Papers by Nabila Nurdania Putri
Jurnal akuntansi Unihaz, Dec 30, 2022
Semarang Law Review (SLR)
AbstrakPT. Batavia Prosperindo Finance (Penggugat) adalah badan hukum jasa pembiayaan yang member... more AbstrakPT. Batavia Prosperindo Finance (Penggugat) adalah badan hukum jasa pembiayaan yang memberikan pinjaman kepada almarhum suami Ny. Mubaroh (Tergugat) sebesar Rp. 92.100.500,- . Pinjaman tersebut diberikan dengan jaminan berupa mobil Honda CRV 2.4 A T tahun 2008. Peminjaman uang diikat dengan perjanjian pembiayaan multiguna dengan jaminan penyerahan secara fidusia dengan nomor perjanian 0403/2190133 tanggal 31 Juli 2019. Tergugat menyetujui sebagai penjamin dari alm suami tergugat sebagai debitur. Perjanjian tersebut dilakukan perpanjangan waktu dari 36 kali cicilan menjadi 42 kali cicilan, hingga seharusnya angsuran terakhir Desember 2022. Namun sejak 24 November 2020 tergugat telah menunggak pembayaran cicilan hingga saat ini, hingga akhirnya Penggugat melayangkan gugatan untuk meletakkan sita atas objek jaminan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah dapat dilakukan peletakan sita jaminan atas objek jaminan fidusia berdasarkan perjanjian pembiayaan yang di buat ...
Eksakta: Berkala Ilmiah Bidang MIPA
Hypertension is the fifth leading cause of death in Indonesia. Hypertension occurs because the bl... more Hypertension is the fifth leading cause of death in Indonesia. Hypertension occurs because the blood vessels are continuously experiencing high pressure. Medical device that supports doctors and other health workers in diagnosing hypertension is sphygmomanometer. Sphygmomanometer is an instrument for measuring blood pressure. Accuracy of blood pressure measurement is very important in diagnosing hypertension. An Error in measuring blood pressure will be fatal for patients, health workers, and health facilities. So that this study aims to analyze the quality of automatic and non-automatic sphygmomanometer. This research method is in form of quantitative research based on experiments. The data was taken by using direct measurements. Measurements were carried out by using the 2018 Ministry of Health work method. Quality assessment of the sphygmomanometer was taken based on the results of sphygmomanometer calibration analysis. Automatic sphygmomanometer with the OMRON brand got score 95...
Pasien sembuh Covid-19 di Karah II Surabaya mendapatkan perilaku yang berbeda, diskriminasi, dan ... more Pasien sembuh Covid-19 di Karah II Surabaya mendapatkan perilaku yang berbeda, diskriminasi, dan mengalami pelecehan status. Pasien sembuh Covid-19 mendapatkan penolakan di lingkungan sekitar. Pasien sembuh Covid-19 ini juga melalukan berbagai upaya agar bisa diterima kembali di lingkungan sekitar. Rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini adalah bagaimana perilaku komunikasi pasien sembuh Covid-19 di Karah II Surabaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan perilaku komunikasi pasien sembuh Covid-19 dengan masyarakat di Karah II Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Teknik pengumpulan data dilaksanakan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teori yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teori Atribusi (Fritz Heider). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan (1) adanya penyebab situasional; (2) adanya pengaruh personal; (3) memiliki kemampuan; (4) adanya usaha; dan (5) memiliki keinginan
Pendidikan merupakan usaha mendewasakan dan memandirikan manusia melalui kegiatan yang terencana ... more Pendidikan merupakan usaha mendewasakan dan memandirikan manusia melalui kegiatan yang terencana dan disadari melalui kegiatan belajar yang melibatkan siswa dan guru (Irham & Wiyani, 2013). Melalui pendidikan, individu dapat memperoleh ilmu pengetahuan, membentuk karakter individu, memperbaiki
Carotenoids from crude palm oil (CPO) has been adsorb by four polar adsorbents, M-Silicates (M = ... more Carotenoids from crude palm oil (CPO) has been adsorb by four polar adsorbents, M-Silicates (M = Mg, Ca) and M-PSS (M = Mg, Ca; PSS = Polystyrenesulfonate). The carotenoids which were adsorbed by each adsorbent then desorbed by ethanol in a soxhlet extractor and collected in toluene which was placed together in the soxhlet flask. The concentrations of the carotenoids in the aliquots, which were taken every 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 cycles from the toluene extract were determined by PORIM method. It was found that generally the maximum carotenoids obtained were from the aliquot with 40 - 50 cycles. The amounts of carotenoids extracted from CPO using adsorbents: Mg-silicate (in extract-A), Ca-silicate (in extract-B), Mg-PSS (in extract-C) and Ca-PSS (in extract-D) were 62.24 %, 43.45 %, 38.02 % and 78.02 % respectively. All the extracts (A, B, C and D) still contain some triglyceride and free fatty acids. In order to reduce the triglyceride and free fatty acid content, the four extracts were then passed through the reused of four adsorbents to further adsorption. The most carotenoids extracted were 90.77 % from extract-D which had been further adsorb by Ca-silicate. The least was from extract-C which had been further adsorbed by Mg-PSS which was 44.31 %. To compare the use of toluene as carotenoids collector, the same methods were used by using Ca-PSS and extracted with ethanol to produce extract-E and extract-F were extracted using isopropyl alcohol collector. The carotenoids recovery for extract-E and F were 20.20 % and 52.26 % respectively.
The study aims to describe and to know the profile of soft skills and hard skills of the college ... more The study aims to describe and to know the profile of soft skills and hard skills of the college students to enter the work field. The type of research is quantitative descriptive research. The population of this research is the students of padang state university family welfare education study program totally 49 people. The sampling technique is total sampling that taking the entire population. The technique of collecting data is by transferring a questionnaire (Questionnaire) using Likert scale that has been tested for validity and reliability. The data were analyzed through descriptive analysis with the categorization method. The results of the study is the soft skills and hard skills profile of college students to enter the work field that included in high category are indicators of work ethics, collaboration, discipline, related to norms and the medium category are indicators of speaking skills and confidence.
Layanan orientasi adalah layanan bimbingan yang dilakukan untuk memperkenalkan siswa baru dan ata... more Layanan orientasi adalah layanan bimbingan yang dilakukan untuk memperkenalkan siswa baru dan atau seseorang terhadap lingkungan yang baru dimasukinya. Hasil yang diharapkan dari layanan orientasi adalah dipermudahnya penyesuaian diri siswa terhadap pola kehidupan sosial, kegiatan belajar dan kegiatan lain yang mendukung keberhasilan siswa. Fungsi utama layanan orientasi ialah fungsi pemahaman dan pencegahan
Proceeding of Conférence internationale sur le français 2018, 2019
This article talks about the depiction of harassment in the street happening in the Quais de Sein... more This article talks about the depiction of harassment in the street happening in the Quais de Seine’s scene in the film Paris Je t’aime. The film depicts the story of women harassed in the street by strangers who shouted to her uncomfortable words that usually happens in Paris. Street harassment is public bullying happening in the street, usually driven by sexual desire that transforms in to verbal and physical contacts. The goal of this research is to comprehend the street harassment focusing on Quais de Seine’s scene in Paris Je t’aime. Cinematography and narrative elements show the type of harassment and how it is contested by both perpetrators and victims. This article uses qualitative and literary methods to analyze the data. The result shows that the victims of street harassment are generally experienced by women of color; whereas, the perpetrators are usually different men of color. Also, this research found that street harassment isn’t only about sexual desire but it also int...
SN Applied Sciences, 2019
The present studies investigate the performance of a small Savonius vertical axis wind turbine eq... more The present studies investigate the performance of a small Savonius vertical axis wind turbine equipped with an upstream obstacle to guide the wind direction. The wind tunnel measurement was carried out in a test facility at the Mechanical Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). The dynamic torque was measured using the brake dynamometer. Several variations of the obstacle orientations were investigated. Two different wind speeds of 2.48 m/s and 7.45 m/s were considered, that correspond to the Reynolds numbers of 30,000 and 90,000, respectively, according to the rotor diameter. It is found from the studies that the mechanical torque and power generated by the rotor are strongly affected by the obstacle. On the other hand, the Reynolds number has no significant impact on the rotor performance.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017
Ni/CaO have been synthesis by using thermal reaction between Ni(0)L complexes (L=dihydrazine, bis... more Ni/CaO have been synthesis by using thermal reaction between Ni(0)L complexes (L=dihydrazine, bisethylenediamine) and CaO from Ca-stearate or CaCO3. Ni(0)L complexes (L=dihydrazine, bisethylenediamine) prepared by ligand substitution between Cl and hydrazine to perform dichlorohydrazine-Nickel (II) and this reaction monitored by IR spectroscopy and then mention as A. Two ways reaction have been used due to obtain dihydrazine-Nickel (0) from dichlorohydrazine-Nickel (II). The resulted dihydrazine-Nickel (0), B and E, then analyzed by FT-IR. To compare the result, dichloroethylenediamine-Nickel (II), as C, also has been prepared by ligand substitution between Cl and ethylenediamine. The obtain dichloroethylenediaminedichloro-Nickel (II) was then further reduction by using Zinc dust then analyzed by IR spectroscopy and result bisethylenediamine-Nickel (0), as D. The N-H functional groups have been indicated at 3500 – 3000 cm −1 for all A-E. Ni(0)L that obtain then characterized by SEM-EDX to confirm the morp...
Dalam Islam , Istilah Pendidikan diartikan dengan Tarbiyah yang memiliki makna mendidik,membimbin... more Dalam Islam , Istilah Pendidikan diartikan dengan Tarbiyah yang memiliki makna mendidik,membimbing manusia menuju kepada kedewasaan. Ada beberapa istilah yang digunakan dalam memberikan arti pendidikan, diantaranya yaitu Ta’lim, Ta’dib dan Tarbiyah. Masing – masing istilah ini memberikan makna yang berbeda beda dalam memberikan arti Pendidikan
Papers by Nabila Nurdania Putri