Papers by Nathalie POTTIER

Sustainability, Aug 23, 2023
This article presents a summary of the results obtained as part of the ANR (French National Resea... more This article presents a summary of the results obtained as part of the ANR (French National Research Agency)-RELEV project, which focuses on the long-term recovery and reconstruction of the island of Saint Martin following the passage of Hurricane Irma in 2017. This hurricane was classified as category five on the Saffir-Simpson scale, with an average wind speed of 287 km/h. It caused catastrophic damage along its path and highlighted the significant vulnerability of Caribbean societies to this type of phenomenon. This article focuses on the reconstruction of residential buildings on the French part of the island of Saint Martin. It aims to identify and analyze the factors that have favorably or unfavorably influenced their reconstruction and their structural vulnerability reduction. The research is based mainly on a series of interviews with local actors (construction and insurance companies, architects, territorial services, etc.), an online survey of residents (180 responses), and a field survey involving visits to 104 buildings with interviews of the occupants. The results obtained show that having access to financial resources for the reconstruction of buildings is central. However, different parameters must be considered to understand the disparity of situations and identify the factors that have most favorably contributed to the speed and quality of reconstruction and reduction of vulnerability. Even five years after Irma, a significant number of buildings on the island remain either unrepaired or abandoned. These buildings nevertheless constitute a danger in the case of strong winds (becoming a source of projectiles) and have a negative impact on the reputation and attractiveness of the island. The results reveal that in general, buildings in Saint Martin are slightly more resilient than they were prior to Irma, while presenting a great heterogeneity of situations.

addresses an important and unfortunately neglected issue: flood evacuation from high-rise buildin... more addresses an important and unfortunately neglected issue: flood evacuation from high-rise buildings. The literature review is good but, as ˇ noted below, can be improved. The sample size is excellent, although the response rate is low and so the sample's representativeness is uncertain. However, as the authors note, the response rate is comparable to other mail questionnaires so it is not a major flaw in the study. The cluster analysis of the respondent profiles is a noteworthy innovation. The paper's conclusions … (no further, cut text …) Thank you very much for your detailed and thorough analysis of our research paper. We have improved the bibliography as requested to add references or remove those that are not relevant. We respond below point by point to the comments: Line 115: Other factors likely to affect flood evacuation decisions are enviC1 NHESSD Interactive comment Printer-friendly version Discussion paper environmental cues; social cues; warning sources, channels, and messages; protective action perceptions, stakeholder perceptions, and personal characteristics (e.g., sensory and physical mobility limitations, hazard experience) see Lindell (2018). Some ˇ of these are mentioned later in the manuscript experience on line 135, warnings on ˇ line 138, social cues on You are right. We group all the factors likely to affect flood evacuation decisions at the beginning of the text to give the reader a clear overview at the beginning of the article.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Apr 12, 2023
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 10, 2022
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 22, 2021
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 14, 2018
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), May 16, 2022
Annales des Ponts et Chaussées, 2003
Mise en oeuvre par l'administration et imposant des servitudes d'utilite publique sur des... more Mise en oeuvre par l'administration et imposant des servitudes d'utilite publique sur des territoires places sous la responsabilite des collectivites locales, la cartographie reglementaire est source de nombreux conflits. Des lors, on peut s'interroger sur son efficacite reelle sur le terrain.

La politique de prevention des risques naturels privilegie aujourd'hui les mesures non struct... more La politique de prevention des risques naturels privilegie aujourd'hui les mesures non structurelles, specialement les outils juridiques de controle de l'occupation des sols, plutot que les mesures structurelles (digues, barrages, etc. ) qui entrainent un desequilibre souvent irreversible des milieux naturels. Cette recherche pose la question de l'adequation de ces outils pour repondre efficacement a la gestion des inondations dans une perspective de developpement durable des plaines alluviales. Elle s'attache a evaluer les effets lies a la mise en place des outils reglementaires de prevention des inondations sur les sites auxquels ils s'appliquent (efficacite et impacts sur l'occupation des sols et sur la societe locale). La premiere partie de la these analyse l'evolution des problematiques de gestion des inondations dans les plaines des grandes vallees francaises. Elle met en evidence les specificites geographiques des crues puis des relations entre les...
Hommes et Terres du Nord, 2000
Les zones inondables representent desormais un enjeu local et socio-economique considerable. Sur ... more Les zones inondables representent desormais un enjeu local et socio-economique considerable. Sur ce " territoire " hydrologique touche par l'inondation, plusieurs logiques territoriales (economiques, sociales, politiques) se superposent et se confrontent. L'article analyse la notion de " territoire " concerne par le risque d'inondation fluviale selon une approche geographique et juridique. Il montre comment la definition et la delimitation des territoires exposes aux inondations a evolue avec les outils reglementaires de prevention du risque. Il souligne le probleme des differences d'echelles de temps et d'espaces propres a chaque logique territoriale et discute l'adequation des zones inondables aux objectifs de prevention et de developpement local.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Sep 18, 2019
Pres de 10 ans apres la creation des Plans de Prevention des Risques Naturels (PPR), symboles d&#... more Pres de 10 ans apres la creation des Plans de Prevention des Risques Naturels (PPR), symboles d'une relance de la cartographie reglementaire apres l'echec relatif des Plans d'Exposition aux Risques (PER), les difficultes de mise en oeuvre persistent. Les nouveaux principes, issus de la reforme juridique de 1995 et presentes comme des avancees a l'epoque, le sont-ils toujours aujourd'hui ? Sont-ils suivis d'effets ? Arret sur image et diagnostic de la situation.
Applied Geography, 2005
Different approaches to the control of floodplain 'encroachment' exist in France and in England a... more Different approaches to the control of floodplain 'encroachment' exist in France and in England and Wales. In France, a 'coercive' approach emphasises strong central government intervention within a system of designated risk zones for all natural hazards. In England and Wales, a more 'cooperative' approach prevails, with the dominant power being with democratically elected local authorities. Ideas and policies are converging, however, as both local flexibility and national direction are shown to have implementation weaknesses as, in both countries, the development pressures on floodplains continue to grow.
Papers by Nathalie POTTIER