
a ceramic fragment from Olbia Pontica.
Keywords: Olbia, history, chronology, epigraphy, philology, system analysis
Pontica V century BC - I century AD (based on synchronization of the
eponymous catalogue IosPE. I2. 201). – The manuscript.
The dissertation is presented for a doctor’s academic degree in historical
sciences by the specialty 07.00.06 – Historiography, source study and special
historical disciplines / Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine – Kyiv, 2016.
Olbia Pontica is one of the most important ancient Greek city-states of the
Northern region of the Black Sea. The research of Olbia has been being carried out
for almost two centuries. A huge number of written sources has been found: lapidary
inscriptions, graffiti, ceramic stamps, magic spells and others. Unfortunately, all this
heritage is dated inaccurately (untruly). It has not been also considered on the
position of chronology and prosopography. Traditional instruments of ancient
inscriptions dating (palaeographical, dialectological, etc) have an accuracy of about a
century, the process of application of these tools has significant subjective elements.
The absence of the unified chronological ground (as well as inaccuracy of existing
methods of studying Olbian inscriptions) causes the endless debates. Also, there is no
information about generic composition of Olbian communities and their relationship
with each other for centuries (that is the foundations of Olbian prosopography).
Meanwhile, the chronological basis for the construction of social and political history
of Miletus, Athens, Rhodes etc has become the discovery of the calendar having
created a powerful "breakthrough" in chronological, prosopographical and historical
studies of these states. Unfortunately, the hypothesis of Yu. Vinogradov and V.
Ruban about the diachronic nature of the catalog of citizens of Olbia Pontica IosPE.
I2. 201(i.e. the calendar of Olbia Pontica), proposed in the 1980s - for nearly 30 years
had not given any results. This is caused by the lack of chronological rapper and the
exhaustion of possibilities of traditional methods of ancient inscriptions study.
Meanwhile, in recent years, general technical methods of system analysis and
mathematical modeling actively penetrate the historical disciplines. The dissertation
is devoted to the of synchronization and reconstruction of the calendar of Olbia
Pontica with the use of modern technologies and creating the objective and united
chronological basis of social and political history and prosopography of Olbia
Pontica. The materials obtained are characterized as a new scientific direction of
studies of Olbia Pontica. The theoretical basis and principles of Olbian
prosopography were created and some new research tools were introduced
(prosopographic interpretation, reconstruction and dating), systematic cources of
calendar synchronization, prosopography and social-political history of the V
centuries BC – I centuries AD were offered. The prosopographic interpretation and
reconstruction have also been done, the revision of the traditional dating of basic
lapidary inscriptions, graffiti, coins, magical inscriptions and ceramic stamps is
offered as well. (For example: the decree IosPE. I2. 32 in honor of Protogen is dated
on 230 years century BC, the decree IosPE. I2. 34 in honor of Nikerat is dated on 50-
60 years century AD, the decree I.Olbia 28+29+123+IosPE. I2. 240 in honor of sons
of Apollonius is dated on 215+2\-4 years century BC, decree IosPE. I2. 35 (=SEG
28: 647,2) in honor of Amice сybernet is dated on 105 year century BC (year of
Ἀπό[λλων Διός]), honorific decree I.Olbia 17+21+30+120 (= SEG 34:759) is dated
on 97 year century BC (year of Ἀν[αξιμένους]) also the prosopographic
reconstruction of dedication I.Olbia 168: [Ἱερεῖς] Λεω[κράτου], [Διονύσιος
Ἀριστεί]δου, [Ἀγαθῖνος Ἀντιμήστ]ορος, Στ[άφυλος Ἡροδώρου]). The historical
conditions of the beginning and the end of administration of eponyms Olbian
calendar are established. The fragments of genealogical branches of “primary” and
“secondary” elite sorts of Olbia are constructed. Relative dating (lines number
difference) was widely used in the course of research. The calendar size is
reconstructed based on matrix and genealogical models and makes up 110 lines. The
remarkable fact is that the Olbian calendar size is equivalent to the 1 column size of
the Miletus calendar (I.Milet 122). As long as the Olbian system of chronology was
the exact copy of the Miletus one, this fact is probably regular.The historical
hypotheses about the social and political struggles of clans are offered. The reliability
of the direction is based on the fundamental properties of the matrix (which can not
be refuted), and also on the basic law of genealogy, and the proposition of several
ways to perform the research that caused the same result. The evidence of the total
reliability of the results is that they form an integrated consistent system. The main
principle of Olbian prosopography is formulated in the final part: the eponymous
catalogue IosPE. I2. 201 contains the basic genealogical, chronological (absolute and
relative date) and prosopographic information about the main elite Olbian families of
the IV centuries BC – I centuries AD. The prosopographic research of Olbia Pontica
is impossible without reference on this document.
Keywords: Olbia, synchronization and reconstruction of calendar, political and
cult elite, prosopography, chronograph, inscriptions, coins, dated, social and political
a ceramic fragment from Olbia Pontica.
Keywords: Olbia, history, chronology, epigraphy, philology, system analysis
Каноб, сын Трасидаманта, ольвиополит Известный в античном мире ольвийский декрет IPE I 2 24 о деньгах традиционно датируется в широком хронологическом диапазоне: IV в. до Р.Х. В статье представлен алгоритм просопографической интерпретации и просопографической датировки декрета на основе восстановленного летоисчисления Ольвии. ………………………
modelling, we carried out explorations to restore the chronology of Pontic Olbia for the
period of the IV–I centuries BC. Considering that the chronology of Olbia IV - the
beginning of the I century BC has an eponymous character, at the same time, the
foundations of the prosopography of the Olbian elite families were developed. This made
it possible to carry out relatively accurate prosopographic dating and prosopographic interpretation by real historical persons of many various epigraphic monuments, in particular, lapidary inscriptions, magical incantations, and ceramic seals. Gaining the experience of such research made it possible to proceed to the interpretation and absolute dating of the most difficult monuments in this sense - coin legends (letters, abbreviations, monograms). Analysis of recent research and publications. As a result of the research of the Olbian coins legends of the IV centuries BC, and "Borysthenes" (330-218 years BC) we received the next result: letters, abbreviations, and monograms on the copper coins of Olbia IV-III centuries BC has the magistrates character. The research carried out so far has not made it possible to directly identify the eponymous date in the legends of the classical and Hellenistic periods. Meanwhile, the famous Ukrainian numismatist V. O. Anokhin proposed many hypotheses about the eponymous character of individual letters and monograms in the series ΟΗ ΔΠΣΑ, ΠΔΔ, ΩΜΟΗ, ΒΔ etc. The purpose of the paper is the first attempt to (selectively) identify individual letters, abbreviations, and monograms on the coins of classical and Hellenistic Olbia as designations of the eponymous date, in particulate, the series ΟΗ ΔΠΣΑ, ΠΔΔ, ΩΜΟΗ, ΒΔ. Research methodology – typical scientific methods in combination with the author‘s own scientific work by synchronization of the eponymous catalogue IPE I2 201 (calendar) and Olbia‘s prosopography. Also, we used the previously proposed tool of chronological modelling in coinage: ancestral inheritance of coin abbreviations and monograms. Scientific novelty. On a system basis, with the use of new chronological tools researched, the legends, letters, and monograms of coins of classical and Hellenistic Olbia. In particular, series ΟΗ ΔΠΣΑ, ΠΔΔ, ΩΜΟΗ, ΒΔ, which, according to V. O. Anokhin, indicate the eponymous date, were studied for the first time. Conclusions about the use of eponymous dating in Olbia's coin business have been formed. A number of side results were obtained, in particular, the period of "Borysthenes" being in circulation after the termination of their emission, and the specifics of the issuance of the decree IPE I2 76 on the tariffs for sacrificial offerings were clarified. The beginning of the emission of the ΒΔ series has been clarified, and an alternative in the interpretation of this abbreviation has been offer etc. Conclusions. 1. During the classical-hellenistic period (V-I centuries BC) in the coinage of Olbia, according to the current level of knowledge, only two cases of coin dating by the eponymous date have been recorded. The first is a mention of the year of aisymnetus of the molpoi Pavs(anius?) in the first half of the 5th century BC – ΔΠΗ ΠΑΤΑ. The second is the dating of the year of Apollo (105 BC) of a coin with a letter on the obverse (sic) of the time of Mithridates VI Eupator, recently made public by Prof. V. M. Orlyk. 2. In the III-II centuries BC, there probably was a formal change in the organization of the coin business in relation to the IV century BC: outwardly, this manifested itself in the fact that instead of symbols such as a star, crescent, legends ΟΗ ΔΠΣΑ, ΠΔΔ, ΩΜΟΗ, ΒΔ etc., were used. 3. Individual letters and monograms, which by V.O. Anokhin considered to be eponymous dates and which are present on the series ΟΗ ΔΠΣΑ, ΠΔΔ, ΩΜΟΗ, ΒΔ, are marks of magistrates. 4. Coins with the legend ΟΗ ΔΠΣΑ, contrary to P. O. Karyshkovsky's hypothesis, are not related to overcoming the financial crisis. 5. After the cessation of coinage in 218-216 BC, "Borysthenes" were in circulation until the turn of the III-II centuries BC, after which they were replaced by the ΒΔ series. The ΒΔ series, in particular, with additional letters was minted during 200-191 BC. 6. Decree IPE I2 76 on sacrificial tariffs mentions precisely "Borysthenes" as a copper coin. 7. The traditional interpretation of the abbreviation ΒΔ by researchers as holding the position of the king (by O. M. Zograf and P. O. Karyshkovsky), in that case, Saitafarn (by V. O. Anokhin), is erroneous. 8. Complex coin legend of the Protogeneous family ΔΤΠΡ, , ΠΡΩΣΖΡ mention one person. Other complex legends, for example ΔΗΔΤ, ΩΜΟΗ, mention two persons. 9. Formed hypotheses, taking into account the complexity of real processes in the coin business of Olbia, should be considered preliminary. 10. A promising direction for further research should be the combination of the chronological tools we use with purely numismatic studies.
Key words: Olbia, coins, dating, eponyms, monograms, chronology, interpretation.
: тези доповідей V міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, 21–22 червня 2018 р. – Меджибіж – Переяслав-Хмельницький – Кропивницький – Київ, 2018. – 183 с.
До збірника включено тези доповідей учасників V міжнародної науково-практичної конференції з проблем нумізматики та історії грошового обігу. Тези, що увійшли до випуску, можуть бути корисними фахівцям у галузі спеціальних знань історичної науки, архівним, бібліотечним, музейним працівникам, археологам, науковцям, експертам-мистецтвознавцям, викладачам, аспірантам, студентам ВНЗ гуманітарного профілю.
КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка.
Bulgarian, Romanian, Russian (for non-Ukrainian entity).
Мови видання: українська, російська (для нерезидентів України), англійська, німецька, французька, болгарська, румунська.
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