Natalia Pak
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Papers by Natalia Pak
The article introduces into scientific use a previously unknown edition of the Life of Nikon of Radonezh, composed in XV century. The analysis results show that, this edition traces back to the text of the Short edition, which most of researchers attribute to Pachomius Logothetes, and that this unknown edition also contains several readings from the Special edition, preserved in Pachomius Logothetes’ own handwriting. In the text of the newly discovered edition, 24 of the 25 borrowings were preserved from the Panegyric of patriarch Euthymius of Tarnovo, which were already included in the text of the earliest, according to the time of creation, Short edition. Some editorial changes parallelizes among changes that were made to the text of the Life of Sergius of Radonezh when editing by Pachomius Logothetes. With great probability it can be concluded that the considered edition is the second revision of the Life of abbot Nikon, made by Pachomius Logothetes no later than in the 60s of XVcentury. The text of the monument is published in the Annex to the article according to the manuscript Тr. 762.
The article considers the general source of the Extensive edition of the Life of Nikon of Radonezh (the time of creation of the text is so far unknown), and the first edition of the Life of Metropolitan Jonah, composed in 1547. Borrowings from the Homily «against Jews» of John Chrysostom in both Lives have similar digressions from the original, and testify, that both texts are to be attributed to the same author, or that the compilators of both Lives used common draft materials and, consequently, lived in the same time and belonged to the same circle. The Life of Nikon of Radonezh wrote one of the scribes employed by Metropolitan Makarius in the sixteenth century for writing of the lives of the new Russian miracle-workers. Thus, dating accepted by some researches of the Extensive edition of the fifteenth century and its attribution to Pachomius the Serb should be recognised as false.
Other by Natalia Pak
The article introduces into scientific use a previously unknown edition of the Life of Nikon of Radonezh, composed in XV century. The analysis results show that, this edition traces back to the text of the Short edition, which most of researchers attribute to Pachomius Logothetes, and that this unknown edition also contains several readings from the Special edition, preserved in Pachomius Logothetes’ own handwriting. In the text of the newly discovered edition, 24 of the 25 borrowings were preserved from the Panegyric of patriarch Euthymius of Tarnovo, which were already included in the text of the earliest, according to the time of creation, Short edition. Some editorial changes parallelizes among changes that were made to the text of the Life of Sergius of Radonezh when editing by Pachomius Logothetes. With great probability it can be concluded that the considered edition is the second revision of the Life of abbot Nikon, made by Pachomius Logothetes no later than in the 60s of XVcentury. The text of the monument is published in the Annex to the article according to the manuscript Тr. 762.
The article considers the general source of the Extensive edition of the Life of Nikon of Radonezh (the time of creation of the text is so far unknown), and the first edition of the Life of Metropolitan Jonah, composed in 1547. Borrowings from the Homily «against Jews» of John Chrysostom in both Lives have similar digressions from the original, and testify, that both texts are to be attributed to the same author, or that the compilators of both Lives used common draft materials and, consequently, lived in the same time and belonged to the same circle. The Life of Nikon of Radonezh wrote one of the scribes employed by Metropolitan Makarius in the sixteenth century for writing of the lives of the new Russian miracle-workers. Thus, dating accepted by some researches of the Extensive edition of the fifteenth century and its attribution to Pachomius the Serb should be recognised as false.
Итоги проведенного анализа следующие: попытки перестроить существующие схемы соотношения списков Слова несостоятельны, исследование рукописей Слова и их взаимосвязей можно признать завершенным, а исследование языка памятника и реконструкция первоначального текста должны быть продолжены.
The article discusses the origin and sources of a hagiographical work about the martyrs Timotheus, Agapia and Thecla who suffered martyrdom at Caesarea of Palestine in the early fourth century under the emperors Diocletian and Maximian. This text survives only in the East Slavic manuscript Egor. 921.