Cilacap regency is a n area significantly potential for virgin coconut oi l (V CO ) business deve... more Cilacap regency is a n area significantly potential for virgin coconut oi l (V CO ) business development. Mostly consisted of coastal areas where coconut trees are abundant, it can support the development of VCO business as the needed raw material s can be met easily. Th e research aim s w ere to identify the profile business of VCO in Cilacap regency and the level of profit the business making from VCO, to determine the amount of inputs used in the business and the efficiency of the inputs, to determine the efficiency of making VCO business, to determine the added value gain from VCO business , to determine labors absoRp.tion from VCO business and to identify the potential VCO business in the future based on the business strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and challenges. The research material include d were the VCO business data , production factors, products number, production costs, product price, productivity, and profitability. A survey method was used in which samples were p...
KWTT “Wanita Karya” adalah satu-satunya kelompok tani di Desa Karanggude Kulon yang mengusahakan ... more KWTT “Wanita Karya” adalah satu-satunya kelompok tani di Desa Karanggude Kulon yang mengusahakan ayam buras. KWTT “Wanita Karya” dibentuk pada tanggal 21 April 2004 dan beranggotakan 20 orang wanita. Usaha utama KWTT “Wanita Karya” adalah beternak ayam Lokal mulai dari pembibitan, produksi dan penjualan telur konsumsi, produksi telur tetas, penjualan jantan muda, penjualan ayam afkir, dan penjualan pupuk yang berasal dari kotoran ayam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengetahui profil usaha dan kelayakan usaha peternakan ayam petelur KWTT “Wanita Karya”. Metode penelitian yang digunakanadalah studi kasus.Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah : analisis deskriptif, analisis biaya produksi, penerimaan dan keuntungan, analisis kelayakan usaha atau kelayakan finansial dengan melihat empat kriteria investasi yaitu NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return), Net B/C Ratio (Net Benefit Cost Ratio), dan ARR(Average Rate of...
This research aim to make the banana chips marketting strategy formulation in Cilongok Region, Ba... more This research aim to make the banana chips marketting strategy formulation in Cilongok Region, Banyumas Regency.The location decided by purposive random sampling, and to decide the sampling of banana chips’s worker and retailer by simple random sampling that totaly 33 person. The methode that used to decide the marketting strategy by SWOT analysis. The research shows that the home industry on the first quadrant. The marketing strategy at this quadrant is growth oriented strategy. This strategy consists of defend and increase the product quality, increase the service quality to the customers, increase the product quantity and market penetration, increase the capitals and promotion of local product widely.
The development of shallot farming in Adipala Sub-district starting in 2018 faced several problem... more The development of shallot farming in Adipala Sub-district starting in 2018 faced several problems, namely most farmers still had low experience of shallot farming, the type of land that was less fertile, shallot seeds from Brebes which were not specific to coastal land. This research aimed to analyze 1) revenue, cost, income, and R/C, 2) the level of production risk, 3) factors influencing production, 4) factors influencing production risk. The research object was farmers who carried out shallot farming during the growing season from November 2019 to January 2020 in Adipala Village, Bunton Village, and Karanganyar Village. The sampling method was saturated sampling. Data analysis consisted of analysis of revenue, cost, income, R/C, coefficient of variation, and Just & Pope production risk function regression. The results showed that the shallot farming in Adipala Sub-district was profitable, namely per farm it had revenue Rp10,834,600.00, cost Rp9,999,943.61, income Rp834,656.39, a...
Inpago Unsoed-1 rice is a new superior rice variety that is not as familiar as Situbagendit varie... more Inpago Unsoed-1 rice is a new superior rice variety that is not as familiar as Situbagendit variety for farmers in Indonesia. As one of the new superior rice variety, Inpago Unsoed-1 is expected to improve farm business efficiency so that it can increase farmers' income. This study was conducted to figure out the factors influencing the production of Inpago Unsoed-1 and Situbagendit rice in Province of Central Java, and to recognize the level of technical, allocative and economic efficiencies of Inpago Unsoed-1 and Situbagendit rice farming in Province of Central Java. Research sites included selected regencies in Province of Central Jawa, such as Banyumas, Purbalingga, and Cilacap. Meanwhile, the selected districts were Kalibagor (Banyumas); Kalimanah, Kemangkon, Bukateja, Kutasari, Kaligondang, and Bobotsari (Purbalingga); and Gandrungmangu (Cilacap). Data were collected by direct observation and interviews using semi-structured questionnaire. The sampling technique used non-probability sampling using a purposive sampling method. Data were collected during December 2018-May 2019, 147 farmers were sampled, consisting of 71 and 76 farmers for Inpago Unsoed-1 and Situbagendit, respectively. Data were analyzed by using Cobb-Douglas production function and function of Stochastic Frontier. The results showed that production factors of land acreage (ha) and P fertilizer (kg) positively affected the production of Inpago Unsoed-1 rice, whereas seeds (kg), N fertilizer (kg) and pesticide (l) had negative impact on its production. On Situbagendit rice production, the positive and negative effects were revealed by land acreage (h a) as well as pesticide (l) and N fertilizer (kg), respectively. Technical, economic, and allocative efficiencies on Inpago Unsoed-1 rice farming were 0.75, 0.65, and 0.88, respectively, which were higher than those of Situbagendit, i.e. 0.73, 0.54 and 0.75, respectively.
The objectives are to know: (1) the impact of cooking oil price increasing to the feasibility of ... more The objectives are to know: (1) the impact of cooking oil price increasing to the feasibility of tempe chips home industry; (2) income decreasing of tempe chips home industry after cooking oil price increasing; (3)factors affecting the profit of tempe chips home industry; (4) strategy of the tempe chips home industry when the production cost increase as cooking oil price increase. The research area is Rawalo sub-district, Banyumas district. Data collected by census method of 49 tempe home industries. Analyses used are RIC ratio, 1C/Cratio, BEP production, BEP revenue, BEP price, and Unit-Output-Price Cobb-Douglas Profit Function. The results show that: (1) tempe chips home industries have to be maintained although cooking oil price increasing has increased the product's price also; (2) after cooking oil price increasing period, tempe chips home industry has decreasing income; (3) UOP Cobb-Douglas Profit Function shows that cooking oil price, soybean price, cassava powder price, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The one day no rice policy has been emerged aiming to encourage Indonesian consumers to substitut... more The one day no rice policy has been emerged aiming to encourage Indonesian consumers to substitute rice with other local food staples and to diversify their daily consumption. This study aims to investigate consumers’ motivation to participate in the one day no rice policy. A hundred respondents from Yogyakarta city was interviewed using laddering method of administration. A means-end chain approach was used to analyse data that consists of four steps: laddering interview, content analysis, generating and interpreting hierarchy value map (HVM). The results show that there are three main pathways in the HVM regarding consumers’ motivation to participate in one day no rice policy. They are 1). Food habit, 2) fulfil daily needs and 3) supporting local food policy. These motives can be used to promote local food policy particularly encouraging consumers to diversify their daily food consumption other than rice.
Cilacap regency is a n area significantly potential for virgin coconut oi l (V CO ) business deve... more Cilacap regency is a n area significantly potential for virgin coconut oi l (V CO ) business development. Mostly consisted of coastal areas where coconut trees are abundant, it can support the development of VCO business as the needed raw material s can be met easily. Th e research aim s w ere to identify the profile business of VCO in Cilacap regency and the level of profit the business making from VCO, to determine the amount of inputs used in the business and the efficiency of the inputs, to determine the efficiency of making VCO business, to determine the added value gain from VCO business , to determine labors absoRp.tion from VCO business and to identify the potential VCO business in the future based on the business strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and challenges. The research material include d were the VCO business data , production factors, products number, production costs, product price, productivity, and profitability. A survey method was used in which samples were p...
KWTT “Wanita Karya” adalah satu-satunya kelompok tani di Desa Karanggude Kulon yang mengusahakan ... more KWTT “Wanita Karya” adalah satu-satunya kelompok tani di Desa Karanggude Kulon yang mengusahakan ayam buras. KWTT “Wanita Karya” dibentuk pada tanggal 21 April 2004 dan beranggotakan 20 orang wanita. Usaha utama KWTT “Wanita Karya” adalah beternak ayam Lokal mulai dari pembibitan, produksi dan penjualan telur konsumsi, produksi telur tetas, penjualan jantan muda, penjualan ayam afkir, dan penjualan pupuk yang berasal dari kotoran ayam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengetahui profil usaha dan kelayakan usaha peternakan ayam petelur KWTT “Wanita Karya”. Metode penelitian yang digunakanadalah studi kasus.Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah : analisis deskriptif, analisis biaya produksi, penerimaan dan keuntungan, analisis kelayakan usaha atau kelayakan finansial dengan melihat empat kriteria investasi yaitu NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return), Net B/C Ratio (Net Benefit Cost Ratio), dan ARR(Average Rate of...
This research aim to make the banana chips marketting strategy formulation in Cilongok Region, Ba... more This research aim to make the banana chips marketting strategy formulation in Cilongok Region, Banyumas Regency.The location decided by purposive random sampling, and to decide the sampling of banana chips’s worker and retailer by simple random sampling that totaly 33 person. The methode that used to decide the marketting strategy by SWOT analysis. The research shows that the home industry on the first quadrant. The marketing strategy at this quadrant is growth oriented strategy. This strategy consists of defend and increase the product quality, increase the service quality to the customers, increase the product quantity and market penetration, increase the capitals and promotion of local product widely.
The development of shallot farming in Adipala Sub-district starting in 2018 faced several problem... more The development of shallot farming in Adipala Sub-district starting in 2018 faced several problems, namely most farmers still had low experience of shallot farming, the type of land that was less fertile, shallot seeds from Brebes which were not specific to coastal land. This research aimed to analyze 1) revenue, cost, income, and R/C, 2) the level of production risk, 3) factors influencing production, 4) factors influencing production risk. The research object was farmers who carried out shallot farming during the growing season from November 2019 to January 2020 in Adipala Village, Bunton Village, and Karanganyar Village. The sampling method was saturated sampling. Data analysis consisted of analysis of revenue, cost, income, R/C, coefficient of variation, and Just & Pope production risk function regression. The results showed that the shallot farming in Adipala Sub-district was profitable, namely per farm it had revenue Rp10,834,600.00, cost Rp9,999,943.61, income Rp834,656.39, a...
Inpago Unsoed-1 rice is a new superior rice variety that is not as familiar as Situbagendit varie... more Inpago Unsoed-1 rice is a new superior rice variety that is not as familiar as Situbagendit variety for farmers in Indonesia. As one of the new superior rice variety, Inpago Unsoed-1 is expected to improve farm business efficiency so that it can increase farmers' income. This study was conducted to figure out the factors influencing the production of Inpago Unsoed-1 and Situbagendit rice in Province of Central Java, and to recognize the level of technical, allocative and economic efficiencies of Inpago Unsoed-1 and Situbagendit rice farming in Province of Central Java. Research sites included selected regencies in Province of Central Jawa, such as Banyumas, Purbalingga, and Cilacap. Meanwhile, the selected districts were Kalibagor (Banyumas); Kalimanah, Kemangkon, Bukateja, Kutasari, Kaligondang, and Bobotsari (Purbalingga); and Gandrungmangu (Cilacap). Data were collected by direct observation and interviews using semi-structured questionnaire. The sampling technique used non-probability sampling using a purposive sampling method. Data were collected during December 2018-May 2019, 147 farmers were sampled, consisting of 71 and 76 farmers for Inpago Unsoed-1 and Situbagendit, respectively. Data were analyzed by using Cobb-Douglas production function and function of Stochastic Frontier. The results showed that production factors of land acreage (ha) and P fertilizer (kg) positively affected the production of Inpago Unsoed-1 rice, whereas seeds (kg), N fertilizer (kg) and pesticide (l) had negative impact on its production. On Situbagendit rice production, the positive and negative effects were revealed by land acreage (h a) as well as pesticide (l) and N fertilizer (kg), respectively. Technical, economic, and allocative efficiencies on Inpago Unsoed-1 rice farming were 0.75, 0.65, and 0.88, respectively, which were higher than those of Situbagendit, i.e. 0.73, 0.54 and 0.75, respectively.
The objectives are to know: (1) the impact of cooking oil price increasing to the feasibility of ... more The objectives are to know: (1) the impact of cooking oil price increasing to the feasibility of tempe chips home industry; (2) income decreasing of tempe chips home industry after cooking oil price increasing; (3)factors affecting the profit of tempe chips home industry; (4) strategy of the tempe chips home industry when the production cost increase as cooking oil price increase. The research area is Rawalo sub-district, Banyumas district. Data collected by census method of 49 tempe home industries. Analyses used are RIC ratio, 1C/Cratio, BEP production, BEP revenue, BEP price, and Unit-Output-Price Cobb-Douglas Profit Function. The results show that: (1) tempe chips home industries have to be maintained although cooking oil price increasing has increased the product's price also; (2) after cooking oil price increasing period, tempe chips home industry has decreasing income; (3) UOP Cobb-Douglas Profit Function shows that cooking oil price, soybean price, cassava powder price, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The one day no rice policy has been emerged aiming to encourage Indonesian consumers to substitut... more The one day no rice policy has been emerged aiming to encourage Indonesian consumers to substitute rice with other local food staples and to diversify their daily consumption. This study aims to investigate consumers’ motivation to participate in the one day no rice policy. A hundred respondents from Yogyakarta city was interviewed using laddering method of administration. A means-end chain approach was used to analyse data that consists of four steps: laddering interview, content analysis, generating and interpreting hierarchy value map (HVM). The results show that there are three main pathways in the HVM regarding consumers’ motivation to participate in one day no rice policy. They are 1). Food habit, 2) fulfil daily needs and 3) supporting local food policy. These motives can be used to promote local food policy particularly encouraging consumers to diversify their daily food consumption other than rice.
Papers by Altri Mulyani